Messages are not sent. Why SMS cannot be sent from your phone: reasons. Wrong recipient number

Owners of mobile devices often wonder why SMS cannot be sent from their phone. A similar unpleasant situation associated with the inability to send a message to the right person, can piss off any client cellular network. What are the causes of problems with sending messages, how can you get out of this situation? All these issues will be discussed in the current article.

Problem with shipping or delivery?

Modern gadgets and the capabilities of cellular operators allow their owners to track the full cycle of sending a text message. What stages does it include? The first is sending from mobile device SMS to the server of the company - communication service provider. The second is sending from the server to the number of the specified subscriber. For those people who initiate the sending, the second stage means nothing more than delivery of the written text to the desired subscriber. Delivery may not be made immediately after sending, because the smartphone of a friend or acquaintance may simply be turned off. In this case big problems for the sender no. However, if you cannot transfer a message to the server from your device, this means that there are some difficulties. Why can't I send SMS from my phone?

The most likely reasons for the inability to send text messages

In a global sense, all the reasons that do not allow the transfer important information to another person, can be divided into two categories: problems with client equipment and difficulties on the side of the telecom operator. If in the first case the subscriber himself can influence the troubleshooting, then in the second case you will have to put up with it and wait until the problems are eliminated.

Why SMS cannot be sent from my phone: hardware problem

  • One of the most common reasons is incorrect service settings, namely the SMS center numbers in the device itself. Typically, installation required parameters is carried out automatically the moment the SIM card enters the slot. However, there are also cases when the configuration has to be done manually. If you are wondering why SMS are not sent from your Tele2 phone, then try checking in the text message settings specified number, comparing it with the combination that is presented on the operator’s portal for your region.

  • Another common reason could be lack of funds. In this regard, before you panic, check your account status.
  • Problems with the SIM card. If you just recently purchased a number and you have a question about why SMS are not sent from your MTS phone, then it may well be that the services have not yet been fully connected. After purchasing a number, it is recommended to wait about a day - it is after this period that all services will be correctly activated. If a problem of this nature arose, on the contrary, with old SIM card, then it’s probably time to change it, since its service life could have expired. To understand exactly what the difficulties are - in the gadget, the network or the SIM card, all you need to do is conduct a test and install the card in another device.
  • Mobile device malfunction. You can solve the problem and understand where the “dog is buried” by doing the same test as in the previous case.

Why SMS messages are not sent from your phone: reasons on the operator’s side

  • Heavy load on the operator's servers. Similar phenomenon observed most often at the height of New Year and other holidays, when many subscribers actively use the services cellular communication to congratulate family and friends. In this case, it is useless to contact the operator with a question why SMS is not sent from the phone. You need to wait until the “peak” of congratulations passes and use the connection as usual again.

  • Disabled basic service sending SMS. This service, which is basic and provided on each number “by default,” is managed only by the operator’s employees. It may not be available because the SIM card was purchased a few hours ago.
  • There is a ban on sending messages. A number of operators provide such a service as sending messages to short numbers, for example, for the purpose of ordering some content. If there is such a ban, it will be impossible to send a message. You should contact hotline contact the contact center and clarify whether such a restriction exists.

There are several reasons why SMS messages are not sent on Megafon. In some cases the problem lies in incorrect settings mobile device, and sometimes - in the wrong actions of the user himself.

Errors that occur when sending SMS:

  1. Code 2# is a service error, it implies several options, the most common is a failure of automatic movement, a duplicate request, problems with the server or lack of money on the balance.
  2. Code 21 – the subscriber’s device does not support receiving text notifications.
  3. Code 50 – network failure cellular communications.

We will tell you how to set up sending messages below.

SMS center settings

Any SMS on Megafon is processed by a special center that acts link between mobile devices of subscribers. If the spot settings are incorrect, the user will not be able to send messages - the sent SMS will be “lost” within the network, not finding its addressee. You can set up the SMS center in two ways:

Just a note! In the device menu, you must specify the SMS format “Text”; select the maximum sending period that the device system can offer. The operator is trying to deliver messages for five days.

If there is no or incorrect dialing service number in settings, SMS cannot be sent. If, after configuring the messages, you do not get the required result, you should assume that the problem lies in system limitations mobile device.

Invalid dialing format

Sometimes messages are not sent due to the recipient's number being dialed incorrectly - you must use international format, which is the country prefix and ten additional digits.

Just a note! Dial the number from 8 or +7. Check how the contact is recorded in phone book and correct if necessary.

There are times when iPhone user tries to send SMS, but uses the address by mistake Email instead of the recipient's phone number: iMessage function It is compatible only with the e-mail of owners of Apple devices registered in iCloud and fails during communication with gadgets running other operating systems.

Voluntary SMS ban

The error when sending text messages is also associated with a voluntary ban on incoming and outgoing SMS. The block can be either you or the person you are trying to write to. In the second case, you will have to look for other ways to contact the recipient. Bypass established restrictions will not work.

If you have a ban, then to unblock SMS sending you need to:

  1. Dial USSD command #330*1111# .

Attention! 1111 is network password, is the default. If you changed the code yourself, you must enter the changed combination.

  1. Wait for a notification from the operator.
  2. Reboot your mobile device or remove and insert the SIM card.

After completing the specified algorithm, messages should be sent as usual.

Phone settings

Reason for error sending SMS may be hidden in the phone itself. Regardless operating system device, the user should:

  1. Make sure the cellular module is active. At poor quality signal or the subscriber is roaming, the gadget can automatically block the antenna.
  2. Check the data transfer mode. If the smartphone is configured to send SMS only in 3G networks, the user will not be able to send text message from the 2G zone.
  3. Update connection protocols. Sometimes all you need to do to fix the problem is re-registration SIM cards in the operator's network by rebooting the phone.

So, today we will talk to you about why SMS cannot be sent from your phone. In addition, we will try to understand what the reason for such behavior may lie, and also learn how to correct the situation in better side. After all, sometimes this is done quite easily. Let us quickly begin to study our question today.

Phone settings

So, it’s worth starting with the most likely scenario. If you cannot send SMS (Beeline, MTS or any other operator), then you will have to pay attention to the settings of your phone. Maybe there is a ban on receiving/transmitting data. In other words, blocking.

As a rule, you can correct the situation by changing the settings. They are usually located in the "Communication" or "Network" section. If you don’t know how to handle your gadget and configure it, then contact a specialized service for help. They will definitely help you solve your problem. But there are also a number of rather interesting cases when SMS from a phone is not sent. Let's quickly recognize them, and also learn how to correct the situation.

Network settings

Here is another reason for problems with sending messages. In fact, just this option development of events is most likely. Especially if you just inserted new SIM card to the phone. Of course we're talking about about network settings.

So, for example, if you bought and inserted a Megafon SIM card into your gadget, SMS are not sent - do not be surprised. Instead of immediately starting to send messages, just wait a while. This applies to any mobile operator. You should come special settings networks. Open the message sent by the system and then save it. Eventually, you will see a message about changing the settings. Only after this can you fully use the new SIM card. Try to see if everything is fine with sending messages. No? Then let's think further about what could be the matter.


Well, here is another quite interesting and common reason why SMS cannot be sent from your phone. Of course, we are talking about the balance of your mobile account.

The thing is that if there are not enough funds on the SIM card to send or call, then these capabilities will be temporarily blocked for you. That is, they will be able to call/write to you, but you will not. Thus, if you are not sending SMS (Beeline, MTS and other operators), then it makes sense to check your phone balance.

If it is positive, do not rush to rejoice. In cases where the user has a positive balance, but does not have enough funds to send a letter, he will also not be able to carry out his plan. If your phone is in the negative, then you just need to top up your account to positive numbers, which will be enough to send SMS and make calls. As you can see, there is nothing difficult so far. You already know the main reasons why SMS is not sent (Samsung or any other phone model - it doesn’t matter). Now it’s worth getting acquainted with other options for the development of events. In fact, there are still quite a few of them.

System failures

Well, now it’s worth learning about one more thing interesting option. For example, when SMS is not sent to Android. If you are faced with this situation, then let's try to figure it out.

The thing is that quite often new versions and various updates are released based on Android. Moreover, modern users are literally required to download them. So, after you complete this action, you may have a problem today. After all, the cause of everything will be the most common failure.

Fortunately, the situation can be corrected quite easily and simply. It is enough to simply return the phone to the so-called factory settings. That is, by default. After this, you can resume trying to work with messages. Now you know another reason why SMS cannot be sent from your phone. But that's not all. We continue our conversation, trying to understand all possible sources of the problem. Let's see what else could be wrong.

Operator work

The thing is that quite often various types of work and updates are carried out on communication lines. This is why you may have a problem today. If a cellular operator (any one) tests an innovation or carries out technical work, then, of course, network failures are possible. And, as a result, it becomes impossible to send messages, as well as make calls.

What to do? Of course, nothing depends on you here. All you can do is call your operator from any other phone (you can use your home phone) and find out what’s going on. If the matter is technical work or “updates”, then you will definitely be informed when the situation is expected to return to its previous course. Otherwise, this scenario is not suitable for you. You will have to look for other reasons why SMS cannot be sent from your phone.


There are still plenty of such reasons. And only those that remain are extremely simple for anyone to understand. modern user. But correcting the situation in some situations will be very expensive.

If you are thinking, be sure to remember what kind of mobile phone you have. Enough common cause similar behavior is the presence of a fake gadget. This may be a justified and deliberate purchase (if you initially went for a “pirated” version of a cell phone), or it may be the simplest deception of the buyer.

Thus, here you have several options for how events unfold. The first option is when you knowingly bought a fake. In this case, if you have a warranty on the product, you can take it to the store where the purchase was made. There they should help you correct the situation - repair the purchased model or offer a similar new one. Unfortunately, many stores selling counterfeits do not provide any guarantees. In this case, you will simply have to buy yourself a new gadget.

The thief scenario is suitable for those who have become victims of scammers in a normal store. Contact the place where the purchase was made and report it as a counterfeit. You must replace it with original gadget, which you wanted to purchase. If employees refuse to correct the situation even if they have all the documents confirming the purchase, they can safely go to court. Quite often, along with exchanging a gadget in in this case They also reimburse. But everything is not always so good. Let's think about why SMS is not sent from a phone that is original and fully configured.


But now we will get acquainted with the most common and most unpleasant situation that can only relate to our topic today. The thing is that if you suddenly stopped sending SMS from your mobile phone, then you will have to think carefully about what kind of documents we downloaded to our gadget, as well as what sites on the Internet we “climbed”. After all, we are now talking about viruses. Not about computers, but about telephones.

This type of infection, to be honest, is more dangerous than computer infection. After all, getting rid of phone viruses is much more difficult. With computers everything is simple - delete the infected file, and the job is done. But with telephone viruses you will have to try hard.

In general, you will have to install an antivirus on your gadget and scan it. Next, remove everything that is marked “dangerous”, and then contact a specialist for help. To be honest, if you suspect anything, it is preferable to immediately contact service centers. It will be very, very difficult to cope with the current situation on your own.


Well, now it's time to end our conversation. Today we figured out why SMS cannot be sent from your phone. As you can see, there are many, many possible situations. And most of them can be defeated on your own.

In general, after you have ruled out the possibility of operator network failures and minus balance, it is best to take your gadget to a specialist. After all, they will definitely be able to help you quickly overcome the problem.

💡 If Android does not send SMS and you do not receive notifications about a new message, then using your smartphone becomes inconvenient. You should look for the cause of the failure in the operation of the SIM card, the phone itself and its firmware. First things first.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 9/8/7/6: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Problems receiving SMS on Android

The first tip if any problems occur is to reboot the device. If, after restarting Android, messages still do not arrive, check the SMS center settings.

  1. Open the Messages app on Android.
  2. Click on the button in the form of three dots to bring up the menu. Select "Settings".
  3. In the “SIM card settings”, “Advanced” or “SMS” (the name depends on the phone manufacturer) section, look at the service center number for SMS. Each operator has its own, you need to find out which number yours provides.

In the SMS settings, you can also enable if messages arrive without sound, or select another service.

There is an option that . It all depends on the settings of your SMS message filter.

A third-party service for receiving/sending SMS can be downloaded from Play Market. Sometimes third party services on the contrary, they cause problems. If you installed an application for working with SMS, uninstall it and try using the built-in service.

Also, check the status and update the SMSC. To perform this operation, the phone must be rooted and you need to:

  1. Open your dialer app.
  2. Dial *#*#4636#*#*.
  3. In the testing menu, go to the “Phone Information” section.
  4. Find "SMSC" and click "Update".

If everything is in order with the settings, then pay attention to the state of the phone’s memory and the operation of the SIM card. If the memory is full, new messages may not be saved on your phone. To fix the problem, just remove the unnecessary dialogs. In addition, you should check the blacklist.

If on Android Pay If you do not receive a one-time SMS password, make sure that you are using the phone number you provided to the bank. Then try requesting your password again.
There are times when the SMS arrives an hour or more late. It no longer depends on you or your phone.

If messages do not come only from specific subscribers, then there is a high probability that they are simply blocked in the settings. Depending on the smartphone manufacturer, the names of the items may differ.

  1. Open the Phone app.
  2. Go to settings.
  3. See which phones have been added to the “Blocking numbers” section.


If all else fails, call mobile operator. Perhaps the mistake is on their side, and they are now in the process of eliminating it. In some cases, it may be necessary to replace the SIM card while maintaining the old number, but this issue must be resolved at the provider’s office.

When you can't send SMS on Android

We will not consider reasons such as a lack of funds on the balance or an incorrectly dialed number - they can be dealt with without additional instructions.

If Android is not sending messages, the first thing you should do is restart your device and then check your SMS center settings. Make sure the number is correct, or try installing another SMS service - for example, Handcent Next SMS.

The message “Message not sent” appears

You can also try wiping data and clearing the cache of the built-in SMS/MMS service.

  1. Open settings, go to the "Applications" section.
  2. On the "All" tab, find the "SMS/MMS" application.
  3. Click "Erase data" and then click "Clear cache".

In addition to making calls, MTS subscribers quite often communicate by sending short SMS messages. Are you used to communicating via SMS messages, but at some point you encounter a sending problem? Are you unable to send SMS messages? We will try to deal with this problem a little below.

Mobile phone settings

To begin with, it’s worth saying that the request “I can’t send a message” from subscribers occurs quite often. Therefore, the problem is urgent and requires answers. One of possible reasons, why I can’t send SMS is a settings failure. Maybe it is in the settings that there is a prohibition (blocking) on ​​the transmission and reception of data. How to fix this problem? Most often, you can do this yourself by changing the settings. They are usually located in the “Network” or “Communications” section.

If it is difficult for you to cope on your own, then it is best to seek help from a specialist. IN specialized service MTS center will quickly help you solve your problem.

Network settings

Network settings – no less rare reason why your messages are not being transmitted. This problem is especially common if you have just inserted new SIM card to a mobile phone. The fact is that if you bought a new MTS SIM card and inserted it into your phone, you will not be able to send SMS immediately. You need to wait some time for the operator to send you special parameters for settings.

After the settings are sent to your phone, the message must be opened and saved. As a result, all settings will be made automatically, and you will be able to fully use the new SIM card.

Mobile account balance

Have you diagnosed your mobile device, but SMS messages are still not being sent? In this case, check your mobile account balance. This is a very common and interesting reason. The fact is that if there is not enough money on the balance, the subscriber’s capabilities will be temporarily blocked. Therefore, it is necessary to check your account more often.

If the balance is positive, you shouldn’t rejoice right away. It happens that an MTS subscriber has a positive balance, but there is not enough money to send messages. If the account has a minus, then you need to top up the balance as quickly as possible with an amount that will be enough to send a message.

Phone system failure

Now it's time to find out another one interesting reason, which can interfere with your communication with loved ones through messages. If your phone runs on the Android system, then the reason may be new versions various programs and all kinds of updates. Very often, after updates, the settings of the phone itself are lost and because of this, messages are not transmitted.

To the delight of MTS subscribers, this problem is solved very simply. You just need to return the device to its factory settings, reboot and try to send a message. If messages are still not transmitted after this, then you need to look for another reason.

Malfunctions of the MTS operator

Very often SMS messages are not transmitted for the reason that various types of updates and work are being carried out on the communication line. It is for this reason that you may have problems sending messages and making calls. If an operator tests innovations or carries out technical work, then, of course, network failures occur.

What to do in such a situation? Of course, little depends on you here. Therefore, you can only call the operator from another mobile device and find out what the problem is and when it will be resolved. If the problem is due to technical work or updates, then you will be notified when the situation is resolved. Otherwise, this option will not suit you and you will have to look for another reason why SMS messages are not being transmitted.

The presence of viruses on the phone

The most common and annoying cause that exists today are viruses. If you have stopped sending messages from mobile phone, then you will have to think carefully about what suspicious sites you have recently visited.

It is worth noting that getting rid of viruses on your phone is quite difficult, but it is still possible. First you need to install a good antivirus system and carry out the scanning process. After this, it is recommended to delete everything that was marked “dangerous”. If the problem with sending messages has not been resolved, it is best to contact an experienced specialist for help. To be honest, it is recommended immediately after suspicion of virus attacks contact the master.

The above methods did not solve your problem and message transfer is still not possible? In this case, you need to visit service center MTS operator. In order to be served at the customer support center, you need to have your passport with you.