How to disable entertainment content in Yandex. How to delete the Zen news feed in Yandex browser, why it doesn’t turn off

Zen in Yandex Browser and Google Chrome is a customizable news feed that appears under the search bar and visual bookmarks bar. It is provided free of charge. Using the options, the user can configure Zen in the browser: create a news feed from sources of interest (websites). Also, the included service can be adjusted through likes and dislikes. Its algorithm will analyze the user’s reaction and, based on these actions, remove/add certain posts.

From this article you will learn how to disable Yandex Zen in Yandex Browser on Android, computer, and Google Chrome browser. And also how to set up Zen in Yandex Browser.



If you download Yandex Browser and immediately launch it, the news feed will not work in it. That is, it additionally needs to be enabled. But if you no longer need it, that is, you decide to disable Zen in Yandex Browser, do the following:

1. Click the “Menu” button (the “three stripes” icon) in the upper right part of the web browser window.

2. Go to the “Settings” section.

3. To delete the news feed, in the “Appearance Settings” subsection, click the mouse to uncheck the “Show in new Zen tab...” add-on box.

4. After you manage to disable Zen, the post previews under visual bookmarks will immediately disappear.

If you decide to selectively remove news from Yandex.Zen (turn off the display of content from certain web sources), you must perform the following steps:

1. To change the settings for displaying incoming information, you need to dislike it in the news panel.

2. In the submenu that opens, click “Block this source.” After this, the disabled website will no longer appear in the feed.

Android and iOS

On mobile gadgets running Android and iOS OS, you can remove Zen in almost the same way (as well as in a browser):

  1. Tap the menu icon (an icon in the form of three stripes or three dots, depending on the device).
  2. Open Settings and select Advanced.
  3. Use your finger to uncheck the “Show Ribbon...” option.

Google Chrome (Google Chrome)

In Google Chrome, the Yandex system also prompts users to install their own feed when visiting its services.

Some visitors accidentally install it in Chrome by mistake.

To remove Zen from Google, but leave the Yandex panel on the home page, do this:

1. Under the bookmarks block, click the “Settings” option.

2. In the configured panel that appears, click the mouse to uncheck the box “Show... Zen...”.

To make the Yandex tab completely disappear, follow the steps described below:
1. If you see that the browser home page does not work properly, after the next launch it displays not Google, but Yandex with the Zen service, open the browser menu (the “three dots” button at the top right).

2. Select “Settings” from the list.

3. Remove Yandex service addons: click the “Trash” button in their blocks.

4. Go to the "Settings" section.

5. In the “Open at startup” block, enable the “Specified pages” setting and click the “Add” link.

7. In the “Search” block, also install another necessary search engine. Click "Configure...".

9. Close your browser. On your PC desktop, open:

Start → Control Panel → Programs → Uninstall a program

10. Right-click on Yandex applications in the catalog (all except the browser, if you need it) and then click the mouse to activate the “delete” command. Follow the uninstaller instructions.

Good luck setting up your browsers!

The modern Internet is very huge, which provokes advertisers to penetrate deeper and deeper into it, which has resulted in such a huge abundance of various advertisements, even for children in the form of cases with in-game items on which they spend their school money, older people are fed up with advertisements for various equipment, telephones, even polling stations. There is also such a thing as the “Yellow Press”, which is replete with the entire Internet, every banner. In this article we will solve all these problems in one fell swoop, and also tell you about “Yandex Zen”, what it is, why it was created and, most importantly, how to remove it. The article is recommended for novice users of the Windows operating system.

What it is?

Every time you go to the Internet, any website, blog, social network, you are sure to leave your trace there in the form of IP, what you clicked, how long you spent on the site, etc. Then all the collected information is sold to advertisers who They will happily try to offer you the same thing several times in banners. Maybe you noticed that after viewing, for example, fishing gear, they immediately appear in the Skype banner, as well as others found throughout the Internet.

Yandex Zen is a personal recommendation service from Yandex, the main goal of which is to monitor the user, his preferences, and then provide various types of information right at the bottom of the new browser tab. Perhaps not everyone likes this, so in this article we will tell you how to remove “Zen” from Yandex. Browser".

It is also worth recalling that this procedure is absolutely free. If you are offered to do it for a fee, then these are real scammers, avoid them. Also, this kind of manipulation will significantly reduce the load on the Internet, which is very important for people using a limited Internet connection.

How to remove "Zen" from Yandex

After removing this software, the stability of the browser will not change, so there is nothing to be afraid of, in addition, the speed of the Internet connection will increase, as discussed above. However, it is worth noting that this will disable all advertising in the browser, as there is a possibility that your browser is infected with malicious permissions. They are easy to clean:

  1. Go to the “Extensions” item.
  2. Look at each point and read carefully.
  3. Remove unnecessary extensions or pause them.

In the paragraph about what “Yandex Zen” is, it was said about the relationship of this information collection service not only to the browser, but to the company itself, so if you are not satisfied with the services provided, then in the paragraph below we will tell you how to reinstall browser to another. Believe me, it won't take you too much time. At this point in time, you only need to pause Yandex Zen; this is done as follows:

  1. Click on the icon with three horizontal stripes, it is located in the upper right corner of the browser.
  2. Now, among the many settings, you need to select “Appearance Settings”.
  3. At the very end of the page there will be an inscription: “Show personal recommendations feed in the Zen tab,” and next to it there is a checkmark, uncheck it and restart the browser.
  4. Congratulations, now when you launch a new page you will no longer have “Zen” at the very bottom

If this method of how to remove “Zen” from Yandex seemed dreary to you, then the next one is a little easier. We remind you that this article is recommended for users of the Windows operating system.

How to remove “Zen” from Yandex if the previous method did not help

Some may be surprised, but this is a simple removal. This is all due to the fact that on the Windows operating system it is much easier to install an analogue than to bother with a specific application. In addition, each browser tends to accumulate a cache, and if you do not have the means to clean it, then soon your browser will become so clogged that it will be difficult to open the start page. Therefore, we strongly recommend installing cleaning programs.

By the way, in the topic that this is “Yandex Zen”, they talked about various types of surveillance, there are explanations for this, they say, we have much higher levels of protection, so such measures are mandatory, but not all users like this, which is why they switch to other browsers, for example, the fantastic Opera Neon. We recommend downloading it from the official website. During installation you will be asked: “Do you want to make this browser the main one?” If you answer “Yes,” then at the same time all your logins and passwords will smoothly flow into Opera.

Programs to disable advertising

If you want to save yourself and your loved ones from intrusive advertising, then the AdBlock application will help you with this. Smart algorithms of this application extension help block advertising at any level, even video. You can download it on the official website or in the online store of your browser.


We hope that after reading this article you understood that this is “Yandex Zen”, how to fix it, and also learned about alternative browsers. By the way, if you clean your browser software in a timely manner, everything will work like a new watch, so we strongly recommend that you carry out scheduled cleanings, as well as update the software to the latest version.

Those users who have been using Yandex Browser on their mobile devices and PCs for a long time have probably already become familiar with the next innovation from Yandex called “Zen”. This service is designed to form the user’s news feed taking into account his specific preferences, but not all people liked this service. Considering the wealth of negative comments and negative ratings of the service, I decided to help users, and below I will tell you in detail how to disable Yandex.Zen from Yandex.Browser.

The technology used in the Yandex.Zen service is based on the use of artificial intelligence and is designed to provide the user with the content that he needs. The Yandex browser collects information about the user's preferences, and then, in accordance with this information, displays new materials at the very bottom of its window. I will tell you further about how to disable and remove Yandex Zen from the browser.

The user is invited to mark his preferred content by clicking on the “Like” button, and also to exclude the appearance of unwanted content in the future by clicking on “I don’t like.” In this way, the user helps the service form its own preference model, so that in the future the service can more accurately and congruently find material for a given person’s news feed.

How to remove Yandex Zen

As I mentioned above, not all users appreciate the benefits of the service from Yandex - Zen. Many people complain about the low quality of the material provided in the Zen feed, about the significant slowdown of the computer and the brakes when surfing the Internet after activating this service. According to user reviews, using this service brought them more problems than visible benefits, which is why many want to disable Zen from a computer or mobile device, but do not know how. Below I will tell you how to do this.

Disabling Zen from PC

You can see what disabling the Yandex Zen service looks like in the video:

For those users who use Yandex.Browser and have not yet noticed the actions of the Zen service, I hasten to warn you that the service does not turn on immediately, but only after collecting some information about the user’s preferences. Therefore, sooner or later, you will come across this functionality, and you will have to decide whether to leave it or disable it. Detailed instructions for enabling the service.

Removing Zen from mobile devices

You can also remove the described Zen service from mobile devices.

  1. To do this, just go to Yandex.Browser on our mobile device, press the button to go to settings (or the “Menu” button on the phone).
  2. Select "Settings", then "Advanced".
  3. And uncheck the menu item “Display Yandex.Zen recommendations feed.”


The Yandex.Zen service for computers and smartphones is just beginning to win its audience; its development, successes and achievements are yet to come. However, very often everything new meets fierce resistance from conservatives who want to maintain the existing status quo. I recommend that such people take a closer look at Zen, but if they absolutely don’t like the service, then use the above tips and turn off Zen forever. Or for a while.

In contact with

Yandex users are faced with an integrated application called Zen. The main task of this analyzer is to help the user quickly familiarize himself with events that are interesting to him. The service determines news useful to the user by analyzing the queries he makes in the search bar, a kind of machine learning.

Not only PC owners, but also users using a browser on a smartphone or tablet with the Android operating system can experience the benefits of this application first-hand. If the analyzer interferes with work, then disable Yandex. Zen in the Yandex browser, using the detailed instructions described in the article.

What is Yandex Zen and how does it work?

Zen is a Yandex personal recommendation service, an endless news feed. It is located on the browser start page at the bottom of the browser. While scrolling the feed, the user will be offered more and more new information in the form of the latest publications that are interesting to him.

The news feed is built based on the search history previously made by the user. In other words, it is an alternative search engine that does not require entering precise search queries. If a person does not know what information will be useful and interesting to him at the moment, then Zen will try to find a publication suitable for the user on its own. He will offer to study articles and try to interest the client based on his history of requests in the web browser.

Application settings can be adjusted. To do this, you need to indicate what information is desirable for viewing, and what information is better not to be shown at all. Sites that are inappropriate for viewing can be blocked so that information from the specified resources does not come across.

Disabling the news feed

Since the development of the service, its creators have not stopped at the results obtained and regularly refine it so that users are always informed about the most interesting events happening in the world. However, some people did not like this innovation, so many are interested in material that tells how to disable Zen in the Yandex browser.

To disable the feature, you must perform the following steps:

1. Open your browser. When loading the main page, you can see the news offered by the system at the bottom.

2. Click on the “settings” tab. A window will open on the screen with the currently active settings.

3. Scroll through the information that appears and look for the “Show in new Zen tab” item. Initially, there is a tick opposite it. To disable the system, the icon must be removed. To do this, just click on it and it will disappear.

After these manipulations, we open a new tab and see that the application no longer offers any information. Thus, with a few clicks, you can easily disable the system.

Deactivation on a mobile device

Disabling the personalized recommendations feed on mobile devices is just as easy as on a personal computer. If the system is already boring and interferes with work, constantly offering materials that are not of interest to the user, then you need to turn it off by following several steps:
  • Open your browser. On the loaded main page, namely in the lower part, you can see the news selected by the application.
  • Go to your browser settings. To do this, click on the icon in the form of 3 vertical dots, which is located in the lower right corner immediately below the search bar.
  • After clicking, a settings tab will open.
  • Scroll through them and find the “Advanced” item. It contains the active section “Display Yandex Zen Recommendations Feed”.
  • Click on the button located opposite the selected section and the icon becomes inactive.
  • Products from Western developers. True, such a product is based on the Chromium platform, the work of Western specialists represented by Google. But Chromium is only a platform; Yandex.Browser is very different from the mass of other Chrome clones thanks to the careful work on it by the Russian search engine development team. Their developments on top of the Chromium platform concern not only a modified interface, as can be found by launching that other clone of the Chrome browser. The Yandex browser has its own security system and its own separate functionality. Yandex.Browser is the leader in the number of extensions that can be installed, since it supports work with both the Chrome store and the Opera store. And, of course, Yandex.Browser has its own unique interface, tailored to work with the creator’s services.

    One of these services is the Yandex.Zen news collection integrated into the browser, which, alas, has not received adequate public support during its existence. Not appreciating the efforts of the browser’s creators, many users are looking for ways to disable Yandex.Zen. We’ll look at how to do this at the very end of the article. First, let’s talk about what this function is and whether it needs to be disabled.

    About Yandex.Zen

    The service of the Russian search engine, also known as the standard functionality of Yandex.Browser, ornately named, is nothing more than an ordinary news selection, previews of new articles from certain sites displayed on the home page of the Tablo web browser.

    The news selection is endless; scrolling down will reveal more and more previews of materials from the Internet.

    The service is available in desktop and mobile versions of Yandex Browser, as well as as a separate application for Android - Yandex Launcher.

    A service created from contradictions

    Why is this completely harmless functionality so displeasing that many people want to disable Yandex.Zen? It is woven from contradictions, perhaps because the efforts of the developers are not destined to be appreciated by the browser audience.

    In pursuit of beautiful names for its services, the company in this case clearly overdid it, naming the chaos of incoming information in honor of Zen - the school of Buddhism, the teachings of which deny, if not all, but many things from worldly life, and prefer meditative practices to social aggression and news chaos.

    The news selection is based on a self-learning mechanism that shapes it in accordance with the interests of users. This is achieved by analyzing the Internet resources they visit. But the creators of the service forgot to provide for the possibility of users adding new materials from their favorite sites to the selection. News can only come from sites provided by Yandex.

    This nuance is largely responsible for the desire of many to disable Yandex.Zen.

    Activation of news collection

    A little earlier, the news selection was embedded in the browser by default along with its installation on Windows. As of the date of writing this article, the rules of the game have been changed: Yandex.Zen is activated only at the user’s request - if he turns it on when setting up the web browser for the first time.

    Is it necessary to disable the news selection in order to save system resources?

    If the news selection is not annoying, but we are talking about a device with problematic hardware characteristics, do you need to bother with the question of how to disable Yandex.Zen? On a computer with a weak processor or a slow HDD, this kind of functionality will not play a special role. But on devices with low RAM (2 GB or less), any unnecessary browser functionality - unnecessary extensions, standard news collections, built-in RSS aggregators, etc. - it is advisable to disable it. Since all Chromium browsers are designed for the active use of RAM.

    in Yandex.Browser

    On a computer with a Yandex browser installed, you can disable the news collection in the settings.

    Going to the settings section, look for the “Appearance Settings” column.

    Here, by removing the option to display the news feed, as shown in the screenshot above, you can actually disable Yandex.Zen.