Block access to the router from the external network. Remote access to a home computer basic concepts. Communication between routers via cable

Since the advent of technology wireless transmission data communication has undergone significant changes. For example, private virtual VPN networks, in which access is provided only using a user name (login) and password. In such networks, the main place is occupied by the data reception and transmission device itself, which is responsible for the connection. As a rule, this is a router or ADSL modem.

What is a router

At its core, a router is a kind of router that provides communication between a computer, a communication device and access to a network or the Internet. Wireless device this type may have different characteristics, however, the most popular, as practice shows, are models like D-Link and TP-Link.

In order to produce correct setting, first of all, you need to know how to log into the router. In most cases, this will determine how correct the connection will be in terms of connection (and whether it will be established at all).

Basic connections

The main condition regarding the router is, of course, setting up the equipment configuration itself. There are several ways to do this, although, as a rule, the primary method is to directly set the parameters when connecting the router to a computer terminal. Let's try to figure out how to log into the router, how to correctly carry out the main settings and how to make the virtual network fully functional with the condition of connecting via a wireless VPN network.

Setting up a router via an Internet browser

The first rule: for basic settings, the router is connected directly to a computer or laptop via a network cable. IN in this case you must use any Internet browser available in the system, in which you need to enter the address of the router itself, indicated on the bottom side of the device (on the label). The login and password for accessing the device are also marked there.

Initial information on how to enter the router settings and properties virtual networks, You received. Next, you need to go to the options themselves, where the main parameter selection window will appear. You must immediately understand that you must first configure the network connection on your computer or laptop. This is done using the “Connection Wizard” or when specifying settings in manual mode in the "Properties" section established protocol TCP/IP (or TCP/IPv4 in relation to operating systems Windows type 7 or 8).

Now the most important thing: after connecting the router, you should enter your username and password. As a rule, this is the Admin login and empty password(or "1234"). In the traffic definition field you will need to enter the default IP address (in most cases this is For a router, the address can sometimes be used.

After all of the above, you can even view the MAC address of the computer terminal currently on the network.

Additional functions and settings when using a router

In several options that were not discussed above, you may also need additional settings, which not all users know about. In the external port lines, you should specify the values ​​"35000" and "35001" for the corresponding TCP and UDF fields.

Frequently asked questions related to network access problems

One of the most problematic solutions is to disable the firewall, antivirus of any optimizer, etc. The fact is that they not only block the connection to the Internet system, but also contribute to the fact that the operating system Windows system displays a message indicating that the connection is not allowed or there is an error in accessing the router itself. It is worth saying that when deciding how to log into a router, you need to use the configuration data provided by the provider (not even the device manufacturer). The original manufacturer data is used only when entering the main menu of the router. Well, then - setting up the system.

Manual error correction

In order to understand how to log into the router, you just need to imagine the equipment configuration. There can be quite a lot of errors when connecting a device.

Initially, they are not even associated with the device itself, but with the drivers installed on it. Unfortunately, even for Windows 7 there is not always support. Here you will have to use algorithms that differ from general principles. You may need to specify the external IP address, subnet mask address (Sub Net), DNS server, etc. In addition, you should use the “Firewall with manual port forwarding” function on computer terminal, which will not block incoming connections. Address values ​​are set on a computer or laptop in the properties tab of the TCP/IP protocol.

The very question of how to log into the router is purely related to technical problem connecting the device itself to a computer or laptop. In principle, we can say that all settings are standard. However, it is worth consulting with your provider before connecting the device to the network.

How to log into the router in another way? Can also be used additional functions in the form of a login and password, which will be required during the setup process. However, the most important attention should still be paid to setting up the router in direct connection mode network cable using an Internet browser. It simply won't work any other way.

Moreover, if you do not enter the basic values ​​in all the fields present in the router settings, it will be impossible to establish a connection, no matter how much you would like it. Therefore, you need to enter all data and addresses manually. There is no need to talk about any automation of the process in this case.

A common task: setting up remote access to a computer that is connected to the Internet via a router.

Solution: do port forwarding on the router. Port forwarding is also called publication of the port or port forwarding. In English terminology the terms are used Port Forwarding And Port Publishing.

What is port forwarding

Port forwarding is the mapping of a specific external port gateway (router, modem) with the required port target device in local network(servers, workstation, network storage, camera, recorder, etc.)

But which port to forward depends on how you want to access the computer.

How to set up remote access via RDP (remote desktop, terminal)

Connections by RDP protocol are carried out on port 3389 of the target computer. What should be done:

Step 1 Allow incoming RDP connections on the computer

Attention! It is possible to make INCOMING connections via Remote Desktop to the following editions of Windows OS:
Windows XP Professional;
Windows 7/8.1 Professional;
Windows 7/8.1 Ultimate;
Windows 7/8.1 Corporate.

In Windows XP Starter, Home Edition, in Windows Vista/7/8/8.1 Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium there is no possibility of incoming connections.

To do this we open Properties of the system(WIN+Break), click on the link Extra options systems:

Go to the tab Remote access, put the switch in position Allow connections to this computer, uncheck Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with network level authentication (recommended) and click OK to apply the setting:

Step 2 Create on computer account, under which the remote desktop user will connect.

Requirement No. 1. This the account must have a password. According to default settings local politics security, accounts Without a password, RDP connection is prohibited. It is not recommended to allow remote access to non-password-protected accounts in security policies. This will create a threat of unauthorized access from intruders.

Requirement No. 2. If the user is NOT an administrator on local computer, it must be added to the group. This can be done in two ways.

How to allow a user without administrative privileges to connect to a remote desktop

Method one.

Click right click By system shortcut This computer and select Control:

In the window Computer management select Local users and groups => Users:

Find in the list the desired user And double click call its properties:

Go to the tab Group Membership and press the button Add:

Click the button Additionally:

Then, button Search:

Select a group from the list Remote Desktop Users and press OK:

In the windows Group selection And Properties:<пользователь> click OK:

Method two.

Open system properties (Win+Break), click Extra options:

Go to the tab Remote access and press the button Select users:

Click the button Add:

Click Additionally:

And Search:

In the list, select the user account to which you want to grant remote access rights and click OK:

Now click OK in the following two windows:

Step 3 Create a forwarding rule on the router, according to which, when a request is made on a given port, the connection will be redirected to port 3389 of the desired computer.

IN D-Link routers the desired section may be called Virtual Server, as in D-Link DIR-615:

Also, it may be called Port Forwarding, as, for example, in DIR-300:

The essence is the same:

  1. We give an arbitrary name to the rule;
  2. Opening Non-standard port on a router that is not busy (field Public Port);
  3. We indicate the IP address of the target computer on the network where it should go deleted user(field IP address);
  4. We indicate the port number through which the application or service runs on the computer. In our case, for the Remote Desktop Server service this is port 3389 (field Private Port).

If your ISP gives your router dynamic address, it is convenient for you to use the Dynamic DNS service. D-Link has its own service where you can register an Internet address (i.e. domain) for free and set up access to your router and local network through it.

For Dynamic settings DNS go to the section MAINTENANCE, select subsection DDNS Settings and click on the link Sign up... to go to the site and register a domain. Then set up synchronization of the domain with the router's IP address in the area DYNAMIC DNS SETTINGS and save the settings with the button Save Settings:

After this, you can connect not by IP address, but by an address like

Checking the connection to the computer via remote desktop

Start the Remote Desktop Server client:

In field Computer Enter the address and port separated by a colon. In field User enter your username and click the button To plug:

This remote connection may harm your local or remote computer. Before connecting, make sure that remote computer reliable.

Check the box and click the button To plug:

Now enter the user password, check the box Remember credentials, if you don't want to enter your password every time, and press OK:

After this, a message may appear:

The authenticity of the remote computer cannot be verified. Do you want to connect anyway?

Here you can check the box Don't ask for connections to this computer again and press Yes:

Routers have entered our everyday life so quickly that no one is surprised at the sight of a “horned box with light bulbs” huddled on a bedside table or modestly hanging on the hallway wall. Often we don’t even touch it after installation, except to wipe off the dust. However, it is this device that provides network access to all our home devices.

Today we will talk about how to get to the administration panel of our router - after all, there are no controls on the device itself. Almost none - except for the reset and factory reset buttons.

Access to the holy of holies - the router settings - is provided over the network using an HTTP connection. Simply put, you need to go to the browser using to the right address, enter your login and password, and then it will load administrative panel devices. “Excuse me,” you say, “but I don’t know the address and passwords for it...” In this case, our article is just for you.

Basically for most models various manufacturers there are two routers standard addresses web interface: or, also standard pairs login - password are combinations admin - admin and admin - empty password (not a single character, including spaces), and in Zyxel routers with the login admin the password 1234 is widely used (in some models 1234 is also the login). To access the administrative interface, you need to open any browser and enter address bar one of the above addresses:

If the browser displays a password entry form, then the selected address is correct, you can enter your login and password. Most likely, all difficulties will end here and you will enter the administrative panel:

What to do if not a single address is recalled, or the login-password combination does not work? It's no wonder. First, you need to gather your strength and force yourself to get out of your comfortable chair to take a closer look at your router. Many manufacturers print information for accessing the router settings on a sticker located on the bottom of the device:

Most often you will find them there, especially if this data differs from the standard ones I have already described:

If the router was not purchased and installed by you (for example, employees of an Internet provider), it is possible that the IP address of the admin panel or the password to access it has been changed. To find out the router address in this case, you need to use standard features operating system:

In the Start menu, type cmd.exe into the search bar

Run command interpreter Cmd and in the window that opens, enter “ipconfig /all” without quotes:

Among the information received, we are interested in the address of the main gateway and DHCP server (often they are the same), which point to your router:

After copying the IP address, you can enter it into the address bar of your browser - the administrative panel will now be available to you.

What to do if everything is clear with the address, the browser establishes a connection, but the password, neither the one we suggested nor the one on the sticker on the case, no matter how hard you try, does not work? First, it’s worth finding out who could change it? If the provider’s specialists, then the most the best option– find out the password from them. Well, if you purchased the router personally, brought it yourself, unpacked it and connected it, it’s worth thinking about whether some ill-wishers replaced it by connecting when wi-fi help? In this case, resetting the router to factory settings will help us.

Before using this radical method, consult with technical support your provider - is there any data stored on your device? specialized settings to access the Internet and, if so, then find out how they can be restored (you may have to call a specialist to your home). If no special settings have been made, do not be afraid - the factory settings of the router are intended to launch the device out of the box, after full reset You will not lose access to the network.

Inspect the device carefully. There is a recessed button on one of its sides (most likely, you will have to press it using a straightened paperclip or something similar):

Without disconnecting the router from the network, press and hold it down for about 10 seconds. After releasing the button, give the router time to boot, and in the meantime, rewrite the login data for the administration panel - after booting the device, this data will allow you to receive full access to settings. Well, if there is no sticker on the device with the information we need, it’s worth re-reading the article again - the most common factory settings are listed above.

Yes, and change your password immediately as soon as you gain access to the admin panel - write it down New Password right on the router sticker so you don’t forget. This will save you from many troubles, from unwanted Wi-Fi connections to ill-wishers gaining access to your information. Passwords are not a way to hide something; they are keys that can be compared to the keys to your house or car.

Hello! Today we'll talk about safety again wireless networks and I'll talk about how to allow only certain devices to access your router's control panel.

All devices that are connected to your router via Wi-Fi or a network cable can access the settings. Of course, if you have changed your login and password to access the router control panel, then gaining access will not be so easy. But, many of these data are simply not changed and everything is left by default.

Here's an example. I see that I have three networks on my laptop, without protection. Let's connect. The first one gave something like “Windows was unable to connect to...”, probably filtering by MAC addresses. And I immediately connected to the second one. I open the browser and type the usual address, enter the standard login and password, admin and admin, and I’m already in the settings of someone else’s router. Although, it wasn’t even a router, but a TP-LINK ADSL modem with Wi-Fi.

So, I already thought, maybe I can set a password for the network for them :). This is a very big security threat, you can even gain access to the local network if it is configured.

In the settings, immediately go to the tab SecurityLocal Management (in the Russian version Security - Local Management).

Then everything is simple. It's there by default “All the PCs on the…”. This means that all computers connected to the network are allowed access to the router's web-based utility. We don't need that, we'll fix it now.

We put a mark next to “Only the PCs listed...” (Only the computers listed...).

At the very bottom there is a point “Your PC's MAC Address” (MAC address of your computer) there is a button opposite it "Add"(Add) . Click on it and the MAC address of our computer (from which we now entered the settings) is already on the allowed list. This means that the control panel can only be accessed from this computer.

You can add other MAC addresses of other devices for which you want to open access to the settings. Just write the new MAC address in another field. You can view the MAC addresses of already connected devices on the tab DHCPDHCP Clients List (DHCP – DHCP Client List). From there you can copy the address of the desired device.

And here's another for the Russian version:

I think everything is clear there. By the way, you don't need to reboot the router. After clicking the save button, everything starts working.

I only allowed access for my laptop. I tried to open the address on the tablet, but it doesn’t open, it just endlessly loading. Everything is working!

In order to re-open access for all devices, simply check the box next to the item again “All computers on the local network...” and save the changes.

Everything has been checked, everything works!

Best wishes!

Also on the site:

We deny access to the router settings for all devices (except yours) that are connected to your network updated: February 7, 2018 by: admin

Almost all routers and routers home use are able to provide a large range of protection for the perimeter of your network. Using the router's web interface, you can configure parental control to keep children safe on the Internet, set up port forwarding, wi-fi distribution traffic, firewall, IP television and much more. But the routers themselves are protected by simple protection of the form login and password. But if you have forgotten your router password, or for some other reason you have lost it, then this article will help you restore your default password and login. In addition, we will consider the possibility of performing port forwarding for applications even if you do not know the password to access the router’s web interface.

Let me make a reservation right away that I will consider the router and the router to be the same device. Divide them into two different types makes no sense within the scope of this article. But this does not mean that they are actually the same device. This is far from true.

Default router login and password

Before resetting your router to default settings to access the router's web interface, you should first try using the login and password that comes with each router. In any case, even after the reset, you will need the default login and password to log into the web interface. Here are three ways to find out the default login and password of the router:

  • Read the manual for your router. Various models Routers, even from the same manufacturer, often have several login and password combinations. To find them, check the user manual that came with your device. The manual can be found on the website of the manufacturer of your router or using Yandex to search for the router model.
  • Turn the device 180 degrees and look at the sticker located on the back of the router. When your Internet service provider gives you a router to use, this method may work. Internet service providers often accompany routers with their unique logins and passwords that can be printed on a sticker on the router itself.
  • Try the common login and password pairs that are used in most routers, for example: login " admin", password " admin"; or login " admin", password " " (empty password). You can find such pairs on the Internet, for example on the website quite full list default usernames and passwords for various routers at

If none of the methods work, move on to the next section, which will allow you to use the default credentials after rebooting the router.

How to reset a router to factory settings

All modern routers have special button, called RESET, which you can click to reset the router to its factory default settings. Pressing this button will reset any previously made changes to the marcher configuration: be it network settings, parental controls, port forwarding, etc. - everything will be erased to default settings. But at the same time, you will finally be able to access the router’s web interface with the default username and password, which can be obtained using one of the methods above.

Attention! After reset and you may have to spend some time configuring the router again, depending on how many changes you need to make to its configuration to get it back operational state your network. If you are not sure that you know everything necessary settings, do not press the button Reset.

Exact location Reset buttons will vary depending on the router model and manufacturer. To find it again, refer to the user manual of your router. specific model. Typically, this is a small round hole into which you insert a pen or paperclip to press a button hidden inside. This button protection is made specifically to prevent accidental pressing.

Reset router

So, press the button and hold it in this state for 10 seconds, and then release it. The button delay time can be found in the User Manual for each individual model. After releasing the button, the router turns off and on, perhaps it will even turn off and on several times, without pressing anything else. After 30-50 seconds, almost any router, after pressing the Reset button, is reset, and you can use the default login and password to log into the web interface.

Forwarding ports without setting up a router

If you need to forward ports for game server or network program, but you don’t know the password to the router’s web interface, don’t despair. To do port forwarding, you don’t even need to know the router password. This technique will also be useful if you don’t need anything else on the router other than forwarding.

Many routers support Universal Plug and Play(UPnP), which allows programs on your computer to “ask” the router to open the ports they need. If UPnP enabled on the router, it will automatically open the necessary ports for programs. Usually default UPnP enabled on every router.

If the program supports this option, you will find it in the connection settings along with the port configuration.

Settings Use my router's UPnP/NAT-PMP, which you can see in the figure, is a similar method of automatic port forwarding that most routers support

Use my router's UPnP/NAT-PMP

If you are using a program that does not include built-in UPnP support, do not worry. You can always use UPnP program Portmapper, which you can say . The goal of UPnP Portmapper is to provide UPnP support for any application that requires port forwarding.