Download amd radeon for games. AMD says goodbye to Catalyst: new software platform Radeon Software Crimson launched

In recent days we have been able to test in detail Crimson Edition. We were able to do the same work as with other drivers previously. We ran several tests and also checked a number of settings. Here I would like to note that AMD developed Crimson Edition from scratch based on Qt. The driver shell now launches faster, and submenus also work more smoothly. However, AMD delays the launch of the shell up to five minutes under Windows so that it does not block other startup procedures. In any case, the program starts much faster than before. The driver removal procedure has also been improved, which removes all components without leaving “ballast” in the system.

The first two screenshots clearly show external changes interface. AMD has completely said goodbye to the old design, now the menus look flat, the structure has also been changed to required functions could have gotten there faster. For gamers, the most important settings will likely be the various filters and effects. They can be set globally or individually for each game. To do this, the Crimson Edition driver shell scans hard disks looking for games. By the way, games can be launched directly by selecting them in the shell.

In addition to quality settings, you can also save overclocking settings in profiles. You can also create several profiles for one game, then you can select the one you need.

In addition to the usual image quality and filtering settings, you can adjust the Frame Rate Target Control (FRTC) function. With FRTC you can set maximum frequency frames for the game. Of course, the function is only interesting if the game provides more fps than required. The purpose of the technology lies in energy saving. FRTC works not only in the game itself, but also in menus and loading screens when the video card can produce several hundred frames per second. The same applies to watching movies, since more than 60 fps is not required here. We have already provided test results and assessed potential energy savings.

Support for overclocking via OverDrive has also changed significantly. Here you can put clock frequency GPU, as well as configure power consumption, temperature and fan speed limits. You can either adjust the sliders directly or move the point on the graph at the top right. Overclocking can also be set both globally and separately for specific games.

Depending on the gamer's habits, the difference between global and individual profiles may or may not matter. We think selective application is important for features like Frame Rate Target Control. For less demanding games FRTC can be enabled, but for everyone else we would disable it. The same goes for overclocking. For demanding games, overclocking can be enabled to get the most out of the graphics card. For less demanding games, overclocking is not needed at all.

Most users won't find the Crimson Edition's video and display settings all that interesting. You can customize color profiles and rendering profiles or filters for videos. Demonstrations are available to help you evaluate the impact of the settings on your footage. Display options are important for those users who plan to take advantage of Virtual Super Resolution. The user now receives full access to resolution settings, timings and refresh rates and can change them (regardless of system default modes). Previously, this could only be done on FirePro graphics cards.

In the display settings we found some driver legacy AMD Catalyst, which consists of an old interface design and stuttering. As AMD points out, these options are being gradually redesigned for the Crimson Edition, so that parts of the old Catalyst will disappear over time. So far, we haven't been able to test the Eyefinity settings, which are important for a multi-monitor setup.

The last important tab of Crimson Edition is system information. All basic information about the installed software and hardware. The tab will be especially useful in the case of FreeSync monitors, as it allows you to find out whether the technology is working. Previously, this information had to be found in the monitor documentation.

Output detailed information about the video card. Individual tile values ​​can be copied to the clipboard. They can be easily transferred, for example, to messenger. All this clears up the situation in the case of confusing driver versions.

Available in driver settings additional options related to displaying the driver shell window or adding advertisements. You can also cancel any settings you have made.

Through notifications, the user can be informed about any problems or incorrect options. Radeon Software Crimson Edition keeps itself up to date and updates are installed automatically.

Finally, we note new icon, which is displayed on the taskbar or appears by right-clicking on the desktop. Through the taskbar, you can not only launch the Crimson Edition shell, but also activate global profiles without launching the shell.

AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition – specialized software package, developed the most famous manufacturer modern graphics adapters for PCs and laptops - by Advanced Micro Devices. The purpose of the package is to ensure the proper level of performance when interacting with video cards and other software and hardware components of computers, as well as managing the settings of AMD graphics adapters and updating their drivers.

The software in question contains the drivers necessary for the full functioning of AMD video cards, as well as a shell program that is used to manage the video card settings. This approach allows you to fully realize the capabilities laid down by the manufacturer during design and production. GPU.

Radeon Adrenalin Edition is the next generation of the Crimson driver. There is no difference between them except that the Adrenalin Edition is more refined. You will no longer find the Crimson installer on the official AMD website, be careful!

The first function available to the user after launching Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition is obtaining information about hardware and software components system in which the software complex operates. Information becomes available for viewing and copying after clicking on the tab "System". Not only general information is displayed,

but also information about versions of installed software,

as well as extended GPU information.

Profiles for games

The main purpose of the graphics adapter from the point of view of most users of AMD products is image processing and creation beautiful picture in computer games. Therefore, proprietary software for working with manufacturer’s video cards provides the ability to configure this hardware component for each application in which it is fully involved. This is implemented by allowing the user to create profiles. They are configured using the tab "Games".

Global Graphics, AMD OverDrive

In addition to customizing the behavior of the video card in each separate application, it is possible to change the so-called "Global parameters", that is, graphics adapter settings for the entire set installed programs generally.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the capabilities of the component « AMD OverDrive» . This solution allows you to change the default values ​​of the frequencies of the GPU and video card memory, as well as change the fan speed values. In other words, to “overclock” graphics system, which significantly increases its productivity.

Profiles for videos

In addition to graphics in games, the full power of the video card can be used when processing and demonstrating video. Acceptable display of videos can be configured by selecting a profile on the tab "Video".

Monitor settings

The monitor, as the main means of displaying the image processed by the graphics adapter, can and should also be configured. Radeon Software Crimson has a special tab for this. "Display".

Using the item "Create custom permissions» in the tab "Display" You can truly deeply and completely customize your PC display.

AMD ReLive

Using a tab "ReLive" gives the Radeon Software Crimson user the opportunity to use AMD's proprietary technology designed to capture images in various applications, including gaming, as well as broadcast and record gameplay.

Using the tool you can determine a large number of settings, as well as change them, practically without interrupting the game, using a special in-game toolbar.

Software/Driver Update

Of course, a video card cannot fully function in a system without its presence in the latter special drivers. These same components provide all of the above functionality of the program. AMD is constantly improving drivers and software, and to ensure that users receive updates in as soon as possible added after release to Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition special function, available on the tab "Updates".

The user notification system about the release of new versions of drivers and software allows you not to miss an update and always keep the system up to date.

Application Settings

Using the tab "Settings" you can define the basic parameters of the behavior of the shell to manage and control the operation AMD video adapters. Disabling advertising, changing the interface language and other settings can be changed using various buttons in a special window.

Among other things, the tab allows you to contact technical support manufacturer to solve a wide range of problems with both AMD software and hardware products.


  • Fast and convenient interface;
  • A large list of functions and settings, covering almost all user needs;
  • Regular software and driver updates.


  • Lack of support for older video cards.

AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition should be considered an application that is recommended for installation and use by all owners of modern Advanced Micro Devices graphics adapters. The complex allows you to fully unleash the potential of AMD video cards due to the capabilities fine tuning parameters, and also ensures regular driver updates, which is an important component of the process of keeping the graphics processing system up to date.

Any gamer at least once in his life dreamed of improving graphic picture on your screen without purchasing new expensive components, which include a video card. After all, even passed a hundred times computer game begins to bring pleasure again if its graphics have been qualitatively transformed.

The most advanced users and experienced IT specialists have long been faced with the task of squeezing the maximum out of the capabilities of video cards, but not all beginners have been able to solve this problem. Thus, after a detailed analysis of the current situation, AMD, which specializes in the production of Radeon video cards, decided to provide a set of tools () that allow programmatic optimization of its video cards.

You can download drivers for your video card in the form of AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition for free from the official AMD website or our website using the links below.

AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition is a practical and very easy-to-use program that can significantly speed up any AMD video card, increasing its performance in games, and thereby allowing you to significantly save on the purchase of new equipment.
Note that this is not the company’s first attempt to create such an accelerator for its video cards, but this time the developers managed to fully bring their idea to life, and at the same time make the utility interface more understandable even for novice users.

Advantages of this software

Download and install AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition on your Windows PC, you can significantly speed up your work graphics hardware, which will more economically and competently distribute available resources. WITH new utility the user gets access to control the broadcast of video materials, adjust graphics settings, interact with the display and other interesting functions. High ratings of Radeon Software Crimson Edition from recognized professionals are by no means accidental.

The fact is that this program is already included in promising project called LiquidVR. AMD developers are seriously engaged in creating the most productive and universal platform that simplifies the formation of a full-fledged virtual reality. Using new LiquidVR technologies, third-party specialists will be able to achieve the most effective user interaction with virtual reality headsets. This incredibly important breakthrough for the industry will help achieve the deepest and most convenient immersion in virtual worlds.

The interface, with the updated name Radeon Settings, is designed incredibly simply so that even a novice PC user can make the necessary improvements to the operation of AMD graphics components. The program always functions reliably without strange mysterious glitches, and the details of its overall design are pleasing to the eye without distracting from main task, allowing you to quickly find all the necessary tabs and icons and speed up your video card.

The utility separately supports DirectX 9, AMD FreeSync and CrossFire technologies, responsible for the smoothest possible game process. The program is distinguished by a very frugal attitude towards computer energy consumption, and is also focused on convenient control the process of increasing the frame rate, from 20 to 200 per second.

In addition, the developers managed to significantly improve the operation of the Flip Queue Size function, which is responsible for the prompt transmission of signals from the keyboard and mouse, which will please absolutely every player. It’s such a shame when, during a hot battle, your hero does everything very late, unlike his enemies. Yes and with useful function By caching shaders, the toy will load and run much faster than usual.

additional information

If you are the lucky owner hybrid processor series A from AMD, then using Radeon utilities Software Crimson Edition You can significantly increase total number settings that bring image quality to a higher level.

The new version of the utility at the hardware level is capable of supporting the DisplayPort–HDMI 2.0 key.

conclusions: With such advanced software, you won’t have to update components too often, because it will be much easier to achieve the most pleasant results from your graphics hardware. To do this, simply download AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition from the link below.

Hi all. So guys, look, I'm a little confused here. Eat AMD video driver Radeon Software Crimson Edition. But Radeon Settings is like new user interface. I read that they remade the utility at AMD Catalyst Control Center (CCC), they changed it so much that they decided to give it a new name, that is, Radeon Settings. And this new program has a much higher operating speed, everything is done conveniently and works smoothly =)

Radeon program Settings launches quickly, the video processor settings are conveniently made, there is some kind of new settings manager. They also improved the video overclocking options there. In short, everything was done well, now the program works quickly and has a new name.

In general, guys, to be honest, it’s unclear on the Internet what AMD Radeon Settings is. As I understand it, these are AMD video settings, but to be more precise, that’s what they called new shell or even a new program for configuration, in short, it’s not entirely clear and they write so abstrusely.. Of course, it’s not worth deleting AMD Radeon Settings, because these are settings.

Well, look at what this program looks like (here is only part of it because all of it is too big):

It’s not entirely clear what’s what, there are a lot of settings, I hope that Russian is here because without it it will be very difficult to figure it out. At the bottom of the program there are Gaming buttons (I don’t know exactly, but it’s like an overclocking setting), a Video, Display button (for example, there may be settings for changing the screen resolution), there is also an Eyefinity button (this is like a setting for multiple monitors to work).

So, here I found another picture and again I’m showing only part of it, because it’s big:

Here the Gaming tab is open and we see the overclocking settings. Although in the first picture this tab is also open, but something else is shown there...

I also found this picture:

And I also found:

Guys, that's all, I hope we somehow figured out what AMD Radeon Settings are =) Good luck and health to you!!

The need to download free drivers for the AMD Radeon video card arises for a number of reasons: a new game, Bitcoin mining, upgrade, reinstalling Windows, a system glitch or the video is simply not displayed correctly on the screen. In any case, it is necessary to select the appropriate latest AMD version Catalyst Drivers and download free AMD Radeon software (AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition) in Russian via a direct link or from the manufacturer’s official website.

In principle, there are two ways: simply download drivers for your video card for free for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, Vista or XP (sometimes for Linux), or select the required version automatically by downloading the appropriate utility or make a manual selection on the Advanced Micro Devices website. This is done below in the text on a light green background.

About the computer, or why you need a video card

For those who are not in the know, let's start in order. A computer consists of a system unit, a monitor (one or more), a keyboard, a mouse and peripheral devices(steering wheel, pedals, virtual reality helmet, external FireWire or USB disk, printer and other devices). IN system unit houses the power supply, HDD and motherboard, into which the processor, memory, video adapter, HDD cable and a few other wires are plugged. The laptop is designed in much the same way, only more compact. A normal video camera is responsible for rendering and creating an image for displaying it on a screen (on a projector, glasses, helmet, etc.) or a multi-monitor system simultaneously. Video controllers Advanced Micro Devices Radeon (formerly ATI Radeon and ATI Catalyst Drivers respectively) support all current video standards:

  • DirectX,
  • OpenGL
  • HD3D,
  • Eyefinity
  • DisplayPort
  • HDMI
  • CrossFireX
  • Custom Filter Anti-Aliasing,
  • Morphological Anti-Aliasing,
  • Supersampling,
  • Multisampling,
  • Anti-aliasing of transparent textures,
  • Rotation mode
  • 720p and 1080 HDTV,
  • Stereo 3D to HDMI,
  • Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio, etc.

and are rightfully the leaders in the video adapter market. New control hardware is usually installed to improve the stability of the equipment and increase its power. The AMD Catalyst Display package includes video drivers and utilities and this software provides:

  • managing a desktop or multiple tables,
  • ability to configure up to nine monitors,
  • video processing in high resolution with excellent quality,
  • fine-tuning monitors using HyrdaVision technology,
  • working with audio and video content in Multimedia Center,
  • setting up Multi-monitor mode,

as well as advanced capabilities to customize and use profiles for specific programs, managing 3D and CrossFireX settings for Direct3D.

The variety of Radeon Video Cards

The number of types of branded AMD Radeon video cards and their modifications from other manufacturers (ASUS, HIS, Gigabyte, MSI, Sapphire, PowerColor, etc.) has grown so much that even on a specialized driver search site it is very difficult to find the necessary software for a video card. Similar problem is especially relevant when for a new release of your favorite game you need to update your video card drivers to latest version. Often necessary specific version drivers for your favorite game or efficient mining Bitcoins ( Bitcoin mining), when the program does not work with the latest version of drivers. Every owner of a cool video card or laptop, upgraded with Atish video card, can quickly and free download drivers for a laptop or video card regular computer with Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, as well as XP and other Windows.

Download AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition Drivers latest or...

Compatibility of the latest version of drivers has been tested with video adapters Radeon R7, Radeon R9, as well as Radeon HD series from 5000 to 8000. For those who have the latest Radeons, you can simply download free AMD Catalyst Drivers without registration and SMS for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, Vista , XP, 2000 (32 bit and 64 bit). IN new version Minor bugs have been fixed, performance in new games and programs has been accelerated, and new features have appeared.

For Radeon video cards HD series from HD 2000 to HD 4000 usually use version 12.6, earlier Radeons from X300 to X1950, as well as from 9500 to 9800 are controlled using version 10.2. Yes, in the world software for video cards everything is very neglected. To avoid errors, use the selection of compatible software either automatically by downloading the utility, or manually by following the link to the Advanced Micro Devices website. On a computer with Windows XP Catalyst Control Center requires the Microsoft .NET Framework to be installed; without it, an error message will appear.

Download AMD Drivers for free for Windows

Update from: 03.04.2019
Latest version: 19.4.1/18.9.3, 14.4 - for Win XP
Synonyms: ati catalysis, ati display drv
Operating system: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, XP (32-bit and 64-bit) Vista, etc.
File size: 203 / 327 MB, 276 / 406 MB, 274 / 451 MB, 185 MB, 0.870 MB
Free download for Windows 10 (32-bit):
Free download for Windows 10 (64-bit):
Download for Windows 8, 8.1 (32-bit):
Download for Windows 8, 8.1 (64-bit): computer drivers site, where each user has the opportunity to legally free programs for a computer with Microsoft Windows download for free without captcha, without viruses and without SMS. Video page AMD drivers updated 04/03/2019. Starting your acquaintance with legally free programs For operating system Windows from the drivers page, also check out other materials on the site https://site at home or at work. Thank you for visiting the section.