Independent SEO promotion instructions. What is SEO optimization. We optimize each page for search queries from the local language

In the previous article, I talked about how buying links is now a rather dangerous activity and should be done with caution or not at all. In the comments they asked about alternatives - how else can you promote the site? And I recommend starting with SEO optimization.

Some newbie webmasters are unaware of these basics or simply brush them off. Meanwhile, this is very important to be able to do and to know. I will tell you how to do SEO website optimization yourself: step-by-step instructions for beginners and not only.

SEO website optimization yourself: step-by-step instructions

Why is SEO optimization so important? Because now, first of all, search engines pay attention not to the number of links, but to behavioral factors. That is, how much people like your site, how long they stay on it and whether they go to other pages.

In addition, the technical side is important, i.e. so that the site loads quickly, is convenient and there are no common errors (duplicates, incorrect robots.txt, etc.) But first things first, let’s start with technical issues:

  1. Choose your hosting wisely– there are a lot of offers, and some newcomers are attracted by the low cost. Now you can find offers for 70 rubles a month, but at the same time you will constantly suffer due to various problems. Or you won’t see the problem, but traffic will be low - it’s all about the hidden problems of the hoster. Don’t be stingy and don’t be greedy, you’ll more than recoup the costs of good hosting later. I recently switched to Mchost and I couldn’t be happier – the site has never crashed during this time and has started working faster. Review of popular hosters in this article.
  2. Certificate of safety- This is a relatively new trend that began to gain popularity in 2015. It is believed that very soon all sites that have not received such a certificate will fall in search results. Google already gives a small plus to sites that have an SSL certificate, and raises them a couple of lines in the search results. I haven’t studied this issue in detail yet, but I’m going to. So if you are interested in this issue, you can subscribe to updates.
  3. Website loading speed– this plays an important role in SEO optimization, because visitors do not want to wait long. The ideal time is 2-3 seconds. Check your download speed and fix any errors following the instructions in this article.
  4. Image optimization affects the loading speed of the site. I described how to quickly and easily reduce the weight of several pictures in this article, use any of the methods listed.
  5. Adaptive layout or a mobile version of the site - Google has long warned that it will lower sites without a mobile version in search results. So you should either buy a design with a mobile version, or order it from freelancers, or use plugins (for example, WPsmart).
  6. CNC links, i.e. human-readable links. It has not been proven that this directly affects search results, but it will definitely not be superfluous. And it will be more pleasant for readers to see a clear address, rather than a set of numbers and symbols. You can connect such links in the admin panel, in the Settings – Permanent Links (CNC) section.
  7. Site Map– perfectly improves behavioral factors. Recently, sites without “content” are rare, but they still occur – and this is terribly inconvenient! In addition to a map for search engines (sitemap.xml), be sure to create one for visitors using the Dagon Design Sitemap Generator plugin. In the article about the most necessary plugins, I explained how to use this plugin.
  8. Set up Robots.txt That’s right – this can be done literally in a few minutes, but how many people simply forget or forget about it. Don't know how to do it? Read.

Internal website optimization

When technical errors are resolved, you can move on to internal optimization:

  1. Create a semantic core– this is the key point of promotion, and without this success will not be seen. SY need to be created even before creating the site, in order to immediately think through the site structure, sections, etc. It is not necessary to immediately type 100,500 queries; at first, 100 will be enough to have something to work with. The free program Slovoeb or Keykolletor will help you with this.
  2. Come up with a title and description– this is the basis of SEO optimization of a website, since this information is displayed in search results. Title is the title of the article; it is advisable to include a key query in it. Description is the text that is shown in the search under the title of the article. You need to write an intriguing description so that people want to visit your site. But everything is fair - no promises that you cannot keep.
  3. Use different types of headings: from H1 to H6. But in the article itself, do not use h1, since this heading should only appear 1 time in the article. And the rest can be evenly distributed throughout the text, placing emphasis and indicating to visitors where what is written about. But don’t overdo it with headings – on average, one per 3-5 paragraphs. Although personally, I usually only use H2 and H3 - I don’t go lower, and I think that’s enough.
  4. SEO image optimization– we have already touched on this issue above, but we were talking about reducing weight and size. And here it’s worth paying attention to uniqueness (look about it) and SEO optimization. Be sure to include keywords in the alt and title so that the image can be found in a search and accessed through it to your website.
  5. Quality articles– I have already specifically described how to write and format articles correctly, but I will briefly outline the basics. Write long texts of 3000 characters or more, be sure to be unique, and break the text into paragraphs to make it easier to read. By observing these minimum requirements, you will be able to please search engines and visitors; more details about this are written in the link above.
  6. Write articles regularly– decide how often you will write articles for the site. Once a week, twice or every day. Try to stick to this schedule and post at the same time.
  7. Site relinking- this is when you link to another in one article, and the person goes to another page of the site. There are entire linking schemes, which I described in a separate article, but I prefer to simply link to useful articles as I write. This makes it more likely that the reader will move on to read another article.
  8. Remove broken links and malicious – the useful Broken Link Checker plugin will help you with this. It is easy to operate - just press a button Recheck all pages and you will receive a detailed report on all broken and suspicious links. The code and decryption can be found in this article.
  9. Analyze the site, improve behavioral factors - install Yandex metrics and analytics, view statistics and failure reports. Using a web viewer, evaluate people’s behavior (how long they were there, where they looked, what they poked) and correct possible problems. It may be necessary to rewrite the article if it does not correspond to the title and main key.

External website optimization- this is getting links to your site using free or paid methods. Try to develop naturally and gradually so as not to arouse suspicion with a sudden “explosion” of links. Approach this issue wisely, then no filters will affect you.

Be sure to follow the links in the article and study the unclear points in more detail. If I used all the information from other articles, it would turn out to be a very long step-by-step instruction. SEO optimization of a website is a serious matter, and you shouldn’t leave it to chance. Moreover, following all these recommendations is not so difficult, but the effect of these actions is impressive.

What is promotion

The question seems to be very banal. The goal of promotion is to get more visitors to the site and make it more popular. We can say that this is a set of measures aimed at increasing the popularity of the project.

How a website is promoted in search engines and how to do it wrong

Perhaps you have the wrong opinion about promotion. That you can just invest a lot of money in this, and everything will be in chocolate. This is exactly not the case; today you need to think seven times before buying or doing anything. For example, I will give you a few examples of what you can invest a lot of money in, but in the end it will only bring harm:

Bulk purchase of links. You can spend a lot of money on this, but a sharp increase in the link mass is perceived very negatively by search engines. As a result, you can get filters from them and simply ruin your project. In addition, today the quality of links is more important than their quantity. Also keep in mind that if you have a bunch of links from projects that have a completely different topic (different from yours), then this is a direct signal to search engines that the links are purchased.

Run through catalogues. There are many places today where you can order a so-called run, which also allows you to get a lot of links and immediately increase the visibility of your site on the Internet. However, today this action has no significant benefit - almost all of these directories are just link dumps that are in no way authoritative for search engines. Of course, you can register your website in some places, but you can do this yourself without investing any funds.

Re-optimization of articles with keywords. Of course, you can try to do it in a cunning way and mention some main key phrase 5-7 times in the article, and even highlight it in bold, but today you cannot fool the search robot this way. Spam is the fastest way to get a filter and ruin your project.

Now what's the right way

So, we are convinced that money does not solve anything if you do not think with your head. The optimal promotion plan today is as follows:

Set up the site correctly from the inside

Write with the right keywords

Recruit subscribers, people interested in your topic, with whom you will be able to contact in the future

Increase the visibility of the site in social networks and other possible places

Overall, this is enough. And I think the first two points are the most important. Why? Because they practically guarantee your resource in the future stable and constant traffic from search engines, which you will receive absolutely free.

In fact, if you have money, you have a lot of opportunities for promotion: you can order traffic to the site, you can advertise it with banners, advertising lines, but all this gives temporary results, and you will always have to pay if you always want to receive visitors. Promotion in search engines gives you much more advantages: over time, you will begin to receive tens, hundreds and maybe even thousands of people on your resource absolutely free of charge simply from searching for the necessary queries.

The Importance of Technical Setup

Keep in mind that Yandex and Google do not rank in the first places in searches, so if your resource is configured incorrectly, you simply have no chance of getting really a lot of traffic from search. And technical setup is only one of the factors; if the words for promotion are chosen incorrectly, then you will also have problems.

In short, there is a lot to consider. If you are willing to invest a lot in your project, then you can delegate all the responsibilities to other people. Today there are a huge number of freelancers on the Internet who collect the semantic core (select keywords), write articles, conduct an SEO audit of your site and correct errors that can harm your promotion.

One of these errors, for example, is duplicate pages. What do you know about them, how are you going to protect yourself from them? If you don’t know anything, and don’t even want to learn how to deal with them, you’ll have to pay another person, because it’s almost impossible to move forward normally with such a problem.

I will even say this: any technical error can lead to problems: some more serious, some less. A lot depends on the CMS you use to manage your content. I recommend choosing WordPress because it is extremely easy to customize and there are many people who can help you with it.

If you are interested in independent SEO optimization of your WordPress blog, I recommend that you look at ours for this engine. I’ll be honest, it doesn’t talk about everything, but it talks about a lot – about generating the correct sitemap, setting up CNC, writing meta tags, improving site speed, etc.

Even these 4 actions seriously improve your site in the eyes of search engines, which means you need to take it now and study it before your competitors do.

How to check website promotion in search?

You are probably most interested in the result, and that is to check how much higher your project has risen in search positions. Well, there are many useful tools that help you do this.

Many bloggers and webmasters use, I chose the line tool from the analyzer service. Please note that there is a fee for checking here. To check positions for free, I recommend installing some kind of website audit program. For example, Site Auditor or TopSite.

I hope you have gained a correct understanding of how websites are promoted in the right way and will be able to apply this information to your benefit. Subscribe to our blog if you want to receive project news.

Surely you have heard about search engine promotion of a website. Even if you are unfamiliar with this formulation, then you know very well that there are search engines (Yandex, Google, Rambler and others) that provide users with lists of sites in response to entered queries (for example, “rent an apartment”, “delivery of lunches to the office” or “hotels in the Moscow region”). Moreover, some sites go to first places in a search engine, and some can be found only by scrolling through a few pages.

Exactly search engine promotion(or, as it is also called, search engine optimization of the site) precisely serves to ensure that your site reaches the best places, i.e. in the TOP. More scientifically speaking, search engine optimization of a website (search engine promotion of a website, website promotion, SEO - SearchEngineOptimization) is set of measures to increase the site’s position in search engine results for pre-selected queries.

Why does your company need SEO optimization?

If in the recent past the Internet was used mainly to search for information, today the situation has changed a lot. The constant increase in the number of Internet users, new technologies (communication with the target audience using a website, online payment systems, the ability to order on-line, etc.) and many other factors have turned the Internet into both a powerful marketing tool and a place for sales. simultaneously. For example, the boom in online shopping definitely indicates that skillfully used Internet technologies bring stable profits to website owners.

Internet promotion can be effective for ALL companies whose potential audience is looking for similar products or services on the Internet. According to statistics, the number of Internet users is growing every year; today more than a third of Russians already use the Internet. Moreover, this audience is very attractive for business, because it has high solvency. Think about it, thousands, and perhaps tens and hundreds of thousands of people search for your products every day, but find competitors’ products! And all because more efficient competitors have already taken the best places in search engine results. You too can take these “places in the sun” - to do this you need to start search engine optimization of the site.

Why does the site need to be on first places in search engines?

There are several reasons for this. Firstly, top places in search engines can be compared to prestigious areas of the city. Usually, the client gets his first impression of the company even before visiting the organization, having learned where it is located. The more prestigious the area, the more confidence the client has, and accordingly, the greater the chance that he will choose you. The stereotype works: if a company is located in the very center of the city, then this company is thriving. This stereotype works similarly with SEO promotion. Sites that are in the TOP are, as a rule, the most respected sites.

Secondly, a good location attracts a much larger number of visitors. More than 95 (!) percent of users will pay attention to sites located in the first ten positions (TOP-10, i.e. the first search page). If a search engine returns a company’s website on the fourth page and beyond, then less than 2 percent of users will have the patience to scroll to this page.

Therefore, the higher the site is in the TOP, the more traffic it will have. We recommend being in the TOP 5 search results for the most important queries.

Why is it important to choose the right query list?

Of course, search engine optimization is a very effective way to attract customers, but with one caveat: it must be done by professionals. And the point here is not so much that inept optimization can cost your site penalties, but that the number of site visitors will increase, but the number of buyers will not. For promotion to give the best results, you need to decide.

Why is not promoting in search engines harmful?

There are situations when the user has already chosen several alternatives for himself and is inclined to contact your company and competing companies for additional information. Then the user searches for sites or contacts of these organizations. In such a situation, few will open the city telephone directory or call the help desk to find out information. Most will look for information on the Internet. And if the site is not SEO-optimized, then the user most likely simply will not find information about the company on the Internet! Today's Internet user is extremely spoiled and is not used to spending a lot of time searching. If they don’t find you, they will turn to competitors, the search for information about which will be easier and faster. Agree, it is very unpleasant to lose clients who already wanted to contact you, but simply could not do so.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the comprehensive development and promotion of a website to reach the top positions in search engine results (SERPs) for selected queries in order to increase traffic and further generate income.

The higher a site's position in search results, the more users come to it. Therefore, work on:

  • increasing the correspondence of pages to search queries (relevance),
  • optimization of structure and content,
  • improvement of commercial factors,
  • page code optimization,
  • increasing external factors of resource significance.

Optimization rules are set by search engines. Each of them uses and regularly updates its own ranking algorithms, which are made up of many factors. And, although the formulas are kept secret, experts know which factors carry the greatest weight. By influencing them, you can improve your position for key queries in search results.

User behavior, interface convenience, and site loading speed are extremely important for promotion results. With the development and complexity of algorithms, the importance of the above factors is steadily growing, which ultimately makes search results better. Search engines strive to provide the most useful material to a user's request. Therefore, resource owners need to publish the most interesting content for their audience.

And if it works today, it is not a fact that it will work tomorrow. Services are constantly changing and being rebuilt. Approaches are changing along with them.

How is SEO developing?

SEO originated simultaneously with the advent and development of search engines - in the mid-1990s. At this time, search engines selected resources according to a very simple principle: they took into account the words that were in the text of the pages. SEO before 1998 was key spam. The first search results included Internet resources with texts like this: “Sneakers for sale Moscow.” The search results were terrible. The tops were mostly spam.

In 1998, Google brought about the first SEO revolution, ushering in the link era. The search service has implemented a link ranking algorithm, PageRank, which calculates the weight of a page by calculating the importance of links to it. The more links there are on a page, the more important it is. And in 1999, Yandex announced the use of its own citation index to organize the Yandex.Catalog. The TIC determines the authority of Internet resources, taking into account the qualitative characteristics of links from other Internet resources.

In these conditions, SEO begins to develop quite quickly. The first agencies appear that provide website optimization services, the link business is born: link sellers, automatic promotion services, and scripts for exchanging links appear.

The dawn of link SEO was the period 2005-2009. It was a time of large link budgets, one hundred percent guarantees. SEO is becoming a highly profitable business.

In 2009, the second revolution took place - the introduction of machine learning algorithms into search engines. One of the best machine learning algorithms was invented in Yandex - Matrixnet. With its help, a ranking formula for the search engine of the same name is constructed. In fact, the formula is written by a machine. Therefore, since 2009, SEO requires knowledge and hard work.

2012 is the beginning of the reference-free period. Search engines are fighting links. In April 2012, Google launched the Penguin algorithm. It blocks Internet resources for low-quality links created by webmasters in order to influence rankings. Following this, in March 2014, Yandex stopped taking into account the link factor in ranking for commercial queries. And in May 2015, Yandex introduced the Minusinsk algorithm, which periodically identifies the leaders in purchasing links and limits them in ranking. Promotion only by purchasing links has become useless.

At this time, companies begin to try to study ranking algorithms to understand which factors to focus on. Various promotion models are being developed, new strategies and methods are being tested.

What is it like?
search results today?

Website optimization
or how does SEO work?

Search engines are constantly striving to improve the quality of search results, so it is necessary to promote the Internet resource in a comprehensive manner. This is working with the technical side, content as a decisive factor, convenience, usability, correct display on various devices and attracting natural links.

The work is divided into two subtypes: internal and external optimization.

What is SEO?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)- these are measures to optimize a website that increase its position in search results. The ultimate goal of attracting traffic is monetization of an Internet resource.

The impetus for the development of this direction was the expansion of the information field on the Internet and the emergence of search engines (Yahoo!, Google, Yandex). By entering a query, the user received feedback in the form of a page with search results, search engine results page. The search engine architecture included:

  • Interface (the part with which the user works to enter a request);
  • Search robot (collects data from pages, documents or pictures);
  • Indexer (optimizes search for processed information).

The first to talk about the possibility of using search algorithms to promote websites Danny Sullivan, California-based technology journalist. He published the article "Search Engine Webmaster's Guide" in April 1996, where he introduced the concept Search Engine Marketing, which includes SEO as an optimization tool. In his publications, he wrote about attracting search engine interest to sites artificially.

How and for whom does it work?

The idea of ​​optimizing websites for search results marked the beginning of the formation of a new industry in IT and business. After just 20 years, we have a rapidly growing digital marketing industry, the nuances of which a young specialist will have to understand in practice.

Let's start with the obvious: who needs SEO optimization of a resource?

Who needs SEO?

The correct answer is everyone who wants to attract users to their website. These can be both commercial organizations and individuals who simply blog.

Now let's figure out how this magic works. When promoting websites, you should have a good understanding of their structure. If the first generation of sites was created without regard to design and user experience, filled with tons of texts with explicit keys, then the sites we use today have become a high-quality product with a user-friendly interface, thoughtful design and optimized pages.

Search robots analyze websites and remember their content. Each resource is assigned a value by which it can be easily found and returned to a search query. The website ranking formula includes more than 1000 indicators. Many factors remain unknown even to developers, since machine learning technologies began to be introduced in 2009. Influencing known ranking criteria improves page relevance.

Internal and external optimization of work

In the first case it includes:

  • Formation of a semantic core;
  • Work on the structure;
  • Optimization of texts and pictures.

External optimization is designed to increase the link mass. If previously purchasing was enough, now only natural links are taken into account. These are mentions of the site on thematic portals, websites or reposts. Regular mention of the resource by users indicates that this is a SDL (site for people). Natural links should be placed on trusted sites and be open to search engines.

In this regard, the question often arises, how to become an SEO specialist?

This profession has become in demand over the past few years and will continue to remain so in the future, because there is more and more information every day. A modern person receives more data every day than fits into 170 newspapers. The desire to obtain high-quality information in a minimum time is the reason why we open search engines today.

Looking ahead, let's say what SEO may become in the future. In one episode of the British series about technology and everyday life, Black Mirror (2011), people were given the opportunity to give each other ratings that have legal value. SEO specialists in this world are engaged in optimizing not websites, but real people.

It is impossible to improve your skill without theory. To save time, go study terminology here. Understand the basics in detail:

  • How to compose a semantic core and what tools are suitable for this.
  • Guide to working with Key Collector.
  • SEO Specialist Toolkit.
  • Drawing up technical specifications for copywriters and programmers.
  • Optimization of texts, images and meta data.

Where to start learning?

If you are a fan of classical teaching tools, then the book Igor Ashmanov and Andrey Ivanov "Optimization and promotion of websites in search engines" will be a very useful purchase. The paper edition describes the basics well, but for up-to-date information you will have to go to blogs and thematic resources.

First of all, visit the website Sergei Koksharov( This is one of the largest expert analysts in the field of search engine optimization. His blog is regularly updated with useful articles, webinars and other useful things.

Another useful blog Mikhail Shakin( Its portal publishes reviews of new programs, tools and interviews with experts in this field.

Ilya Rusakov( writes about SEO development trends, tools to help, and publishes reviews of major conferences.

Be sure to check out the channel Speakers talk about ranking factors, content and page optimization in clear and accessible language.