Microsoft edge browser does not work. Solving problems in Windows: launching Microsoft Edge

Having trouble launching Microsoft Edge? The browser freezes on startup and the application cannot be opened at all. Why did this suddenly happen and how can I get rid of this problem?

In this article, you will find out what was the reason why the Microsoft Edge web browser does not work in Windows 10.

Why is there an error when launching Edge?

Microsoft's browser has not yet grown out of childhood and still has many annoying bugs. Not to mention the lack of basic features and problems with extensions. One of the latest errors that occurs in this program is a problem with the launch of Edge itself. The problem affects Windows 10 build 14942 and later. If you have recently been unable to launch Microsoft Edge in Windows 10, or if it suddenly stopped working, then the problem may have occurred after a system update.

On the forums, users indicate that after updating to build 14942 or later, Microsoft Edge does not launch. This problem is primarily encountered by Windows 10 users who are members of the Microsoft Insider program, but not only. What to do if an error occurs due to which it stops working properly.


To fix this problem, we will use the Registry Editor. To run it, enter “regedit” in the Start menu search bar, and then right-click on the result found and run it as administrator.

In the Registry Editor window that opens, go to the following path:

Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppContainer\Storage\microsoft.microsoftedge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\Children

Then open the found directory, right-click on the subdirectory and select “Delete” from the context menu. The first subfolder should be called "001", or something like that. There may be other subfolders in the Children directory (for example, "002", "003", etc.) that need to be deleted this way.

Important! When performing this operation, be careful not to accidentally delete the Children folder, otherwise deleting it may cause more serious problems with Edge. Delete only subdirectories with numbers.

After deleting the subfolders, move on to the next step. Close the Registry Editor window on your computer, then exit the browser if it is running and then restart the operating system. After restarting the computer, you need to check if everything is working correctly. The browser should now launch without any problems on your Windows 10 computer.

The method discussed above works and fixes problems with Microsoft Edge, primarily on build 14942, but should also be effective on later versions of the Ten. If Microsoft Edge still does not open or crashes on startup, then the cause may be other malfunctions - then it is better to describe your errors in the comments.

In the event that when using a new browser MicrosoftEdge in Windows 10, problems are observed (the browser crashes, does not start, slows down, produces some errors, etc.) that interfere with the user’s normal work, you can try resetting its settings and current state. MS Edge in Windows 10 (like IE in previous versions of Windows) is part of the system and cannot be completely uninstalled or reinstalled. The main method of restoring its functionality is cleaning and resetting its parameters and state.

There are two ways to reset the Edge browser: soft(resetting the current user settings made during his work) and hard reset(restore the browser to its original clean system state). Before proceeding with the reset, make sure that the problem is specific to the browser and not to one specific site.

Important! Both methods described below will completely delete all user data in Edge, including bookmarks, lists of favorite sites, web form data, saved passwords, etc. Therefore, make sure to save important data first.

Soft reset Microsoft Edge

If the browser still launches, first try performing a soft reset of Microsoft Edge using the built-in tools.

Hard reset Edge using PowerShell

If the previous method did not help, try a more radical method of resetting MS Edge settings.

To do this, first of all you need to clear the contents of the C:\Users\ directory %username% \AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe, which stores the user's browser settings.

where %username% is your account name.

Cleanup can be done manually, or (preferably) from a PowerShell prompt running with administrator rights (Edge must be closed):

remove-item $env:localappdata\Packages\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\* -recurse -Force 2>$null

This command recursively clears the contents of the localappdata\Packages\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\ directory in the current user's profile.

Then install the default copy of the browser from local storage:

Get-AppXPackage -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml" -Verbose)

Restart Windows 10 and check that Edge is working.

It happens that you turn on your Windows 10 PC and realize that Microsoft Edge does not work. First thought: thank God, now you can use other browsers. Unless, of course, you are a schoolboy whose dad and mom forbade him to do this through. It should be noted here that the Edge browser is an integral part of the OS. It cannot be removed by any means. If you just delete the entire folder directly from Explorer, assigning the necessary rights to yourself.

Yes, Edge is not easy to take down. But stop it from starting - please! Sometimes an error window appears, in other cases absolutely nothing happens. Generally speaking, Edge transmits a large amount of information to the server. This is the so-called telemetry collected from each PC. This is the reason why the hard drive is constantly working, it also loads the network.

System File Checker (not working)

We specifically removed the browser and will now see if the tools recommended by the community will help. In the first place is the advice to restore system files with the sfc command.

Did not help…

Create a new account (work)

As often happens, the problem was solved by the one who asked the question. Here's what he writes on the Microsoft Answers site.

All that remains is to check this advice. Let’s immediately create a new local account with admin rights and see what happens.

There is no result... You cannot always believe what is written on the official website. However... to our surprise, after rebooting Edge started working under the new account. Now let's see what's going on underneath what we've recreated. We see again “Hello Andrey” (I. Allegrova), then the user’s split personality, and...

Our browser has already registered in three places and is working again. The user actually solved his problem without reinstalling dozens (as he was advised).

Use this method to your health, but do not accidentally destroy your files stored on the desktop and in user folders.

Reinstallation (not working)

Don't worry about how to reinstall Microsoft Edge, because this path leads to nowhere. Internet Explorer, which is stored in Program Files when opened for the first time, is said to offer a “try Edge” option. Without hesitation, we will show readers where this leads.

Via PowerShell (not working)

A number of resources have copied old instructions (even before 1511) for restoring system packages via PowerShell. According to our information, the method under the anniversary version does not work. Therefore, we will not consider it in detail.

Which method should I choose?

Now that the browser is already working, you can look at such advice with a smile, but when you have to open page after page and leaf through stupid guides, this leads to confusion. Few people managed, for example, to cope with such a problem: you turn on the laptop, and there is a blue screen. And it says: The Boot Configuration Data for your PC is missing or contains errors. And ten did it. One moment it was a healthy PC, now it doesn’t even open the desktop. No wonder so many people abroad prefer Apple.

So be careful when using this product and go off the beaten path. Don't be foolish because you couldn't open that page or visit that site from under your beloved Edge. The only solution found to solve the problem is given above.

Any new products in the world of digital technology have some flaws, and if we are talking about such complex software as an operating system, then one cannot do without the difficulties that arise in it. The new Microsoft Windows 10 includes the Edge browser, which is also a new product in its segment. Microsoft has announced that Edge will replace Explorer. Indeed, the browser is very functional and fast, but users often have problems launching it.

Microsoft Edge will replace Internet Explorer

The main reason for instability is in youth. There are many errors in the browser code that interfere with normal operation, so sometimes Microsoft Edge does not start, because even old programs are not without flaws; sometimes certain errors appear in their performance. But Edge has only just announced itself, and the creators of Windows 10 did not have the opportunity to prevent some deviations in its functioning.

However, the launch problem is completely solvable, and users can get things working on their own, without involving specialists. Here are a few tricks that improve the performance of Edge, allowing it to launch faster. But our advice is primarily aimed at experienced users. If you are new to working with programs, Microsoft Edge does not launch in Windows 10, and you decide to fix the situation yourself without turning to specialists, then create a restore point first so as not to lose all your data in Windows 10 and the browser completely.

Sometimes Microsoft Edge does not work in Windows 10 if a lot of garbage has accumulated during operation, which greatly delays the launch of the program. Garbage can be outdated information stored in different places:

  • log of visited pages;
  • cookie;
  • download history;
  • cache of pages downloaded while browsing the Internet;
  • a list of web addresses you enter.

There are two ways to clean up debris.

Cleaning in the browser itself

Open Edge, click on the button at the top right - “Advanced”. Select “Options” there, a window will open in which you will find the words “Clear browsing data” and under it a button that allows you to select what exactly to clear on your computer. Check the box next to all cleaning items except “Form Data” and “Passwords”. Click on "Clear". After deletion, browser performance will return.

External cleaning

If the browser does not start or is unstable, you can clean it using the CCleaner utility. A software product from Piriform Ltd will help remove debris. After activating the utility, you will immediately be taken to a window in which you can select what exactly will be cleaned. Here you can immediately clean other browsers you use. If the browser still works intermittently, then you need to completely update it. How to do this, read below.

Create a new account

If clearing garbage does not solve the loading problem, try another method that restores full functionality of the browser. You need to create a new account, then Edge will remain the same, but its settings will be completely reset. You will receive a completely clean browser, the same as it was when you first installed it with Windows 10. To do this, follow the step-by-step instructions.

  • Go to “Options” (under the “Advanced” button in the top right corner).
  • Find the “Account Settings” link there and open the settings window through it.
  • Next, click on “Family and other users”, then “Add user”.
  • To avoid having to reinvent your email and phone number, click “I don’t have this person’s login information.”
  • Skip the offers to create an account online.
  • Select "Add a user without a Microsoft account".
  • A window will open, enter the required information for the user.

You have created one more user, the browser on his record will be completely updated, without all kinds of information that is in your history and without settings. The performance of the browser will be accelerated, since nothing interferes with its loading.

PowerShell Console

The third way to get Edge working is through the PowerShell console. For example, when creating an online account for a new user, the problem with the browser will be solved just as effectively as in the method described above, but all system settings will remain on your first account, and to reinstall the browser you will need a console from it.

  • To launch the console in Windows 10 as an administrator, call the search engine by pressing WIN+Q.
  • Type in the search data line.
  • Right-click on the search result and in the menu that appears after that, activate run as administrator.
  • In the console, enter the command “cd C:\Users\username”.

When the command is typed, Edge will be reinstalled, therefore, it will start quickly, as it did when the system booted.

Removing the directory responsible for settings

Another option to solve the problem when Microsoft Edge does not open is to reinstall it by deleting the directory responsible for the program settings - “Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe”. This directory is systemically protected from deletion, so you will have to use the Unlocker utility, which can delete any directory from Windows 10.

  • Find the directory through Explorer by following the address “C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Packages”.
  • Call the utility by right-clicking on the directory to be deleted.
  • Restart your PC.

The browser will be reinstalled and its performance will improve.

Using Alternative Browsers

We can also advise you, if you have problems and Microsoft Edge crashes at startup, to simply use alternative browsers. It will take many years until Microsoft fine-tunes the browser and brings it to an ideal state. Today's popular Google Chrome browser, developed on its own engine, supports the latest Internet technologies, works stably, is constantly updated, while bugs are corrected and various functions are added. The same can be said about the Mozilla Firefox browser. Both of these browsers have many extensions that increase their functionality.

Perhaps in the near future, Microsoft Edge will become stable, but in the meantime, sometimes you have to reinstall it or clean it up to speed up its performance. Follow our recommendations and you will get your browser working properly, or use alternative programs while Edge is improved and stabilized.

The new Microsoft Edge browser works without any problems, but it suffers from bugs, which are mostly due to its immaturity. If you're experiencing sudden crashes, slow performance, or Edge simply won't launch, you can try to resolve any of these issues by reinstalling the browser.

Many Windows 10 users have already become familiar with the procedure using PowerShell. Unfortunately, this option doesn't work with Edge because the browser is directly part of the operating system. Additionally, unlike Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge settings cannot be reset to default. More precisely, you can reset the browser, but for this you will have to work manually and again turn to the PowerShell console for help.

Before you begin, follow the recommendations below (if none of this helps, then proceed to reinstall the browser):

Open Edge settings and clear your browser data (cookies, cache, history, etc.). Check if this solved your problem.

If Edge crashes or freezes, switch to a local profile from your Microsoft account or vice versa. Check if this solved your problem.

Create a new user account. In this case, the browser will be available in a fresh state.

Reinstalling Microsoft Edge

ATTENTION| The procedure is intended for experienced users; The blog author does not bear any responsibility for any possible damage. Before you begin, create a system restore point. Also keep in mind that you may lose your favorite sites as well as your browsing history.

1. Quit Microsoft Edge if it's running.

2. Open File Explorer and go to C:\Users\Your Username\AppData\Local\Packages

3. Find the folder Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe and delete it. This folder is protected and unless you make yourself the owner, you will not be able to delete it. To simplify this process, you can use a free utility. Install the program, right-click on the folder, and select “Gain access/Restore rights” in the context menu. Wait until a confirmation window appears with the text “Full access to the file/folder has been obtained,” and then delete the Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe folder as usual.

4. Restart your computer.

5. Launch PowerShell with administrator rights.

6. Type the following command and press Enter:

cd C:\Users\Your username

7. Finally, type this command and press Enter:

Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml" -Verbose)

The command initiates a browser reinstallation. If the operation is successful, you will see the following screen:

8. Restart your computer again.

The browser should now start working without any problems.

Did you manage to solve your problem? Tell us in the comments.

Have a great day!