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Java (java) is modern platform for a complete and stable operation client- server applications. A huge number of web applications, commercial online services for shopping in online stores, tools for virtual communication and much more in most cases functions on Java based Runtime Environment.

Without installing this software, you are also unlikely to be able to participate in numerous online games via the Internet. Therefore, one of the most necessary applications Today, Java is considered the most popular language for PCs.

You can download Java for free for all versions of Windows on our website (link at the bottom of the article).

New versions of software are released quite often, so we recommend keeping an eye on updates and always installing latest version, otherwise you risk remaining a user of an outdated application that may not support new features of your favorite program or popular online service. Latest releases JAVA platforms are developed taking into account modern system requirements, which allows you to create more productive and stable platforms for development and use, providing comfortable and reliable operation. So, for example, a new version is coming to replace java 7 32 bit (64 bit) for windows - java 8. Every new release has the innovations necessary for modern programs and 8 is no exception.

Besides using Java as software platform for the software user, this technology is increasingly used in programming for writing applets (programs) as a basis for various applications or additional modules to them.

Currently, to create server applications that client Internet browsers work with, developers use this particular programming language, since it truly allows for fast and comfortable work client-server system.

The main potential of the platform:
  • unhindered access to database management systems;
  • use of basic software to configure applications;
  • management and optimization of the memory used by the program occurs automatically;
  • full support for multi-threaded applications;
  • provides open and reliable access To service departments through the Internet;
  • Java can be downloaded for free for Windows, Linux, MacOS and other operating systems.
  • unlimited potential for use in the development of virtual online stores, games and other interactive services;
  • organizing work with HTTP requests and issuing responses to them using separate classes;
  • support for simultaneous operation is provided large quantities JAVA programs.
How does Java 32 bit / 64 bit work for Windows? The operation of the software is based on the use of the JRE runtime environment and the JVM virtual machine. Additionally used base classes platforms and supporting libraries.
The JRE engine provides the ability to execute applets in an Internet browser.

The JVM is essentially an interpreter designed in such a way that the application (applet) is compatible with various devices and operating systems - in other words, the Java machine ensures the cross-platform nature of the Java applet.

Advantages of Java: Any user can download for free Java Runtime Environment for efficient work With different versions Windows OS starting from Windows XP. She guarantees high performance computer games, online applications, as well as working with various emulators For mobile devices(mainly used for developing java applications and mobile games). Disadvantages of the platform: From time to time, user complaints about insufficient speed operation of the application itself (in this case, try to update java to the latest version).

Java Runtime Environment is most suitable for fans of Internet games. Most often, gamers download Java in order to use all the capabilities and innovations of developers in games such as Minecraft and the like.
But Java users will also love those who simply enjoy browsing the Internet: modern web page developers often use this programming language to create global Internet applications and online services.

Important note: if you have installed different versions Internet browsers with different bit depths (for example, one for 32 bit, another for 64 bit), then for correct operation Java requires downloading and installing both versions of the program.

Without this software, you will not be able to run a huge number of web applications, communicate on forums, use online services and make purchases in virtual stores. Also, you will have to forget about participating in a number of popular games over the network. That is why Java is one of the most necessary applications on PCs today. It is especially important to download the latest version of this platform, because its updates occur quite often, and hardly anyone wants to stay with an outdated version. New releases improve performance, security, and stability.

The technology that these ideas are about is also a programming language - it allows you to write commands and create software components. Modern developers this language is actively used to create server applications and for components responsible for comfortable work in browsers.

  • open access to databases;
  • simple tools for creating and configuring network applications;
  • automatic memory management;
  • detailed handling of exception situations;
  • catalog of input/output filtering tools;
  • access to web services;
  • full-fledged work with forums, online stores, questionnaires, games and applications on the Internet;
  • different classes for making HTTP requests and processing responses;
  • support for multi-threaded applications;
  • simultaneous execution of several programs in the corresponding language.
Principle of operation:

Java software includes the JRE runtime environment, virtual machine JVM, base platform classes and auxiliary libraries.

JRE is the so-called execution component that ensures the execution of applets and applications in the browser.

The Java virtual machine is a kind of interpreter. The algorithm laid down by the developers assumes that the same Java application will work equally well on different devices with different OS.

  • Java technology can be downloaded for free for Windows 7, 8, Vista or XP;
  • ensures high-performance operation of web applications and online games.
  • There are complaints from users regarding speed and responsiveness.

Most often, this software is necessary for those who often deal with online games. High-quality display and access to settings are simply impossible without it. Therefore, experienced gamers are advised to download Java for Minecraft or another online game in order to be able to enjoy epic battles together with other players. Active surfers on the World Wide Web will also appreciate all the benefits of installing this technology. After all, on this moment a similar programming language is one of the most used among web developers.

Java Script It - useful program, which makes it easy to add effects and functionality to web pages. It includes a large library of ready-made applets, helping you avoid manually writing code for simple functions, and perhaps even do without learning JavaScript. This decision - indispensable assistant anyone Front End to the developer, especially for a beginner. It is extremely simple and convenient to use.


So, let's imagine that you have created a web page using HTML and CSS, but suddenly decided to add some functionality to it that cannot be implemented in the language of cascading styles and, even more so, in a markup language (or it is simply impractical to do). For example, you need to “teach” the site to save Cookies or add a simple working form to it. Or maybe you just want to "play" with visual effects, but I have no desire to bother with Keyframe animation. In all the above cases, you can turn to Java Script It. The program offers ready-made code, although not for all occasions, but for many. The applets in the local library are very cleverly divided into categories (effects, functions, and so on), which makes it easy to find the one you need.

Principle of operation

To get started with Java Script It, you need to load an HTML page into it. To do this, use the convenient file browser. After that, find the desired script in the library and double-click to “connect” it to the page. The program has a built-in browser in which you can preview changes made, but we would recommend using third party browser, because standard solution does not support all modern web standards. Having achieved desired result can be exported ready project, consisting of HTML and JS files.


The main disadvantage of Java Script It is that the program is only suitable for those developers who do not use a CMS to create their websites. That is, most likely, they are engaged in one-page and low-page websites. Also note that JSI has not been updated for quite some time, so it may experience compatibility issues with latest versions Windows.

Key Features
  • large library of applets;
  • “connecting” effects and functionality to an HTML page by pressing one key;
  • intuitive interface;
  • built-in browser for preview changes;
  • fast import and export.

Javascript is a programming language that is built into html code web pages to increase the functionality of the site. Javascript was developed by Netscape in collaboration with Sun Microsystems based on Sun's Java language. Java script s are executed on the client side, although initially Liveware, the ancestor of Java Script, was server language programming.
WITH using JavaScript beautiful interactive web pages are created, which cannot be done in pure html language. Typically, scripts are executed after the user takes some action: hovering the cursor, clicking, etc. Java script can also be executed when a web page is loaded.

You can write a Java script using any text editor: Notepad, Notepad++, Dreamweaver. In the latter, in addition to code highlighting and hints, a syntax check for writing javascript is implemented. But for this you need to know the language, the principle of writing functions, methods, properties, etc. And to view you only need a browser capable of processing Java scripts. For example, Mozilla Firefox with built-in Firebug add-on, with which you can view the work of javascript itself and Microsoft Internet Explorer (since the two browsers handle javascript differently).
By the way, not all scripts are displayed equally in browsers. Most of the Java scripts that can be downloaded for free on the Internet are not supported at all by the Opera browser up to version 12.16. At the same time, the operation of JS does not depend in any way on operating system: be it Android, iOS, Windows or others.

Download ready-made JavaScript code.

Below are ready-made Java scripts that you can
download completely free of charge and decorate your website with them.

Javascript hosting.

Javascript code can be placed either on the page itself or in a separate file.

An example of placing ready-made Javascript code inside HTML.

Scripts written in javascript language, can be located on the html page itself between tags, which in turn are usually located in tags. The tag must have a single parameter "type", which indicates the type of script writing:

Theoretically, tags can also be located in the body of the document (in tags). This scenario will be executed when the browser “reads” the page to this point (to the tags).

If you don't know language Javascript, then you can download the ready-made script code for free and place it as described above on your website.

An example of placing ready-made Javascript code in a separate file.

We create in any text editor page and save it as ....... .js . Next we download ready Javascript code and put it on this page. We save it in the same folder as the HTML. Now you need to connect the Java script to html page. For this purpose in HTML file We make the following entry:

src="path to file.... .js".
Now they remain only in the right place web pages call a function that describes the necessary actions

function name - executed when the page is loaded

link - javascript will be executed when the link is clicked.

onLoad event

The event occurs after any page element is loaded.

onClick event

The event occurs after a mouse click.

onMouseover event

The event occurs after the cursor is hovered over specific object pages.

onMouseout event

The event occurs when the mouse cursor moves away from the object. Online service to take screenshots.
Online service for creating screenshots from the Internet. To save a screenshot online in a browser, without additional programs, you need to: press the PrintScreen (PrtScr) key on your keyboard, then move Ctrl + V (place) into the browser window. A little time - and the screenshot is ready!! Very convenient - counters, banners, advertising, images, screen capture via the Internet.

Use: online screenshot - Online service for creating screenshots snaggy.
Online service for creating screenshots via the Internet snaggy. To get a screenshot online in a browser, without additional programs, you need to: press the PrintScreen (PrtScr) key on your keyboard, then move Ctrl + V (place) into the browser window of the snaggy service. Your computer screen. Paste images straight to the web.

Creating screenshots of sites - - miniatures of sites service
Online service for creating screenshots. To create a screenshot of a site, one parameter is enough - its address. Extra options: capture resolution - indicated in pixels, for example (for example, 1024x768), for a full-size screenshot we indicate only the width of the screen - the capture window (for example, 1024). Allows you to take pictures specified size or take a full-size screenshot (in the form of a scroll - for long pages).

Join the Mozilla Firefox community from the official website.
New generation browser. A simple and concise interface allows you to master the program in a few minutes. Safety, high speed work, flexibility and extensibility the main qualities inherent in Mozilla Firefox completely free browser, perfectly localized Russian team. However, the developers will always be happy to accept a voluntary donation from you, which will go exclusively to the development of the technical base of the project.

Colorful, interesting world Mozilla programs result of labor huge amount of people. The owner of this website appreciated all the advantages of the Mozilla Firefox browser when she began developing wap sites for mobile phones V XML format. It turned out that Mozilla Firefox not only supports this mobile standard on personal computer and correctly displays XML files with the .xhtml extension in Unicode UTF-8, but also has a built-in XML code error parser. Unlike a number of other browsers, Mozilla Firefox not only displays the correct error message about your code in Russian, accurate to the line number and character number in the line of code of the XML page, but also points with an arrow to the first erroneous place in your XML code.

If you are programming for mobile wap-Internet, it will be easier for you to work with it. Set the size of the visible page window in Mozilla Firefox as 240x320 px (horizontal x vertical), for example, using a picture of the same size and you will see how your wap site will look from a mobile phone.
A gentleman's kit for a Web developer (“Dn.w.r” “Denver” almost like the name of the city) the most famous project of the dk Laboratory, a set of distributions (Apache, PHP, MySQL, Perl, etc.) and shell, used by Web developers (programmers and designers) to debug sites on a local Windows machine without the need to access the Internet. For Russian-speaking users, Denver will forever remain free. However, the Denver developers will be happy to accept any voluntary donation from you: it will be used to further improve this valuable and useful project.

Due to the use virtual disk Denver “from the inside” is like a “small Unix”: it has its own /home, /usr and even /etc directory. Various components and the servers are located as is customary in Unix. For example, /home contains virtual hosts, and /etc contains configuration scripts. All comments in the files are translated into Russian. You must get used to the idea that your " local server» no worse than any other located on the Internet. It contains sites (one or several), each of which has a specific name (you set it yourself). These sites are accessed as usual: You indicate in address bar full URL the usual http name of the site and the path to the document on it, but without Internet access. You will be able to work quite fully at local computer with your sites as through the Internet.

Denver is installed in a single directory and does not change anything outside of it. It does not write files to the Windows directory or the Registry. If you wish, you can even install two Denvers at once, and they will not conflict. If you launched Denver, then it works. If completed, it stops working, leaving no traces behind. The system does not need an uninstaller; simply deleting the directory is enough. Having installed Denver once, you can then simply rewrite it on other machines (on an arbitrary disk in an arbitrary directory). This will not cause any side effects. All configuration and setup for a specific machine occurs automatically. Very easy to install.

Web designer

Today, publications of all kinds of textbooks and teaching aids, how to become a web designer and how to learn how to create web pages yourself. Therefore, we decided to refuse publication educational materials and books on web design and offer you more serious materials documentation and specifications translated into Russian. Material required basic knowledge and skills in web design, knowledge of codes and is for reference only. Not for sale.

  • HTML codes for letters and special characters
  • W3C Recommendations December 24, 1999
  • Additional materials:
  • DTD headers for documents (.txt format)
  • SGML HyperText declaration Markup Language html versions 4
  • Special characters, typical call
  • Special characters for html with encoding
  • Mathematical, Greek and symbolic symbols for html
  • html 4.01 Frameset DTD for documents with frames
  • html 4.01 Transitional DTD, development of style sheets
  • html 4.01 Strict, which excludes presentation attributes and elements
  • XHTML 1.0, reformulation of html 4 into XML 1.0
  • W3C Recommendations January 26, 2000
  • XML 1.0, second edition
  • Extensible Hypertext Markup Language
  • W3C Recommendation October 6, 2000
  • HTTP/1.1, Hypertext Transfer Protocol
  • HTTP is used in World Wide Web(WWW) since 1990
  • Release January 1997

  • JavaScript core 1.5. Usage Guide
  • Copyright 2000 Netscape Communications Corp. All Rights Reserved.
  • date latest update September 28, 2000
  • Client-side JavaScript. Usage Guide
  • Copyright 1999 Netscape Communications Corp. All Rights Reserved.
  • Last updated May 25, 1999

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