How is Twitter different from other social networks? Twitter registration as a fashion trend

For modern users There are many social networks offered. They can be used to spread news and simply communicate. How to use Twitter? What exactly is this page? Why is it needed? Every modern user should know the answers to all these questions. Especially those who follow fashion trends.


What is Twitter and how to use it? This is called fashionable and modern social network. In short, it resembles a microblog.

On Twitter, the user can write messages not exceeding 140 characters. Additionally, links, photos, videos and others are attached here interesting materials. Most often, Twitter is used as a news or advertising feed.


What is Twitter and how to use it? Everything starts with registration. But more about her later. First, a few words about the terms used by users in the social network under study.

A tweet is a message on Twitter. It, as already mentioned, cannot be more than 140 characters.

Retweet - repost. That is, when a user transfers (copies) a particular post to his page. This is done using a special button.

Twitterers or tweeples are users registered on Twitter.

Follower - subscriber. A person who follows a particular profile and subscribes to its news.

I guess that's all. Such terms are enough to answer how to use Twitter. But what exactly should we do? And how to work with a social network?


Let's start with registration. This is the very first step that will allow you to work with the service. Registration on Twitter is free. It only takes a few minutes.

The guide in this case will look like this:

  1. Open in your browser.
  2. On the right top corner Click on the "Registration" button.
  3. Fill registration form- last name and first name of the user, e-mail, password.
  4. Click on "Register".
  5. Confirm your profile.

Ready! Registration on Twitter is completed. Now you can use all the features of the social network.

Filling out the form

To fill out the form you will need:

  1. Log in to your profile on a social network.
  2. Click on the arrow in the upper right corner. It is located near the little man icon.
  3. Select the "Settings" option.
  4. Using the menu that appears, configure the display of the questionnaire.
  5. Click on "Save".

Your Twitter My Page is now ready to use. Typically, you can subscribe to profiles and publish messages immediately after registration. But usually users put off this idea.

We write messages

How to write on Twitter? This is the main and most simple task. The point is that you can bring your idea to life using different methods.

First, after logging into their page, each user will see a field called "What's new?" If you write a message here and click on “Publish”, you will get a tweet.

Thirdly, on the left side of the window (under the avatar) there is a “Write a tweet” field. It serves similar to the "What's new?" function.

Now it’s clear how to write on Twitter. This is not the most difficult task. And every user registered on a social network must cope with it.


What is Twitter and how to use it? It is worth paying attention to the interface of the social network. Unlike Facebook and VK, the microblog under study raises many questions.

We've sorted out the writing of messages. What's next?

Everything is very simple. We have almost completely figured out how to use Twitter. This social network is quite simple and straightforward.

About subscription

The bulk of actions on the site under study occur through writing short posts, as well as subscribing to users/pages. Everything is very easy. Usually these operations do not cause any difficulties.

How to subscribe on Twitter? You will need to write the name of the group or user in the upper right corner. There is a line "Search" (a translucent area with a magnifying glass). By clicking on "Enter", the user will process the request.

To subscribe to a page or group, just click on the “Read” button. Or click on Follow.

To unsubscribe from a profile, just do similar actions. Only the “Read” button will change to “Unsubscribe”. This is quite normal. All operations can be carried out at any convenient time. Subscribing and unsubscribing from profiles and groups is completely free.

Benefits of the network

We figured out how to use Twitter. Why do this? What is the use of a social network that doesn’t even really have so-called personal messages?

The answer is simple - Twitter is used for its own promotion. First of all, tweeting is convenient. The posts are short and succinct. Secondly, Twitter is a trendy social network. Thirdly, information spreads extremely quickly through the site.

That is, Twitter is not suitable for communicating with friends. But if you want to become popular or promote your own business, the social network will greatly help with this. It is very convenient to write short messages, for example, with photographs. Such tweets are in great demand.


How to use Twitter? All you need to do is register on this site - all other actions will be clear without any instructions or tips. Even a novice user can cope with the task.

Anyone can master Twitter. Registration takes only a few minutes. Immediately after authorization on the site, all the possibilities of the service are opened to the user!

Today, there are dozens of popular social networks, where the number of registered users exceeds hundreds of millions of people. Each such service has its own characteristics, its own style and communication formats that attract certain circles of people. Despite the fact that all social networks of this scale have worldwide recognition - this does not mean that every Internet user should have an account on such a site so as not to seem ignorant. The main thing in all this diversity is to choose a resource that is truly suitable for you, where you will feel comfortable, receive necessary information in the form you need and communicate with people who are interesting to you. Twitter is no exception, which is not suitable for all Internet users.

What is Twitter

Twitter is a microblogging service where users share a variety of information, links, news, photos and videos with each other. The text of messages on Twitter should not exceed 140 characters, which forces members of the social network to write briefly, vividly and to the point. One of the predominant topics for entries is prompt coverage of news and the publication of links to articles with a brief announcement.

By visiting a user's Twitter profile, you can see the page statistics, which will display:

  • Tweets – the number of messages written by the user on the page for the entire existence of his account;
  • Reads – the number of subscriptions to the pages of other users;
  • Readers – the number of subscribers to the user’s page;
  • Lists – number of lists.

The list is a group of recommended Twitter users, with the help of such lists you can group tweets based on your interests.

Why do you need Twitter?

If you are a public figure, a website administrator, or just like to blog, then Twitter will allow you to find an audience that will be interested in your materials, creativity or activities. You can quickly share with your subscribers up-to-date information, publish links to interesting articles on your website, post thematic videos or photographs shot by you.

If you do not have a goal to write news every day, but at the same time you like to be informed latest events, on Twitter you can find interesting information for yourself. Many people have their own social network accounts. public figures, companies and websites (politicians, show business stars, businessmen, news and thematic resources, etc.). By subscribing to profiles that interest you, you will create the information background that is interesting to you. Now you don’t have to go to different sites to find out if anything interesting has been written there; this information will be available to you in one place. Reading short headlines will not take you a lot of time, and when you see news that interests you, you can turn to the original source.

Why register on Twitter

Registration on Twitter opens ample opportunities interaction with the social network audience. By registering, you can create your own news feed, which will save you from jumping from one profile to another; all the most relevant and fresh materials will be available on your page. Also authorized members of social. networks can add news they like to their page and subsequently return to them if necessary.

If you need to view a page you are interested in on a social network once and after that you no longer need Twitter, then this can be done without registration.

In March 2006, the first broadcast took place in America, in San Francisco. short message- tweet. This happened on March 21 at 20:50 Pacific time. At this point, Jack Dorsey conveyed the message: “just setting up my twttr.” Thus began the era of Twitter.

And if they exceed, then what? Then the rule of being simple and concise comes into force. But this rule works empirically. That is, on the one hand it works, but on the other it does not. Too much long message can be broken into two or three short ones. And exist in this form.

In general, the possibilities of this social network are much wider than one might imagine. At first, only messages could be published. Later the system was improved and photos and video files began to be added to them. In addition, you can add links to the text.

Why is this necessary?

It would seem, why would this be necessary at all?! But in reality, this format quickly found application and became very popular. Comments, jokes, opinions - people love all this. And Twitter is designed just for this.

It was precisely because of this brevity that the social network began to be actively used famous people: politicians, musicians, writers and representatives of other public professions. After all, on the one hand, they need to be open, and on the other hand, not to stir up anything unnecessary.

How to register

1 . Opening the official website, fill out a small form with right side and click “Registration”.

2. If everything is filled out correctly (there is a bird next to each item), click “Registration” again.

3. The system will then ask you to provide a phone number.

You can skip this step, but it’s better to add your number. Otherwise, your page may be hacked at any time.

4 . AND final stage- select a user name. You need to come up with an English name for your Twitter, one that is not yet in the system. You can choose one of those listed in the “Recommendations”.

You can also skip this step, but then the system will assign a random name to your Twitter. It's usually not very pretty. Agree, it’s much nicer when the name is @nazvanie, and not like this: @bCbMjODYcAfqqAb

That's all! All that remains is to make some settings (answer a couple of questions) and personal page ready.

You can also subscribe to other people’s pages, like posts, comment on them, and retweet (repost on your page).

Tweets of famous people

I'll start with our domestic celebrities:

Dmitry Medvedev: @MedvedevRussia

Vera Brezhneva : @VeraBrezhneva

Pavel Volya .

One of the most popular social networks in the world is Twitter. Don't you know what it is yet? Never used it, but want to try it? In this article we will consider a step-by-step action plan for its development. Twitter - how to use? Instructions for use

Basic Concepts

Let's start with the very basics. So what is twitter? This is a social network, another way to call it a microblog, where communication takes place using short phrases and messages (tweets). Using them, you can express your thoughts and emotions, share news, etc.

There is nothing complicated to understand how this platform works, but to save time on independently conquering the vastness of the website, I offer you a ready-made step by step instructions By using it you will become a confident twitter user.
First, let's look at the most frequently used words that describe actions on the microblog.

is a short emotional message that will be displayed in your profile status. It is limited in the number of characters, that is, your message should be as informative as possible, but not exceed 140 characters.

- means publishing someone else’s message in your status, where the person you are quoting will be indicated.
Both the tweet and the retweet will be visible to all our subscribers, who can comment and discuss your message if they wish.

Promotional Tweets
- these are the same small phrases that express the general essence of what they want to convey to users. Usually advertising messages published in the list of current topics. The advertiser pays for the advertisement to be visible. a certain amount. This is done in order to attract new subscribers.

Lists. In your account, you can group people into lists, such as classmates, relatives, colleagues, etc. This kind of sorting will make it easier to find the right person.

Current topics. As a rule, this tab displays the most discussed and popular topics and news. When you click on a topic that interests you, a list of all statuses that mention your chosen topic will appear. Messages that have received more than 150 reposts are distinguished from the rest by a contrasting color.

Hashtags. In order for your tweet to be seen not only by your subscribers, but also by other users, you can put a sign after the message #topic name. Hashtags are unique active links, by clicking on which the user can go to a page where all messages on the topic of the hashtag will be displayed.

For example, the European Football Championship is currently underway and there are a lot of tweets and news using the hashtag #Euros2016.

Why have a Twitter account?

You can use twitter for personal purposes, to maintain your own microblog and communicate with friends, or you can use it to promote and attract attention to your account in order to make money online.

To attract new subscribers, you need to subscribe to other users, leave comments on their page, so they can start reading you back. It’s worth blogging more often and publishing new tweets, responding to your subscribers and not forgetting that communication is the key to success. You can also resort to mutual recommendations from each other. That is, in your account you recommend a profile that interests you to subscribers, and this person, in turn, does the same, but recommends you. This is a kind of mutual assistance to each other.


Register on Twitter

1 step. Go to, enter name, address Email or phone, create a password and click “Register”.

Step 2. After registration, a window will open to clarify your interests. Select interesting topics for reading.

After you have chosen, let's say sports and news, in your news feed Tweets on these topics will be displayed.

Step 3. Revitalize your account. Let's upload your photo and set the header to the background.

Dimensions of photo and header for Twitter:

You don't have to make these sizes. When you install pictures, you will be asked to scale and place the image as you see fit.

To change the page design click on Edit profile and customize the view to suit you.

In addition to the nickname, you can enter your full name, provide a link to the site and enter a geolocation.

About Me. It should be short and to the point, but still attract the attention of readers. Remember that the number of characters in the biography paragraph is limited to 160.

To do this, go to your profile page and place the mouse cursor in the “What’s new?” line. — We write our thought - click “Tweet” and that’s it, the tweet is published) Now your message will be visible to subscribers who read you.

The advantages of such a blog are that communication occurs in real time with real people, due to incoming notifications about new messages under your post, you will not miss a single comment. With the help of various client applications, communication on Twitter is simplified.

How to delete a Twitter account?

Go to Settings - Account - scroll to the very bottom and click Disable my account - after confirmation the account will be deleted.

I was with you. See you later!)


Now I’m actively pushing my friends on Twitter. The hardest thing about Twitter is:
a) having created an account, go through the settings and fill out the BIO (information about yourself) + add an avatar
b) understand what replays and retweets are, what kind of feed is, why not all tweets of those you follow are displayed
c) find those you will read in your feed (interesting people)

I'll try to give a short educational program))

So, we have registered a Twitter account, what to do next.

The first thing is to go to the settings, make all the settings so that it is convenient (there are few of them and they are understandable). Be sure to fill out BIO - this is information about yourself for guests of your Twitter (my name is Vasya, I love sex, cars and President Medvedev - but in general it’s better to fill it out seriously), so that when a guest comes to you, he understands what kind of person you are and whether you are interesting to in order to be read. An example of BIO design - at least for me:!/rn21ru

Next, we write our first tweet. On Twitter, you can write messages up to 140 characters long. This was done specifically to present thoughts concisely and concisely. So more interesting later read. Usually they write “Hello world, here I am, let’s be friends” and the like :)

So, we have a completed Twitter profile, we already have the first or first tweets. It's time to fill your message feed and look for those you will read. This is exactly the most interesting thing. First of all, of course, we ask our friends if they have Twitter accounts and add them (simply open their Twitter profiles and click “+ read”. This way we get a subscription to this person’s tweets, which will be displayed in your Twi feed.

Twitter is a treasure trove of information. Twitter is the most responsive media. Here you can follow the lives of friends, partners and acquaintances (what they are doing, how they live, etc.), here you will be the first to know any news, here you often get information about various promotions, invitations to events that you usually don’t get to. Here you don’t let your friends forget about you, telling you what you do and how you live. It turns out to be excellent constant online communication. Twitter is an irreplaceable thing.

Let's look at the basic elements of Twitter:
- HASHTAG. This is a tag by which you can search for posts from all over the world (not just your friends) dedicated to some event. For example, the tag #vkusnota - photographs and descriptions of all sorts of delicious dishes. The tag #pechalka is about something that upsets. Tag #football - messages from people about football. You can come up with tags yourself or use well-known ones.
- Replay (Answer). When you want to reply to someone’s tweet, click “reply” and reply. The person’s nickname is written through the dog at the beginning - @rn21ru. This means addressing a person.
* important topic about replays. In your feed, you see messages from those you have subscribed to read. But not all messages. If at the beginning of a message from a person from your tape coming Reply to someone who is not in your feed - this message will not be displayed in your feed, so as not to clutter it, it can only be seen by opening the person’s profile on a separate page. If at the beginning of a message from a person from your feed there is a response to another person who is in your feed, such a message will appear in your feed. Is the diagram clear? Yes, it's simple. But if in the tweet of a friend you are reading, there is a mention of a person not from your feed, not at the beginning of the message - you will see a tweet mentioning this person (and maybe pay attention to that person, look at his profile - suddenly the person turns out to be interesting, add him to your feed, you will read, communicate - and get to know each other).
- Retweet. Since on Twitter not all millions of users read other millions of users (then there would be a mess of thousands of messages updated every second), but we only read those we ourselves subscribe to, and in turn, someone subscribes to read you too, and it is not at all necessary that your subscriber feed and the other person’s feed coincide; a retweet function has been invented. With its help, you copy the message you like to the feed of everyone who follows your feed (as if the tweet were yours), but on behalf of the tweet's author. This way, your followers' feed will show 1 tweet from someone they don't follow. Which can also lead to a new acquaintance.
- Mentions. It happens that someone reads your Twitter and responds to you, but does not appear in your main feed, because... you don’t read this person, you don’t follow him. But I would like to know what people “from outside” write and respond to you! To do this, click “Mentions” and look at all the tweets in which your Twitter handle is mentioned. If you wish, then subscribe to the person who answered you and read it.
- Lists. A function for those who read a lot of people. It makes it possible to sort your main feed from unnecessary (for example, thematic) tweet users (let’s say someone only posts jokes). Adds a person to the list - and his tweets are not displayed in the main feed, but are always available in a separate feed.

The remaining functions are not so important for a beginner; you can gradually figure them out on your own.

And some more important points.

1) Twitter has a 140 character limit, and sometimes you need to post links. There are long links that won’t even fit into a tweet. For this purpose, link shorteners were invented. For example, the services or - we enter the link into them and it becomes short! Comfortable!

2) You can add pictures, photos, videos to tweets so that your subscribers can watch them (it’s especially important to post “hot” pictures or videos from your phone). To do this, they use special picture and video services that are compatible with Twitter (unified Accounts even), for example http://twitpic and http://twitvid. Upload a photo or video there, add a text comment - and it is immediately published on your Twitter. Very convenient.

On Twitter and many more useful functions, but you’ll figure them out yourself over time!