Uncorrectable GTA 5 error. GTA V errors and how to fix them

If after starting the game you get the error " The program has stopped working Grand Theft Auto V", then to eliminate it, do the following actions which will be described below.

For clarity, we will show you screenshots of this error:

And so, you saw this error window on your computer after trying to start the game. Here are some solutions to resolve this issue:

  1. 1. The reason why this crash occurs is the game's .dll files. We fix the problem as follows:
    Find a directory on your computer with the SteamApps folder. In it we will need the error.log file. Open it using notepad or any text editor and find the error code entry
    The application caused access violation module in NAME.dll The file NAME.dll will be the cause of this problem, of course, instead of “NAME” there will be the name of some .dll file.

    Download and install the program. Launch it and click the "Install" button DLL Files". IN search bar We write down the name of the file, the dll that is listed in the error log error.log (NAME.dll). Click the install button and wait for this process to complete.

    The program itself will install the required .dll file into the directory. After this, you need to restart your computer and start the game again.

  2. 2. GTA 5 shut down due to Social Club. This reason errors can be corrected easily and simply, you just need to restart the Social Club installation process. For some players this action helped solve the game crash problem. Watch the video on how to do this
  3. 3. A way to resolve the error “Grand Theft Auto V has stopped working” by changing the “Boot” registry parameter. To do this, in the Start menu, in the "Search programs and files" line, enter
    msconfig and launch it. A settings window will open Windows systems. Select the "Download" tab, there " Extra options", check the box "Number of processors" and select maximum amount. Save the changes and restart the computer. After rebooting, try launching the game again.
  4. 4. Another option for solving the problem using “System Configurations” is msconfig. It consists of disabling “Load startup items”. Watch the video to do this on your computer.
  5. 5. Fix the error “Grand Theft Auto V Launcher has stopped working” by installing libraries from Microsoft. After downloading, run and install, the program will select the installation path automatically.
  6. 6. Solving the problem for laptops with two video cards. The idea is simple, you need to disable one video card, close and restart the game. Everything is shown in detail in the video

Important: many bugs have been resolved in and.

Infinite loading when launching in the Social Club window

- Option 1

1. Go to Control Panel - Change Type account and rename the profile to Username, for example. So that it doesn't contain Cyrillic characters.
2. Then find the “My Documents” folder on drive C, click on it right click mouse and select a change of placement, e.g. C:\Documents. The main thing is that there will be no Cyrillic alphabet on the way again.

If after these changes, when starting the game, the launcher crashes with an error, then:

3. Go to device manager and disable NVidia video adapter.
4. Let's start the game.
5. After everything is launched and activated, press Alt+Tab, in the dispatcher we turn on the video adapter again and play.

5.1 In order for the game to “see” your newly appeared video card, in the graphics settings, select any item that causes the game to restart (shaders, for example).

- Option #2 (without disabling the video card)

1. Rename the account to non-Cyrillic.
Computer Management → Account Groups and Users → Users
2. Renaming the greeting.
Accounts and family safety→ Add and remove → Change name
3. Renaming a folder with documents.
Drive C → Users → Folder with your old account name
4. Renaming an account in the registry.
Start → Run → Enter the command “regedit”

You need the following branch: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList

In folder ProfileImagePath the path to your old folder with an account. Change it to a new one.

Now you need a branch: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders

In it we also change all the old parameters with your “incorrect” username to new ones.

5. Restart your computer, launch the game.

Verifying the account name

To check if your account name is correct and does not contain characters other than Latin, do the following:

Start → Run → Enter the command “cmd” → In the console window that opens, enter “echo %username%” → It will give you your name

Inability to detect Windows Media Player

It happens. The solution is simple - install it on your PC Windows program Media Player.

Rockstar Games Social Club errors and crashes

When starting GTA 5, you may get the following errors:

Social Club failed to load due to an incomplete installation. Please exit the game and re-install the latest version of the Social Club;
- Social Club failed to initialize;
- A newer version of Social Club is required. The updater may have failed. Please exit the game and install the latest version of the Social Club.

All this means is that you need to install the Social Club program in full. It is possible that you outdated version or some error in the program. Remove old version and install a new one.

If this doesn't help, then turn it on. heavy artillery: run the game as administrator, install the latest DirectX and Visual C, disable the antivirus.

BEX64 error

- Option 1: disable the video card, as was already the case.
- Option #2: replace your launcher with this launcher.
- Option #3: go to the registry and open branches

32bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Windows

64bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Windows

You are interested in the item AppInit_DLLs, if it contains at least some parameters, remove them (but not the AppInit_DLLs itself). Before doing this, it is advisable to do backup copy modified branch.

There is not enough memory in the system

You need to increase swap file on your computer. For this:

System Properties → Advanced → Performance → Settings → Advanced → Virtual memory→ Edit

Runs in windowed mode

If GTA 5 constantly launches in windowed mode, messing up your settings, then press Alt+Enter to maximize the window.

It is also possible that this is due to an application conflict, for example, with Teamviewer (no need to delete, just disable it).

Problem connecting to the download server

1. In the GTAV folder we find the file x64(???).rpf.par(in place of “???” there is any letter).
2. Make a backup copy of this file just in case.
3. Remove it.
4. We try to launch the game.

Low frame rate in GTA 5, fps drops

- If the game only runs at 30FPS, check if the V-sync is set to half. If not, then download Debugview, open it, launch GTA 5, then minimize the game and look in Debugview for repeating looping codes. Kill these processes.
- If you have an NVidia video card, try enabling SLI.
- If you have a GeForce video card, try disabling vertical sync in the game, and in the control NVidia panels shader cache.
- If you have a card Nvidia GTX 970, then the drop in frame rate can be removed simply by minimizing the game (Alt+Tab) and expanding it again.

High CPU usage

The processor can be offloaded different ways.

- Option 1
Launch the game, minimize it (Alt+Tab), launch the task manager (Alt+Ctrl+Del) and close active process Grand Theft Auto V Launcher.

Minuses this method is that the game, sooner or later, will suddenly crash. To prevent this from happening, you need to create a BAT file with the following content:

timeout 60
taskkill /F /IM gtavlauncher.exe
wmic process where name="GTAV.exe" CALL setpriority "high priority"
And run it. So it will launch GTA 5, kill the gtavlauncher.exe process itself and give the GTAV.exe process high priority.

- Option #2
As mentioned above, in the task manager we insert for GTAV.exe highest priority.

- Option #3
Open the task manager, as mentioned above, and:
1. Close wmpnetwork.
2. Then we stop the NvStreamSvc service. To do this, launch the console (Run → cmd) and enter the command “ sc stop "NvStreamSvc"" And " sc config "NvStreamSvc" start=disabled».
3. Launch the game. In the task manager, set the lowest priority for the launcher and the highest for GTAV.exe.

- Option #4
Sometimes the game keeps crashing, even with a batch file, as shown above. Therefore, here we are not “killing” processes, but simply distributing priorities correctly. To do this, create a bat file with the following content:

start steam://rungameid/271590
timeout 60
wmic process where name="GTA5.exe" CALL setpriority "high priority"
wmic process where name="gtavlauncher.exe" CALL setpriority "idle"
wmic process where name="subprocess.exe" CALL setpriority "idle"
Let's launch it and enjoy it highly GTA performance 5.

Disabling the video card in GTA 5 to solve problems

Many GTA 5 errors described above can be “cured” by turning off the video card before starting the game and then turning it on. Since doing this manually every time is tedious and uninteresting, then (relevant for the licensed version of the game):

Problems with Windows Media Foundation

Afterwards the game no longer requires Windows Media Player to install, now GTA 5 needs Windows Media Foundation.

If you encounter this problem, or if you get the error " Dependency MFREADWRITE.DLL is missing. Please reinstall the game.", then you need to download and install the Media Feature Pack on your computer:
- For Windows 8 N/KN
- For Windows 8.1 N/KN
- For Windows 8.1 Update N/KN

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More on the topic:

Many people have this error:

Err_gfx_d3d_init and a bunch of strange symbols. (crash from the game, you can log in only after rebooting the PC).

Solution for nVidia card owners:
1. Download NVIDIA Inspector
2. Launch NVIDIA Inspector before launching the game
3. Click "Show Overclocking", agree with what we are told (that this can lead to unstable work systems).
4. Click "-20" under the "Base Clock Offset" and "Memory Clock Offset" lines.
5. Then click “Apply Clocks & Voltage” at the bottom (just in case, just minimize the window nVidia Inspector)
6. Launch the game, enjoy.

After the game, you can open the window, click "Apply Defaults", the video card will return to previous regime work.
Tested personally by me and a number of other users from foreign sites.

Almost all sane game fans were waiting for the release of the PC version of the sensational Grand Theft Auto V. Skip the continuation legendary series GTA was simply not possible. And finally, the game came out: GTA5 was released on April 14, last Tuesday. It's only been a couple of days, but the game has already managed to puzzle a certain part of the audience technical nuances. Players are encountering problems installing the PC version, complaining about the game slowing down, a black screen appearing, etc. Even such a high-profile and important project as GTA5 cannot be left without some technical bugs, and this is not scary.

In fact, many technical difficulties with launching games arise not through the fault of the developers, but because of the individual nuances of each individual gamer: someone forgot to install the drivers and blames the developers for all sins, for someone the hardware simply doesn’t work new product, and someone was just too lazy to install Direct X.

So, let's try to figure out the main problems with the game Grand Theft Auto V. First, let's check if your computer matches the declared system requirements:

OS: Windows Vista SP2 / Windows 7 SP1 / Windows 8 / 8.1 (x64);
CPU: quad core Intel Core 2 Q6600 2.40 GHz | quad-core AMD Phenom 9850 2.5 GHz;
RAM: 4 GB;
Video card: Nvidia GeForce 9800 GT 1 GB | ATI Radeon HD 4870 1 GB;
HDD: 65 GB;
DirectX version: 10;
Sound card: DirectX 10 compatible.

If your hardware is fully prepared for such loads, then congratulations - this is practically a guarantee of a successful game! However, let's check if your OS is ready for GTA5.

Files, drivers and libraries

Take my word for it - in many cases the problem does not lie in the flaws of the developers, everything is much simpler. We recommend updating your video card driver to the latest existing version. We have two main brands of video cards - Nvidia and AMD Radeon:

These programs in Everyday life are not needed and we don’t notice them, but if we are going to play computer games decent level, then you need to remember them.

Helper DLLs:

GTA 5 does not install on Steam - what could be the problem?

The answer to this question is discussed at official page games on Steam. According to experts, most likely the root of the problem lies in the use of the Cyrillic alphabet. Make sure that you have only used Latin characters in your account. English language. If you have already spoiled your profile on Steam with Cyrillic, then we recommend that you get tired of it and create a new academic account. With a ready-made account, install GTA5.

Problems with installing GTA5 on Steam will only appear for a while. The creators of the game will absolutely correct them with the release of the first addition.

GTA 5 crashes for no reason or just freezes - what to do?

Most likely, running the game as an administrator will help. To do this, you need to find the game shortcut on the working style, right-click on it, and then find the corresponding item. We also recommend reducing the graphics settings to a minimum - this also helped in previous games in the series.

Also take the time to go to your Steam library and check the properties of GTA5. A common problem is that the game simply requires more resources, and increasing the sop file may well solve this problem. You need to ensure that the temperature of the video card and central processor did not exceed the recommended norm.

Saves don't work in GTA 5

You probably don't have a program called "Rockstar Social Club" on your hard drive. You need to install it, and, of course, you also need to run it as an administrator.
Solution No. 2 - free up space on local disk WITH.
Solution #3. Use an account that uses only Latin characters (we already mentioned this above).

Black screen appears for no reason in GTA 5 - how to solve this?

A black screen usually appears only when there is no fresh drivers, but sometimes you also need to check the integrity of the cache in the Steam library - some players solved the problem this way.
If it doesn’t help, reduce it graphic settings at a minimum, there is no other way out.

The error Unable to detect Windows media player appears - why?

We do the following: go to the control panel and go to the “Programs” menu. We find the item “Enable or disable Windows components", press. We also check the box next to “Windows Media Player”. Now try starting GTA5 again.

The error “Connection to Download server lost” appears - how to deal with it?

In this case, we need the folder with the GTA5 game, in which we find a file called “x64(*).rpf.par”. Instead of an asterisk after the number 4 there may well be latin letter, and it's not scary. So let's copy this file and then delete it. Next we restart the executable launcher and try to enter the game.

Unexpected error- how to fix?
We are sitting and waiting for a fix from Rockstar; there are no really working methods yet.
As you can see, you don’t have to do anything complicated, just find your problem and follow the instructions. We hope that you will not need this article at all, and you will be able to enjoy the new product without any problems. If our advice helps you in any way, then even better - the pleasure of launching the game and the gameplay there will be more.

The fifth part of the GTA series was one of the most anticipated projects - millions of gamers around the world wanted to see it. And as a result, when they waited for the release of this project, they were disappointed - in 2013, only console owners got the opportunity to try out this masterpiece.

What about gamers using personal computers? It was stated that they would unfortunately have to live with the fact that there would not be a PC version. This was followed by a storm of indignation, multimillion-dollar petitions, which is why the developer had to reconsider his decision - as a result, it was announced that GTA 5 would be released on personal computers.

For development new version it took another year and a half, during which the release date was postponed several times. However, everything ended well - the game was also released for computers, in terms of quality it was no worse than the console version, but, naturally, it also had its own disadvantages associated with computers. If you insert a disc or download a game on the console and can play it without problems, then the computer must still be compatible with the system requirements of the project.

Also, when installing and launching the game, various difficulties may arise, overcoming which will be discussed in this article. If GTA 5 crashes when you launch it, then this material will be very useful to you. Here we will consider the most common cases of this project crashing when it is activated on personal computer. "GTA 5" crashes when starting in a row various reasons, so if a similar misfortune happens to you, don’t panic. Calmly and carefully examine the situation - and you are guaranteed to find a solution to the problem, and this article will help you with this.

System requirements

If GTA 5 crashes when you launch it, then a variety of things could happen. But the first thing you need to do is check that your computer configuration meets the system requirements specified by the developers for this game. Please note that it was released relatively recently, so its requirements are quite high - you need to have a quad-core processor, and with a frequency of at least two and a half gigahertz, random access memory there must be at least four gigabytes, and the video card must have at least one gigabyte of memory, although, naturally, for such a project it is still recommended to install a higher-quality video adapter.

Also remember that you will need at least 65 gigabytes free space on your hard drive, and if you don't have enough disk space, this can also cause its own startup difficulties. In general, if for some of the parameters your computer does not meet the system requirements, then it is not surprising that “GTA 5” crashes on startup. You need to update the hardware, since with your existing configuration this project will never start.


Another basic step is to check all the drivers that are installed on your computer. If GTA 5 crashes on startup, the reason may lie precisely in them. Most often, the problem occurs with the video driver, so you need to check it and, if necessary, update it first. But this does not mean that you can immediately forget about other drivers - you should also update them, since the problem can sometimes be hidden where you think last. But what to do if updating the drivers did not help? If GTA 5 still crashes on startup, then you should delve into the problem in more detail. Next, you can familiarize yourself with special cases of game crashes, which are the most common among gamers. And for each of these cases, a specific solution will be proposed that will allow you to correct the situation.

Problems with RSC

It's no secret that for quite some time now the games of the developer responsible for the release of the GTA series require the installation of a special program called Rockstar Social Club. If you do not have this installed software, then you will not be able to start the game normally. Therefore, you should make sure that this software is installed on your computer. However, there are cases when RSC is installed on a PC, but the game still fails to load. If this program gives you an error, then most likely you just need to reinstall it - perhaps there was a glitch during the installation process, or the error appeared later. This doesn't make a big difference - just uninstall the program completely and then install it from scratch. This should solve a number of problems that cause GTA 5 to crash on startup. The pirated version is most often the target of problems, since the licensed version works much more reliably. Therefore, you should consider purchasing a license because this can also solve many of your problems.

However, interaction with RSC does not always end in an error, which can be resolved by reinstalling the program. Very often there are cases when it starts to load, but this loading takes forever - no matter how long you wait, or crashes due to the fact that RSC never loaded. The reason here is quite simple, and it occurs extremely often in Lately- the fact is that many games, as well as programs associated with them, require that the folder in which they are located have a name consisting exclusively of letters of the Latin alphabet. Since most games use the My Documents folder on drive C to save saves, you will need to either rename it, which will require administrator rights, or create and redirect saves there. So now you know not only why GTA 5 crashes on startup, but also how to solve this problem in a specific case. Unfortunately, this is not the only case, and further we will look at other known errors that prevent gamers from enjoying their gaming experience.

BEX64 error

Very often the BEX64 error appears, and GTA 5 crashes on startup. The pirate most often makes users suffer with this problem, and you can solve it by editing your registry operating system. This is not the most complex action, however, any changes to the registry can negatively affect the operation of your computer, so you should only take this risk if you are one hundred percent confident in your abilities. But it will be much easier to download the necessary fix from the Internet, which will replace your existing launcher with a cracked one, and in the end you will get the result you need without putting your computer in danger. However, this is only one of the many reasons why GTA 5 crashes on startup. What should you do if you experience any of the other errors? Now you will find out.

Video card problem

If you get an error when starting GTA 5, then it is much easier to solve this problem, because you clearly know the text of the error and can determine from it what exactly is wrong: on your own or using the Internet. But what if you try to launch the game, it starts to load - and immediately closes, without telling you anything about what exactly happened. It was experimentally determined that in the case of GTA 5 the problem is poor compatibility of the video card. This problem is solved in a rather strange way - you need to disable the video card through the device manager, launch the game, and then immediately turn the video card back on. Most often, GTA 5 crashes in this way when launched on a laptop, so you’d better use a full-fledged gaming computer, since laptops in most cases are not designed to run advanced games.

Low memory

Lack of memory is another reason why GTA 5 crashes at startup. The pirated version is susceptible to this problem to the same extent as the licensed version, since the problem here is that yours is not large enough. You need to increase its size - best of all, immediately to the maximum that the hard drive capacity can allow you.

Error Connection to Download server lost

Another common error appears with the text Connection to Download server lost. To solve this problem, you should not understand the details, as they may be too complex for you. It’s better to immediately proceed to proven actions - find a file like x64(*) .rpf in the game folder. par (the asterisk can be any letter), create a backup copy of it, then delete it, and then start the game again. As you can see, you don’t always need to know why GTA 5 crashes immediately after launch - sometimes it’s enough just to use a ready-made solution.

Missing .dll files

Very often, problems with this game arise due to the fact that you are missing a specific .dll file - it could simply be damaged, not install, it could be deleted by an antivirus, and so on. Luckily the title missing file You can always find errors in the text, so you just need to download it and place it in the game folder - this process can be greatly simplified special programs, designed to replenish lost .dll files.

After purchasing GTA 5, many users encountered various problems and mistakes. The game does not start, a notification pops up indicating that a file is missing, etc. On this page we present you solutions to the most popular problems in GTA 5.

First of all, Make sure your computer meets all the minimum system requirements for the game. So you will discard the most common problem users - inconsistency of characteristics. - this is comparative a new game, which does not have good optimization, so weak computers she won't go.

Errors and solutions

One of the most common mistakes when installing the game it is "ERROR _NO_ LAUNCHER". It appears only for users pirated version and means the launcher application (3dmgame.dll) is missing. Usually, this file is blocked by an antivirus, so the solution is quite banal - turn off the antivirus and download 3dmgame.dll again.

Social Club error- the second most popular problem among players. When you try to start GTA, a notification appears on the monitor screen that is directly or indirectly related to " social club". To make the error disappear, you just need to reinstall "Social Club", while enabling administrator rights.

If you have textures disappear- this indicates that the computer needs RAM (or problems with the graphics chipset). The solution to this problem is simple - you need to go to the Task Manager and set the game process (GTAV.EXE) to high priority.

If an error appears on the screen "Directx 9 initialization is not possible", then you have an outdated version of directx. Try it install directx 11 and restart the game again. There may also be a problem with steam client. It just needs to be reinstalled for the notification to disappear.

Error "Err gfx d3dinit. The program has stopped working." and others like her are also associated with directx. On the video card AMD game will not display correctly when install directx 11 (too many fancy functions that eat up additional video resources). For GTA 5 on AMD video cards directx 10 is perfect.

Most often this happens due to the use of Russian letters in the account Windows entries. The simplest solution is create a new account without Cyrillic.

"Error calling zlib. Reinstall the application or reboot the system"- this is one of those few cases when you should listen to the program’s advice and reinstall the GTA V game. Most likely, the problem lies in damage to some files. You can try to fix errors using the disk or just enter into command line(commandline.txt) verify parameter.

To resolve the error "Err gen invalid" you will have to spend a lot of time. Usually, when it appears, the game crashes and will not start again. There is only one solution - download the OpenIV application and follow the instructions to try to remove the error.

"Error starting application 0xc000007b"- means that your computer has problems with the operating system, or more precisely, with the video card drivers. This leads to an obvious solution - update drivers and restart PC. You can also try reinstalling DirectX. It is likely that the problem will go away.

"ERR_SYS_INVALIDRESOURCE_5" or "Game data is corrupted". A common mistake the only solution to which is complete removal games(you can leave saves). Then simply download the game again and the error disappears.

"Error code 202" means you have an outdated version of Social Club installed. To resolve the error, update Social Club.

If the message appears on the monitor screen "Fatal error, please restart Grand Theft Auto V", no matter how sad it may sound, a reboot will not help here. This message occurs only in cases where the operating system lacks any components. They can be downloaded using the winSDK package (located on the official Windows website).

The game crashes when launching the application, and on the screen "error 0xc0000142". A common mistake among Windows users 8, which occurs if one of the required system files damaged. There can be many solutions: restarting the computer, fixing compatibility, running as administrator, DirectX update etc.

Error while accessing memory. Just transfer the game to another drive.

bex64 error- another popular problem among gta 5 users related to the launcher. To solve it you just need change account name to English.

Mechset.ini- problem with one of the files. First you need to check if there is a checkmark next to "read only" on the Mechset.ini file. Next, simply launch the game as administrator.

One of those errors, the solution to which the developers themselves helped to find, is "Appcrash". There is one way out of the situation - reinstalling the client with complete or partial removal of old graphics settings. Of course, you can suffer for a long time with disk defragmentation or reinstalling Directx, but there is simply no guarantee that this will work, because in 80% of cases, only complete removal and reset of settings helps.

"Launcher error code 115". It only appears in the licensed version of the game grand theft auto 5. You just need reinstall steam and the problem will disappear.

Sometimes, during the installation of the game, the screen appears error code 16. It is linked to the Social Club client and has a very simple solution. Necessary download the game launcher from the official website of the studio, having previously updated directX version. After this, the problem should disappear.

Error 201(problem with social club services) occurs among many users of the licensed version of Grand Theft Auto V online. To solve it you need update Social Club.

Component transfer error appears when files on the disk are damaged. It is impossible to restore the disk, but you can use the activation code and download licensed version games for free.

Isdone dll error when installing gta 5 indicates absence software components. The WinSDK update package will solve the problem. It can be downloaded from the official Windows website.

msvcr100.dll file error. "msvcr100.dll" is a component of the Visual C++ library, so to solve the problem you need to update it. You should not download this file from third party resources, because There is a risk of contracting a virus that is dangerous to the operating system.

WerFault.exe is a program that sends operating system error reports to servers. Sometimes, it consumes too much memory. If you see the "WerFault.exe" application error on your screen, don't hesitate go to "Services" and disable the service of the same name.

Bonus for solving GTA 5 errors

Now that we have sorted out and successfully overcome all the errors that arise along your gaming path, you are entitled to one very significant bonus. Each mission is filled with vivid impressions of the storyline. And cool cars help to increase your adrenaline level.

31-03-2017, 19:59