How to disable the Internet function on a megaphone. Disabling mobile Internet on a megaphone in various ways. Via USSD commands and SMS messages

Operator mobile communications MegaFon provides its customers with a variety of various services, one of which is Internet access. For some, such a service may be very useful, but for others, they will find it completely unnecessary option. If you do not need to access the network via telephone and you do not want to pay for this service in vain, you can refuse it. In this article we will tell you how to disable mobile Internet on MegaFon.

Is it worth refusing the service?

Among other operators cellular communication MegaFon is considered a leader in providing Internet services to its customers. For some this is a big plus, but there is another category of people. For example, representatives of the older generation do not feel the need to use the Internet on a daily basis. There are also those who prefer to use more convenient devices to access the network: laptops or tablets. It also happens that the phone model is simply not suitable for performing actions more complex than writing an SMS message or making a call. It makes no sense for such people to pay monthly for mobile Internet, so they can simply turn it off.

How to refuse this service

Method No. 1

Disabling MegaFon's Internet service is quite simple. On your phone's keypad, dial the number: *527*0#. Then press the call button and wait a bit. In a short time you a notification will come that the Mobile Internet service has been deactivated.

Method No. 2

There is another way to refuse unlimited Internet with Opera mini. Enter the following numbers and symbols on the keyboard of your mobile device: *105*235*0#. By calling this number, you will cancel the service, which will be notified by an SMS message sent in a couple of minutes.

Method No. 3

Through Personal Computer go to the official website of MegaFon and register in the Service Guide system. After this, you will be able to perform various actions, including connecting and disabling certain services.

How to disable the Internet on different OS

Not all MegaFon subscribers are aware that when a SIM card is inserted into a mobile device, the Internet on it is automatically activated. If you decide to refuse of this service and you don’t want to perform the same operation every time you change a SIM card, you need to configure your phone in a certain way.

How to disable the service on the Android operating system

Most modern mobile devices equipped with this OS. To prevent smartphones with this firmware from accessing the network, follow the instructions:

  • find the settings menu on your phone;
  • open the “Wireless Networks” tab;
  • in the option " Mobile network» find the data point;
  • there should be a tick mark in it, it should be removed.

How to block access to the Internet iPhone devices and iPad

To implement this procedure, follow these steps:

  • open the settings menu on your phone;
  • find the “Network” tab there;
  • in it you will see the items “3G” and “Cellular data”;
  • disable both of these options.

How to deactivate the Internet on Windows Phone

If your device has this operating system, you can turn off the Internet in the following way:

  • go to the gadget menu;
  • find network settings;
  • there you will see an item called Data Connection;
  • there will be an interactive lever on it, which should be moved to the “Off” position.

From this article you learned how to disable mobile Internet on MegaFon. We hope you find the above recommendations helpful.

Currently, the mobile operator Megafon provides its subscribers with an excellent opportunity to constantly stay in touch. Mobile technologies We are constantly developing and improving in order to provide each client with the most comfortable conditions for communicating with their friends and family. If for some reason you do not have the ability to communicate with this or that person via telephone, you can easily get in touch via the mobile Internet! OJSC Megafon has a lot of available funds aimed at providing comfortable communication! Mobile Internet from Megafon provides completely new opportunities for communication!

You can refuse the option mobile internet from MegaFon in the following ways:

  1. Through your Personal Account on the official website of the mobile operator
  2. In any MegaFon showroom or office
  3. Using the operator at number 0500, then select the number 0 to connect with a real person
  4. Using the command *236*Х*0# Call, where x is the mobile Internet tariff code
  5. Universal USSD code *527*0# Call

It's no secret that subscribers of Megafon OJSC certain time They begin to notice that their personal account is gradually losing a certain amount of money. The cause of this problem may be installed applications who charge a certain amount Money every day, and the mobile Internet is turned on, downloading updates. If you want your money to always remain on current balance and didn’t disappear anywhere, you just need to know how to turn off the Internet on Megafon.

Today OJSC Megafon offers its subscribers different tariffs mobile Internet. Among them, for example, there are such names as “Basic”, “Practical”, “Progressive”, “Optimal” and “Maximum”. Of course, you have already heard about them and connected at least one. To disable a particular service package, you need to verify the name of your mobile Internet.

To obtain information on the current mobile Internet package, you are asked to dial on your mobile phone Single number“0500”, then press the number “0”. Within a couple of seconds, the specialist on duty will answer you and help you obtain all the necessary information.

How to turn off the Internet on your phone?

The process of disabling mobile Internet will not take you long, since we have prepared relevant and effective tips to solve this problem. If you want to disable the packet data service, use the following methods:

  1. If you are a fairly active user mobile browser called “Opera Mini” with a tariff with the same name, dial a key combination like “*105*235*0#” on your mobile phone, then click on “Call”. This action will disable the option.
  2. Our portal provides key combinations for each unique tariff Mobile Internet "Megafon":
  • “Basic” package: “*236*1*0#” + “Call”
  • Package “Practical”: “*753*0#” + “Call”
  • Package “Optimal”: “*236*2*0#” + “Call”
  • Package “Progressive”: “*236*3*0#” + “Call”
  • Package “Maximum”: “*236*4*0#” + “Call”

If you follow these steps, you can easily turn off the Internet on your phone right now!

It should be remembered that upon completion of the actions, each subscriber receives an SMS notification about the completed transaction.

Another significant point in the procedure for turning off the Internet on your mobile is the fact that each unique region has its own key combination. More detailed and actual information contained on the official website of Megafon OJSC, which you can view right now.

How to disable Megafon mobile Internet?

As you have already noticed, there are quite a lot of ways to disable Megafon Internet. However, our portal offers you a few more effective options solutions to this problem, since we are qualitatively different from others information resources providing only relevant and relevant information. Do you want to turn off mobile Internet? Are you tired of randomly debiting money from your phone? – Use the information on our portal and forever forget about the inconvenience of not having money on your current account balance!

If you want to turn off the mobile Internet, you do not need to visit any nearest office of Megafon OJSC, since the company has provided for saving time and money by electronic appeal to the actions of canceling the service. So, for example, to stop using mobile Internet on Megafon, enter the key combination on your mobile phone like “*527*0#” (regardless of the tariff) and click on “Call”. Within one minute, an SMS message will be sent to your mobile phone confirming the cancellation of data transfer.

You can also disable mobile Internet using unique system"Service Guide". This service is provided to each subscriber of Megafon OJSC, registration of which takes place through the official website of the company. Visit the resource and get your identification data right now! Save your time and money by using the Service Guide service! All necessary information instructions for disabling this method are contained on the Megafon website.

How to disable Internet XS Megafon?

The implementation of mobile Internet services is now possible at absolutely new system called "XS"! The Megafon company gives its subscribers an excellent opportunity for high-speed Internet access from their mobile phones at a low price! Enjoy unlimited access throughout the territory Russian Federation now!

To connect to the “XS” mobile Internet service, you are asked to dial a key combination like “*236*0#” on your mobile phone, then click on “Call”. Another way to connect is the Service Guide system.

Mobile operator Megafon provides its subscribers with many useful services, including automatic setup connection to the Internet, but there are people who do not need this opportunity. To avoid paying for something you don’t use (network access fees are often part of the overall fee), deactivate the function. There are several ways to do this. They are all simple and free. Below are details about each of them with detailed instructions.

Methods to disable the Mobile Internet service on Megafon

Whatever option you choose to deactivate an Internet service, remember that deactivation must be done before money for its use is withdrawn from your account. If you perform the transaction later, Megafon will not return the amount spent, even if you did not actually log into the network. Ways to deactivate the ability to access the Internet are as follows:

  • USSD code. Enter on the smartphone keyboard special combination and press the call button. The USSD code depends on which service package you need to disable. If everything is entered correctly, after a few minutes an SMS notification about deactivation will be sent to your phone.
  • Official site. For the convenience of users, each subscriber, if desired, can create his own Personal Account. It is located on the official website of the operator and contains opportunities to work with all types of services that the company provides. So, you can change the tariff, see how many megabytes are left for this month and block Internet traffic. Important point The use of this method is that access to the site is online and requires a network connection.
  • Operator technical support. Most convenient way, because if problems arise, a consultant will be able to deal with them and answer all questions. You can contact technical support by calling or visiting the office yourself.
  • SMS message. The method is similar to the first method, since you also need to enter special team, depending on which service package you decide to deactivate. In this case, there is no monthly fee for sending a message to the operator.

Deactivation using USSD command

General scheme disconnection looks like this: you enter the combination on the keyboard of your smartphone and wait for an SMS notification that the operation is successful. Standard base code to deactivate GPRS Internet (for example, for parental controls) *110*180#. You can disable network access by requesting *527*0#. Traffic through Opera Mini is blocked by the combination *105*235*0#. Features of disabling each specific package are listed in the table below.

Disabling the Internet on Megaphone XS

A package of 70 MB/day is given subject to daily fee in the amount of 70 rubles. Upon first activation of the service, 210 rubles are immediately withdrawn. and Internet traffic is provided for 30 days. After this period, the fee begins to be charged on a daily basis. You can disable the Internet on Megafon XS using the combination *236*00#

How to turn off the Internet S

The most popular plan provides 3GB of traffic/month and maximum network access speed. You can disable Internet S on Megafon using the USSD code *236*00#.

Megafon L package

Subscribers receive 36 GB of traffic, which can be spent not only on smartphones, but also on tablets and PCs. To disable this package, dial *236*00# on the keypad and press the call button.

Mobile Internet XL service

The offer for the most active subscribers is deactivated using the USSD combination *236*00#

Internet 24 tariff plan

Short command to disable the option *105*264*0#. By the way, this information is purely for informational purposes, since such tariff plan is currently considered archival.

The package provides 1.5 GB/day. You can disable receiving traffic using the command *110*181#

Option " Children's Internet»

This function cannot be deactivated via USSD. This is done so that the child cannot block it on his own. To cancel the use of the service, parents need to personally contact the Megafon salon or call Contact Center. To disable it, you need to say the code word for activating the function.

Disabling the "Owl" package

Not limited access online from midnight to 8 am. Archive option. Previously it was possible to deactivate using the code *105*275*0#

Deactivation of the “Non-Stop” service

USSD code for termination of this option *105*221*0#

How to disable unlimited Internet on Megafon in your personal account

The unlimited mode is convenient because the traffic is not added to the counter and is charged at unlimited quantity, but those who rarely use the network end up overpaying for the service, so it would be wiser for them to turn it off. To use the deactivation method through the official website of the operator, register Personal account. Then follow these instructions:

  1. Sign in.
  2. Go to block active services.
  3. Select the appropriate option (current package).
  4. Deactivate unlimited or change the function to a more suitable one.

Call the operator to the technical support service

The ability to call an operator is useful for those who have problems sending SMS or entering a USSD code, and do not have access to the network to log into their Personal Account. In addition, the advantage of contacting technical support is to ask the consultant all your questions. So to choose suitable way How to turn off traffic, you need to know the established tariff. The operator will “check” this information and advise you on this matter.

Megafon technical support numbers are 0555 and 8-800-550-05-00. The calls are free, but you will have to wait to talk to a consultant rather than a robot. In this way, it is possible not only to disable access to the network, but also to change the tariff. Also, after receiving necessary information you can decide to restore surfing or the previous amount of MB, credited every day. The operator will help you sort this out.

To deny access to the network using an SMS message, you need to send the text “STOP” to the operator. The recipient number depends on the tariff package:

  • XS – 05009121;
  • S – 05009122;
  • M – 05009123;
  • L – 05009124;
  • XL – 05009125.

Not all clients of the Megafon operator (Russia) need mobile Internet. And some refuse it on principle in favor of saving money. This article will tell you how to turn off the Internet on Megafon in different tariff packages on the SIM card.

Tariff plans under letters


70 MB of traffic per day with daily debiting of funds from the account. But when connecting XL, a one-time fee is paid for the first month of use.

To disable Internet XS on Megafon, perform any of these operations:

  1. Send a request - *236*00#.
  2. Send the “stop” command to service 05009121.


"S" - option for active users global network on smartphones and tablets. Under the terms of this option, the subscriber is provided with 3 GB of network traffic per month. maximum speed. The subscription fee is charged and debited from the account every month.

You can disable Internet S on Megafon using the same USSD command as in XS. And also via SMS “Stop” by number 05009122.

Note. Traffic monitoring is carried out using the request *558#.


"M" - optimal solution for those who view media content, listen to music, radio stations, and use social networks. The package limit is 16 GB.

Use one of the following methods:

  1. Team - *236*00#.
  2. "STOP" message in service department 05009123.

L and XL

To disable mobile Internet on Megafon in packages “L”, “XL”, proceed in the same way:

use the universal request *236*00#, or the format:

SMS “STOP” to the number 0500912x, where x, respectively, is a number: 4 - for “L”, 5 - for “XL”.

Children's Internet

The service provides limited access to web resources. It filters out sites aimed at an adult audience using its categorized, updated database (it contains over 500 million blogs, portals, and video hosting sites). To fully use it, you need to install a special certificate file on your child’s phone (available on Megafon’s website).

To turn off the Internet on Megafon in the “Children's ...” phone, use one of these methods:

  1. Ask an employee at the operator's company salon to perform deactivation. In order for him to fulfill your request, you must provide a passport.
  2. Call the 0500 service from your SIM card or from any other phone at 88005500500.

Service “Unlimited...”

The “Unlimited” package was provided for tariff line"All inclusive". IN this moment it is closed for connection.

To disable unlimited Internet on Megafon, use the appropriate option (in the active services block) in your personal account on (you can access the site via the Internet from any device).

We wish you to complete everything quickly necessary settings in Megafon's SIM card!

Mobile operator Megafon offers its subscribers a variety of options for unlimited access to the Internet from their phones. If you don't want to pay daily subscription fee, then you can independently disable unlimited mobile Internet in the Megafon network.


1. In order to disable the Internet on a mobile phone in the Megafon network, enter the combination on the keyboard of your mobile phone: *527*0# and the call key. In a few minutes you will receive an SMS notification that the service has been disabled.

2. To disable unlimited mobile Internet with Opera mini, dial the combination on your mobile phone: *105*235*0# and press the call key. After a few minutes you will receive a message informing you that the service has been disconnected.

3. To disable one of the unlimited Internet packages, dial a separate command on your mobile phone: - “Basic” – *236*1*0# and press the call key. - “Practical” – *753*0# and press the call key.- “Best” – *236*2*0# and press the call key.- “Progressive” – *236*3*0# and press the call key.- “Highest” – *236*4*0# and press the key send a call.

4. After sending the request, you will receive an SMS notification on your phone about the deactivation of the unlimited Internet service package.

5. Some users of unlimited Internet from Megafon enable the “Extend speed” option, which allows you to restore the original speed in accordance with unlimited access for a month from the time of connection according to the established traffic volume. To disable this option, send an SMS to the number 000105906 or dial the combination on your mobile phone: *752# and the call key. In addition, you can disable the option on the official website mobile operator"Megafon" in its " Personal account»or at the Megafon sales and service office.

6. If you disable the tariff modifier, the one that provides unlimited access to the Internet, the “Extend speed” option will be mechanically disabled. Unused traffic is not returned and money for connecting an unused package is not returned either.

If you really don’t need connected unlimited Internet in the MegaFon network, you can avoid paying the daily subscription fee by turning off the service yourself and for free.


1. If you have an unlimited mobile Internet connection with Opera mini, to turn it off you need to dial *105*235*0# from your mobile phone and press the call key. As a result you will get SMS notification about disabling the service.

2. If you have one of the unlimited Internet packages “Basic”, “Practical”, “Best”, “Progressive” or “Highest” connected, then to disable the service for all of the packages you should dial a separate command from your mobile phone. To disable the package “ Basic", dial *236*1*0# and press the call key. To disable the "Practical" package, dial *753*0# and press the call key. To disable the "Best" package, dial *236*2*0# and press call key. To disable the “Progressive” package, dial *236*3*0# and press the call key. To disable the “Highest” package, dial *236*4*0# and press the call key. If your request is successful, You will receive an SMS notification about the deactivation of the unlimited Internet service package.

The mobile operator Megafon offers its subscribers the most diverse methods of accessing the Internet. Internet from phone and computer; various options to increase speed and unlimited packages... With such a variety of probabilities, many customers, going out to World Wide Web, do not think about how to disable the service when they no longer need it. However, disconnecting is no more difficult than connecting!

You will need

  • Phone connected to the Megafon network


1. In order to cancel a previously selected service, you do not need to go to the Megafon office. You won't need anything other than a mobile phone. Unlimited Internet for the phone provides round-the-clock access to global network without speed restrictions (until the traffic volume reaches 30 MB per day). To stop using the Internet from a mobile phone, you need to dial *527*0#.

2. Megafon also has unlimited Internet packages for computers. You can connect the selected package through the “Service Guide” - a self-service system on the official Megafon website, with the support of a voice autoinformer, by sending an SMS or dialing short command on your mobile phone. To disable everything from the packages, you also have your own command: “Basic unlimited Internet” – *236*1*0# ; “Practical unlimited Internet” – *236*5*0#; “The best unlimited Internet” – *236*2*0#; “Progressive Unlimited Internet” – *236*3*0# ; “Highest Unlimited Internet” – *236*4*0#.

3. Users of unlimited Internet from Megafon, regardless of where they access the global network from, often use the “Extend speed” option, which allows you to restore the original speed in accordance with unlimited access for a month from the time of connection according to a certain amount of traffic. You can enable or disable the option on the official website mobile operator by sending an SMS message to the number 000105906 or by dialing on your mobile team*752. Also enable and disable the “Extend speed!” option. Employees of Megafon sales and service offices or experts will help subscriber service companies.

When you disable the tariff modifier that provided unlimited Internet access, the “Extend Speed” package is also mechanically disabled. Unused traffic will not be returned, nor will money for connecting unsold packages (if several were connected at once).

Service "Basic Internet» is provided by the mobile operator MegaFon. By connecting this service, the user for 299 rubles per month gets access to Internet. The subscription is mechanically renewed throughout the month, and the fee for it is regularly withdrawn from the subscriber’s account. Consequently, anyone who has stopped using this method of accessing the network has a clear desire to turn it off.


1. After connecting the Basic service Internet» the subscriber gets the opportunity to access the network at speeds of up to 512 Kbps, this is enough for typical network work. Immediately after its inception, the service was called “Basic Unlimited Internet“, however, the term “unlimited” did not correspond to reality. On this tariff a subscriber can spend no more than 1536 MB of traffic per month; after exceeding this amount, the speed drops to 64 Kbps. It is not surprising that Megafon changed the name of the tariff, and many subscribers began to look for more winning offers.

2. "Base Internet“You can connect and disconnect using several methods, the most comfortable one is through the ussd command. To connect to the service, dial and send the command *236*1#. To disconnect, you need to enter and send (press the call button) the command *105*2810#. As a result, you will receive a message with information about connecting or disconnecting the service.

3. You can connect and disconnect the service via SMS. To activate the option, send the SMS command 6601 to the number 000105. To disable the service, send the SMS command 66010 to the number 000105. You will receive a response message confirming the connection or disabling the option.

4. To connect and disconnect Basic Internet a" you can use the "Service Guide". If you do not have a login password, dial *105*00#, you will receive it in a response message. After this, go to your territorial Megafon website and find “Service Guide”. Log in to your account using the password you received and your phone number. In the maintenance options you can check all connected services and disable those that you no longer need.

5. You can disable "Basic" Internet”, without doing anything at all. The exceptional condition for this should be that you do not have three hundred rubles in your account at the time of extending your service for a further month. If the amount is unsatisfactory, Internet-the service will be disabled mechanically.

Wireless 3G modems have firmly entered the lives of Internet users. And this is no coincidence. Such modems are distinguished by their compactness: the size of a flash drive, they allow you to access any website in a matter of seconds and quickly load pages. Unfortunately, such probabilities are not yet available to everyone. settlements Russia. But if desired, Internet reception can be increased somewhat, within reasonable limits, of course.

You will need

  • – computer or laptop;
  • – Megafon modem;
  • - SIM card.


1. The most primitive method to increase the speed of Internet signal reception is to increase the length of the antenna. Purchase from a store that sells audio, video and computer equipment, a regular USB cable. It is desirable that its length be 2-3 meters. Connect it to your computer and point the modem towards best regards signal. It is usually enough to bring the modem to a window or place it on the windowsill so that the signal increases slightly. If the cable length allows, hang the modem outside the window.

2. If the computer is located far from the window, of course, the USB cable must be of the required length, for which you can combine several USB cables.

3. You can also delve into the settings of your modem and experiment with different signal receptions. To do this, run the program, but do not connect to the Internet and in the window that opens, find the “Tools” section. Click on the button and select “Options” in the drop-down window. Open this section. On the left side of the dialog box that opens, find the “Network” option, then select the connection type and range on the left. Traditionally, the best signal is found in WCDMA mode. Consequently, in most cases, it is enough to indicate in the “Network type” column the option “WCDMA Priority” and in the next line to mark “All bands”. After this, connect to the network and check whether the reception has improved or not. If these metamorphoses do not help, check to see if other types of connections and ranges will be especially favorable for your case.

4. When working with the Internet, in order not to reduce the reception speed, turn it off during the update antivirus programs and other applications that check the presence of new versions on the network. The browser can also update and little by little eat up your traffic and reduce page loading speed. If you do not yet intend to use applications that use Internet channels (including Skype, uTorrent and many other programs), disable them until you need them.

5. The amplifier antennas intentionally developed by Megafon, which can be purchased at virtually any Megafon cellular communication store, significantly help to increase the speed.

6. It will also help to improve signal reception copper wire, wrapped around the modem.

7. Megafon offers residents of remote settlements with a low Internet signal a special tariff for small towns. You can find out more about the conditions from your mobile operator.

8. And final advice. Keep an eye on your computer, regularly clean the registry and perform defragmentation local disk, because problems in the system can adversely affect the operation of the modem and the speed of Internet signal reception.

Video on the topic