What types of utilities are most often used. Naming cell ranges. Classification of computer viruses by characteristics

Utilities are specialized programs, designed to maintain and optimize the operation of the system, assistant programs, problem solving with whom she operating system unable to cope. Most utilities are designed for maintenance file system and disks. Some utilities are used to maintain data archives, and special anti-virus programs protect the system from computer viruses. Utilities - necessary component programmer's tools of any level and, first of all, applied ones. Initially, the word "utility" was identified with simple small programs. But today's utilities often take up tens of megabytes and are as complex as some office suites. And they can no longer perform one or two operations as before, but much more...

Many utilities are serious commercial packages that are sold in nice boxes in stores. But most utilities classified as shareware can be found in free access on the Internet.

Currently, there are many different sets of utilities (Microsoft PLUS 98, Norton Utilities, Nuts & Bolts 98), as well as many individual utilities (Anti Viral Toolkit Pro, First Aid (Cybermedia), Power Strip (Etitech), SciTech Display, Win Boost (Magellas Corp), etc.). This abstract takes a closer look at the Norton Utilities software package.

Software package Norton Utilities.

The name Peter Norton is no doubt familiar to any self-respecting computer geek. Norton is the creator of the world's most popular file manager Norton Commander and no less famous set of utilities. True, Peter Norton himself has long since moved away from creating software products, becoming more of a trademark for a family of programs produced by Symantec Corporation. Despite this, Norton Utilities continues to be an excellent suite of computer maintenance software.

Utilities for checking and correcting errors in the system

Norton System Check - comprehensive system check. Checks the hard drive, scans the Windows 98 Registry, and also performs a number of other operations to increase the performance of your computer.

Norton WinDoctor - Register Optimizer - a database that stores various Windows settings. The register also sometimes needs optimization, because... Over time, it accumulates many unnecessary entries related to programs installed in the system. Many of them do not affect the operation of Windows, but some can cause harm. The Register especially suffers due to incorrect installation and removal of programs.

WinDoctor scans the Register and catches all kinds of errors and unnecessary entries in it: in particular, it controls the correctness of all existing entries. Windows shortcuts programs and so-called “associations” (that is, which file type (extension) corresponds to this or that editing and viewing program, and vice versa).

After Doctor has finished working and all existing problems are displayed on the screen, you will need to fix them - to do this, click the “Repair All” button on the WinDoctor button panel.

Norton Disk Doctor is a program that monitors the physical and logical health of your hard drive. By “physical” we mean control over the presence on the hard drive physical damage magnetic layer, under “logical” - tracking and eliminating various damage to the file system, “lost” fragments of data that may appear when programs are terminated incorrectly, and many other logical errors.

It is not advisable to carry out a “physical” check frequently - it is a long procedure. But it is advisable to run the “logical” one every day. However, most often you don’t have to make any effort for this. Norton Disc Doctor starts automatically every time you incorrect termination Windows operation.

When launching Norton Disc Doctor, the user is offered a choice of the following program operating modes:

Diagnose Disc - disk diagnostic mode;

Surface Test - allows you to test the surface of the disk;

Undo Changes - if something happened to the disk, before fixing it, NDD*

* NDD is an abbreviation for Norton Disc Doctor.

saves the original state of the disk in the NDDUNDO.DAT file in root directory user-selected drive. The Undo Changes option undoes all changes and returns the disk to its original state;

Options - defines the NDD configuration;

Quit Disc Doctor - exit from NDD.

Diagnose Disc. After selecting the drive diagnostic mode, you need to determine which drive to test. After this, diagnostics of the system areas of the disk will begin. If errors are found, then you need to follow all the actions that will be proposed by NDD in this case.

After diagnosing system areas, NDD will offer disk surface testing (Surface Test). Before running the test, you need to determine its configuration:

Entire Disc Area - conduct a test over the entire disk;

Area Used by Files - conduct a surface test in areas containing files;

Normal Test - normal test; quick scan disk;

Thorough Test full test; the test is longer in time, but detects errors that were missed by Normal;

Thorough Test only on Fridays - the full test will be performed only on Fridays.

It is necessary to determine the number of passes for testing the disk (Repetitions) - a value from 1 to 999. If Continuos is selected, then the disk will be tested until the test is interrupted by the user (the test is interrupted by pressing the Esc key). After testing is completed, a report on the test will appear on the screen, which can be written to disk (it is recommended to use a non-tested disk for these purposes).

Options. This option defines the NDD configuration. Below are some mode Options:

General Options - here you can set basic options, for example, whether or not to offer disk surface testing;

Surface Test - overrides the default settings for testing the disk surface;

Custom Message - if the user is not satisfied with the messages issued by NDD when there are any errors, you can set your own.

Norton Connection Doctor - checks the modem installed in your computer and tests connections to the Internet.

Norton UnErase - search and restore deleted (erased) files and directories.

When you call a program, the contents of the directory from which it was called will appear on the screen. this utility. Files that have been deleted will be shown on the screen without the first letters of their names (instead of the first letter of the file name there is a "?" sign).

The following information is provided about each file:

Name - file name;

Size - file size;

Date - date of file creation;

Time - file creation time;

Prognosis - probability of recovery (if "good" or "excellent" - recovery of the deleted file is possible, if "poor" - recovery is impossible).

The lower part of the window allows you to choose between:

Info - view complete information about the file the cursor points to;

View - view the file;

UnErase - file recovery. If this item is selected, the user will be prompted to enter the first letter of the file to be restored.

To enter the main menu, use the F10 key.

File submenu:

View Current Directory - display all deleted files in the current directory, including subdirectories;

View All directories - show all deleted files on the entire disk;

Change Drive - change the drive;

Change Directory - change directory;

Select - select;

Select Group - select a group of files by mask;

System utilities designed to maintain computer hardware, especially storage drives, operating system and other applications.

Testing and diagnostic programs

Testing and diagnostic programs serve to check the performance of the computer and its individual components, as well as to identify existing or potential malfunctions. Such programs, for example, can check certain parameters drives in order to identify defects and predict the time of its failure. Programs system information show complete information about the computer hardware and serve as an aid in the work of people servicing computer equipment.

Drive maintenance programs

There is a wide class of programs that are designed to disk drive and information maintenance, which is stored on them. Diagnostic programs allow you to identify and eliminate faults in logical structure information located on the storage device. Defragmenter programs organize information located on disks so that it can be accessed from maximum speed. There are programs that restore information deleted from disks, and those that allow you to delete it without the possibility of recovery (for example, if this information contains confidential data).

A separate class can be distinguished file managers. These are programs for managing information on storage devices. They extend the operating system's functionality for managing files and directories or make such operations more user-friendly.

Programs for setting up the operating system and applications

Modern operating systems, like computer hardware, are a complex set of programs and modules that have many settings and parameters. And although the operating system contains tools for configuring its parameters, specialized programs cope with this task much better, providing the user with greater flexibility and information content when carrying out such actions. By adjusting parameters using such programs, you can achieve increased productivity in specific operating conditions, make working with the operating system more convenient, add special effects, which will decorate the user interface.

By using optimization programs The configuration parameters of the operating system are checked for correctness and compatibility, and identified faults are eliminated. There are such optimizers for certain application programs, allowing you to achieve maximum performance from them.

As you know, each program is responsible for its own specific area of ​​work.

Some help create text or graphics, others help put things in order on your hard drive, and others help you surf the Internet.

With some diligence, you can try to reduce all the software abundance to a few main sections. Let’s also indulge in classification, creating a small “Periodic Table of Programs” in the spirit of Mendeleev.

1. System programs

This is the first and largest group of programs with which we will have to deal. They are needed to ensure normal operation of the computer, its maintenance and configuration. This is first and foremost an operating system. And a number of small auxiliary programs - utilities.

operating system - this is the first and main intermediary between computer hardware and all other programs, the soul and heart of the computer. There is essentially no choice of operating systems for the home user. Microsoft's Windows, a universally recognized standard. And you can’t escape it anywhere. That is why we will not talk about operating systems on the pages of this book, especially since a special section of the “Newest Encyclopedia of the Personal Computer” is dedicated to this.

Utilities. Under this name hides a huge amount useful programs, designed to improve the performance of your computer. The choice of utilities must be approached especially carefully so as not to overdo it. But you shouldn’t miss anything really useful - a properly selected utility can make your life much easier. You can also include tests here - programs for testing both software and PC hardware resources.

2. Application programs

Of course, it is unfair that the largest number of programs are created to serve the needs of the computer, and not its owner - the person. For us, the most important are creative programs, working tools designed for creating and processing information. In short - application programs.

The user, unlike the computer, is an unusually whimsical creature. Therefore, there are much more types of application programs than system ones. Let's name just a few of them.

Office programs . The purpose of these programs is to create and edit documents, be it text, a spreadsheet, an image, or a combination of them. However, the basis of office information still remains text, and image, sound, and even more so video are considered secondary elements. That is why professional programs for processing these types of information are placed in a special group.

The most popular programs designed for creating and editing documents are editors.

Once upon a time, the programs included in office packages “lived” alone. But today there are almost no individual programs of this class left on the market. The most popular office suite is Microsoft Office. Consists of a Microsoft Word text editor, a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, and a program for preparing presentations

Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Access database management programs and a number of smaller supporting programs.

Financial and accounting programs . Home accounting has not yet become fashionable in our country, but it is only a matter of time! In the West, programs for planning expenses, accounting for family finances and calculating taxes have always been among the most popular. In the same group are spreadsheets and financial support utilities.

3. Multimedia programs

“Media” in translation means “carrier”, “messenger”, and in the modern interpretation - a type of information. Therefore, “multimedia” is a collection of all types of information. This term itself was born in an era when the use of any information media, in addition to the “bare” text, was a novelty for the computer. Strictly speaking, only those programs that can work with several types of information can be called “multimedia”. But there are not many such programs in nature. And it just so happened that “multimedia” today refers to graphic, sound, and video programs... in short, those that work with a type of information other than text.

Programs for processing and creating images . These are already quite professional programs, which are worth installing on your computer only in one case: if you at least know how to draw. If not, then even this powerful program as editor vector graphics(drawings) CorelDraw will not help you. The same applies to photo processing programs, for example, Adobe Photoshop. Of course, with their help you can create a magnificent photo montage or make fun of a photo of your adored wife. But again, is this vital for you?

P Programs for working with sound . A minimum set of programs for processing and playing sounds and music is already included with your operating system. Some additional programs(for example, players - “players”) will not interfere with you. And leave serious, professional packages for sound processing (Sound Forge, CoolEdit) to the professionals.

Players (players) and viewing programs (viewers) unlike editors, they do not allow you to edit a text document, audio file or video. Their task is simpler - for example, play a musical composition or display a picture on the screen.

4. Entertainment and educational programs

Educational multimedia programs They can hardly be called serious work tools, but they are the ones that have gained perhaps the greatest popularity among software products today. This is understandable - there is always a demand for entertaining learning. “Tutorials” are especially popular foreign language- although it is difficult to imagine that anyone could actually learn a language from a CD.

Encyclopedias, reference books, “living books” - here are the programs you should pay attention to first! They are the ones who will make your computer useful not only for you, but also for the whole family.

Games- no comments.

5. Professional programs

A very conditional group. In fact, a program of any group can be classified as professional - it depends only on its “sophistication”, demand by a relatively small circle of people and, as a consequence, high price. They are not suitable for everyday use. And we need specialists who know why they actually need these programs.

Programmer Tools. Super complex programming systems, professional compilers and much more. For programmers, this is the number one tool, but home user most often they are not needed. Although many modern systems programming is so simple and “visual” that it allows you to create applications, constructing them like bricks, from ready-made blocks.

Computer Aided Design (CAD). These programs (for example, AutoCAD) are also often installed on home machines - out of ignorance, apparently, because drawing professional flowcharts is a difficult task and does not resemble a game.

3D graphics and animation editors . Thanks to “Jurassic Park” and other films stuffed with special effects, these programs have become surprisingly popular in our country (although in the West the same 3D Studio MAX or Softimage are purely professional programs costing tens of thousands of dollars).

Programs for scientific calculations - the patrimony of scientists and advanced engineers.

You can name dozens (if not hundreds) of types of “professional” programs - in fact, each specialty today has its own software.

You can view the list of programs by going tolink .

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What functions can utilities perform? What do such programs control? Are all utilities useful programs? What types of utilities are there?

Utilities are nothing more than computer programs rather narrow purpose (from the English word “Utility”). They are designed to expand standard features operating system. Such utilities help simplify the process of changing some parameters.

The tasks facing utilities are very diverse: this includes performing typical functions aimed at combating malware and managing the settings of any additional equipment. Easy to find on the Internet free utility programs, for example, to restore on a computer deleted files. Application similar programs allows you to return very valuable and mistakenly deleted materials.

The utilities also encrypt files, which helps protect information (for example, personal information) that cannot be distributed on the Internet. Assistants such as utilities perform the function of tracking metrics various parts computer (video cards, hard drives, processor). These programs will tell you when, for example, the temperature rises or the disc reading function stops working. So that there are no unpleasant surprises, the utilities themselves conduct checks on a regular basis.

Assistant programs help you manage everything necessary parameters both additional built-in equipment and peripheral equipment. This can include a printer, a fan, a CD/DVD drive, etc. For example, there is a utility that will help reduce ink consumption for the printer.

For fine system The utility settings change parameters that are considered difficult to access for users. With the help of such programs you can do GUI more convenient and even optimize the operation of the entire system as a whole. Such utilities are called tweakers. But they should be used with extreme caution, as they can make some changes to the registry or configuration. It is almost impossible to rid the computer of this kind of adjustments.

Besides useful utilities There are also harmful ones that are created by hackers. Such programs not only contribute to the theft of personal data from a computer, but also cause considerable damage to the device itself.

All utilities are divided into several types:

1. Control programs. Such programs are able to check the functioning of the computer and detect various malfunctions.

2. Drivers. These programs help expand the capabilities of the system.

3. Antivirus programs. They are designed to combat malware.

4. Packers. Helper programs of this kind allow you to compress information.

5. There are also utilities that provide RAM management.

Additional computer programs with a narrow focus that provide expanded capabilities of operating systems and simplified changes to certain settings are called utilities.

Sponsor of the placement P&G Articles on the topic "What are utilities for" What are utilities How to return an unsaved document How to get updates The purposes of utilities are very diverse. These assistant programs fight computer viruses, manage the parameters of built-in and peripheral equipment, and perform other important tasks that cannot be solved standard means operating system.

Utilities help protect personal file data through encryption of varying degrees of complexity, as well as install strong password to access the file. This is one of important aspects, which allows you to protect private information from other people’s interference, damage and theft.

Certificate files, codes, passwords, family or business media files (photos, videos, presentations), licensed software, mailers, operating system settings.

Utilities monitor metrics various services computer, for example, processor, disk and memory card readers, video card, modem, RAM and physical memory etc. In addition, such utilities constantly conduct tests of built-in and peripheral devices and signal when problems are detected, they also make demands for improving or replacing software and components (for example, a printer cartridge).

Utilities recover lost files that were carelessly deleted from the Recycle Bin. The same programs can help you permanently delete files from your computer if required.

Exists certain type utilities called tweakers, which are used to fine tuning operating system parameters. Such programs solve various tasks, for example, restructuring the interface for individual user, optimization of system operation.

There are also “bad” utilities that can themselves harm the computer. Such hacker developments include constructors (continuously generating a virus), worms, “joke” programs that provide incorrect information to the user about the operation of the computer, etc.

Most utilities have the status of freely distributed programs, sometimes they are universal applications with many functions.

How simple

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