How to get likes on VKontakte. Why are likes needed and how do they affect promotion? Advantages of paid promotion

Hi all.

In this article we will talk about how you can increase likes and reposts absolutely free on the VKontakte social network.

Some people think this is a waste of time. Someone is paying money for this. And someone tries and increases activity for free.

Some users add likes to their Personal Photos. Some people repost events, activities, and just posts on their wall.

Group owners also do not neglect promotion. This is an excellent opportunity at the initial stage of promoting your account or page on any social network.

How to get likes and reposts on VKontakte?

Everything here is based on mutual exchange. After registration you add your accounts. If you like and repost other users, you will be awarded points.

For these points, you can submit your any promotion tasks on any social networks, including VK.

On this site, too, everything happens through mutual exchange.

After registration you need to download free program, add your social network pages to it.

The bot program will automatically, without your participation, carry out tasks from your pages. For this you will be awarded points (it's like points).

And you can easily create your own tasks using points: like, repost, add as a friend and others.

If you don’t want to complete other people’s tasks, you can also buy points for a small fee and order what you need to earn.

These are two proven sites that I myself use periodically. To ensure that your pages are not blocked, be sure to read the recommendations for promoting social networks so that you will not be offended later.

Increase likes and reposts for a small fee

There are sites on the Internet where you can earn extra money by liking and reposting other people, subscribing to their groups and pages on in social networks.
I’ll briefly tell you about several sites that I have already become familiar with and that I personally work with.

By the way, by completing a task on these sites, you will earn money, and then you can submit yours paid tasks to get likes, reposts or friends.

You can also withdraw money to your phone number or electronic wallets ().

One of the most popular sites.

Customer. There are many performers on it, so your task will be completed very quickly. Here are the main tasks for Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

You can set up geotargeting of performers (describe them in more detail - age, gender, Family status, city of residence, number of friends, etc.).

On average, one subscriber, like or repost will cost you 1 rub. The price may change, so check the current price on the website.

Executor. You can add your pages to major social networks, complete tasks from customers, and for this you will be credited with money to your balance.

Withdrawal of money occurs to electronic wallets and mobile phone from 25 rub.

An example of completing tasks (on YouTube, completions are counted after 5-10 seconds, you need to click “Check” again):

Customer. On this site you can also get likes, reposts, and subscribers. In this case, you can wind up all the main ones. You can also submit assignments to write comments on websites.

The average price for likes and subscribers here is higher than on the previous site, about 2 rubles per execution.

Executor. As an artist, you can earn money from your social media accounts immediately after registration. But in order to write comments, you need to pass a small exam (write a short review-essay of your choice).

Additional income from likes

And 3 more sites that I met a couple of months ago. They are quite popular, I have already withdrawn money from them, so I can say with confidence that they work and pay.

These sites are called “mailers” or otherwise called “boxes”. On them you can not only promote your pages on social networks, but also promote any websites or affiliate programs.

One of the oldest sites of this type. When registering as a customer, you can boost any actions on any social networks. The average price is 20-30 kopecks. In one task you can specify, for example: add as a friend, give 10 likes.

You can earn extra money, for example, to pay for your phone.

Here you can work as a performer and as a customer. On the site you can not only promote your social networks and complete these tasks for money. You can perform random tasks all over the Internet.

Examples of tasks: registering on websites, registering in affiliate programs, playing games, performing some action, going to a specific website, and others.

Later I will post an article with detailed description How you can make good money from likes.

If you have any questions, write in the comments!

Sincerely, Lyubov Zubareva

Dear guests! If you found the information in the article useful, click on any of the social media buttons. This is your best “thank you.”

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The popularity of your photos added to your VKontakte profile page is assessed by the number of positive comments (see), reposts (see) and likes. As a rule, users most often put hearts, thereby showing their interest and approval of your photo. Many even set themselves the goal of getting as many hearts as possible for their avatar.

If you have few friends, or the photo is not very good, then it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve your goal naturally. But you can use special methods. Now we will tell you how to make likes on VKontakte for free.

How to get actions on your page

Users constantly need someone to take one action or another on their page. As we have already noted, this could be a comment on some post, repost beautiful photography etc. There are 3 options for obtaining this action.

Free increase of likes on avatars and photos

We need to find people who also need to get likes. The easiest way to do this is on the corresponding public pages.

Let's use the search. Dial "Mutual likes", and go to the list of communities.

Based on the name of the community, we need to select where users exchange likes. Look, in the picture above we see the first two options.

  1. Group “Mutual likes on ava”- exactly what is needed
  2. Group "Instagram mutual likes"- that’s another matter, Instagram doesn’t interest us yet (see also)

So we will use the first community. Open it.

Here everyone leaves their requests online. You can first fulfill the request of any participant, and then write to him that you also need a mutual favor. Tell him that you would like to get a like on his profile picture.

We go to the topmost entry for which comments are allowed. Here we see all the requests.

We see that a certain Vasilisa Yudintseva asks to like her ava. And in return, he promises to do the same for you. This is exactly what we need. She even attached a photo directly to her request - you don’t have to go far. Just open it and put a heart.

After this you should wait a few minutes. If she doesn't mutual action, then write her a message saying that you liked her ava and would like to receive a response from her. In case she ignores you again, you can.


This is a simple algorithm of actions that will help you get user activity on your page for free. You can easily get likes on your avatar, comments and reposts (see). The only drawback of this method is that the actual interest of users in your information will not be so high. But for a start, that’s enough.


In contact with

Getting likes on a page on any social network has become much easier. Nowadays, you don’t need to sit for hours on the Internet and write to all users asking them to mark “like”... But we’ll talk about this a little later, now we’ll look at the question of how getting likes affects popularity in social media. networks.

Getting likes on social networks

Everyone knows that social networks play an important role in life. modern user. It happens that a person registers in all social networks. networks. Resources help the user realize himself, find friends or like-minded people. Various social networks are used in different ways, for example, one is needed for work, the second for entertainment, and the third for correspondence. certainly plays a significant role in the life of the page itself. A large number of likes raises your status, you become recognizable person. People seeing great amount likes, they will definitely visit the page and also appreciate your photos, comments, entries, posts or videos.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which social network is the most popular, as they say, the preference of each individual. Some people like to spend time on Facebook, others cannot live a day without Vkontakte. Anyway fast promotion Everyone needs likes.

Social platforms great tool running your own business. Many people create profiles for the purpose of commercial activities. It doesn’t matter what you decide to do, sell a product or offer people an information product, in any case, getting likes for free will allow you to expand the circle of people interested in your product.

What kind of likes boost is available on Bonuslike

The service allows you to quickly gain likes on such social networks as:

  • In contact with;
  • Facebook;
  • Twitter;
  • Instagram.

Makes you feel interesting. Your posts and photos will be appreciated. Having likes, you can attract interest in your page and get acquainted with interesting people and experience this life.

Getting likes on Facebook allows the user to gain popularity of the information posted online. A post on Facebook with likes will increase popularity, increase sales and attract the attention of many users.

Getting likes online on Twitter will help increase views of your news and publications. Thousands of people spend time on Twitter every day, reading news and useful information. Why wouldn't they be interested in your tweets? Getting likes on Twitter means popularity and prospects for active bloggers.

Fast The best way attract attention. People just sit on the Internet, watch interesting photos and like them.

The Bonuslike service allows you to use the mouse to get likes on any social network. You can choose the option of gradually increasing likes, for example, today you increase likes on VK, tomorrow on Twitter. Evenly filling the page with the necessary content.

How to create a task to get likes

You can get likes without special effort and skills. To do this, you need to read our recommendations and follow 4 simple steps:

  1. Register. To do this, click the “Login” button;
  2. Link your social network accounts;
  3. Complete several tasks to replenish your balance. If you don’t want to waste time, then replenish it through payment system;
  4. Post your assignment. To do this, go to the “Create” section, select the social network in which you want to promote and fill out all the necessary fields.

Is it safe to get free likes?

To test whether cheating likes is dangerous, you need to try it. With us, you will find your audience. It’s easy to become popular and attract people’s attention with your material; you just need to learn how to create tasks correctly. The result of success will not keep you waiting. As mentioned above, we do not work with programs; the entire process of getting likes takes place in online mode. What could be even safer?

Why do you need to boost likes?

Getting likes, why is it needed? Here, too, the answer will be ambiguous. It is needed primarily for self-improvement. People having a large number of likes feel more confident, many complexes in real life recede into the background. After all, as they say, in life you can be nothing, but in social media. network you can become a world-class star.

Naturally, a businessman does not have time to sit and offer his services manually all day. This is why you can get likes online for free. Using our resource, you can increase your account rating thousands of times, reach the top and earn money.

Everyone likes likes on ava, it’s nice to have a lot of likes on your main (and not only) photo. And if the photo is also discussed, then it’s generally a sensation. So what's the problem? No need to wait, using our site to get likes, you will become a mega Internet star. Many people will know you, and if you are also an interesting person, they will dream of meeting you.

For middle-aged people, getting likes for free can be a chance to find their soulmate. After all, many people specifically create dating pages.

Cheating likes online is a great opportunity to show yourself to the world, if we talk about photos, if we talk about the information that you post online, cheating allows you to spread it across the network as quickly as possible. Having a large number of approving likes, you can radically change your life. The main thing is to approach this issue correctly and competently. Let's look further at all the options, touching on each social network separately.

In contact with

How to get likes on a photo on VK without making much effort?

Today, many people strive to gain popularity in one or another social network. And this is not surprising, because in this way you can instantly win an army of subscribers who will actively follow your life. This goal can be achieved using paid and free services. They all work on the same principle: they increase the number of hearts. However, not everyone will help to collect big number“I like” marks not only for yourself, but also for loved one. But there is an answer to the question of how to get likes for a friend or yourself - using the VTope service.

Getting VK likes through VTope is a great opportunity to popularize your page

The VTope website provides the opportunity to increase the number of cherished hearts quickly and without spending your personal time. All you need is to create an account on the site, set a promotion task to be completed and deposit a certain number of points - a special currency that is obtained by purchasing, inviting friends to the service, or using a special VTope-bot utility that earns you points for free .

Thus, you can cheat through the above service not only for yourself, but also for a friend. In this case, the account will remain anonymous, because at no stage will you need to enter your personal data.

If you add likes to a VK photo, will the page become popular?

The answer to this question is unequivocal - yes. But only if you use the VTope service to achieve this goal. The essence of his work comes down to increasing the number of hearts based on the “like for like” principle. In this case, all actions are performed real users site, the number of which has now already exceeded one and a half million people.
Using the capabilities of this site, you can get likes on VK photos without spending your own money. In this case, your computer will be completely safe from penetration by any virus programs, because all actions are performed online directly on the platform.
We are sure that, having appreciated all the advantages of working with this service, you will recommend it to your friends and acquaintances.

How to get likes on VKontakte?

  1. copy the link and paste into address bar, and remove the space between h and t:
    h ttp://
    h ttp://
    h ttp://
  2. I think you will be interested!
    To gain subscribers, friends, likes... (live offer type) at the best prices!
    On all social networks networks: VKontakte, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Odnoklassniki...
    First hands! Fully automatic site! Personal Area, direct monitoring of order fulfillment, financial history.
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    copy and paste into the address bar
    If you have any questions, please contact the contacts listed on the website.
  4. Here is a super site paid promotion
    the link is blocked by decision of the project administration
  5. Promote, advertise whatever you want!!! cool thing....
  6. Try here, the link is reliable, I wind it up there every day, the link is blocked by decision of the project administration
  7. Hello my dear friend! In this article I will tell you how to get likes on VKontakte for free. And you will do it very quickly. If you like to meet people via contact, but you are not yet very good at it, then read the article carefully and to the end.
    This may seem strange to you at first glance. Why is it necessary to get likes? But in fact it's very useful thing. Every like is the approval of others. And the more likes you have on your photo, the better.

    For example, a person goes to a VKontakte page, looks at the photo, but it’s not very good, and there are no likes there. After this, one gets the impression that no one needs the person and no one likes his photo. Of course, no one will get to know him. By the way, I advise you to read the article about how to look good in a photo.

    Let's take another example. A girl goes to the page and sees that there are a lot of likes under the photo. She understands that if people like him, it means others like him. And if others like him, that means there is something in him. Such a guy already has a much better chance of meeting a girl. The same goes for girls.

    Since it is not always possible to get a lot of likes from friends, we will now look at interesting ways how to get likes on VKontakte for free and for a fee. We will generate them for free using the Liker application. Exchange likes!

    Moreover, this is not even a cheat, but simply an exchange. You bet like the person and you get batteries for it. Then you give away those batteries for another person to like it. Your photo. This method is absolutely safe and your page will never be blocked. Well, let's get started.

    How to get likes on VK for free

    1) Install the Liker application. Exchange likes! To do this, go to the Applications section on your page, enter the word Liker in the search and press Enter.

    how to get likes on VKontakte for free

    2) Then install the application on your page and launch it.

    3) Now you need to earn batteries. To do this, click on the I Like button and a photo of a guy or girl will open for you. You need to like it below. Then close this tab and go back to the Liker application. Exchange likes! and click on the Like button. The more batteries you earn, the more likes you will earn later.

    4) Now these batteries need to be used to get likes. To do this, open the photo you want to get likes on and copy its address. Go to the Liker application. Exchange likes! and click the Add goal button. Paste the link to the photo there and click Finish.

    5) That's it! Look how quickly the number of likes for a photo increases.

    How to get likes on VK for a fee

    If you have money, but don’t have time to sit in the offer, then you can get likes in contact for a fee. There are good people on the Internet, so-called freelancers, who can do everything you need for little money. Increase likes and comments, increase friends, promote a group, etc. And not only in VKontakte, but also in any other social network. Here are a few sites where you can find freelancers.

  8. an excellent resource for both promotion and small earnings
  9. there are a lot of likes here
  10. Do you have many VK friends? You can send it to your friends using personal messages, asking them to like your photo or post. Many people will respond to your request. Or you can publish your photos in popular VK public pages. But here you should be careful, if several people complain about your post and mark it as spam, then your page may be blocked. And you can get likes using, quickly and safely. To find a site, copy the domain and enter it in your browser, you will immediately be taken to the site.
  11. //, here is the link (add http: at the beginning), everything is clear there, read 5 lines and understand how the site works
  12. BossLike is a comprehensive service for promoting groups and accounts on social networks (Vkontakte, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube)
    It works on the principle of mutual exchange of likes, subscriptions and comments.
    You can earn points by completing tasks of other users (by joining their groups and liking them). Thus, webmasters registered in the system promote each other’s communities.
    For the actions performed, the service awards points, which can be spent on promoting your public pages or accounts, or withdrawn.
    Therefore, promotion of groups is done free of charge.
    All you need is to register in this service by following the link
    Enter your email, set a password and link the account through which you will earn points.
    I advise you to tie it youtube service because there are no restrictions on actions, unlike VKontakte, on which there is a limit on adding 50 groups or friends per day, and if you overdo it, your VKontakte account can be frozen for a day
    Happy promotion everyone!
  13. Here you go, the link is blocked by decision of the project administration; I use it myself)))
  14. If needed high-quality promotion, then I recommend
  15. try the cheating service, the link is blocked by decision of the project administration, there you can get likes on your ava or other photos, group subscribers, friends, etc.
  16. smmka, seo, etc.
  17. You can buy it) If you want it for free, you won’t find a better program than this, you can read the possibilities here if you’re interested, the link is blocked by decision of the project administration
  18. Don't do this, otherwise the page will be blocked