How to fill with paint in Photoshop. Photoshop CS6 Special Technology - Content Aware Fill

Photoshop is one of the most powerful photo processing tools. Offers its users a huge number of functions and capabilities. One of the frequently used features is the Fill tool in Photoshop. This tool allows you to work with color and adjust photos, changing colors, making them richer and brighter. Also, using a fill allows you to replace some colors in a photo with others, which helps express your artistic intent more vividly.

Types of fills

There are two types of fills in Photoshop - Fill and Gradient. To see where the fill is in Photoshop, you need to click on the “Bucket with a Drop” icon, and the fills tab will appear. Both the Fill and Gradient tools are on the same tab. To select a particular type of fill, right-click on the icon and select the desired tool from the pop-up window.

The Fill Tool is used to fill Photoshop's basic shapes with color, or patterns. Used for painting backgrounds, objects, creating patterns or ornaments. The Gradient tool is used to fill with a smooth transition from one color to another. Allows you to smooth out the transition of colors, making the transition border almost invisible. Can also be used to highlight color transitions and draw transition boundaries. Existing fill types are configured with various parameters that allow you to select different conditions when filling objects.

Making the fill

When working with color in Photoshop, you need to take into account the selected fill type. In order for the fill to be done correctly in Photoshop, you need to select its type and configure the parameters. Thus, for filling using the Fill tool, the following parameters are configured:

  • Fill – sets the parameter for filling the main area (solid color or pattern);
  • Pattern – select the type of pattern to be filled;
  • Mode – fill blending mode;
  • Opacity – sets the degree of transparency of the fill;
  • Tulerance – sets the degree of proximity of the colors that will be filled;
  • Contiguous – close areas that fall under the Tulerance value are painted over;
  • Anti-aliased – creates a semi-transparent border between painted and unpainted areas;
  • All Layers – filling is carried out on the active layer at the time of filling.

How to make a fill in Photoshop, using the Gradient tool and custom tool options:

  • Select the fill area.
  • Select the Gradient tool.
  • Select the main color and background color.
  • Select options and settings in the settings panel.
  • Place the cursor inside the selected area.
  • By pressing the left mouse button and moving the cursor, draw a straight line. The shorter the line, the more noticeable the transition between colors.

On the “Options” tab, you can configure fill parameters. Customizable parameters allow you to change the degree of transparency, blending modes, styles, borders of the beginning and end of the fill. By working with color and using different types of fills, you can achieve unique solutions and high-quality images. The use of filling is necessary in almost all types of image processing, regardless of the complexity of the problem being solved and the intended processing goals. Therefore, we suggest using this guide when working with Photoshop.

Filling a layer with color is a simple and popular operation in Photoshop. This may need to be done when you need a plain background or to apply some shade over the image - toning, for example, using a layer with yellow color to create a sepia effect.

In order to make a layer completely one color, I counted 5 possible ways.

Methods for filling a layer with color

Method 1

Menu command Editing - Fill(Fill) , or pressing a combination of hot keys that duplicates this command:

Hotkey combination: Shift+F5

A dialog box will open Fill. In it, in the drop-down list Use select Color. The color selection palette will immediately open. Decide on a color and click OK.

Method 2

Using the Alt+Backspace key combination, the layer is filled with the main color set on the tool palette - .

Method 3 Paint Fill Tool

From the toolbar, select Fill tool. Click on the layer and it will immediately be painted with the main color (see example above).

Filling works when there is nothing extra on the layer. Otherwise, the tool will paint only certain areas.

I remember when I first started learning Photoshop, I used exactly this method. The idea is that you simply paint over the layer with a brush, like Tom Sawyer painted a fence.

All of the above methods have one common drawback - in cases where it is required, the layer filled with color will not increase. The part of the canvas that was added will be painted over automatically with the background color.

Example. Initially, the layer was filled with yellow paint. After enlarging the canvas, a reddish color was added along the outline, in accordance with what was displayed on the background color indicator.

To prevent this, you need to use the following method.

Method 5 Fill layer

Run the command Layer - New Fill Layer(New Fill Layer) - Color. You can immediately click OK. After this, a fill color selection palette will appear. Make a choice.

One of the most common things you'll do with a new layer is fill it with color. Whether you've hidden the original background of your image or added an interesting effect to the borders of your design—for example, you can spice them up even more by adding a solid-colored background—Photoshop offers a few different ways to tackle this task:

Fill an existing layer with color. After you create a new layer, select the menu command "Editing - Fill". In the dropdown list "Use" When the Fill dialog box appears, select a color, and then click OK. You can also fill with a foreground color by pressing Alt+Backspace.

Create a fill layer. If you're not sure what color you want to use, choose the New Fill Layer menu command and choose Color. Give the layer a name in the dialog box that appears and click OK. Photoshop will display the Color Picker dialog box so you can select the fill color you want. If you decide to change the color, double-click on the thumbnail and the dialog box will re-open so you can choose a new color or grab one from the image itself. Fill layers are created with their own masks, and therefore, if necessary, it will be very easy to hide part of the layer.


Dragging a new fill layer down the list allows you to create a solid background of the image. If you want to change the color, double-click the thumbnail to open the Color Picker dialog box.

If you want to get creative, you can grab colors from an image by moving your mouse pointer over it while the dialog box is open (the mouse pointer will change to an eyedropper shape). Click to select the color you want, and then click OK.

Finally, if for some reason you need to hide part of the new color (say, to create a fade effect), paint over the attached layer mask.

One of the many advantages of using fill layers is that, unlike regular layers, they fill with color. all layer, even if you enlarge the canvas. They can be used not only to create a solid background, but also to fill with a gradient or repeating pattern.

If you notice an error in the text, select it and press Ctrl + Enter. Thank you!

One of the most common things you'll do with a new layer is fill it with color. Whether you've hidden the original background of your image or added an interesting effect to the borders of your design—for example, you can spice them up even more by adding a solid-colored background—Photoshop offers a few different ways to tackle this task:

Fill or brush?

I already have an article on this topic including.

Neutral layers can also be used to add subtle structures such as light noise, and then adapt them later. Converts the gray level to a smart object and adds a little noise through a smart filter. Now you can fix all components of the structure at any time.

Lens flares and lighting effects

Blind spots are best seen in "hard light" mixed mode.

The lighting effects under Filters → Failsafe Filters → Lighting Effects can also be controlled using neutral levels. Alternatively, both filters can also be used as a smart filter.

Fill an existing layer with color. After you create a new layer, select the menu command "Editing - Fill". In the dropdown list "Use" When the Fill dialog box appears, select a color, and then click OK. You can also fill with a foreground color by pressing Alt+Backspace.

Masks can be used to hide areas of an image and release them without actually removing pixels, as is the case with an eraser. You can add a mask in several ways.

When a mask is active, you can work with black and white on that mask. Areas of the layer that appear white on the mask are visible, black masked areas are invisible. Gray tones create a level of transparency. The mask also appears in the Properties panel. Here you can further edit the mask, for example the edge of the mask can be blurred or the mask can be flipped.

Create a fill layer. If you're not sure what color you want to use, choose the New Fill Layer menu command and choose Color. Give the layer a name in the dialog box that appears and click OK. Photoshop will display the Color Picker dialog box so you can select the fill color you want. If you decide to change the color, double-click on the thumbnail and the dialog box will re-open so you can choose a new color or grab one from the image itself. Fill layers are created with their own masks, and therefore, if necessary, it will be very easy to hide part of the layer.

Good day everyone, dear readers of my blog. How are you? Are you ready for work and defense? Great. We have learned, but what if you need to paint over some area? Are we really going to puff ourselves up to carefully paint over the area with a brush, trying not to touch the borders? Of course not.

One very interesting tool will help us completely paint over an object in one click. Just today I will tell you how to make a fill in Photoshop using the tool of the same name.

What exactly does the fill tool do in Photoshop? Yes, it's quite simple. He paints the area you want. But here we need to take into account various factors. In general, am I telling you some kind of naked theory? Let's look at a specific example.

So, let's go!

In general, since the inside of the circle was completely white, and the background outside was also completely white, the entire area would be filled until it encountered an obstacle, such as the third and fourth circles.

Now take another color of any color and fill the area where the circle intersects. Only this area of ​​intersection is painted over. But why? After all, we drew 2 different circles? Yes, because we drew them on one layer, so they are considered a single whole. Now, if two circles were drawn on two layers, then it would be a different matter. One of the circles (on the active layer) would be completely painted over. But it’s better to read about layers.

I just noticed that I have these two circles with a filled red area in the center, they look like an eye with a red pupil))).

Painting with a pattern

By default, the tool paints with the color specified in the main color of the palette. But you can also paint over areas with a pattern. Let's try.


Many instruments have such a property as tolerance. And everywhere this tolerance works approximately the same.

The smaller the tolerance, the smaller the color range of the painted area. Those. if tolerance 0 and you want to paint with white on a blue-blue background, then only the shade that you clicked on initially will be filled, and of course all the exact same shades do not deviate one gram from the norm. And if the tolerance is maximum ( 255 ), then the fill will paint over the entire canvas without exception.

Let's look at an example, and then you can experiment for yourself. Let's take a square as a basis, which changes its color smoothly from yellow to white. Let's try to set different tolerance values ​​and paint them black.

As you can see, the greater the access, the more he uses the range of colors that he considers native and the more colors and shades he paints. I hope you get the gist. Got it? If not, then ask. I will answer.

By the way

Finally, I want to tell you about one more point. It is not necessary to fill any drawing with color. You can simply fill the area.

To do this, select some area (I chose ) and draw a selection on a white background.

Now I pick up the fill again and choose any color. The selection hasn't gone away, and that's great. Then fill in what is inside the selection outline in a way already known to us. Hop! And you're done. Here's a little trick.

Well, although these are not all the properties, they will be quite enough for you. If you want to study Photoshop more thoroughly and in detail, and also “swim” in it like a fish in water, then I highly recommend that you check out this video course. I haven't seen anything better yet. If I had it before, then learning this graphic editor would have been much easier for me. Overall I highly recommend it.

Well, I’m finishing our lesson for today, dear friends. I hope that the article was useful to you and I strongly recommend subscribing to my blog updates, then you will not miss the release of new and useful articles, as well as various news and competitions.

Good luck with your studies. The main thing is not to philander). See you in the next lessons. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.