Where can I download viruses for studying, checking antivirus and all that? Virus database Dr.Web Virus library

As the great Russian commander A.V. said. Suvorov,
One should fight not with numbers, but with skill.

Advantages of the Dr.Web virus database

  • Record low number of entries.
  • Small update size.
  • Just one record allows you to identify dozens, hundreds and even thousands of similar viruses.

The fundamental difference between the Dr.Web virus database and the virus databases of a number of other programs is that with a smaller number of entries, it allows you to detect the same (and even larger) number of viruses and malware.

What do the small size of the Dr.Web database and the smaller number of records in it give the user?

  • Saving disk space
  • Saving RAM
  • Saving traffic when downloading the database
  • High speed of database installation and processing when analyzing viruses
  • The ability to identify viruses that will be made in the future by modifying already known ones

Dr.Web anti-virus began to be developed in the early nineties of the twentieth century, when the Internet was just developing and was far from being a “global network”, when only a few enterprises could afford access to the global network. In conditions where it was necessary to pay dearly for traffic, and to make updates as often as possible, the size of the virus database, and therefore the time it took to download it from the Internet, had to be minimal. This task was set before the developer and it was completed - to this day, the size of the Dr.Web virus database is the smallest among all existing anti-virus programs. This was achieved through the development of our own technology for creating a virus database based on a very flexible language specially designed for describing databases. The small size of the virus database saves traffic and allows it to take up much less disk space after installation and in RAM than databases from other manufacturers. The small size of the virus database allows Dr.Web program components to interact in high-speed mode without placing an excessive load on the processor.

What is the most important thing in an antivirus? Provide protection against viruses. Protection is ensured, among other things, by entering entries (signatures) into the virus database that allow viruses to be detected. But the number of entries in the virus database says absolutely nothing about how many viruses this or that antivirus program actually catches. The most objective way to check the quality of protection is through comparative testing carried out on collections of viruses from the “wild” (InTheWild list) - i.e. viruses that actually exist on users’ computers, and not just in virus laboratories and among collectors.

You should also understand that the virus base of each antivirus program has its own structure. To explain why the number of entries in the Dr.Web virus database is less than the number of entries in the virus databases of some other manufacturers, you need to know that not all viruses are unique. There are entire families of related (similar) viruses, and there are viruses constructed by virus designers - special programs for creating viruses. They are all very similar to each other, very often - like two peas in a pod. The developers of some other antiviruses assign each such twin virus a separate entry in the virus database, which makes it heavier.

Another principle is applied in the Dr.Web anti-virus database, where just one virus record allows you to neutralize dozens or hundreds, and sometimes even thousands of similar viruses! Even the smaller number of virus entries in the database compared to some other programs makes it possible with a high degree of probability to detect as yet unknown (not included in the database) viruses that will be created on the basis of existing viruses.

Where is it free?

Usually we don't look for viruses; they find us themselves. But there are those who need viruses, and even those who collect these viruses. In today’s article I will talk about such people and how to create a harmless virus to test security tools, and where to download viruses for their subsequent study.

By the way, in the article “”, you can find a huge number of samples of all kinds of malicious programs: viruses, Trojans, botnets, etc.

Why download viruses and who needs it?

First of all, viruses are needed by people who deal with information security. Among them there are those who need to test the operation of anti-virus software. Viruses may also be needed by those who are trying to study their behavior during a system infection.

There are not many such people, but they do exist. Here channel one of them. The author of the channel makes videos and reviews viruses. Agree, the phrase “Virus reviews” sounds rather unusual.

Know! Download viruses for further study on your computer quite legal. But using them to spread and infect other users is a NO. For this you can get a decent sentence. Therefore, think carefully before breaking the law!

Also, if you do not understand the topic, then I strongly do not recommend downloading viruses. If you nevertheless decide to download, then the website www.site does not bear any responsibility for your subsequent actions and for any damage caused to your computer.

EICAR antivirus test

If you need a virus to scan, but have no desire or ability to download viruses, then you can create a harmless virus yourself in just a few seconds.

Eicar antivirus test is a small piece of text that is detected as a virus by all modern antiviruses. It is usually used to test the operation of security programs.

Here's the code itself:
