Andrey Morozov: Investing in people is the most profitable investment

Andrey Morozov.

The founder of the Creative Intelligence Competition (CI) Andrei Morozov told NSN about how to become a participant in this project, what abilities you need to have, as well as how to get your dream job and which employers hire for such positions without experience.

Russian Education Minister Olga Vasilyeva proposed introducing chess into the compulsory school curriculum. According to her, after this, children in Armenia began to take prizes at the World Mathematical Olympiad. How do you feel about this initiative?

Well, of course you should do it. From the point of view of the structural formation of the neocortex of children, this would be very good. But chess needs to be introduced into the preschool and primary school curriculum. The formal rules of chess, calculating the opponent’s and one’s actions several steps ahead, combined with the game nature of chess, simply perfectly develop attentiveness, abstract and combinatorial thinking in children. But only as long as they think and play on their own, and do not memorize standard combinations. But starting from the middle grades, say from the fifth grade, logic should be taught in schools instead of chess. By the way, at the stage of rapid development of the USSR, since 1947, logic was a school subject and was completely unjustifiably excluded from compulsory school curriculum later. A teenager's mastery of formal logic inevitably induces further logical decisions by an adult. This is important not only for designers, engineers, machinists, pilots, but also commanders, police officers and especially judges. Would you like the decisions made by people in these and other professions to be illogical?

- Of course not!

And then how logical is it that logic is not taught in school?

- Yes, you are reasoning logically. What about the main task Creative Intelligence Competition?

The main task is an objective and accurate, structured measurement of the abilities and potential of the competition participants. This is necessary in order to determine the optimal positions for them at the enterprises of Strategic Partners and to develop the best individual development plan that allows them to occupy these positions. In other words, to select the most suitable job for CSI participants. The motto of the competition is “Not a person for work, but work for a person!” Just imagine how harmonious the world will be if everyone takes their place in it. Well, we shouldn’t forget about the popularization of intellectual activity. This is also the social goal of our Competition.

- Are there many people who want, but cannot find their dream job?

Don't be surprised, but less than we would like. However, this does not mean that many are in the right place. Many people simply don’t have dreams of a job. Nowadays there are too many people who dream of doing nothing and getting a lot. Those for whom the concept of a “dream job” exists are in the minority, but even fewer have the necessary abilities and potential for their dream job. But even for them, the opportunity to get their dream job, unfortunately, is not so great - the traditional condition for being hired for a “dream job” is experience in a “dream job.” Is there a way to break this vicious circle and give the dream job to those who want and deserve it? Yes. This is our competition because it measures ability and provides choice! Moreover, a system for individual measurement of characteristics, developed specifically for him in collaboration with German psychologists, allows him to tell the participant what kind of job he should dream about. This will make the dream object achievable and the relationship with it harmonious.

- What do you need to do to take part in the competition?

You don't need to have any special skills. You just need to register on the KSI website, follow the news, complete tasks, and attend offline events. I would like to emphasize that you do not need to pay anything for participation in the Competition, including its offline events. All costs, including refreshments and entertainment for participants, are paid by business - the Strategic Partners of the Competition. Not only Russians, but also any Russian speakers can take part in the Competition Foreign citizens from eighteen years old.

- Tell us in more detail how the competition is held, what do the participants do?

First of all, this online assignments, which are offered on the Competition website. They can be performed using a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone - any device that can work with the site. Those who perform well in completing online tasks are invited to offline events, where they will meet businessmen. These are the first persons of the Strategic Partners of the Competition, exactly those who can provide a “dream job”, despite the competitor’s lack of experience in such work and other stereotypical conventions.

- Who are the “curators”? Why are they interesting to the strategic partners of the competition?

Curators attract smart people to participate in the competition. Company managers, Strategic Partners of the Competition, feel the need for effective managers, and they are ready to pay those who bring truly capable people to them. The higher the potential of a curator involved in the Competition, the greater his remuneration can be, not only one-time, but also quarterly for three years! Curators are invited to offline events, they are provided with incentives, as well as bonus trips, for example to Dubai.

Which companies support the competition? How ready are they to work with people without experience, to train, to invest in the future?

KSI is supported by innovative high-tech companies, whose top officials understand that only smart and active employees and managers at all levels can provide their business with a competitive advantage and development. Serious business knows that investing in people is the most profitable investments. Examples of such companies are the Russian Yota and the German Ecotel. Their leaders are ready to take capable people without experience and invest in their training, just as they, in fact, invest in CSI. Listen to what they say in their appeals on the KSI website, about their readiness to work for the future, to bet on “new blood” and appoint it to key positions of your business.

A special event has been announced for curators - “Druzhin No. 3”. It will take place on October 8 in Moscow on the territory of the suburban sports club. Why is it being done?

First of all, I will decipher the concept of “Druzhin” - it comes from the words “friendly” and “dinner”. IN in this case The event will last the whole day, participants will informally meet with the top officials of the Strategic Partners, as well as with the winners of the last season of the KSI. The entertainment program includes: refreshments, helicopter rides, ATV rides, paintball, archery, skeet shooting, mafia games, fireworks. Friendly atmosphere The meeting will certainly prove that for a serious business, age, work experience and even knowledge are not important, but only the ability to learn, think and do.

- Is it difficult to get to “Druzhin No. 3”?

It is still quite possible to receive an invitation to this useful and free event. You need to register on the KSI website, invite your smart friends, acquaintances, relatives to the Competition and apply to participate in the event in personal account Online. So see you in a circle of smart and active people who can make their and your dreams come true! Come, it will be fun!

Quite recently, while “walking” through the pages worldwide network Internet, I came across the following text message quite by accident:

"Hello friends!

There are two of you, are you smart and capable of shooting and editing videos well? Then my Project “Creative Media Couple” is for you! Do you want comfortable living, travel and income in Moscow, an amazing vacation not in Moscow, interesting cooperation with me personally? – and this is training, implementation, growth, career, drive and all things...

Then welcome to my Creative Media Couple Project!

I was interested in this project and I decided to follow the link to get acquainted with the “Creative Media Couple” project in more detail.

Who is the “founder” of the project?

The “Creative Media Pair” project is the “brainchild” of ideologist Andrei Morozov. Also, Andrei Morozov today is a successful businessman in the IT technology sector. Andrey Morozov is a professional analyst.

In 2013, Andrei Morozov launched a project called “Creative Media Couple”. This project was launched under the Creative Intelligence 2017 competition.

The essence and purpose of the project and competition

The main goal of the “Creative Media Pair” project, within the framework of which the above competition is being held, is the following: searching for creative and talented people who are able to create high-quality media content for the site.

What is media content and how is it created?

Media content consists of various kinds of images, videos, audio files, etc., which are posted on various resources on the Internet.

The main purpose of media content is to attract new users. With the help of high-quality media content, you can make a specific Internet resource more interesting for users and visited.

Depending on the type of media content for the site, various specialists create it. For example, to create high-quality video content you need to be good operator and video editor. But experienced journalists and copywriters can create text content. Andrei Morozov is looking for this kind of specialist to work on his projects to fill Internet resources with high-quality and interesting media content. Anyone can become a participant in the project, because the competition within the framework of the Creative Media Pair project is open. Bole detailed information about the rules and requirements for participation in the competition is available on the website

Last weekend, the offline event “MegaDruzhin” took place in the Moscow region, organized as part of the Creative Intelligence Competition (CI), which we have already talked about. One hundred successful KSI participants were introduced to the Competition; Representatives came to the participants Yota companies, Ecotel, Real Estate Hospitality and CBOSS. The meetings quickly turned into interviews: participants selected companies and were interviewed by their representatives. Actually, this is what everything was started for: the KSI is carried out precisely so that companies that need new smart personnel and capable people who need an interesting job have found each other.

Creator of KSI Andrey Morozov about the origins and concept of KSI:

The idea of ​​holding a competition came to me about ten years ago. The impetus was the imperfection of the recruiting system - the total subjectivity of personnel practices does not allow us to correctly evaluate the candidate. Last season of KSI was more of an exploration, a proof of concept. Now in full swing new season KSI - this time with the participation of serious Strategic Partners and on a larger scale.

The Competition tasks are developed by a team of scientists from both technical and psychological fields, including German ones. All tasks are aimed at identifying people with intellectual abilities. Anyone over 18 years of age who is willing to spend their time completing the tasks is allowed to participate in the Competition.

Strategic partners of KSI at Megadruzhina-2017

This year the partners of the Competition were large companies. This made it possible not only to increase the prize fund to $1.5 million, but also to fully finance entertainment program“MegaDruzhina”: there were helicopter flights, horse-drawn carriage rides, bumper ball, paintball and much more. There were some surprises: during the banquet, one of the KSI participants proposed to his girlfriend, who also participated in the Competition.

Every season, Andrei Morozov traditionally takes participants on helicopter rides.

Financial Director of Real Estate Hospitality Sergey:

“We have a lot of our own assets, but we really lack good managers - smart people who do not want to rest on their laurels and are ready to learn and develop. That’s why we became partners of the Competition and hope to find here those who can become part of the Real Estate Hospitality management team and help the business grow, open new directions and improve the efficiency of existing ones.” HR Director of Ecotel Fabian supported his colleague:

“As European partners, we are proud to be part of the Creative Intelligence Competition. We are constantly looking for people with great potential Worldwide. Therefore, we will be happy to invite competition participants to Ecotel if they are interested in working for our company, can understand the specifics of our business and are ready to come to the country.

I share the idea of ​​the Competition to look for talented people, regardless of who they are, where they are from, or what they did before,” said Fabian.

HR Director of Ecotel Fabian Britbach

History of success

Last season of the KSI, first place in the Ukraine region was taken by Sergey, then a 3rd year student at the Faculty of Economics, and now a master’s student at the Moscow Institute of Management and financial director of Real Estate Hospitality. “After participating in the competition, my life changed dramatically. I got interesting work, together with his girlfriend (who was also hired through KSI) moved to a comfortable corporate apartment in Moscow,” he says. According to Sergei, he won the competition without any problems; even the most difficult tasks were so interesting that it was easy to work on them.

The young man moved quickly up the career ladder: three months - and he was deputy financial director, another year - and Sergei headed the financial service. In his case, the KSI worked as the creators of the competition expected: it allowed an intelligent and hardworking person to quickly go through those stages of career development that usually take years.

However, even those who do not win the competition - after all, they cannot all be winners! — KSI helps you earn money and improve your life. By inviting friends to participate in the competition, you can... Sergey advises using the opportunities that KSI provides.

Julia, participant of this season’s “Megadruzhina”:

“I study and work, and now it’s time to think about what I want to become. I will continue to participate in the competition, and perhaps in the future someone will want to see me in their company. Of the companies presented, I like Yota the most.”

Mobile Yota operator became a Strategic Partner of the Creative Intelligence Competition of the 2017 Season.

The competition provides an opportunity for the smartest, bravest and active people demonstrate your abilities and become winners in the fight for a place in the teams of Russian and foreign companies - partners of the Competition. The creator of KSI is entrepreneur Andrey Morozov. Anyone over 18 years of age, regardless of their level of education, can learn more about KSI, register on the website and participate in the Competition. social status and work experience.

Participants in the Competition will have six Rounds, during which each will have the opportunity to demonstrate their intellectual abilities by completing online and offline tasks developed in close cooperation with leading German psychologists. Based on the results of these six Rounds, the winners will be determined.

The total prize fund of the Competition is more than 85,000,000 rubles.

Each Strategic Partner of the Competition has provided its own prizes for the winners of the Competition, in total these are 353 cash prizes for Competition Participants, 55 bonus trips, as well as more than 400 cash prizes for Curators, so each Participant and Curator of the Competition has a good chance of becoming a winner.

“We need truly talented and thoughtful people who want to achieve something in life. People who want and can create new things. There is a place for such people at Yota, because Yota is an opportunistic innovative company where you can create, wisely and with desire,” says CEO Yota Vladimir Dobrynin."

Everyone who proves themselves will have the opportunity to undergo training under the guidance of successful businessmen - heads of leading Russian and foreign companies, and become part of a strong team of professionals.