Vk com instant registration. How to create a Wiki page on VKontakte? What to do if you forgot your password and cannot log into VK

Social networks have become an integral part of our Everyday life. But many people are interested in questions about how registration is carried out in contact. That is why we decided to write a short instruction. Having completed all its points correctly, yours on the social network VKontakte registration will take place hassle-free and you can enjoy limitless communication.

History of registration in contact

Not everyone remembers how this procedure took place at the dawn of the formation of this social network. Then, in order to become a participant in the project, you had to receive an invitation that could only be sent by a registered user. This protected from large quantity fake pages, but for some potential users, registration was simply not available in VKontakte.

This restriction has been lifted today, and the site itself operates on the vk.com domain. There is nothing complicated about registration. All you need is internet access and a working phone number.

New Member Registration Procedure

You need to visit the site, and in the corresponding fields located on home page, enter your first and last name. After this, you can safely click the “Register” button. Then you just have to go through three steps and get your account activation code:

  • Stage one. It involves finding classmates. After entering your school information, a list will be provided from which you can select the people you need. A feature worth noting here is that you can add them as friends even before final registration;
  • Stage two. Similar to the first one, only classmates are being searched for. You can skip this step if you do not want to enter information;
  • Stage three. At this stage, on the VKontakte social network, in order for further registration to be available to you, you need to enter your phone number. will be sent to him free message, in the body of which the activation code is indicated. After entering it in the appropriate field on the site, registration will be completely completed. To gain access to the site, enter only a real phone number!

Remember, registration is carried out in contact for free! The SMS comes directly to your phone. If you receive a message asking you to send a response message to complete registration, then there is a virus on your computer. Clear it or try registering from another computer.

Linking the phone number of an already registered page to a new one

If during the registration process it is discovered that a contact page is already linked to your phone number, then a corresponding notification will inform you about this. You will have a choice: create a new page or go to the old one. On the previously registered page when you log in, a corresponding message about changing your phone number will appear. You can link to a new phone number or, after a day, re-specify the old one.

When you log in as a new user, you will receive brief instructions by main functions and sections. In total, it will take you only 5-10 minutes to become a user of the largest Russian social network. And to protect your account from hacking, use an antivirus and firewall.

In contact with


Modern people can no longer imagine their life without social networks. Any of them, including the VKontakte website, opens people limitless possibilities: here you can engage in self-education, conduct business, make appointments, get acquainted with interesting people. In addition, this is a unique storage of images, documents, and audio files. Sooner or later, everyone has a question: how to register in VKontakte? It's very simple. This network is clear, multifunctional, and registration in it is carried out within a few minutes.

Currently, you can only register on the site by entering your phone number. This is done to ensure the safety of numerous visitors to the social network. Each profile is linked to specific number so that the user knows about activity on his page and can take timely measures in case of hacking. However, everyone has the right to register using only email, although administrators strongly recommend linking it to a number.

Registration via mail

If the user does not want to specify personal number phone, you can bypass this rule. After creating an account, you need to unlink the page from the designated number and replace it with your email address. After this, you can create a second page with the same phone number, and leave your real contacts undisclosed. So, how can you quickly register on the site?

Sometimes a user needs to create two pages, but connecting them with one phone number is not possible according to VKontakte rules. There are ways to get around this limitation.

For example, specifically for permission similar problems applications have been created that generate virtual numbers(say, the Pinger utility). You can enter the number it created in empty window upon registration and receive notifications. It is worth updating FlashPlayer for the application to work flawlessly. In general, it is easy to use and usually there are no difficulties. What should you do next?

  1. Select the “Create account” button (note that the application is in English).
  2. Enter your username, password, and email address to log in.
  3. Go through the captcha and check the box to indicate that you have read the rules.
  4. Click “Create” and print postcode so that the program can create a suitable number.
  5. Click “Find” and wait. The app will suggest possible numbers.

You can choose the most convenient one from a variety of options. It will no longer be possible to change the number. After the final selection, you can safely use it during the registration process on the VKontakte website.

Registration from phone

Registration using a smartphone is absolutely simple and will not cause any difficulties. You need to open your browser and do the following:

  • go to the official website and click on the “Instant registration” button;
  • enter information about yourself;
  • print phone number;
  • receive an SMS message with an access code and enter it into an empty window;
  • come up with a strong and memorable password for your account.

The password should be chosen not too difficult to understand, but also not obvious, so that fraudsters cannot access the page (usually used letters and numbers). After this, the user independently designs the page, selecting interest groups, uploading photos, looking for friends, etc. You can do this endlessly.

How to create multiple pages

To perform such an operation, you must have one phone number and several email addresses. Next opens main account, already associated with the number. Instead of a number, the page is linked to an email. Other profiles are linked to mailboxes. Thus, several pages are linked to one number at once.

You can make everything much simpler: buy several SIM cards and link a page to each one accordingly. Registration will be quick: via phone.

You need to follow the instructions on the site, and then the process of adding a new user to the site will become simple and clear.

How to make a contact page? Many newcomers to the Internet often encounter many confusing situations when getting acquainted with social networks. They don’t know how to create their own page in contact. But sooner or later you will need to do this, so read on. The creation of your page can be influenced by many reasons, for some this is: searching for classmates, friends, acquaintances, classmates, colleagues, and communicating with them, searching and much more.

Where is it better to create your page, in what service? After all, you need to find all your friends, acquaintances, classmates in one social network. Today, of course, the main leader who is very popular among our social networks. networks in Russia is VKontakte.

How to create a new page in contact?

3. After which you need to fill in your mobile phone number and click on the “Get code” button.

5.After this, you need to come up with a complex, unique password that will protect your account from hacking, enter it and click on the “Login to the site” button.

Tip: The password must contain numbers and letters in Latin, but do not use your name, date of birth or the name of your settlement, since this information will be available on your page and will serve as a hint for account hackers in contact.

Well, we all went through the entire registration procedure. You have your own personal page in contact with. Fill it out as accurately as possible and enter your personal data if you did not do so during registration. This will help you find yours faster the right people on a social network and start communicating with them, sharing with them various information. Find and add your friends and acquaintances to your VKontakte page and go ahead! Also, add me to your profile, let's become friends and I will reciprocate your feelings.

How to create and communicate on VKontakte on two or more pages?

Is it possible to do this? Yes, it turns out it is possible and easy to implement.

This can be done in two ways:

The first way is to create and use several pages on a social network using different browsers. For example, if you use Google browsers Chrome and Opera. But if you don’t have different browsers, then download it via the Internet, it’s all simple. Type the phrase of any browser into a search engine, go to the official website and click “download”. After that, create one page in one browser, and another in another. Then you can enjoy your results.

The second way is how to make several pages in contact using incognito mode. The other way is much simpler. Press this key combination on your computer: Ctrl+ Shift +N, and we enter incognito mode. We go to the social network and create another account. What happens? What happens is that in one window there is one profile, and in the other, in incognito mode, another. Use it.

I’ll say right away that registering one profile from one cell phone not possible today. Many people now have two or more SIM cards on their phones, take advantage of this. But if someone does not have this opportunity, then there are services on the Internet that, for a fee, send SMS via different numbers cell phones.

Well, today we discussed the topic . Anyone who liked the article is welcome to speak in the comments.

I wish you good luck in creating your page and .

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It’s worth noting right away that you won’t be able to register on VK without a mobile phone number. Since 2012, VKontakte has taken precautions and linked the profile to the owner’s mobile number. This was done in order to minimize fraudulent activities on a social network.

But there is one workaround for how to create a VKontakte account without a phone number. You can register an account for a virtual international number, which will receive SMS. You can also install special program for computer. At the same time, your personal number no need to indicate. To do this, you need to register on a specialized website. For example, pinger.com. There are a huge number of such services on the Internet.

How to create a second VKontakte page for one number?

If you need additional account in VK, and you want to know how to create a second page in VKontakte with the same phone number, then it should be noted that there are no tricks here. This can be done very simply, since you only need one phone number. To do this, you need to create a profile and link it to your email. In the “My Settings” section there is a “Alerts” category.

After confirming your email, you need to unlink the number from your profile. This way you free up your phone for re-registration. You can do this several times, but the email address on the profiles must be different.

How to create a fake VKontakte page?

Fake pages are created in order to hide one's identity and personal data. Fake accounts are very easy to create. You can specify a virtual international number during registration, which can be obtained for free on special services, and fill in the registration fields with false information. To do this, you need to indicate the last name and first name of the person whose page you want to clone, and you can also specify any data.

How to find out who created a fake VKontakte page?

It is almost impossible to find out who the creator of a fake page is. The only thing that can be found out is its IP address. If someone has created a fake page with your data, photos, then you can contact technical support VC. Administrators will block the fake account.

How to create many VKontakte accounts?

Every person can create several VK profiles. To do this, you only need one mobile phone number and several email addresses. If you are registering for the first time, you must first fill out the registration form and indicate your number. After this, a link is made to the mail and the number is unlinked from the account. You can link many profiles to one phone number. This is not prohibited in VKontakte.

You can also create 2, 5 or 10 accounts in VK by linking each page to a new number. In this case, confirmation via email is not required. All this can be done with an existing number.

Create an account in VK

If you don’t know how to create a new page on VK without a phone number, then they will come to your aid special services, where you can get a virtual international number. To create a profile on VK, you need a mobile phone number. Registration in VKontakte is carried out as follows:

  • go to the “Registration” field;
  • indicate the country and mobile number;
  • confirm the code;
  • come up with a password;
  • log into your account.

At this point, the registration stage in VK is completed. Now you can use all the options that it offers social network.

How to find out the creation date of a VK page?

When registering in VK, each account is assigned a serial number or ID address. Looking at that number, you can understand how long ago the page was created. You can find out the ID address by going to the page you are interested in. IN address bar browser number will be shown at the top. You can determine the creation date of the page by the number:

  • up to 100,000,000 – the page was created in 2010;
  • up to 180,000,000 – in 2012;
  • 280,000,000 and more – in 2015-2016.

The higher the address number, the later the page was created. It is impossible to find out the specific date and month the profile was created. You will be able to determine the year the account was created.

How to create a Wiki page on VKontakte?

Almost everyone has seen links to other public pages in VK.com in various communities and groups. They are in every group. Usually you are asked to follow this link to read the article you are interested in, and you are taken to a landing page. There is a large post on this page with inserted pictures. This note looks very impressive. But it was created in order to attract the attention of community members.

If you want to know how to create a VK Wiki page, then there is nothing complicated here. To do this, you need to create a link http://vk.com/pages?oid=-XXX&p=Name of page. XXX is the ID address of the wiki page. Next, you should follow this link and fill in its content.

How to create a page on VK using mail?

If you want to register on VK without specifying a phone number, search for “how to create a VKontakte page via email” in a search engine. You should know that this option Now it is no longer valid, since account registration is carried out by linking it to a phone number. But Email may be needed if you want to create a second account. How to create a second VKontakte account? Everything is very simple.

After creating the first page, unlink the number specified during registration from it. Next you need to enter the address mailbox. Only after this can you register another new, second page for the same number.

How to create a public page on VKontakte?

Create public page easy enough. To do this, your VK page must be attached to your cell phone number. To create a public page, go to the “My Groups” section, enter a name and check the “Public Page” box. Next, you should select the community type. For example, a famous person or company. After this, you can start filling out the content of the Wiki page.

If you don’t know how to delete a public VKontakte page that you created yourself, then follow step by step instructions:

  • delete all posts on the wall;
  • remove all administrators;
  • delete the creator of the page, in in this case myself;
  • this function located in the "Page Management" section.

But even in this case, there is no 100% guarantee that the page can be deleted. You can post information on the wall that violates the rules of the social network, then the page will be blocked.

To use the service, you must have a personal page. Starting it is not difficult, because... The registration process will only take a few minutes.

The main page of the site is located at the address, and this is where you should start. At the first stage, in order to register with a contact right now very quickly, the system will ask you to enter your first and last name.

Of course, no one here will check the authenticity. Theoretically, you can specify anything. But if you are creating a page to communicate with friends, provide real data. Then friends and acquaintances will be able to easily find you.

Now, to enhance security, the developer has decided to link personal page to the phone. The number itself is classified and will not be listed anywhere. It is used only to identify you as a user by sending SMS.

Select your country and enter your phone number:

Afterwards, you will be sent an SMS with a password for registration. The 5 digits received in the SMS must be entered into the appropriate field.

If you did everything correctly, the system will prompt you to enter a password for your new page. Of course, you need to choose a password that is not simple and banal, for example, last name, date of birth, or just password.

After all, this is an element of protecting your data. However, you shouldn’t overuse it either. Very often users use very complex password. Ultimately, they forget it and have to restore it.

After confirming your password, you will be taken to your home page. As you can see, registering in contact right now very quickly is not difficult. You will be required mobile phone and a few minutes of free time.

After successful registration, you are required to fill in your personal information. To do this, you need to log in and click “My Page”. This is where your information is available for other users to view.

In addition, if there is a need to change any data, this is also done here. You can fill the following tabs with personal data:

  • The main thing is to indicate your full name, date of birth, and what city you live in. You can also add information about your loved ones – grandchildren, children, parents;
  • Contacts – This section contains all the contact information you want. You can indicate your address, phone number, Skype and your personal website;
  • Interests - if you want to become active user, look for friends and communicate, it would be appropriate to fill out this section. Here you can indicate your favorite music, films, your hobbies, what books you like to read or what games to play;
  • Education - this section indicates the place where you studied. This is very convenient and will allow you to find friends from your former school or university;
  • Career, everything is very clear here - the section is provided for posting information about the current place of work and past ones;
  • Service – if you served in the army, you can indicate the place of service here;
  • Life position is a field for your imagination to run wild. In this tab you can write about your view of the world, your attitude towards smoking, alcohol, your goals, and so on.

After registering in contact right now, very quickly, you will have the opportunity to find friends, join various groups and communities. And also post information about yourself and your news. There are a number of options available for this.

Search for friends

To search for friends, just click on the “My Friends” tab. The existing ones will be shown here. If you want to add a new friend, you need to click on the appropriate button. Here the system will allow you to add friends who have a VKontakte page from Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Facebook, Google services, and also find them using various parameters.

Search criteria can be full name, city of residence, university, job, and so on. If you are not looking specific person, but if you want to find a soul mate to communicate with, you can choose by gender, age, life position, status, availability of photos and many other criteria.


The VKontakte service makes it possible to communicate with people and exchange files. To do this, click on the “My Messages” tab. Here you can view old conversations and create new messages. You just need to choose a friend to correspond with and you can start communicating.


Network users can unite into groups based on interests. They can exchange information, files, news that interests them, and conduct dialogues and discussions. You can join any community.

To do this, go to the “Communities” tab, find the group name or keyword necessary community and join it.

Useful options

This social network has a lot of features that the user can get acquainted with after registering. It is possible to share photos in the “My Photos” menu, you can upload audio or video files, share news and much more.

In addition, you can get acquainted with information on your friends’ pages, view photos, read news, and so on.

For more easy navigation on the page, there is a “My Settings” button. Here you can change settings, phone number, email, login password and much more. This option allows you to customize the page as conveniently as possible for comfortable use.

Registering with VKontakte right now and very quickly is not at all difficult. After spending a few minutes of your time, you will discover new world– the world of communication, exchange of information, news, photos and so on.

VKontakte has a smartphone application that will allow you to always be online. Register now!