Translation from the wrong layout online. Keyboard Layout Switches Overview

Punto Switcher- a program for automatically switching keyboard layouts. The program monitors the correct keyboard layout when typing on a computer, and if necessary, automatically replaces the keyboard layout.

Many people are familiar with the situation when, while typing on the keyboard, the user forgot to change the keyboard layout, for example, from English to Russian. The user enters the word “hello” thinking that he is typing text in the Russian layout, but in fact he is entering the word “ghbdtn” in English layout keyboards. Punto Switcher will understand that the user has made a mistake and will switch to the correct keyboard layout.

Key features of the free Punto Switcher program:

  • automatic keyboard switching
  • autocorrect
  • fixing selected text and text on the clipboard
  • sound design
  • switch keyboard layout using hotkeys
  • maintaining a Diary in which all typed text is saved
  • saving the last 30 texts to the clipboard

In the Punto Switcher program, you can not only correct the layout and case, but also perform the following actions: check spelling, transliterate, clear selected text from formatting, etc.

When switching layouts, and in some other cases, Punto Switcher serves sound signal, notifying you of these actions.

You can download free program Punto Switcher from the official website of Yandex - the manufacturer of this application.

punto switcher download

Punto Switcher Settings

You can enter the settings of the Punto Switcher program from the notification area. After right-clicking on the program icon, select context menu"Settings" item.

After this, the “Punto Switcher Settings” window will open. The program settings are located in several sections:

  • General - here you can configure general rules for the program to work
  • Hotkeys - you can set up hotkeys for more convenient control program
  • Switching rules - here you can configure the program in which cases you should switch the keyboard layout and in which cases you should not do this
  • Exception programs - you can add programs to the list in which you will need to disable automatic keyboard layout switching
  • Troubleshooting - Here you can add some additional settings if problems arise
  • AutoCorrect - in this section you can specify abbreviations that will be automatically replaced with full words
  • Sounds - here are the sound settings for actions and events in the Punto Switcher program
  • Diary - you can save all text information typed on the keyboard

You can read more about working with the Punto Switcher Diary in a special article on my website.

The program offers several hotkey options for switching layouts. In the "General" section, you can activate the "Switch by:" item and then select hotkeys for fast switching keyboard layouts. The Punto Switcher program responds to quick presses keys in order to avoid conflicts with normal system shortcuts.

You can perform any actions using the Punto Switcher program using hot keys, or including necessary functions, after clicking on the program icon from the notification area.

Here you can quickly change some program settings: enable or disable auto-switching, sound effects, in the clipboard you will be able to: change the layout, transliterate, check spelling, view history, additionally you can enable journaling, view your diary, create an autocorrect list, send the selected text to Twitter, view system properties, convert numbers to text.

Using the program you can find necessary information on external resources on the Internet. Select “Find” from the context menu, and then decide where to look for the information you need.

Fixing typing errors in Punto Switcher

When typing words that have impossible combinations of letters in Russian or English, Punto program Switcher will automatically switch the keyboard layout. Next, you will type the text in the correct language.

In more simple cases the program changes the layout after several letters are entered; in more complex cases, the word will change only after complete input, after pressing the spacebar.

You can manually cancel switching the keyboard layout on the last word entered. Let's say there are some English words in the Russian text that the program wants to convert into Russian, or there is a typo. To do this, you will need to press the “Pause/Break” key. You can also select text and change the input language using this very useful key. In this case, the layout is also changed using the “Shift” + “Pause/Break” (Break) keys.

Remember this “magic” key, it will often help you out when entering text.

  • Pause/Break (Break) - using this key you can forcefully change the input language last word, or selected text.

When entering abbreviations that do not follow the rules, errors in the alteration of these words are possible. You can disable abbreviation correction in the program settings. In the “General” section, in the “Advanced” tab, you can uncheck the box next to the “Correct abbreviations” item. However, this is not necessary, since if an abbreviation is entered incorrectly, you can press the “Pause/Break” key in order to correct this word.

Many laptops do not have a Pause/Break key. What should such users do?

Replacing the Break key with another key on a laptop

If your laptop does not have a “Pause/Break” key, then Yandex suggests using the “F11” key instead. You can select any other keys.

In Punto Switcher settings, go to the “Hot Keys” section. Select the action you want to change. In our case, this is a replacement for the “Break” key (Pause/Break). Click on the “Assign...” button.

In the “Select key combination” window, activate the item opposite the input field, click in the field with the mouse button, and then press on the keyboard on the desired key, or several keys at once. After that, click on the “OK” button, the key combinations will be changed.

Instead of the "Break" key, I chose the "F11" key.

As you can see in this image, I changed the "Break" key to "F11" in the Hotkey settings.

Changing case, transliteration, spell checking

To change the case, the program has the key combination “Alt” + “Pause/Break”. You will need to highlight the text and then press the given keyboard keys. As a result, everything capital letters will become CAPITAL, and capital letters, on the contrary, in capitals.

To change transliteration, that is, to translate letters of Russian text into Latin letters, or vice versa, you can use the key combination “Alt” + “ Scroll Lock" For example, if you need to change the word "thank you" into a word written with Latin letters"Thank you."

Highlight the right word or text, and then press that keyboard shortcut. The selected text will be written in Latin or Russian letters (if reverse transliteration is performed).

There are no rules for a unified Russian transliteration yet, so the text will be rewritten according to Yandex rules.

With Punto Switcher you can check spelling on the clipboard. To do this, click on the program icon in the notification area. In the context menu, first select “Clipboard”, and then “Check Spelling”.

Now you can paste text from the clipboard into a document, into your correspondence, or elsewhere.

Conclusions of the article

The free program Punto Switcher from Yandex automatically changes the keyboard layout, makes corrections in the typed text, performs autocorrection, transliteration, spell checking, and saves the typed data in a diary.


Automatic switching. By itself, it will not change the language of what you enter; for this it needs help. You will need special program Punto Switcher, which, after installation, automatically detects the word you enter and sets the desired layout for it. If the program mistakenly changes the language, you can cancel the change by pressing one key, which you set in the program settings. You can do it yourself on the Internet - the program is distributed.

Switch the input language using a combination of keystrokes. In order to change the language to , you need to synchronously press the “Shift” + “Alt” or “Shift” + “Ctrl” keys. Try to press the "Shift" key first, since pressing "Alt" first activates the control panel open window, which makes it quite difficult and sometimes disrupts the established working rhythm.

You can also switch the keyboard layout through the language interface, which is entered through the control panel. In the panel you will see displayed on this moment input language. Left-click on it and check the box next to it in English. More detailed settings carried out by right-clicking on the shortcut.

Video on the topic


  • translator with Russian keyboard

Even those who know English well sometimes give up when they have to translate something. Speaking a foreign language in general is often easier than writing, much less translating a specific text. Let's try to figure out the techniques that can help when translating into English.


To translate a text into English, you should first create a glossary, i.e. a list of words that are unfamiliar to you or cause you doubt. These words need to be translated using any dictionary; if you have any difficulties, you can also use an English-English dictionary - a dictionary of definitions (word definitions). However, an English-English dictionary can only be used by those who know English fairly well. You will spend time compiling a glossary, but this will save time during the actual translation of the text: you will not have to look at the dictionary too often.

Whatever translation method you use, your text is unlikely to be sufficiently “English”, since those who do not have translation experience or experience living in an English-speaking country are usually unfamiliar with the intricacies of translating certain expressions. To keep abreast of living English and follow the subtleties of translation, of course, it is not necessary to go to England, although this is the best way. According to university teachers, quite effective method There will also be listening to English-language news and watching films. All this will allow you to deepen your knowledge of the English language and translate better into English.

If you want to change the language entered on the keyboard, all actions will take you no more than a minute. Today there are three ways to carry out operational shift language mode.

You will need

  • Computer, Punto Switcher software



  • Russian keyboard translation

Translation to foreign language complex terms, conventional abbreviations and abbreviations that are used daily in business and informal vocabulary often become not an easy task. Most often, when translating such a plan, specific dictionaries are used, including electronic ones.


Choose a dictionary with which you will translate the word. It could be classic Russian-English dictionary, made in paper form. You can buy it at a bookstore or use the services of a library. If you translate a lot and often, then it would be a good idea to purchase such a dictionary and use it at home or on the road.

It is often more convenient to translate using electronic dictionaries. This is a device that actually stores a database of words with translation. Unlike a paper dictionary, where you have to look for each word by flipping through many pages, the electronic dictionary provides the ability to quickly search for a word or phrase by its first words.

A good and inexpensive alternative electronic dictionary is a program that can be installed on Personal Computer, smartphone or PDA. Such a program provides the ability to connect various dictionaries, including medical, legal, technical and others. Possible choice different languages. This way, the dictionary will always be at your fingertips. In addition, there are a large number of dictionaries that can be used on the Internet.

Try to translate the term in parts. The word "society" in English can be translated as company, considering it as economic term. The phrase “limited liability” is a fairly well-established expression used in, and is translated into English as limited liability. In addition, you can find a direct translation of the entire term “limited liability company”. Most dictionaries suggest that it will be a limited liability company or simply a limited company.

Find the translation of the abbreviation “LLC”. In , like this, there will be an abbreviation made up of the first letters, that is, LLC. Also widely used is the abbreviation Ltd., which is an abbreviation of the word limited. Sometimes it is used with the addition of the word company, and then it is like Co. Ltd.


  • oooh translation into English

Modern computer technology is aimed at ensuring user comfort. In order to save work space and reduce dimensions, manufacturers make a multifunctional keyboard: in different key combinations it allows you to perform various functions.


As a rule, in Russia the standard computer is bilingual: the same buttons allow you to type in either language, since they operate within the framework of the Cyrillic and Latin alphabet. At the same time, two letters are written on each button: a Russian letter is depicted in the lower right corner, and a Latin letter in the upper left corner. For additional user convenience, characters of different alphabets differ in color and brightness.

Please note that punctuation marks and extra-text characters on the keyboard also follow different layouts: some characters can be used when the keyboard is in a language, others when switching to English or another Western language (depending on the computer system settings). These signs, like letters, are located in different corners of the key and have various colors.

More often text documents and browser windows are set to English by default. That is, when you open a document, you will start typing Latin font. If you need the Russian alphabet, switch the language layout on your . You can translate the keyboard from English to Russian different ways. Pay attention to the “Taskbar”, which is located at the very bottom of your computer. Next to the “System Three”, where the clock and other system shortcuts are located by default, is “ Language bar" It displays which language is currently activated on your computer. If you see the designation “EN”, left-click on this icon. The “language panel” will unfold and you will see a line with the image “RU” - this is the Russian language. Click on this menu line and your keyboard layout will change from English to Russian.

You can change the language the keyboard uses to type using specific keys. Press the "Shift + Alt" keys simultaneously (on some computers the combination is "Shift + Ctrl"), and your keyboard layout will change.

JavaScript is an object-oriented programming language based on scripts. Most often used to set software when pages react to user actions. The presence of java scripts on the page slightly increases their volume, so it is not recommended to use complex programming structures.

All hotkeys can be customized, and in addition to the default combinations, you can set any key in combination with Shift, Ctrl, Alt or Windows. You can disable any combination by deleting the contents of the combination input field.

You can set up keyboard shortcuts for next steps programs:

  • Program settings
  • Switching layouts
  • AutoCorrect
  • Working with Windows
Program settings

    Open Punto settings Switcher- fast access to the program settings window.

    Enable/Disable Sound Effects - If key voicing bothers you (for example, in games), press the selected hotkeys to temporarily disable Punto Switcher sounds. Pressing these keys again will unmute the sounds.

Switching layouts

    Change the layout of the selected text - convert the layout of the text selected on the screen from English characters to Russian and vice versa.

    Shift + Break.

    Enable/disable automatic layout switching - this combination is similar to the Auto Switch command in the program context menu.

Text conversion and transliteration

    Cancel layout conversion - cancels the completed text conversion.

    By default, the Break key is used for this. If you prefer to use another key, assign it yourself. For laptops that do not have direct access to the Break key, you can use the F11 key.

    Change case of selected text - converts selected characters from upper case to lower case and vice versa.

    The default combination is Alt keys+Break.

    Transliterate selected text - translation Cyrillic characters, highlighted on the screen, into Latin according to the rules specified in the file translit.dat. If you need to change the transliteration rules, edit this file.

    The default key combination is Alt + Scroll Lock.

    Convert number to text - replacing a highlighted number or monetary amount written in numerals with a number or amount in words.

    The function will be useful for those who work with payment documents. Allows you to replace, for example, “247-23” with “Two hundred and forty-seven rubles 23 kopecks” or “457” with “Four hundred and fifty-seven” without entering the text manually. Assign your own keyboard shortcut to this feature.


    Open autocorrect settings - open a window for working with autocorrects.

    Using autocorrect allows you to save significant time when performing routine actions.

    Show/hide the autocorrect list - calling the list quick insert in the main menu. The list can also be called up by clicking the program icon with the left mouse button.

    Show AutoCorrect Insert Menu - Displays a menu containing the full phrases specified in the AutoCorrect list. Select the desired phrase from the list, and it will be inserted into the text.

    Add selected text to AutoCorrect - writes the selected text or phrase to AutoCorrect. The option will be useful for those who actively use autocorrect.

Search and publish on the Internet

    Find in Yandex - search in Yandex for text highlighted on the screen.

    The default combination for this is Win keys+S.

    Find translation in Yandex.Translator - translation of the selected word or phrase in Yandex.Translator.

    Find an address in Yandex.Maps - search for the address highlighted on the screen or geographical name in Yandex.Maps.

    Find a product on Yandex.Market - search for a highlighted word in products on Yandex.Market.

    Find news in Yandex.News - search for the word highlighted on the screen in Yandex.News.

    Find an image on Yandex.Pictures - search for a word highlighted on the screen in images on Yandex.Pictures.

    Find in Russian Wikipedia - search for a word or term highlighted on the screen in Russian Wikipedia.

    Find in English Wikipedia - search for the word or term highlighted on the screen in English Wikipedia.

    Send selected text to Twitter - Send the selected text to Twitter.

Diary and working with the clipboard

    Show diary - calls the diary viewer.

    Show clipboard history - displays a menu, each line of which corresponds to the text of the Punto Switcher clipboard.

    The program can remember the last 30 texts. Select a line to insert it into your text.

    Change clipboard layout - convert the contents of the clipboard from Latin to Cyrillic characters and vice versa (for example, “ghbdtn” - “hello”).

    Transliterate text on the clipboard - translates the contents of the clipboard from Cyrillic to Latin and vice versa (for example, “hello” - “privet”).

    Write text from the clipboard to the diary - saves the contents of the clipboard to the diary.

    Write selected text to diary - saves the selected text to the diary.

    The setting is useful for saving text information In one place. Saving the text is accompanied by a brief change in the color of the icon to red.

    Paste text without formatting - paste the copied text, cleared of formatting.

    The default combination is Ctrl keys+ Win + V .

Working with Windows

    Collapse active window- key for minimizing the active window.

    Maximize/restore active window - key to maximize and restore the active window.

This latest article is written to highlight up-to-date information about deletion unnecessary links from Blogspot templates as well as new Blogger themes. As you know, there were changes in Blogger codes in 2018, so many actions with the code need to be done in a new way. Plus, new topics have appeared that are formed differently. In connection with these changes, we will discuss the topic of removing links.
You can check your blog for the presence of external links on the services and Don’t forget that you need to check not only the main page of the blog, but also the posts page and the Page. A large number of External links open to indexing are prevented.

How to remove links from old standard template Blogger Using the Simple template as an example.
Such templates give the most external links. On my test blog, when I installed a simple theme, I checked and found 25 external links to home page, of which 14 were indexed.
I remind you that before making changes to the template code, make a backup copy!
  • Remove link to Blogger - This link is contained within the Attribution widget. In the “Blog Design” tab, it is displayed as the Attribution gadget and . To remove it, go to the “Theme” tab -> edit HTML. By searching for widgets (list of widgets), we find Attribution1 and delete all the code along with the footer section in which it is enclosed. This is what the removed code looks like collapsed:

    And here's the full code:

    Save the changes and check the blog for Attribution.
  • You, of course, have seen the “Wrench and Screwdriver” icons on your blog for quickly editing widgets. Each such icon carries with it an external link to Blogger. They are now closed tagged nofollow, but you still need to get rid of them. You will edit widgets in the Design tab.
    Here incomplete list links that are encrypted in icons wrench(The blog ID will be yours)
    - HTML1 Widget:§ionId=header
    - HTML2 widget§ionId=header
    - Blog archive:§ionId=main
    - Blog shortcuts:§ionId=main
    - Popular messages:§ionId=main
    It's easy to get rid of all these links. Find the tag in your blog template. It appears as many times as there are widgets on your blog. Remove all occurrences of the tag.
  • Removing links to quick editing blog entries (“Pencil” icon). Makes it easier to edit posts, but poses a threat as an external link like:
    How to delete:
    Method 1. In the Design tab, edit the “Blog Posts” element and uncheck the “Show “Quick Edit”” checkbox.
    Method 2. Find the tag in your blog template and remove it. Save your changes and check your blog for the icon and link.
  • Remove Navbar. Search for widgets in html template blog Navbar1 and delete all the code along with the section.


    function setAttributeOnload(object, attribute, val) (
    if(window.addEventListener) (
    function())( object = val; ), false);
    ) else (
    window.attachEvent("onload", function())( object = val; ));

    gapi.load("", function() (
    if (gapi.iframes && gapi.iframes.getContext) (
    url: "\x3d1490203873741752013\x26blogName\x3dnew\x26publishMode\x3dPUBLISH_MODE_BLOGSPOT\x26navbarType\x3dLIGHT\x26layoutType\x3dLAYOUTS\x26searchRoot \x3d /search\x26blogLocale\x3dru\x26v\x3d2\x26homepageUrl\x3d\x26vt\x3d-3989465016614688571",
    where: document.getElementById("navbar-iframe-container"),
    id: "navbar-iframe"

    (function() (
    var script = document.createElement("script");
    script.type = "text/javascript";
    script.src = "//";
    var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head");
    if (head) (

    Now the blog Navbar does not provide indexable external links, but I believe that this extra element, which does not carry a functional load, and it is better to remove it.
  • Remove external links to the images. When you upload images to a blog post, a link is automatically embedded in the image. To remove such links, you must edit all blog entries. In the “View” mode and then on the “Link” icon. If the image does not contain an external link, then when you click on the photo in the post editor, the “Link” icon is not active (the icon is not highlighted).

  • Remove the link to the blog author's profile. Remove the author of the blog under the post. To do this, find the true code and write false instead of true. It will turn out false
  • Close the link from the “ ” widget from indexing with the nofollow tag. If you use the “profile” widget on your blog, then find through quick search for widgets in the blog template, gadget code Profile1. You need to edit the widget code, replacing rel=’author’ with rel=’nofollow’ in two places and adding rel=’nofollow’ to two links. You should get something like the screenshot:

    Made using the example of profile editing Google Plus. As a reminder, Google Plus will be discontinued on April 2, 2019. Accordingly, after this date, you will need to make other changes to the “About Me” widget code.

  • We check for the presence of external links any page of a Blogspot post on which comments have been left. Find and remove the code in the blog template:

    In Blog Settings, follow the path Blog Settings -> Other -> Site Feed -> Allow Blog Feed, apply the following settings:

  • Remove external links from the new standard Blogger template Using the Notable theme as an example
  • Remove Attribution (link below – Blogger Technologies)
    We find Attribution1 in the blog template for searching by widgets (list of widgets) and delete the code along with the section, similar to the old one Blogger template (see above 1).
  • We remove the link from the “Report Abuse” widget. This is the ReportAbuse1 widget. We find in the search for widgets:
    The entire code looks like this:

  • We check the blog post page with comments and remove links by analogy with the old blog templates (see above - point 8).
  • We remove links from blog posts that are embedded in the pictures of posts (see point 5).
  • Every person who periodically deals with a computer has encountered problems when typing text. Due to inattention, text typed in a different layout has to be erased and then retyped. Of course, this is not very convenient, since sometimes it takes a lot of time and effort. For this reason, special online services, allowing you to instantly convert text to another layout right in the browser.

    The best online keyboard translators
    How to solve the layout problem without resorting to browser services?

    Situations when text typed in Latin needs to be translated into Cyrillic most often occur among beginners who have poor keyboard input skills. There are several solutions to this problem.

  • Type your text more carefully. The best way To avoid problems with the layout - periodically glance at the screen. If you don't have touch typing skills, get into the habit of checking every few words to see if the text you've typed is displayed correctly.
  • Master the skill of touch typing. Touch typing is the ability to type text without concentrating your attention on the computer keyboard. In this case, the person most often looks at the screen, which means that any errors and typos can be corrected immediately.
  • Use specialized programs. For quick automatic change layouts exist special utilities for PC.
  • The most convenient and practical is the application from the Yandex company Punto Switcher. The program takes up only 2.8 MB and runs in the Windows tray. After installing Punto Switcher, you will no longer have to worry about typing your text incorrectly. The program monitors in real time whether the language is selected correctly. If typos are found, the application will automatically correct them without your participation.