Monitor testing programs. How to test an LCD TV for dead pixels. Pre-sale inspection. Repairing dead pixels on TV

Every buyer faces this interesting problem when choosing a new TV. It's no secret that when buying a modern TV in a store, managers offer paid service- check the TV screen for defective pixels and sound quality. The most interesting thing during the conversation is that they refer to service centers where, if you find one or more dead pixels, they will still give you a conclusion that the TV is working and there is no reason to return the defective product. After all, according to the ISO 13406-2 standard new TV with up to 7 dead pixels must be returned to the consumer without any claims to the store. You can find more information about this ISO 13406-2 on the Internet.

Yes, we know that according to the law of consumer rights, within 14 days the store that sold this TV is “sort of obliged to replace” the TV with another or return the money. This cherished word seems to calm. But not everything is as good as it seems. The store will replace your TV or return it Money, only when you bring an official conclusion from the warranty service center about the unsuitability of a product called TV.

To save yourself from wasting time and money, I recommend checking the TV before purchasing using a flash drive.

Checking a new TV for dead pixels from a flash drive

If you buy modern TV with a USB connector, checking for dead pixels is very simple.

photo 1

The archive below contains 9 photos with a resolution (1920x1080 pix) and a movie trailer in 1920x1080 mkv HD format. They need to be moved to a flash drive.

Install the flash drive into the USB connector of the new TV.

Using the TV remote control in the menu - connect USB flash drive. Then select viewing photos by pointing to our test photos in the menu.

We look through 9 colors of photographs one by one and in the case of a dead pixel or several dead pixels, we will see them on the TV screen.

photo 2

By viewing each of the 9 screensavers, you can easily determine the presence or absence of dead pixels on the TV screen even before paying for the purchase. Don't forget to check the sound quality in the folder there is a movie trailer in excellent quality and with good sound.

photo 3

Happy shopping!

Files for checking your TV for dead pixels

The files are archived with WinRar. Use the link below and download the archiver.

The other day I remembered how I bought a monitor in a store a couple of years ago. I then read a bunch of articles about how to choose the right monitor, how to find dead pixels, what color rendition should be, etc. Most of the authors of the articles advised uploading good juicy photos to your flash drive, Nokia program Monitor Test and with this “gentleman’s kit” go shopping for a monitor...

Now, remembering all this, I thought about whether it was possible to simplify this entire preparation process and go to the store light, but at the same time be sure that you will choose a quality monitor. And I found a way out - online service.

He will provide you with everything you need tests to check your monitor before the purchase. Now you don’t need to take anything with you to the store - just ask the seller to type the address of the specified service in your browser, and you will be armed to the teeth)).

I’ll tell you what opportunities this online service provides for testing a monitor. You can choose three options:

  • “Html Window” – running tests in a browser tab
  • “Html FS” - running tests in a separate browser window with a resolution of 1280x1024 px
  • “Executable Mode” - you can download tests in the form Windows applications and run them directly from your computer.

All these options are absolutely equivalent, so choose which one suits you best.

Immediately after starting the test, a page with a picture will open to check the monitor’s ability to display similar shades. On high-quality monitors, a two percent difference in dark tones can be discerned.

To switch to other modes, you need to move the cursor to the top edge of the browser window. A translucent menu will open in which other monitor tests will become available.

Color range

Assessment of color rendering quality when displaying smooth gradients of different tones. There are 9 different modes available.


Test real speed matrix response. There are 6 test options available.


Checking the uniformity of the backlight of the monitor lamps and checking for dead pixels. You can fill your monitor screen with five different colors.

1:1 pixel mapping

Test for the presence of stains, the so-called moire.


Checking the readability and blur of text on the monitor. You can choose both the color of the text itself and the background on which it is located.

Besides everything else, Online Monitor Test will be useful to you if you work on several monitors at once. Using the “Input Lag Html (Exe)” test, you can determine whether there is a delay between them in the output of the input signal.

Friends, I hope you liked this online monitor test. When you are ready to go to the store to make a purchase, do not forget to use it to choose a good quality copy.

A monitor is not the last thing you need to pay attention to when purchasing or long-term use computer and laptop. After all, the quality of the image and the comfort of your perception of the picture will depend on it.

Today, almost all monitors use color for color reproduction. RGB model– from English Red, Green, Blue. Each pixel of the screen has three channels - one is responsible for red, another for green, and the third for blue. Mixed with different intensities, they give different colors - the maximum intensity of all three colors gives white, the minimum intensity gives black.

Using special pictures, you can check the presence of dead pixels on the screen of a computer, laptop or TV, color rendition, smooth transition between colors, sharpness, contrast and brightness.

In this article I will tell you how you can check your monitor for dead pixels using special online tests.

Test monteon

By using this test, you can check not only the computer screen, but also the display of your mobile device.

In the address bar of your browser, type To start testing, click “Start”, if you want to read more about the tests, click "Learn more about tests".

In this online test There are various test screens to help you evaluate the image shown on the monitor. For a full check, go to full screen mode. Using the arrows you can change test pictures. You can also select the necessary tests on the control panel. If you do not move the mouse, the control panel disappears and does not interfere with checking the monitor.

You can check your monitor for dead pixels using test images of red, green and of blue color presented in the section "Color rendition". There are also images of other colors.

To do this, look carefully at each image presented on the screen. It should not have black pixels. If, for example, in the red color, you find such pixels, this means that the channel responsible for the red color does not work, and such a pixel can be called dead or broken. Accordingly, at such a point, you will not be able to obtain a purple color - mixing red and blue - and the color reproduction of this pixel will be distorted.

Using the monteon test, you can also check the screen for a smooth transition between colors - “Gradients”, alternation of black and white pixels - “Flicker”, image sharpness and clarity of borders for text displayed on the screen - “Sharpness”, brightness, contrast, etc.

In the test description you can read in more detail what flaws you should look for for each image.


IN address bar In your browser, type, the following site will open. To check the monitor online, follow the link "HTML window". If you want to check any other computer, laptop or TV that is not connected to the Internet, follow the link “Executable mode”, download the executive file to a flash drive and run it on any other device.

When you hover your mouse over the top of the window, the main menu appears, represented by seven tabs. If the hint window on the screen bothers you, turn it off with the “Info on/off” button.

The “Main page” tab presents various shades gray. Here you can evaluate how well your monitor distinguishes similar shades: if differences between shades are noticeable with a difference of 2%, then the monitor is good.

On the “Color range” tab you can evaluate the monitor’s reproduction various colors and smooth transition between shades. Here you can look at the smoothness of the gradient from black to white, red, green, blue. If you do not see any distinct stripes, then everything is fine with the monitor.

On the “Trailing” tab you can estimate how blurry objects will be a certain color in move. If for test square a trail remains - it's not scary. But the longer it is, the worse the monitor.

To start moving the square, click “Start box”. You can increase or decrease its speed using the “Speed” button. If you want to move it to another lane, click on the small squares in the " Background color". To change the shape and color of the square itself, move the sliders in the “Box color” field.

On the “Homogenuity” tab, you can check your monitor for dead pixels. Change test images, represented by a black, white, red, green and blue picture, and make sure that the screen fill is uniform. If colors are displayed normally on the entire screen and there are no black pixels for color pictures, then there are no dead pixels on your monitor.

The “1:1 pixelmapping” tab is great for checking TV screens. This fills the screen with alternating black and white dots. There should not be consecutive pixels of the same color or colored pixels.

On the “Text” tab, you can see the display of a specific text color on any background. The edges of the text should not be blurred.

I will end here. I think now you know how to check your monitor for dead pixels, and more.

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Every salesman Every day I face the need to check LCD (liquid crystal) TVs and monitors. Many stores charge money for checking monitors and TVs, I welcome such initiatives, every job should be paid for, and since salesman As a rule, he receives more for checking a TV than for selling a TV, then the check must be carried out efficiently and with an understanding of what you are doing. Below I will explain the algorithm for checking LCD panels and provide necessary tools - fills for checking TVs and program TFT-Test which is suitable for checking both monitors and TVs, but it is natural for the program to work TFTTest 1.52 You need a computer or laptop with Windows OS installed. In order for more of your colleagues to be able to find this material on the vast expanses of the Internet, do not be lazy to use it.

Tools for checking LCD TVs and monitors.

First you need to write the required complex onto a flash drive. software including - archive with colored fills and gradients with a resolution of 1920x1080 and the program TFTTest. It is also very useful to have a set of test videos with you with which you can demonstrate to the client the capabilities of his TV - 3D support, the quality of drawing dynamic scenes (100, 200, 400, 800 Hz), sound quality, the ability of the player built into the TV to play certain formats .

1. Download fills to check TVs

2. Download the TFTTest program to check monitors for dead pixels you can click on one of the links:

Algorithm for checking TVs (briefly)

A brief description of how to check the TV using previously downloaded fills. To identify (aka) pixels, we use monochromatic fills, adjust the sharpness (of vision) and carefully look at the screen, it is especially difficult to notice a “dead” pixel because it is not visible on every color. The situation is more complicated with the identification of pixels; to identify them, a “checkerboard” or “mesh” fill (also known as moiré) is used.

Moire and focusing. Filling the screen with intricate details, small text or patterns determines whether the screen provides clear images of various small parts. Another test will be able to “catch” the presence of moire - unpleasant shadow effects that “blur” the image, depriving the picture of brightness and clarity.

Algorithm for checking monitors using TFTTest 1.52

TFTTest 1.52 is not just a banal screen fill, but a complex of tests designed to comprehensively test your monitor or TV. You will check everything most Important Features, according to which the monitor is actually selected. After you download the latest version TFTTest 1.52, you can start testing your monitor, if you don't know how to use the program TFTTest 1.52 to identify those harmful dead pixels , then below are instructions for using the program TFTTest 1.52.


It is advisable to carry out all monitor/TV tests, except for interpolation testing, at the monitor’s “native” resolution. Color depth is 24 or 32 bits. With 8 and 16 bit colors, color gradient tests will show obvious bands not related to the resolution of the monitor's matrix. The frame rate is used in tests to evaluate the performance of the matrix. It is advisable to exhibit maximum frequency for a given video mode and monitor connection method.

When testing several monitors simultaneously, it is advisable to set same settings in brightness, contrast and color temperature.

All tests are run in full screen mode according to the selected resolution. When you select Default mode, the currently set video mode is used.
For operating rooms Windows systems 95/98/ME the screen resolution and frame rate are set separately. However, not all frame rates for this permission may be supported by the monitor.

  • A set of tests for checking interpolation of “non-native” resolutions
  • Color gradient to check matrix linearity and discreteness
  • Colored wedges to check the synchronicity of increasing color brightness
  • Step gradient to check matrix linearity and discreteness
  • Circles for checking interpolation of “non-native” resolutions
  • Ring gradient to check matrix linearity and discreteness
  • Patterns for checking interpolation of “non-native” resolutions
  • Checking font readability
  • Grid for checking the legibility of parts
  • Moving square
  • Moving square with grid

1. Test of matrix backlight uniformity and absence

2. Test set from points, staggered, vertical lines And horizontal lines, to check the interpolation of “non-native” resolutions. It is recommended that you configure your monitor for each video mode before performing the test. Tests reveal image heterogeneity in the form of horizontal and/or vertical stripes, compared to the image in “native” resolution. Change in average screen brightness when moving from vertical lines to horizontal ones at native resolution, serves as a qualitative estimate of the video channel bandwidth when connected via D-Sub.

3. Color gradient test. The uniformity of brightness increase from the upper left to the lower right corner is checked. On matrices with low color resolution, a step-like change in brightness is observed. A number of matrices exhibit characteristic diagonal stripes of increased or reduced brightness, due to the nonlinear characteristics of the matrix. When starting, you should pay attention to the installation of 24 or 32 bit colors.

4. The test is similar to the previous one, but displays several horizontal or vertical color wedges at the same time. The test checks the synchronism of the increase in brightness of the wedges and the balance of colors.
Change brightness – Plus, Minus
Exit test – Esc RightMouse click

5. Step color gradient test. The uniformity of the increase in brightness and the resolution of the transition through gradations of brightness are checked. When starting, you should pay attention to the installation of 24 or 32 bit colors.
Changing mode – Left, Right, LeftMouse click
Exit test – Esc RightMouse click

6. Concentric Circles Test, to check the interpolation of “non-native” resolutions. It is recommended that you configure your monitor for each video mode before performing the test. Tests reveal image inhomogeneity compared to the image in the “native” resolution.
Changing mode – Left, Right, LeftMouse click
Exit test – Esc RightMouse click

7. Color Gradient Test. The uniformity of brightness increase along the radius of the circle is checked. On matrices with low color resolution, a step-like change in brightness is observed. When starting, you should pay attention to the installation of 24 or 32 bit colors.
Changing the direction of the gradient – ​​Up, Down
Change color – Left, Right, LeftMouse click
Change brightness – Plus, Minus
Exit test – Esc RightMouse click

8. A set of patterns for checking interpolation of “non-native” resolutions. It is recommended that you configure your monitor for each video mode before performing the test. Tests reveal image heterogeneity in the form of horizontal and/or vertical stripes, compared to the image in the “native” resolution.
Changing mode – Left, Right, LeftMouse click
Exit test – Esc RightMouse click

9. Font readability test various sizes and saturation at “native” and “non-native” resolutions.
Changing fonts – Left, Right, LeftMouse click
Change brightness – Plus, Minus
Exit test – Esc RightMouse click

10. Test to check blurriness and line thickness. Like the previous test, it characterizes the readability of fonts and small details.
Changing mode – Left, Right, LeftMouse click
Change brightness – Plus, Minus
Exit test – Esc RightMouse click

11. Test for visual assessment of matrix performance. Most visible when simultaneously testing multiple monitors on matrices different types, and when compared with CRT monitor ami. Parameters for comparison are the brightness of the moving square, the length of the “tail,” the blurring of the border, the color and geometry of the square.
Information on the left top corner screen:
Cur 1280x1024 32 bit 60 hz - current video mode
60hz 16.6ms - screen refresh rate and interval
Vh=5 p/c Vv=5 p/c - square displacement speed (points/frame)
Change brightness – Plus, Minus
Exit test – Esc RightMouse click

12. The test is similar to the previous one, but the square moves horizontally or vertically, and a scale grid is applied.
Change speed – Up, Down
Changing mode – Left, Right, LeftMouse click
Change brightness – Plus, Minus
Exit test – Esc RightMouse click

Answers to the most common questions about the TFTTest 1.52 program

Question: There is no moving square in the matrix performance test,
but there are only glitches flickering all over the screen - stripes.
The indicator in the upper right corner shows 0.00 ms.
The same situation with a colored stripe running vertically in the following
section of the test.
Answer: In the video card driver settings, you must enable vertical

Question: When selecting the matrix speed measurement mode, TFTTest shows 16 ms, and in
The documentation for the monitor says 25 ms. And who is lying?
Answer: The program _CANNOT_ measure the speed of the matrix. 16ms is the update time
pictures on the screen, inversely proportional to the frame rate.

Question: After starting the matrix speed measurement on some monitors, there remains
light stripe.
Answer: Indeed, on monitors made on IPS matrices LG-Philips remains
light stripe. The mechanism by which the stripe occurs is unknown. In a few
minutes it disappears and does not have any negative consequences.

Question: Why does the program show 50hz 20ms in matrix speed tests?
although the video card settings are set to 60Hz or 75Hz.
Answer: 50Hz appears when installed in the video card settings as a second
PAL TV devices. If you put TV NTSC then the frequency
updates will be 60Hz. And if you disable it in the video card settings
TV output, the screen refresh rate will again become 60Hz
or 75Hz. Let me emphasize once again that this is the refresh rate (drawing)
screen. Even when the program shows 50Hz, the scan frequency
The monitor will still be 60Hz or 75Hz depending on the settings
video cards.

Question: Why does the square “run” across the screen in matrix speed tests?
Answer: Due to non-multiple screen refresh rates and monitor scan rates.
For example, when the PAL TV is enabled in the video card settings
The screen drawing frequency will be 50Hz, and the output to the monitor will be DVI output 60Hz.

Question: I select video mode, but nothing happens.
Answer: The video mode changes only during the test when working in full screen mode.

Instructions for using the Dead pixel tester program

Basic principles:
1) Make sure your screen is free of dirt and fingerprints, if possible clean it with .
2) Make sure your screen resolution for your monitor is set correctly, for example if your screen is 1680x1050, make sure your monitor resolution is set to 1680x1050.
3) Use right button mouse to switch to the main menu and turns off so that you can see the entire screen without any interference.
4) Use the left mouse button to switch between primary colors and fill colors: Black (Check for dead blue pixels), Blue (Check for dead blue pixels), Red (Check for dead red pixels), Green (Check for dead green pixels), White (Check for dead green pixels) dead group of pixels)
5) Every time you choose a new color, carefully inspect the screen for defects (black dots - dead pixels will be visible on the screen of any color)
6) Use [M] to turn on the marker on any suspicious points on the screen. This allows you to inspect the rest of the screen and return to that area / Check if the screen is clean.

[X] in the upper right corner of the screen hides the program dialog box, you can also use the right mouse button or
Left button mice: scrolls through the primary colors red, green, blue, black and white
Pressing the scroll wheel: Turns the mouse cursor on and off, the scroll wheel changes the display view
Right mouse button: shows and hides the main menu
Pattern selection: Switch between the color on the screen and various models(for example gradients).
Markers: Press the [M] button and a small circle will be drawn at that point. This allows you to further examine the screen for dead pixels, and then return to the marked areas. You can remove a marker by simply placing the mouse back in that position and pressing [M] again, or use [R] to remove all markers on the screen.
Auto Cycle: Automatically cycles color changes without clicking a mouse button. Nearby you can change the speed at which this happens, in milliseconds (1000ms = 1 second)
Main color: Shows the currently selected color
Pattern color: Shows the secondary colors you have selected (use right mouse button to toggle)
Information: Basic information about your current resolution screen.

Atrise Lutcurve
OS: Win2k/XP/Vista/7 To the website
5/5 - 1.7Mb
Shareware $25

This program will help you calibrate your liquid crystal display (LCD) or CRT monitor. Lutcurve uses knowledge of what the eye has high sensitivity to a neutral gray color. The calculation of the test gamma patterns by which you will adjust the monitor is based on the mathematical relationships described in the article by A. Roberts “Measuring transfer characteristic(gamma) display devices.” Atrise Lutcurve will allow you to correct even non-linear color display. This is especially true for LCD monitors. The number of calibration points is unlimited, so it is quite possible to achieve excellent results even on old monitors with a dead backlight. The program fully supports multi-display configurations. You can adjust the image different monitors to each other, so that the colors are the same everywhere. Atrise Lutcurve has a multilingual interface, including Russian among the supported languages.

OS: Win9x/Me/NT/2k/XP To the website
5/5 - 189Kb

CheckeMON is a utility for testing quality and setting up a monitor. It consists of 9 tests, including the test of color, geometry, convergence, etc. All tests are provided with a description. Also displayed brief information O current mode monitor operation.

DDC Test
OS: Win95/98 To the website
4/5 - 138K

This utility provides information about the monitor and its characteristics. The monitor must support Plug and Play.

Dead Pixel Tester
OS: Win98/Me/2k/XP To the website
5/5 - 188Kb

Dead Pixel Tester is designed to check LCD monitor screens for dead pixels. The program allows you to fill the screen with different colors, run some other tests on the LCD screen, and also run the Stuck Pixel Exerciser, which will try to revive a faulty pixel.

EIZO Monitortest
OS: Win98/Me/2k/XP To the website
5/5 - 522Kb

EIZO Monitortest is designed for thorough testing and tuning of monitors. The program has an original interface and includes 24 tests (including: color, moiré, geometry, clarity, brightness, inertia, etc.). Each test is equipped brief description. Supported interface languages ​​are English, German and Czech.

iiyama Monitor Test
OS: Win9x/Me/NT/2k/XP To the website
5/5 - 2.6Mb

A program for testing and setting up a monitor from iiyama. It includes tests such as geometry, moire, focus, readability, color, LCD tests, etc. iiyama Monitor Test has a nice animated interface.

LSoft Testbild
OS: Win9x/Me/NT/2k/XP To the website
4/5 - 163Kb

A German program designed to test a monitor. Has the usual set of tests, including total there are 6 of them. The interface is in German.

Monitor Asset Manager 2.9
OS: WinXP/Vista/7/8 To the website
5/5 - 699K

Monitor Asset Manager is the successor to DDC Test, supporting the latest Windows versions and multi-monitor configurations. The utility gives detailed information about the monitor and its characteristics by accessing the monitor directly and without relying on data contained in the registry. The monitor must support Plug and Play.

Monitor Calibration Wizard
OS: Win9x/Me/NT/2k/XP To the website
4/5 - 771K

Monitor Calibration Wizard is a program for adjusting the color gamut and brightness of your monitor.

Monitor Expert
OS: WinXP/2k3/Vista To the website
4/5 - 600Kb
Shareware $15
A program designed for testing and setting up monitors, both LCD and CRT. Monitor Expert contains more than 10 tests, as well as a monitor information screen.

Monitor Test 5
OS: Win9x/Me/NT/2k/XP To the website
4/5 - 27Kb
Monitor Test is a program for setting up monitors. Includes several tests to adjust beam convergence, focus, and image brightness and contrast. Possesses Russian-language interface.

Monitor Test
OS: Win9x/Me/NT/2000 To the website
4/5 - 163Kb
A Russian program with a Russian-language interface that allows you to check your monitor for color, geometry, screen resolution, etc.

Monitor Tester
OS: Win9x/Me/NT/2000 To the website
5/5 - 348Kb
This program will be very useful when setting up your monitor. With its help, you can adjust the image size and position, color mixing and purity, balance white, brightness and contrast, focus, moire, etc.

Monitors Matter CheckScreen
OS: Win9x/Me/NT/2000 To the website
5/5 - 836Kb
One of the best on this moment Monitor testing utilities. It allows you to properly configure the monitor before testing, conduct tests of color, focus, geometry, power supply, etc. In addition, the program provides separate tests for liquid crystal monitors (LCD). Among them there are tests for blur, pixel quality, etc.

NEC Monitor Test
OS: Win9x/Me/NT/2k/XP To the website
4/5 - 152Kb
This development from NEC is designed for testing monitors. It includes 14 different tests that can be performed in different resolutions and with different color scheme.

Nokia Monitor Test
OS: Win95/98
5/5 - 379Kb
One of the few quality programs to test the monitor! You can contact her separately.

PassMark MonitorTest
OS: Win98/Me/NT/2k/XP/2k3/Vista To the website
5/5 - 1.3Mb
Shareware $24

PassMark MonitorTest allows you to conduct a series standardized tests monitor at different resolutions. The tests themselves and the necessary permissions are set before testing begins, i.e. no need to switch manually. The program also provides some information about the computer's video system.

Philips Test Pattern Generator
OS: Win9x/Me/NT/2k/XP
5/5 - 3Mb

Monitor setup program from Philips. She has an impressive amount various settings and test screens. It is possible to select the aspect ratio (4:3 or 16:9).

Pixel Persistence Analyzer
OS: Win9x/Me/NT/2k/XP
5/5 - 67Kb

Very interesting program, designed for LCD testing. It allows you to compare the pixel inertia of different LCD monitors. It has several tests, a contrast adjustment function, an original interface, an entertaining game, and much more! Recommended to all owners of LCD monitors without exception!