Open bin files program. How to open a file with a bin extension

When downloading information from the Internet, you may encounter documents with the bin extension. You won't be able to open them with regular applications. Therefore, the question arises: which program to open the bin file in Windows?

Why are bin files needed?

The bin extension comes from the word “binary” - binary. The document contains information in the form of binary code. They are used as auxiliary files when storing information or in games as installation archives. Some programs create images with this extension when copying DVDs or CDs.

How to open

Files with the bin extension are not intended to be opened by users. They are used by computers in their work. But if such a need arises, install special utilities on your computer.

In Notepad

RMB on the desired document – ​​Open with – Notepad.

Worth knowing! This method will allow you to open the file, but you will see a set of incomprehensible characters that do not carry any information. Therefore, it is used very rarely.

Large file

Before looking for an application to open this type of file, check its size. If it is comparable to the size of a CD or DVD disc, then it is an image. To open the image, use Ultra ISO, Alcohol 120% or Daemon Tools.

Driver or firmware

If the bin file is small, it probably contains a driver or firmware. You can find out how it opens in the instructions for the device for which it is intended. More detailed information is posted on the equipment manufacturer’s website, where they will also offer to download special applications for opening such files.

Software installer

If you come across an auxiliary file with the bin extension, intended for installing some program, application or game, there is no need to open it, because it does not contain any important and useful information for the user.


In the video you can see how different types of bin files are opened.


The user needs to open a file with the bin extension after downloading it from the Internet or finding it on the computer. To do this, use programs for mounting images (Alcohol, Daemon Tools or UltraISO) or special utilities created by hardware developers (if it contains drivers or firmware). In other cases, there is no need to open such a file.

Which one it belongs to. Therefore, to open a bin file, you need to know what application it was created by. If this is unknown, try viewing the contents of the bin file in text form by opening it using Notepad or in the Far file manager with the built-in viewing utility. Most likely, you will see a meaningless (for) set of hexadecimal digits or a generally chaotic sequence of ASCII characters, but among them you can sometimes find meaningful fragments that will allow you to guess what created and uses this file.

  1. If the bin file is approximately the size of a CD or DVD, then it may be a disk image. In this case, try opening the bin file using a disk image utility such as Nero or Daemon Tools.

  2. If the file is small, then this may be data for flash firmware. In this case, you should open the file with the utility with which you are going to perform the firmware.

The Bin file can also be a Micrografx Design project file, one of the files needed to install a software product, etc. As a rule, all such files are not intended for viewing by users, but are files used by the software itself.

Video on the topic


  • open bin firmware in 2018

A binary file is an encoded text document with a *.BIN extension. This file type is used in application programs and contains information about the software. You can store any type of data: strings, integers or logical numbers - and encode the information.

You will need

  • - Programming skills;
  • - computer.


Give your project's page code an appropriate name. Writing and reading files requires "IO" names, which are the names of the class libraries used by the developer. Writing files requires classes contained in I/O variables. Add the following line to the beginning of the file code: "include System.IO;".

Create a file stream and assign a binary value to the variable. This will create a binary file, but it will be empty for now. Binary files can be created with any extension, but *.BIN is the standard one. Use the following code to create a binary file: "FileStream file = new FileStream("C:\\mybinaryfile.bin", FileMode.Create); BinaryWriter binarystream = new BinaryWriter(file);".

Add a write function to the binary file using the "Write" command. This function automatically encodes values ​​in binary mode, so there is no longer a need to encode information before saving it to a file. Below is an example of writing to a binary file: "binarystream.Write("My first binary file");

When downloading information from the Internet, you may encounter documents with the bin extension. You won't be able to open them with regular applications. Therefore, the question arises: which program to open the bin file in Windows?

Why are bin files needed?

The bin extension comes from the word “binary” - binary. The document contains information in the form of binary code. They are used as auxiliary files when storing information or in games as installation archives. Some programs create images with this extension when copying DVDs or CDs.

How to open

Files with the bin extension are not intended to be opened by users. They are used by computers in their work. But if such a need arises, install special utilities on your computer.

In Notepad

RMB on the desired document – ​​Open with – Notepad.

Worth knowing! This method will allow you to open the file, but you will see a set of incomprehensible characters that do not carry any information. Therefore, it is used very rarely.

Large file

Before looking for an application to open this type of file, check its size. If it is comparable to the size of a CD or DVD disc, then it is an image. To open the image, use Ultra ISO, Alcohol 120% or Daemon Tools.

Driver or firmware

If the bin file is small, it probably contains a driver or firmware. You can find out how it opens in the instructions for the device for which it is intended. More detailed information is posted on the equipment manufacturer’s website, where they will also offer to download special applications for opening such files.

Software installer

If you come across an auxiliary file with the bin extension, intended for installing some program, application or game, there is no need to open it, because it does not contain any important and useful information for the user.


In the video you can see how different types of bin files are opened.


The user needs to open a file with the bin extension after downloading it from the Internet or finding it on the computer. To do this, use programs for mounting images (Alcohol, Daemon Tools or UltraISO) or special utilities created by hardware developers (if it contains drivers or firmware). In other cases, there is no need to open such a file.


Give the project page code the name of the class library to create a binary file. Class library names are "IO" names that are used to read and write files. For example, at the beginning of a line of code, insert the following line: Include System IO.

Create a file stream, then assign a binary value to the variable. As a result, a bin file will be created, but it will be empty. A binary file can be created with any extension, but the most commonly used extension is bin. To create the binary file use the following code:
FileStream file = new
FileStream(“C:\\mybinaryfile.bin”, FileMode, Create)
BinaryWriter binarystream = new

Write a function for writing a binary file in your program code. To do this, use the Write command. This function automatically encodes values ​​in binary mode, which saves you from re-encoding before saving the file. Example of writing to a binary file: "binarystream Write("My first binary file"); binarystream Write(10);"

Close the file once all the necessary information has been saved. Please note that closing a file is an extremely important process in programming because it marks the end of the file creation process. Only after the file is closed will it be available for use by applications. To close a binary file and save it to disk, write the following expression in the program code: “binarystream.Close();”.

Test the operation of the created binary file. To do this, launch the application, information about which the created file contains. If all the functions included in it are performed, then the program code is compiled correctly. Otherwise, you will have to re-check the entered code, as well as the information placed in the file. Use the binary debug feature and test again.

Files It is customary to name certain information stored in the required format. The most commonly used extensions are .doc (for Microsoft Word), .png, .gif or .jpg (for images), .xls (for Microsoft Excel spreadsheets) and .txt (for text files). The execution of a file creation operation is directly related to the program designed to open it.


Right-click on an empty space on the desktop to open the context menu and select “New”.

Select the desired file type from the list of submenu that opens and enter the desired name of the created file in the desktop shortcut that appears.

Expand the folder in which you plan to create a new file and call the context menu by right-clicking in any empty space in the folder to create a new file using an alternative method.

Select “Create” and select the required file type in the submenu that opens.

Enter the desired file name in the appropriate field and press the Enter softkey to confirm that the selected changes are applied.

Launch the program designed to work with the file being created to perform the operation of creating a new file in one more way and open the “File” menu in the top toolbar of the program window.

Specify the “Create” command and go to “Save As”.

Select the desired location to save the created file and enter the desired name value in the dialog box that opens.

Repeat the procedure described in step 1 and specify "Text Document" in the "File Type" submenu to perform the operation of creating a new file with a .reg extension required to change the system registry configuration.

Enter the desired name value for the file being created and click the “Yes” button in the request window that opens to confirm the selection of the .reg extension.

Call the context menu of the created file by right-clicking and select the “Edit” command.

Enter the required values ​​into the document text and use the “Save” command of the “File” menu in the top toolbar of the application window to apply the selected changes.

Video on the topic


  • How to create a file in 2019
  • How to create a .reg file to work with the Windows registry in 2019

You may be familiar with the situation when you download a game, video, etc. from the Internet, and there in the folder there is file with permission bin and cue. The fact is that bin is a virtual disk image format, and cue is file om, pointing to the image. While most users are familiar with virtual ISO disk formats, file ami bin may cause problems for many people. To use such file However, they must first be written to a regular optical disc or mounted.

You will need

  • - optical disk;
  • - Alcohol 120 program.


In fact, the problems arise because not everyone knows that this is the same virtual disk image. Below we will discuss how to write file bin to an optical disk.

First, you will need a program to work with virtual disks. Download the Alcohol 120 program from the Internet. You need to download the latest versions of the program that support the format for working with file ami bin. You can download a free licensed version of the program from the Internet, but with a limited period of use, or pay for a license. Install Alcohol and restart your computer.

Launch Alcohol 120. After launching, select “Record from images” in its main menu. An overview window will appear. In this window, use the browse button to select file bin which you need to burn to disk. Click on it with the left mouse button and file will be highlighted. Then click “Open” at the bottom of the program window. Insert a blank disc into the optical drive. After that, proceed further.

In the next window, leave all parameters unchanged, then click “Start”. After this, the process of recording the selected file A. After the writing process bar reaches the end, the message “Write operations completed” will appear. Now you have a disk that is a complete copy of the disk from which it was created file bin.

Also file bin can be mounted without writing to a virtual drive that was created by the program. Select “Image Search” from the menu. A window will appear with the found file ami disk images. Select the one you need file bin. Then add the image file and in the Alcohol 120 program menu. Now it is in the right window. Right-click on the image and then click “Mount to device.” After a few seconds, the image will be mounted and you can open it like a regular disk.

Bin- file is a virtual disk image. The catch is that, unlike the iso or mds format, this format is not so well known. By downloading a certain file(movie or game) that later ends up in the bin extension, the user often simply does not know how to read it. Standard operating system tools are not enough for this. Additional programs are needed here.

You will need

  • - Computer;
  • - Alcohol program;
  • - Daemon Tools Lite program.


One of the most common programs that can read bin- file s, is Alcohol. Download it from the Internet. You need to download one of the latest versions, since outdated versions may be incompatible with bin-format virtual disks. Install it on your computer.

Launch the program. After running it for the first time, wait a few seconds until the virtual drive is created. Next, in the main program menu, select “Image Search”. Then specify the path to the folder where bin- file, and click Search. Highlight this one file using the left mouse button. After that, click "Add" file s".

Now chosen by you file available in the main menu of the program. Double-click on it with the right mouse button and file will be mounted on the virtual drive. Then go to My Computer. You can open a virtual disk in the same way as a regular optical disk in a regular drive.

Another program that can read this format is called Daemon Tools Lite. This version of the program is not distributed commercially, so you can download it. Download and install it on your computer. Launch the installed application. Wait a few seconds until the program creates a virtual drive, which will be available in “My Computer”. Left-click on the icon on the left (with a disk image) and specify the path to bin- file u. Select it with the left mouse click, and then click “Open” at the bottom of the window.

Now file added to the main menu of the program. Right-click on it and select “Mount to device” in the menu that appears. Wait a few seconds. The file will be mounted. After this, the autorun of the virtual disk should work. If this does not happen, then you need to go to “My Computer” and open it yourself.

On a PC disk or on a network with an unusual data area, there is a need to find out how to open the bin file - especially if it is significant in size and there is no additional information accompanying it.

If you simply double-click the left mouse button on a document with such an extension, it will not open. And a window will appear on the screen asking you to select a program for this.

Moreover, in some cases, the system offers one of the suitable applications available on the computer to work with the .bin file.

However, if you couldn’t open the information using them, or the list is empty, you should try to find the right program yourself.

Before this, you should understand the need for the .bin extension, the tasks of such files in the system and the features of opening them.

What is a bin file?

The *.bin extension is assumed to denote a binary file. It is necessary for the operation of other programs and components.

And, most often, it comes complete with executable files - data with the *.exe extension in Windows and dynamic libraries.dll for the same OS.

For MacOS this can also be data of the *.app type.

The bin extension is an abbreviation for the word binary.

This file may contain:

  • supporting information for the application;
  • installation archives for a game or program;
  • an image obtained during the process of copying data to a CD or DVD.

You can find out exactly how to open this type of .bin file by looking at its type.

But, since in most cases it is difficult to determine such a variety, it is possible that you will have to use several methods of discovery.

Opening options

You can open binary files using various applications - even those that are already on your computer by default.

For example, the Notepad program, which can view information of any type. However, in this case, its display will be incorrect and unreadable.

So, although it is not prohibited to use Notepad, it is completely useless.

The file contents are displayed incorrectly in Notepad when the file size is relatively small - within a few megabytes.

But, if the information takes up enough space (100, 200 or thousands of MB), most likely it is a disk image.

And in order to open such a file, you should use the appropriate applications

Opening images

You can try to open large files with the bin extension using utilities that work with images:

  • Daemon Tools;
  • Alcohol 120%;
  • SoBuster;
  • MagicISO;
  • Power ISO
  • Roxio Creator;
  • WinMount;

Such utilities are usually free or shareware, that is, they have a certain period of free use.

If there are no such programs on your computer, you should download one of these no-payment options from the network and try to open the bin file.

Advice: The format is most often found in folders with distributions of old gaming applications. If you find it bundled with a game from the 2000s, you can be sure that this is exactly the image.

If you wish, you can try to reformat the bin file into a form more familiar to modern emulators - with the ISO extension.

The instructions for your software or device can help you determine how to use this information.

You can download a specialized application that opens and even changes files from the official websites of manufacturers, or use programs like Pic Bin Editor for this.

In cases where information with the *.bin extension is an auxiliary file for installing an application and is located in the same folder with it, there is no need to open it.

The data will be used automatically during the download process of the program or game. And opening the file will not bring any useful information to the user.

Opening a binary video file

Binary data stores that do not require opening

Information presented in binary form does not always require opening using any applications.

Often such files, especially if they are small in size (for example, 5-10 kb), are used only by specific programs and games, during the installation or use of which bin files are launched automatically.

But, if for some reason their contents need to be viewed, applications like WinHex or Resource Hacker are chosen.

Fig.6. WinHex application.