Ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of the unborn child. Determining the gender of the unborn child according to the Chinese lunar calendar

By Chinese conception chart The sex of the child can be determined by the intersection of the month of conception and the age of the expectant mother.

The Chinese conception table has a very long history and no one knows for sure when and on what basis it was compiled. As legend has it, she was found in one of the ancient burial grounds in China. Some scientists believe that it was created based on the Chinese lunar calendar. Others think that the ancient Chinese conducted studies that revealed the connection between the sex of the child and the age of the mother and the month of conception.

Example: conception occurred in January. The woman's age is 32 years. It is most likely that a boy will be born.


Month in which the child is conceived

Japanese conception chart.

You can determine who will be born a boy or a girl using a technique that came to us from ancient Japan.

Japanese conception chart is based on the fact that the sex of the child is determined by the months of birth of the parents and the month of conception. In order to calculate the sex of the child using this method, you need to find in the first table the number at the intersection of the months of birth of the mother and father. Then, in the second table, find the column at the top of which this number appears. It indicates the months of conception, and opposite each month there is the probability of having a boy or a girl, expressed by the number of crosses. The more crosses, the higher the likelihood of conceiving a child of one gender or another. The Japanese calendar is ideal for planning the gender of a child, because for each couple it instantly calculates the months in which the probability of conceiving a child of a certain gender is highest. Remember that this is just a probability, so these tables may be wrong.

In the first table we find the number that is at the intersection of the month of birth of father and mother.

Month of birth of the expectant mother

Future dad's birthday month

In the second conception table We select the row number that we got from the first table. In this row we find the month of conception of the baby. The “boy” or “girl” scale indicates the probability of being born of one or another gender. The more x, the greater the probability.

Example: Dad was born in March, mom in June. At the intersection in the first table is the number 6. The month of conception is April. In the second table in the 6th row opposite the month of April, we see that the probability of having a girl and a boy is equal. That is, 50% to 50%.



Conception table for determining the sex of a child based on the “age” of the blood.

Conception table by blood age based on the assumption that the blood of women and men is regularly renewed. In women, this happens once every 4 years. In men, blood is renewed once every 3 years. Having determined the “blood age” of the future mother and father, they compare it with each other. Then the number of months that passed from the parent’s last birthday to the month of conception is added. The gender of the child will be the same as the gender of the parent whose blood is younger.

In the first table we find the blood renewal coefficients of the father and mother, opposite the age.

Mom's age

Her blood renewal rate

Dad's age

His blood renewal rate

In the second table, you need to find the number at the intersection of the month of birth of the parent and the month of conception of the child.

Mom and Dad's birthday month

Month of conception

Now for each parent we add up the resulting 2 numbers (from the first and second tables). Whoever has the lower number (“younger blood”) will most likely have a baby of that gender.

Example: mom is 29 years old, dad is 30 years old. Mom was born in June, dad in March. According to the results of the first table, mom = 1, dad = 0. According to the results of the second table, mom = 10, dad = 1. Based on the results of both tables, mom (1+10 = 11), dad (0+1 = 1). “Dad's blood is younger” - a boy will be born.

Conception table with folk signs for determining the sex of the unborn child.

If in the early stages it is always stuffy and hot

If in the early stages it’s chilly all the time

A woman has a narrow stomach, similar to an oval

The woman has a wide belly, which is visible from behind

A pregnant woman's right side is protruding

A pregnant woman's left side is protruding

Woman looks better during pregnancy

The woman developed age spots, acne, etc.

Mother's palms are dry

Mother's palms are soft

I want meat and salted fish

I want something sweet

Pregnant woman sleeps with head towards north

Pregnant woman sleeping towards the south

Women often sleep on their left side

A woman often sleeps on her right side

The morning is cheerful and energetic

Morning sickness

Left breast is larger

Right breast is larger

The nipples of the expectant mother are light

The nipples of the expectant mother are dark

In the 21st century, it is almost 100% possible to get an answer to the question of what gender your child will be with the help of medicine, but parents do not refuse other methods. One of them is the Chinese table.

Ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child

There are legends about the wisdom of the Celestial civilization: ancient China actually possessed unique knowledge that was inaccessible to residents of most countries in those days. A unique Chinese table for determining the sex of an unborn child is one of the pieces of ancient wisdom. The legend says that since time immemorial, the ancient Chinese table was used by imperial families to calculate the sex of a child. Even then, people turned to its data to plan the birth of children of a certain gender, and modern Chinese do not hesitate to use the table to understand who will be born to them - a son or a daughter.

According to employees of the Beijing Institute of Sciences, where the original calendar is stored, the ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of an unborn child allows you to find out who you will have with a probability of up to 98%.

In fact, the Chinese gender planning chart is causing a lot of controversy in scientific circles. They continue to assert here that one should not rely on the reliability of the data from this source. Whether this is true or not is difficult to say. The calendar is incredibly popular, and according to medical statistics published in the late 90s, the reliability of the results obtained using it reaches 75%. This is probably why many girls around the world use the table, and it never ceases to amaze them with its effectiveness.

How to find out the gender of a child using a Chinese table

According to the Chinese who lived many centuries ago, the gender of the child is directly related to the month of conception and the age of the expectant mother. It is on this data that the principle of the Chinese table is built. She looks like this:

Calculating the sex of the child based on the mother's age and month of conception is quite simple. In the left column of the table, the expectant mother needs to find her age, and then select the number of the month of conception of the child in the top column. After this, you need to draw two lines from the selected values: horizontal and vertical, and look at the result at their intersection. If the letter is “D”, you will have a girl, if “M”, respectively, you will have a boy.

Using a table for calculating the sex of the unborn child by the age of the mother, you can plan a pregnancy, but you should take into account some features of the system.

For example, the fact that in this table a person’s age is counted not from the date he was born, but from the moment of his conception. That is why the expectant mother who uses the table to plan the conception of a child of a certain gender must add another 9 months to her age. The resulting number will be used as the initial data.

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If you are currently carrying a baby under your heart and really want to know its gender, then the Chinese calendar for determining the gender of the child will come to your aid. It will come in handy at any stage of pregnancy, which makes expectant mothers very happy, because with the help of ultrasound diagnostics, the sex of the baby is determined, as a rule, no earlier than 20 weeks.

To calculate the sex of a child according to the Chinese calendar, you do not need a lot of knowledge and a lot of time. You will find out who is in your stomach in a matter of minutes.

Table and calculator for determining gender according to the Chinese calendar

Mother's age at conception:

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Expected month of birth:

January February March April May June July August September October November December

What is the meaning of the ancient Chinese method of determining the sex of an unborn child and what is the essence of the calculation?

If you urgently need to find out who will be born: a boy or a girl, then using a calculator you can do this without any problems. To calculate, you just need to enter your date of birth and the month in which your baby was conceived. Be careful, because you need to know exactly the month in which a new life was born inside you. This will allow you to determine the sex of the child with almost one hundred percent accuracy. You won't have to do anything else. The calculator will immediately give the result and you will finally find out who lives inside you.

Agree, this method is very convenient, because you can use the gender determination calculator according to the Chinese table at any time and anywhere where there is Internet. You don’t have to do this using a computer, because you can also use a mobile phone to calculate the floor, the main thing is that it has Internet access.

Without an online calculator, how can you find out who will be born using a gender determination board based on the mother’s age?

To independently calculate the sex of the baby, the ancient Chinese table will come to your aid, but here you will also need to know the lunar age of the mother, that is, your age not according to your passport, but according to the Moon. What does it mean? Now you will find out everything. For the Chinese, the lunar age exceeds the age according to the passport. They believe that when a person is born, at that moment he is already one year old. They round up the nine months of gestation to a year. That's not all. After the New Year comes, the Chinese add another year to the lunar age. Therefore, the date of birth at lunar age essentially has no meaning. It turns out that on New Year's Day all Chinese have a kind of birthday and at this moment they all become one year older.

When you find out your lunar age, you will also need to know exactly the month of conception of your baby. Here a doctor can come to the rescue, who, together with ultrasound equipment, will determine your exact gestational age and the expected date of conception. Or, if you carefully planned your pregnancy, then you probably know what month you conceived your baby.

Now you just need to look carefully at the ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child and find in it your lunar age (the number corresponding to your lunar age). This number is in the column on the left. The month of conception is located at the top right. Next, simply cross these two values ​​together and see what letter you get. If you see the letter "D", then you are having a girl. If the letter “M” appears before your eyes, this means that a little boy is growing in your stomach.

Calculating the lunar age: A few examples for clarity

Let's look at example one. So, let's assume that a girl named Nina was born on January 1st. It turns out that she was born before the Chinese New Year celebration. By the way, they celebrate it between January 21 and February 21. The exact date depends, again, on the Moon. When the second new moon occurs after the winter solstice, then the Chinese celebrate the beginning of the new year.

Since Nina’s birth date fell before the New Year according to the Chinese calendar, after the New Year she will no longer be one year old, but two. That is, according to the usual calendar, let’s say, on March 1, she would be only 2 months old, but according to the Chinese calendar, she would already be 2 years old. This is the arithmetic.

Let's look at another example. A girl named Tanya was born on February 23. At the time of her birth, like all Chinese people, she was one year old, and since her date of birth fell in the period after the New Year celebration, for now they will not add another year to her age and on March 1 she will not be 2 years old, like Nina, and one year.

How accurate is the Chinese table for determining the sex of a child based on the date of conception and the age of the mother?

Whether to believe the sign or not is everyone’s personal choice. For some, everything comes together and the gender of the baby is the same, but for others it turns out the other way around: the Chinese calendar for determining the gender of a child shows a boy, but a girl is born, and sometimes even two girls at once. Together with the table, many plan the birth of children of certain genders. This tablet was invented in ancient times along with the Chinese horoscope, when medicine was not yet able to calculate the sex of a child using special equipment, because it simply had not yet been invented.

The Chinese tablet helped many people calculate the sex of the child; to do this, they only needed to know the lunar age of the mother and the month the child was conceived. This method was also used to plan the sex of the baby. This sign also came to us in Russia a very long time ago, and our parents (mostly mothers) determined gender using it. They drew these signs for each other and sent them in letters to future parents, since there were no electronic mailboxes like there are now. Those who lived close to their friends simply brought this sign to the pregnant woman’s work or home and, together with her over a cup of tea, carefully looked at the Chinese gender determination calendar and eagerly tried to calculate the sex of the unborn baby.

At what age is it most likely to conceive a girl and at what age a boy?

A study was conducted in China based on the Chinese pregnancy calendar and gender determination. As a result, it was found that women aged 18 and 20 years (by lunar age) are most often able to conceive boys. In any month they can have a male child, with the exception of January and March - for 18 years old and January, March and October - for 20 years old.

But girls are most often conceived by women whose lunar ages correspond to 21, 30, 31 and 32 years. For women 21 years old, conceiving a girl is most likely in any month except January. For women 30 years old, conceiving a girl is most likely in any month except January, November and December. At 31 and 32 years old, you can try to conceive a girl in any month except January, March and December.

This is all about the pregnancy calendar and the sex of the child, judging by the reviews of many women, it is really true. Now you know how to calculate the gender of a child using a Chinese tablet. But you shouldn’t trust this method blindly and set yourself up for the result she said. The main thing is not what gender the baby will be, whether it will be a boy or a girl - it doesn’t matter. The most important thing is that he is born healthy! We wish you successful pregnancy planning and conception using the Chinese pregnancy calendar and the gender of your unborn child! Let the pregnancy test finally show two lines and you will become the happiest parents!

China has given the world many things, without which the entire future fate of humanity would have turned out differently. The recognized achievements of the state include the development of the compass, the woodcut method, and the production of paper and gunpowder. The Chinese table for determining the sex of a child has also reached our days from ancient times.

It is published year after year by well-known pregnancy magazines, and thousands of expectant mothers trust the results obtained. However, can such a method be considered scientific and should it be taken seriously? What is a Chinese table, using the methodology, we will consider further.

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The sages of the ancient country were fond of various theories related to both recognized and unrecognized scientific disciplines. The Chinese treated numerology with special trepidation. They believed that each organ had a special mood and numerical value.

In addition, they correlated numbers with elements and colors. Scientists believed that numerology was the key to many secrets of the human body and could cure the most dangerous diseases. The Chinese pregnancy calendar should also be considered in this paradigm. Calculating the sex of a child using it has been a mandatory procedure in Eastern families for several centuries.

It is not surprising that the Chinese table for determining the sex of the unborn child was so actively used by the expectant mothers of the great state. Its results were not in doubt, and the status of the method was so great that mentions of it, according to legend, were found in the tomb of the emperor himself. The Chinese table for determining the gender of an unborn child was based on the basic principles of numerology. In its most complete version, it was preserved on the walls of the ancient university in Beijing.

The Chinese table can be presented as follows:

Modern residents of China still respect the heritage of their ancestors with trepidation. Every woman strives to plan in advance or determine the gender of the child using the Chinese table. In many cases, the result obtained becomes a reason for termination of pregnancy; Chinese women especially often get rid of girls. A similar method is popular in some other Asian countries. For example, Japanese healers also developed their own calendar for determining gender.

In Russia, the ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child does not lead to such terrifying consequences, but is also very common. The technique was at the peak of popularity at the end of the last century. Replication of the method in the media has led to a craze for numerological calculations. Now the method is actively being spread by regulars of forums and sites dedicated to motherhood and childhood.

How to calculate the gender of a child using the pregnancy calendar?

Unlike most numerological techniques, the ancient Chinese table for determining the gender of an unborn child does not require complex calculations. To get results, it is enough to know the following data:

  1. Age of the expectant mother. The method implies the number of completed years on the date of the planned birth of the child. In some versions, the age at the time of fertilization is found.
  2. Month of conception. It needs to be known exactly or planned in advance.

The ancient Chinese table itself for determining the sex of a child by time of conception is a grid containing two semantic lines. The top line includes data about the month of planned or occurred fertilization, and the left column – about the age of the expectant mother. To obtain the result, you need to find the cell located at their intersection.

Decoding the results is very primitive:

  • the birth of a girl is indicated by the letter “D”;
  • the boy is coded under "M".

According to the Chinese table, the gender of the child can supposedly be calculated in advance or after fertilization has occurred.

The ancient Chinese believed that the accuracy of the technique reached 90-95 percent.

Can the age of the mother and the time of conception affect gender?

Despite the large number of supporters of numerology, the lion's share of people are guided by scientifically based facts. The Chinese table for determining the sex of a child has nothing to do with real biological laws. Elementary school basics are enough to understand the inconsistency of this method.

Perhaps in ancient times the table seemed like a revelation, but this was due to a lack of knowledge. In order to destroy the myths about the Chinese method, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the term “fertilization” and.

A visual illustration of the combination of chromosomes at conception

Fertilization is the process of fusion of male and female reproductive cells. Subsequently, a zygote is formed from them, from which the organism develops. The female reproductive cell is called an egg and matures in the ovaries. A mature egg leaves the ovary, i.e. ovulation occurs. If, after ovulation, a female reproductive cell meets a male sperm cell, fertilization occurs. The zygote moves through the fallopian tube for several days and then attaches to the wall of the uterus.

The sex of the embryo is determined by just one pair of chromosomes out of 46:

  • women have a pair of XX;
  • men - XY.

The carriers of half the set of chromosomes (23) are gametes - sperm and egg. The female reproductive cell always includes an X chromosome, and the male one always contains an X or Y chromosome.

The birth of a boy or girl depends solely on the sperm involved in the fertilization process.

On average, one egg and 400 thousand male germ cells are needed to form a zygote. Not a single Chinese table for conceiving the sex of a child is simply able to calculate such a number of combinations. And the technique itself is, in principle, far from the physiology of the process. You can find out the sex of a child using a Chinese table, but the idea is not subject to the laws of biology, but to the theory of probability.

Feedback about use

Of course, finding out the sex of the child using a table based on the date of birth of the parents is a very tempting prospect. If you can get this information, then this technology does not make you wait. Curiosity and impatience lead to the Chinese gender planning chart being discussed on the Internet. There are various reviews on this topic.

Often expectant mothers complain about the variety of methods available. The ancient Chinese table of conception of the sex of a child is copied from site to site, published again and again on various resources. This leads to the fact that the original data is distorted and it is simply impossible to understand where the real Chinese child gender planning table is.

The Chinese table for calculating the sex of a child really helped someone guess. For a number of happy couples, she was right not once, but several times in a row. These women claim that they trust the technique more than doctors and ultrasound diagnostics. For others, the miracle did not happen and what was planned did not coincide with reality. The ratio of the first and second is approximately 50:50.

The Chinese table for determining the sex of a child, reviews of which are mixed, cannot be considered a full-fledged diagnostic method, even with a stretch. If the technique worked according to the prophecy of ancient Chinese scientists with a 95 percent probability, then every family would have a “custom-made child.” Studying the Chinese table and thinking about it, any educated person will say that there is no such possibility.

Is ancient Chinese knowledge still used today?

A modern woman has wide access to educational resources, but it is quite difficult to get rid of the desire to touch the transcendental and incomprehensible representative of the fair sex. That is why, in order to find out the sex of a child, the Chinese calendar is still used today. Fortunately, most expectant mothers do not take this technique seriously and treat it as fun entertainment.

The “100%” Chinese conception chart for the sex of a child cannot compete. The resulting data should not be the basis for making any decisions.

If parents dream of a boy or a girl, then what will come to their aid is not the ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child by the time of conception, but IVF. This technology allows you to select sperm carriers of the X or Y chromosome. In a number of regions there is a special state program: if a family has 2 or more children of the same sex, then IVF fertilization is available to them on preferential terms. We are talking specifically about planning a baby of a different gender. In this case, intensive hormonal support is not prescribed.

Useful video

The Chinese calendar for determining the gender of a child is considered one of the most accurate methods for predicting or planning the gender of the unborn baby. According to legend, this table was found in one of the tombs near Beijing more than 700 years ago:


  1. Methods that allow you to calculate the sex of a child (conception calendar, Chinese table, etc.) are not reliable ways to obtain information about pregnancy.
  2. When planning a baby, you shouldn’t get carried away with such material. It is much more important to pay attention to the health of future parents, undergo the necessary examinations and begin preparing for the arrival of a new family member.

In the 12th century, near Beijing, in the burial place of the Chinese emperor, servants found a mysterious ancient tablet. When deciphered, it turned out to be a very interesting table, according to which future parents could determine the sex of the child before conception.

This data is still relevant today, many mothers and fathers used the Chinese table for determining the gender of the child, and the result can be considered the most accurate (relative to other tables - by blood, by the date of birth of previous children).

Readers will probably wonder why this table was needed? But here everything is simple - in Ancient China it was believed that it was better to have a boy, because he would work and help the family, and a girl needed to be supported until marriage. Therefore, only wealthy Chinese could afford the birth of a daughter.

Now people all over the world are trying to determine the sex of the baby for other reasons:

  1. The presence of more than three children of the same sex in a family.
  2. Diseases are hereditary, transmitted only through the male or female line.
  3. National customs of the country (in many countries it is believed that a boy should appear first).
  4. The strong desire of parents to give birth to a child of a certain gender.

How to determine the sex of a child before conception?

How to use the qualifier table

How to find out the gender of a child using the Chinese calendar? It contains a column with the expectant mother's age ranging from 18 to 45 years. This scale is on the left in the table, and on top is a column with the month of expected conception. To calculate the gender of the expected child, just find your age in the table, and then look at the data by month. Under each month in the table you can find the letters “M” and “D”, this indicates who can be born to a woman of a given age in a certain month - a girl or a boy.

Thus, a 30-year-old woman can conceive a boy in January and a girl in June, according to the ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child. Using the table, you can plan the birth of a child of a certain gender.

For example, a family really wants to have a boy. Next, you need to find the woman’s age, for example, 30 years, and then select all the “male” months, that is, January, November and December. During these months, the expectant mother needs to track ovulation and try to conceive a child.

Features of the table

So, it’s clear how to use the table, but there is one pattern. The ancient Chinese believed that there were "masculine months" - January, February, May, June and October - in these months a woman was more likely to conceive a son. There are also “male ages” - 18, 22, 23, 25, 30, 33, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 44; it is easier for a woman of this age to become pregnant with a male child.

This way you can make a “triple hit” - male month, male age and table. Thus, a 30-year-old woman who becomes pregnant in January is more likely to give birth to a boy than a 28-year-old woman who becomes pregnant in July.

Use cases for the table

Chinese method of determining the sex of a child

Modern Chinese scientists conducted research, they interviewed women who knew exactly the month of conception of the child and the gender of the already born child. In 80% of cases, the survey data corresponded to the table. This result shocked scientists. After all, no one yet knows exactly on what principle this table is based.

One well-known Russian parenting forum invited its users to participate in a survey. They were asked to leave data on the mother’s age and month of conception in the appropriate survey form. The data was also confirmed.

And expectant mothers, trusting the Chinese method of determining the sex of the child, use the table before the expected conception. You can often find praise for this table on forums, but let's figure out why the method works.

Scientists' opinions

It has been proven that the sex of the child is influenced by the age of the woman herself and the age of the blood; the blood in the female body is completely renewed in four months; the older the blood at the time of conception, the greater the likelihood of giving birth to a girl. This method is the basis of the scientifically proven blood age method.

Probably, Chinese doctors of the Middle Ages found confirmation of this method, and based on the principle of blood aging, they developed a conception table by month. So, if a woman of 18 years old can become pregnant with a boy in January, it means that the blood has just been renewed, and in March she (according to the table) is able to conceive a girl. If you analyze the table, the principle of a four-month update is clearly monitored.

On coffee grounds?

If mothers trust various tables and the expected month of conception of a child of a certain gender, then medical practitioners are skeptical about this method, but if a woman believes, then nothing will convince her.

In order for the result to be accurate, you can also adhere to a diet for future parents, so in order to conceive a boy you need to include more vegetables in your diet, and mothers dreaming of a daughter need to eat more dairy products.

So that choosing the sex of a child does not look like fortune telling, you can approach this process comprehensively:

  • Select the desired age and month using the triple hit method.
  • Visit a gynecologist and find out your general health status.
  • Eliminate bad habits, including smoking.
  • Review your diet.
  • Be in the fresh air.

By combining these factors, you can predict the gender of the unborn child and give birth to him healthy.

The table proposed above is not the only option. The table is close to its oldest version, and now a simplified variation of the table is popular among Chinese women - by age, but without indicating the month.

It is less precise, but allows chance to intervene. It is based on a woman’s age-related predisposition to conceiving a child of a certain gender.

As a conclusion

How to find out the gender of the unborn child in early pregnancy

Regardless of gender, the long-awaited baby in the family will be expected and loved; now there is ultrasound diagnostics that allows you to find out the gender of the unborn child in the early stages of pregnancy and mentally prepare for meeting your daughter or son.

Before the existence of ultrasound, there were other ways to determine the sex of the unborn child - by the woman’s physique (by the way, also a method originally from China), by the length of the menstrual cycle.

For the sake of an experiment, one woman blogger, before pregnancy, according to the Chinese table, according to age, according to the length of the cycle, chose the most favorable moment for conceiving a son. And after 10 calendar months, she was already boasting about her newborn son and proved that all methods of predicting the baby’s gender work. If only you sincerely believe in them.

Expert advice on planning the gender of your unborn child: