Filtering data in Excel. Advanced filter in Excel and examples of its capabilities

Hello, friends!

I want to devote this article to the question of how to effectively use . This is one of the most powerful tools for selecting the values ​​you need, and although the program has a simple filter, it nevertheless gives you more options and expands the horizon of possibilities.

As you understand, no matter what the filter is, its main task is to filter your data, so to speak, to make a selection according to the criteria you specified. You will say that there is a simple filter for this, but you will be right, there is and it filters, but, alas, only by 1 criterion, but if you need to select by two or more criteria, there is no advanced filter, well no way.

Can be used in two ways:

Using the Advanced Filter dialog box

Let's look at this with an example, we need to select countries in the world where there is a monarchy. For convenience and visualization, copy the table header a little higher and create several empty lines. There must be between two tables delimiter – empty string. Now we can apply the filter according to the specified conditions.
To begin, select any of the cells in the storage range of your data, on the tab "Data", you need to find the point "Additionally" and in the dialog box that opens "Advanced filter" we see a switch “Copy the result to another location” which allows you to transfer the received data to a specified location, but we don't need that for now. "Original Range" in the dialog box is entered by default, but "Range of conditions" you need to enter it manually. I advise you not to rush and indicate only filled lines with the condition, since an empty line in the range is a condition - “ take away everything there is". When confirming the entered conditions in the dialog box "Advanced filter" we get the specified result.

Using a macro

As you can see, it allowed you to select data according to the criteria you specified, but this method has little convenience, although you will not deny its usefulness and importance. A way out of this situation can be found by using macro capabilities in your work.
To improve your work efficiency, you need to right-click on the shortcut of your current sheet and select the item in the context window "Original text" and enter the code in the dialog box that appears:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Not Intersect(Target, Range("C2:I2")) Is Nothing Then On Error Resume Next ActiveSheet.ShowAllData Range("C5").CurrentRegion.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange :=Range("C1").CurrentRegion End If End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Change (ByVal Target As Range )

If Not Intersect (Target , Range ("C2:I2") ) Is Nothing Then

On Error Resume Next

ActiveSheet. ShowAllData

Range("C5"). CurrentRegion. AdvancedFilter Action := xlFilterInPlace , CriteriaRange := Range ( "C1" ) . CurrentRegion

End If

End Sub

This code will be automatically applied whenever the fields are changed and will apply a filter to your data. It scans the range (C2:I2) for entered data and instantly applies conditions to the range of your data that starts in cell (C5).
In addition to precisely formulated conditions, when used, you can also use wildcard and replacement signs, a variety of mathematical signs that will allow you to make an approximate search or capture.

Here are the options provided:



Selection of all cells where there are five characters. (For example, Prague)

Selecting a 4-character text that starts with “v” and ends with “a” (For example, Vienna)

Selecting values ​​with three letters at the end, one of which is unknown (For example, Sofia)

Selects all values ​​that begin with the letters "pr" (For example, Prague)

Selecting values ​​that start with "p", contain or end with "p" (For example, Paris)

Selecting values ​​that end in "n" (For example, Berlin)

Exact match selection (eg Rome)


All empty cells are selected

All non-empty cells are selected

Selecting values ​​that are equal to or greater than 40

Exact selection of values ​​that are equal to 20.

Select all values ​​that start with "p"

Selecting data that contains "monarch"

As you can see, these conditions will allow you to improve your search capabilities, and together with the use of a macro for an advanced filter, everything will become faster, more detailed and accurate.

With this I want to finish the article about how it is effectively used. As you can see, it is a powerful and very good tool for working with your data.

If you have any additions, write in the comments. I was glad to help you!

“For some people, wealth comes only from the fear of losing it.”

A. Rivarol

Filtering data in Excel will allow you to display the information that interests the user at a particular moment. It greatly simplifies the process of working with large tables. You will be able to control both the data that will be displayed in the column and what is excluded from the list.

How to add

If you compiled information through the “Insert” tab - “Table”, or the “Home” tab - "Format as table", then the filtering option will be enabled by default. The required button is displayed in the form of an arrow, which is located in the top cell on the right side.

If you simply filled the blocks with data and then formatted them as a table, you need to enable the filter. To do this, select the entire range of cells, including the row with headings, since the button we need will be added to the top row. But if you select blocks starting from the cell with data, then the first row will not relate to the filtered information. Then go to the Data tab and click the Filter button.

In the example, the button with an arrow is in the headers, and this is correct - all data located below will be filtered.

If you are interested in the question of how to make a table in Excel, follow the link and read the article on this topic.

How does it work

Now let's look at how a filter works in Excel. For example, let's use the following data. We have three columns: "The product's name", “Category” and “Price”, we will apply various filters to them.

Click the arrow in the top cell of the desired column. Here you will see a list of non-repeating data from all cells located in this column. There will be a check mark next to each value. Uncheck the boxes for the values ​​you want to exclude from the list.

For example, let’s leave only fruits in the “Category”. Uncheck the “vegetable” box and click “OK”.

For those table columns to which a filter is applied, a corresponding icon will appear in the top cell.

How to delete

If you need to remove a data filter in Excel, click on the cell corresponding icon and select from the menu "Remove filter from (column name)".

You can filter information in Excel in various ways. There are text and number filters. They are applied accordingly if the column cells contain either text or numbers.

Using a filter


Apply “Numeric...” to the “Price” column. Click on the button in the top cell and select the corresponding item from the menu. From the drop-down list you can select the condition that you want to apply to the data. For example, let's display all products whose price is below "25". Select "less".

Enter the required value in the appropriate field. You can apply multiple conditions to filter using logical AND and OR. When using “AND”, both conditions must be met; when using “OR”, one of the specified conditions must be met. For example, you can set: “less” – “25” – “And” – “more” – “55”. Thus, we will exclude products whose price is in the range from 25 to 55.

In the example I did it like this. All data with a “Price” below 25 are displayed here.


"Text filter" in the example table, can be applied to the column "The product's name". Click on the button with the arrow at the top and select the item of the same name from the menu. In the drop-down list that opens, for example, use “starts with”.

Let's leave in the table products that begin with "ka". In the next window, in the field we write: “ka*”. Click "OK".

“*” in a word replaces a sequence of characters. For example, if you set the condition “contains” - “s*l”, the words will remain: table, chair, falcon, and so on. "?"

will replace any sign. For example, “b?ton” - loaf, bud, concrete. If you need to leave words consisting of 5 letters, write “?????” . This is how I left the ones I needed.

"Product Names"

By cell color

The filter can be configured by text color or cell color. Let's do it"Filter by color" "The product's name" column cells

. Click on the arrow button and select the item of the same name from the menu. Let's choose red color.

As a result, only red products remained, or rather all the cells that were filled with the selected color.

By text color

Now in the example used, only red fruits are displayed.

If you want all the table cells to be visible, but red first, then green, blue, and so on, use sorting in Excel. By clicking on the link, you can read an article on the topic.

Let's look at how you can search for information in MS Excel using filters.

To do this, open Excel and draw up a small table in it. Select any cell in the header row, then go to the " Data " and click on the button "»:


In the row with the headings of our table, “arrows” will appear in each column.

The preparatory stage is completed. You can start searching for information.

Filter Basics

Apply filters to a table

Click the icon in the Manager column. The following menu will open:

In this menu, using the checkboxes, you can mark those elements by which you want to filter the data.

If there are many values ​​in the table, then use the search string. To do this, start entering part of the word that you need to find. The list of options will be automatically shortened.

The disadvantage of this method is that you can mark only one value or several values ​​containing the search phrase, but completely different values ​​cannot be found. That is, for example, you won’t be able to immediately find managers named Sergey and Alexander in this way, but you can find all values ​​containing “Serg”: Sergey, Sergeev, Sergienko, etc.

For example, you need to mark only 2 values ​​out of several dozen. Manually unchecking each item except the ones you need is quite time consuming. To speed up this process, uncheck the “(Select All)” checkbox. This will clear all other checkboxes. Now you can mark only those items that you need.

MS Excel supports multiple filters, i.e. filter on several columns at once.

For example, you need to find all orders of manager Ivanov dated January 18, 2014.

To begin, click on in the “Manager” column and select Ivanov.

Now click on in the "Shipment Date" column, uncheck "(Select All)" and select 01/18/2014 or enter 18 in the search bar and click "OK".

The table will look like this:

In the same way, you can continue to filter the data by the columns “Description”, “Quantity”, etc.

Note that in columns that have been filtered, the icon changes to .

This way you will always know by which columns the data is filtered.

Cancel filter

To remove all filters at once, go to the “ Select any cell in the header row, then go to the "" and click on the button " Clear».

If you need to remove the filter from only one column, leaving filters on others, then click on the icon for this column, for example, “Shipment date” and click on the item “Remove filter from<Название столбца>»:


If you need to completely abandon filters in the table, then go to the “ Select any cell in the header row, then go to the " Data " and click on the button "" It will stop highlighting, the icons will disappear from the title bar, and all the data will be displayed in the table.



Additional filter settings

Depending on the content type of the columns, filters have additional options.

Text filters

Click on the “Manager” column icon, hover over “Text Filters”, wait for the menu to appear and select any of the selection criteria or the “Custom Filter...” item. The following window will appear:

  • 1. Terms "equals" or "not equal" assume that the desired expression matches the contents of the cell one hundred percent. Criterion "equals" leaves in the table only those rows that contain the selected value. Accordingly, the criterion "not equal" leaves all values ​​except the selected one. To simplify the task, you can select the desired value from the drop-down list:

  • 2. Terms "more" And "less" assume that the table will retain values ​​that begin with an earlier or later letter in the alphabet. For example, if you select the value “Ivanov” for the “more” option, then only those cells that begin with the letter “Y” will remain in the table (Kartov, Yoghurtov, etc.). And with the “less” option - values ​​starting with the letter “Z” (Zakharov, Bukin).
  • 3. The only difference in conditions "more or equal" And "less or equal" from the previous paragraph in that the filter includes the selected value.
  • 4. If you need to find all values ​​that begin with "Willow", then use the condition "begin with", and if you want to know how many values ​​in the table ending in "rovich", then select the option "ends with".
  • 5. Accordingly, the conditions "doesn't start with" And "doesn't end with" assume that you do not need to display values ​​containing the search phrase in the table.
  • 6. When choosing conditions "contains" or "does not contain" You can specify any phrase or combination of letters that you want to include or exclude from the filter. The difference between this point and points 1, 4 and 5 is that the searched phrase can be located anywhere in the cell. For example, setting “Willow” as a filter, the result will be “Alexey Ivanov”, “Sergey Ivarovsky”, “curve”, etc.

Numeric filters

Most of the conditions are the same as for text filters. Let's consider only new ones.

  • 1. Condition "between". When you select this condition, the necessary criteria are immediately set in the window that appears, which makes your task easier:

    All you have to do is enter the values ​​from the keyboard or select them from the list.

Filter by date

These conditions do not require special explanations, since their meaning is easy to understand from the names. The only thing worth paying attention to is that in the standard window for selecting filter conditions, a Calendar button appears to make it easier to enter the date.

And a little more about filters

There is another way to filter data. Let's transform our table a little:

As you can see, we colored it.

Now, for example, we need to find all the lines with Krasotkin. Right-click on the cell with this person and select “Filter” from the menu that appears. The new menu has several new options. In this example we need the item "Filter by value...".

If you select the condition "Filter by color...", then the table will contain rows with cells of the same color as the active cell (yellow fill).

If you click on “Filter by font color...”, then only cells with red or black font will remain in our table, depending on which cell is currently active.

The last filter item is only applicable if the table uses conditional formatting with icons.

Site administration website expresses gratitude to the author Alexander Tsarev for preparing the material.

Excel data filtering includes two filters: AutoFilter and Advanced Filter. Suppose you have a large data set, but from the entire array you need to look at or select data that relates to a specific date, a specific person, etc. There are filters for this. For those who are encountering this tool for the first time, the filter does not delete, but hides records that do not meet the filtering conditions that you set for them.

The first is an auto filter, designed for the most simple operations - highlighting records with a specific value (for example, only selecting only records related to LeBron James), data lying in a certain range (or above average or top ten) or cells/fonts of a certain color ( By the way, it’s very convenient). Accordingly, it is very easy to use. You just need to select the data that you want to see filtered. Then the command “Data” / “Filter”. A list box will appear on each top cell of the top table, it’s already easy to understand each command, it’s simple to master and I hope there’s no need to explain further, just the nuances of using the autofilter:

1) Works only with a non-breaking range. It is no longer possible to filter two different lists on one sheet.

2) The top line of the table is automatically assigned as a title and is not involved in filtering.

3) You can apply any filters in different columns, but keep in mind that depending on the order in which the filters are applied, some conditions may not be applied, because previous filters have already hidden the required entries. There is no problem here, these entries would have been hidden anyway, but if you want to use several sets of filters, then it is better to start with those conditions that have the least application.

Practical application at work: for example, you work through this list to find an error or check data. After applying the autofilter, you can go through the entire table one by one, sequentially marking the data that has already been viewed. The “Clear” and “Reapply” buttons determine the appearance of the table after applying the conditions. Then, after finishing working with the table, you can return the fonts back to their original form without changing the data itself. By the way, some people are confused by the fact that all records in the table disappear after applying any conditions. Well, take a closer look, you have set conditions under which there are no records that satisfy these conditions. The fact that the table is filtered is when the table row numbers are highlighted in blue.

Now, let's move on to the advanced filter. It differs from the autofilter in that it has more fine-grained settings, but also a larger selection when filtering data. In particular:

1) Sets as many conditions as necessary.

2) Allows you to select cells with unique (non-repeating) data. This is often needed when working with data and the option copes with the problem perfectly.

3) Allows you to copy the filter result to a separate location without touching the main array.

So, the main difference in working with this filter is that we first need to prepare a table of conditions. It's easy to do. The headers of the main table are copied and pasted into a place convenient for us (I suggest above the main table). There should be so many rows in this table that after defining the conditions you won’t be able to get into the main table.

Examples of conditions:

1) ‘L*’ – cells starting with L

2) ‘>5’ - data greater than 5

If you delete rows from a filtered table, they will be deleted without taking their neighbors with them. Those. if the table is filtered and shows rows 26-29 and 31-25, selecting all rows and deleting them will not result in deleting row 30. This is convenient; I personally often use this when writing macros. What advantage does this give - often we get tables that need to be brought into working form, i.e. remove, for example, empty lines. What we do is apply a filter to the table, showing only those rows that we don't need, then delete the entire table, including the header. Unnecessary rows and header are removed, while the table has no spaces and forms a single range. And a header line can be added by simple copying operations from a previously prepared area. Why is this important when writing macros? It is not known from which row the unwanted data begins and it is not clear from which row to start deleting it; deleting the entire table helps to quickly solve this problem.

Filter in Excel - This is the selection of data according to certain characteristics.Filtering in Excelunder certain conditions is carried out using the function " Filter in Excel ". If there are pictures in the cells of the table, then see the article "Insert a picture into a cell in Excel" on how to fix pictures in a cell so that they do not move during filtering.
How to filter in Excel.
First, select the column in which you need to filter the table data. Then, on the “Home” tab, click the “Sort and Filter” button and select the “Filter” function. Or go to the “Data” tab and click the “Filter” button.
A filter button has appeared in the top cell of the selected column. Click on this button and select “Numeric filters”, then “less”. In the window that appears, opposite the “less than” cell, write the number less than which we need to select data, for example, 7. Click “OK”.

The required data remains in the table column.

To prevent the filter button from covering the value in the top cell, you can put a number in the cell above and select it too, or simply select an empty cell above the column. Then the filter icon will be in this additional cell and will not cover the necessary data.

Filter by date in Excel.
How to properly set up a table and filter by date, read the article "Sorting by date in Excel".
Filter by cell color in Excel.
You can filter data by cell color. Cells can be colored manually or with conditional formatting. How to color cells with conditional formatting by number, by words, by date, etc., "Conditional Formatting in Excel."
Click on the pink color. Click "OK". It turned out like this.

How select only visible cells in Excel To learn how to paste only into visible rows in Excel, see the article "Paste into visible rows in Excel".
In Excel, you can set up a cell to indicate the number of rows filtered, whether the filter is enabled or not. This is necessary in order not to get confused when we often use the filter, or several people work in the same table, etc. Read more about this in the article "How to set up a filter in Excel".
After working with filtered data (for example, printing this list), you can return the table to its original form, that is, with all the unfiltered data. Click the filter button at the top of the column and select “Select all”. We now have the table in its original form.
How to copy filter data, see the article "Copy filtered data to Excel" .
Can remove filter button from excel table. On the “Home” tab, click the “Sort and Filter” button, then “Filter”.
Or go to the “Data” tab and click the “Filter” button. The button has disappeared.
If you need to print a table with filtered data so that the row numbers are in a row (1, 2, 3...) or count the number of filtered rows and cells, then this can be configured. See "Ordering rows in order after a filter in Excel."
How to sort table data, read the article "