Famous nicknames for Instagram. What username should a guy and a girl come up with on Instagram?

The reserves of nicknames, various names and surnames of users are constantly replenished. Almost every page has a creative first and last name with a special set of characters. And now you are also interested in changing your usual, familiar surname, but you don’t know at all which option is better. There are a lot of examples of usernames on Instagram, Twitter and other social networks. It's time to meet some of them or create your own unique nickname!

Username and nickname: is there a difference?

First you need to figure out whether you want to create an account with a fictitious nickname or add your real name.

  1. Username. This is the address of your page, as well as its business card. It is seen by other users when they need to get to the selected tab. It occupies the second line of the profile when opening edit mode, next to the “person” icon.
  2. Nickname. Your short name. It is indicated in the profile and is located on the first line, next to the “badge” icon.

Nick on Instagram: why invent it?

When choosing your real name, the following problem may arise: it will not work because it is taken by another user. All this is due to the large number of registered users on Instagram. Therefore, users often have thoughts about changing their original name or registering a modified nickname.

In any case, if you are registered under your own name, you can always change it.

What does a nickname affect?

The username on Instagram, for example, in English, influences and indicates:

  • Search indexing.
  • Influx of audience or clients.
  • Occupation.
  • Opportunities and abilities.
  • Individuality and uniqueness of a blog, commercial organization, etc.

How to come up with a unique nickname?

To come up with your own individual nickname, you need to understand why you are creating an account on Instagram and what area it will be associated with in the future. For example: you can create an account that talks about your creativity, clothing brands or selling goods. Be sure to think about the thematic features of your account before creating it. When choosing a nickname, you should take this important feature into account!

When creating an account as a commercial entity, do not forget that your Instagram username is a future example for review. To put it simply, they will use it, and in this case, the nickname is an individual feature. You can select a unique account name in this way:

  1. Take a real nickname for your store or organization.
  2. Add absolutely any continuation to your Instagram username in English: Best_; Shop/. The list does not end there; words can be changed to ones of the same root or similar in meaning.

If you do not plan to develop as a commercial person and are going to use an account in the form of a blog or page for art, then when creating a username, try to follow the following rules:

  1. Come up with an interesting name. It can be consonant, simple to rhyme, or unusual.
  2. When choosing a name, think of one that people associate with you. If friends or colleagues exchange information that somehow affects your nickname, they will have thoughts about you.
  3. You must choose an account name that matches its theme.

How to choose a username?

When choosing a nickname, you must be guided by the following tactics:

  • Find all interpretations of your name or title that will be indicated in your profile.
  • After successfully selecting 2-8 options, substitute them for the user account. During operation, you can modify them as you like, add special characters and numbers.

It is worth noting that there is another interesting way to change the user name on Instagram, an example of which is presented below:

1. Take your real name or a fictitious one. Now we need to find interesting sequels to it. For example: Veronica_beautiful_girl; Veronica_smack, etc.

2. Now translate the selected options into English. Add special characters that are allowed for use in a nickname on the Instagram social network - underscore, dot and numbers.

3. The name can also be changed. For example: Veronica - Vika - Nika - Vicky. After that, translate it back into English. Oddly enough, nicknames in a foreign language are more popular.

Username on Instagram - examples for girls

If for some reason you want to take a nickname from the ones you already have, then you should familiarize yourself with other name options. They are suitable for females, regardless of age.

After the bottom dash, insert a combination of numbers, letters or special characters. This is necessary in order to register a nickname. There is a high probability that the selected username is already taken by another person.

Username on Instagram - examples for guys

The next step is to choose nicknames for the guys. It is also varied:

As with female nicknames, it would be wise to follow the underscore with some combination of letters, numbers or special characters.

Username on Instagram - unusual combinations

There are also universal Instagram usernames for girls. Examples of such names are presented below:

  • ჯ७რя५७;
  • βλyuЂλEηη@Я_√_Мℇchtў;
  • ̶S̶ch̶A̶s̶T̶l̶I̶v̶A̶ya̶;
  • λφЂนრลI;
  • 21vek;
  • 50% angel 50% devil;

They are quite interesting and unusual. At a minimum, you will want to look into such an account.


There are a variety of nicknames. When choosing, you should be guided by 2 main rules: what is the audience and the subject of the account.

You can use a nickname that was created by other users or create your own unique one.

Nicknames for Instagram for girls and how to come up with a successful option is a question that worries everyone who wants to join the army of users of the popular social network. A pseudonym is part of an image that helps to express oneself in the vastness of the virtual world. Therefore, you should pay special attention to creating a nickname and approach this activity seriously and thoughtfully.

Remember that your nickname will be visible to all subscribers and friends, you can be found by it in searches, and accordingly, this will also affect the influx of followers. The profile name will be displayed every time you add photos to your feed or story - be careful when selecting them responsibly. But if you don’t like the nickname later, you can change it at any time. The policy provides some restrictions on nicknames:

  • You can only use the Latin alphabet;
  • maximum length – 30 characters;
  • Space and ampersand (&) cannot be used. To separate words, it is convenient to use an underscore_ or a period (Anna.Belova);
  • nickname must be 100% unique;
  • It is prohibited to use function words (follow and similar).

The easiest way is to write your first and last name in Latin. If you are Nastya Smirnova, then it will look like AnastasiaSmirnova. But here’s the thing: such a nickname will almost 100% be taken. You can add variations in the form of the year of birth AnastasiaSmirnova1996 or any other number. Don't like numbers? Try to change your first or last name in an original way, for example StasyaSmirnova, NastenkaSmirnova, SmirnovaNastyuha, NastiSmirnoff, etc. There are many options, the main thing is to use creativity and not get hung up on the same idea. The advantage of such a nickname: you can be found quite easily and you definitely won’t forget your nickname. Disadvantage: the combination of first name + last name as a nickname is very common, so it’s unlikely to stand out from the crowd.

Even just a name is enough to create an original nickname:

Wonderful.Elena, ElenaPrekrasnaya, QueenLena, Lena_Kaluga, Lenka_Kolenka

Another common trick: turn any English noun into a verb (Travel-Traveler, Run-Runner, Love-Loving). Now we substitute our name to the resulting verb:

RunnerKat, Inna_traveler, Galya.Reader

The technique of writing a name backwards is often used, but such a nickname will not always sound euphonious - but it will definitely become unique.

What nickname can you come up with on Instagram for girls?

You shouldn’t choose complex nicknames for yourself - it won’t be easy to remember and pronounce it the first time. Think: what objects, movie/cartoon characters, game characters do you like best? What activities or activities bring you pleasure and are associated with your personality? A few statements that a girl’s Instagram nickname should correspond to:

  1. be memorable;
  2. be original;
  3. attract attention.

Most of the Insta world uses English to create a nickname. This is understandable, given that English is an international language, and the audience has already exceeded a billion users from different countries. Follow their example, or write Russian words in English transcription. This manner will attract audiences from other countries to your profile and can contribute to new interesting acquaintances. Keep in mind that you need to choose carefully to avoid awkward situations with translation.

Beautiful nicknames

  • Representatives of the fair sex are big lovers of sweets. If you are one of them, you can choose a cool and “tasty” nickname for yourself:
    SweetGirl (sweet girl), HoneyBun (honey bun), Sugar_shy (sugar shyness), bitter_chocolate (dark chocolate), MarshmallowCloud (marshmallow cloud), VanillaIceCream (vanilla ice cream).
  • If you are a big fan of your profession or main occupation, or have a favorite hobby, display it:
    Tireless_knitter (tireless knitter), loving_to_sew (who loves to sew), happy_mom (happy mother), BrilliantProgrammer (brilliant programmer), cheerful_cook (cheerful cook).
  • It is not necessary to use English, Italian, French, Spanish sound very nice
    Favorite_del_destino (favorite of fate), bella_bruna (beautiful brunette)
    loStraniero (stranger) aspettando_la_felicita (waiting for happiness).
  • A patriotic girl can express her love for her homeland in a pseudonym:
    Albina_tatarka, Lesya_Ukraine, Russian_Girl, Dagestanka.

Ideas for original nicknames

Your favorite heroines from books and fairy tales can become your companions in the virtual world:

Sveta_O'Hara, Masha.Belosnezhka, Rusalka_Alina, Germiona_from_Kazan.

Set a nickname consisting of numbers or letters that have special meaning to you. This could be your date of birth, the initial letters of your favorite expression, or simply the same repeated letters (v.v.v, C_C)
Do you want to seem like a sweet and gentle girl? Choose playful nicknames, but don't get carried away. SexyChika is more likely to repel and create the image of a frivolous simpleton than to attract the attention of the right person. Cool options:

KittyCat, fun_flower, pretty_Sophie, dreamer_white_blue_eyes.

If your imagination is a little tight, special nickname generator programs will come to the rescue. You need to enter the desired parameters (first and last name, or other significant words) and the application will give you a whole list of popular nicknames based on the request.

Whatever nickname you choose for the girl’s Instagram, the main thing is that you like it and do not cause rejection.

When registering on the Instagram network, many users wonder: what nickname to choose? How to come up with a worthy and unusual nickname that suits you? The name for Instagram should reflect the essence and image of the person running his page on the network, as well as be original and unlike other nicknames.

How to come up with a Nick or Name on Instagram

There are about a million registered users on Instagram, which in itself is a huge number of occupied nicknames. Therefore, when choosing a name for Instagram, you have to come up with quite complex phrases in order to come up with a cool nickname on Instagram that is not similar to the others.

When choosing a nickname, you need to rely on what your account will be like. Currently, accounts are created not only personal, that is, with a first and last name, but also business accounts to promote their stores, boutiques, companies and enterprises, YouTube channels, and cosmetic brands.

Therefore, before the user decides to choose this or that name for Instagram, it is important to decide on the topic of the account that he is creating.

Nickname of a store, company or business on Instagram

Registering an account to promote an enterprise, company or online store is quite simple; to create a nickname, you can select the name of the company itself, adding an original word that is in harmony with the name. The words can be anything, for example:

Luxury (luxury)

For example, an enterprise has the name firma, but this name firma.ru for registration is already occupied by another account; in such cases, when creating an account, you can add a new word Luxury.firma.ru to the name of the enterprise. You can use any variant of words, for example, Line, collection, etc.


A boutique with cosmetics, clothing, jewelry and costume jewelry may begin with the word boutique. For example: boutique.firma.ru. You can use Russian words with English spelling, etc.

You can choose words such as market, shop and everything related to stores and sales.

When choosing an original nickname for an Instagram account, all additional phrases and words must be written in English letters. It is also not forbidden to use special characters for a nickname. Symbols can be underscores, dots, and numbers.

For example:

"5. Luxury_ Boutique", "Luxury_ Boutique.ru", "Luxury_ Boutique_Line", "Luxury.Boutique.5", etc.

What symbols can be used in a nickname

When creating a name on Instagram for the convenience of users and creating original names, it was decided to introduce special characters that will help the user come up with a beautiful nickname. There are not many characters that can be used in usernames, and their number is limited.

In total, you can use three main characters in the name: a period, a number and an underscore.

These symbols can be used to separate thematic words in English corresponding to the focus of the user account.

How to choose a Nickname on Instagram for a Girl

Using the examples discussed above, you can select a name for the user’s personal account:

  • When choosing a nickname, you should definitely look through all the possible options that have already been used by other users,
  • After that, when registering an account, enter the pre-selected name in the registration form,
  • If this nickname is busy, Instagram will notify the user about this and offer several of its own options for the nickname.

Just like in business account options, you can use an online translator to create an additional word for the username. For example, if your name is Maria, then you can create “Maria_ magnificent_ girl”, which means “Maria is a magnificent girl.”

Using additional English words and special characters helps create an Instagram nickname with the name of both a female and male account.

Such nicknames look much more original and richer on a profile than simple nicknames, for example: Maria205, etc.

Examples of nicknames for girls:

Examples with the name Maria: Maria_ magnificent_ girl, Mari. Queen, mari.miss, mari_miss, Maria.magnificent, beautiful_ Maria, mari_look, swet_maria, mari_msk, Maria_ magnificent

The user can also create beautiful nicknames on Instagram using not only his first name with additional words, but also his last name and its derivatives. Also, don’t forget to use special characters along with your last name and numbers. The main thing is to select nicknames that are original and not used by other users.

Nickname generators

If the user’s imagination is lame, and it is only enough to compose the simplest nicknames, then how to come up with a nickname on Instagram so that it is not only individual, but also reflects the personality of the user himself? For this purpose, special services have been created to help the user generate a nickname online. Nicknames can be generated either by first name or last name. The user himself can specify additional words that he wants to see in his nickname.

In order to use the nickname generator service, you need to enter any service in a search engine and go to its page.

Almost all services are identical and offer the user to generate a name for any social network for free.

To generate a name, sites offer forms to fill out. In the form fields you need to type your name, your hobbies, numbers that are important to the user, what he likes, and the like, depending on the nickname generator service he uses.

For example: In the picture we used one of the most popular foreign services for generating names for social networks:

  • Enter your name in the first field (we used Olya)
  • You can also fill in the remaining fields (this is what you love, hobbies, things you like, important words, numbers and dates)
  • We settled on only the name and received 30 different options (highlighted in the red block)

When creating a nickname online, the generation service checks all created nicknames to see if they exist on social networks and whether they are occupied. The name in the service can be created from three to 15 characters in English.

All services are absolutely accessible and easy to use and absolutely do not require payment when creating a nickname.

In this video you will find additional information on choosing a nickname for Instagram.

Nicky in English for a girl

  • Mary_Love
  • Nati.Nata
  • Aleno_chka
  • Len_chik. Swet
  • Krasotka_syper_lux
  • Baby_Jo
  • Angel_moon
  • Girl.cat
  • Baby_cat
  • Snow_Queen
  • Cutie_viki
  • Milashka_kit
  • Beautiful_madam
  • Clever_girl
  • Girl. Glowing_smile
  • Girl_blue_eyes
  • Pretty.girl
  • Dear.sweetie_mila,Beloved.girl.1
  • Miss.angel

Nicky in English for a guy

  • Nice.guy
  • Sexy_guy
  • Beautiful_sexy_boy
  • Terminator.den
  • Hantos_man
  • Men_dyo
  • Big_boy_lux
  • Luxury_men
  • Sweet_boy
  • Pretty_ guy
  • Mister_sex
  • Mister.big
  • King_man
  • Mister_king_Beautiful
  • Number.one
  • Number.one_boy
  • Mr.twister
  • Luxutious_man
  • Lord_lord.1
  • Lord.lux

A beautiful and sonorous Instagram username will help you quickly promote both your personal page and an account created for business development.

The name/nickname of a page is the main attribute in its promotion and remembering by other users. By nickname, users search for profiles and advertising posts, personal pages of friends and interesting personalities. Therefore, when creating a name, it is important that it sticks in your memory and is unforgettable and interesting.

When searching for advertisements or posts, the user will refer specifically to the nickname. Therefore, when compiling a nickname, you should take a responsible approach to its choice. The user is recommended to use his thinking and imagination, not to get hung up on simple words when choosing a name on Instagram, it is recommended to try name inverters and nickname generators online, using all methods, each user will find an original and unforgettable name for his Instagram profile.

The word “nickname” comes from the English word “nickname” in translation means (nickname, nickname, pseudonym). Used in social networks, blogs, chats, games, forums. The key is your own first name, last name, the name of your favorite characters, pets, and so on, as long as your imagination is enough.

Nickname on Instagram plays the role of a business card; by entering it in the search, you can get to your page in Instagram. When posting a photo or video, your friends will see you using the nickname you created. Therefore, before creating an account, you can dream up what nickname you can come up with for Instagram, and no one limits you, not in the number of symbols, words or their meaning. In addition, in the future you can easily replace it with another one. It is worth remembering that you cannot use the signs “slash”, “space” and the English word “Follow”, which translates as “follow”, so you encourage people to follow you.

A nickname for Instagram can be created based on your last name, but if your last name is so popular, for example, “petrov,” it’s immediately clear that this nickname is already taken. In this situation, you can attach the first letter or syllable of your name. Let's say your name is Alexander, then you can come up with the following names: alikpetrov, alexpetrov, al_petrov, a_petrov, alipetrov. Also common are such globally networked users as: milashka2000 or krasapet198. In this case, you don’t have to adhere to certain writing rules, even those I described above. You can create your own original and uncomplicated nickname, which will not be taken by someone else.

If nothing original comes to mind at all, you can write your real full name. But this is done in rare cases, if the user wants to guarantee his safety or remain unrecognized in the event of any friction with other network users, then it is better to push himself a little and come up with a nickname.

Nickname generator for Instagram

Sometimes inventing a nickname is not at all realistic. Not because I have a bad imagination, but simply because everything is busy. It's difficult to come up with a unique name with so many users. In this case, a server like this can help you: nickname generator for Instagram .

The most convenient thing is that the service not only generates nicknames, but also checks whether they are active on social networks. A name is created in English from 3 to 15 characters, and all rules are followed Instagram registration. The operating principle of the service is different for all online generators and they are completely free. Their essence is that you need to enter your first name, last name, date of birth or write your hobby.

Creating a nickname on Instagram is an important and creative process, because based on your nickname, a person can decide to subscribe to your account. A nickname is a basic element of promoting your profile or brand, emphasizes your individuality, serves as a business card, and contributes to the development and popularization of your channel. Creating a bright and memorable nickname is not an easy task, and many Instagram newbies can get stuck at this stage of the process. To help such people, services have been created - nickname generators, which allow you to create a colorful and presentable nickname online in a couple of clicks. Below we will look at what a nickname generator for Instagram is, what services there are for this plan, and how to use them.

The network offers a wide variety of services for creating nicknames for Instagram, which allow you to generate a nickname for Instagram in a few seconds. Most of them are located in the English-language segment of the network, but there are also Russian-language alternatives that will be useful to the domestic user.

Some of these services allow you not only to create a nickname for Instagram, but also to check whether this nickname is occupied by another person on Instagram and other social networks.

Work with these services is based on standard patterns. You launch such a site, choose a couple of initial (sometimes final letters) of your future nickname. Next, indicate the probable area with which the nickname can be associated (what is valuable to you - your hobbies, favorite things, interests, etc.), and then click on the button to generate a nickname. The service will provide dozens of probable nicknames from which you can choose the one you prefer. When you click on such a nickname, a procedure is often launched to check its availability for different social networks.

Let's look at a number of Russian-language and English-language resources that allow you to create a nickname for Instagram online.

Spinxo.com – login generator for Instagram online

Spinxo.com is a popular international English-language resource designed for creating user nicknames (names) for many Internet resources (Instagram, YouTube, Tumblr, Twitter and others). The resource will not only select a nickname according to your interests and values, but will also check its availability on the specified social networks.

  1. To work with the service, go to spinxo.com.
  2. In the form provided, in the “Name or Nickname” field, enter your name or preferred nickname.
  3. In the “What are you like?” field enter who you resemble.
  4. In the "Hobbies?" field list your hobbies.
  5. In the “Things you Like” field, enter the things you like (separated by commas).
  6. In the “Important Words?” field enter words that are important to you, and in the “Numbers?” - numbers that matter to you.

It is not necessary to fill in all fields. After filling out the fields, click on the “Spin” button and view the 30 nickname options generated by the service. If you like one, then click on this nickname and the service will check its availability on social networks. If the “Available” status appears next to “Instagram,” then you can safely use this nickname in your Instagram profile.

Nick-name.ru – Russian-language name generator

The Russian-language service nick-name.ru allows you not only to create various variants of nicknames in Latin, but also to “register” your nickname, receiving a comic certificate for it. We are interested in the nickname generator present on this resource, which we can use to create a nickname on Instagram online.

  1. Launch nick-name.ru.
  2. Select the first letter of your future nickname, the number of letters in the nickname (up to 15).
  3. Generator type, then click on “Generate”.
  4. If you like the nickname, you can immediately click on the “Register for yourself” button, otherwise click on “Generate” again to search for the nickname you like.

Ru.nickfinder.com – allows you to quickly create a nickname for Instagram

Ru.nickfinder.com is a Russian-language branch of a popular international resource for creating nicknames. During the creation process, the site uses various variants of symbols, which adds extravagance and uniqueness to the nicknames created with its help.

  1. Log in to ru.nickfinder.com, in the name generation form, enter the first letters of the future nickname (if desired).
  2. If necessary, check the box next to the “Add symbols” option, and then click on the “Generate more” button.
  3. The created nicknames will be displayed on the left, by clicking on one of which you will automatically copy it to the exchange area for pasting on the site you need.

Vnickname.ru – a simple nickname generator for Instagram

Another specialized Russian-language resource for creating nicknames. It allows you not only to create a nickname, but also has a large database of ready-made nicknames starting with Latin letters.

Log in to vnickname.ru, then click on “GENERATE NICK” to generate a nickname. If you don’t like the option proposed by the site, then in special fields you can specify the initial and final letters of the future nickname.

lingojam.com – will come up with a cool nickname for you

An even simpler English-language resource that allows you to choose a nickname for Instagram online. Just go to lingojam.com, enter your name (or your favorite word) on the left, and many possible nicknames will immediately appear on the right. Very simple and convenient.

Jimpix.co.uk - quick generation of nicknames from two elements

A feature of the English-language login generator jimpix.co.uk is the creation of a future nickname from two proposed words of word services related to the user’s chosen areas of life. The user selects the proposed field from a variety of options, selects the initial letter of the future Nickname, after which the service offers the generated result. By clicking on the nickname you like, you can check its availability for 17 social networks.

Nickname form at jimpix.co.uk


The Instagram nickname generator is a convenient online tool that allows you to quickly select a nickname for Instagram based on user values ​​and preferences. Use the listed tools to create a bright and colorful nickname, and then check the latter for uniqueness - after all, it is quite possible that someone has already appreciated this nickname before you.