Get and post parameters in the request. Learning to work with GET and POST requests. More about HTTP

Today I wanted to get a little into primitive things and describe what can be found in worldwide network in large quantities and without much effort. We will talk practically about the holy of holies of the HTTP protocol: POST and GET requests.

Many will ask why? I will answer briefly and clearly: not everyone knows what it is and why it is needed, and those who want to learn about it (while understanding little in the IT field) often cannot understand what is written in many, many articles devoted to this topic. I’ll try to explain with my fingers what POST and GET requests are and what they are used for.
So, let's begin our journey into a fairy tale...
If you are reading this message, then you at least know what the Internet looks like and what an Internet site is. Omitting all the subtleties of work world wide web, we will operate with such concepts as user and site. Whatever one may say, these two entities must somehow interact with each other. For example, people communicate with each other through gestures, emotions and speech, animals make some sounds, but what happens when a person and an Internet resource “communicate”? Here we have a case of information exchange, which can be transferred to a human “Question-Answer” conversation. Moreover, both the user and the site can ask questions and answers. When we talk about a website, its questions and answers, as a rule, are always expressed in the form of an Internet page with one text or another. When we're talking about about the user, then everything happens thanks to GET and POST requests (of course not only, but we are talking about them).

Thus, we found out that our theme objects are necessary to “communicate” with sites. Moreover, both GET and POST requests can be used to “ask questions” to the site and to “answer” them. How are they different? Everything is quite simple. However, to explain the differences, we will have to consider an example, for which we will take the site of an online store plan.
You've probably often noticed when you were looking for something in online stores, that when resorting to a search using filters, the site address turned from the beautiful “” to the terrible “”. So, everything that comes after the ‘?’ symbol is your GET request to the site, and to be completely precise, in in this case You seem to be asking the site what it has in the “Shoes” category from sizes “38” (this example is taken from my head, in reality everything may not look so obvious). As a result, we have that we can ask questions ourselves by indicating them in the address bar of the site. It's obvious that this method has several disadvantages. Firstly, anyone who is next to the user at the computer can easily spy on all the data, so use this type Requests for password transfer are highly discouraged. Secondly, there is a limitation on the length of the string that can be transferred from the site address field, which means that it will not be possible to transfer much data. However a definite plus using GET queries is its ease of use and the ability to quickly query the site, which is especially useful during development, but that’s another story...
Now let's talk about POST requests. Smart readers may have realized that the main difference between this request and its counterpart is the secrecy of the transmitted data. If we consider an online store, a striking example where a POST request is used is registration on the site. The site asks for your data, you fill in this data and when you click on the “Registration” button you send your answer. Moreover, this data will not be displayed externally in any way. It is also worth noting that they can request quite a large number of information - but the POST request has no restrictions. Well, if you touch on the minus, then such a request cannot be generated quickly. You can’t do this without special skills. Although in reality everything is not so difficult, but again, that’s another story.
Let's summarize. POST and GET requests are needed for “communication” between the user and the site. They are essentially almost the opposite of each other. The use of certain types of queries depends on the specific situation and using only one type of query is extremely inconvenient.

1. HTTP protocol. Introduction

I would like to clarify one small thing right away. The terrible word protocol is nothing more than an agreement of many people, just at one fine moment people decided: “Let's do it this way, and then everything will be fine.” There is nothing to be afraid of, everything is simply outrageous and we will now reveal this disgrace. So, what is the HTTP protocol and what is it used for?

1.1 Client and server

There are no miracles in the world, and especially in the world of programming and the Internet! Accept this as an unshakable truth. And, if the program does not work or does not work as desired, then, most likely, it is either written incorrectly or contains errors. So, how does the browser ask the server to send it anything? Yes, very simple! You just need to relax a little and start enjoying the process :-)

1.2. Writing our first HTTP request

If you think that everything is too complicated, then you are mistaken. Man is designed in such a way that he is simply not capable of creating something complex, otherwise he himself will get confused in it :-) So, there is a browser and there is a Web server. The browser is always the initiator of data exchange. A Web server will never simply send anything to anyone so that it sends something to the browser - the browser must ask for it. Simplest HTTP The request might look, for example, like this:

GET http : // HTTP/1.0rnrn

* GET (translated from English means “get”) - the type of request, the type of request can be different, for example POST, HEAD, PUT, DELETE (we will look at some of them below).
* - URI (address) from which we want to receive at least some information (naturally, we hope to learn the HTML page).
* HTTP/1.0 - the type and version of the protocol that we will use when communicating with the server.
* rn - the end of the line, which must be repeated twice; why will become clear a little later.

You can perform this request very simply. Run the telnet.exe program, enter as the host, specify port 80, and simply type this request by pressing Enter twice as rnrn. In response you will receive HTML code home page website

1.3 Request structure

Let's look at what an HTTP request consists of. Everything is quite simple. Let's start with the fact that an HTTP request is a completely meaningful text. What does it consist of? general case? We will consider the HTTP 1.0 protocol. So :

Request - Line [ General - Header | Request - Header | Entity - Header ] rn [ Entity - Body ]

* Request-Line - request line

Format : "Method Request-URI HTTP-Versionrn"
* Method -
the method by which the Request-URI resource will be processed can be GET, POST, PUT, DELETE or HEAD.
* Request-URI - relative or absolute reference to a page with a set of parameters, for example, /index.html or or /index.html?a=1&b=qq. In the latter case, the server will be sent a request with a set of variables a and b with the corresponding values, and the “&” sign - an ampersand - serves as a separator between the parameters.
* HTTP-Version - version HTTP protocol and, in our case, "HTTP/1.0".

We are extremely interested in GET and POST processing methods. Using the GET method, you can simply pass parameters to the script, and POST method you can emulate form submit.

For the GET method, the Request-URI might look like this: "/index.html?param1=1¶m2=2".

* General-Header - the main part of the header.
Can only have two parameters: Date or Pragma. Date - Greenwich date in the format "Day of week, Day Month Year HH:MM:SS GMT", for example, "Tue, 15 Nov 1994 08:12:31 GMT" - date of creation of the request. Pragma can have a single no-cache value, which disables caching of the page.

* Request-Header - part of the header that describes the request.

Request-Header can have the following parameters : Allow, Authorization, From, If-Modified-Since, Referer, User-Agent.
In this chapter, we will not cover the Authorization parameter, since it is used to access closed resources, which is not required very often. You can learn how to create an authorized access header yourself at

* Allow - sets acceptable processing methods.
Format: "Allow: GET | HEADn".
The parameter is ignored when specifying the POST processing method in Request-Line. Specifies acceptable request processing methods. Proxy servers do not modify the Allow parameter and it reaches the server unchanged.

* From - e-mail address who sent the request.
Format: "From: adderssrn".
For example, "From: [email protected]".

* If-Modified-Since - indicates that the request has not been modified since such and such time.
Format: "If-Modified-Since: datern"
Used only for the GET processing method. The date is specified in GMT in the same format as for the Date parameter in the General-Header.

* Referrer - an absolute link to the page from which the request was initiated, i.e. a link to the page from which the user came to ours.
Format: "Referrer: urln".
Example: "Referrer:".
* User-Agent - browser type.
For example: "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0n"

* Entity-Header - part of the header that describes the Entity-Body data.
This part of the request specifies parameters that describe the body of the page. Entity-Header can contain the following parameters: Allow, Content-Encoding, Content-Length, Content-Type, Expires, Last-Modified, extension-header.

* Allow - a parameter similar to Allow from General-Header.

* Content-Encoding - Entity-Body data encoding type.
Format: "Content-Encoding: x-gzip | x-compress | other type".
Example: "Content-Encoding: x-gzipn". The "|" character means the word “or”, that is, this or that or that, etc.
Another type may indicate how the data is encoded, for example, for the POST method: "Content-Encoding: application/x-www-form-urlencodedn".

* Content-Length - the number of bytes sent to the Entity-Body. The Content-Length value has a completely different meaning for data sent in MIME format, where it acts as a parameter for describing a part of the data - "external/entity-body". Valid numbers are integers from zero and above.
Example: "Content-Length: 26457n".

* Content-Type - type of transmitted data.
For example: "Content-Type: text/htmln".

* Expires - Time when the page should be deleted from the browser cache.
Format: "Expires: dated". The date format is the same as the date format for the Date parameter from General-Header.

* Last-Modified - time last change sent data.
Format: "Last-Modified: dated". The date format is the same as the date format for the Date parameter from General-Header.

* Extention-header - part of the header, which can be intended, for example, to be processed by a browser or other program that receives the document. In this part, you can describe your parameters in the "ParameterName: parametervaluen" format. These parameters will be ignored if the client program does not know how to process them.
For example: "Cookie: r=1rn" - sets well-known cookies for the page.

And now, after such terrible words, let's try to calm down a little and understand what we need? Naturally, we will understand with examples.

Let's imagine that we need to get a page from the site by passing Cookies, otherwise we will simply be sent as uninvited guests, and moreover, it is known that you are allowed to access this page only after you have visited the main page of the site.

2 GET method

Let's write our request.

GET http:
Host: www. site. rurn

Cookie: income = 1rn

This request tells us that we want to get the contents of the page at using the GET method. The Host field indicates that this page is located on the server, the Referer field indicates that we came for news from the main page of the site, and the Cookie field indicates that we were assigned such and such a cookie. Why are the Host, Referer and Cookie fields so important? Because normal programmers, when creating dynamic sites, check the data fields that appear in scripts (including PHP) in the form of variables. What is this for? In order, for example, to prevent the site from being robbed, i.e. they didn’t set a program on it for automatic downloading, or so that a person visiting the site would always get to it only from the main page, etc.

Now let's imagine that we need to fill out the form fields on the page and send a request from the form, let there be two fields in this form: login and password (login and password) - and, of course, we know the login and password.

GET http: // HTTP/1.0rn
Host: www. site. rurn
Referer : http : //
Cookie: income = 1rn

Our login is "Petya Vasechkin" Why should we write Petya%20Vasechkin? This is because Special symbols can be recognized by the server as signs of the presence of a new parameter or the end of a request, etc. Therefore, there is an algorithm for encoding parameter names and their values ​​in order to avoid error situations in the request. Full description of this algorithm can be found here, and PHP has rawurlencode and rawurldecode functions for encoding and decoding respectively. I would like to note that PHP does the decoding itself if encoded parameters were passed in the request. This concludes the first chapter of my acquaintance with the HTTP protocol. In the next chapter we will look at building requests like POST (translated from English as “send”), which will be much more interesting, because exactly this type requests is used when sending data from HTML forms.

3. POST method.

In the case of an HTTP POST request, there are two options for transferring fields from HTML forms, namely, using the application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data algorithm. The differences between these algorithms are quite significant. The fact is that the first type of algorithm was created a long time ago, when HTML language have not yet provided the ability to transfer files via HTML forms. So, let's look at these algorithms with examples.

3.1 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

We write a request similar to our GET request to transfer the login and password, which was discussed in the previous chapter:

POST http: // HTTP/1.0rn
Host: www. site. rurn
Referer : http : //
Cookie: income = 1rn
Content - Type : application / x - www - form - urlencodedrn
Content - Length : 35rn

Here we see an example of using the Content-Type and Content-Length header fields. Content-Length tells how many bytes the data area will occupy, which is separated from the header by another newline rn. But the parameters that were previously placed in the Request-URI for a GET request are now in the Entity-Body. It can be seen that they are formed in the same way, you just need to write them after the title. I want to point out one more thing important point, nothing prevents, simultaneously with the set of parameters in the Entity-Body, placing parameters with other names in the Request-URI, for example:

POST http: // HTTP/1.0rn
login = Petya % 20Vasechkin & password = qq

3.2 Content-Type: multipart/form-data

As soon as the Internet world realized that it would be nice to send files through forms, the W3C consortium set about refining the POST request format. By that time, the MIME format (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions - multi-purpose protocol extensions for creating Mail messages), therefore, in order not to reinvent the wheel, we decided to use part of this message generation format to create POST requests in the HTTP protocol.

What are the main differences between this format and the application/x-www-form-urlencoded type?

The main difference is that Entity-Body can now be divided into sections, which are separated by boundaries (boundary). What's most interesting is that each section can have its own header to describe the data that is stored in it, i.e. You can transfer data in one request various types(how in Mail letter You can transfer files simultaneously with text).

So let's get started. Let's consider again the same example with the transfer of login and password, but now in a new format.

POST http: // HTTP/1.0rn
Host: www. site. rurn
Referer : http : //
Cookie: income = 1rn

Content - Length : 209rn
-- 1BEF0A57BE110FD467Arn
Content - Disposition : form - data ; name = "login" rn
Petya Vasechkinrn
-- 1BEF0A57BE110FD467Arn
Content - Disposition : form - data ; name = "password" rn
-- 1BEF0A57BE110FD467A -- rn

Now let's understand what is written. :-) I deliberately highlighted some rn characters in bold so that they do not merge with the data. If you look closely, you will notice the boundary field after Content-Type. This field specifies the section separator - border. The boundary can be a string consisting of Latin letters and numbers, as well as some other symbols (unfortunately, I don’t remember which ones). In the body of the request, “--” is added to the beginning of the boundary, and the request ends with a boundary, to which the characters “--” are also added to the end. Our request has two sections, the first describes the login field, and the second describes the password field. Content-Disposition (the data type in the section) says that this will be data from the form, and the name field specifies the name of the field. This is where the section header ends and what follows is the section data area in which the field value is placed (no need to encode the value!).

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you do not need to use Content-Length in section headers, but in the request header you should and its value is the size of the entire Entity-Body, which appears after the second rn following Content-Length: 209rn. Those. Entity-Body is separated from the header by an additional line break (which can also be seen in sections).

Now let's write a request to transfer a file.

POST http: // HTTP/1.0rn
Host: www. site. rurn
Referer: http: //
Cookie: income = 1rn
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary = 1BEF0A57BE110FD467Arn
Content - Length : 491rn
-- 1BEF0A57BE110FD467Arn
Content - Disposition : form - data ; name = "news_header" rn
Example newsrn
-- 1BEF0A57BE110FD467Arn
Content - Disposition : form - data ; name = "news_file" ; filename = "news.txt" rn
Content - Type : application / octet - streamrn
Content - Transfer - Encoding : binaryrn
Here's the news, which is in the news file. txtrn
-- 1BEF0A57BE110FD467A -- rn

IN in this example the first section sends the news title, and the second section sends the news.txt file. If you are attentive, you will see the filename and Content-Type fields in the second section. The filename field specifies the name of the file being sent, and the Content-Type field specifies the type of this file. Application/octet-stream indicates that this is a standard data stream, and Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary indicates that this is binary data, not encoded in any way.

A very important point. Most CGI scripts are written smart people, so they like to check the type of the incoming file, which is in Content-Type. For what? Most often, uploading files on websites is used to receive images from the visitor. So, the browser itself tries to determine what kind of file the visitor wants to send and inserts the appropriate Content-Type into the request. The script checks it upon receipt, and, for example, if it is not a gif or jpeg, it ignores it this file. Therefore, when creating a request “manually”, take care of the Content-Type value so that it is closest to the format of the transferred file.

Image/gif for gif
image/jpeg for jpeg
image/png for png
image/tiff for tiff (which is used extremely rarely, the format is too capacious)

In our example, a request is generated in which text file. A request for transferring a binary file is generated in the same way.

4. Postscript.

I think that it is not worth talking in detail about sending requests to the server. This is a matter of purely RHP technology :-). Just carefully read the section on functions for working with sockets, or on the functions of the CURL module in official documentation RNR.

From the above, I hope it is now clear why the question is: “How can I generate a POST request using the header function?” - meaningless. The header(string) function adds an entry only to the request header, but not to the request body.


Yes, yes, everyone has learned something at some point. The only thing that distinguishes people in this regard is that for some the teachings are easy, while for others they cannot understand the essence of the issue for many months. Today we will talk about POST and GET requests in HTML\PHP.

The POST and GET requests themselves (hereinafter simply requests) have long been rooted in all Internet resources. If an alternative to these technologies ever appears, it probably won’t be soon, and it probably won’t be necessary. Because our requests completely fulfill the task of exchanging data between Internet pages.

Let's look at the GET request first. Let's create a file index.php with standard html code, and also place a form on it, let it be a product order form.

Let's pay attention to the tag here form. It has two parameters action And method. The first is responsible for the address of the page to which we will transfer our data, the second is responsible for the method by which this data will be transferred. Inside this tag we describe the set of our data that we want to transmit. The data must be given names (parameter name). Also required input type submit, which is a button that, when clicked, sends data.

Let's save our file and open it in the browser.
The path of our page in the browser is “…/index.php”. On the page itself we see two input fields and a button. Let's enter something into our fields and click on the “Order” button. Our page has been updated. Let's look at its address: ".../index.php?orderName=Test&count=12". (I entered the word 'Test' in the first field and '12' in the second). As we can see, the page address has changed a little. The fact is that the transmission of GET request parameters is carried out by assigning them to the page address line. Parameters are separated from the main address by the ‘?’ character, and different parameters by the ‘&’ character. The structure of the parameters is as follows: parameter_name=value. The parameter name will match the value name attribute in the input field.
Let's edit the page code a little:

> >

Now click on the “Order” button again. As we can see, the page has been updated, but our fields remain filled. This happened because we specified a default value for our fields. Moreover, these values ​​are the received GET parameter. As we see in the PHP code GET parameters are an array with a string index equal to the parameter name. If we now play with the site address and change the parameter values ​​in it and press the “Enter” button, we will again notice a picture of the page updating and filling out our form.

It is obvious that sending secret or service data in a GET request is incorrect (and not safe). It is better to use it to convey, for example, the id of a news item that should be taken from the database or the name of the page that should be displayed.

Another thing is the POST request. It works similarly, but does not save the parameters in the address bar. Let's change our form:

$_POST["orderName"]?> > $_POST["count"]?> >

As you can see, not much has changed, however! Let’s open our page, enter something into the fields and click the “Order” button. Everything worked the same way, however (however), as we see in the query line there is the address “.../index.php” without any kind of parameters. Thus, we kind of “hid” our data from prying eyes. Of course, the concept was hidden, quite conditionally, since this data can still be intercepted, but that’s another story. Let's add the parameters “.../index.php?orderName=Trololo&count=100” to our address and press “Enter”. As we can see, the page loaded, but even despite passing the parameters, the fields turned out to be empty. This suggests that despite the great similarity, these types of requests do not overlap with each other in any way, and if there is a need, it is worth writing a handler for each type of request separately.

I think that's enough. The basics of the question, I think, have been thoroughly described.

And a bit more… Don't forget to check the passed parameters. If you know for sure that the parameter must be a number, then stop all transmission attempts without numerical value and so on…

GET and POST methods in HTTP and HTTPS are the two most popular methods used to transfer data from client to server using HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol). Both GET and POST can be used to send a request and receive a response, but there are significant differences between them.

Difference between GET and POST requests in HTTP or HTTPS - popular question in every web programming interview. Since HTML is independent of web server technology like Java, ASP or PHP and HTTP is the main protocol in the Internet space, the importance of understanding GET and POST methods cannot be clearly ignored. In this article, we'll look at what the HTTP GET method is, what the HTTP POST method is, when to use each request, and what the difference is between them. Let's look at each concept separately.

What is HTML?

HTML is the language used to create web pages. Hypertext refers to the hyperlinks that an HTML page may contain. Markup language refers to the way tags are used to define the layout of a page and the elements on a page.
Below is HTML example, which is used to define a basic web page with a title and one paragraph of text:



This is an example of a paragraph in HTML.

The first line specifies the type of content contained in the document., And , which are all included in the example above. The page title, metadata and links to anchor files are placed between the actual page content is placed between the tags .

The web has gone through many changes over the past few decades, but HTML has always been the primary language used to develop web pages. Interestingly, while websites have become more advanced and interactive, HTML has become simpler. If you compare the source of an HTML5 page to a similar page written in HTML 4.01 or XHTML 1.0, the HTML5 page will have less code. This is due to the fact that modern HTML relies on Cascading Style Sheets or JavaScript to format almost all elements within a page.

Many dynamic websites generate web pages on the fly using server language scripts such as PHP or ASP. However, even dynamic pages must be formatted with using HTML. Therefore, scripting languages ​​often generate HTML code that is sent to the web browser.

Transfer protocol HTTP hypertext is designed for interaction between clients and servers and works as a request-response protocol.

The web browser can be the client, and the application on the computer hosting the website can be the server.

The client (browser) sends an HTTP request to the server, the server returns a response that contains information about the status of the request and may also contain the requested content.

Two request methods GET and POST

Two commonly used methods for request-response between client and server are:

    GET - requests data from the specified resource;

    POST - sends data to be processed to the specified resource.

Translation of GET and POST literally means receiving and post-processing.

More about HTTP

HTTP is a protocol used to transmit data over the Internet. It is part of the Internet Protocol suite and defines the commands and services used to transmit web page data.

HTTP uses a server-client model. The client can be a home computer, laptop or mobile device. An HTTP server is typically a web host with software web server such as Apache or IIS. When a user accesses a website, the browser sends a request to the appropriate web server and responds with an HTTP status code. If the URL is valid and the connection is granted, the server will send the web page and associated files to the browser.

Common HTTP status codes include:

    200 — successful request(there is a web page);

    301 - Moves constantly (frequently redirects to a new URL);

    401 — unauthorized request (authorization required);

    500 - internal server error (often caused by incorrect configuration server).


HTTP defines the GET and POST commands that are used to process form submissions on websites. The CONNECT command is used to facilitate a secure connection that is encrypted using SSL. Encrypted HTTP connections occur over HTTPS, an extension of HTTP designed for secure data transfers.

URLs starting with "http://" are available at standard protocols hypertext transfers and default to port 80. URLs starting with "https://" are accessible via secure connection HTTPS and often use port 443.


POST is a series system checks performed by computers and other electronic devices when they are turned on. Test results can be displayed on the screen, displayed via flashing LEDs, or simply recorded internally. IN computer systems The POST operation is performed at the beginning of the boot sequence. If all tests pass, the rest of the startup process will continue automatically.

OS Mac devices and Windows run POST every time the computer boots or restarts. Scan checks Hardware and ensures that the processor, RAM and storage devices work correctly. If an error occurs during POST, the startup process may pause or stop completely, and the message "On PC" may appear on your monitor. POST errors often appear on the BIOS information screen. They may be displayed as cryptic codes such as "08" or as system message, for example, "Error system memory when displaced." On Mac errors POSTs are often indicated by a simple graphic, such as a broken folder icon, which indicates that boot device not found.

Physical manifestations

In some cases, the computer screen may not even turn on before POST errors. If this happens, error codes may be displayed through flashing LED indicators or sound signals. For example, Apple iMac will play three consecutive tones, pause for five seconds, and then repeat the tones when bad RAM is detected during startup. Most PCs also beep when POST errors are detected, although each manufacturer uses their own codes.

POST is a rather technical term that is only used computer technicians on on a regular basis. However, it is a good acronym because it helps you better understand error messages that may appear on computers or other electronic devices. If your computer won't start due to a POST error, you can use another device to find the meaning and cause of the error from the manufacturer's website. You can then take the appropriate action - removing the memory module or reinstallation video cards and then restarting the equipment.


POST is also a method of passing HTML form variables from one web page to another without rendering them in address bar. Alternative method- GET, which adds values ​​to the URL. HTTP POST requests provide additional data from the client (browser) to the server in the body of the message. In contrast, GET requests include all the required data in the URL. Forms in HTML can use any method by specifying method=POST or method=GET (default) on the element
. The specified method determines how the form data is submitted to the server. When the GET method is used, all form data is encoded into the URL as query string parameters. With POST, the form data appears in the body of the HTTP request message.

Differences in Form Presentation

The POST request method requests the web server to accept and store data enclosed in the body of the request message. Often used when uploading a file or submitting a completed web form.

Method HTTP request GET retrieves information from the server. As part of a GET request, some data may be passed in the URL query string, specifying search terms, date ranges, or other information that specifies the request.

As part of a POST request, an arbitrary amount of data of any type can be sent to the server in the body of the request message. The header field in a POST request typically indicates the Internet media type of the message body.

The main difference between GET and POST requests is that they correspond to different HTTP requests as defined in the HTTP specifications. The submission process for both methods begins in the same way: the form data set is created by the browser and then encoded in the manner specified by the enctype attribute. For METHOD="POST" the enctype attribute can be multipart/form-data or application/x-www-form-urlencoded, whereas for METHOD="GET" it is only triggered via application/x-www-form-urlencoded. This form data is set then sent to the server.

To submit a form using METHOD="GET", the browser constructs a URL by taking the value of the action attribute and appending it to the form's data set, encoded using the application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type). The browser then treats this URL as if it were linking to a link (or as if the user had manually typed the URL). The browser splits the URL into parts and recognizes the host, then sends a GET request to that host with the rest of the URL as an argument. It is important to note that this process means that these forms are limited to ASCII codes. Special attention You should pay attention to encoding and decoding other types of characters when passing them to an ASCII URL.

Submitting a form with METHOD="POST" causes a POST request to be sent using the action attribute value and a message generated according to the content type specified by the enctype attribute.


PHP is built into HTML. This means that PHP code can be inserted into an HTML page. The PHP code is read or parsed by the server on which the page resides. The output of GET and POST functions in PHP on a page is usually returned as HTML code that can be read by the browser. Because PHP code is converted to HTML before the page loads, users cannot view the PHP code on the page. It does PHP pages sufficient to access databases and other protected information.

Most of PHP syntax borrowed from other languages ​​such as C, Java and Perl. However, PHP has a number of unique features and special features. The purpose of this language is to enable web developers to quickly and easily write dynamically generated pages.


WordPress is free system content management, used to create and maintain websites. Its ease of use and unique features blogging has helped it become the most popular blogging tool on the Internet.

The WordPress interface allows anyone with no web development experience to create and publish a website. Built-in blogging tools provide an easy way to keep track individual messages, visitors and user comments.

Although there are thousands available WordPress templates and plugins, the POST GET system in WordPress still has its limitations. Since it is a template-based service, the user must start with a pre-built website rather than creating pages from scratch. Additionally, there is no ability to insert scripts or maintain a database with the same level of control that a custom website offers.

The POST_GET_ID() tool allows you to use scripts to manipulate the element as it has a unique ID and when submitting it as a form through these methods the dropdown will be sent with unique identifier, which allows the script to notice which post is running. Alternatively, a hidden variable can be sent which will allow the script to see which post is relevant to the view.

Nowadays, only two are most often used HTTP method: GET and POST. But it turned out that even among these two “pine trees” web developers manage to get lost. There is an explanation for this: both methods can be used to obtain the same result. But we must remember that the thoughtless use of any of the methods can lead to disastrous consequences, including heavy loads to the canal and security holes.

To avoid this, it is enough to simply understand in more detail the purposes and differences of these methods.

If you delve into the meaning of method names, a lot will become clearer. GET (from English to receive), i.e. should be used to query data. POST (from English send by mail) - used to send data to the server. Everything seems to be extremely simple and clear. But whoever wants to develop websites a little more complicated than a business card website with one feedback form, it’s better to get to know the issue better.

Secure and insecure HTTP requests

The HTTP 1.1 specification introduces two concepts: secure and insecure request, or more precisely, method.

Safe methods are methods that can only request information. They cannot change the requested resource, nor can they lead to undesirable results for the user, others, or the server. Examples of safe ones are requesting the HTML code of a web page or image. Safe methods include HEAD and GET.

The note

In reality, craftsmen can of course cause harm and GET requests. For example, query loops.

Unsafe queries, as everyone has already guessed, can potentially lead to bad consequences if they are used again. Such requests may change the content of the resource being accessed. Examples of such requests: sending messages, registration, online payments. Unsafe methods include POST, PUT, DELETE.

Idempotent methods

Idempotency is a property of methods that, with numerous repeated calls, will return the same result, except in cases where the information is out of date. This means that when accessing the same URL, all users will see the same web page, image, video, etc. The GET, PUT, DELETE methods have this property.

Now let’s take a closer look at the GET and POST methods themselves: let’s write a short “summary” for each.


  • designed to receive data from the server;
  • the request body is empty;
  • processed on the server side faster and with less consumption of server resources due to the empty request body;
  • the transfer of variables occurs in the address bar (this is how the user sees it; technically, the data is transmitted in the query line) and therefore information about the variables and their values ​​is visible (the data is not protected);
  • capable of conveying a small amount of data to the server: there are restrictions on the length of the URL, which depends on the browser, for example, IE6 = 2Kb. Yahoo! developers recommend focusing on this number;
  • can only transmit ASCII characters;
  • such a request can be copied and saved (for example, in bookmarks);
  • the request can be cached (this can be controlled);
  • to further reduce the load on the channel and server, conditional and partial requests are available;
  • doesn't tear HTTP connection(with keepAlive mode enabled on the server).


  • intended for sending data to the server;
  • data transfer occurs in the body of the request;
  • server-side processing is slower and more “heavy” than GET, because in addition to headers, the body of the request must be analyzed;
  • capable of transmitting large amounts of data;
  • capable of transferring files;
  • a page generated by the POST method cannot be saved as bookmarks;
  • breaks the HTTP connection;
  • To transmit even a very small amount of information, most browsers send at least two TCP packets: a header and then a body of the request.

It turns out that these two methods are not so similar. The use of one or another should be determined by the task at hand, and not by the fact that GET is used by default or is easier to work with. GET, of course, is a better option in most cases, especially when building fast AJAX, but do not forget about its disadvantages. For myself, I made a simple algorithm-note on choosing a method.