Flash games won't launch. On mobile operating systems. Lack of required software components

Any computer user plays games at least sometimes. Some people do it after work or instead of it. Others buy a new PC with the intention of playing games. computer games. No matter how powerful the computer is, a problem can always happen when installed game won't start. There are many reasons for this.

Let's delve into the topic in more detail and find out why this problem happens and how to deal with it.

Checking the requirements

First, you need to look at the system requirements for the game. They will either be on the box or on the official website. It often happens that a game is made for processors certain brand AMD or Intel or for a specific video card. Then there may be problems running on another hardware. Or the game requires a certain amount random access memory , let’s say you need 8 GB, and there are only 2 of you, then the game will not work.

You can check your processor model and amount of RAM in the computer properties.

Checking and updating drivers

Drivers are programs that control hardware connected to a PC. They are needed constantly update to keep your computer working properly. Of course, the system will continue to work and no updates, But modern games, often require the latest versions of drivers.

Most often, the driver is important for games video cards. Some refuse to start until the latest version is installed. How can you check what driver versions you have? Very simple:

Now we need to update it. There are several ways to do this:

  • Download latest version from the official website.
  • If you only know the identifier, then you need to visit the site http://devid.info and search bar drive it in.
  • For convenience you can find there are utilities on the Internet that will automatically determine the versions of your drivers and offer to update them in automatic mode. That is, all you need to do is scan and select which drivers should be updated.

Checking system components

Often games may not launch if any of the components listed below are missing. Sometimes even installation doesn’t help latest version. The game may require exactly the one for which it is made.


This essential component, as well as the video card driver. For the game to start and work correctly, you need exactly that DirectX version under which game created. Often this component already included in game installer, but sometimes not. The latest version can be downloaded from the link https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/Download/confirmation.aspx?id=35.

Net Framework

This component is needed so that programs written in different languages programming. Basically, he's already built in into the system. But if not, you can download it from official website https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/framework.

Visual C++

This is the development environment in which various programs. Often this component is already included in the game installer. If not, then go to the official website and download latest version.

https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/framework - the link is the same as for the framework. You can also download Visual here.

Checking for viruses

Programs for cleaning and fixing errors

There are programs that will clean the system and eliminate registry errors. After all, because of all this, the game may also not work.


Glary Utilities

This is a program that contains a whole complex to clean the system of debris, as well as its settings. She can do everything, and clean the registry, and defragment disk and registry, produce fine tuning systems and much more.

problems and developers introduce a lot of bugs into their software.

According to users' observations, problems with video output and in games appeared starting from the 9th version of the player. Previously, slow and outdated computers easily played video and flash animation, but now modern ones slow down.

The most interesting thing is that powerful 3D games do not slow down. So what's the matter? Simply changing the browser does not help. Adobe Flash Player picks up streams from everyone installed browsers. I managed to solve problems with flash games and video playback from Your Toube. There are no such shortcomings anymore.

I’ll say right away that my Internet connection is not the fastest and speed has nothing to do with it. If your online video/audio is slow in your browser Chrome problem can be eliminated in a few minutes.

There are several ways to solve the problem with flash games and videos slowing down.

1. Removal temporary files Internet from your computer.

This helped many people solve their problem with slow work browser in Flash. Reason incorrect operation Browser with active content often causes temporary files to overflow and become "outdated". It is recommended to clean them periodically. To clear temporary files, use the following procedure:

1. Close all tabs with sites, leaving only an empty new tab.

2. Click Settings and management Google Chrome(colloquially “wrench glitch”).

3. Select Tools.

4. Click on the Clear browsing data menu.

5. In the window that opens, check the box next to Clear cache. You can also check the remaining boxes, but remember that cleaning cookies will lead to the fact that all saved sessions will be completed, that is, you will have to re-enter logins and passwords on all sites. If you do not want this, then uncheck the Delete cookies and other site data box. Nevertheless deleting cookies may also be useful.

6. Select the All period from the drop-down menu.

7. Click Clear page data.

2. Sometimes updating outdated sound and video card drivers can help. Modern updates Adobe Flash implements hardware acceleration support. Old video cards do not support Adobe technology Flash HWA. This is caused by outdated hardware. There's nothing you can do about it, just buy it. new video card. The easiest thing is if the drivers do not support hardware acceleration. To update drivers, you need to go to the official website of the video card manufacturer.

If your video card does not support hardware acceleration, or updating the drivers did not solve the problem, then you can disable it. To do this, simply launch any video, for example, VKontakte, click right key mouse on the playback area, in the window that appears, select Options and uncheck Enable hardware acceleration. Restart your browser. In this case, music and light video up to 720p will play smoothly, but games may continue to slow down.

3. Using the built-in module for playing flash graphics. On Google Chrome already There is a built-in plugin for viewing videos and games, which works much better than Adobe Flash Player. The whole point of the slowdown is that Google Chrome launches both players at the same time. I fixed the game lag by disabling the third-party Adobe plugin.

1. Click Settings and Google management Chrome (colloquially "spanner").

2. Select Settings.

3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page that opens and click on Show advanced settings.

4 . Section Personal data.

5. Click on the Content Settings button.

6. In the Page Content Settings menu that appears, find the Plug-ins item

8. In the plug-in window that opens, click on the More details header. All items will be revealed.

9. In the list of modules, find the module called Shockwave Flash. (Procedure in the picture, click to enlarge)

10. Of the two options, you should leave the module located at the location path /.../google/chrome/..., disable the other. Now check for stuttering in games and videos. If everything is resolved, then the problem is solved.

Perhaps this will not help for your configuration, then try, on the contrary, disable the built-in plugin and leave Shockwave Flash.

4. Enable hardware acceleration. Oddly enough, there are people who have this acceleration turned off. To do this, click on the video or flash game right click mouse and open the menu and select "Options" - "Enable hardware acceleration". This simple operation can help eliminate freezing and stuttering in games. in social networks Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook.

Many people like to play computer games, including browser games that do not require installation. However, in the case of regular and browser games, there are various problems. One of the most common problems is the game refusing to launch. In this article we will look at this problem We will tell you in more detail why games do not open.

Let's pay attention to the following problems:

  • failure to launch the game, provided that it was launched earlier;
  • the game has just been installed;
  • The game is browser-based.

The game does not start after installation

If the game does not start after installation, it is better to first check the system requirements.

Check your computer's specifications. If it does not meet the minimum system requirements game, the game will not start. You should also take into account the fact that some games require support for special firmware. For example, in the case of The Sims 3, support for pixel shaders is required. If your video card does not support this firmware, the game will not start.

One of the most common cases is also outdated drivers on your computer. Drivers are programs that are installed for a video card. If you need to update your drivers, do so as soon as possible.

Also quite common problem The problem that the player has to deal with is the failure to launch the game due to outdated Direct X. To solve this problem, you should download the updated data package:

  • DirectX 9.0c - Windows XP, Server 2003 (download from Microsoft website).
  • DirectX 10.1 - Windows Vista And Windows Server 2008 (download).
  • DirectX 11 - Windows 7/Vista SP2 and Windows Server 2008 SP2/R2 with x32 and x64 systems (download).

If the game has been launched before

  • If your game opened earlier, but now refuses to start, then first of all check Net version Framework. It is recommended to update regularly this program. You can find links to all versions here: Download Net Framework.
  • If you encounter the error " Microsoft Visual runtime library", then you need to update your Microsoft Visual. You can find a link to the version of this program here: Microsoft Visual C++ versions
  • Another common problem is the lack of connection to the service. games for windows live. This one is free gaming service allows you to play many games, and without it some games may not work correctly. Connect to this service you can follow this link.
  • It may also be due to the presence of virus software. Scan your computer for various malware and delete them.

If the browser game does not start

  • Browser games do not launch most often due to problems with the Internet. Therefore, it is recommended to check the connection first. There may be problems with your modem settings.
  • Another reason for this problem may be the cache, which needs to be cleared. For this, every browser has special function clearing cache.
  • Also the reason may be outdated Flash versions Player. You can update your Flash Player

Let's figure out why games don't launch on our Odnoklassniki page


Friends, it is important to understand that most often computer problems, including resolving the question of why the game won’t start in Odnoklassniki, you’ll have to do it yourself. Help is usually nowhere to be found, so be patient and follow the tips below.

Something should definitely shed light on your situation; moreover, we understand that not everyone finds it easy to navigate personal computers (PCs) and their programs, but still, every step you take on a PC yourself will increase your level of knowledge. And then you will certainly get closer to the moment when you will solve most of the problems and questions at the computer yourself.

But this will not happen if you do not try to do something yourself. Finally, let's get started. Here we have presented the most common reasons why games in Odnoklassniki may not start.

Game won't load in Odnoklassniki: there is a solution

Before checking the suggested methods below, you can try to understand the very basics - Is the problem on the computer or in Odnoklassniki? Here's how it's done:

  • Login to your page through another computer preferably in a different place, so that the output is via a different modem; if in another place the games are launched in Odnoklassniki, then proceed to apply the methods described below, because the problem is in your PC

If the game does not load in Odnoklassniki, then try the methods below

  1. Refresh browser
  2. Update the flash player (or just install Google Chrome, in it the flash player updates itself, and games do not launch in Odnoklassniki most often due to legacy flash player)
  3. Old Internet Explorer
  4. Windows XP (obsolete)
  5. Check the year on the watch (especially if a window pops up - the security certificate is not suitable)
  6. Change browser
  7. Viruses, including in the browser
  8. Clear cache using Ctrl+f5
  9. Add to exceptions in Firewall settings
  10. JavaScript enable
  11. Clean the system with CCleaner utility
  12. Clear browser cache
  13. Disable ad blockers
  14. Internet problems
  15. Try disabling your antivirus
  16. The problem is in the game itself
  17. Ask a question to support

Refresh browser

Usually everyone uses 3 main Internet browsers - Opera, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex, Internet Explorer. It is one of them that you are most likely using. Very often, updates are released for them, without installing which, some functions, including games, may not work. Therefore, first of all, update it.

Update flash player

The second step is, of course, to update the Flash Player (or first remove the Flash Player and then install it again if errors occur during the update process). It is on it that many browser games work, including Odnoklassniki. But this does not apply to Google Chrome because it updates automatically there.

This is not difficult to do, just write in any search engine to download Flash Player, immediately, most likely on the first line, go to the official website and update it, more details about this here.

Old version of Internet Explorer

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  • February 10, 2016
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In order to fully enjoy flash games of any kind at any time of the day or night, you need to install Flash Player on your computer, which is a special player developed by Macromedia. This makes it possible to use programs that use the Macromedia Flash language.

It should be borne in mind that the administration of sites with playgrounds has nothing to do with game developers, that is, it does not fix problems within the game space or in control functions, as well as errors in game levels.

Reasons for failure of flash games:

1. Server overload.
2. Outdated version with a browser.
3. Scripts are not connected inside the browser.
4. Pause in Adobe work flash.

In the latter case:

the browser is rebooted or the game is launched using another browser; update adobe flash player or reinstall flash player(responsible for the functioning of all flash applications, but its work is sometimes disrupted) by current version inside the browser itself or by going to the Adobe website, where the latest add-on builds are available for download (restarting the browser is required for the login to be correct).

Reasons for NOT LAUNCHING on different sites may vary

1. If Flash Player refuses to work, you can first find an updated version to install.
2. The Google Chrome browser, when new versions are available, may pretend that it does not notice the flash player plugin. To connect, proceed as follows:

  • enter in the address bar: chrome://settings/content/flash;
  • click “Login”;
  • in the window that appears, disable Flash blocking on sites;
  • click “Add”;
  • add the coordinates of www.flashplayer.ru to the list of allowed sites.

3. Firefox does not notice the game:

  • click on the menu key;
  • select “Add”;
  • find a window with Shockwave plugin Flash;
  • Click "Always on".

4. Connect game reading in Opera (1st option):

  • Go through the menu to “Settings” and the list of sites;
  • add the Flash header to the Exception Management list.

5. Introduction of games into Opera (2nd option):

  • enter: “ opera://settings/contentExceptions#plugins“;
  • After pressing Enter, add www.flashplayer.ru to the list of exceptions.

6. One of the series of games does not turn on:

  • implement Flash update Player in the usual way;
  • try using a different browser;
  • find a specialized form that is present on the page where the game is located;
  • send a message that an error has been detected;
  • bring the information to the attention of the site administration.

7. Some browsers (most often IE) do not perceive it well flash applications and do not allow them to start. In this case it is simpler:

  • use another browser to get rid of problems. The player's operation is checked by launching another flash game;
  • make sure the server is available with necessary applications, and that they open in the usual manner.

8. Game doesn't move:

  • Make sure you have the latest version of Flash Player and update if necessary;
  • reboot (Ctrl+F5);
  • clear the browser cache (close the window, exclude the game from the application, return it again);
  • leave “VKontakte” through the main menu, log in again;
  • use another browser instead of the previous one (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera).