How to restore maps on a Navitel navigator. Installing the Navitel navigator program. Android, Windows Phone and BlackBerry OS devices

Rosehip is an incredibly healthy berry. IN People love it for its pleasant sour taste and ability to fight various ailments. Teas, decoctions and infusions of rose hips are indispensable in winter, during the flu period and ARVI. You can cook them in a water bath, a French press, a regular teapot, and even in a slow cooker. But the easiest and most popular way is to simply steam the rose hips in a thermos.

What vitamins are in rose hips?

Legends can be made about the benefits of a drink based on wild rose berries. By the way, it is the rose hip that disputes the legend that the most useful fruit in terms of vitamin C content is lemon. The fact is that rose hips contain 60 times more ascorbic acid than sour sunny fruit.

Rose hips also contain many other vitamins, for example, K, B, A, E, PP, D, as well as a powerful mineral complex (iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, fluorine). In addition, berries contain pectins, fruit acids, fiber, tannins - a whole army of useful components for promoting health.

Not by chance Rosehip decoctions in folk medicine are considered almost a panacea for all diseases. Strengthening immune defense, drinks based on wild, healthy berries truly have a magical effect on the human body. Judge for yourself:

Rosehip infusions increase the elasticity of blood vessels and strengthen the heart, preventing such dangerous diseases as atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke;

Due to the high content of vitamin K, rosehip stops bleeding (including pulmonary and uterine);

Tincture of rosehip berries perfectly helps to cope with colds and flu, cure a sore throat, and relieve headaches;

By taking brewed rose hips regularly, you can get rid of depression, insomnia, nervous disorders, lose weight, restore the functioning of the intestines, liver, kidneys, and quickly recover after childbirth;

Rosehip tincture strengthens vision, increases potency, treats prostate adenoma;

For women, it is useful because it restores the functions of the thyroid gland and normalizes hormonal levels.

Knowing how to brew rose hips in a thermos, you can quickly and effectively help your body, restore youth and strength.

Rules for brewing rose hips in a thermos

Why a thermos? Because it's simple, fast, convenient. There is no need to wrap the jars in three layers of warm towels, no need to look for a place for a complex structure. Brewing in a thermos helps keep the infusion hot, so you don't have to heat it to enjoy the sour taste of the aromatic drink.

However, it is important to know how to properly brew dried rose hips in a thermos in order to preserve all the vitamins. They are the most valuable thing in berries and why they are collected.

Here are the basic rules:

Prolonged boiling is unacceptable, it kills vitamins. Therefore, it is more correct to immediately put the dried rose hips in a thermos to steam with hot water;

You can brew either whole rose hips or pre-chopped ones. But you need to understand that in the second case the infusion will be more vitamin rich, since more substances will be released into the water;

Boiling water will destroy vitamin C. Scientists believe that when heated above 80 degrees, vitamins are destroyed. Therefore, you should not pour boiling water into the thermos, but boiled water that has cooled to 80 degrees.

It is also important how the berries intended for brewing were collected and how they were stored. The collection must be completed before frost sets in, otherwise the vitamins will be destroyed. Dried berries should be stored away from sunlight, preferably in a cool and dry pantry.

Before brewing rose hips in a thermos, you need to rinse them under running water. Then either send it whole into a thermos or chop it with a knife, blender or meat grinder.

How to brew dried rose hips in a thermos: two simple recipes

The easiest way to prepare a rosehip infusion is to simply pour water into the berries in a known proportion. It’s better to do this in the evening so that you can drink your first glass of healthy drink in the morning. In principle, if you need rosehip tea earlier, you can drink it after 3-4 hours. Especially if the fruits were pre-chopped.

How to properly brew dried rose hips in a thermos to preserve all the vitamins?

Here's the first recipe:

Take 1 tbsp. l. dried berries for every glass of water;

Wash and grind in any way;

Pour into a thermos;

Pour slightly cooled boiling water (remove the lid from the kettle and let the boiling water “breathe” for three minutes);

Leave an air gap between the surface of the water and the lid of the thermos;

Leave for eight hours;

Strain and drink a glass of the drink on an empty stomach.

Careful straining is necessary in order to rid the drink of lint. They are found in the core of dried berries. Once in the stomach, hard villi irritate its walls and lead to severe discomfort. It is especially dangerous to drink unstrained infusion if the mucous membranes are damaged.

How to brew whole rose hips in a thermos? Same as in the previous recipe. However, it is better to reduce the amount of water to make the infusion more concentrated, or increase the amount of dried raw materials. For example, take 2 tbsp. l. for every glass. After the rose hips have infused, the berries need to be mashed, returned to the infusion, and then strained and drunk half a glass three times a day in order to strengthen the immune system and combat vitamin deficiency.

When brewing, you can throw a handful of raisins into the thermos along with the rose hips, 3-4 pcs. dried apricots, dried apples or pears. This will enhance the benefits of the drink and give it new shades of taste and aroma. It is very good to sweeten a sour infusion with natural honey, although you can also use regular sugar. You need to put them after the drink has infused, that is, in your own cup.

If you don't have a thermos, you can replace it with a glass jar. After brewing, you need to wrap it in a warm towel and wrap it additionally. You can put the jar in pillows or place it in a hot radiator. The infusion time is the same: at least 8 hours.

An important detail: after 11-12 hours, the vitamins will begin to break down, and the drink will become completely useless. So you need to drink rosehip infusion during the day, and the next day, steam a new portion.

How to brew fresh rose hips in a thermos

If the housewife has fresh rose hips at her disposal, she needs to take advantage of this and prepare a valuable vitamin infusion. If you also have a currant leaf, great! It will not only give the rose hips an amazing aroma, but will also enhance the benefits.

Before brewing the berries, you need to cut them and select the middle - seeds and fibers. Place the resulting raw material in a thermos, add a few blackcurrant leaves and pour cooled boiling water at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for one glass of boiling water. Infusion time is from 4 to 5 hours. All that remains is to pour the miracle drink into cups, add honey, a slice of lemon and enjoy the healthy infusion.

How else can you brew rose hips in a thermos?

Not only currant leaves can become the second component when brewing wild rose fruits. You can add ginger, anise, cloves, cinnamon, hawthorn berries, black currants or chokeberries to the decoction. A tasty and healthy infusion will help cope with seasonal colds, restore metabolic processes, start the process of losing weight, and saturate the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

With ginger

The fiery, aromatic ginger combines successfully with the light sourness of rose hips. The result is a delicious duet - a drink that will tone up, strengthen the immune defense, and help get rid of stress and fatigue accumulated during the day. In addition, ginger is known to benefit from stimulating the breakdown of fat cells. So girls who want to lose weight and at the same time need a vitamin boost should pay special attention to this drink option.

How to properly brew dried rose hips in a thermos in order to preserve all the vitamins of both the beneficial berries and the hot ginger root?


Two handfuls of dried rose hips;

A piece of fresh ginger root about five centimeters long;

One and a half liters of boiling water.

Cooking method:

Peel the ginger root and grate it (can be cut into thin slices).

Wash the berries, crush them with a rolling pin or mortar (you can just chop them).

Throw dried rose hips and grated ginger into a thermos.

Pour boiling water over everything, cooled to 80 degrees.

Leave for two or three hours.

Strain and drink a glass before meals.

You can sweeten to taste, and also add spices (anise, cloves, a pinch of cinnamon) when brewing.

With hawthorn

An infusion of rosehip and hawthorn, taken in equal proportions, can be called a real health bomb. Hawthorn has a unique ability to heal a diseased heart (for example, relieve symptoms of arrhythmia, tachycarditis). In combination with rose hips, it increases its beneficial power. However, those who suffer from low blood pressure should not take hawthorn infusions, as they reduce blood pressure. How to brew rose hips in a thermos according to this recipe?


A handful of dried rose hips (about three tablespoons);

Two tablespoons of dried hawthorn;

Two liters of boiling water.

Cooking method:

Wash the berries, lightly mash them with the end of a masher or leave them whole.

Pour into a thermos and carefully pour boiling water over it.

Let it sit for 8 hours.

Drink the infusion strained, adding sugar, lemon, honey to taste.

The infusion strengthens the heart muscle, restores strength, increases performance, and protects against viral attacks.

With chokeberry

A similar infusion of rose hips and chokeberry berries is prepared. They can be replaced with frozen or fresh blackcurrants.


Two tablespoons of dried rose hips;

Two tablespoons of chokeberry berries;

Two liters of boiling water.

Cooking method:

Wash the berries under running water.

Place in a bowl and mash a little to break the integrity of the shell.

Place the raw materials in a thermos and pour boiling water at the desired temperature.

Leave overnight (at least eight hours).

In the morning, crush the berries again with a masher to saturate the infusion.

Strain and drink half a glass three times a day.

There is another option for preparing such a drink. Before putting the berries in a thermos, they need to be boiled for about fifteen minutes at a low boil. The total infusion time does not change: eight hours. However, boiling will destroy the vitamins, so the method of simmering rowan and rose hips on fire is questionable from the point of view of the benefits of the drink. This is hardly a good answer to the question of how to properly brew dried rose hips in a thermos in order to preserve all the vitamins.

Rosehip can be safely classified as one of the most valuable plants due to its healing properties. Bright berries have many benefits, both fresh and dried. Most often, the fruits are used in the food industry, perfumery, pharmacology, and medicine. Interestingly, all parts of the rose hips (berries, leaves, roots) are used to prepare decoction and tea at home. In combination with a pleasant taste, the drink has a preventive effect during colds, promotes weight loss, and normalizes blood pressure.

Rules for brewing dried rose hips

  1. Rose hips contain an extremely high amount of vitamin C. To avoid “evaporating” it, you should not boil the fruit for a long time. The berries are poured with hot water (temperature about 60-80 degrees).
  2. It is allowed to brew pre-chopped rose hips or whole fruits. In the first case, the infusion will become maximally rich in vitamins, since all valuable enzymes will be released into the water.
  3. Filtered or melted water is suitable for boiling; do not use tap water. As a result, heavy impurities will remain in the drink, eliminating all benefits.
  4. An important aspect is the correct collection, sorting and storage of rose hips. Harvest before the first frost, otherwise the cold will destroy the vitamins. Storage is carried out in cool and dry conditions.
  5. Before brewing, wash the rose hips under the tap, then leave to dry on towels or a sieve. Then act at your own discretion: grind the berries with a blender (mortar, meat grinder) or leave them whole.

How to brew dried crushed rose hips

  1. The good thing about this method is that the final drink is rich in color and taste. By grinding the fruits, they release all their vitamins, so you will strengthen your body well. The downside is that rosehip fibers remain in the tea, which spoil the drinking experience.
  2. Rinse the berries, remove the crown, cut each fruit into 2 parts. If possible, scrape out the middle (pits with lint) as much as possible. Wash the rosehip again and let it dry.
  3. Now transfer the raw materials into the bowl of a blender or meat grinder and grind. Heat the water to 70-80 degrees, pour it over the fruits. Brewing time is 7 hours.
  4. After the allotted time, the infusion must be filtered through a cotton cloth, since the gauze will let the lint through (even if folded in 3-5 layers). Drink the tea warm, with honey or sugar.

How to brew dried whole rose hips

  1. For 1 glass of water with a volume of 250-270 ml. accounts for about 60 grams. dried rose hips. First, sort the required amount, rinse, and dry on towels.
  2. Now fill the fruits with hot water (temperature 80 degrees), leave for 8 hours in a saucepan or glass jar with a lid. After this time, remove the berries, remember them, and return them to the liquid.
  3. Place the dishes with the contents on the stove, heat to 50 degrees. Then wait for the broth to cool completely and start filtering. Use 130-150 ml. three times a day to boost immunity.
  4. Along with rose hips, you can brew washed raisins or dried apricots, currant leaves, dried apples or figs. Sweeten the drink to taste using honey or cane sugar.
  5. It is important to remember that from the beginning of infusion, vitamins begin to be released and at the same time destroyed. After 12 hours they will disappear altogether, so drink the infusion immediately after preparation.

  1. First, wash the berries, dry them on towels, then start sorting. Cut each fruit into 2 parts, remove the villi and seeds.
  2. Wash the resulting raw materials, dry them again and place them in a thermos. For 200 ml. water is 30 grams. berries Heat the filtered liquid to 80 degrees, pour into a heat-resistant container.
  3. Screw on the lid and wrap the thermos with a towel. Leave for about 5-6 hours, shaking the contents occasionally. After the specified period has passed, you can filter the infusion and consume.

How to brew dried rose hips in a slow cooker

  1. Sort through the rose hips, wash them and dry them. Measure 2 zhmeni, prepare filtered water. Using a multicooker, you can brew rose hips using one of the suggested modes - “Heating” or “Stewing”.
  2. When heated, the infusion will take longer to prepare, but it will retain all the vitamins. Place the fruits in the bowl of the device, fill with water at a temperature of 60 degrees. Set the timer for 8-9 hours, after this period you can start tasting.
  3. In the “Stew” mode, everything is much faster: throw the rose hips into the multicooker, add filtered water at a temperature of 60-70 degrees. Set the timer for 2 hours, wait for the program to complete. After this, let the drink stand for another 4 hours and consume.

Dried rosehip decoction

Many people are interested in the question of how to brew dried rose hips. Most often, decoctions are prepared based on the fruits, which are consumed throughout the year for the general health of the body.

  1. Place the fruits in a bowl of cold water, wash well, and then leave on a sieve to drain any remaining liquid. Cut the berries into equal parts to remove lint and seeds.
  2. After cleaning, wash the raw materials again and grind them using a meat grinder, mortar or blender. Transfer the puree mixture into a glass jar, add hot filtered water (temperature 65-70 degrees).
  3. Cover the vessel with nylon, wait 1-1.5 hours, then filter. Now pour the infusion into a saucepan, add 40 g to it. rosehip pulp, taking into account 0.5 liters. liquids.
  4. Observing the proportions, place the dishes on the stove. Simmer on low power for 20 minutes, then turn off the burner. Cover the container with a lid and leave the broth for 2 hours.
  5. Filter, add the remains of the previously prepared infusion (if there is any left). Add granulated sugar or honey to taste, you can add cinnamon to the drink.

The drink is considered especially useful in the off-season, when the body experiences a colossal lack of vitamins. Tea also helps strengthen the immune system during flu and cold periods.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to select, wash and dry the berries. Then each fruit is cut and freed from the core. To remove any remaining lint, rinse the rose hips again.
  2. Immerse the raw material in a blender and blend until it becomes a paste. Place the chopped rose hips in a jar, fill with water (temperature 70 degrees). For 50 gr. fruits account for 70 ml. liquids.
  3. Infuse the tea for a third of an hour, then strain and consume. You can top the drink with hibiscus, a slice of lemon, honey or brown sugar to taste.

Dried rosehip tea for hypertensive patients

If you suffer from hypertension, it is useful to drink rose hip tea, which lowers blood pressure to the desired level.

  1. Prepare the rose hips (washing, drying, removing lint and seeds). Dry the fruits on towels, then place the peeled halves in a saucepan. For 40 gr. raw materials account for 350 ml. water.
  2. Place refractory cookware on the stove, set to minimum power. Cook without bringing to a boil. It is important that the infusion reaches a temperature of 80 degrees.
  3. When this happens, remove the mixture from the stove. Cool to room temperature, then filter and drink a glass per day. Additionally, add sugar or honey to taste.

Dried rosehip tea for weight loss

Rosehip contains many vitamins that speed up metabolism, cleanse the intestines of toxins and remove poisons from the walls of internal organs. Extra centimeters melt away before our eyes, limbs get rid of swelling.

  1. To prepare a healing potion, wash and sort 80 grams. rosehip. Place the berries in a saucepan, add 900 ml. hot water (temperature 70-80 degrees).
  2. Cover the mixture with a lid and leave for 2 hours. Then place the dishes on low heat and simmer for 7 minutes. Let the broth sit for 8 hours, then strain it and consume.
  3. To lose weight, drink 200 ml. tea half an hour before the main meal. The course lasts 1 month if used three times a day. If desired, sweeten the tea with honey or Stevia (a sugar substitute).

A drink based on rose hips and ginger root cleanses the body of accumulated toxins, removes toxins and improves appetite. In addition to losing weight, your body will receive a decent dose of vitamins.

  1. Peel the ginger root (4 cm), chop into slices or grate on a coarse grater. Rinse the rose hips, select the core, mash the fruit into a paste and add to the ginger.
  2. Fill the raw material with 1.3 liters. hot water (temperature 80 degrees), close the lid and leave for 3 hours. After a while, filter the tea and drink 200 ml. 1 hour before meals.
  3. To achieve results (lose weight and cleanse the body), carry out therapy for 1 week. Then take a break, repeat the steps after 20 days if necessary.

Dried rosehip drinks: contraindications

  1. Despite all the usefulness, drinking rosehip drinks has certain contraindications. Thus, people with an allergy to vitamin C should drink tea or decoction in minimal quantities. An increased concentration of ascorbic acid often causes a rash, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and other side effects.
  2. You should limit your intake of the drug to those that fight gastritis, heartburn, ulcers, and other problems with stomach acidity.
  3. If your body is prone to blood clots, drink decoctions and infusions in small quantities. The same applies to people with cholelithiasis, cardiac muscle dysfunction, hypo- and hypertension.
  4. Individuals who have recently undergone gall bladder surgery should not drink too concentrated rosehip decoction in large volumes. 150 ml is enough. diluted decoction per day to strengthen the body.
  5. Everyone, without exception, needs to listen to their body. If you notice any discomfort, stop taking rosehip tea. Switch to other drinks or alternate them.

To get the full benefit from brewed dried rose hips, pour hot water (60-80 degrees) rather than boiling water over the berries. This move will preserve vitamin C and other useful elements in the composition. Take a closer look at the methods of preparing decoction, infusion and tea in a thermos or slow cooker. Sweeten the composition with honey, a natural sugar substitute.

Video: how to brew rose hips

All types of tea have special requirements for preparing the drink. When tea is brewed in accordance with the rules, it turns out healthy and tasty. Everyone knows that green tea has healing properties and is very beneficial for the body. Many people brew it in a thermos, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly.

For trips and picnics, it is important to brew tea in a thermos. This method preserves its taste and temperature for a long time. In order to brew tea in a thermos, you need a high-quality thermos. If it is not there, then you need to find out how to choose it correctly.

How to choose a thermos?

Today this device is very popular. It is impossible for tourists, fishermen, and those who go on vacation and travel to do without it. This device has a flask and a body, for this reason, when choosing it, you need to consider the following points:

  1. The glass flask is more suitable for home use. When traveling, fragile glass can easily become damaged.
  2. The metal flask is more durable and more suitable for transportation.
  3. The plastic flask is lightweight and easy to transport. However, this material can absorb foreign odors. You can never say for sure how safe such material is.
  4. Thermoses with a wooden stopper - a plug that soon becomes unusable and begins to leak. On the other hand, they retain heat well, which will allow the tea to maintain its temperature for a long time.
  5. The plastic screw cap is more reliable to use; it will not let liquid through if the thermos tips over. But it does not retain heat for as long as may be required.
  6. The ideal cover is a valve. This option is the most convenient and keeps the drink warm for a long time.

You can choose a high-quality and safe device using the following tips:

  1. Before purchasing a thermos, you should pick it up and give it a good shake. The presence of rattling sounds and tapping sounds indicates that the bulb is dangling in it. This could be a defect or an existing breakdown.
  2. There should be no foreign odors coming from the thermos, such as glue or plastic. Their presence indicates that such a device is not suitable for preparing hot drinks, since it is made of low quality materials.
  3. If the first two points are in order, then you should definitely check that the flask closes tightly.

  1. For 1 liter of water you need to take 2 heaped teaspoons of green tea. The main task is to maintain these proportions. If there is more tea, or less water for this amount of brewing, then the tea will be too strong.
  2. The thermos needs to be washed and rinsed with boiling water. Next, pour in the tea and add the required amount of water, not boiling, but approaching the boiling point, about 75 degrees. Close the lid tightly, and after half an hour the drink is ready to drink. You can add sugar to the brew or a slice of lemon.

There are many options for preparing herbal teas. They can also be brewed in a thermos, but then their preparation time will be 1-2 hours.

How to prepare black tea in a thermos?

Black tea is not particularly suitable for brewing in a thermos; with prolonged infusion, it becomes far from useful. It is better to brew it in the usual way, and then pour it into a thermos.

Ginger tea in a thermos

This drink has an original taste and is also used for medicinal purposes for ARVI and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Ginger is also very useful for improving the functioning of the digestive system. In addition, it also promotes weight loss, as recent studies have shown.

To prepare the drink, you need to grate a little ginger root on a fine grater or chop it with a knife. Add it to the tea leaves and pour hot, almost boiling water. Close the lid and leave for at least half an hour.

Rose hip tea in a thermos

Rose hips contain many useful vitamins and microelements, but its main advantage is its high content of vitamin C.

The thermos should be rinsed and doused with boiling water. Pour half a glass of rose hips into 1 liter of hot water. You can add sugar to taste, about 2 tablespoons per this amount of water. The longer rosehip tea is infused, the healthier it is, so it is better to brew it in the morning in the evening.

How to remove plaque from a thermos?

When the device is actively used, it is typical for a coating to appear on it. It can be cleaned very simply. You need to pour a heaping tablespoon of soda inside, pour boiling water over it and leave for several hours. Next, pour out the water and soda and wash in the usual way.

Video: how to brew shu puer tea in a thermos

Installing a trial version of the Navitel Navigator program on an iPhone or iPad, as well as purchasing the full version, is carried out through the AppStore application store.

The program can also be installed via iTunes on your computer:

  1. Launch iTunes on your computer.
  2. Download the program Navitel Navigator on computer.
  3. Connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer and sync them.
  4. Disconnect your iPhone or iPad from your PC.
  5. Launch Navitel on your device, activate the trial mode or restore a previously made purchase (see instructions for activating the trial period and restoring a purchase).


  6. Download the maps (see map installation instructions).

Android devices

Method 1: Installing the program from Google Play

Installation of the Navitel Navigator program on the Android platform is carried out through the Google Play store.

Internet connection required. Given the size of the installation file, it is recommended to use a Wi-Fi connection.

Method 2: Installing the .apk file

  1. Go to Download section .apk, suitable for your device (select a file that matches your device's screen resolution, or a file marked "suitable for all screen resolutions"). Save the file to your PC.
  2. If after downloading you receive a file with a zip extension and not an apk, rename the zip to apk.

  3. Launch the program.
  4. Activate the trial period, or activate the Premium version by restoring the purchase, purchasing a key, or activating the key manually (see instructions for activating the program, activating the trial period and restoring the purchase).

    If the trial period has expired and you have not previously made a purchase, you must purchase a license key (see instructions for purchasing the program or cards).

  5. Download the maps (see map installation instructions).

Windows Phone devices

Installation of the Navitel Navigator program on devices based on Windows Phone is carried out through the Windows Phone Store application store or MarketPlace.

Internet connection required. Given the size of the installation file, it is recommended to use a Wi-Fi connection.

Windows Mobile devices

Installing the .cab file

  1. Go to the Download section of this website. Choose File .cab and save it to PC.
  2. Connect your device to the PC and copy the downloaded file to the device memory, then disconnect the device from the PC.
  3. Launch the file using the device's file manager and complete all installation steps.
  4. Launch the program.
  5. Activate the program's license key or run it in trial mode (see instructions for activating the program, activating the trial period).

    If the trial period has expired and you have not previously made a purchase, you must purchase a license key (see instructions for purchasing the program or cards).

  6. Download the maps (see map installation instructions).