Beeline has blocked the number. Temporary blocking of the SIM card. SIM card blocked due to negative balance

It would seem, why do you need to block a Beeline number? But if you look into this matter better, you can understand that if your SIM card disappears, the first thing you need to do is block your number in order to save attackers from the opportunity to transfer money from your account to another, or to talk into debt if you have such opportunity.

Service centers

Contact a call center representative

If you have a mobile phone connected to the Beeline network at hand, you can dial 4 digits - 0611. When you call, you will hear information similar to that provided by the previous number. It is also possible to select a command from the menu that will transfer your call to a call center operator, and with the help of live communication you can quickly and easily resolve your issue. With the Beeline operator, voluntary blocking of a number occurs very quickly, but you must provide the operator with information regarding your last name, first name and patronymic and the necessary passport data, thus you will confirm that you are the owner of the card and have the right to dispose of it at your own discretion.

If your number is disconnected without your request

This can happen if you have not made or received calls for a long period of time. to this number, did not send SMS, or you have a minus balance and for a long time No money was transferred to the phone account. After all, the operator bears the costs of servicing each number, and if no one uses it, then the expediency of these expenses is lost. Therefore, the most prudent option would be to block the Beeline number when not in use.

Recovery mechanism

You should keep in mind that after the Beeline operator has temporarily blocked the number according to your order, the SIM card with the funds on the balance can be restored at any time within six months. How it's done? No more difficult than blocking.

If you forgot the codes

Each SIM card is sold with a valid PIN code and PUK code. This protects its owner from access by others to personal information– reference book, personal notes, correspondence, photo and video archives. The code has more than once saved funds in the account of the owner of the chip. In addition, many people link their bank account and card to their mobile phone, and sometimes it is enough to make a request to receive special code via SMS to transfer money from an account or pay for an expensive item. What if you simply forgot your PIN code, entered the wrong one three times, and the card was blocked? At the same time, a message appeared on the screen requiring you to enter a PUK code, and you may have seen it once when buying a SIM card, and after that the card on which it was printed was put in a secluded place and now you cannot find it. You have 10 attempts to try to find the correct code, and if all of them are unsuccessful, you will have to go to official center Beeline and fill out an application for a new one.

Where to get a PUK code

The operator’s website provides the opportunity to obtain a code so that your Beeline number can be unblocked quickly and without wasting effort and money. Go to your “Personal Account” and select the section you need. You will soon receive an information message containing the desired code. More details can be found in our other article.

Carefully ! Be carefull! If you miss the necessary keys with numbers ten times in a row, the SIM card will be forced to be blocked; only the operator’s office can help you.

If disconnected for non-payment

If you simply forgot to deposit money into your account, the Beeline operator will block the number. If you decide to start using your existing card again within three months, all you need to do is simply deposit the money into your account and wait 60 minutes. The payment will be made, and during this time the SIM card will automatically resume operation.

Make a call

To return your number to its current state, dial the digital sequence 88007000611 from any phone in Russia or 0611 from Beeline and select the section where you can chat with the operator. Tell him your need to restore the card, give him your passport details and password, or Secret word. In the near future you will be able to use the SIM card again.

By the way, in order to maintain your anonymity when making a call, find out if this is a caller ID service?

Use email

To regain the right to use your old number, complete your application in writing and send it to email address [email protected]. Once your request has been processed, you will receive an email confirming that your number is back online and you have access to use the company's services. By the way, many subscribers are interested, because many of them are paid?

Blocking a phone number may be necessary different situations, this could be theft or loss of the phone, so that scammers do not use it for their own purposes, or for all sorts of other reasons. It is not uncommon for a number to be blocked in cases where a person decides to stop using the services for a while mobile operator or goes to long trip abroad.

One of the easiest ways to block your Beeline phone number is to call from your mobile to the number 0611 or from any phone number 88007000611 .

In order to confirm your identity, the operator will ask you to provide your full name and other passport details.

Block your mobile number You can also use Beeline as an operator. After entering it, you need to select the “Block number” section, indicate the blocking date and confirm this action.

If the above methods for blocking a number yourself for some reason do not suit you, then you should contact the Beeline company salon and ask the company employees to block your number. To do this, you will need to fill out a special application.

How to unblock your Beeline mobile number

  • First and most in a simple way to unblock your number is to call from a mobile number 0611 or 88007000611 from any other phone.

Unblock the number yourself using voice prompts or wait until the operator connects. The operator may also ask you to provide your passport details for identification.

  • The second method is a visit to the Beeline communications office. There you will need to fill out an application to unblock the number. You must take your passport with you.

If your number was blocked not by your will, but for a reason negative balance, then you just need to top it up with any amount, but so that the amount in the account is greater than zero. The number will be unblocked within an hour, however, provided that no more than 3 months have passed since the blocking.

You can unlock a SIM card if you have exhausted all attempts to enter the correct PIN code using the PACK code, which is available on back side card containing the SIM card. If you enter the wrong code more than 10 times, then your card will be blocked forever. In this case, you will have to order a new card.

Nowadays it is almost impossible to find a person who would not use cellular communication. However, it happens that a phone number needs to be temporarily or completely blocked. Today we will talk about blocking Beeline SIM cards. In fact, there may be many reasons that motivate customers to cancel their SIM card. Beeline subscribers often wonder how to block a SIM card after the phone is lost or stolen. After all, a lost SIM card can be used by criminals. In general, whatever the reason led to the decision to disconnect the number, in this review you will find all the methods on how to block a Beeline SIM card.

How to block a Beeline SIM card: all possible ways

Many subscribers are interested in the question, how much does the deactivation function cost? The card deactivation service is provided free of charge. However, if a temporary outage is planned, the subscriber may be charged additional fee. It is better to check with the operator for details.

Today, there are four ways in which you can block a Beeline SIM card. Let's look at each of them in detail.

If this particular method of disabling the Beeline SIM card was chosen, then you should be prepared for the fact that a company employee may request your personal data, as well as the code word you came up with when registering in the television system. This is necessary in order to identify your identity, because any manipulations with the card can only be carried out by its direct owner.

To block a Beeline number, call 0611 and, following the voice prompts, wait for a connection with the operator. After connecting with a company employee, inform him of your decision and, as stated above, if necessary, provide the telesystem employee with all necessary information.

Advice! Specified network is often very overloaded, so if you can’t get through to the operator for a long time, you can try calling another one phone – 88007000611.


How to disable Beeline SIM card through the office? For some subscribers this method It seems the most convenient due to the fact that here an experienced employee will do everything for the client. All that is required from the subscriber is to come to the service center with a passport.

If you don't know where the nearest one is mobile salon in your locality, information about the location of the telesystem offices can be found on the official page of the cellular provider.

Important! Only its real owner can block or unblock a Beeline card. That is, if you came with someone else’s documents, deactivation will not be performed. However, blocking can be carried out if the client provides the center employees with a notarized document from the card owner.

And also in any office center you can exchange your lost SIM card for a new one. This service is provided absolutely free of charge.

Any authorized user of a mobile operator can independently either block a Beeline card via the Internet or unblock his number. If you are not yet logged in to the system, registration will not take you much time.

After these simple steps, you will become a full-fledged owner of your personal account, in which you can either block the Beeline SIM card forever or suspend its operation for a temporary period.

To close your Beeline card online, go to your Personal Account and on the main panel in top corner Find the “Blocking” section. After going to the section, click on the “Block number” button. Then it will come to your phone system message, after confirmation of which the SIM card will be deactivated.

Another method on how you can block a Beeline SIM card via the Internet is to go to the official page of the provider and go to the “Online store” category. Here you need to click on the “Change SIM” button and enter the necessary information in the fields. After clicking the confirm button, the number will be disconnected.

In Beeline, the system itself can block a SIM card if the subscriber does not use the number for more than six months. In this case, it will be impossible to restore the communication service.

Now you know where to go to disable the Beeline SIM card as unnecessary. However, before deactivating, think carefully about everything; perhaps you should just call service center and request a temporary shutdown. After all, if you can deactivate a SIM card for free, you will have to pay to restore it.

The need to block a SIM card may arise due to various reasons, and first of all in case of loss of a mobile phone. Even if you can’t return the phone, you can at least save the money remaining on your balance. The blocking option will allow you to restrict access to the SIM. And this means that unauthorized use Money, located on the balance of the SIM card, will be impossible.

How to block a Beeline SIM card

There are several options for blocking a SIM card, which will be described below. Each subscriber independently decides which one to use.

In the future, access to the inactive SIM card may be restored.

How to block by phone number

To use this method, you should call back subscriber service by dialing the number

8 800 700 0611

After connecting with a company employee, you must inform him of the reason for blocking, because if there is a need to temporarily disable a number, that is, the subscriber activates the voluntary blocking option, then this is a paid service, its cost depends on the type used tariff plan.

If the SIM card is lost, access to it is closed free of charge. But to do this, you must provide the passport details of the subscriber in whose name the contract was concluded. To restore your SIM card, you need to contact any department mobile operator, you need to have your passport with you. The money on the balance will remain safe, and everyone active services can also be used.

How to block through your Personal Account (via the Internet)

Another reliable way block the SIM card - go to the Beeline personal account, which can be used by all subscribers registered in it. Therefore, you should initially go through a simple registration procedure. Once on your page, you need to click on the “Block number” tab located next to the mobile number. In this case, you must indicate the date of blocking and confirm your intentions.

Visiting a Beeline branch

If you don’t want to block your SIM card yourself, you can contact any branch of your mobile operator and submit an application to block your SIM card. In this case, the operation is possible only if you have a passport. Advantage this method is that in the salon you can immediately restore the number, and the balance and current options will be available again.

How to find out if a Beeline SIM card is blocked

To do this you need to call the number 8 800 700 0611 or use short number. You can also find out what condition the SIM card is in now if you go to the Beeline account or directly visit any salon of the company. If the SIM card was not lost, but simply not used, then you can try calling back paid number– if the SIM card is blocked, the answering machine will inform you that it is currently impossible to make a call.

If the SIM card is inactive for a long time, it is blocked automatically. The maximum permissible period during which a SIM card can not be used without subsequent blocking is 180 days. After the specified time, use mobile services It’s not possible with such a SIM card.

Have you lost your mobile phone and are afraid that attackers may spend all the money from your Beeline account? Most often this is what happens. The same thing happens when a phone is stolen. The situation becomes significantly worse if there is a lot of money in the account.

For that to prevent third parties from spending funds, you need to block your Beeline SIM card using the tools offered by the network. SIM cards are blocked in the Beeline network in the following ways:

  • By phone support;
  • In service offices;
  • Through the Internet.

Using one of the above methods, you can instantly block your SIM card and temporarily suspend number service.

How to block a Beeline number by phone

The easiest way to block a Beeline number is to call the operator's help desk. For this purpose, the network has two telephone numbers– 0611 (for calls from Beeline numbers) and 8-800-700-0611 (for calls from numbers of other telecom operators). After calling the support service, you should ask the consultant to block the number due to the loss or theft of the phone. It should be remembered that the number must be registered specifically to you - otherwise blocking may not be possible.

Blocking a SIM card through support due to theft or loss mobile phone is absolutely free, and debiting of the subscription fee from the number is stopped. If a voluntary blocking is carried out (for example, you are leaving for a couple of months and do not want to pay in vain subscription fee), then its cost depends on the subscriber’s tariff plan - read the description of your tariff on the operator’s website or contact help desk.

What to do if the number is registered to another person? In this case, you need to contact this person and ask him to block the number you are using. To avoid these difficulties, always register the numbers in your name, since finding a real subscriber can be difficult.

If you cannot reach support on any of the specified telephone numbers, urgently contact the nearest service office - here you can not only block your current SIM card, but also get a duplicate of it. When visiting the office, do not forget to bring your identification document with you, otherwise the service will be denied.

How to block a Beeline SIM card via the Internet

We already know how to block a Beeline SIM card through the support service. But what if the support team is overloaded? In this case, it is simply impossible to contact consultants. If you have a computer with Internet access at hand, we can solve the problem through it. To do this, we need access to the “Personal Account” - here you need to activate voluntary blocking. The cost of such blocking depends on the tariff plan used.

But even under such conditions this is the most effective and operational method disconnect your number. The operation of blocking a Beeline SIM card via the Internet is only possible if you have a login and password to access your “Personal Account”. You can receive a password only if you have a valid SIM card - do not forget to obtain and write it down in advance, as it can help you out in a critical situation.

How to find out if your Beeline SIM card is blocked

For information about the status of your SIM card, call the help desk at 0611 or 8-800-700-0611. You can also visit your nearest service office. Similar information will be indicated in “ Personal account" If the SIM card is in your possession, you can try to make any toll call– the network will respond that this moment it is impossible to make a call.

In order to resume access to communication services, you need to obtain a duplicate SIM card. This is done by visiting the nearest service office with your documents - after verifying the data, the office specialist will issue a duplicate. If you accidentally found your phone, you can remove the lock from the SIM card in the same office, by phone or through your “Personal Account”.