How to enter safe mode if. What to do if safe mode does not start on your laptop. Ⅵ Enter Safe Mode through an incorrect system shutdown

Safe mode in the Windows operating system is certainly an important mode for computer operation. It is in it that you can delete various advertising banners and windows, work with the system when a virus is detected or change it when normal mode is not downloading. You may have already tried to log in more than once. this mode from your computer or laptop, but all your attempts were in vain. This article will take a detailed look at the login process. safe mode, possible combinations on the keyboard and their sequence. Try them all if you don't know which one to choose.

How to enter Windows safe mode from under the system

There are two ways to enter safe mode: from under the system and directly during its boot. The first method is much simpler, since you do not need to watch for the right moment and press the desired combination many times. Simply select system settings and save them. The next time you start it, you will immediately enter Safe Mode. However, this method will not work if you cannot enter normal mode at all. Windows boot. If there is no such problem, then feel free to proceed to the instructions:

  • Press and hold on your keyboard at the same time WIN keys+ R or WIN + k on the Russian keyboard.
  • After a few moments, a new Run window will appear on the screen. You need to enter the “msconfig” command into it without quotes.
  • Click “OK”.

  • In the “System Configuration” window that appears, go to the “Download” tab.

  • This is where you can check the “Safe Mode” option. Now the computer will boot into it.

  • Please note that several sub-items are available to you in safe mode. If you select the minimum boot, then the network and command line parameters, not the primary drivers, will be unavailable to you.
  • The “Other shell” item gives you the opportunity to use command line.
  • The “Network” item includes Internet and local networks so that you can use the Internet in a safe mode.

Click “Apply” and then “OK” once you are done with the settings. Now restart your computer and you will be in safe mode. To exit it, you will need to do the same manipulation, but by unchecking “Safe Mode”.

How to Enter Windows Safe Mode During System Boot

The second method involves using combinations right when your computer boots. This is useful when you cannot enter the normal mode, or you are unable to implement the first method.

Its essence is to press the F8 or F12 key immediately after the logo of your computer appears. Please note that the key responsible for entering BIOS settings, always different. On most models this is F8, but can also be F12, F7 and F11.

Sometimes, there are several tasks on one key and the only difference is when you press it. For example, often F8 first determines which source will boot from, and only then, after a second or two, enters the BIOS parameters.

You need to press the key as often as possible immediately after the logo appears, you can read exactly your key at the bottom of the screen. Remember that it is very difficult to keep up.

Once you can enter the options, select to boot into “Safe Mode” and press Enter. After completing all the necessary combinations inside safe mode, you can simply restart the computer - it will boot in the mode you are familiar with.

If problems arise with Windows computer, one of the first troubleshooting steps is to boot and run into a safe Windows mode. Safe Mode is a simple, stripped-down version operating system, loading only the most important files and drivers. In safe mode, you can fix a number of errors with drivers and cure your computer of viruses that prevent the system from starting up stably. If earlier you could enter the familiar Windows 7 using the F8 button when you start the computer, then Windows 10, 8 no longer have this function, but there is a trick that will help you return the F8 button to enter safe mode when you turn on your computer with Windows 10 In this guide, we’ll look at how to enter and launch Safe Mode in Windows 10 from the desktop and return the usual F8 button to always enter through it, and we’ll look at how to disable Safe Mode to avoid cyclic booting.

Note: The easy ways are at the bottom, provided you can boot into your desktop.

How to start Safe Mode when booting Windows 10

If Windows 10 won't boot until home screen and you need to go into or start safe mode when turning on Windows 10 through the “BIOS”, as for example before in Windows 7, with the F8 key, then you will need to get into the Windows 10 recovery environment using other methods, which are described below. It can be created on another working computer or while yours was still working.

Note: If you can boot to your desktop, then launch Command Prompt as an administrator and proceed to step 3.

Step 1. When you started with installation flash drive, then get to the point installations and click on the link below " System Restore".

Step 2. You will be transferred to additional windows settings 10. Next, go through the parameters Troubleshooting > Extra options > Command line.

Step 3. Enter the following code into the command line (you can copy it in its entirety, you can enter each command via Enter):


bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy legacy


Step 4 . You can now start in safe mode using the key F8 in Windows 10, press the button F8 continuously during system boot until the menu appears with download methods. If you want to go back to how it was, then enter instead of legacy > standard. Will next view teams bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy standard .

  1. Press the restart button on the computer itself many times in a row to trigger an error and bring up the process diagnostic menu.
  2. Turn on the computer, wait until it boots as much as possible before the error occurs. Next, press and hold the power button on your computer to complete shutdown. Repeat the procedure 3 times, by the 4th time you should see a recovery menu.
  3. If all else fails, then follow Step 1.

How to add Safe Mode to the OS boot selection menu

Windows 10 now has additional startup options. This will look the same as if you have multiple versions of the OS installed on your computer. If you often use safe mode, then setting up the menu when choosing an OS will be very excellent and convenient. In the picture below I have configured some settings for myself. Let's look at this method.

Note: Before performing this method, read it first to the end and you will understand the meaning.

Step 1. There will be three commands for the three menus created. Maybe you don’t need three, but only need one menu with safe mode. Launch Command Prompt as Administrator and enter following commands to choose from.

  1. bcdedit /copy (current) /d "Safe Mode"- Let's create a safe mode boot.
  2. bcdedit /copy (current) /d "PSU with network"- Let's create a safe mode boot with a network (Internet access).
  3. bcdedit /copy (current) /d "BP CMD"- Let's create a safe mode boot with the command line.

Step 3. The system configuration will open, go to the "" tab. We will see the list that was specified via the command line above. Let's customize each menu.

1) . Select "safe mode" from the list at the top and click on the checkmark at the bottom and select " Minimum". Next, check the "" box and click apply. You can also set a menu timer, for example, after 10 seconds it will automatically load just Windows 10. This way the boot menu will appear in safe mode.

2) . Select "PSU with network" from the list and select "Network" from the bottom and check the " Make these boot options permanent". Click apply and this way we can load safe mode with the network, i.e. with the ability to access the Internet.

3) . Highlight "BP CMD", below select " Another shell"and check the box" Make these boot options permanent." Click Apply and OK.

How to enter Safe Mode in Windows 10

Step 2. You'll end up on Wednesday windows recovery 10. In this environment, you can reset settings, restore system and much more. In the recovery environment, click on Troubleshooting.

Click the button Reboot.

Click on your keyboard F4 to begin the startup procedure windows systems 10 in safe mode.

How to enter safe mode in Windows 7

Method 1. Windows 7 starts when you press a button F8. Once you have turned on or restarted your computer, press the F8 button at 1 second intervals. The method will also work with Windows XP. After calling up the menu additional settings, select a download option.

Every Windows operating system has its own safe mode. You need it for debugging and fixing errors, as well as for removing viruses, or if yours and you want Windows.

Safe mode is useful if the system does not boot and you need to restore it. How to enter safe mode? Very simply, in this article we will describe how you can enter safe mode three most popular operating systems: Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 8. This publication, will also be useful for those who cannot start safe mode. Let's start with old Windows XP.

How to Enter Safe Mode in Windows XP

Booting into XP Safe Mode is very easy. To do this, when you boot your computer or laptop, you need to periodically press the key F8. After this, a menu screen will appear where you need to select to enter safe mode.

After the system boots, the following message appears:

Click “YES” and find yourself in the Windows XP operating system itself. We will assume that we have sorted out this OS. Now let's figure out how to boot into Safe Mode in Windows 7.

How to start Windows 7 safe mode

You can start Safe Mode in Windows 7 in the same way as in XP. We start or restart the computer, click F8 and see the following selection window:

Select “Safe Mode” and wait for the system to boot. A window will appear again informing you that Windows 7 is running in safe mode. Click “Yes” to continue. That's it, you managed to start your computer in safe mode. It is worth noting that in Windows Vista starting a computer in safe mode is done in a similar way, so we will skip the description of logging into safe mode in Vista, and move on to Windows 8.

Booting into Windows 8 Safe Mode

The first method of entering Windows 8 safe mode will be useful for those who already have serious problems with the system. Let's figure out how to go into Windows 8 safe mode if the operating system won't boot. This is done in almost the same way as in previous cases, but in order to enter safe mode " Safe Mode"Windows 8 requires you to press a keyboard key F8 while pressing the key Shift. After a short boot, an advanced system recovery menu will appear. To boot into Safe Mode, you need to enable it.

We are interested in “Advanced options”, which have several options. Select " Windows Startup Settings" Windows startup") and go there.

Press the “Restart” button, after which the reboot will begin in safe mode and the already familiar selection menu will appear.

The described method does not work for everyone Windows versions 8, so there is another, simpler method on how to enter safe mode in Windows 8. The only condition is that Windows 8 must be working. In the “Run” line we type msconfig and get into the system configuration. We are interested in the “Download” tab. There you can check the “safe mode” box and select its boot options.

As you can see, Windows startup in safe mode, a simple procedure. Some readers will probably ask a question. How to exit safe mode? Everything is very simple - you can disable safe mode by simply restarting the computer through “Start”. We hope our article was useful and you figured out how to launch safe mode on a computer or laptop running Windows OS.

In Windows 7, there are two ways to get into safe mode:
1) Entering Windows 7 safe mode at system startup.
2) Enter Safe Mode from Windows environment 7 (from a running OS by changing the boot in System Configuration).

Entering Windows7 safe mode at system startup.

Turn on the computer and press the F8 key several times while the system boots if the welcome window appears ( Windows logo 7) - it means you did not have time to press the F8 key, in this case you need to wait for the system to boot and turn off the computer again and when loading, press the F8 key again. When trying to get into safe mode, you need to consider:
- On some keyboards function keys F1 – F12 are always disabled by default. To turn them on, you need to press special key(usually Fn) and while holding it press the F8 key.
- If your computer has two or more operating systems, use the arrow keys to select the one you want, then press Enter key.
- To use the arrow keys on numeric keypad Num Lock mode must be disabled.
In the window Additional download options select " Safe mode" and press the key " Enter».

After a few seconds, the system will boot into safe mode.

Entering Safe Mode from Windows 7.

Press the button " Start" and write in the search bar msconfig and press the " Enter»

In the window that opens system configuration, go to the “” tab and check the “ Safe mode" and select " Minimum».
For reference:
Safe Mode: Minimum- Loading the Windows GUI ( Windows Explorer) in safe mode with only the most important system services running. Network components are disabled.
Safe Mode: Another Shell- Loading command Windows strings in safe mode with only the most important system services running. Network components and GUI are disabled.
Safe mode: recovery Active Directory- Loading GUI Windows user in safe mode with only the most important system services and directory services running Active Directory.
Safe Mode: Network- Boots the Windows GUI in safe mode, running only the most important system services. Network components are enabled.
Without GUI - While loading Windows screen no greeting is displayed.
Download log - All information regarding the boot process is saved in the file %SystemRoot%Ntbtlog.txt.
Basic video- Boots Windows GUI in minimal VGA mode. In this mode they load standard drivers VGA instead of display drivers that match your computer's video hardware.
OS information - Displays the names of loaded drivers during system boot.
Make these boot options permanent - Changes made to system settings are not tracked. You can change the settings later using System Setup, but only manually. If this option is selected, you will not be able to roll back changes by selecting Normal Startup on the General tab.

After this, you will be prompted to restart your computer to enter Windows 7 safe mode. If you want to boot into safe mode now, click "", if you want to do this later, select " Exit without reboot"And the next time you reboot or turn on your computer/laptop, automatically boot into safe mode.

The next time you boot Windows 7, the system will boot into Safe Mode.

In order not to boot into safe mode, you need to go into the system configuration again and uncheck the previously checked boxes.

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Today I will try to talk about how to enter Windows 7 safe mode at boot (Safe Mode) and why it is needed. Safe mode allows you to boot the system without additional settings. Most system components will be locked without use installed devices and on minimal graphics. Typically, safe mode allows you to independently troubleshoot major PC problems and debug the system. Thanks to such actions it is possible to carry out after critical errors blocking launch and correct windows work. But first things first.

There are two ways to enter Windows 7 safe mode:

  1. Starting safe mode when the computer boots;
  2. Setting up boot in the operating system

How to enter Windows 7 safe mode when booting your computer

To start Windows 7 safe mode when you turn on the device, immediately after the computer starts booting, start with certain frequency Press the F8 key until a list of boot modes appears. If after done windows operations started standard process loading, then, accordingly, you pressed the F8 key with the wrong frequency within a certain period of time, or small nuances arose, which I described below. The operation may need to be repeated. To do this, wait until the system starts up completely, reboot and repeat the above steps.

When using this method, you need to consider some possible situations:

  • Initially, on some computers and laptops, the F1-F12 keys are locked. They can only be used in combination with the Fn key. To do this, before the computer starts to boot, hold down the Fn key, and then periodically press the F8 key.
  • Installed on some computers and laptops via Bios fast loading systems do not always allow you to launch Safe Mode via the F8 key. In this case, when you turn on the computer, look carefully at the bottom of the screen. In this place, for a short time, information should appear about what key combination you can use to start Windows 7 safe mode.

If you did everything correctly, then a new window will appear in front of you with Additional options downloads.

The figure above shows several options for starting Windows 7 safe mode:

System Boot Options

The computer starts without connecting any drivers or devices. The most primitive option for eliminating errors. This option will allow you to produce those that were installed during periodic system updates. Also, for experienced users, you will be able to edit the registry. Thanks to proper configuration This will eliminate most critical errors.

Safe Mode with Boot network drivers – Allows you to start the system with the ability to access the Internet and connect to local network. This method allows you to solve the problem that caused the need to debug the system, thanks to the ability to download, and subsequently . You can also see how to solve the problem on the Internet.

Safe Mode with Command Line Support– This option is designed to start the operating system in safe mode. The difference is that the system will not start in the way you are used to. graphic representation, and with command line output. This mode is intended for more experienced users and you and I are unlikely to find it useful.

If you are going to move the cursor with the arrow keys from the numeric part of the keyboard, make sure that the Num Lock key is disabled. If the key is pressed, movement will not be possible.

Changing boot settings in the windows interface

To change Windows settings, you need to go to the Start menu and find the Run tool there. Or use the Win+R combination on your keyboard to call it from the desktop. After the Run window appears, you must enter msconfig command. In the newly opened System Configuration window, go to the Boot tab. Check the box next to Safe Mode as shown in the figure below. Then in the same field you need to select the download type Minimal.

For information, here are the types of downloads you can select in the bottom window:

Minimum– Allows you to start your computer with a minimum number of connected components. All additional devices and the drivers will be disabled.

Another shell - Launching Safe Mode from the command line without displaying the main GUI.

RecoveryActiveDirectory Booting Safe Mode operating system from graphical interface, main system services and Active Directory directory services.

Net - Start the computer in safe mode with Internet access and LAN connection.

After you have posted required parameters, click Apply and OK. After completing the steps, the operating system will prompt you to reboot. As a result, the computer will allow you to both enter Windows 7 safe mode and continue standard download. If you are going to apply all changes immediately, you must click the Reboot button. If you want to continue working without rebooting, you should click Exit without rebooting. When choosing the last item, you need to take into account that you will continue to work as usual. However, the next time you start the computer, you will be logged in through safe mode.

Return to original state

To return standard launch system, go to System Configuration and remove all changes made earlier. After which we restart the computer and rejoice in the return of the familiar and beloved interface

Finally, I would like to say that launching Windows Safe Mode will allow . Read about how to use this method of solving a problem in one of my blog articles.

This description is based on the Windows 7 operating system, since it is based on this moment is the most popular. If you need to enter safe mode under a different version of the operating system, then ask questions and I will try to answer them. But soon I will write several articles for the most popular systems. So subscribe to updates and stay tuned.

I hope that the time spent reading this article was not wasted. And you have finally figured out how to enter safe mode in Windows 7. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments and we will all try to answer them together.