Where is the system rating in windows 10. Disabling applications from the Start menu. Beautiful visual effects and sound accompaniment of system events

A performance assessment will help you find out how efficiently all of your computer's components are working. You can get it in several ways.

Why do we need a performance index?

The performance index (PI) shows how effectively the computer's potential is realized. The rating takes into account the performance of the following components:

  • processor;
  • RAM - the speed of performing operations related to RAM;
  • hard drive - speed of writing and reading files;
  • quality reproduction of 2D and 3D graphics for desktop and games.

Examining the above elements, the system produces an arithmetic average score, the value of which ranges from 1.0 points (worst case) to 9.9 points ( best option). A low score indicates that one or more of the scanned components is not doing its job well, that is, it is overloaded, broken, or too weak.

How to find out the performance index

In Windows 10, you cannot view the UI in special menu, but there are other ways to find out. For this you can use system commands or third party programs.

Using the Command Line

To find out the IP using the Command Line, do the following:

Video: how to find out the IP in Windows 10 using the Command Line

Using PowerShell

WITH using PowerShell You can also find out the computer's IP:

Using the list of games

You can also find out the IP through the list of games:

Video: how to find out the IP in Windows 10 using the list of games

Using Winaero WEI tool

The free Winaero WEI tool application does not require installation. All you need to do is download and run it. In the main menu after the check is completed, information about each element and the overall rating will be presented.

In Winaero WEI tool you can find out the rating for all elements of the computer and the average rating

Video: how to find out IP in Windows 10 using Winaero WEI tool

Using WSAT

The WSAT application is similar to the program described above. When you launch it, you will see a list of ratings for each element and an overall rating for the entire system, which is calculated based on the minimum value of the available ratings.

The WSAT app will show the average score and score for each item

Video: how to find out IP in Windows 10 using WSAT

Explanation of the rating

Of course, the ideal value of 9.9 points is practically unattainable. Good indicators are scores of 6–9.9 points. If your score is lower, it's worth considering that your computer's performance is not optimal. What to do in this case? See which element sags more than others, and find out how it can be unloaded or accelerated.

The Performance Index lets you know how well certain components of your computer perform. Using it, you can find out which element is affecting the efficiency of the system and take measures to increase the performance of the device.

Everyone wants their computer to work with maximum performance. Often turned on when the system is running unnecessary processes, open unnecessary programs, slowing down performance. Therefore, it is important to know how you can increase the speed of your computer and improve performance.

Methods to improve computer performance on Windows 10

Eat different methods performance improvements and we will look at the main ones.

It is worth mentioning right away that overclocking a computer forces its devices to work beyond the default settings. In some cases, especially if the user is careless, this can be dangerous for the equipment. You perform all actions to overclock your computer at your own peril and risk, be extremely careful.

Be careful when overclocking your device

But before we proceed directly to overclocking the device, it is worth taking care of high-quality cooling systems:

  • clean the coolers and check their functionality;
  • replace the thermal paste;
  • if possible, install additional, more efficient systems cooling.

The fact is that any overclocking is guaranteed to increase the heat generated by your equipment, as well as the amount of energy it consumes. This means it's worth making sure your system is cooling efficiently, as well as your power supply's ability to handle increased loads.

What parts of your computer can be overclocked?

Of course, not all of your equipment can be accelerated in this way. Basically, maximum efficiency is achieved by:

Of course, the overclocking process is not an easy task and deserves to be described in a separate article; now we have only briefly examined the essence of this procedure.

Video: Overclocking Windows CPU

Power settings

The system performance also depends on the selected power supply mode. In Windows 10, Balanced mode is set by default. It consumes less power because the processor power is reduced when idle. Setting the high performance mode can completely free up resources and increase the performance of your computer.

This is done as follows:

Of course, turning on high performance will increase power consumption.

Video: Windows 10 power settings

Disable unused Windows 10 services

Windows 10 uses many services that the average user does not need. This includes both services that track user actions in the system, as well as various kinds of services from Microsoft. All of them can significantly reduce the speed of Windows.

When disabling services, it is important to know which service is responsible for which functions

Don't focus too much on productivity programs. There are many programs that promise you an unprecedented speed increase. Some of these programs simply do not work, while others can harm your computer. The most useful of them will produce a result that you can get in another way - by running competent setup systems.

Disk Defragmenter

Defragment your hard drive from time to time. Defragmentation is a fairly simple process that must be carried out at least once every few months of using your computer.

This will increase the speed of file access, which, in turn, will have a positive effect on system performance. In order to carry it out:

The defragmentation process takes quite a long time, so it is better to plan it in advance. For example, you can leave your computer running at night.

Malicious applications If you are using standard Windows antivirus or you don’t have an antivirus program at all, one of the reasons slow work Windows 10 may have viruses. Try to check with reliable antivirus programs

at least from time to time.

Video: checking your computer for viruses

Driver Update

If you don't update your hardware drivers, your entire system can become quite slow over time. In most cases, in Windows 10, the system itself handles driver updates. However, you can always check which version of the driver you have installed through the Device Manager (you can access it in the menu that opens with the Win+X keyboard shortcut).

Unnecessary programs in system startup

A common reason for a computer running slowly, especially immediately after turning it on, is that big number programs that run with the system. It's worth thinking about which ones you don't need.

Startup settings are located in the task manager, which can be reached by pressing the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Esc. There you can easily see which programs download automatically and disable unnecessary ones.

Cleaning temporary files

Any computer is filled with information that is intended for temporary storage. You can get rid of it either manually or using special programs. Programs like CCleaner can help you with this. By conducting analysis and cleaning using such programs, you will experience an increase in productivity.

Setting up desktop graphics

The more different kinds of animation, translucency and others visual improvements used on your computer, the slower it will run. Fortunately, you can customize the display in such a way that you get a pleasant appearance desktop, and high performance computer.

Do the following actions to make this setting:

  1. Press the Win+X key combination and select “System” from the list.
  2. On the left side of the screen, open the advanced options window.
  3. Next, in the “Advanced” tab, find the performance section and go to its settings.
  4. Here you can either choose one of installed settings in the “Visual Effects” tab, for example, set the best performance, or make these settings manually. Having specified the visual effects settings that are convenient for you, click “Apply”.

You can customize every item of the system interface, but in fact, you can safely turn off all the items except two: leave “Smoothing on-screen text” to make reading from the monitor more comfortable, and “Output thumbnails instead of icons” if you want to navigate among photos faster .

Video: Setting up visual effects

We looked at how you can easily and quickly increase the performance of your operating system. Of course, this is not all that can be said about increasing productivity, but the steps and tips in this article will help you make better use of your computer's resources and increase its performance within reasonable limits.

In the article we will consider the topic of how to view the performance index in Windows 10, and thereby the user will understand how well his computer works. Most this function familiar from Windows 7, but, unfortunately, information about performance ratings is in the properties Windows systems 10 is missing.

Index Windows performance is a measurement tool that measures how well a computer's hardware and software configurations work together and reports the measurement as a number called the Baseline Performance Index. The higher the value base index performance, the computer will work more efficiently and respond faster, especially when performing more complex and resource-intensive tasks, compared to a computer with more low value base index.

Every hardware component receives its own, individual assessment, called a separate indicator. The final overall score reflects the minimum performance of the system as a whole, taking into account the capabilities various components computer, including (RAM), CPU(CPU), HDD(or SSD), performance graphics subsystem tailored to desktop needs and 3D graphics.

Below we will look at two ways to view the performance index: using standard means Windows PowerShell and using the third-party utility Winaero WEI Tool.

View the performance index using Windows PowerShell

To find out the Windows 10 Experience Index, you need to open PowerShell as an administrator. To do this in search bar system, enter the name of the classic PowerShell application, then right-click on the icon and select “Run as administrator” from the menu.

In the PowerShell window that opens, enter next command and press Enter

winsat formal

The team will evaluate the performance in a few minutes and the result will be in the .xml file indicating the testing date. It can be opened using a browser or regular notepad. Here is the path to the file

C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore\….Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml

But there is simpler method output of the test result. To do this, in the same PowerShell window, type the following cmdlet and press Enter

Get-CimInstance Win32_WinSAT

Data symbols:

  • CpuScore - processor rating.
  • D3DScore - gaming performance assessment.
  • DiskScore - performance hard drive or SSD.
  • GraphicsScore - video card rating.
  • MemoryScore - RAM.
  • WinSPRLevel is the overall performance rating of Windows 10, calculated using the minimum value.

Winaero WEI Tool is a free utility that allows you to view the performance index in a convenient graphical interface that is very similar to the interface used in Windows 7.

You can download the utility from the official website using this link.

It does not require installation and is easy to use. The files from the downloaded archive should be extracted, for example, to the desktop and then launched. The result will be shown immediately, because... the information is taken from the file discussed above. If necessary, you can restart the performance assessment by clicking on “Re-run the assessment”.

The longer we work on the computer, the more and more it begins to slow down. This is due to the fact that during the operation of the computer, new updates are released for Windows and other programs installed on the computer, which may be more demanding of the hardware system requirements. Also, the computer is filled with garbage, various unnecessary programs and files that constantly eat up free resources.

Today I will tell you how to speed up your computer with Windows 10, clean it from unnecessary trash and optimize for stable operation.

Checking the hardware

First of all, you need to check that your computer or laptop can really run Windows 10 without any problems. If your computer does not meet the system requirements, then speeding up Windows 10 on it will be problematic.

Minimum system Windows requirements 10

CPU: 1 GHz or more clock speed

Video card: Video adapter supporting DirectX 9 and WDDM version 1.0

Free hard disk space: 20 GB.

In principle, almost any computer on which Windows 8 or Windows 7 has previously been successfully installed fits into these system requirements. But it should be borne in mind that the above are only the minimum system requirements.

While using your computer, you will install various programs, e.g. Microsoft Office or Adobe Photoshop, which will also eat up some of the resources.

Therefore, if your computer does not reach the minimum system requirements, then you should think about how to improve it, or install another version of Windows, for example, Windows 7.

If your computer is powerful enough, then move on to the next paragraph of our article.

We leave only the necessary programs in Windows 10 startup

Eat whole line programs that launch immediately after turning on the computer and booting into Windows 10. Often, you don’t even need these programs, and you don’t even know their purpose.

For example, when you buy a laptop with a pre-installed operating system, the manufacturer installs about 10-15 various utilities(computer diagnostic tool, power management, help desk program, etc.) that are constantly running background and eat up precious computer resources. And while working on the computer, you install various programs that can also end up in startup, which you don’t need at all (for example, the torrent client uTorrent or Skype).

Our task is to leave only Windows 10 in startup necessary programs. Everything else needs to be at least removed from startup, and if the program is not needed, then completely removed from the computer.

In order to get into Windows startup 10 you need to open the task manager. To do this, press the key combination on your keyboard Ctrl+Shift+Esc or right-click on the taskbar and bring up the task manager.

After this, your task manager will open. If it opened collapsed, then press the " more details«.


In this window you can see all the programs that start immediately after turning on the computer. The “status” column indicates whether autostart of this program is enabled or not, and the “impact on startup” column indicates how much this program slows down startup and prevents Windows 10 from speeding up.

In the screenshot above you can see that I have autoloading enabled for the Snagit program, which has high influence for launch. I don’t need this program immediately after turning on the computer, so to disable it I right-click on it and click disable as in the screenshot below.

By the same principle, you should disable all programs that you do not use immediately after turning on the computer.

If you don’t know the purpose of any program on this list, you can search Google for its purpose, but it’s better to just disable it right away. The fact is that by removing some program from startup you will not harm your computer in any way.

The only thing you can harm is your comfort. It may be more convenient for you to Windows startup 10 launched Skype. In this case, you can return to this menu and click “enable” on the desired application.

After disconnecting unnecessary programs At startup, restart your computer.

Removing various junk from your computer

Have you noticed that the free space on your hard drive is getting less and less, even when you haven't downloaded or installed anything new? There is a way to increase free place. While working on Windows computer saves temporary files, update files, history of sites you visit, and so on.

By deleting these files, we will not only free up free space on your computer’s hard drive, but also speed up Windows operation 10.

For the cleaning temporary files can be used great program CCleaner, but I'll show you how to do it standard means Windows 10

Click menu Start and write " disk cleanup". Click on the found program.

Select the disk on which you want to clean up junk and click OK. In 99 percent of cases, this will be drive C, because this is where Windows is usually installed.

The window that appears will tell you how much hard drive space you can free up. In my case it is 1.86 GB.

Select all possible checkboxes and click OK.

After deleting these files, go to Disk Cleanup again, but this time click " clean system files«.

In the window that appears, also check the boxes next to all the items and click “OK” to delete.

Now you need to remove all unnecessary programs that are installed on your computer. Right click on menu Start and go to Control Panel - Uninstall programs.

Look at the list carefully installed programs and remove everything you don't use. Of course, for programs that you are not familiar with, it is better to first search on the Internet. You may need to remove the necessary Windows driver or utility.

So you will remove excess trash on your computer and speed up Windows 10.

Windows 10 Registry Cleaner

Slow Windows 10 performance may be due to a clogged registry with errors. Errors in the registry are inevitable after incorrect uninstallation of programs, installations and removal of many programs.

Manually clean windows registry It's a thankless task, so he comes to our aid free program CCleaner. You can easily find a download link in any search engine.

Run CCleaner program and go to the section " Registry". Click the button Troubleshooting«.

When the program checks the system registry for errors, click the " To correct" and select " Fix everything«.

Installing drivers on Windows 10

It’s a good idea to speed up Windows 10 by installing latest drivers on the computer. Fortunately, in Windows 10, updating drivers has become incredibly simple. Drivers for your computer's devices are installed automatically during operation, but there are always exceptions.

Right click on menu Start and select " device Manager«.

The Device Manager window that appears lists all the devices on your computer - video card, connected mice and keyboards, monitor, processors, and so on.

If you see an icon next to some equipment question mark or the device is written unknown, which means you need to update the drivers for it.

Right-click on the device and click “update drivers.” Next, select “ automatic search updated drivers."

If the driver needed updating, Windows 10 itself will find it on the Internet and install it on the computer.

Disabling user tracking functions in Windows 10

Windows 10 by default transmits user activity data to Microsoft. Of course, this data is supposedly anonymous and supposedly aimed at improving the product, but the point is that all these functions, in addition to violating your privacy, also eat up Internet traffic, which will only increase the load on the computer. We strongly recommend that you disable user tracking features.

To do this, click StartOptions.

Go to the section " Privacy«.

Are common— disable everything except the SmartScreen filter.

Location- turn off everything

Speech, handwriting, and text input- turn off everything

Reviews and diagnostics section— set the item “never” and “basic information”

I have listed only the basic functions of monitoring the user of Windows 10. If you wish, you can also disable access of some programs to the microphone and camera, as well as prohibit the updating of some background programs(see screenshot below).

Disable applications in the Start menu

Windows 10 has a colorful Start menu with tiles of the most various applications. Do you use them? We'll talk about uninstalling these apps in the next article, but for now you can simply disable them. Press unnecessary tiles in the Start menu, right-click and click “unpin from” home screen».

This way, the tiles will not be displayed and the computer will run a little faster. Overclocking a computer is all about the little things.

Disable animation and sounds

Very weak computers disable animation and unnecessary Windows sounds can give a significant increase in computer speed. On modern computers This is no longer so noticeable, but let’s still consider this point.

Click on menu Start right click and select partition System.

In the window that opens, click “ Extra options systems«.

Select " Options" In chapter " Performance«.

Select "Get the best performance" and click OK.

After that, right-click on the desktop and go to the menu “ Personalization» — « Colors". Disable the option " Make the Start menu, taskbar and action center transparent«.

You can also turn off the sounds of Windows 10 events. This will allow the system not to contact you again. hard drive to play a sound for some kind of notification, for example, that updates are available.

To turn off sounds, right-click on the menu Start, go to Control PanelSound.

On the Sounds tab, select sound scheme"Mute" and click "OK".

Now the system will not use smooth transitions, notification sounds, fading effects, animation on the taskbar and other amenities. It may not work as aesthetically pleasing, but you will notice a slight acceleration in the operation of Windows 10.


We looked at the main ways to speed up Windows 10. However, I have a couple more words about what is undesirable or even impossible to do.

  1. Don't use software various programs optimizers and Windows accelerators. Such programs are unsafe and are more likely to harm your computer than help speed up Windows 10.
  2. Don't disconnect Windows services, if you are not 100 percent sure of your actions.

Finally, I suggest you watch a few video lessons on how to speed up your computer. Maybe someone will find the video clearer and more understandable than the text in the article.

If you still have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments.

The Windows Experience Index is a special software utility from Microsoft, which was installed by default in the operating system starting with Vista versions. On Windows 10 Microsoft company abandoned it, but the ability to check computer performance did not completely disappear. In this material, we will tell you how to find out the Windows 10 performance index using operating system tools and third party applications.

How to view the performance index in Windows 10 via the command line

The easiest way to determine computer performance on current version operating system - use the command line. In software Windows code tools for calculating computer performance have been preserved, and in Windows 10 Microsoft only removed graphical shell, which allowed users to easily use this utility.

To determine the Windows 10 Experience Index, you need to do the following:


Attention: If Windows is not installed on your C drive, you should change the first letter of the address to the name system disk.

  • SystemScore – general performance index of the Windows 10 operating system on the computer’s hardware;
  • MemoryScore – an indicator of the efficiency of RAM;
  • CpuScore – computer CPU performance index;
  • GraphicsScore – the efficiency of a computer with heavy graphics: video playback, responsiveness of the system interface, etc.;
  • GamingScore – computer gaming power. Attention: This parameter is displayed incorrectly, and most often it shows the value 9.9. This is due to the fact that the Windows operating system evaluates the computer’s performance in “basic” games that do not require special power;
  • DiskScore - performance rating hard drives installed on the computer. The score is shown as the average for all SSDs and HDDs available in the PC.

Viewing the performance index in Windows 10 can be useful if you purchase new computer or there is a desire to improve the current one. Using these numbers, you can determine which parts of your computer work the weakest and what should be updated first.

How to check the performance index in Windows 10 through a third-party program

The method of checking computer performance described above cannot be called simple and convenient. There are a number special applications, which performs all the actions described above instead of the user, and the result is displayed in a conveniently designed graphical interface.

Most famous free application, which allows you to determine the performance index of a Windows 10 computer, is the Winaero WEI tool. It can be easily downloaded from the Internet onto your computer, but when downloading and installing, make sure you choose a reliable site. Having installed the Winaero WEI tool application on your computer, you just need to launch it, and it reads the information from the file that was created during manual verification via the command line. If such a file is not found on the computer, you can carry out the first check or, by clicking on the “Re-run the assessment” button, repeat the procedure for determining the performance index.

The advantage of this application is that it displays information about the performance of the Windows operating system in a familiar format. The program highlights the weakest indicators to make it easier for the user to navigate the results.


Assessing performance in Windows 10 and speeding up the system

Microsoft, in the eighth version of its Windows operating system, decided to remove the system performance assessment tool and the table that displayed the scores received separate components personal computer. This index is also missing in Windows 10. However, the functionality itself has not disappeared. Moreover, the rating scale has become more logical, changing its maximum value from eight to ten points. And despite the fact that there is no corresponding item in the system properties, performance assessment can be found both using standard OS tools and using third-party applications.

Benchmarking Windows 10 Performance

Many people were waiting for the release of a new operating system from Microsoft, in addition to visual changes A significant part of the code was reworked, which, according to the Redmond team, led to an increase in the speed and responsiveness of the system. Complex technical solutions, developed and implemented by the company’s programmers, had a good impact on the overall performance of the OS and you can use the Windows 10 performance index as a verification tool, comparing it with similar indicators of previous versions of the operating system.

Find out the performance rating using the command line

You can evaluate the performance of your PC using the standard tools of the OS itself. To do this, you need to run a special command in the CMD shell. Command Prompt must be run as administrator. To do this, right-click on the “Start” icon and select the “Command Prompt (Administrator)” menu item. In the console window that appears, you need to type winsat formal-restart clean and confirm execution by pressing Enter keys, after which the performance assessment in Windows 10 will start.

Interestingly, executing this command will completely erase the history of previously conducted checks and the scoring will begin anew. If you run the winsat formal command without additional key, then the previous data will be saved.

It is also important to know that when checking mobile device device, such as a laptop or tablet, must be connected to a power source, otherwise diagnostics will not be able to run.

It will take a few minutes for the system to evaluate the device's capabilities, depending on its power, after which you can close the window command line. The test results are located in the Formal.Assessment.WinSAT.xml file, located at: C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore, in the WinSPR section. The data in it is presented in the form of a table with the following values:

  • SystemScore provides an overall performance score based on the minimum of the values ​​shown below.
  • MemoryScore displays the result of the device's RAM test.
  • CpuScore – score obtained by the central processor.
  • raphicScore summarizes the test of the graphics subsystem when working with the interface, as well as video content.
  • GamingScore shows the device's performance in graphics-intensive applications and games.
  • DiskScore displays the score work hard disk.

This method of testing system performance does not require installation. third party software, and performance evaluation in Windows 10 can be carried out without an Internet connection.

Determining the performance index using the Winaero WEI Tool utility

For those who don't want to mess around with the command line there is special utility to calculate and display system performance scores – Winaero WEI Tool. In addition to being free, the program is also portable, which allows you to use it without the need for installation. You just need to download it from the manufacturer’s website, unpack the downloaded archive and run executable file. The program interface resembles that of Windows 7. When making an assessment, the utility uses the data standard tool checking the operating system performance index.

Increase system performance

You can improve the performance of Windows 10 through several factors. The main reason This indicator can be reduced by using outdated or non-original device drivers. To update, you need to go to Device Manager and select the “Update hardware configuration” menu item. Windows will try to find and install the most appropriate and up-to-date drivers. The number of “live tiles” displayed in the Start menu also affects performance. It is recommended to unpin all unused tiles from the Start screen using the appropriate option context menu each of them. In the advanced system performance settings, you should disable all or some visual effects, because they consume video card and CPU resources. To increase system performance, you can also disable OS notifications and prompts. To do this, you need to launch the “Settings” application and, in the “System” sub-item, turn off the switch for the “Display tips for working with Windows” item. It is also important to keep the system secure and prevent all kinds of viruses from entering it.

The Windows 10 Performance Score can be used as a tool to measure the responsiveness and performance of a device, its individual components, and the operating system installed on it. And, despite the fact that the manufacturer has complicated access to this functionality, using it is not difficult.


Windows 10 Performance Index - 2 easy ways

The Windows 10 Performance Index is an OS system service that allows you to find out the level of efficiency of your PC or laptop. It is worth noting that the overall score is not determined by displaying the total number of points.

The final index is the number of the most productive in operating system component. In Windows 10, the maximum value that productivity can acquire is 9.9.

Typically, the most powerful component in a system is the hard drive or solid state drive (SSD).

In the tenth version of the operating system, as in more earlier versions Windows, there is no GUI component that can determine the computer's productivity index.

This indicator can only be viewed using third-party applications or using the command line.

The first and easiest way to check your performance level is to enter the appropriate command in the Command Prompt. A special command allows you to force start system service assessing the level of PC effectiveness.

Upon completion, the user can view a report of the completed scan directly in the command line window.

Follow the instructions to perform the performance assessment:

  • Run the command line utility as a system administrator. To do this, right-click on the “Start” icon and select “Run Command Prompt (Administrator)”, as shown in the illustration below;

Window for enabling the command line as system administrator

  • In the console window that opens, enter the following command: winsat formal –restart clean;
  • To execute the entered command, press the Enter button;
  • Next, the service command will be launched and its further execution. Wait a few seconds until the Command Prompt window displays all analyzed parameters and their efficiency value.

Result of executing the command to evaluate the PC performance index

Remember! The assessment may take several minutes. Do not close the command line while the operation is running. Also, to obtain the most accurate results, you should not run any programs (browsers, players, games) during the analysis.

You can view the scan results not only in the command line window, but also in a file saved on disk.

Its location is: C:\\Windows\\Performance\\WinSAT\\DataStore. The file itself is called Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml. It can be opened in two ways: using a browser or a regular notepad. Find and open the file.

Then press the Ctrl+F key combination to search the text of the file contents.

In the search bar, enter the following parameters:

  • SystemScore – the value of this field is the performance index in the Windows operating system; it is determined by the minimum value;
  • DiskScore – the value of this field is the performance index of the installed solid state drive or hard drive;
  • MemoryScore – productivity of the computer’s RAM;
  • GamingScore – view your computer’s performance in games;
  • CpuScore – CPU performance index;
  • GraphicsScore – the value of this field is an index of the performance of the interface that allows you to play the video.

Appearance of a file with OS performance analysis data

back to menu

This program free and available for download on any version of Windows OS.

Main window of the Winaero WEI program

To view the system productivity index, the user simply needs to install and open the program. The main window will indicate the general index and the performance values ​​of individual computer elements.

The Re-run the assessment key allows you to re-evaluate your PC's performance level. To perform the action, the program will ask for administrator rights.

Re-evaluate system performance if you need to check the index after optimizing the OS.

Thematic videos:

Windows 10 Experience Index - 2 simple ways test the system

The video talks about the WSAT utility.

For those users who switched to Windows 10 from Windows 7, it was a surprise that there was no way to evaluate system performance.


Windows 10 Experience Index: what is it and how to view it?

Let's start with terminology. Windows 10 Experience Index is a service built into the OS that allows you to test PC performance and provide a rating. Moreover, the lowest indicator is always taken into account. In earlier versions Windows users they easily found the indicator - it was presented in the graphical interface, and sometimes they argued about who had more power.

How to view the performance index in Windows 10 you ask? The developers decided to make the process a little more complicated for inexperienced users- although why do they need him! So, one way is to request the test from the command line - with administrator rights, of course. Right click “Start” → “Command Prompt (Administrator)” → enter “winsat formal –restart clean” →.

We thus ran an assessment lasting no more than a few minutes. More clear file with the decryption located “C:” → “Windows” → “Perfomance” → “WinSat” → “DataStore” → and open the file named “xxxx-xx-xx xx.xx.xx.xxx Formal.Assessment (Initial).WinSAT .xml". The positions in the file that interest us can be found by entering + [F] - “WinSPR” in the search. There will be a long-awaited rating between the two tags. In fact, the performance index score is a very variable variable - it depends on many factors. After analyzing the indicators for an hour, you can change them, for example, change the desktop theme to a regular solid color, or turn off “Aero”.

Performance Metrics

Let's look at the indicators and understand what they are responsible for:

  • - system performance, displays the lowest score;
  • - RAM rating;
  • - number of processor calculation operations per second;
  • - speed of access graphics core;
  • - game graphics;
  • - speed of access to the hard drive.

Other assessment methods

How else can you find out the performance index in Windows 10? Using Powershell. Essentially this is the same command line, but more advanced with flexible controls and greater capabilities. " Command line interface (Administrator)" → type "Powershell" → .

You must enter “Winsat Forml” → and enter again. You will see the test result.

Without closing Powershell, let's try one more method. Enter "Get-CimInstance Win32_WinSAT". By entering a cmdlet (calls a command and an object itself, combines a noun and a verb), we will get an existing assessment.

How else can you check the Windows 10 System Experience Index? The answer is simple, again through Powershell, this time we enter “Get-WmiObject –Class Win32_WinSAT”, having received the result, we will see a new indicator, which, in general, was previously known to us - WinSPRLevel - the lowest indicator of all received.

Performance index checking utilities

We found out where you can look at the Windows 10 performance index, taking into account the built-in capabilities, but there are other ways that are easier for the average person. So in free access There are two utilities that do not require installation and produce results without fussing around the command line. Below is how to determine the computer performance index using them.

  1. WSAT is a familiar interface and completely similar to the graphical representation in previous versions of Windows. In Russian and English languages, immediately after launch shows the rating. If you do not agree with it, you can repeat the action.

  1. Winaero WEI tool and WSAT, as they say, “two from a casket, identical in appearance” - the operating algorithm is the same. Free, not Russified, only English version, no additional functions No. But the indicators are slightly lower in some positions than those of his twin brother. If you are an optimist, accept the higher estimate; if you are a realist and a bit of a pessimist, accept the lower indicators and improve them. Compare each indicator using screenshots.

Performance upgrades

The question immediately arises: how to increase the productivity index? Not difficult, let's find out what methods exist.

  1. Upgrade RAM, processor, video card and hard drive. This is of course a radical option, but the most effective.
  2. Cleaning from dust and physical repair. So if the cooler works poorly, performance drops along with clock frequency processor.
  3. Everyone knows and loves defragmentation - moving and merging free clusters together, leads to more fast work random access memory.
  4. If your OS is very loaded and there has been no reinstallation for a long time, then it’s time to upgrade to a more new version.
  5. Try defragmenting your disk on Windows 10.
  6. Optimizers, accelerators, cleaners are capable of increasing system performance many times over.
  7. Options in the system itself: “Start” → “System” → “Advanced system settings” → “System Properties” → “Advanced” tab → “Performance” → “Options” → select “Get the best performance” → OK.

Also on our website you can find out why the disk is 100 percent loaded in Windows 10.


Windows 10 Experience Index

In the article we will consider the topic of how to view the performance index in Windows 10, and thereby the user will understand how well his computer works. Most people are familiar with this function from Windows 7, but, unfortunately, there is no information about performance evaluation in the Windows 10 system properties.

The Windows Experience Index is a measurement tool that measures how well your computer's hardware and software configurations work together, and represents the measurement as a number called the Baseline Experience Index. The higher the Base Performance Index score, the more efficient and responsive your computer will be, especially when performing more complex and resource-intensive tasks, compared to a computer with a lower Base Performance Index score.

Each hardware component gets its own, individual score, called an individual score. The final overall score reflects the minimum performance of the system as a whole, taking into account the capabilities of various computer components, including random access memory (RAM), central processing unit (CPU), hard drive (or SSD), graphics performance for desktop and 3D graphics needs.

Below we will consider two ways to view the performance index: using the standard Windows tools PowerShell and using the third-party utility Winaero WEI Tool.

View the performance index using Windows PowerShell

To find out the Windows 10 Experience Index, you need to open PowerShell as an administrator. To do this, enter the name of the classic PowerShell application in the search bar of the system, then right-click on the icon and select “Run as administrator” from the menu.

In the PowerShell window that opens, enter the following command and press Enter

The team will evaluate the performance in a few minutes and the result will be in the .xml file indicating the testing date. It can be opened using a browser or regular notepad. Here is the path to the file

C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore\….Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml

But there is a simpler method for displaying the test result. To do this, in the same PowerShell window, type the following cmdlet and press Enter

Get-CimInstance Win32_WinSAT

Data symbols:

  • CpuScore - processor rating.
  • D3DScore - gaming performance assessment.
  • DiskScore - hard drive or SSD performance.
  • GraphicsScore - video card rating.
  • MemoryScore - RAM.
  • WinSPRLevel is the overall performance rating of Windows 10, calculated using the minimum value.

Viewing the performance index using Winaero WEI Tool

Winaero WEI Tool is a free utility that allows you to view the performance index in a convenient graphical interface that is very similar to the interface used in Windows 7.

You can download the utility from the official website using this link.

It does not require installation and is easy to use. The files from the downloaded archive should be extracted, for example, to the desktop and then launched. The result will be shown immediately, because... the information is taken from the file discussed above. If necessary, you can restart the performance assessment by clicking on “Re-run the assessment”.