FileZilla FTP Server for a home or small office network. Video: working with a TFTP server - emergency recovery of router firmware. Solving the problem of dynamic IP address

Transfer methods large files There are many via the Internet, but almost all of them have restrictions - either in file size, or in the amount of free space, or in download speed.

But there is one great option - creating an FTP server. Its main advantages:

  • no download speed limitation;
  • fast file exchange (no need to configure anything, upload files and wait for them to be processed);
  • the ability to download any document at any time (convenient when the Internet is unstable).

How to set up an FTP server?

Setup is very simple. To do this, you will need a program for an FTP server (or more precisely, a utility) called Golden FTP Server ( Free versions there will be plenty).

Have you downloaded the program? Installed? Now let's start creating. To do this, follow the following instructions:

That's all. Now you know how to make an FTP server. And you can freely share files with any users.

To check that creation of FTP server was successful, access it via Internet Explorer.

By the way, one more thing. Several users to whom you have given a download link can download shared documents at the same time. Of course, the jump speed in this case will be divided. But if you have 100 Mbit/s, then this is not a problem. Just to keep you informed.

If you don’t understand how to set up an FTP server, and all this is too complicated for you, then you can try other options. Fortunately, there are at least 5 more ways.

Based on numerous requests from readers, in this HOWTO we will take a detailed look at installing and configuring an FTP (file) server for Windows using the example of the most popular one - FileZilla Server.

The choice of FileZilla Server is due to the fact that it is one of the fastest and most reliable (with correct setting) FTP servers with a graphical configuration module. The server is regularly updated and has good documentation in English.

We'll look at installation and configuration in more detail under the cut. Attention, traffic (lots of screenshots)!

Server installation

Download the server installation program from its official website and run it. The first steps of the wizard are standard for most Windows applications, so we will only consider the last two in detail.

On the page Startup settings You will be asked to select a method to start the FTP server:

  • Install as service, started with Windows (default)— start the server as a Windows service at boot. This option is offered by default. The FTP server will start automatically even if no user is logged in. It is recommended to choose this option;
  • Install as service, started manually— the server will be installed as a service, but will not start automatically. To start you will need to enter in the Windows console with administrator rights next command: net start "FileZilla Server"
  • Do not install as service, start server automatically- the server will not be installed as a service, but will be launched on behalf of current user Windows. This option categorically not recommended, because in case of hacking, the attacker will receive the same rights and can harm the system.

Here you are asked to select the port that will listen to the administrative interface of the server. Default is 14147 .

On the page Startup settings You are prompted to select a method for launching the administrative interface:

  • Start if user logs on, apply ato all users (default)— launch the administrative interface when any user logs into the system as an icon in the system tray. This item is selected by default;
  • Start if user logs on, apply to current user — launch the administrative interface when the current user logs in;
  • Start manually— run manually. We recommend choosing this option.

Checkbox in a checkbox Start Interface after setup completes will automatically launch the server administrative interface upon completion of installation. Don't uncheck this box.

This completes the server installation. Let's start setting it up.

Setting up an FTP server

So, start the server and the administrative interface if they are not already running.

You can start the server like this: Start(All programsFileZilla ServerStart FileZilla Server, or using the command:

Net start "FileZilla Server"

You can launch the administrative interface like this: Start(All programsFileZilla ServerFileZilla Server Interface.

After launching the administrative interface, you will see a window asking you to enter the server IP (for local, leave ), admin port (if you changed it during installation, specify the correct option here, otherwise leave the default value) and password.

The default password is empty (it can be set in the server settings on the page), so immediately click OK to go to the main window (click to enlarge):

Most of this window is occupied by the FTP server operation log, which will display detailed records about connecting users and the transfers initiated by them. At the bottom of the window you will see the logins of all connected users, their IP addresses and the progress of downloading/uploading files. When you right-click on a login, you can disconnect the user from the server ( Kick user), or block his access via IP ( Ban user).

Open server settings by selecting from the menu Edit paragraph Settings.

General settings

On this page you can change the main port of the FTP server from 21 to any other if your provider blocks incoming connections to it. Here you can set timeouts in seconds, after which the user will be automatically disconnected from the server. To disable timeouts, set the value 0 . If you want to limit the maximum number of connected users, you can do this in the line Max number of users(default is set 0 , i.e. no restrictions).

General settings -> Welcome message

General settings - Welcome message

Here you can replace the standard greeting sent to clients when connecting to your FTP server. You can enter up to 1024 characters, each line must be no longer than 75 characters.

Check the checkbox Hide welcome message in log to reduce the size of log files by disabling the recording of this message in them.

General settings -> IP bindings

General settings - IP bindings

On this page you can specify the IP addresses of the network interfaces that the FTP server should listen to. We recommend leaving * , i.e. listening on all possible interfaces.

General settings -> IP Filter

General settings - IP Filter

On this page you can manage the list of banned IP addresses, i.e. addresses from which access to the server will be blocked ( top margin), as well as addresses that cannot be banned through the administrative interface (lower field).

Each address is entered on a new line. In our example, the three specified IP addresses will not be able to connect to the server, and will be impossible to block.

If you have a router with NAT, then this is one of the most important pages for you. Check the checkbox Use custom port range and specify the range of ports (numbers from 1024 to 65535 are allowed) that will be used in passive mode FTP for connecting clients to your server. Minimum range— 100 ports, but it is recommended to specify at least 400. You must forward this range of ports in the settings of your router. It is recommended to specify ports in the range from 30000.

Here you must indicate your external IP address. You can specify a host name, with the help of which the server will independently determine your external IP address. Our example uses the service. If you have a static external IP, simply indicate it in the field Use the following IP. If the IP is dynamic, use the service or similar and in the field Use the following IP enter the resulting hostname (as in our example).

Check the checkbox (if it is not already selected) Don’t use external IP for local connections to prohibit the use of external IPs when local connections. This will solve NAT Loopback problems on most routers.

On this page you can enable the use of the FXP protocol, which allows you to transfer files between two FTP servers directly. By default this is disabled (checkboxes are selected). If you need FXP support, uncheck all the checkboxes on this page.

Paragraph Don’t show passwords in message log allows you to hide user passwords from server logs.

Start minimized will enable the launch of the administrative interface in minimized tray mode.

It is not recommended to change the remaining settings of this page.

Here you can change the port that the administrative interface listens to, as well as the administrator password.

Check the checkbox Change admin password and set a new administrator password. Latin letters and numbers are allowed.

On this page you can enable logging of the server to a file by checking the checkbox Enable logging to file. Checkbox in checkbox Limit log file size to will allow you to specify the maximum allowed file size. If the file exceeds the specified number, it will be purged.

Paragraph Log all to FileZilla Server.log allows you to write all server logs to one file, and Use a different logfile each day creates a new log file every day, so we recommend this option. Checkbox Delete old logfiles after includes automatic cleaning of old logs.

All logs will be stored in a subdirectory Logs catalog FileZilla installations Server.

Here you can set global download and upload speed limits. These limits will be applied by the server for all users.

To set the speed limit, check the box Constant speed limit of and specify the value in kilobytes per second.

In addition to this page, you can set limits for each user individually in the user management module.

Some FTP clients support compressed data transfer. Compression can be enabled by checking the checkbox Enable MODE Z support. The minimum and maximum compression ratios are also indicated here. Be sure to check the checkbox Exclude private IP address ranges, which will disable compression when transferring files internally local network, or when connecting locally to the server.

Attention! Enabling compression may negatively impact the performance of the FTP server.

On this page you can enable automatic IP blocking for users who have entered their password incorrectly a certain number of times. To enable this function, check the checkbox Enable automatic bans, in line Ban IP address after please indicate as much as possible permissible quantity incorrect password entry attempts (minimum 10), and in the line Ban for— time in hours for which the offender will be banned.

FileZilla Server allows you to create unlimited amount users. Each user has the opportunity to set his own working folder, access parameters, speed limits, etc.

To manage users in the menu Edit administrative interface, select Users.

When you first start, in your section Users will be empty, so we must create a user. To do this, click the button Add.

In the window that opens, indicate the desired login (only Latin letters and numbers are allowed). Here you can also specify a group if they have already been created. Just enter your login and click OK.

Select the created user in the section Users. You will be prompted to specify a working folder for it, so the page will automatically open.

Click the button Add in the partition and specify the directory on the disk that the selected FTP user will have access to. After that, select it in the list and click Set as home dir. This action will prohibit escaping from this directory to the top for security reasons.

For each added directory, you can set read/write rights by checking or unchecking the checkboxes.

File permissions:

  • Read— allow reading and downloading files from the directory;
  • Write— allow writing files to the directory;
  • Delete— allow deleting files from the directory;
  • Append— allow resuming of files to the server.

Permissions for directories:

  • Create— allow the creation of subdirectories;
  • Delete— allow deleting directories;
  • List— allow listing (viewing a list of files). Never disable this action (the checkbox should always be checked);
  • Subdirs— extend rights to subdirectories.

Now go to the page General. Set a password for the user by checking the checkbox Password and registering a password.

Checkbox Enable account allows you to enable/disable the selected FTP account. Here you can set limits on the maximum number of connections for the user. Speed ​​limits for the user are set on the page.

To delete a user, select it in the section Users and press Delete. Button Rename allows you to change the login of the selected user (rename), and Copy- clone, i.e. create a copy with a different login.

After making the desired changes, click the button OK. User settings take effect immediately.

Enabling anonymous access to the server

If you need anonymous access to the server, open the user management window, add a user with login anonymous, uncheck the checkbox Password to disable the password request, on the page select a home directory that will be accessible to everyone and set necessary rights(don't forget to disable writing, resuming and deleting files and directories). After clicking OK Anonymous access to the server will be open to everyone.

Sometimes it is easier and faster to transfer a file through your own FTP server than to upload it to a file hosting service. Below is the procedure for installing and configuring the IIS ftp server included in Windows 7.

The FTP server is included with Internet Information Services. To install it, open Control Panel -> Programs -> Turn Windows features on or off. Expand the IIS Services section and check the boxes next to the following components: FTP service and IIS Management Console.

Setting up an FTP server.

Open Control Panel -> System and Security -> Administration -> Computer Management (you can quickly: Start menu -> right click on Computer -> select Management from the menu). In the window that opens, expand the Services and Applications group and open IIS Service Manager. In the Connections window, select the Sites folder, then in the right Actions window click on the Add FTP site link.

In the FTP site creation wizard, specify its name and location (by default c:\inetpub\ftproot).

Next, specify the binding and SSL parameters. I leave the binding section unchanged. I disable the “Start ftp site automatically” option (I only need ftp from time to time). In the SSL section, I select the “Without SSL” option.

In the next window, leave everything unchanged and click Finish.

The site has been created. Now you can go to additional options for fine-tuning (for example, limit maximum amount simultaneous connections). Select the newly created site, on the right in the Actions panel click on Extra options.

The next step is setting up the Windows Firewall. Open Control Panel -> System and Security -> Windows Firewall -> Advanced Settings. In the “Rules for incoming connections” section, find and activate “FTP server (incoming traffic)” and “FTP Server Passive (FTP Passive Traffic-In)”. The last rule allows the ftp client to connect in passive mode.

In the “Rules for outgoing connection” section, find and activate “FTP Server (FTP Traffic-Out)”.

If the system has additional firewall(Comodo, Outpost, etc.), then you also need to open port 21 (TCP) for incoming connections and port 20 (TCP) for outgoing ones.

If you connect to the Internet using a router, and you want to make your server accessible to Internet users, then you need to configure port forwarding on the router. On my Dlink DI-804HV this is done in the Virtual Server section. — IP address of the ftp server on the local network.

Setting up user rights.

If you leave everything as it is, then any user can connect to the FTP server (anonymous access is enabled) with read-only rights (you can download, but you cannot write or change files). Let's assume that we need to make access for trusted users who would have the rights to write and change files.

Open Control Panel -> System and Security -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management (Start -> right click on Computer -> select Management from the menu). Next, expand the group Local users and groups ( this setting available only in Business and Ultimate editions). Right click on the Groups folder and select Create Group from the menu.

Enter the name of the group - FTP Users, a description (you don’t have to enter it) and click the Create button.

Now you need to create a user. Right-click on the Users folder and select New User from the menu.

Enter the user name (for example ftp_user_1), password (at least 6 characters), check the boxes next to the options “Prohibit the user from changing the password” and “Password does not expire.”

The user has been created. Now you need to assign it the previously created group Ftp Users. To do this, open the user properties and go to the “Group Membership” tab. By default, a new user is assigned the Users group; delete it. Click the Add button -> Advanced -> Search. A list of user groups will open. Select the FTP Users group and click Ok. As a result we get:

Click Ok and move on to the next step.

At the stage of creating an ftp site, we needed to select a working directory (c:\inetpub\ftproot). Now you need to configure access rights to this directory for the FTP Users group. Open c:\inetpub in Explorer, open the properties of the ftproot folder, go to the Security tab and click the Edit button. In the window that opens, click the Add button and select the “FTP Users” group (as when creating a user). Set the permission level - " Full access» and click OK.

Final stage. Open IIS Services Manager again and select our ftp server (Test FTP). In the FTP site control panel, select “FTP Authorization Rules”. Add an allowing rule. In the window that opens, select the “Specified roles or user groups” option. At the bottom in the text field, we manually write the name of our group (FTP Users), then check the boxes in the Permissions section opposite Read and Write and click OK.

This completes the setup.

At the beginning we did not select the option automatic start server, so don’t forget to start it manually (right click on the site name -> Manage FTP site -> Start).

How to connect?

Option using Windows Explorer.
Open Computer (Vista, Win 7) or My Computer (XP).
For anonymous access, simply enter in address bar server address (
To log in with a username and password, enter an address like: ftp://[username]:[password]@[ftp server address]. For example ftp://ftp_user_1: [email protected]— to connect from a local network. To connect from the Internet, replace the local address with an external one or with a domain name.

How to make your ftp server accessible from the Internet?

If the computer is connected to the Internet directly, then no additional actions no need to take action.

If the computer is connected to the Internet via a router, then in the control panel of the router you need to configure TCP 21 port forwarding (often called a virtual server). .

Good day, dear readers! As you understand from the title, today we’ll talk about FileZilla Server and creating your own FTP the server itself.

IN Lately I get a lot of messages asking me to tell them how to install my own FTP server in home (or not so) conditions.

About what it is FTP, if someone suddenly doesn’t know, you can find out in this article of mine “” or immediately start reading (within this article there are a few words about the protocol itself).

Preparing to install your own FTP server

As promised, first, briefly about what it is FTP for those who don't know:

I would like to immediately note that the article will consider the option home use, without the tricky and subtle settings that are used in the case of full-fledged corporate servers.

To install, you need to download one of the multiple distributions that will help you deploy FTP-server. Personally, I recommend that you use FileZilla Server, because it, like the client I once mentioned (see the article at the link above), is extremely easy to install and configure, and is also free.

Installing FTP FileZilla Server

After downloading the distribution, actually run its installation (this means that you need to click on the downloaded exe-file) and follow the recommendations below.

On the first window you need to agree to the license agreement, click “ I Agree”.

  • Standard(Standard) - option for installation from scratch for full server functionality.
  • Full(Full) - almost the same, but the source code of the program will also be copied to the installation folder, in case you want to change something in it.
  • FTP service only(Service only) - the FTP service is installed directly, without accessing it through the interface. Useful if you plan to manage your file storage from another computer.
  • Control Interface(Interface only) - unlike the previous point, only the graphical server management shell is installed, but not the server itself. Use if you want to remotely access your FTP server.
  • Custom installation(Custom) - You are free to choose what you want to put on your computer.

On the next window you need to select the installation folder, for example, “ C:\Program Files\FileZilla Server" After selecting, go to the next window ( Next).

Now the installer will ask us to choose how to install and start the server.

There are three options:

  • How to start a service at login
  • How to start a service manually
  • Easy installation, run manually

It is recommended to choose the first or second option. The only difference is that in the second case, for the server to work, you will need to go to " Control Panel - Administration - Service Management", find the service there in the list and start it yourself by clicking on the start button.

Port and initial launch of FileZilla Server

In addition, at this stage you should specify the port through which the server management interface will be connected, that is, your administration console, so to speak, which will allow you to set settings, see who has connected where, etc. To improve security, change it from the default ( 14147 ) to some other one.

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Also, by default, the option to start the server after setup completes is checked. You can leave this checkbox or you can remove it. That's your business. Having done this, go to the last window using the button Next.

Here we select options for launching the interface.

There are again three of them:

  • When logging in, for all users
  • On login, for the current user
  • Manually

The first option will work if you are the only user of the computer where the server is installed, and you, in principle, will still launch the interface automatically under all operating system accounts or only under one.

The second is suitable for those who work on the computer more than once (that is, there are several accounts on the computer used different people) and wants no one else to manage it FTP server, i.e. the interface was launched only from the account in which the installation is now being carried out.

And the third option sets the launch parameter only manually, i.e. it will not start with the system at all.

Let me remind you that the interface is something like an administrative program that allows you to monitor the state of the server, start, stop and configure it.

Check mark ( Start Interface after setup completes) in this window, again, sets the interface to start immediately at the end of the installation.

Well, having dealt with all this, you can finally start installing the server (using, of course, the button " Install") :)

Initial setup of FTP FileZilla Server

So, after installation, when you first launch the interface, a small window will appear where you need to specify the address and port for connection, as well as the administrator password (it is not there during the first installation). You can check the “Always connect to this server” option. Click " Ok".

I would like to emphasize that this is a connection to the server locally, namely, a connection to the administration interface, i.e. issuing an address and port 14147 for a friend who wants to connect, it is useless. External addresses, passwords and logins required to connect to the server will be written about during the course of the article.

Now let's move on to the settings. This is done by going to " Edit -> Settings"or by clicking on the button on the interface panel:

A settings window will open in front of you. On the first tab (General Settings) you can set the following parameters:

From top to bottom screenshot:

  • The port on which clients will connect to the server
  • Maximum number of clients
  • Number of threads
  • Various timeouts (three pieces)

For the purposes of this article, we are interested in the first two points. The port can be left as is, or you can change it to improve security, but then you will have to inform everyone about it who wants to connect.

The second setting is responsible for the maximum number of connections. By default, the parameter value is “ 0 ”, this means that their number is not limited. It is worth changing this parameter if, for example, your Internet channel cannot cope with the load, because too many people are connecting to you.

The rest can be left unchanged, since the settings are optimal for home use.

In subparagraph “ IP Filter” can be set IP addresses (or their range) that will be prohibited from connecting to your server, as well as set exceptions from the specified range (second field).

That is, for example, if you want to ban someone and prevent him from accessing your server, then indicate him in the first window. Also, if you want to give access only to someone specific and deny everyone else, then put an asterisk in the first field and specify a list IP-addresses in the second.

Tab “ Passive mode settings” regulates the parameters for passive connection to the server and its response.

It’s worth changing anything here only if you are connected to the Internet not directly, but through a router that has a firewall and NAT. In this case, you may need to specify in the " Use the following IP"your external IP-address (you can find out from your provider or in the router interface), as well as set a range of ports (Use custom port range) through which the client can connect to your server in passive mode.

It is probably worth touching these settings only in case of problems with connecting users. In case of these and it is impossible to figure it out on your own, I will give you advice on the settings exclusively for you (write comments).

Settings section “ Miscellaneous”contain settings that are insignificant for a home FTP server. For example, such as “ Do not show password in log files” (Don"t show passwords in message log), “ Launch the interface minimized” (Start minimized), as well as the sizes of transmission buffers. In general, there is no need to touch anything here.

On the “ Admin Interface Settings” can be set IP-address and port through which the server management interface will be available (the same one that we initially used as And 14147 , i.e., if you wish, you can change them). In addition, you can specify IP-addresses that are allowed to connect to it.

Settings section “ Logging” allows you to enable logging to file and configure them maximum size(Limit log file size to), write everything into one file (Log all to "FileZilla Server.log") or create a separate one for each day (in this case, you can limit their maximum storage period).

Tab “ GSS Settings” is responsible for using the protocol Kerberos GSS. For normal use This option does not require configuration.

Remaining FTP server settings - speeds, encryption, etc.

Next we have “ Speed ​​Limits" It can help limit the speed of incoming and outgoing connections. There are two ways to limit: set a permanent limit for all time or create rules for a specific day and/or hour. Limits are specified in kilobytes.

Tab “ Filetransfer compression” allows you to enable file compression mode during transfer. In this case, you can configure the minimum and maximum compression levels, as well as specify IP addresses for which compression will not be used. There is no need to touch anything.

To set up a secure connection between the client and server, you need to go to the settings item “ SSL/TLS Settings" Here you need to enable support for these protocols and specify the paths to private key, certificate file and password. For the average user this is not necessary, so it will not be discussed in this article.

Finally, you can enable automatic banning of users after n-th attempts of unsuccessful connections, and ban time. To do this, go to the “ tab Autobans” and, if you need it, then check the box " Enable automatic bans", indicate in the column " Ban IP address after"the number of attempts after which the blocking will be carried out, as well as the blocking time in the field" Ban for".

This is sometimes necessary to prevent unwanted individuals from spamming your server with their connection attempts.

Initial setup of user accounts (users) and shares (shares) in FileZilla Server

Now let’s configure user access, namely their accounts, passwords, folders, etc.
As an example, let's create the most, so to speak, common user and give him access.

So, to add a new account, in the main interface window follow the path “ Edit-> Users" We will see a window for working with users.

To add a new one, click “ Add" Next you will need to specify its name, for example, anonymous, and group membership (in our case we will not indicate). We set it, click “ Ok”.

Now we can set a password and a limit on the number of connections for our new user. If necessary, do so by checking the " Password" and indicating it (password) in the box opposite. It is strongly recommended to use passwords for users for security purposes.

Next, go to the tab “ Share Folders" Here, in fact, we specify which folders the user will have access to. This is done simply: click “ Add” and select the desired folder on the disk. On the left you can set access rights to it: read only - “ Read”, entry - “ Write”, deletion - “ Delete” and the possibility of change existing files in the directory - “ Append" Below you can allow creating, deleting, getting a list of files and propagating permissions to subdirectories.

We set the parameters and folders you need and... Click OK

This completes the initial setup. For home use you don't need more ;)

User access to the server FileZilla Server

So that your friends can use your FTP server, you need to provide it to them IP-address, as well as the login(s), password(s) you specified and, if necessary, port (if changed), which they must indicate in their .

Find out external IP-address can be done by contacting your provider, looking in the router settings, or simply by using one of the many services, such as (as you probably guessed, you need what is written under the text “Your IP address:” ;)).


That's how things are.

Despite the fact that the article is maximally oriented for small home use, I tried to explain in as much detail as possible all the necessary settings and nuances FileZilla Server.

As always, if you have any questions, additions, etc., write in the comments - I will be happy to help.

PS: For the existence of this article, special thanks to a friend of the project and a member of our team under the nickname “ Kellis"“.

FTP servers are rare guests on home computer. But sometimes there is a need for them: to organize shared access to files for computers that cannot be connected to a local network, to “raise” a small website with file storage, or home media server. The tasks of flashing or restoring after “bricking” various network equipment, media players and set-top boxes stand apart. Solving these problems requires mastering the principles of FTP. The cost of a wrong decision can be high, so it is important to study the material carefully.

FTP, TFTP servers: description, operation, configuration

FTP ( File Transfer Protocol) - one of the oldest computer protocols, which began to be used to receive/transmit data at a distance. Servers using it were actively used long before the advent of the Internet. The protocol has now been modified to use TCP/IP channels. The protocol uses a client-server architecture, that is, one program is used to organize the server, and another is used for uploading and downloading.

How to start an FTP server via Golden FTP Server

Configuring and setting up an FTP server using Windows 7 - a reliable but slow method that requires large quantity qualified actions. If you need a server “for yesterday”, but don’t want to bother with instructions and settings, then a good option would be to use the compact and very simple Golden FTP Server program. It exists as a free and professional versions, although for domestic applications the first option will be quite sufficient. Despite the modest size of the distribution, the program has a number of advantages:

  • ease of setup and small size of installation files;
  • using the full speed of the Internet channel. Although this may be a drawback, since when 50–100 users connect at the same time, the program will destroy the channel along with the corporate network;
  • ability to resume downloading files when the connection is lost. To take advantage of this feature, you need to use an FTP client that also supports file resuming;
  • Russified interface by default.

After downloading and installing the distribution, configure the program to start the FTP server.

The address obtained using Golden FTP Server is only accessible within the network. If you need to provide access to the server via the Internet, you will have to set routes and port forwarding through the router’s web interface.

For ease of use and setup you will have to pay extremely low level security of such a server. Use servers created in this way only in home network without giving them access from the Internet.

How to open an FTP server in Explorer

Already with the ancient Windows 98, the operating system blurred the boundaries between the “File Explorer” and the Internet browser. Explorer allowed you to open pages directly in your window, but this required turning on Active Desktop, which was unreliable at that time, so the mechanism was not particularly widespread in those days. Technologies have not stood still, and now you can safely access an FTP server by entering its address in Explorer:

You should not download large files, since Explorer does not support resuming data when the session is interrupted. Use FTP clients with the ability to resume downloading for this.

What to do if the FTP server does not open

The inability to access the FTP server may be due to several reasons, related both to the settings of the computer itself and to policies within the corporate network.

Table: common causes of FTP server access errors and their solutions

CausePossible Solution
Incorrect username or password (no password) used to attempt to access the resource.Please try again with the correct password pair. Please be aware that many corporate FTP resources do not support guest login.
Access is carried out using a third-party program that is not added to the exclusion list firewall, and it blocks outgoing client requests.Add the client program to the firewall exception table.
Port 21 TCP/IP, through which FTP resources are accessed by default, is blocked by the router settings. Alternatively, the server can be configured to work with a different port. You need to find out from the resource administrator which one.Using your router's web administration panel, change its settings to allow it to work with port 21 or another port that is used by the server.
The promotional tariff plan of your Internet provider does not allow you to work with a number of Internet protocols, including FTP.Take care of a more expensive tariff plan. Many providers provide the features necessary to run an FTP server (static address, permission for incoming requests, scripts) only in expensive corporate plans.

How to configure and run an FTP server using the built-in tools of Windows 7 OS

There are many software packages you can download from the Internet to create FTP servers. But first, try to configure the server using the built-in capabilities of the operating system. Web server creation tools integrated into the distribution are available in Windows 7 Basic and higher.

If you have Windows 7 installed Home edition or Starter, you will have to use software packages third party developers or update your operating system to Windows versions 7 Basic and above.

The given instructions will allow you to go through all the stages of starting an FTP server step by step. During the setup process, you may need a distribution package of your installed OS on optical media or a flash drive. You will also need to log in to the OS as a user with administrator rights.

  1. Open Control Panel and select Small Icons in the View setting.
  2. Go to the "Programs and Features" section, then to the "Turn Windows features on or off" subsection.
    Go to the “Programs and Features” section - there is a subsection “Turn Windows features on or off”
  3. Check the checkboxes:
  4. Click "OK" and wait for the process to complete. Wait for the components installation process to complete
  5. Go to the "Administration" section of the "Control Panel".
    The “Administration” section contains tools for setting up the server
  6. Select the Internet Information Services Manager tool.
    Open Internet Information Services Manager - this is the main element of the FTP server
  7. Go to the "sites" tab. In Internet Information Services Manager, go to the Sites tab
  8. Right-click on the “sites” tab and select the “Add FTP site” action from the drop-down menu. From context menu tab "sites" select the action "Add FTP site"
  9. Specify the name of the future FTP site and the path to the directory whose contents you are going to distribute from the FTP server.
    By default, the “Physical path” field contains the path C:\inetpub\ftproot - you can change it to your own
  10. Click "Next" and specify the parameters for launching the FTP site. If you do not want the site to launch automatically when you turn on the computer, then uncheck the “Launch FTP site automatically” checkbox.
    Configure FTP server startup options
  11. In the SSL section, select "Without SSL". Click Next, then click Finish.
    In the Authentication and Authorization Information window, simply click Finish
  12. You have successfully created an FTP site. Now go to Control Panel>Firewall>Advanced Settings>Inbound Rules.
  13. Select and activate the FTP Server Passive (FTP Passive Traffic-In) and “FTP Server (incoming traffic)” items.
    To activate a rule, place the cursor on it and click the “Enable Rule” button in the right menu
  14. Go to the "Rules for outgoing connections" section and enable the FTP Server (FTP Traffic-Out) rule.
    Activate the FTP Server (FTP Traffic-Out) rule in the “Rules for outgoing connections” section
  15. Go to "Control Panel">"Administrative Tools">"Computer Management">"Local Users">"Groups". Right-click on the “Groups” option and select the “Create Group” action.
    Create a group of users who can access your FTP server
  16. Specify the name of the FTP group and click “Create”.
    Create a name for the user group
  17. Right-click on the “Users” section and select the “New User” action from the context menu. Create users to be included in your group
  18. Enter your username and password (at least 8 characters). We recommend checking the “Prohibit the user from changing the password” and “Password does not expire” checkboxes. Click the "Create" button.
    Set user authorization parameters (name, password), enable or disable available options
  19. Right-click on the created user and select the “Properties” action, then go to the “Group Membership” tab. Click Add.
    In the properties of the user you created, on the “Group Membership” tab, click the “Add” button
  20. Enter the name of the group you created in the text field and click Check Names.

    Don't forget to click the "Check Names" button after entering the group name in the text field
  21. Go to Control Panel>Administrative Tools>IIS Manager. In the “Connections” section, place the cursor on your FTP site and click the “FTP Authorization Rules” icon.
    Place the cursor on your FTP site in the “Connections” menu, then click the “FTP Authorization Rules” icon
  22. Click "Add Allow Rule".
    Click the “Add Allow Rule” action for your FTP site
  23. Select the Specified Roles or User Groups option and type your group name in the text box. Check the “Read” and “Write” checkboxes. Click OK.
    Enter the name of your group and check the “Read” and “Write” checkboxes
  24. If you want to allow access to all users, then click “Add Allowing Rule” again and select “All Anonymous Users.” Check the “Reading” checkbox only.
    If required, add the right to download files from your FTP server to all users
  25. Now click on the FTP Authentication icon.
    Click the FTP Authentication icon
  26. Right-click on the “Anonymous Access” mode and select the “Enable” action. Now everyone can connect to the FTP server.
    Enable anonymous access so that all users can access your FTP server
  27. Click the FTP Logging icon.
    Click the FTP Logging icon
  28. In the window that opens, configure logging.
    Set up logging for your FTP server

To work with the created server, you can use one of the many FTP clients or just Windows Explorer. Don’t forget to configure port forwarding in your router and create routes if you need to provide access to the server via the Internet.

Connecting an FTP resource folder to a network drive in Windows

Many users find it more convenient to work with a regular system disk, which is displayed in Explorer. Third party programs Not everyone is welcome to work with disks. To get such a disk, you need to mount the FTP folder and associate it with the logical disk. You can do this in two ways:

  • through "Explorer";
  • through a special console utility ftpuse.

Mounting an FTP resource using Windows Explorer

Mounting an FTP resource using the ftpuse console utility

Unfortunately, an FTP share mounted as a network drive using Explorer will only be visible in Explorer. If you need access to such a disk via file manager or from the command line, you will have to use special utility ftpuse.

ftpuse is distributed completely free of charge. After downloading and installation, the utility is available from any open window command processor. To ensure that the network drive remains connected even after closing such a window, the utility must be used in conjunction with the PowerShell program. After installing the utility, it is accessible from the command line or PowerShell processor.
Using the ftpuse utility, you can configure console access to the FTP server as to a network drive

The PowerShell processor has been part of the OS since Windows 7 SP1. If you do not have the service pack installed, you will have to download the shell installation file from the Microsoft website.

Table: ftpuse utility commands that allow you to configure access to an FTP resource

devicenameSpecifies the name of the logical drive under which the network resource will be mounted in the OS.
ftphostnameSpecifies the name or address of the server to connect to.
remotepathThe network folder that will be used by the root directory of the mounted logical drive.
passwordSets the access password.
/userThe name of the user who connects to the server.
/nopassiveSets the active operating mode.
/owneraccessonlyThe network drive is visible only to the program from which the ftpuse utility is launched.
/portYou can set an arbitrary TCP port address used for data exchange with the server. By default this is port 21.
/hideRuns the utility in the background, no messages are displayed on the screen.
/debugThe utility operates in debug mode.
/deleteDeletes the current session, disconnects from the server and unmounts the disk.

Examples of the ftpuse utility working

Here are some examples of using the ftpuse commands to configure the server as a local disk:

  • ftpuse F: - this is how we create a logical drive F: in the system, associated with the ftp server;
  • ftpuse F: /USER:junkers 1944 - connect the authorized user junkers with password 1944 to the server;
  • ftpuse F: /delete - disconnect drive F: and disconnect from the server.

An FTP resource connected using the ftpuse utility will always be displayed in Explorer with a disk capacity of one gigabyte. This is not a bug, but a feature of the utility. However, a disk connected using Explorer will not display its capacity at all.

How to set up an FTP server

On the Internet you can download a large number of ready-made distributions, which, after unpacking and simple configuration, will deploy a ready-made FTP server on your computer. There are both commercial and free products, not inferior to the first in capabilities. Below we will look at two free solutions, which have long become an industry standard among computer enthusiasts and small firms.
Even a non-professional can handle running a server for the needs of a small office or apartment building

FileZilla Server - flexible, productive and secure

FileZilla Server is the development of the team that created the famous FireFox browser. He's different a huge amount settings, availability of versions for 32 and 64-bit operating systems, possibility of remote administration. And for this entire range of possibilities you don’t have to pay a penny. Installing and configuring the server is divided into several simple steps. The program exists on many platforms, and if you have learned how to set up such a server in Windows environment, then with minimal differences you can do the same in Linux or MAC OS.

Installing FireZilla Server

  1. After downloading installation file run it, then follow the prompts of the installation wizard.
  2. Read and accept the license agreement.
    Accept the license agreement to continue the installation process
  3. Select the required installation type (we recommend standard type):
  4. Decide on the folder in which the program will be installed and proceed to selecting the FireZilla Server autostart method (we recommend the first option):
  5. Now specify the port for the server interface. Leaving the default value 14147 is not recommended for security reasons.
  6. The final stage of installation will be to select the type of launch of your server interface (we recommend the first option):
  7. Start the installation process by clicking the Install button.

Server Tuning

Having successfully installed software package server, restart your computer and launch FireZilla Server.

  1. In the dialog box that appears, specify the server address and port. You do not need to enter a password when connecting for the first time. This connection will be possible only from the computer on which the server software components are installed. It will not be possible to reach the server from another machine, since the address is only used for local connections. Enter the server address and port to connect
  2. The Settings section of the Edit menu contains numerous settings that allow you to configure software package properly.
    Go to FileZilla Server settings
  3. On the General Settings tab you can change the primary settings:
  4. For the convenience of users, you can configure a text greeting in the Welcome message section, which the client program will show to the user upon successful connection to the server. Using metacharacters, you can configure the output of service information to the client window.
    In the Welcome message section you can configure a welcome message and display of service information for users
  5. In the IP bindings section, specify the range of IP addresses from which users can access the server. This settings section allows you to organize access to the resource only from the local network or even from one segment of it.
    Limit the range of addresses from which your server can be accessed
  6. Configure address filtering in the IP Filter section: a “white” list is specified in the upper text field, and a “black” list in the lower one.
    Fill in the white and black lists of IP addresses
  7. Configure logging in the Logging section. Log files can be created anew every day or all statistics will be written in one.
    Set up FileZilla Server logging in the Logging section
  8. In the Speed ​​Limits section you can limit the bandwidth available to the server. You can set global restrictions, or by calendar and even individual hours. The unit of measurement is kilobyte.
    If necessary, you can configure bandwidth limits in the Speed ​​Limits section
  9. In the Filetransfer compression section you can configure file compression when downloading. But we recommend leaving the default settings.
    It is better not to make changes to the Filetransfer compression settings section
  10. It's time to set up user accounts that will be allowed access to your server resources. Go to the Users section of the Edit menu to open the user management interface.
    You can add a new user in the Users section of the Edit menu
  11. Click the Add button to add a new user, give him a login and indicate his group membership. For a new user, set a login and indicate which group he belongs to
  12. For the created user, set a password and a limit on the number of connections to your server.
    Configure the user password and the allowed number of connections to the server
  13. On the Share Folders tab, you can configure user access to certain resources on your server. To do this, select the Shared folders tab and click the Add button.
    Don’t confuse the Add buttons: to add folders, you need to click the Add button that is highlighted in the picture
  14. Select a folder on the disk, and use the options on the left side of the window to set the necessary access rights:
    • read only - read;
    • write - write;
    • deletion - delete;
    • changing files in a folder - append.

This completes the initial setup. The server is ready for use, and the security settings meet the criteria for home use or a small office network.

Video: installing and configuring FileZilla Server step by step

TFTP - server for small needs

Among the types of FTP and programs for working with them, TFTP stands out - this is an extremely simplified version of FTP. The lack of traffic protection mechanisms and even user authentication does not allow using TFTP for exchanging files over the Internet.

But it is ideally suited for uploading firmware and firmware to routers, digital TV set-top boxes, tablets and smartphones. The bootloader for such devices contains a TFTP client that will allow you to download and install software into the device, even if it is in emergency mode due to damaged firmware.
The main application of the TFTP protocol is firmware wireless routers via recovery console

Install TFTP server on your computer:

  1. Download the program distribution kit:
    • tftpd32 if you have a 32-bit OS;
    • tftpd64 if you have a 64-bit OS.
  2. Install the program in one of two options: a standard application or a system service.
  3. If you chose to install the service, restart your computer when the installation process is complete.

The server does not require any special settings, but after starting it, make sure that all the settings on the TFTP tab look like in the picture. This is what the default settings of the tftpd32 utility look like

To download files from the server or to upload to the server via command line The following commands are used:

  • tftp GET file_name.txt - to receive a file from the server;
  • tftp PUT file_name.txt - to send a file to the server.

To work with the TFTP client in Windows 7, it must be installed through the “System Components” dialog. In older versions of the OS, the client is available without additional steps.

TFTP client added using the System Components dialog box

Video: working with a TFTP server - emergency recovery of router firmware

Client programs for connecting to FTP servers

Client programs perform functions such as:

  • connection to FTP servers;
  • resuming files when the connection is lost;
  • connection logging;
  • storing many settings for different servers;
  • group operations with files;
  • search by servers.

Client programs also have a built-in editor that allows you to use the program as a full-fledged website builder.

Total Commander

Perhaps the most popular file manager for Windows OS. It contains a built-in FTP client that allows you to work with remote server as with a regular logical drive. The program is shareware, and before purchasing a license, it will constantly remind the user that it would be nice to finally buy it. The functionality is not affected.
Total Commander has a built-in FTP client


Like Total Commander, this program is a multifunctional two-panel file manager. It is much more ascetic in interface design (works in text mode), but it is cross-platform - available for half a dozen different operating systems. The FTP client is built into the distribution, and you can start working with sites without installing add-ons. A definite plus is the program is free. Activation FTP client is carried out using the plugin manager, but this is a very simple and intuitive procedure that will not cause difficulties even for a novice user.
FAR will be able to work with FTP servers on any operating system

Another one free client program from the creators of the Mozilla and Firefox browsers. It is simple and accessible to the user thanks to its laconic interface and excellent Russification. There are versions of FireZilla for Windows, Linux, Mac OS and even Andriod.
FileZilla - FTP client from the creators of the world famous FireFox browser

Among the features that distinguish it from competing programs are:

  • support for a large number of protocols;
  • resuming file downloads when the connection is lost and support for working with large files;
  • cross-platform;
  • ability to maintain bookmarks;
  • support for dragging files (drag & drop technology);
  • flexible transmission speed settings and the ability to reserve part of the Internet channel;
  • editing files directly on the server;
  • remote file search.

The interface of the free FTPRush program has much in common with Microsoft products Office is configured in a similar way. Among the highlights it is worth noting:

  • the ability to transfer files from server to server without downloading to a computer;
  • high-quality implementation of a two-panel interface;
  • built-in download manager with configurable download list.

FTPRush should appeal to MS Office users

It is better to work with the English version of the interface, since the quality of Russian localization leaves much to be desired.

CoffeCup Free FTP is a client for the most undemanding and inexperienced users, it allows you to download and upload files with just one click. The paucity of settings is more than compensated by the intuitive interface, high-quality localization and the free nature of the program. However, the program supports a full two-panel mode and the ability to transfer files from server to server without preload, and also has on board a simple HTML editor.
With the CoffeeCup Free FTP client you don't have to worry about settings

Creating an FTP server is an easy way to get file storage on your desktop with the ability to multiple access. A large number of programs and the relative ease of setup make this method very popular. Dedicate one computer purely for the server and do not store any other data on it other than what should be on the server. And even in this case, two to three dozen users simultaneously accessing your resource can almost completely drain the Internet channel. And the provider will unobtrusively offer to change the tariff plan to corporate. If you need file storage with simultaneous access by a large number of users, then place the FTP server on a commercial hosting service. Or use ready-made file-sharing portals, for example, Google Drive or DropBox.