Online html page generator. HTML generation: more convenient than helpers and pure HTML. What are ready-made template catalogs and what are they for?

All web developers are constantly looking for ways to save time and thereby increase their productivity. Tools are regularly appearing that help in their work: today, for example, a developer or designer does not necessarily have to have a stationary workplace, since a lot can be done using specialized applications for smartphones. Some of these tools are free, including CSS code generators. With the help of a generator you can do a lot and quickly. You just need to know what you need to create and then use the right tool. FreelanceToday brings to your attention 10 free CSS code generators

There is no easy way in CSS to pause the animation before the loop starts again. There is a possibility of playback delay, but this is just a delay at the very beginning of the animation, that is, when loading. Tool WAIT! Animate allows you to quickly calculate the delay time and set it between loops. The effect is interesting: the cyclic animation lasts for the allotted time, and then there is a pause, the length of which is set by the developer himself. After the pause ends, the animation starts again. A very useful tool, with its help you can use many animation effects with playback delay. You just need to select the desired animation, set the pause length, and the generator will automatically create the CSS code.

The CSS3 Generator tool doesn't do anything fancy - it generates the code snippets that your work requires. Using the generator, you can create 13 commonly needed effects, including gradient, text shadows, stroke, and so on. All the developer needs to do is select the desired effect, configure some parameters and generate code. Using CSS Generator, a developer can save a lot of time - because he has a tool at his fingertips that helps solve most everyday problems.

Creating gradients in CSS is quite difficult, especially for new web developers. But, fortunately, a very simple ColorZilla Gradients tool has appeared, which is a regular visual editor in which you can create the desired gradient and generate CSS code in a matter of seconds. The tool is completely free and works much the same as the corresponding tool in Photoshop. Nothing complicated, you just need to choose the appropriate shade and create a gradient by moving the sliders. You can create horizontal, vertical, diagonal and radial gradients. However, there are also disadvantages: the generated code will not work in older versions of the most popular browsers.

Sometimes you need to see how a particular font will look if you apply some rule to it. You can do this using the CSS Type Set tool. The generator works as follows: you need to first enter the desired text or words and update the settings, for example, change the font size, text color, distance between letters, style and much more. All changes occur in real time: the developer immediately sees how the text will look on the web page. The only drawback of this very useful generator is the small selection of fonts. It would be very good if the creators of the tool would add fonts from the Google Fonts collection. But for now the choice is limited to the most popular fonts: Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, Times New Roman, etc.

The Enjoy CSS tool is every web developer's dream. It is both a visual editor and a code generator, which means that you can use it to create various design elements such as buttons, input fields, blocks and immediately receive the generated CSS code. Enjoy CSS allows you to create almost everything that a developer might need in his daily work, including transitions and transformations. You can even test how Adobe fonts will look if you apply different text effects to them. But the main advantage of this generator is the presence of a CSS gallery, which contains free code snippets and ready-made templates for the most popular design elements.

Flexbox is an attempt to solve the problem that arises when building layouts in CSS. After all, a layout designer has to solve a huge number of problems when creating a website. Flexbox allows you to control the alignment, order, and size of all elements along multiple axes, while solving other problems. In this case, all blocks become “rubber”; elements can stretch and shrink according to given rules. Flexbox is a relatively new specification and so far there are not many sites on the Internet created with its help. But Flexbox is definitely the future - it really makes things easier. The Flexy Boxes generator allows you to quickly get the desired CSS code by specifying the element parameters in a special menu.

The CSSmatic tool is a multi-generator with four sections. With it, you can quickly generate code for gradients, textures, radii, and shadows. A very convenient tool for everyday work. What’s interesting is that each individual generator has its own URL, so you can bookmark, for example, only the gradient generator and then use only this tool if you don’t need others. A very convenient generator, especially since it contains functionality for creating noise, which allows you to quickly get the CSS code of various background textures.

Today, many developers strive to represent an image as a base64 code, for example, it is so convenient to save small pictures that cannot be placed in sprites. This method saves a lot of requests to the web server and allows you to get rid of one or more downloaded files. An image recoded in the generator allows the browser to draw it immediately, without an additional request to the server. The Base64 CSS tool allows you to get the code you need in seconds. Just upload the desired image and the generator will automatically recode the image. This tool may not be useful to everyone, but this method allows you to increase the performance of the site on the user side and increase its visibility for search engines.

You can use the Patternify generator to create CSS code for background images. This tool is completely free and allows you to create some pretty interesting structures. Of course, the service's capabilities are limited, since it creates a pixel structure, so noise will have to be added in other generators. However, the tool is very useful as Patternfly automatically creates an image URL with a base64 code that can be inserted into a CSS file.

The CSS Button Generator tool closes the list of free CSS code generators. As the name suggests, it allows you to get the CSS code of various buttons. The user can choose a ready-made button, finding it in the constantly expanding gallery, or create his own using a visual editor. There are a lot of settings, so by setting the necessary parameters, you can generate the code for almost any button. The created code immediately goes to the clipboard, after which it can be used in your work.

A CSS code generator is a very convenient tool that can save a web developer a lot of time and also protect against unnecessary errors. In addition, your code will become more readable. In this article, we have selected a number of CSS code generators that we think are useful.

CSS Click Chart

CSS CheatSheet


Pixel Map Generator

Clean CSS

CSS Animate

Well, guys, animation? Apply and play with transitions in CSS.

UI Gradients

WAIT! Animate

Creating custom repeating pauses between CSS animations has never been an easy task. But with the help of this application, the complexity of the procedure is reduced to zero.

CSS3 Generator

CSS Type Set

Want to see what different fonts look like? Go to CSS Type Set. All you need to do is enter text and select font options.

Enjoy CSS

Flexy Boxes

If you're having trouble getting your head around flexbox, then you should try Flexy Boxes. This app allows you to compare different versions of flexbox and their syntax interpretations.

a! Do you use generators? CSS3 or HTML5? If not, then maybe it’s worth a try :) Just imagine, you can give up manually describing styles for buttons, corners in blocks, shadows, gradients if anyone uses, and so on, also HTML5. Why write the same code every time you create a new project, when you can “type” the parameters into the boxes, press a button and get a ready-made source code, and if necessary, fix it!
In this article I will show you a selection of such generators. Mostly these will be CSS3 generators and a couple for HTML5. To go to the service website - Click on the service name!

CSS3 generators:

One of the best generators. The author is Eric Hoffman. It is possible to change and set rounding, shadow, gradient and transparency - the most commonly used effects.

CSS3 Maker

There is almost everything and a little more. You can customize @font face, animation, box shadow, text shadow, text rotation, transform, gradients, rounding and much more.

CSS3 Generator

It has approximately the same functionality as the previous generator. You need to select the item of interest from the drop-down list and enter the primary data.

Webestools Shadow Generator

Shadow generator. Only shadows can be adjusted: color, offset, blur, inner or outer shadow, etc.

Button generators

CSS3 Button Generator

Fun generator. On the right there is one large button - the result of manipulations, and on the left there are settings. You can manipulate shadows, border, color and so on. Drag and drop sliders are great for people who are new to website building. It’s good that you can immediately see the reaction to your action, from this you can understand which setting is responsible for what.

CSS3-Tricks Button Maker

This button generator is a little simpler. The entire process of creating a button is based on dragging sliders. Here the bet is on the background, that is, playing with the colors of the button.


This is not a bad button generator yet. You can customize the button background, border, outer shadow, inner shadow, size, text color, and text shadow. When you make changes in the block on the right, the code immediately changes.

Border Image and Radius Generator


Quite modest functionality: you can only configure the rounding of corners, but then each corner separately.


A little difficult to learn, but if you need to create a border on an image, then this tool is just right! You select your image, use the sliders to select the size of the border, you can even increase the background for each border... also a way to repeat the image. And the code is generated from below.

CSS3 gradient generator

Colorzilla Gradient Editor

Here's a really cool gradient generator. There are a large number of ready-made color sets, but you can also choose your own. The gradient type is set: horizontal, vertical, etc. There is even support for IE.

HTML5 generators


With this generator you get a template template that is fully optimized for different browsers. I really liked this generator, I will use it now. To get acquainted with all the “tricks”, visit this project, especially since everything is in Russian.

The Shikiryu HTML5 generator is a little more complex than the previous one. Allows us to enter the title and description of the page, connect the css framework, css button styles, library, analytics, etc.

Initializr is an HTML5 template generator that will help you get started with a new project. Initializr creates a clean, customizable template for you. The selected parameters are: primary framework, server options (.htaccess, nginx.conf, web.config), jquery connection, google analytics, choice between, etc.

This is a simple generator. We are asked to select which elements will be present on the page, and also specify a couple of options.

That's all, if you know any good HTML5 or CSS3 generators, feel free to write about them in the comments :)

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A CSS code generator is a very convenient tool that can save a web developer a lot of time and also protect against unnecessary errors. In addition, your code will become more readable. In this article, we have selected a number of CSS code generators that we think are useful.

CSS Click Chart

CSS CheatSheet


Pixel Map Generator

Clean CSS

CSS Animate

Well, guys, animation? Apply and play with transitions in CSS.

UI Gradients

WAIT! Animate

Creating custom repeating pauses between CSS animations has never been an easy task. But with the help of this application, the complexity of the procedure is reduced to zero.

CSS3 Generator

CSS Type Set

Want to see what different fonts look like? Go to CSS Type Set. All you need to do is enter text and select font options.

Enjoy CSS

Flexy Boxes

If you're having trouble getting your head around flexbox, then you should try Flexy Boxes. This app allows you to compare different versions of flexbox and their syntax interpretations.

Good day! I’ll immediately explain about the design of the post: one day, having stumbled upon it, I was not very pleased with the immense amount of information and navigation elements in the presented generators, and even more so with their user interface! I was outraged that the tools for working with styles- they themselves are not kept within the limits of the possibilities that they represent... how so?!

When you are engaged in creativity, you want to have available means and tools to master and work with which you spend minimum effort and time. As a result of all this, the thought came to me: select the best tools and organize them for frequent use (a la a navigation menu, like Quick Launch).

I hope that for many people this know-how will be a good helper in the web development process.

CSS generators:

  • simple, elegant and at the same time feature-rich CSS generator, with a beautiful domain
  • very extensive functionality for working with new CSS3 functions, cross-browser compatibility, flexibility and a complete set of everything you need;
  • nothing superfluous, for lovers of classics and simplicity, in one word “old school”;
  • a gradient generator for creating beautiful background images, with support for most browsers and without the use of images (pure CSS).

WEB tools:

  • Button builder- a tool for designing buttons, with the rhythm of Web 2.0. Among the functionality, we can note the ability to customize: internal padding, text size, roundness of corners and choice of gradient colors;
  • Form builder- a form designer that allows you to customize the appearance of both the form as a whole and its individual elements;
  • Icon builder- feel like a free artist, creating new icons for your buttons, menus and favicons;
  • Ribbon builder- to create stylish ribbons using pure CSS, use this tool with a wide range of settings and options.
Pictures in the form of buttons (icons) at the beginning of the article - clickable!

If you have suggestions or know interesting tools that can support this idea, please speak up. Please do not throw rubbish, we only want to add exclusive items to the assembly. Thank you.