Blank tables to fill out

As part of the first material on Excel 2010 for beginners, we will get acquainted with the basics of this application and its interface, learn how to create spreadsheets, as well as enter, edit and format data in them.


I think I won’t be mistaken if I say that the most popular application included in the package Microsoft Office, is a test editor (processor) of Word. However, there is one more program that any office worker rarely does without. Microsoft Excel(Excel) refers to software products, which are called spreadsheets. WITH using Excel, in a visual form, you can calculate and automate calculations for almost anything, from a personal monthly budget to complex mathematical and economic-statistical calculations containing large volumes of data sets.

One of key features spreadsheets is the ability to automatically recalculate the values ​​of any necessary cells when the contents of one of them change. To visualize the received data, based on groups of cells, you can create different kinds diagrams, pivot tables and cards. At the same time, spreadsheets created in Excel can be inserted into other documents, as well as saved in separate file for their subsequent use or editing.

Calling Excel simply a “spreadsheet” would be somewhat incorrect, since this program contains enormous capabilities, and in terms of its functionality and the range of tasks it can solve, this application can perhaps surpass even Word. That is why, as part of the “Excel for Beginners” series of materials, we will only get acquainted with key capabilities this program.

Now that the introductory part is over, it's time to get down to business. In the first part of the series, for better assimilation of the material, as an example, we will create a regular table reflecting personal budget expenses for six months like this:

But before we start creating it, let's first look at the basic elements of the interface and Excel management, and we’ll also talk about some basic concepts this program.

Interface and control

If you are already familiar with Word editor, then figure it out Excel interface won't be difficult. After all, it is based on the same Ribbon, but only with a different set of tabs, groups and commands. At the same time, to expand the work area, some groups of tabs are displayed only when necessary. You can also minimize the ribbon altogether by double-clicking on the active tab with the left mouse button or pressing the key combination Ctrl+F1. Returning it to the screen is done in the same way.

It is worth noting that in Excel, for the same command, several ways to call it can be provided at once: through the ribbon, from context menu or using a hotkey combination. Knowledge and use of the latter can greatly speed up work in the program.

The context menu is context-sensitive, meaning its content depends on what the user is doing in this moment. The context menu is called by right-clicking on almost any object in MS Excel. This saves time because it displays the most frequently used commands for the selected item.

Despite such a variety of controls, the developers went further and provided users in Excel 2010 with the ability to make changes to the built-in tabs and even create their own with those groups and commands that are used most often. To do this, right-click on any tab and select Customize the Ribbon.

In the window that opens, in the menu on the right, select the desired tab and click on the button Create a tab or To create a group, and in the left menu the desired command, then click the button Add. In the same window, you can rename existing tabs and delete them. There is a button to cancel erroneous actions Reset, which returns the tab settings to the initial ones.

You can also add the most frequently used commands to Panel quick access located in the upper left corner of the program window.

You can do this by clicking the button Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar, where it is enough to select the desired command from the list, and if the necessary one is not in it, click on the item Other commands.

Data entry and editing

Created in Excel files are called workbooks and have the extension "xls" or "xlsx". In its turn workbook consists of several worksheets. Each worksheet is a separate spreadsheet, which can be interconnected if necessary. The active workbook is the one you are currently working with, for example, entering data into.

After starting the application, it is automatically created A new book with the name "Book1". By default, a workbook consists of three worksheets named "Sheet1" through "Sheet3".

Working field Excel sheet divided into many rectangular cells. Cells merged horizontally make up rows, and cells merged vertically make up columns. To be able to study a large amount of data, each worksheet of the program has 1,048,576 rows numbered by numbers and 16,384 columns designated by letters of the Latin alphabet.

Thus, each cell is the intersection of various columns and rows on the sheet, forming its own unique address, consisting of the letter of the column and the number of the row to which it belongs. For example, the first cell name is A1 because it is at the intersection of column "A" and row "1".

If the application is enabled Formula bar, which is located immediately below Ribbon, then to the left of it is Name field, where the name of the current cell is displayed. Here you can always enter the name of the cell you are looking for to quickly navigate to it. This feature is especially useful in large documents containing thousands of rows and columns.

Also for viewing different areas sheet, there are scroll bars at the bottom and right. In addition, move around the work Excel areas can be done using the arrow keys.

To start entering data into the desired cell, you need to select it. To go to the desired cell, click on it with the left mouse button, after which it will be surrounded by a black frame, the so-called active cell indicator. Now just start typing on the keyboard, and all the information you enter will appear in the selected cell.

When entering data into a cell, you can also use the formula bar. To do this, select the desired cell, and then click on the formula bar field and start typing. In this case, the entered information will be automatically displayed in the selected cell.

After finishing entering data, press:

  • Press the “Enter” key - the next active cell will be the cell below.
  • Press the “Tab” key - the next active cell will be the cell on the right.
  • Click on any other cell and it will become active.

To change or delete the contents of any cell, double-click on it with the left mouse button. Move the blinking cursor to the desired location to make the necessary edits. As with many applications, you use the arrow, Del, and Backspace keys to delete and make corrections. If desired, all necessary edits can be made in the formula bar.

The amount of data you will enter into a cell is not limited to the visible part of it. That is, the cells of the program’s working field can contain either one number or several paragraphs of text. Each Excel cell can hold up to 32,767 numeric or text characters.

Formatting Cell Data

After entering the row and column names, we get a table that looks like this:

As can be seen from our example, several names of expense items “went” beyond the boundaries of the cell, and if the neighboring cell(s) also contains some information, then the entered text partially overlaps it and becomes invisible. And the table itself looks rather ugly and unpresentable. Moreover, if you print such a document, then the current situation will remain - it will be quite difficult to make out what is what in such a table, as you can see for yourself from the figure below.

To do spreadsheet document more neat and beautiful, you often have to change the sizes of rows and columns, the font of the cell contents, its background, align the text, add borders, etc.

First, let's tidy up the left column. Move the mouse cursor to the border of columns “A” and “B” in the line where their names are displayed. When the mouse cursor changes to the characteristic symbol with two arrows in opposite directions, press and hold left key, drag the dotted line that appears in the desired direction to expand the column until all the names fit within one cell.

The same actions can be done with a string. This is one of the easiest ways to resize the height and width of cells.

If you need to set the exact sizes of rows and columns, then on the tab home in Group Cells select item Format. In the menu that opens, use the commands Line height And Column width You can set these parameters manually.

Very often it is necessary to change the parameters of several cells or even an entire column or row. In order to select an entire column or row, click on its name at the top or its number at the left, respectively.

To select a group of adjacent cells, circle them with the cursor and hold left button mice. If you need to select scattered fields of the table, then press and hold the “Ctrl” key, and then click on the necessary cells.

Now that you know how to highlight and format multiple cells at once, let's center the month names in our table. Various commands content alignments inside cells are on the tab home in a group with a self-explanatory name Alignment. Moreover, for a table cell this action can be performed both relative to the horizontal and vertical directions.

Circle the cells with the names of the months in the table header and click on the button Align Center.

In Group Font on the tab home you can change the font type, size, color and style: bold, italic, underlined, and so on. There are also buttons for changing the cell borders and its fill color. All these functions will be useful to us for further changes appearance tables.

So, first, let's increase the font of the names of the columns and columns of our table to 12 points, and also make it bold.

Now, first select the top row of the table and set it to a black background, and then in the left column to cells A2 to A6 - dark blue. You can do this using the button Fill color.

You've probably noticed that the text color is top line blended in with the background color, and the names in the left column are hard to read. Let's fix this by changing the font color using the button Text color on white.

Also using the already familiar command Fill color We gave the background of the even and odd number lines a different blue hue.

To prevent the cells from merging, let's define boundaries for them. Defining boundaries occurs only for the selected area of ​​the document, and can be done both for one cell and for the entire table. In our case, select the entire table, then click on the arrow next to the button Other borders everyone in the same group Font.

The menu that opens displays a list quick commands, with which you can select the display of the desired boundaries of the selected area: bottom, top, left, right, outer, all, etc. It also contains commands for drawing borders manually. At the very bottom of the list is the item Other borders allowing you to specify in more detail required parameters cell boundaries, which we will use.

In the window that opens, first select the type of border line (in our case, thin solid), then its color (we will choose white, since the background of the table is dark) and finally, the borders that should be displayed (we chose internal ones).

As a result, using a set of commands of just one group Font we transformed the unsightly appearance of the table into a completely presentable one, and now knowing how they work, you can independently come up with your own unique styles for designing spreadsheets.

Cell Data Format

Now, in order to complete our table, we need to properly format the data that we enter there. Let us remember that in our case these are monetary expenses.

In each cell of the spreadsheet you can enter different types data: text, numbers and even graphic images. That is why in Excel there is such a thing as a “cell data format”, which serves to correctly process the information you enter.

Initially, all cells have General format, allowing them to contain both text and digital data. But you have the right to change this and choose: numeric, monetary, financial, percentage, fractional, exponential and formats. In addition, there are date and time formats postal codes, telephone numbers and personnel numbers.

For the cells of our table containing the names of its rows and columns, the general format (which is set by default) is quite suitable, since they contain text data. But for the cells in which budget expenses are entered, the monetary format is more suitable.

Select the cells in the table containing information on monthly expenses. On the ribbon in the tab home in Group Number click the arrow next to the field Number Format, after which a menu will open with a list of the main available formats. You can select the item Monetary right here, but for a more complete overview we will select the very bottom line Other number formats.

In the window that opens, the names of all number formats, including additional ones, will be displayed in the left column, and in the center, various settings their display.

Having selected the currency format, at the top of the window you can see how the value will look in the table cells. Just below mono set the number of decimal places to display. To prevent pennies from cluttering up the table fields, we’ll set the value here equal to zero. Next, you can select the currency and display of negative numbers.

Now our training table has finally taken its final form:

By the way, all the manipulations that we did with the table above, that is, formatting cells and their data, can be performed using the context menu by right-clicking on the selected area and selecting Cell Format. In the window of the same name that opens, there are tabs for all the operations we have considered: Number, Alignment, Font, Border And Fill.

Now, after finishing working in the program, you can save or print the result. All these commands are in the tab File.


Probably many of you will ask the question: “Why create this kind tables in Excel, when the same thing can be done in Word using ready-made templates? That’s how it is, only you have to perform all sorts of mathematical operations on cells in text editor impossible. You almost always enter the information into the cells yourself, and the table is only visual representation data. And creating large tables in Word is not very convenient.

In Excel, the opposite is true: tables can be as large as desired, and cell values ​​can be entered either manually or automatically calculated using formulas. That is, here the table acts not only as visual material, but also as a powerful computational and analytical tool. Moreover, cells can be interconnected not only within one table, but also contain values ​​obtained from other tables located on different sheets and even in different books.

You will learn how to make a table “smart” in the next part, in which we will get acquainted with the basic computing Excel capabilities, construction rules mathematical formulas, features and much more.

How to create a table in Excel, instructions.

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A program like Excel is designed to create tables and use it to conduct various functions. At first sight, this program may seem complicated and incomprehensible.

But in fact, if you give it a little time, you will see how easy it is to use. But first, it’s worth taking a closer look at the basic tools that you will need to create the simplest table in Excel.

In general, this program is a book in which, by default, three sheets are installed at once, and they, it would seem, already have cells, as required by the tabular version. But it's not that simple. We'll come back to this a little later.

So, at the top of the sheet are the working tools that, according to the developers, are used most often. In general this is true.

But, if you need something different, then you can browse the categories for what you need. Here, by default, the very first top line is “Home” with all the necessary tools.

After it come the less frequently used categories “Insert”, “Page Layout” and others. Each of them contains additional functions, which may be useful to the user when creating tables or performing calculations.

Let's now take a closer look at how to create a table using Excel tools.

Options for creating a table

To create a table, you can use two options:

  • The first is to record all the original data and then mark the boundaries;
  • The second is that the boundaries are first marked and the table is given in the right type, and only then fill it out.

Honestly, I think that the second option is the most appropriate when working with this program. But whoever is comfortable. Now let's go in order.

How boundaries are marked

When faced with the question of how to create a table in Excel, you should first decide what will be indicated in it. That is, think through its heading and content.

These two criteria will allow you to decide on the number of columns needed to fill in all the required parameters. After that, we start working with boundaries.

In this case, the tools from the “Font” section, which are located on the “Home” tab, will come to our aid, or you can go to the “Insert” tab and select the table. A window will appear in which you should specify the size of the table, that is, from which cell to which cell.

Also, as an option, you can use the context menu, which opens when you click the right mouse button. In this case, it is convenient for anyone.

Marking boundaries

Now let's move on to marking the boundaries. If you pay attention, when you hover the mouse over the sheet, in the place where there are cells, it takes on an appearance that is not quite familiar to us, that is, it becomes a large white plus. It is thanks to this that the main range of the table can be highlighted.

To select the range required for the table, count the number of cells in the top and side parts. Then, click on the upper right corner of your future table, for example, on cell A1, it should light up with a black outline and stretch it to the desired letter on the top line and the desired number on the side.

Thus, letters and numbers will light up in a different color, and the cells along the borders will be highlighted in black. After this, click on right key mouse and from the context menu select the line “Format Cells” and go to the “Border” tab.

Here you click on the pictures where there is a caption “Internal” and “External”. Click "OK".

And while the “Lists” window is open in front of you, go to the “Alignment” tab and check the box next to “Wrap by words”, and then to “OK” so that you don’t have any difficulties in the future. So your table will appear in front of you.

The following method for creating borders in a table

There is one more, easy option— click on the top line with the tools located on the “Home” tab in the “Font” section, on the outlined square.

This is how a tool for working with boundaries is designated. WITH right side there is an inverted triangle next to it. Click on it and select the “All borders” line from the menu.

And I think the easiest option is to use the hotkey “Ctrl+1”. First, select the desired range, then simultaneously hold down “Ctrl+1”. Then immediately in the “Cell Format” window mark the boundaries “Internal” and “External”.

Then go to the “Alignment” tab and set “Word Wrap”.

Working with Columns

After defining the boundaries and creating the table, we move on to the main part - working with columns. Perhaps I’ll start with the fact that, first of all, it’s worth deciding on several tools into which, as the mouse moves across the cell, it can turn.

If you hover over top corner cells, in front of you the mouse will turn from a white plus into a black cross, which has arrows on the right and left.

Using this tool, you can increase or decrease the width of a column. If the column needs to be expanded not in length, but in width, then do the same.

Only in this case, move the mouse over desired number rows and click on a cell from the first column. After the cell lights up, move your mouse over the lower left corner and increase the line width.

By the way, if you hover your cursor over the lower right corner, right at the junction between the cells, the white plus changes to a small black cross. This tool allows you to select information from one cell and copy it using it for the entire column.

It is very convenient to use when using the same one for the entire column. For example, you have a criterion in the header such as “Cost” and you need to calculate it for each unit of goods.

To do this, we need to multiply the price per unit of goods by its quantity. This formula write in “Cost” and press “Enter”. Then we copy the formula for the entire column using a black cross and that’s it.

Another little advice, with , so as not to waste extra time clicking the mouse on new cell To fill it out each time, use the “Tab” key.

Just keep in mind that in this case the information will be filled in starting from the first cell horizontally. Once all the table data in one row is complete, click on the first cell next line and continue to fill out.


Thus, if the question arises of how to create a table in Excel, then, as you can see, doing it is quite simple. And working with this program is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

The most important thing is to have the desire and patience to understand its basic functions, and then it will be much easier.

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Microsoft Excel is very powerful tool, thanks to which you can create large tables With beautiful design and an abundance of different formulas. Working with information is made easier precisely because of the dynamics that are missing in the Word application.

This article will show you how to create a table in Excel. Thanks to step by step instructions Even a “teapot” can figure this out. This may seem daunting to novice users at first. But in fact, when permanent job in Excel you will become a professional and will be able to help others.

The training plan will be simple:

  • first we consider various methods creating tables;
  • Then we do the design so that the information is as clear and understandable as possible.

This method is the simplest. This is done as follows.

  1. Opening a blank sheet, you will see a large number of identical cells.

  1. Select any number of rows and columns.

  1. After that, go to the “Home” tab. Click on the Borders icon. Then select "All".

  1. Immediately after this you will have a regular elementary sign.

Now you can start filling out the data.

There is another way to manually draw a table.

  1. Click on the Borders icon again. But this time select "Draw Mesh".

  1. Immediately after this, the appearance of your cursor will change.

  1. Left click the mouse and drag the pointer to a different position. As a result, a new mesh will be drawn. Upper left corner – starting position cursor. The lower right corner is the final one.

The sizes can be any. The table will be created until you release your finger from the mouse button.

Auto mode

If you don’t want to “work with your hands,” you can always use ready-made functions. To do this you need to do the following.

  1. Go to the "Insert" tab. Click on the "Tables" button and select the last item.

Pay attention to what they tell us about hotkeys. In the future for automatic creation You can use the key combination Ctrl + T.

  1. Immediately after this, you will see a window in which you need to specify the range of the future table.

  1. To do this, simply select any area - the coordinates will be substituted automatically.

  1. As soon as you release the cursor, the window will return to its original form. Click on the "OK" button.

  1. This will create a beautiful table with alternating lines.

  1. To change the name of a column, just click on it. After this, you can start editing directly in this cell or in the formula bar.

Pivot table

This type of information presentation serves for its generalization and subsequent analysis. To create such an element you need to take the following steps.

  1. First, we make a table and fill it with some data. How to do this is described above.

  1. Now go to the main menu “Insert”. Next, select the option we need.

  1. Immediately after this you will see a new window.

  1. Click on the first line (the input field must be made active). Only after this do we select all the cells.

  1. Then click on the “OK” button.

  1. As a result of this you will have a new side panel, where you need to configure the future table.

  1. At this stage, you need to transfer the fields to the required categories. The columns will be months, the rows will be the purpose of costs, and the values ​​will be the amount of money.

To transfer, you need to left-click on any field and, without releasing your finger, drag the cursor to the desired location.

Only after this (the cursor icon will change appearance) can the finger be released.

  1. As a result of these actions, you will have a new beautiful table in which everything will be calculated automatically. The most important thing is that new cells will appear - “Overall”.

You can specify the fields that are interesting for data analysis yourself.

Sometimes you can't choose the right fields for columns and rows. And in the end, nothing good comes of it. For such cases, Microsoft developers have prepared their own data analysis options.

It works very simply.

  1. First of all, we highlight the information we need.

  1. After this, select the appropriate menu item.

  1. As a result, the program itself will analyze the contents of the cells and offer several options.

  1. By clicking on any of the proposed options and clicking on the “OK” button, everything will be created automatically.

  1. In the case of the example, we received the amount of total costs, excluding months.

Ready-made templates in Excel 2016

For the especially lazy, this program allows you to create truly “cool” tables with just one click.

When you launch Excel, you have the following options to choose from:

  • open latest files, with whom you have worked previously;
  • create a new empty workbook;
  • see the tutorial with detailed information about the capabilities of this software;
  • choose one ready template default;
  • continue searching on the Internet if you don’t like any of the proposed designs;
  • log in under your name account Microsoft.

We are interested in ready-made options. If you scroll down a little, you'll see that there are a lot of them. But these are the default templates. Imagine how many of them you can download on the Internet.

Click on any option you like.

Click on the “Create” button.

As a result of this you get ready-made option very large and complex table.


Appearance is one of the the most important parameters. It is very important to focus on some elements. For example, a header, title, and so on. It all depends on the specific case.

Let's take a brief look at the basic manipulations with cells.

Creating a title

We will use a simple table as an example.

  1. First, go to the “Home” tab and click on the “Insert rows to sheet” menu item.

  1. Select the line that appears and click on the “Merge Cells” menu item.

  1. Next we write any title.

Changing the height of elements

Our header is the same size as the header. And this is not very beautiful. In addition, it looks nondescript. In order to fix this, you need to move the cursor to the border of lines 1 and 2. After its appearance changes, left-click and drag down.

This will result in a larger line height.

Text alignment

Our title is located at the bottom of the cell and stuck to the header. In order to fix this, you need to use the alignment buttons. You can change the position of the text both vertically and horizontally.

Click on the “In the Middle” button and get the desired result.

Now the title looks much better.

Changing the style

Or use ready-made styles. To do this, first select the line. Then, through the menu, select any of the proposed design options.

The effect will be very beautiful.

How to insert a new row or column

In order to change the number of elements in the table, you can use the “Insert” button.

You can add:

  • cells;
  • strings;
  • columns;
  • whole sheet.

Removing items

You can destroy a cell or anything else in the same way. There is a button for this.

Filling cells

If you want to select a column or line, you need to use the fill tool.

Thanks to it, you can change the color of any cells that were previously selected.

Element Format

If you wish, you can do whatever you want with the table. To do this, just click on the “Format” button.

As a result of this you will be able to:

  • manually or automatically change the row height;
  • manually or automatically change column widths;
  • hide or show cells;
  • rename sheet;
  • change the color of the label;
  • protect the sheet;
  • block element;
  • specify the cell format.

Content Format

If you click on the last of the above items, the following will appear:

With this tool you can:

  • change the format of the displayed data;
  • specify alignment;

  • choose any font;

  • change table borders;

  • “play” with the fill;

  • install protection.

Using formulas in tables

It is thanks to the ability to use auto-calculation functions (multiplication, addition, etc.) that Microsoft Excel has become a powerful tool.

In addition, it is recommended that you read the description of all functions.

Let's consider the simplest operation - cell multiplication.

  1. First, let's prepare the field for experiments.

  1. Make active the first cell in which you want to display the result.

  1. Enter the following command there.

  1. Now click on Enter key. After that, move the cursor over the lower right corner of that cell until its appearance changes. Then hold down the left mouse click with your finger and drag down to the last line.

  1. As a result of autosubstitution, the formula will fall into all cells.

The values ​​in the “Total Cost” column will depend on the “Quantity” and “Cost 1 kg” fields. This is the beauty of dynamics.

In addition, you can use ready-made functions for calculations. Let's try to calculate the sum of the last column.

  1. First, select the values. Then click on the “AutoSums” button, which is located on the “Home” tab.

  1. As a result, below will appear total amount all numbers.

Using graphics

Sometimes photographs are used in cells instead of text. This is very easy to do.

Select an empty element. Go to the “Insert” tab. Select the “Illustrations” section. Click on the “Drawings” item.

  1. Specify the file and click on the “Insert” button.

  1. The result will not disappoint you. It looks very beautiful (depending on the selected pattern).

Export to Word

In order to copy data into a Word document, you just need to do a couple of simple steps.

  1. Select the data area.

  1. Press the hotkeys Ctrl + C.
  2. Open a document
  3. Now we use the Ctrl + V buttons.
  4. The result will be as follows.

Online services

For those who want to work in " real mode"and share information with friends or work colleagues, there is great tool.

Using this service, you can access your documents from any device: computer, laptop, phone or tablet.

Printing methods

Printout Word documents, as a rule, the task is not difficult. But with tables in Excel, everything is different. The most a big problem The problem is that it is difficult to determine the boundaries of the print by eye. And very often almost blank sheets, which contain only 1-2 rows of the table.

Such printouts are difficult to read. It is much better when all the information is on one sheet of paper and does not go beyond the boundaries. In this regard, Microsoft developers have added a document viewing function. Let's look at how to use this.

  1. Open the document. He looks quite normal.

  1. Next, press the hot keys Ctrl + P. In the window that appears, we see that the information does not fit on one sheet. The “Total Cost” column has disappeared. In addition, below we are told that 2 pages will be used when printing.

In the 2007 version, to do this you had to click on the “View” button.

  1. To cancel press hotkey Esc. As a result, a vertical dotted line will appear that shows the boundaries of the print.

You can increase the printing space as follows.

  1. First of all, we reduce the margins. To do this, go to the “Page Layout” tab. Click on the “Fields” button and select the “Narrowest” option.

  1. After this, reduce the width of the columns until the dotted line is outside the last column. How to do this was described above.

It should be reduced within reasonable limits so that the readability of the text does not suffer.

  1. Press Ctrl + P again. Now we see that the information fits on one sheet.

Differences between Microsoft product versions

It is worth understanding that Excel 2003 has long been obsolete. Is missing there great amount modern functions and opportunities. In addition, the appearance various objects(graphs, diagrams, etc.) is far inferior to modern requirements.

Example work area Excel 2003.

In modern 2007, 2010, 2013, and even more so 2016 versions, everything is much cooler.

Many menu items are located in different sections. Some of them have completely changed their name. For example, the “Formulas” we are familiar with back in 2003 were called “Functions”. And they didn't take up much space.

Now there is a whole tab dedicated to them.

Limitations and capabilities of different versions

On the official site Microsoft you can find online help that explains everything specifications created books.

An example of the most basic parameters.

This list is quite long. Therefore, it is worth following the link and familiarizing yourself with the rest.

Please note that the 2003 version is not even considered since it is no longer supported.

But in some budget organizations this office suite is still used today.


This article discussed various ways creating and presenting tables. Special attention attention was paid to giving a beautiful appearance. You should not overdo it in this regard, because bright colors and the variety of fonts will discourage the user who is trying to familiarize himself with the contents of the table.

Video instruction

For those who have any questions, there is a video below that provides additional comments on the instructions above.

Microsoft Access 2007

2.4. Microsoft Access 2007

2.4.4. Filling Access 2007 database tables

Tables DB Access 2007 must be filled in with data a certain sequence. First you need to fill in the main tables, and then the subordinate ones. Filling tables for the Dean's Office database, it is advisable to perform in the following sequence: Groups of students, Students, Disciplines and Progress. In this case, you can use the data drop-down list to fill in the secondary key fields (Group Code, Student Code, Discipline Code).

The secondary key data drop-down list appears only if the Lookup Wizard data type is selected for the secondary key fields when creating a subtable structure in Design view.

Let's look at filling out the Student Groups table. In the Dean's Office_2007 database window, in the object area, select the Student Groups table and execute on it double click. The table structure will appear in the editing window. "Groups of students" in table mode. The new table consists of one empty line.

Filling is done by records (by lines). The counter field (Student Code field) is filled in automatically. Transition to next field carried out by pressing the Tab key. After entering the first entry, the cursor moves to the next entry. After filling out the table, the student group has next view(picture 1).

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The Students table is filled in the same way (Fig. 2). It should be noted that in table. Students field Group Code is filled in from the drop-down list.

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If the drop-down list does not appear, you must close the Students table and open the Data Schema window. In this window for the table Students break ties, i.e. delete relationships. To do this, right-click on one of the connections and select Delete from the context menu. Then we delete the other connection. Close the Data Schema window. Open the table. "Students" in Design mode.

From the list, select the data type for the Group Code field "Lookup Wizard". In the process of assigning the "Lookup Wizard" data type for the GroupCode field of the table. “Students” select the following data: in the first step Groups of students, and then Name and then click Finish. Close the Students table. After this, we restore connections (relationships) in the Data Schema window. We continue filling out the Students table using the drop-down list for the Group Code field.

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Then the Academic Progress table is filled in (Fig. 4).

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In the Academic Performance table, the Discipline Code and Student Code fields are filled in from the drop-down lists.

It should be noted that in the databases Access data 2007, various methods of moving around the table are used. You can move from record to record using: cursor keys; buttons from the Record area located at the bottom of the table in table mode; Go commands in the Find group located on the ribbon. To move from field to field (from left to right) use Tab keys and Enter, and in reverse direction Shift+Tab.

Searching for data in a large table can be done using the search command located at the bottom of the table in table mode or the Find command in the Find group located on the ribbon. To replace data in fields, you must use the Replace command in the Find group located on the ribbon.

After creating the structure of the tables, filling them out, and establishing relationships (logical connections) between the tables, you can begin building queries.

If you need to create spreadsheet or make a calculation, it will help you Excel program. Having created new file in this program you will see its working field, which consists of many cells. By filling out these same cells, you can create tables. Let's move on to creation.

Find the “Insert” tab and click on the “Table” button, using this command you can create a table in Excel. This method is simple, but has a number of disadvantages and in some situations it is worth using another method. By clicking on the “Table” button in the window that opens, select the number of cells and columns. The properties of the created table can be adjusted in a special constructor that will appear (“Working with tables/Designer”).

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The table obtained in this way will not look familiar. To bring the created structure to more normal looking go to the “Working with tables” tab and cancel all the items, as shown in the figure below.

As you can see, the above method is quite confusing and not optimal. To create a table, you can use a simpler method - filling the cells with the necessary information.

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If the text does not fit into the cell and only part of it is visible, change the cell size by dragging the column junction to the right or left.

For convenience, you can change the table properties. Go to the “Home” tab, select the “Format” section and click on “Automatic column width”. Now the cell size will depend on the content and change depending on the length of the text. The height can be changed the same way.

The peculiarity of entering text into cells is that it is entered in one line. To change this, you need to click “Text Wrap”, which can be found in the “Home” tab. Now the text will be transferred automatically to new line, though you need to adjust the height of the cell.

Using the “Alignment” item you can adjust the position of text in cells.

To give the table a familiar look, you should change the font, adjust the thickness of the cell borders, or change their standard color.

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