Full-featured RDP client - FreeRDP. Connect to a remote desktop using the built-in Windows RDP client

RDP protocol allows you to connect to a computer that is connected to both local network, and is located anywhere on our planet. Using this protocol, the user will be able to see files and programs on another computer (both on the server and on the terminal), launch them, and work with them. But first, RDP needs to be configured.

Click on Windows button Start and open Control Panel. Next, go to the “Security System”, open “System” and click on the “Remote Access” tab. We put a checkmark next to the item “Provide the ability to connect to other computers with desktops of any version.”

Then we proceed to setting up the RDP client. First let's look at what the client is for. These are components that exist, by the way, in any operating system, the work of which is to connect to a server (installed on the connected computer). In Windows Seven, the client that works for the RDP protocol is the built-in program MsTsc.exe. Now let's talk about setting up the client.

To do this, in Windows, click “Start” and go to the Run menu item. In the input field of the window that opens, enter mstsc and click “Next”. If you wish to receive regular access to the connected computer, its IP address is entered in the input field of the client window that opens. Next, click on “Enter”.

All. We have completed the setup.

If you want to configure screen settings, the quality of sounds for performing various actions on the connected computer, and so on, you need to configure additional parameters connections (picture below).

You can also set the color depth, desktop background, and display brightness. By opening the “Remote” section sound accompaniment", you can adjust the quality of sounds for any action.

Also, if the RDP client is slow, you can configure it.

All users who have worked with several windows systems, constantly complain about the slow performance of RDP applications. Slow work programs can be called constant trend all programmers from Microsoft. Therefore, speed up RDP to user have to do it yourself with help system registry, which can be edited either by entering the word regedit in the input field of the run window that opens, or by making changes to the reg file. The reason for the slowdown of the RDP channel in 100Mb (1Gb) is the server and client settings. To a greater extent - the client. Even if there is good channels it is the rdp client that deliberately limits the Update speed. This trend has started since the days of DialUp modems. But in the modern era powerful computers Such settings have already lost all relevance.

All its settings are located in the system registry in the section (see the bottom of the figure):

First of all, we pay attention to the MinSendInterval parameter, the value of which is set to 120 ms (that’s 8 frames per second). On the Internet it is often recommended to set this parameter to 1 in Windows (for servers), but 5-10 is quite enough for connecting to a computer via a local network.

The BitmapCacheSize parameter specifies the amount of memory buffer for graphics. For example, a value of 1000h corresponds to 24.5 MB. Change this value in Windows (both server and terminal) according to graphic capabilities your video card.

For the BitmapPersistCacheSize parameter (cache size for images) also in the system Windows registry(both on the server and on the terminal) you need to register a higher value.

Many users very often come across the concept of an RDP client, although sometimes they do not fully understand what these programs are and what they are needed for. Let's look at what an RDP client is (let's take Windows XP and 7 as the operating system environment). Finally, a list of alternative applications will be presented.

RDP clients: what are they and why are they needed?

To understand the essence of such programs, you just need to decipher the abbreviation RDP. Essentially, this is a special protocol that allows you to connect to a remote “Desktop” from any other terminal or mobile device.

However, talking only about access exclusively to the “Desktop” is somewhat incorrect. Almost any program of this type, be it an RDP client of Windows XP, 7 and higher, allows you to access all functions and settings of the system, as well as information stored on the computer and manage absolutely everything available parameters can be done from a remote terminal, smartphone or tablet. As for the settings, they are very similar (if you use, for example, the “native” RDP client for Windows 7 or software third party developer).

Preview update for Windows XP

There are usually no problems with setting up applications of this type, since all processes are as automated as possible. However, you still need to pay attention to some nuances.

In Windows XP, even with the SP3 update installed, client version 6.1 is provided. You can install the RDP 7.0 client only in manual mode. Unfortunately, problems often arise when downloading an update from the official Microsoft website, so you can download the update from another source. IN in this case This means the KB969084 (85) update package, taking into account

After downloading the file, which is presented in an executable version (EXE), simply run it and wait for the update process to complete. Upon completion of installation, the computer or laptop is in mandatory need to reboot. Version 7.0 in Windows XP will allow you to gain remote access even to terminals with the tenth version of the system on board.

Built-in RDP client for Windows 7: initial system setup

The "seven" also has own program remote access. However, if in XP the RDP client can be upgraded to version 7.0, here the 7.1 modification is initially used by default, which is presented in the form special utility MsTsc.exe.

But before you start setting up, you should go to the “Control Panel” and select the “System” section. Access can also be achieved through the computer properties menu by clicking on the icon located on the “Desktop”.

On the left side there is a remote access settings section, in which, on the corresponding tab, you need to check the boxes next to the permission lines for this operation and connection. Additionally, you can select the users to whom these rules will apply.

General setup rules

Any RDP client for Windows can be called standard command mstsc, entered in the Run console shelf (Win + R).

In the connection window, you need to enter the desired IP address of the server or terminal with which the communication session will be carried out. After this, the system will prompt you to enter your credentials, and then you will be redirected to the remote “Desktop”.

To change settings, expand the display of all parameters using the corresponding button. On the tab general settings you can enter the computer name and set the saving permission current parameters. It’s just as easy to adjust the screen brightness and other characteristics associated with it on the corresponding tab. Local processes adjust the sound quality, allow the use of keyboard shortcuts, and select the devices that you would like to use when connecting (printers, faxes, etc.). On the programs tab you can select specific application, which will run automatically when installing remote access. In the interaction section, you can set your own connection speed parameters. Finally, in advanced settings you can set server authentication options.

Changing connection speed limit settings

But that is not all. The fact is that built-in RDP clients can significantly limit the speed of access to remote terminals(update speed limit is set).

You can change settings in the system registry editor, which is called regedit command in the Run menu. Here you need to select the HKCU branch and in the SOFTWARE section find the MinSendInterval parameter. Its default value is set to 120 ms, but it is better to change it and set it to 5-10 ms.

Along the way, you can change the value of the cache size and the parameters of the “pin connector”, but it is better not to touch them. But for the OrderDrawThreshold key it is better to set the value at 1 ms.

Do I need to change the port?

Almost all known RDP clients for correct operation use port 3389. If for some reason it does not work, first you should change the firewall settings and create a new rule for the port and enter the port value for the TCP protocol.

In some cases, it may be necessary on a router, where, similar to a firewall, a new rule is created specifying 3389 as the forwarded port. correct settings It is advisable to read the documentation for the router.

Alternative programs

Not all users agree that native RDP clients for Windows are optimal solution for remote access. Today there are a lot of such programs being produced. For example, the client from Google Corporation is considered very convenient.

The only catch is that for it to work correctly you need to have the latest version of the browser installed on your system Google Chrome. But the settings are much simpler, and the ease of use looks better than standard utilities Windows.

There are minimal settings here, but the main condition for granting access is to use your own account Google services. For owners mobile devices With Android OS on board this is not a problem at all. But in the end, you can control your computer or laptop even from the simplest smartphone.

Among other utilities, it is worth noting the following:

  • FreeRDP.
  • Remmina.
  • Rdesktop, etc.


It’s difficult to advise what exactly to use, because each program has its own pros and cons. However, if we make some comparison, we can conclude: there is nothing easier than working with Windows’ own tools or installing Chrome Remote Desktop from Google. But anyway pre-setting it will have to be done with permission or at the first stage.

It's no secret that in modern world without Microsoft products practically indispensable. However, in many cases it turns out that it is much more efficient to use systems based on GNU/Linux, not Windows. This greatly simplifies administration and reduces costs, while providing users with much more easily accessible functionality. But what to do with those applications that only work on Windows and for which there is no suitable analogue in the Linux world? Since there are usually only a few such applications (otherwise there is simply no point in installing Linux on a work computer), then smart choice may be the use of terminal servers running under server OS from Microsoft. Besides, Linux is better Suitable for everyone thin clients, because adequate Windows versions it simply doesn’t exist for them.

In any case, you need to be able to connect to terminal Windows servers. For this purpose, MS developed its own remote desktop protocol - RDP. However, until recently, there was only one open client for working with this protocol for Linux - rdesktop. Unfortunately, his development has long stopped, and he experiences enormous difficulties in interacting with modern versions Windows.

But recently, the rdesktop project was quietly and imperceptibly forked, as a result of which a new open source was born RDP client - FreeRDP. The very first release of this program fixed most of the problems at once. known issues rdesktop, and the project continues to actively develop. For some reason the appearance is so useful application was ignored, so I decided to publish this post in order to somehow correct this situation and tell everyone about the existence of a normal RDP client for Linux. Below the cut is a description of the capabilities of FreeRDP and a little about the excellent graphical shell Remmina for him.


Official website of the project - www.freerdp.com

You can also find a description of the features there. current version and plans for the future. Main differences from rdesktop:

  • Significant code refactoring has been carried out. User interface completely rewritten and separated from the main library, a plugin system has been implemented.
  • The code is brought into maximum compliance with the RDP specification from Microsoft and is commented in detail.
  • The keyboard operation has been rewritten - no more problems with layouts.
  • Work with printers, sound and other forwarded devices and services has been rewritten.
  • Fixed problems with pointer and licenses when connecting to the server Windows terminals 2008.
  • Graphics caching (bitmap caching) has been implemented, which can significantly improve performance.
Broken and removed rdesktop features:
  • IN this moment support for forwarding COM ports and support for smart cards is not implemented.
  • Support for the SeamlessRDP mode has been removed in favor of the RemoteApp implementation, which is also not available yet.


In addition, one of the most convenient graphical remote desktop connection managers Remmina from version 0.8 I switched to using FreeRDP as an RDP client.

Version 0.8 also supports .rdp Windows files, all protocols are now separate plugins, IPv6 support has been added, and many minor improvements and bug fixes have been made.

Download latest versions FreeRDP and Remmina are available from the official sites.

Hello everyone, we continue to consider the topic about . Today we will look at the built-in Windows tool, allowing you to connect to a remote PC. This tool called RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) client, if translated into Russian - remote desktop protocol. By this protocol you can control a remote computer running the terminal connection service. The RDP client appeared in Windows XP and is still supported in new versions of the operating system. Most likely, many of you don’t even know what this is, but with the help of this tool you can easily connect to a remote computer and control it. In this article I will tell you in detail how to connect to a remote desktop on a local network. Therefore, read the text in full.

In most cases, an RDP client is used when working on the same local network. For example, in order to connect from one computer to another at home, they must be connected to the same router. It is also possible to connect to a remote computer via the Internet, but this is more the hard way settings, I think we’ll look at this topic in a separate article.

The first thing you need to do to connect via Remote Desktop Protocol is to know the IP address of the remote computer. As a rule, if network connection is configured automatically on your computers, then every time you restart the operating system, the IP addresses will change. Therefore, first of all, we ask you static addresses for all devices on your local network. But first, you need to see what addresses the computer receives automatically. For this . We enter the “ipconfig” command and see which ones: network mask, subnet mask and gateway receives LAN card with automatic settings.

Note! As a rule, on all routers the default network mask is (192.168.0. or 192.168.1.), respectively, we write all the lines as shown in the screenshot and save the changes.

That's it, now we have set a static IP address for our computer, this will allow us to easily use the RDP client.

How to grant permission to connect to a remote desktop.

After we have dealt with computer addresses. Let's move on to enabling the Remote Desktop Protocol function. These steps must be performed on the computer to which you want to connect. To make everything work, follow the steps:

You and I have done everything preparatory actions so that the RDP client can work with us. Let us now move directly to the consideration of the connection process.

We connect to a remote computer via RDP.

IN previous paragraphs We have dealt with the settings that need to be made to work using the Remote Desktop Protocol. Now let's look at how to connect.

Note! We will use standard remedy Windows. Accordingly, we will not have to download any third party utilities, everything we need will be at our fingertips.

To launch the Remote Desktop Connection tool, open the Start menu - All Programs - Accessories - Windows. In the menu item that opens, we launch the RDP client and see a field called “Computer”. You must enter the address of the remote computer, i.e. the one on which we set a static IP address. After clicking the connect button, the program will ask you to enter your “Login and Password” to connect to the remote PC.

You can also open additional settings, to do this, open the “Show options” item. Here you can immediately specify the user of the remote computer, configure local resources, as well as screen settings. But I think it’s better to leave everything by default and start managing the remote PC.

RDP client - pros and cons.

To be honest, I don’t have to use the RDP client very often, but sometimes it’s simply necessary. For myself, I have identified the following advantages:

  • In order to connect to a remote PC, you do not need to search for or install any programs. Everything is provided by Microsoft developers and the tool is built into the operating system;
  • Using Remote Desktop you can get full access to the computer. Which allows you to perform any actions on it;
  • Unlimited access time to a remote PC.

This is where the pros end, let’s move on to the cons of using this utility:

  • The program works correctly only on a local network; to set up a connection via the Internet, you need to go into the router settings to forward the port, which is a problem for many users;
  • If you are using a VPN, then in order to connect to a remote computer using an RDP client, you need good speed Internet, otherwise you will watch a slide show;
  • The program has minimum set functions, and also does not have built-in file manager Accordingly, there is no way to transfer files;

Let's summarize.

Today we looked at the RDP client for Windows. This product is for remote connection to a computer, can be considered as an alternative third party programs, such as ,

RDP Client is an integrated utility that allows you to connect two computers and work in remote mode. The client runs on new builds of OS Windows and displays the desktop " network computer" In remote mode, you work on the desktop of another computer.

The RDP Client works after connecting the computer or server to the services that are running in terminal mode. Services are available for download on our website. Using this "tool" you connect to the desktop remote computer on OS Windows. The client is installed with operating system and is a service utility.

Launch and client capabilities

Go to the Start menu and use the "Run" option. Then open the remote access tool by writing the command “mstsc.exe” and wait until a window appears in which you need to enter the “connection address”.

The program checks the certificate automatically and connects computers through the usual parameters remote desk(IP address). Change these settings in a special section of OS Windows. If necessary, set the subnet mask, alternative server and other connection settings.

Select screen settings, image scale, color palette, combinations shortcut keys, sound settings and specify third party devices networks you want to connect.

IN latest builds OS Windows has a choice of connection options. Select the gateway and set the adjustment transmitted image V automatic mode. Quality transmitted information depends on the Internet speed.
The program disables unnecessary functions that affect connection speed: design styles and other desktop elements. Enable the image cache and set the session to be restored automatically when the network is disconnected.


These services are installed on any Windows OS (from version XP) and run the “Remote Desktop Protocol”. On our website you will download the utility’s web installer. The installation of this service will complete only when connected to the network.

Key Features

  • located in the built-in set of OS Windows service tools;
  • pairing computers and working remotely using the RDP protocol;
  • selecting and setting up a configuration before connecting to a remote server;
  • encryption using modern algorithms;
  • works when services on the host are enabled.