Download a program to automatically change the keyboard layout. Automatic keyboard language switching. Open operating systems

Of course, touch typing is not very good, but what can you do if you are used to this style of typing and somehow don’t really want to relearn it, although it wouldn’t hurt.

When I type text, every 2-3 words I glance at the monitor. Sometimes I see that I forgot to switch the keyboard layout. As a result, you have to erase all the words typed in incorrect layout, and type the same text again.

If you forget to switch the keyboard layout, then I suggest you familiarize yourself with the program “ Punto Switcher " in this post.

Switch keyboard layout automatically.

Program " Punto Switcher"Easy to use. Immediately after installation, the program will monitor the typing of words from the keyboard and if something goes wrong, immediately switch the language layout.

But there are times when working on a PC with the program turned on is simply not possible.
Inconveniences arise, for example, when the user plays games for years. The program does not understand the code whether it is worth switch language or not, then it sounds appropriate sound signal, and keypresses just don't work.

To, similar problems did not arise while playing games or working with another program, it is possible to add the program you need to an exception.

Open the program double click icon in the system tray, the settings window will open. In it, select the item “ Exclusion programs"Next, click the " Add…" and select the application you need, then click the " button ok»

Now the program is not will switch language in the application of your choice!

One more unimportant detail that is worth paying attention to. These are hotkeys. There are situations when a program switches the keyboard language at moments when this is not necessary.

This happens very often when typing “ Captcha" Online.

For example, the situation is like this— The characters from the captcha are typed normally, but on the last character it will take and I'll switch the language. It is very uncomfortable (!!!)

In this case, it’s worth setting up hot keys, or rather just one key! And this " Cancel layout conversion»

As you have already noticed, I have “F12”. You can put another key as you wish.

What does this give?
When the user types a word and happens switching language layout, then you just need to press “F12” and the word will be converted to another layout. Very often you have to use it when typing captcha from a website.

There is one more inconvenient moment . Still the same captcha! There are times when the captcha was typed successfully, but the layout did not switch, everything is fine. But! At the moment you press the " Enter"is happening switch layout. As a result, the WEB form is sent with an incorrectly typed “Capcha” and you will have to enter the “Capcha” again, and if you register on the site, then you will have to enter other fields again, for example the field “ Password"You'll have to dial again!

There is only one way out of the situation! Do not press the " Enter" and "Send" etc. to successfully send the WEB form.

This is perhaps the biggest disadvantage this application, but what can you do? Just be patient or don’t use the program at all!

Basically there is nothing more to say. The program also has other settings that I never touch, since everything else suits me by default.
You can familiarize yourself with them and correct them in the way that suits you!


If you work in Microsoft application Office Word, make sure you use correct settings. Launch the program and click on the Office button on the left top corner window. IN context menu click on the button " Word Options"(located in the lower right corner of the menu). A new dialog box will open.

Go to the “Spelling” section by left-clicking on it. Click on the “AutoCorrect Options” button in the group of the same name. An additional dialog box will open. Make sure you're on the AutoCorrect tab and uncheck the "Correct keyboard layout" box. Apply the new settings with the OK button in all open windows.

Also, switching layouts occurs automatically if a utility designed for this, for example, Punto Switcher, is installed on your computer. To temporarily disable shift language, right-click on the utility icon in the notification area on the taskbar. Don't confuse the Punto Switcher icon with the standard one language bar Windows. The icon you need looks like either a Russian or American flag, or the letters RU and EN on a blue and red background.

In the context menu, uncheck the “Auto switch” item. After this change language will occur after you press the assigned hotkeys. To completely disable the utility, right-click on its icon and select “Exit” from the drop-down menu. If the Punto Switcher icon does not appear on the taskbar and you are uncomfortable managing the utility, set required settings.

In the Punto Switcher folder, click on the punto.exe icon. The settings window will open. In the General section of the General tab, check the Show icon on taskbar box and apply the new settings. If necessary, you can create Extra options to change the keyboard layout in the “Switching Rules” section.


  • automatic keyboard layout change

By default in text Microsoft editor Word and Microsoft tables Excel has enabled AutoCorrect mode, which corrects some common user errors: two capital letters at the beginning of a word, included Caps Lock and others. Not everyone likes this service, and you can quickly disable it if you wish.


Sometimes the user needs to disable the Punto Switcher program while working. This need may be related to the input large quantity character combinations - for example, passwords. Or with a game where you plan to actively use the keyboard. And also with passing touch typing training programs like “Solo on the Keyboard” - in it, when the Switcher is running, a problem arises related to the output of a different character when the correct key is pressed, which is counted by the program as an error.

You will need

  • Punto Switcher program.


Find the Punto Switcher icon in the bottom right corner of your desktop. Depending on the program settings, it will look either like a flag or a designation of the current language - Ru or En.

Right-click this icon to bring up the list. In it, select the Auto Switch item, and click the left button to uncheck it. The application icon color will turn gray and the program will not automatically switch between layouts. The same action can be done in another way - left-click on the icon, and in the short drop-down list, select the same item - Auto Switch. Finally, you can simply exit Switcher - to do this, in the drop-down list that appears after right-clicking on the icon, select Exit and click on it.

You can start the program again using the shortcut; you can enable auto-switching by clicking again on the menu item of the same name.

Sometimes the application icon is not displayed. In this case:
-Use a combination Alt keys, Ctrl and Del in order to bring up the computer lock menu instead of the desktop. Select "Task Manager" in it and left-click on it.
-Click on the “Processes” tab, which will be located in the “Task Manager” working window.
-Find the ps.exe process in this tab. Right-click on it to open the context menu and select End process.
Instead of last action You can also select the process by left-clicking and click on the “End Process” button located in the right corner of the bottom of the manager window. The application will be disabled.

In some cases, you will need to click "End Process" several times until Punto's work Switcher will not be terminated, and its name will not disappear from the list of processes.


In older versions of the application there will be a "Disable" option instead of the "Auto switch" item.

Helpful advice

If the application still switches the layout incorrectly, then just highlight the word and press the combination Shift keys+ Break for reverse switching.

For ease of use in the operating room Windows system Provides quick keyboard layout between used languages. If the user considers this option unnecessary, he can disable it.


When working on a computer, the need to switch the input language arises quite often - for example, while searching on the Internet necessary information. Therefore, disable this option Not recommended. In addition, it does not interfere with comfortable work in any selected layout.

If you still decide to disable language selection, open “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Regional and Language Options”. Select the "Languages" tab, click the "More details" button. In the new window, click the “Keyboard Options” button, then “Change keyboard shortcuts” and uncheck the “Switch input languages” and “Switch keyboard layouts” checkboxes. Save your changes by clicking OK.

If you want to remove the layout indicator from the system tray, open the Task Manager (Ctrl + Alt + Del) and stop the ctfmon.exe process. Then delete the entry for this file from your startup folder. The most convenient way to do this is using the Aida64 (Everest) program. Open “Programs” - “Startup”, select ctfmon.exe in the list and click the “Delete” button at the top of the window.

To disable or remove ctfmon.exe you can also use CCleaner program. Launch it, open “Tools” - “Startup”. Select the line with ctfmon.exe and click the “Disable” (recommended) or “Delete” button.

If you don't like it standard view keyboard layout switcher, replace it (after removing ctfmon.exe from startup) with the Punto Switcher utility. You can set it to display the layout by showing the Russian or US flag, which is very convenient - to determine the layout, just glance at the tray. In the program settings, select the items “Make an icon in the form of country flags” and “Always show the icon at full brightness.” You can download Punto Switcher for Windows XP and Windows 7 from the link:


  • how to change to switch

The problem of an unswitched keyboard layout literally haunts people leading business correspondence, sending a message to the forum and typing long texts documents. To avoid having to retype text printed on the wrong keyboard layout, there is popular program Punto Switcher.

Punto Switcher: Smart Keyboard Layout Switcher

The first and perhaps the main function software product, born almost ten years ago, automatically changes the keyboard layout. In translation, punto switcher means “switching point.”

Moreover, Punto Switcher contains almost all the languages ​​of the world, and it easily determines what exactly you wanted to type and in what layout. Determining the correct typing language occurs after typing 3-4 characters in an inappropriate layout.

In addition to the fact that the program switches the keyboard layout automatically, determining desired language, letters typed in the wrong layout are also changed to the correct ones. This dramatically saves time and saves you from retyping text.

Punto Switcher - smart program, but it’s not perfect either. Therefore, after installation, if necessary, you will need to learn the software a little, thereby saving yourself from false positives. The training is carried out through the settings, where you need to find a list of exception words and add frequently used abbreviations to it so that Punto Switcher does not react to them as typos.

While using the program, you can add to the list of exceptions if suddenly Punto does not recognize any of the words you type.

"Punto Switcher": an invisible spy

In addition to the function of changing the keyboard layout, the Punto Switcher program also has a diary option. It consists in the fact that the program will carefully record in text file all keyboard keystrokes.

The diary in Punto Switcher can be useful for recovering accidentally deleted texts. For example, you were typing or working for a long time, and suddenly the electricity went out. Office program is often able to reproduce not all the text after a failure or not save the file at all, but the Punto Switcher diary “remembers” everything and will save you from having to print everything again.

The diary does not save text formatting, but this is not a big loss when restoring several dozen sheets of text that were not saved in the office package.

Some users also use the diary option in Punto Switcher to remember previously entered passwords. By the way, the diary itself can also be locked with a password so that no one but you can read your keyboard logs. Closing the diary with a password is done through the program settings, tab – “Diary”.

Gender reassignment is a complex and expensive operation that involves changing the genitals to the genitals of the opposite sex. As a rule, it is decided by adults over 30 years of age who do not have even a shadow of doubt about their true gender.


Gender largely determines a person’s individuality; it is inherent in everyone from birth. Sometimes a child is born with congenital anomalies, that is, deformed genitals that are somewhere between male and female, or has genitalia of both sexes at once. Developmental anomalies are usually associated with hormonal imbalances, and with proper treatment they can be successfully overcome. In this case, parents or doctors immediately select the sex for him and operate. If the child's penis reaches 2.5 cm or more, he becomes a man, but if less, he becomes a woman. Even if a child has male chromosomes, it is easier for him to get used to the role of an infertile woman than to become an inferior man.

People who recognize themselves as members of the opposite sex also resort to gender reassignment surgery. For many years they have lived at odds with themselves and those around them, feeling like a different person. Since you can change gender only once, a person should not have even a shadow of doubt about this; the support of others and family is important.

Punto Switcher is a program for automatically switching keyboard layouts. The program monitors the correct keyboard layout when typing on a computer, and if necessary, automatically replaces the keyboard layout.

Many people are familiar with the situation when, while typing on the keyboard, the user forgot to change the keyboard layout, for example, from English to Russian. The user enters the word “hello” thinking that he is typing text in the Russian layout, but in fact he is entering the word “ghbdtn” in English layout keyboards. Punto Switcher will understand that the user has made a mistake and will switch to the correct keyboard layout.

Key features of the free Punto Switcher program:

  • automatic keyboard switching
  • autocorrect
  • fixing selected text and text on the clipboard
  • sound design
  • switch keyboard layout using hotkeys
  • maintaining a Diary in which all typed text is saved
  • saving the last 30 texts to the clipboard

In the Punto Switcher program, you can not only correct the layout and register, but also perform the following actions: check spelling, perform transliteration, clear selected text from formatting, etc.

When switching layouts, and in some other cases, Punto Switcher beeps, notifying you of these actions.

You can download free program Punto Switcher from the official website of Yandex - the manufacturer of this application.

punto switcher download

Punto Switcher Settings

You can enter the settings of the Punto Switcher program from the notification area. After right-clicking on the program icon, select “Settings” from the context menu.

After this, the “Punto Switcher Settings” window will open. The program settings are located in several sections:

  • General - here you can configure general rules for the program to work
  • Hotkeys - you can set up hotkeys for more convenient control program
  • Switching rules - here you can configure the program in which cases you should switch the keyboard layout and in which cases you should not do this
  • Exception programs - you can add programs to the list in which you will need to disable automatic keyboard layout switching
  • Troubleshooting - here you can add some additional settings if problems occur
  • AutoCorrect - in this section you can specify abbreviations that will be automatically replaced with full words
  • Sounds - here are the sound settings for actions and events in the Punto Switcher program
  • Diary - you can save everything text information typed on the keyboard

You can read more about working with the Punto Switcher Diary in a special article on my website.

The program offers several hotkey options for switching layouts. In the "General" section, you can activate the "Switch by:" item and then select hotkeys for fast switching keyboard layouts. The Punto Switcher program responds to quick presses keys in order to avoid conflicts with normal system shortcuts.

You can perform any actions using the Punto Switcher program using hot keys, or including necessary functions, after clicking on the program icon from the notification area.

Here you can quickly change some program settings: enable or disable auto-switching, sound effects, in the clipboard you will be able to: change the layout, transliterate, check spelling, view history, additionally you can enable journaling, view your diary, create an autocorrect list, send the selected text to Twitter, view system properties, convert numbers to text.

Using the program you can find necessary information on external resources on the Internet. Select “Find” from the context menu, and then decide where to look for the information you need.

Fixing typing errors in Punto Switcher

When typing words that have impossible combinations of letters in Russian or English languages, Punto program Switcher will automatically switch the keyboard layout. Next, you will type the text in the correct language.

In more simple cases the program changes the layout after several letters are entered; in more complex cases, the word will change only after complete input, after pressing the spacebar.

You can manually cancel switching the keyboard layout on the last word entered. Let's say there are some English words in the Russian text that the program wants to convert into Russian, or there is a typo. To do this, you will need to press the “Pause/Break” (Break) key. You can also select text and change the input language using this very useful key. In this case, the layout is also changed using the “Shift” + “Pause/Break” (Break) keys.

Remember this “magic” key, it will often help you out when entering text.

  • Pause/Break (Break) - using this key you can forcefully change the input language last word, or selected text.

When entering abbreviations that do not follow the rules, errors in the alteration of these words are possible. You can disable abbreviation correction in the program settings. In the “General” section, in the “Advanced” tab, you can uncheck the box next to the “Correct abbreviations” item. However, this is not necessary, since if an abbreviation is entered incorrectly, you can press the “Pause/Break” key in order to correct this word.

Many laptops do not have a Pause/Break key. What should such users do?

Replacing the Break key with another key on a laptop

If your laptop does not have a “Pause/Break” key, then Yandex suggests using the “F11” key instead. You can select any other keys.

IN Punto settings Switcher, go to the “Hot Keys” section. Select the action you want to change. In our case, this is a replacement for the “Break” key (Pause/Break). Click on the “Assign...” button.

In the “Select key combination” window, activate the item opposite the input field, click in the field with the mouse button, and then press on the keyboard on the desired key, or several keys at once. After that, click on the “OK” button, the key combinations will be changed.

Instead of the "Break" key, I chose the "F11" key.

As you can see in this image, I changed the "Break" key to "F11" in the Hotkey settings.

Changing case, transliteration, spell checking

To change the case, the program has the key combination “Alt” + “Pause/Break”. You will need to highlight the text and then press the given keyboard keys. As a result, all capital letters will become CAPITAL letters, and capital letters, on the contrary, in capitals.

To change transliteration, that is, to translate letters of Russian text into Latin letters, or vice versa, you can use the key combination “Alt” + “ Scroll Lock" For example, if you need to change the word "thank you" into a word written with Latin letters"Thank you."

Highlight the right word or text, and then press that keyboard shortcut. The selected text will be written in Latin or Russian letters (if reverse transliteration is performed).

There are no rules for a unified Russian transliteration yet, so the text will be rewritten according to Yandex rules.

With Punto Switcher you can check spelling on the clipboard. To do this, click on the program icon in the notification area. In the context menu, first select “Clipboard”, and then “Check Spelling”.

Now you can paste text from the clipboard into a document, into your correspondence, or anywhere else.

Conclusions of the article

The free program Punto Switcher from Yandex automatically changes the keyboard layout, makes corrections in the typed text, performs autocorrection, transliteration, spell checking, and saves the typed data in a diary.

Operating systems try to be as convenient for users, so many processes have their own automation options. There is also one for entering text from the keyboard. auto mode, although this is the main method of control. What does this give?

In automatic mode, you do not need to constantly switch the layout if, for example, you need one language in the working browser window, and another in the other tabs.

Also, automatic language switching on the keyboard works when moving from program to program. This feature is especially useful when the user cannot type quickly. Do you want to improve your typing speed? .

Features of different operating systems

If your computer doesn't have per-application language settings, you can easily adjust them. Most operating systems, even new ones like Windows 10, provide layout controls.

But finding them is not always easy. For example, in Windows XP, just right-click on the layout icon in the panel. In the menu that opens, select auto switching.

And in the eighth operating system from Microsoft, as in the previous one, number 7, the settings are somewhat more difficult to find. In the languages ​​section, you need to select additional options, among which there is a menu for switching input methods.

There you can already select an input option for each application - whether to allow it or not, by checking your choice. On mac OS it’s easier to find these settings in the “keyboard” section.

Word has its own rules

Many other opportunities to customize your system and increase your productivity can be found aware of Evgeniy Popov . Just remember that programs are not always able to correctly determine the user's intentions.

Therefore, you should not shift all responsibility for the correctness of the text onto them. For example, when entering a password, such programs often make corrections, preventing you from writing it correctly.

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All of us though, s hfp yf, bhfkb something incomprehensible. Fortunately, many programs have long been developed for automatic change layouts. Someone loves them. Some people hate it. And I will help you accept correct solution and select the appropriate program.

OS: Windows
Language: Russian English
Last update: Stable version from 02/05/2018
Price: 0 rubles - non-commercial use, from 399 rubles - commercial use

The main disadvantage of EveryLang is the requirement to install the .NET framework for the program to work. One of the advantages is the presence of a portable version.

The program's interface looks modern, but this is not that important for a program that runs in the background. In demon paid version, in addition to correcting the layout, a translator and spell checking using a hotkey are also available.

The paid version also unlocks:

  • Clipboard Manager
  • Text input diary
  • Layout indicator
  • Translation history
  • SmartClick (you can go to text link mouse click)

I really liked EveryLang both in appearance and in functionality and quality of work. If it weren't for the .NET requirement, I would happily try using this program on a daily basis. Paid features Not everyone needs them, but they will undoubtedly help simplify working with text.

Key Switcher

OS: Windows
Language: 24 languages, including Russian
Last update: 09.07.2013
Price: free - for non-commercial use, but donate. There are corporate licenses.

The program has no interface. All work is done through the tray icon. Despite Russian language support, at launch, part of the menu will still be in English. You need to select the language again in the program settings.

Features include auto-switching layouts, auto-correction according to rules, and a simple password manager. For each program, you can adjust the sensitivity of auto-switching or turn it off completely.

If you just need an auto layout switcher, then Key Switcher will be an ideal option. The program can be completely hidden and it will work in the background. But the project is clearly not developing, and there may be problems with the presence of vulnerabilities.

Keyboard Ninja

OS: Windows
Language: 7 languages, including Russian
Last update: 6.11.2006
Price: for free

The program does not require installation, and when downloading, you can select a set of languages. On Windows 10, Keyboard Ninja simply refused to work and started crashing with errors. If it worked, I would have the following options:

  • Auto switch
  • Translation of Russian text into transliteration
  • Automatic text replacement according to rules
  • Working with the clipboard

OS: Windows, online version
Language: English
Last update: ?
Price: for free

Among the program features:

  • Correcting the layout
  • Sending a text to your phone
  • Translator

The program's interface leaves much to be desired. Switching text, changing capitals to lowercase and others occurs only when you select a word and press hotkey. Sending a text to a mobile phone is done by scanning a QR code.


OS: Windows
Language: Russian English
Last update: 10.04.2018
Price: for free

Mahou does not require installation, but requires .Net 4.0 to work. Open program source code and is actively developing.

The program has a lot of functions and a confusing interface. By default, the program only works with certain combinations of languages ​​and therefore may not work out of the box. To be honest, nothing worked for me, even after setting it up.

Punto Switcher

OS: Windows, Mac
Language: Russian
Last update: 13.03.2018
Price: for free

Punto Switcher is a common name for this type of program. After purchasing by Yandex, Yandex Browser and other developer programs will be actively offered during installation.

The program works out of the box and does not require additional settings. You can set up your own switching rules, exclusions and auto-dialing phrases. There is also work with the clipboard.

X Neural Switcher

OS: X Window System, BSD, Linux
Language: 19 languages, including Russian
Last update: 23.11.2016
Price: for free

I have nothing to install X Neural Switcher, so I’ll honestly steal the description from the developer’s website.

X Neural Switcher is a program for automatically switching keyboard layouts, depending on the text being typed. Those. When typing, if it is typed in the wrong language, xneur will automatically (or upon request) switch the language to the desired one.

For ease of operation, there are two modes: automatic and manual.

When working in automatic mode, xneur automatically detects the layout of the text you enter and changes the language for you. In this mode, it is possible to set exception applications in which the automatic mode will be replaced by manual.


OS: Linux
Language: No
Last update: 01.08.2016
Price: for free

LoLo Switcher is a low-level local keyboard switch for the X11 windowing system. It is able to work in any desktop environment: KDE3, KDE4, GNOME, LXDE and others. LLS works directly with the input device, is very compact and fast, and supports any model of keyboards and joysticks. LLS is capable of transparently operating in parallel with other keyboard switches. LLS contains built-in code diagnostic tools transmitted from the input device to the computer.