Web programming for beginners. Master a server programming language. What a web developer doesn't need


If you wanted to start learning web programming now, where would you start? What language, framework, technology would you choose?

I'm asking out of personal interest - I want to learn quickly modern instruments and realize your ideas.

I have been friends with conventional programming since childhood: BASIC and assembler on the Spectrum. Then a technical university (I started studying in the late 90s), where: functional programming in Pascal, a little x86 assembler, and then object language in Delphi, a little C++, and even a little exotic LISP. But life turned out to be such that I was not able to learn programming for the web.

Now I design websites, draw prototypes and design pages and interfaces. I superficially understand what and how it works.

But I can't understand the process: how can I create an application that will perform the functions I need.

Nowadays, there is no environment like before, like Delphi for the web, where you could easily and quickly sketch out the application interface and begin to describe its reaction to user actions (and additional functions, which were required by the application). And thus understand how everything works, while already creating what you need.

I know how to layout (although my knowledge here is already outdated), but I don’t understand how animation works, for example, or managing blocks on a page or reacting to user actions. I know that everyone uses JQuery for this and it has already replaced Javascript, but I don’t understand how it all works.

But without understanding the processes, how everything works, it is unlikely that you will be able to do anything, no matter how many manuals you read, CMS and frameworks you don’t gut.

I would really like to learn everything, because this way I can implement my ideas myself, and it’s better to assign tasks to coders when necessary.

I want to educate myself in this direction.

From experience, training works best for me when they step by step explain with examples how to do this or that thing and give tasks to do similar things or develop functionality.

Ideally, it would be cool to find a mentor who, in the format step-by-step training would help me realize some things that interest me. I really haven’t heard of anything like this among programmers, but more and more often I come across master classes and trainings good designers, who, together with beginners, go through stages from the basics to complex things, sort out their homework and thereby help make the world a better place.

It was not for nothing that I asked at the beginning what exactly you would start studying from scratch now. I don’t see the point in “reinventing wheels” when you can “ride high-speed trains.” When the minimum possible time separates you from studying the “materials” and the first lines of code to a simple website or service.


Backend is the server part of the application, which is not visible to users. This includes: authorization, storage and processing of data, email newsletters etc. Let's just say the backend is what's under the hood.

There are many programming languages ​​here, here are the most common ones:

Asp net
Node js

I advise you to choose just one, because with the current requirements for programmers, it will take at least several years to reach the middle level. When choosing, you can get acquainted with the vacancies in your city, see which ones are more suitable, where they pay more and depending on what language they require, and select it.

The server is largely used for working with data. Therefore, you will need to learn at least one of relational databases data:


In terms of complexity, this is about the same as mastering a programming language. In all of the listed databases there is a part that is the same everywhere - the so-called sql (query language), as well as a procedural language that is different in each database. Since sql is still the same, and it is the basis for everything related to data processing, switching to another database is not such a problem. Therefore, you can choose any one to begin with, but even here I would go by the principle of analyzing vacancies.

Personally, I give a plus to studying the backend, since the skills here are more static and once you learn something, you can work on it for a long time.


Frontend is the part that runs in the browser with which the user directly interacts. These are dynamic interfaces, menus, events based on user action, data exchange with the server part, in general, what happens on the client.

The programming language here is javascript. On the one hand, this is a definite plus, since after studying it, all the companies in your city that are engaged in web development will be open to you, and now many are doing this. On the other hand, there are nuances.

JavaScript currently has two standards that are widely used: ECMAScript 5 and ECMAScript 6. The difference between them is that ECMAScript 5 does not have a full-fledged OPP. ECMAScript 6 has it, but since this standard appeared relatively recently, most applications are already written in ECMAScript 5, as a result of which it will be necessary to master both standards and, as a result, two different approaches to development.

Another point that needs to be taken into account is that the same code written in javascript can differently work out in different browsers and on different OS. With the current requirements for applications, it will be necessary to write so-called cross-browser code, that is, code whose execution will give the same result everywhere. There is no specific manual for writing such code; in this case, forums and ok Google can help you.

The problematic issues I described have been resolved in modern js frameworks (for example, Angular and React). But in projects that are written without using frameworks, these issues remain.

For me personally, an even bigger disadvantage is that trends are developing very quickly here. Versions of frameworks are constantly updated, new libraries are released, and everyone immediately wants to start using them. In general, you can't keep up with the community.


Already from the name it should be clear that this type developers are developing both parts. I don’t recommend trying to become such a developer, since you won’t have enough brainpower in any case, and most companies have already taken the path of division of labor. However, the full stack is where you need to start in order to take a step towards the backend or frontend. After developing a couple of small applications, you will understand the difference between them (and there really is one) and you will be able to decide which side is closer to you.

At one time, to make up my mind, I read the book “Creating Dynamic Websites”, author “Robin Nixon”. The book is small, only 500 pages, but thanks to it I got a general idea of ​​web development and I boldly made a choice towards the backend, which I still don’t regret. I gave this book as an example, you can take any other book, it doesn’t matter.

You should start your path to a career as a programmer by answering the question, do you need programming at all? This question does not apply to those who are studying or have studied in a specialty close to programming. If you were better at math at school than the humanities, if you like to spend a lot of time on the computer, if you want to learn something new, then programming is for you.

Where to begin

There are several options for the development of events, as a result of which a person becomes a programmer. The first is parents-programmers who taught their children everything. These children don't even need to go to university. The second option is the fashionable profession of a programmer. After school, we had to choose where to go to study, and we chose the fashionable field of IT, which we seemed to like. And the last option is a hobby that has grown into work.

If none of the above happened to you, then you have a choice of four options:

  • Self-education. This option can be used either independently or in combination with other methods. The Internet is full of applications that help you study various languages programming and technology. But this is the most difficult path for beginners.
  • University. If you finish school and want to be a programmer, then go to university. If not for knowledge, then for the crust. It can serve as a bonus when applying for a job. Although you will also gain some knowledge. But don't forget to educate yourself. Choosing a university should be approached very responsibly. Carefully study the training programs and choose the best technical universities.
  • Mentor. It will be very good if you find a person who agrees to help you and point you in the right direction. He will suggest suitable books and resources, check your code, give useful tips. By the way, we have already written about where you can find a mentor. You can look for a mentor among familiar programmers, at IT parties and conferences, on online forums, and so on.
  • Specialized practical courses . Try looking for courses in your city that will teach you some programming language or technology. I was pleasantly surprised by the number of such courses in Kyiv, including free ones and with subsequent employment.

Which language, technology and direction to choose

When you become a programmer, after a year or two you will be free to choose any language you like. But when choosing a first programming language, a beginner should consider the following criteria:

  • Availability of vacancies on the market. The ultimate goal of this path is to find a job as a programmer. And this will be difficult to do if no one is looking for developers in your programming language on the job market. Check job sites, see who is most sought after, write down a dozen languages. And move on to the next criterion.
  • Low entry level. If you have to spend a long time learning a language, it may discourage you from programming at all. Read about the languages ​​you selected above. Review the literature you will need to read to learn these languages. And choose those that are described as easy, or that seemed easy to you. Such languages ​​may be PHP, Ruby, Python.
  • The thrill of the process. If you don't enjoy writing code in your chosen language, you won't enjoy the process, your work, or your life. Do you need it? Make the right choices.

You will also have to decide on the direction of programming. Mobile, desktop, games, web, low-level programming and so on. The most popular and relatively easy industries are development for web, mobile and desktop clients. One language may be suitable for each direction and not another at all. That is, when choosing a programming language, it is also worth starting from this factor.

Either way, learn web technologies. This is a markup language, styles and that will make your page dynamic. The next step is to learn a server-side language (Python, PHP, Ruby and others) and web frameworks suitable for it. Study the databases: almost every programmer vacancy mentions this.

How to get initial experience

Without experience you won't get a job. Without work you won't get experience. Vicious circle real life. But it’s okay, we’ll get out of it.

First, don't wait until you've read all the books on your chosen programming language. Start writing your first lines of code after the second chapter of the book. Complete all the tasks from the books, retype the examples, understand them. Complicate the examples and tasks from books with your own ideas. Create your own tasks for the material you have covered. Solve these problems.

Secondly, you need to find your first projects. This is probably the most difficult option, but working. You will have to look for orders yourself, fulfill them, and bother with payment. For a beginner, this is extremely difficult, but then all other options will seem like a piece of cake. Completed projects can be recorded as experience and shown to your future employer. Real projects are a big plus on your resume.

If you know English language, it is better to register on English-language exchanges. The market is bigger there. If you don't know English, learn it. In the meantime, Russian-language freelance exchanges are available to you. Look for small projects that are at or just above your skill level. Apply for a couple dozen of these jobs. And get ready to receive a sea of ​​refusals. But if one or two applications come through, you'll have a chance to gain real experience.

Another good option for getting real experience is open source. Such projects always need new people, even beginners. You can search for bugs in the project or look in the bug tracker and suggest methods for solving them. You can easily find such projects on GitHub or . Feel free to ask questions there.

The fourth option for gaining experience is helping fellow programmers. Ask them to hand over small, simple tasks to you. If something doesn't work out, you will always have someone to turn to. And at the same time you will participate in a real project.

The last way is your own projects, various hackathons or working in a coworking space. It’s difficult to start your own projects on your own; it’s better to look for acquaintances or friends.

Why choose Python

Let's talk a little more about choosing your first programming language. The first language should be simple and popular in the market. Such a language is Python. I highly recommend choosing it as your first programming language.

The Python program code is readable. You don't even need to be a programmer to general outline understand what is happening in the program. Due to Python's uncomplicated syntax, it will take you less time to write a program than, for example, in Java. Huge base libraries that will save you a lot of effort, nerves and time. Python is high level language. This means you don’t have to think too much about memory cells and what to put there. Python is a general purpose language. And it's so simple that even children can learn it.

In fairness, it is worth mentioning other programming languages. Java could be a good choice for a beginner. This language is more popular than Python, but also a little more complex. But the development tools are much better developed. One has only to compare Eclipse and IDLE. After Java, it will be easier for you to move on to working with low-level programming languages.

PHP- another very popular language. And I think it's even simpler than Python. It is very easy to find a mentor or a solution to a problem on the forum. All because there is in the world great amount PHP programmers different levels. There is no normal import in PHP; there are many options for solving the same problem. And this complicates learning. And PHP is designed exclusively for the web.

Languages C And C# very difficult for a beginner. Ruby - a good choice as a second language, but not a first. JavaScript- a very simple language, but it won’t teach you anything good. But the task of the first programming language is still to teach you something correct, to set some kind of logic.

Is English important?

Important! Do not know? Teach. Do you know? Improve. Learn to read, write, listen and speak English. Focus on technical literature. Listen to English-language podcasts. Read English-language programming textbooks.

What you need to know besides the programming language

Of course, besides the programming language and English, you need to know something else. But what depends on the direction you choose. A web programmer must know HTML, CSS, JavaScript. A desktop programmer teaches operating system APIs and various frameworks. Developer mobile applications teaches Android, iOS or Windows Phone frameworks.

Everyone needs to learn algorithms. Try taking a course on Coursera or finding a book on algorithms that suits you. In addition, you need to know one of the databases, programming patterns, and data structures. It's also worth checking out code repositories. At least with one. Knowledge of version control systems is required. Choose Git, it's the most popular. You need to know the tools you are working with, operating system and development environment. And the main skill of a programmer is to be able to Google. You won't live without this.

Last steps

You need to prepare a resume. Not just a resume, but a . You shouldn’t write there, but you also don’t need to remain silent about your skills. Once you are invited to an interview, you must prepare for it. Go through the material that is listed on your resume. You must be confident in your knowledge. Look through the projects you've worked on, think about the technologies you've used. And forward - to a bright future with new profession programmer

From the author: No one has doubted for a long time that the profession of a web programmer is prestigious and well paid. This is evidenced by the huge demand for web programming specialists from owners of web studios, software companies and other business areas. That is why training web programmers can be perceived as a solid and confident step towards recognition, success, well-being and adequately paid work. Where to start your brilliant career in the IT world? We'll talk about this in our article today.

The role of web programmers in the modern world

The need to create websites for various companies and organizations is directly proportional to the level of development of web technologies. We live in a digital age, and some of us spend almost all our time in virtual reality. On the Internet we work, study, find buyers, partners, customers.

Modern tendencies business development are:

some companies grow on the Internet into huge portals, bringing billions in profits to their owners;

many stores are acquiring online sales platforms or even completely “moving” from offline to online;

More and more people prefer to “go” to online stores, saving their time and money.

This is why the need for website development specialists has increased so dramatically (and continues to grow). That is why a natural desire was born in you to “join” this process and become a web programmer from scratch.

A good web programming specialist should be able to correctly create a website architecture, automate the work of adding, deleting and updating content, collecting information from visitors, etc.

What is web programming?

Some say that web programming is a genetic talent, others say that it is an art. And Wikipedia says that this is a section of web development focused on creating web applications (programs that enable dynamic sites on the Internet). I'll explain now.

A website is not a collection of static web pages. Yes, they can be amazingly beautiful, have interesting, perfectly organized content, but that’s not all. The site must be interactive, that is, capable of responding to visitor actions, collecting and processing certain data received from users.

On a modern website it is impossible to do without special programs- scripts. With their help, you can add a form to the site feedback, Personal Area, voting, search, filter, etc. Thus, the task of a web programmer is to “breathe” life into web pages so that the user can not only admire them, but also interact with them interactively.

Components of web programming

Web design.

This subsection is responsible for developing the graphical and functional content of a custom web application, which is created using HTML and XHTML hypertext markup standards, as well as CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). For those who do not know what it is, I advise you to eliminate illiteracy on this issue and go through. XHTML is a new generation of hypertext markup language.

Client-side programming (front-end).

Client programming is the creation of logic on the browser side (saving and processing user data, dynamic change web pages without reloading, sending Ajax requests to the server). It is supported by the following technologies:

JavaScript. It is the most popular programming language and is supported by all devices and internet browsers. For studying JavaScript basics You can use it, which explains in detail the main points of the language. If you decide to get serious about front-end web programming, I recommend going through JavaScript course& jQuery for beginners from scratch to pro;

PHP. This web programming language is the simplest and most widely used. It is supported by most hosting providers; Many website engines are written on it. For studying PHP basics I can recommend;

ASP.NET. This is technology from Microsoft. Its environment allows you to easily and quickly create various web applications. The ASP.NET infrastructure takes care of asynchronous page updating using AJAX, packaging remote calls to other web services in SOAP messages, generation of Proxy classes by WSDL description, converting controls to JavaScript code and HTML;

Python, Ruby, Perl and other backend programming languages.

Where and how to learn web programming?

Many newbies hope to take courses that teach them how to build websites and become web programmers, and then immediately find a high-paying job. They send resumes to different companies, but do not receive a response.

The fact is that in order to become a web programmer from scratch, you need to knock on many doors at once. Here are a few of them:

If you decide to graduate from university, I advise you to choose one of the following specialties, each of which will teach you basic programming languages:

Information Systems and technology;

software and administration of IT systems;

IT security;

computer science and English / Computer Engineering.

However, university knowledge will not be enough for you to successfully work as a web programmer. You will have to watch a lot of training videos, read a mountain of literature on different languages, communicate with a crowd of professional (and sometimes rather arrogant) programmers, step on a dozen rake and spend many sleepless nights writing code before you become a web programmer and can create good and excellent websites.

Meanwhile, you will get closer and closer to your cherished goal. Your professionalism will grow, and with it your earnings. So learn new things all the time, develop and fill the Internet with worthy sites! That's all. Subscribe to our blog updates and be the first to know all the most interesting things. See you again!

Modern trends and approaches in web development

Learn the algorithm for rapid growth from scratch in website building

From the author: and welcome you again to our blog, where you can finally and irrevocably immerse yourself in the wonderful world of freelancing. There are no bosses, no work schedule, and everything depends only on your initiative and desire for self-improvement. Today we will talk about such a freelance industry as web programming. If you are looking for a way to start making money as a web programmer, then you have come to the right place.

If you are just starting to learn web programming, then you are especially at the right place! But before you calculate how much a web programmer earns, you must decide for yourself whether this type of activity will bring you pleasure. Work should be your hobby!

Where to begin?

The teaching method for any craft is almost always the same. It doesn’t matter what you study: the theory and practice of translation, economics, law, or our everyday web programming. In order to become good specialist, you should study extensively, although not necessarily deeply, the areas with which the field of science you are studying in one way or another comes into contact with.

For example, architects study the history of various styles of architecture and the key events that occurred during a given era that influenced trends in art, and therefore architecture. Although architects are not historians, they need basic knowledge of history.

With web programming the situation is much the same. You shouldn’t try to learn everything at once, but knowledge of a little bit of everything in the field of web development is needed at least in order to understand in what specialization you can prove yourself in at its best.

What should a beginner web programmer know?

How to start making money as a web programmer if you know almost nothing about web development, but program code look as if you were looking at a Chinese letter? Don't feel bad, everyone was a beginner once before they learned how to code apps and launch satellites into orbit. You have the desire and an Internet connection, and at the initial stage this will be quite enough.

Learn the basics of HTML and CSS

Learning Hypertext Markup Language and Cascading Style Sheets, i.e. HTML and CSS are the basis of the basics. It is the hypertext markup language and cascading style sheets that structure the markup and design of web pages.

In order for you to better navigate the ocean of information called the Internet, I will recommend you several decent video courses dedicated to learning JavaScript:

Already know JavaScript and HTML? It’s great because the period of studying these two languages ​​can be compared to the first year of university, where you gain basic knowledge in order to be ready to move on.

Moving from frontend to backend

But since this is not the end of a web programmer’s activities, it’s time to move on to what is called “Back-end”. In other words, this is the code that runs on the server. To do this you do not need to have own server, because your PC will cope with this role perfectly.

You should start studying the “Back-end” section with Node.JS, because with its help you can run JavaScript codes not in the browser, as before, but on the server. In addition, you should learn how to work with databases (MongoDB) and Express, a library that allows Node.JS to function as a web server.

Actually, this is the foundation on which your future career as a web programmer will be built. This knowledge will be quite enough to try yourself in web programming, but do not forget that with the development of technology you will have to learn more and more new languages ​​and new techniques. So, friends, don’t stop there at the first signs of success.

Find work as a full-time web programmer or freelancer

It is quite difficult for a developer without experience to find a job, but not impossible. Use well-known employee search sites or even connections of friends and relatives. In the office you will get to know the mechanisms of this business from the inside. There you will learn how to deal with clients and practice managing your finances.

Then, if you wish, you can go freelance. When exactly this can be done is up to you to decide. This significant moment may depend on your qualifications, experience, risk-taking ability, family obligations and even debts. The main thing is to adhere to business ethics.

Create a Project-Oriented Resume

Portfolio is the most important way demonstrate your work and find a customer. I advise you to use a flexible portfolio format - in the foreground there should be information that reflects the specifics and your strengths in the job you want to get. If your education is important to the hiring company, then place information about it and your certificates in the appropriate section.

A question that worries all new programmers

Now you know how to make money as a web programmer and what you need to know to do it. Many beginners are concerned about the question of how much web programmers earn.

It's no secret that in our country many smart web programmers work for customers from Western Europe and the USA. And if we compare exchange rates and wage levels, we can conclude that their choice is completely justified.

As a rule, payment directly depends on the degree of complexity of the task, so a web developer can receive from $100 to $10,000. The level of payment is influenced by many factors, such as the complexity of the task, the time frame within which the work must be completed, etc., so that there cannot be specific prices for the services of web programmers. After delving into the offers of employer companies, you can make the following selection of salaries for IT specialists:

All we can say with confidence is that a web programmer is one of the most sought-after Internet professions in the world. And, despite the high competition in the labor market, good webmasters are always in short supply. In addition, for historical and economic reasons, our web developers are highly valued by Western customers.

That's probably all. Subscribe to our blog updates and share them with your friends. Explore new horizons and never stop improving yourself. See you again!

Modern trends and approaches in web development

Learn the algorithm for rapid growth from scratch in website building