How to edit an old post on VK. How to edit a post on VK if it’s no longer possible

    If you made a post on your wall on a social network In contact with and it didn’t turn out the way it was intended, then you can still fix it. The site developers have given you a full 24 hours to correct errors and make changes. To do this, move your mouse cursor to the upper right corner of the entry and a pencil icon will appear there, by clicking on which you can start editing your entry. But if the day has passed since the entry was added to the wall, then you can only delete it and rewrite it again. The same goes for comments. They can also be altered and improved in every possible way only within twenty-four hours.

    You can edit your posts on the VKontakte wall.

    After all, it happens that I was in a hurry when writing or did not add a photo or something else, and the writing on the wall turned out to be ugly and incomplete. Then it can be edited.

    To do this, if the entry was made today or yesterday, you just need to click on edit in the upper right corner, make changes to the entry on the VKontakte wall and save them.

    Entries that are more than 24 hours old cannot be edited. But they can be deleted and created in a new way by editing them.

    Entries can now definitely be edited within 24 hours - just yesterday I was faced with the need to edit an entry, 23-odd hours have passed since its creation. I thought that I would have to delete it and write it again, but the editing was successful :)

    And this is quite easy to do - hover your mouse over the post or comment you want to correct, click on the pencil in the upper right corner and a text editing window will open.

    As far as I know, now you have 24 hours to edit posts on your VKontakte wall. The user has the same amount of time if he wants to edit his comments.

    Previously, this time was an hour, then four hours, and now it is a day. But, from my own experience, I know that this is still not enough, given that you have removed the notes and now have some of your own thoughts, articles, etc. (which often needs to be edited) you have to just hang it on the wall just like any other recordings.

    This is not a problem, pay attention to the upper right corner of the window, you will see a pencil icon there, click on it and edit.

    This operation can be performed within 24 hours; after this time, editing is not possible.

    To edit a VKontakte entry, you need to hover your mouse over the pencil icon in the upper right corner of the entry (circled in red in the figure). If a post has been reposted, you can edit this message only within 3 hours from that moment.

    Edit a post on a VKontakte wall possible only in the first 24 hours from the date of publication of the entry. After this, editing the VKontakte entry is impossible. How to edit a VKontakte post? Very simple. You may not have noticed, but in the very top right corner of this post there is this subtle pencil icon. It appears when you hover over a recording field. Gradually becomes visible and bright. You click on it and a text field will become available to you in which you can change a post on the VKontakte wall. This is very convenient, especially if the information changes (for example, news). When you have changed the text or made other changes, do not forget to click on the save button, which will be at the bottom.

    The function of editing a post on a VKontakte wall is simple. You need to move the cursor to the message; above the message, the cursor will show a pencil. This is the ability to edit the text of the entry. Unfortunately, I was not able to use this function, so I just have to take my word for it.

    On the VKontakte site it says that you can edit within 24 hours, on another site it says within 4 hours. But the point is the same, the sooner the better.

    In the upper right corner above the message, when you hover the mouse cursor, two icons appear, one of which (in the form of a pencil) is used to edit the message.

    At the same time, it should be noted that the ability to edit is only valid for three hours from the moment of publication.

    Editing a post on the VKontakte wall after it has been posted is allowed within twenty-four hours from the moment the posts are published; this is quite convenient, since when you have time to correct posts, communication is better and emotions and thoughts are expressed more correctly.

Is it possible to make amendments to VKontakte entries or, conversely, why can’t you edit contact entries? The page owner has this opportunity, but certain conditions must be met.

How to edit a VKontakte post on a wall or why you can’t edit a VK post

The user of the VKontakte page needs to remember the “24 hours” rule. The administrators of the social network have set a deadline during which the author of a post on the VKontakte wall can make any changes to a previously published post. A little earlier, such a time limit was only 1 hour, then – 4 hours. Today, the owner of the page can edit the entry within 24 hours.

To make corrections, you need to find the icon at the top right, indicated by the symbol of a small pencil. When you hover over the icon, a pop-up editing window will open, in which you can do anything - change the content, add or delete posted text. After finishing the editing session, just save the changed post, and it will appear in an updated form on the wall.

If the author of an entry does not remember the specific time of publication, then just look at it carefully - after a day has passed after publication, the editing icon (pencil) disappears. The only way out in this situation is to completely delete the post by clicking on the cross on the right and posting a new post.

Ordinary members of the VKontakte group, who are not administrators or moderators of the community, can publish posts on the wall in groups, suggest and post news, and leave comments under published posts. If you need to change the published information, it is advisable to use the editing function.

Editing an entry in a VKontakte group is possible only within 1 day from the date of publication. If the entry is not yet out of date, then to make corrections you need to find and click the pencil icon. In the window that opens, you can correct the text that appears, add or delete pictures and photographs. Once editing is complete, you should save the changed entry.

Commenting on published posts and photographs is the right of each group member. If, after publishing a comment, its author wants to add or completely change the content of the entry, he will have to hurry. The system gives only 4 hours to edit a previously published comment.

The short duration of the period during which changes to answers and comments are available is most likely due to the fact that over a longer period the logical connection of the correspondence and the relevance of the comment itself will be lost.

It is possible to change entries made on the wall and in the VKontakte public page. But in order not to track the time during which you edit what you have written, it is better to clearly and consistently express your thoughts during the initial publication, and take your time. Then the need to change posted posts and comments will no longer be necessary.

Tags: Advanced

Sometimes there is a situation when you created a post on a VKontakte wall (this could be a wall on your page, a wall on your friend’s page, or a wall in a community), and suddenly you discovered an error that needs to be corrected, or you want to add to the post. In other words, you need to edit the post on the VKontakte wall.

Answering the question of how to edit an old VKontakte post on a wall, you can offer two options. Which one is most suitable for you, choose for yourself. There is one subtlety here related to how much time has passed since the start of the publication of the entry.

1. If no more than 24 hours have passed since the creation of the post, then editing the post on the VKontakte wall is very simple. For one day, a pencil icon will be visible in the upper right corner of your post. If you hover your cursor over this icon, an “edit” pop-up window will appear. You just need to click on the icon and you can easily edit your post on the VKontakte wall. Please remember that this feature is only available for 24 hours from the time you create the post.

2. If you discover an error in your publication later than one day later, then it is no longer possible to edit the entry. There is only one way out. You can completely delete your post from the wall and then create a new post, only without errors.

The situation with editing comments on walls is almost the same. The only difference is that you can edit comments on the wall only within the first four hours after publication.

You may ask why it is done so inconveniently. Why can't I edit my own posts at any time? This was done, obviously, so that when changes are made to the records, the logical meaning of the entire correspondence is not lost. The same thing, however, is done on some forums.

How to edit posts on a VKontakte wall?

VK has a so-called wall on which the user can add a wide variety of material. For example, he can publish some photo or even an article. Question - how to edit such a record?

Changing a post on a user's wall

In fact, everything is simple - to edit your post, you need to hover the mouse arrow over the entry, after which several icons will appear in the upper right corner, one of which looks like a pencil. Click on it and a form for editing the post will appear.

Here's what it looks like:

After you make your changes, don't forget to save them.

What if the pencil doesn't appear when you hover your mouse over a post? This means that 24 hours have passed, during which you can edit the post (the rule is valid at the time of writing) and you will not be able to change it, only delete it.

Changing a post on a VKontakte group wall

If you want to edit a post in your community, you need to do the same thing, so we won’t repeat it.

Even the time interval for editing a post is exactly the same - 24 hours.

How to edit an old VK post? - In contact with

The recordings are already about 2 months old. I noticed an error, I can’t sleep peacefully while this error exists and is an eyesore. I know that the easiest way is to delete the entry and create a new one without the error, but I don’t want to do that. Recommend some program or something, please?

no way or write in TP

Post edited by Alanamana: 05/21/2017 - 12:15

there seems to be no such thing there, 1-2 days pass and you can’t edit everything, ask the TP, they can come up with ideas)

ask the TP they can give you some ideas)

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I asked once, they said it’s impossible, sorry

Yes, they can do everything, they just don’t want to, they have exactly this, they can do it inside the code, they’re just too lazy most likely)

Why can't I edit contact entries?

How to edit a VKontakte post on a wall or why you can’t edit a VK post

The user of the VKontakte page needs to remember the “24 hours” rule. The administrators of the social network have set a deadline during which the author of a post on the VKontakte wall can make any changes to a previously published post. A little earlier, such a time limit was only 1 hour, then – 4 hours. Today, the owner of the page can edit the entry within 24 hours.
To make corrections, you need to find the icon at the top right, indicated by the symbol of a small pencil. When you hover over the icon, a pop-up editing window will open, in which you can do anything - change the content, add or delete posted text. After finishing the editing session, just save the changed post, and it will appear in an updated form on the wall.

If the author of an entry does not remember the specific time of publication, then just look at it carefully - after a day has passed after publication, the editing icon (pencil) disappears. The only way out in this situation is to completely delete the post by clicking on the cross on the right and posting a new post.

Post in a group: can its content be changed? Why can’t I edit a post on VKontakte?

Ordinary members of the VKontakte group, who are not administrators or moderators of the community, can publish posts on the wall in groups, suggest and post news, and leave comments under published posts. If you need to change the published information, it is advisable to use the editing function.

Editing an entry in a VKontakte group is possible only within 1 day from the date of publication. If the entry is not yet out of date, then to make corrections you need to find and click the pencil icon. In the window that opens, you can correct the text that appears, add or delete pictures and photographs. Once editing is complete, you should save the changed entry.

Is it possible to make amendments to VKontakte entries or, conversely, why can't you edit contact entries?? The page owner has this opportunity, but certain conditions must be met.

How to edit a VKontakte post on a wall or why you can’t edit a VK post

The user of the VKontakte page needs to remember the “24 hours” rule. The administrators of the social network have set a deadline during which the author of a post on the VKontakte wall can make any changes to a previously published post. A little earlier, such a time limit was only 1 hour, then - 4 hours. Today, the owner of the page can edit the entry within 24 hours.

To make corrections, you need to find the icon at the top right, indicated by the symbol of a small pencil. When you hover the cursor over the icon, it will open, in which you can do anything - change the content, add or delete posted text. After finishing the editing session, just save the changed post, and it will appear in an updated form on the wall.

If the author of an entry does not remember the specific time of publication, then just look at it carefully - after a day has passed after publication, the editing icon (pencil) disappears. The only way out in this situation is to completely delete the post by clicking on the cross on the right and posting a new post.

Post in a group: can its content be changed? Why can’t I edit a post on VKontakte?

Ordinary members of the VKontakte group, who are not administrators or moderators of the community, can publish posts on the wall in groups, suggest and post news, and leave comments under published posts. If you need to change the published information, it is advisable to use the editing function.

Editing an entry in a VKontakte group is possible only within 1 day from the date of publication. If the entry is not yet out of date, then to make corrections you need to find and. In the window that opens, you can correct the text that appears, add or delete pictures and photographs. Once editing is complete, you should save the changed entry.

If a post has been reposted, you can edit this message only within 3 hours from that moment. Secrets of VKontakte / vkontakte 29 queries. Today we will tell and show you how to leave pinned posts. A pinned VKontakte post appears above the wall in a group (or public page), instead of a description.

As far as I know, now you have 24 hours to edit posts on your VKontakte wall. The user has the same amount of time if he wants to edit his comments. To edit a VKontakte entry, you need to hover your mouse over the pencil icon in the upper right corner of the entry (circled in red in the figure).

After all, it happens that I was in a hurry when writing or did not add a photo or something else, and the writing on the wall turned out to be ugly and incomplete. Entries that are more than 24 hours old cannot be edited. Answering the question of how to edit an old VKontakte post on a wall, we can offer two options.

Any post after publication can be edited within 24 hours. Those. you have 24 hours to fix it! First, you need to find the post you want to edit. Once the necessary changes have been made to the body of the post, you need to click on the “save” button. The same applies not only to groups or public pages, but also to a regular wall (microblog) of users. You can edit your entries only for 24 hours, then this opportunity disappears.

In order to be able to submit this form, you need to enable JavaScript in your browser settings. Hover your mouse over the right corner of the post and click on the corresponding pencil icon, which actually indicates the editing process.

You can edit a post in a group, as well as on your own wall, only within 24 hours from the moment it is posted. I would also like to note that in order to make the promotion of a group as effective as possible, we must not forget to replenish it with edited and fresh posts. Adding members to a group means increasing the number of subscribers to your group through mutual exchange on our service.

Thus, it turns out that any post will be seen not only by the user who made the repost, but also by all his friends. So, you have created a group, added an interesting description, a bright, attractive picture as the main one. The more interesting content you have, the better. Add thematic photos to the album, you can find videos on the topic and add them to your videos. All the main settings for your “virtual hobby club” are located in the “Community Management” section in the menu under the main picture on the right.

How to change a post on the VKontakte wall

You can write posts on your VKontakte wall yourself, or you can order them from professional copywriters if you have a commercial project. You can allow participants to post on the wall, but in this case you may face an invasion of spammers, especially if the promotion is successful.

Editing comments in contact

Ideally, you should give the opportunity to post on the wall and comment, but often moderate it, removing spam and other “unnecessary things”. Member rights can be configured in the “Information” tab in “Community Management”. Here you can create any atmosphere you want, everything will depend on the nature of the topics for discussion in the community.

From today you can edit your comments in contact, and not just delete them. Editing a comment is available for four hours after it is published. Administrators of groups and public pages in a contact can edit comments left by other administrators on behalf of the community.

To edit a comment left on a wall in a contact, you need to click on the pencil icon in the upper right corner of the comment or click on the “Edit” inscription at the bottom of the message. Many moderators and administrators of VKontakte communities are interested in the issue of assigning posts to a group. Pinned posts are an excellent tool for advertising all kinds of events, promotions and competitions.

A pinned post displays the number of likes and reposts, but comments are hidden. In order to read them, you must click on the entry. In this case, all comments left will be visible.

Some of our clients ask how they can edit the content of VKontakte groups. Such a function as pinning an entry in VK appeared relatively recently, but has already successfully become popular among many users.

Now absolutely any post published on the wall will always be below the pinned one! If you try to pin another entry in the same way, the previous one will be unpinned automatically. To unpin manually, open the post and click on “Unpin” (there will be “Pin” in place).

At any time you can unpin a post and it will appear on the community wall again. In September, VKontakte added the ability to edit your posts that you left on your wall or on the walls of friends and communities. The situation with editing comments on walls is almost the same.