The new SIM card does not work. Why the phone does not see the SIM card: what to do

A SIM card is the key to unlocking the capabilities of a modern smartphone. After all, if it is not in the device, the user will not be able to send SMS, make a call to another subscriber, or access the Internet.

Unfortunately, sooner or later any SIM card begins to malfunction or even fails. The saddest thing is that no one is safe from such cases.

The first thing you need to clarify is that in most cases, the smartphone does not see the SIM card if the slot where it is inserted has been damaged, or if the card itself has been damaged.

Also, when an Android smartphone supports working with two SIM cards at once, you first need to make sure that the desired SIM card has been activated in the settings. To do this you should:

  1. Go to the “Settings” menu.
  2. Find section here "SIM Card Management".
  3. Find the one you need in the list of available SIM cards and activate it.

There are also cases when the SIM card is already activated, but for some reason does not show signs of life and does not show its work at all. In this case, try the following:

  1. Go to the application to send SMS messages.
  2. Try sending a message to any subscriber using a non-working SIM card.
  3. The operating system should display a message indicating that you need to enable the SIM card.
  4. Just activate it.

If none of the methods described above helped solve the problem, you can try several more methods, which will be described below.

Cleaning the SIM card from dust and moisture

In some cases, problems may arise with the contacts of the slot or SIM card. Most often this happens when the Android phone ends up in a too dusty place or gets wet.

If you encounter such a problem, then you need to:

  1. Open the back cover of the phone and remove the battery.
  2. Remove the SIM card from the slot and wipe its contacts with a cotton swab slightly moistened with alcohol.
  3. Then a similar procedure must be carried out with the contacts of the device itself.

Important! Use only alcohol for cleaning. Do not wipe contacts with perfume as it contains oils that will form a film after the sealant has evaporated.

If rust is found on the contacts during inspection, you can use a simple eraser to clean them.

The contacts of the SIM card and the smartphone do not fit tightly enough to each other

It is very rare to encounter a problem due to which the contacts do not fit tightly enough to each other. Because of this, the Android smartphone does not see the SIM card. In this case you need:

  1. First of all, try simply removing the SIM card and inserting it back.
  2. If it is still not detected after this, you can try placing a small piece of paper under it so that it fits more tightly to the contacts.

Unfortunately, this option will definitely not help if there is a separate port in the device case for the SIM card.

Watch the video why problems with SIM card contacts often occur. The author explains in detail how to fix everything:

Problems on Asus smartphones

It’s strange, but Asus smartphones are often plagued by the problem of condensation on the SIM card contacts. This is most often observed in winter, after the phone gets into a warm room after walking along a frosty street.

In fact, this case is not fatal. If condensation occurs, it is recommended:

  1. Pull out the SIM card.
  2. Wipe its contacts using a dry, lint-free cloth.
  3. Once the resulting liquid has been removed, the card can be reinserted.

If this does not help, you need to contact a service center.

Problem on HTC smartphones

In most cases, an Android smartphone from HTC may not detect a SIM card due to the firmware. The company currently releases multiple firmware versions for each device. As a rule, each subsequent version eliminates the bugs of the previous one. Including problems with SIM card detection.


If none of the tips described above helped, you should consider visiting the operator’s service center. If the SIM card turns out to be faulty, specialists will quickly replace it with a new one.

Various problems with a smartphone or tablet can cause the device to not see the SIM card.

It is clear that under such conditions it is impossible to use it for its intended purpose - calls cannot be made, instant messengers, some applications cannot be used, or access to the Internet (except for using the Wi-Fi format).

In this material we will answer the question why the phone does not see the SIM card, and how to fix this problem.


How can you understand that the device is unable to read a SIM card? To check the functionality of the port, you need to install a card in it and reboot the phone.

This is necessary because some devices support hot card swapping (that is, when they are turned on), while others do not (that is, they are able to recognize and “see” a new card only after a reboot).

As soon as the reboot is complete, the phone tries to detect the SIM card and find the network. Some phones (mostly budget Asian models) need some time for this (no more than 2-3 minutes). At the same time, during this time the device can show a crossed out card icon and an “offline” notification, but after a maximum of 5 minutes the SIM card should be detected.

If after five minutes nothing has changed and the “offline” notification has not disappeared, then the device does not see the SIM card; the problem can occur on any device, both with and without hot-swappable support.

Moreover, in the first case, the network may not be detected only after a “hot” replacement, or only after a reboot.

In the case of dual-card devices, only one of the two ports may not work.

Reasons and solution

This problem can occur for a number of reasons. But all of them can be divided into two large categories:

  • Related to the SIM card itself, that is, its inoperability (or inoperability in a given device);
  • Related to the device (smartphone or tablet).

In this case, problems of the second category can also be divided into two groups.

Hardware failures are associated with the physical inoperability of the port itself (for example, when the contacts on it are oxidized or filled with liquid).

Software problems are due to the fact that the device software is not designed to work with a certain type of SIM card.

Device problems

Sometimes you can fix them yourself, others require service repairs or complete replacement of this component.

To determine the presence of a SIM card in the phone, several hardware components are used - a SIM connector, the port itself, and contact pads. Failure of any of these components leads to malfunction. This means that the reasons on the part of the device can be very diverse.

Operator lock

The main hardware problem that your device may have is its firmware for a specific operator.

Most often this is typical for mobile devices ordered from abroad and not intended for sale on the Russian market.

This happens because for residents of the country of production, the device is supplied immediately “as a set” with a very favorable tariff from one or another operator (often, even the final price of the device depends on this).

Previously, this problem occurred on most iPhones that were not accredited by Rostest and were not certified for sale in the Russian Federation.

Now a similar difficulty is encountered in some Asian and European phones.

This problem almost always occurs when the device costs 2-3 times less.

“Unlocking” the phone and reflashing it must be carried out by specialists, which also costs money, so the savings in this case are questionable. In addition, the outcome of the procedure is not always satisfactory - it depends on the individual characteristics of the blocking and the device itself. In some cases, unlocking is simply impossible; in others, the procedure completely destroys all original software.

OS problems

SIM connector software failure is a common problem that occurs from time to time on all phones.

This situation can be recognized by a number of indirect signs:

  • Have you recently reflashed your phone?
  • You recently installed software (not necessarily pirated - official programs sometimes also cause such a failure), the operation of which requires establishing a contact with the memory card;
  • Have you recently installed updates (especially if it was done over Wi-Fi).

All these actions can cause failures if the operating system, its components, updates or programs are not installed correctly.

Most often you can solve the problem yourself.

Do a few things:

  • Turn off the phone, remove the SIM card, insert it again and start;
  • Uninstall the last installed applications, and then “cold” reinstall the SIM card (with the device turned off);
  • Restore to factory settings.

If none of this helps, you can try to reflash the phone.

Important! As in the case of blocking a device “for the operator,” this phenomenon cannot be the reason for the disruption of only one slot on a two-card phone. If operator locking or any other problems with the software occur on a two-card device, then the card cannot be seen by any of the slots.

Slot clogged

If debris gets into the card slot, the contacts are not in full contact with the card contacts, and therefore no connection occurs.

Clogging can occur:

  • When using the phone for a long time, dust gets inside it (and the case is only slightly able to delay the onset of this problem);
  • Even if the device falls once into the sand or onto the ground;
  • With frequent rearrangement of SIM cards;
  • When you frequently open the phone's cover, with open slots at the back of the device.

In principle, you can try to fix this problem yourself.

To do this, it is enough to thoroughly blow out the slot with a hairdryer with cold air (you cannot heat the device), but it is important to do this in such a way that dust does not get into other parts of the device.

After which the contacts can be wiped with a non-woven material wound on a needle and soaked in alcohol.

Physical damage to the slot

Damage to the card slot is a more serious problem, and it will most likely not be possible to fix it yourself using available means.

It occurs if:

  • The phone was dropped, thrown, subjected to pressure;
  • The SIM card was often rearranged, and this was done quickly and inaccurately;
  • The slot itself was subject to pressure, for example, when removing the device cover or when removing the battery.

Even if you know the exact cause of the slot damage, you are still unlikely to be able to fix the problem yourself. It is better to contact a service center for this, since only a specialist can determine the nature of the damage and the most optimal way to eliminate it. In some situations, only minor repairs can be made, while in others, a complete slot replacement is required.

Cardholder damage

What is a card holder? Strictly speaking, this is a functional part of the SIM card slot, which is available only on those phones in which the slot is hidden under the back cover and/or battery, but not in those in which the slot “extends” from the side.

That is, technically, with this type of slot the card holder also exists, but it is located in the device body, not visible to the user, and it is very difficult to damage it unintentionally even if the device is dropped.

Cardholder- this is the metal frame above the contact pad, the frame into which you directly insert the card.

Depending on the model, it may flip up and slam shut once the card is inserted, or you can “slide” the card directly into the card holder while the card holder itself remains static.

What functions does this device perform?

  • Ensures that the plastic card is held in place;
  • Presses it, ensuring the tightest possible contact between the contact pads of the slot and the card (which is especially important if a smaller format card is installed in a slot for a larger one).

Accordingly, damage to the holder prevents the normal fastening of the SIM card.

It may not be inserted at all or remain movable inside the frame. But the most common occurrence is the provision of insufficiently complete contact between the relevant sites.

The device can be damaged by falling, careless opening, or removing the card.

Most often, breakdowns are obvious - the device is quite fragile and can be easily broken off or bent when opening.

In this case, you can try to straighten it yourself.

However, more often the problems are more complex, for example, loosening of the sash holders (in models where it tilts up).

It is impossible to fix such a problem yourself without special equipment, so it is recommended to contact a service center.

Repair services for this part of the device are in most cases not too expensive. It almost never requires complete replacement.

Oxidation of contacts

The problem is quite serious. With it, the contact pads of the slot are subject to oxidation.

In this case, the visual severity of the phenomenon cannot be a diagnostic sign.

Sometimes visually strong oxidation (darkening) does not interfere with operation, while sometimes almost no external changes are noticeable, but the slot does not work.

Oxidation may occur for many reasons:

  • Flooding or getting wet (even use in the bathroom or in the rain, in a humid environment);
  • Excessive heating, overheating of the device;
  • Problems with the device's battery;
  • Sometimes oxidation occurs on old phones over time, since their service life has long expired.

To determine the presence of oxidation, inspect the contacts if possible.

Usually, a slight darkening is noticeable on them, but such a “symptom” may be absent. You can try to eliminate oxidation yourself.

To do this, soak a non-woven material in alcohol, wrap it around the needle and gently wipe the contacts.

Let them dry, insert the SIM card and try to start the phone. Sometimes this repair method is quite effective.

In some cases, oxidation turns into corrosion. You will not be able to fix the problem yourself, since it requires replacing the entire slot. This is an expensive procedure performed by professionals.

Broken card reader

The card reader is otherwise called a SIM connector. This is a technically complex device that actually transmits the signal from the slot contact pads to the device processor.

That is, in fact, it depends on it whether your device sees the SIM card or not.

The connector circuit consists of many elements - capacitors, varistors, resistors, etc.

And a breakdown in any of these components leads to the slot stopping working.

And it is quite easy to damage any part of it - just a fall, moisture, dust, overheating, etc.

It is impossible for the average user to determine this phenomenon visually, and the service requires lengthy diagnostics to understand which section of the circuit is damaged. Repairing a chain can usually be quite complicated and expensive, which is why technicians often suggest replacing the connector completely. This is also not cheap, but there is no other solution - it is impossible to repair the device yourself.

Damage to contacts

Another unfavorable phenomenon that requires slot replacement is mechanical damage to the contact pad.

This can happen when grains of sand or grains of earth get into the phone, or when you try to remove the card more easily using foreign objects.

Theoretically, you can damage the contact even with your fingernail when folding the card holder.

The damage may or may not be visually noticeable, such as a scratch or deformation. Eliminating the phenomenon is difficult, and often requires replacing the slot (in rare cases, a damaged contact).

Soldering failure

Failure to solder the card holder contacts is typical for phones with a retractable slot.

The cause of soldering failure may be a fall, moisture, compression, or careless removal/insertion of the SIM card.

The problem is solved in the service by soldering the contact pins of the card holder - the procedure is not too complicated or expensive.

Deformation of SIM holder contacts

Deformation of the card holder contacts is not externally noticeable (unlike the deformation of the card holder itself).

The causes of deformation are the same: careless operation, pressure on the slot, falling of the device or a blow to it.

The problem can also occur when you try to install a nano format card into a micro format connector, and when you try to “hot” swap a SIM card on a phone that does not support this function.

The problem is also solved in the service. During repairs, contacts can be restored or replaced.

Problems with SIM card

Such difficulties are much easier to eliminate than those described in the previous section.

Strictly speaking, the easiest way to solve the problem is to replace the card at the office of your mobile operator.

By presenting the documents of the person to whom the number was registered, you can receive a new card for free, preserving the number, tariff, balance, and other data.

If the slot and other hardware components of the device are working properly, but the card is not detected, then there is a problem may be as follows:

  • The card has expired or has been blocked after a long period of non-use - contact the operator and find out why the card is blocked and whether it can be unblocked;
  • A new, just purchased card may not be activated - the problem is especially typical for many foreign SIM cards, and can be solved by calling or sending an SMS to a specific number;
  • A card is still a rather complex technical device, so it can also be damaged - the contacts oxidize when flooded, break when pressed, etc.;
  • A common cause of failure is unsuccessful independent (and sometimes professional) cutting of the card to micro- or nano-format - in this case, you can accidentally damage its important elements;
  • The card becomes dirty as a result of long-term use.

It's quite easy to identify the problem. Flooding, oxidation, breakage or clogging of the card can be noticeable visually, and in the case of clogging at all, cleaning the card and blowing it out helps. In other cases, replacing the SIM card while keeping the number will quickly eliminate any problems that may arise.

Other cases

A special case of the problem is incorrect installation of the SIM card.

In particular, before installation, the user must find out whether his device supports hot-swappable cards, and also carefully monitor whether the card is installed on the wrong side.

There is also a possibility that the card needs to not only be inserted, but also pressed until it clicks.

But besides this, there are also less obvious problems. For example, the SIM card contacts do not connect to the port contacts.

This problem most often occurs when a large map is trimmed to a smaller format on its own - in this case, an error of even half a millimeter can lead to problems.

This can also happen when a nano-SIM is inserted into a micro-SIM port (or a micro-SIM into a regular one). In this case, the card will work, but it must be installed correctly, exactly hitting the contact areas. Sometimes in such a situation, the card may move when moving the phone, but the problem is easily solved by placing a sealant (paper, cardboard) between its top and the top of the port.


If the phone does not see the SIM card, this can be the cause of either a serious breakdown or a minor problem or inconvenience, such as the SIM card being blocked.

If the phone sees another card, then it is obvious that there are no problems with it.

Before purchasing a phone abroad, you should check in advance whether it will work normally with your mobile operator.

If you discover a serious breakdown, you should not try to fix it yourself if you do not have enough skill and suitable tools.

It is better to seek help from specialists so as not to further damage the device with your incompetent actions.

Surely everyone has encountered a situation where the SIM card in their phone stopped working. Here is a simple algorithm of actions describing what to do if the phone stops seeing the SIM card.

First, a few general words to gain respect for the SIM card. Many people perceive it as a piece of plastic or iron, which can sometimes even “demagnetize”. In fact, hidden under the plastic is a chip that contains a processor, RAM, permanent memory, communication lines, etc. The operating system runs on all of this, there are files and programs that this operating system and processor processes. And this is not a phone device, but just a small piece of plastic that is inserted into it. The phone communicates with the SIM using a special protocol and communication channel. Modern SIMs support contactless payments. This is approximately the same as a home computer or smartphone, but low power, without a keyboard and mouse monitor. Now imagine that in the event of a breakdown, you say that my computer (tablet or phone) has become demagnetized. Agree, it sounds strange.
Before performing the steps, you need to make sure that the phone should, in principle, see the map. For example, I've seen it before. Make sure that a card from another operator is not inserted into the device locked to a specific operator. Trouble may arise if a SIM card adapter was used or the card was cut. The card may move slightly or may not be pressed properly. In this case, the contact of the leg may disappear or, worse, bridge with another. It is better to immediately exclude this option and insert a card of a known correct size.

Step-by-step instructions on what to do if your phone does not see the SIM card:

1. Carefully remove the card and, without touching the contacts with your hands, rub them and the phone contacts with an eraser. Oil from the fingers is detrimental to contact. You can also wipe with alcohol with light force. The good thing about an eraser is that it mechanically, by friction, removes the formed film. Then you should remove (NOT WITH YOUR HANDS) the grains of the eraser if they remain and place the card in the phone. To be on the safe side, you can wipe the eraser down with high-quality alcohol.

2. Insert another, known working SIM card into your phone. If the phone works fine with other SIM cards, you need to contact your mobile operator to replace the card.
The card may fail due to mechanical failure, internal failure, automatic internal blocking caused by exceeding the switching limit (switching between networks). This blocking was done to prevent cloning of the card. When cloning, options are selected and the card is turned on multiple times. It is precisely such failures that people usually call “demagnetization” of the sim.

3. Try inserting the card into another phone. If it doesn’t work there either, change it at a mobile phone store.

4. If the SIM card is working, but the phone does not see it, it says “insert SIM card” or “no SIM card”, you need Check the SIM receiver contacts if they are visible. The contacts must not be bent or pressed in. For the card to work, each contact must have a good seal. You can try to carefully straighten bent contacts with a needle.

5. If the contacts are not visible, for example, the SIM card is inserted from the side or you are not sure that they fit tightly, you can try to press the sim harder by placing an additional small piece of thick paper or cardboard on top.

6. The last hope to solve the problem yourself is Full reset of the phone to factory settings. At the same time, you need to make sure that all information and contacts are saved somewhere outside the phone and they can be restored. It is better to find out how to do a “hard reset” for your model. It is usually caused by holding down certain keys when turning it on. If you have the skills to figure it out, update the phone’s firmware with a newer, current, or stable version.

7. Contact the service center. After the above steps, there are still reasons why the phone may not work with a SIM card. For example, mechanical damage to the card holder or board in a place that is not visible without disassembling the phone. Failure of elements on the board that ensure the operation of the sim. Failure of the telephone radio module. Detection of such breakdowns is carried out at a specially equipped workplace.

Good luck to you and your SIM visibility to your phones.

Many users are faced with a situation where their phones do not see the SIM card. There are several possible reasons for this problem, from card failure to problems in the smartphone itself, and the manufacturer does not matter here: the situation is equally typical for Apple, Samsung, Asus, Xiaomi, Sony and other popular brands.

Before diagnosing, you need to familiarize yourself with the main reasons why the phone does not see or recognize the SIM even after a reboot. The problem may be caused by the following:

  • The card is damaged or its expiration date has expired;
  • Violation of the integrity of the contacts in the connector;
  • The gadget is firmware for a specific operator, and does not recognize other SIMs (most likely it was purchased abroad);
  • Unsuccessful system flashing;
  • Contamination of SIM card contacts;
  • Broken card holder (re-soldering the contacts in the card slot will help).

Diagnostic instructions

When the user does not know what to do if the phone does not see the SIM card, he will need instructions that allow him to perform the simplest diagnostics to detect the problem with his own hands:

  1. We fix the SIM card. Even a slight displacement in the connector caused by shaking or falling makes it impossible for the gadget to detect the card. This is especially true if a person himself cut it from a larger one, for example, tried to make a micro-Sim.
  2. We inspect the plastic. If dirt is found on the contact side, remove it with a damp technical wipe, taking utmost care.
  3. Pay attention to the slot. If the card holder becomes loose, the contact between the smartphone and the card disappears. You can place a piece of paper or slightly bend its part to increase the volume and create a more stable contact.

If the above methods did not help, you should put another SIM card in the slot: if the problem is in the phone, it will also not be recognized. Owners of dual-SIM smartphones just need to install the plastic in another connector and check whether the network will be detected.

What to do if the problem is with your phone

The lack of network, when the device stops recognizing the SIM card, can be caused by the following problems:

  • Firmware for a specific operator. Here you can only reflash the gadget, because... any other manipulations will be useless.
  • Slot damage. This happens due to the gadget falling or getting a large amount of moisture into it. It is recommended to contact a service center for repairs.
  • Damage to operating system files. To restore the operating system, you should update Android by going to the settings. Reflashing will also help.
  • Damage to card reader elements. Only a specialist can fix the problem, because... This requires experience and the ability to work with special equipment to carry out repairs.

What to do if the problem is in the SIM card

When the smartphone has no visible damage, the problem may be in the SIM itself. Most often they occur if the owner of the gadget has not used the SIM card for several months: some operators block numbers in such cases. To unblock it, you may have to visit the company’s office and write a statement, as well as pay money for restoration.

What to do if the SIM card stops functioning:

  • If the nano-card was cut to turn into a “micro” card unsuccessfully, you should check it in another smartphone. If the assumption is confirmed, you should order a reissue from the operator.
  • The SIM card contacts are clogged. In this case, it is recommended to carefully clean them with a regular eraser to remove dust and other contaminants.
  • Check with your service provider to see if the number is blocked. This is definitely worth doing after several months of not using this number.
  • You need to activate your SIM. This happens after purchasing new plastic. To activate, just top up your balance or call a specific number: the procedure depends on the conditions of a particular operator.

Incorrect firmware: consequences and troubleshooting

Reflashing your phone yourself without the necessary skills and knowledge can lead to a malfunction of the entire system, as a result of which the smartphone will no longer recognize the SIM card and other additional accessories: headphones, MicroSD, charger, etc. To use communication services again, you will have to perform any action of your choice:

  1. Restore standard modification.
  2. Take the device for repair.
  3. Roll back settings.

The slot and the SIM card itself are one of the most vulnerable parts of a smartphone. Therefore, there are many reasons why a mobile device does not read a SIM card. Some of them are easy to fix, others can only be fixed by a professional. We propose to analyze the most popular options for why the phone does not see the SIM card. You will also find simple and proven tips on what to do if your mobile device loses the network or does not connect to it at all.

In the article:

System failures

Many factors undermine the stability of the operating system. Often they do not greatly affect the functionality, but periodically provoke failures, for example, when working with a SIM card. Usually, to fix errors of this kind, it is enough to follow simple steps:

  • Reboot your device. If you inserted a SIM card into a running device, it may not detect it until you restart. Hold the power key, select "Restart" and wait for the device to turn on again.
  • Remove the battery and SIM card. Turn off the device, remove the battery (if possible) and SIM card for 30 seconds or more. Upon completion of this procedure, place the components in place and turn on the mobile.
  • Switch "Airplane Mode". This mode disables all mobile data transmission. Some phones have access to the mode activation icon through quick settings in the notification shade. If you have it, then activate Airplane Mode, wait 20-40 seconds and turn it off.

If there is no icon in the curtain, follow the path “Settings - Network and Internet - Advanced”. There is a flight mode control button there.

Expired SIM card

If the card has not been used for a long time and the device does not see it, it means that the validity period of the number may have expired. Because of this, she becomes inoperative. Go or call the operator to find out if the card has expired.

The SIM card is locked to a specific operator

This problem is faced by people who bought a smartphone in Europe and the USA. You could get a device designed for an American telecom operator. Unlocking the gadget is possible, but it is not cheap, and the success rate is not 100%. Because of this, the iPhone often does not see the SIM card.

You can unlock your Apple phone by officially contacting the company or using R-sim, which has a more affordable price. Then you can insert cards from Tele2 or other operators.

Dirt in the slot or on the SIM card chip

Both elements can become dirty over time. If dust has formed between the contacts or a foreign object has entered, this will cause delays in recognizing the SIM card or it will turn off all the time. Always handle these parts with great care and wipe them down whenever possible.

If the gadget does not connect to the network, try the following:

  • remove the card holder;
  • visually inspect them for dirt and damage;
  • shine a flashlight into the socket, make sure there is nothing unnecessary there, blow it out;
  • Wipe the tray and SIM card so that the golden chip is perfectly clean;
  • insert the card back into the device and start it.

Often this simple operation helps to revive old SIM cards of Beeline and other operators, after which the gadget can see them again.

Broken SIM card or tray

As already noted, these are fragile and small parts that can be accidentally damaged. For example, getting them into water, falling, careless removal or rough installation into the socket may well lead to microcracks or breakage of contacts. If this happens to the card, it can be replaced at the mobile phone office.

If the tray or connector where it is inserted has become unusable, then you won’t be able to do anything on your own; you will have to contact a repair center, where they will tell you why the phone does not see the SIM card.

But before you do this, inspect the details:

  1. Follow the first four steps from the previous instructions.
  2. Install the card in another smartphone and check if the connection works on it.
  3. Insert the card into the slot and make sure it fits snugly.
  4. If the SIM card falls out, carefully place a piece of paper or simply replace it with a new one.
  5. All that remains is to insert the card and start the device.

Attention! If you cut the card yourself to make it smaller to fit the new standard, you could damage it. In this case, it is better to contact the salon to get a new SIM card. In the future, don’t try to cut it yourself, so that you don’t have to wonder why the phone doesn’t see the SIM card.

Communication parameters are lost

Sometimes on Android these settings change spontaneously or disappear after updating the firmware. This often leads to a loss of connection. To resolve the issue, do the following:

  1. Follow the path “Settings – System” – Advanced – Reset settings.”
  2. Click on "Reset Wi-Fi, mobile data and Bluetooth settings."
  3. Confirm the operation.

The system was attacked by a virus

Virus applications can affect many aspects of Android, including network reception. To avoid them getting into the OS, do not open suspicious links, letters, banners, and also do not install dubious software.

We need to find out whether the phone is not reading the SIM card due to malware. First, put the gadget into safe mode, which deactivates third-party software. To do this, do the following:

  1. Press and hold the Power key.
  2. Press "Power Off" for a few seconds.
  3. The smartphone will offer to switch to safe mode, agree.

Check to see if the card is recognized. If yes, then it’s time to look for the hacking software that caused your phone to stop seeing the SIM card.

To do this, do the following:

  1. Go to Apps & Notifications.
  2. “Tap” on “Show all applications”.
  3. At the top, select Installed Applications.
  4. Look through the list of programs, look for suspicious software with strange names or software that you definitely did not install.
  5. Remove the virus and restart the smartphone, the MTS, Tele2, etc. network should appear.

As an alternative, you can install Kaspersky Anti-Virus and scan the system. You can download it from the Play Store.

Global failures in the operating system

The operating system may stop working correctly due to reasons such as an unsuccessful software update or the installation of unofficial firmware that has communication bugs. If you use a custom build, go back to stock.

Check for available updates. If a communication bug is widespread, the vendor will quickly release an update. If the failure occurred as a result of errors during the update and the new build did not fix it, do a factory reset. Then the device will probably recognize the SIM card.

  1. In the device settings, open “System – Advanced” – Reset settings – Delete all data.
  2. Reread the warning again and start the process.
  3. When downloading, you need to reconnect your account and restore your data.

Attention! Hard Reset will erase all data from the device (apps, photos, videos, accounts, etc.), so make a backup copy of your data.

If your mobile phone falls into water, falls and is damaged, or the connection stops working after other damage and the manual did not help, contact a repair center so that a professional can diagnose the device, find out why it does not recognize SIM cards and repair the contacts or tray if necessary.