Brief description of Linux and its components

Ministry Agriculture RF

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

Perm State Agricultural Academy

named after academician D.N. Pryanishnikov"

Department of Computer Science

Specialty "Accounting, analysis and audit"


in computer science

Completed by a correspondence student

Batueva A.N.

Checked by a senior teacher:

Kritchenko T.N.

Perm, 2008

1. Theoretical task. Linux operating system

1.1 Features that Linux OS provides

1.2 Who might need Linux OS and why?

1.3 Characteristics Linux as an OS

1.4 What does simultaneous execution of several programs look like?

1.5 How multiple users work on the same machine

1.6 How fully documented is the Linux OS?

1.7 Difference between Linux and other operating systems with a free license

1.8 Software supported by Linux system

1.9 Working with the Internet

1.10 Which word processor can be used on Linux

2. Practical task

2.1 Task 1

2.2 Task 2

2.3 Task 3

1. Linux operating system

Linux is a modern POSIX-compliant and Unix-like operating system for personal computers and workstations.

It is a multi-user network operating system with a network window graphic system XWindowSystem. Linux OS supports standards open systems and Internet protocols and is compatible with Unix systems, DOS, MSWindows. All components of the system, including source code, are distributed with a license for free copying and installation for an unlimited number of users.

The Linux operating system is widely used in Intel platforms PC 386/486/Pentium/PentiumPro and is gaining positions on a number of other platforms.

The development of the Linux OS was carried out by Linus Torvalds of the University of Helsinki and an innumerable large team of thousands of Internet users, employees of research centers, foundations, universities, etc.

1.1 Features that the OS provides Linux

· makes it possible to have a modern OS for free and legally for use both at work and at home;

· has high performance;

· works reliably, steadily, absolutely without freezes;

· not susceptible to viruses;

· allows you to fully use the capabilities of modern PCs, removing the limitations inherent in DOS and MSWindows on the use of machine memory and processor resources;

· effectively manages multitasking and priorities, background tasks(long calculations, sending email via modem, formatting a floppy disk, etc., etc.) do not interfere interactive work;

· allows you to easily integrate your computer into local and global networks, incl. on the Internet; works with networks based on Novell and MSWindows;

· allows you to perform downloads presented in format application programs other OS - different versions Unix, DOS and MSWindows;

· provides the use of a huge number of different software packages, accumulated in the Unix world and freely distributed along with the source code;

· provides a rich set of tools for developing application programs of any complexity, including client-server, object-oriented, multi-window text and/or graphical interface, suitable for working both in Linux and in other operating systems;

· provides the user and especially the developer with an excellent training base in the form of rich documentation and source texts all components, including the kernel of the OS itself;

· allows everyone to try their hand at development, organize communication and working together via the Internet with any of the Linux OS developers and make your contribution by becoming a co-author of the system.

1.2 Who might need an OS and why? Linux

Many categories of users may be interested in using Linux for various reasons. It is impossible to provide an exhaustive list. However, here are some examples. Linux is a full-fledged 32-bit (64-bit on the DECAXP platform) operating system that uses the computer to its full capacity. Linux turns personal IBM computer PC into a real workstation. At the price of a personal computer, which is significantly lower than the cost of a workstation.

The price benefit is very large, since in addition to saving on hardware, Linux software comes with a free license that allows free, unlimited copying of the system. Kernel, editors, translators, DBMS, network, graphical interfaces, games and a lot of other software amounting to thousands of megabytes - free and legally.

The winnings from the software alone can range from thousands to tens of thousands of dollars. For many users in Russia free license- this is the only opportunity to legally provide yourself with a full set of software.

For the pirate market, not paying for programs is common practice. However, in the case of Linux, not only will no one prosecute you for this, they will also provide you with complete documentation! Moreover, with the source codes of all programs! The pirates never dreamed of this.

Linux is of great interest to consumers and application system developers. Imagine a company consisting of several branches, geographically located in different areas of the city and even in different cities and countries. A database server operates at the head office, clients - workstations in branches - interact with the server through the network. Such a system is quickly, cheaply and conveniently done in Linux. Think about Linux resilience. This is where it comes in very handy!

Linux opens the door to the gigantic world of open systems in which great amount tools for solving a wide variety of problems.

1.3 Features Linux like OS

· multitasking: many programs are executed simultaneously;

· multi-user mode: many users work simultaneously on the same machine;

· protected processor mode (386 protectedmode);

Process memory protection; a program failure cannot cause the system to freeze;

· dividing pages by record between instances of the executing program. This means that processes that are instances of a program can use the same memory when executing. When such a process attempts to write to memory, the 4-kilobyte page being written to is copied to free place. This property increases performance and saves memory;

· virtual memory with a page organization (i.e., not the entire inactive process, but only the required page is displaced from memory to disk); virtual memory in separate disk partitions and/or file system files; volume virtual memory up to 2 GB; changing the size of virtual memory during program execution;

shared program memory and disk cache: all free memory used to buffer disk exchanges;

· dynamic loaded shared libraries;

· certification according to the POSIX.1 standard, compatibility with SystemV and BSD standards at the source level;

· via iBCS2-matched emulator compatibility with SCO, SVR3, SVR4 for downloadable programs,

· task management in POSIX standard;

· availability of the source text of all programs, including kernel texts, drivers, development tools and applications. These texts are freely distributed. Currently, some companies supply a number of commercial programs for Linux without source code, but everything that was free remains free;

· coprocessor emulation in the kernel, so the application does not have to worry about coprocessor emulation. Of course, if a coprocessor is present, it is not used;

· support for national alphabets and conventions, incl. for Russian language; the ability to add new ones;

· multiple virtual consoles: on one display there are several simultaneous independent work sessions switched from the keyboard;

· support for a number of common file systems (MINIX, Xenix, SystemV file systems); the presence of its own advanced file system with a capacity of up to 4 Terabytes and with file names of up to 255 characters;

· transparent access to DOS partitions (or OS/2 FAT): the DOS partition looks like part of the file Linux systems; VFAT support (WNT, Windows 95);

· special file system UMSDOS, which allows you to install Linux in a file-based DOS system;

· access (read only) to the HPFS-2 OS/2 2.1 file system;

· support for everyone standard formats CDROM;

· TCP/IP network support, including ftp, telnet, NFS, etc.

1.4 What does simultaneous execution of several programs look like?

The so-called virtual multi-console makes it possible to organize the operation of several consoles on one display. The broadcast process starts on the first console. The key combination Alt-F2 goes to the second console. The broadcast continues, but the first console on the display screen is replaced with a new picture of the second console. In which, for example, a text editor is launched. The Alt-F3 combination goes to the third console, in which the debugger is launched, etc. Typically there are 8 consoles in the system, but up to 64 can be installed. You can switch to any console at any time.

A separate console can run both a text and graphics program.

On one of the free consoles you can run the XWindowSystem windowed graphic system. Open a window on the screen and play DOOM. It is possible through a network with a partner. And in other windows - database, mail, editor, broadcast, etc.

Thus, many consoles are running at the same time, and on one of the consoles there are also many XWindowSystem windows.

Describe the advantages Linux this could be long, but the description Linux impossible without explaining what they are: free software; development Linux; security Linux.

What is it Linux

Linux- multi-user network operating system Unix-like system with network windowed graphics system X Window System. Linux supports open systems standards and network protocols Internet and is compatible with systems Unix, DOS, MS Windows. All components of the system, including source code, are distributed with a license for free copying and installation for an unlimited number of users. Linux widespread in various platforms Intel and is gaining positions on a number of other platforms ( DEC AXP, Power Macintosh and etc.).

Development Linux performed by Linus Torvalds ( Linus Torvalds) from the University of Helsinki and an innumerable vast team of thousands of network users Internet, employees of research centers, foundations, universities, etc.

Free Software

Core Linux, the main components of the system, most custom applications- free programs. They can be run on any number of computers, transferred without restrictions for money or free of charge, obtain the source codes of these programs and make any corrections to them.

The freedom of programs has ensured their widespread use and interest among thousands of developers. Basic programs for Linux come out under license GNU General Public License, which not only guarantees freedom, but also protects it by allowing further distribution of programs only under the same license. Therefore the kernel code Linux, compilers, libraries glibc, custom shells KDE And GNOME cannot be used to create applications with closed code. This is the fundamental difference Linux from free OSBSD (FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD), fragments of which were included in the family Windows and even became the basis Mac OS X. Linux includes many developments BSD, but compilers and system libraries developed as part of the project GNU.

Development Linux

Unlike Windows, MacOS and commercial UNIX- similar systems, Linux does not have a geographic development center. There is no company that owns this OS; there isn't even one focal point. Programs for Linux- the result of thousands of projects. Some of these projects are centralized, some are concentrated in companies, but most bring together programmers from all over the world who know each other only through correspondence. Anyone can create their own project or join another and, if successful, the results of the work will become known to millions of users. Users take part in testing free software and communicate directly with developers, which allows them to quickly find and fix errors and implement new features.

It is this flexible and dynamic development system, impossible for closed source projects, that defines the exceptional economic efficiency Linux. Low cost of free development, well-established testing and distribution mechanisms, attracting people from different countries with different visions of problems, code protection by license GPL, - all this was the reason for the success of free software.

Of course, such high development efficiency could not help but interest large companies, which began to open their own projects. This is how they appeared Mozilla (Netscape, AOL), (Sun), free clone Interbase (Borland), SAP DB (SAP). IBM contributed to the transfer Linux to your mainframes.

On the other side, open source significantly reduces development costs closed systems For Linux and allows you to reduce the price of the solution for the user. That's why Linux has become a platform often recommended for products such as Oracle, DB2, Informix, SyBase, SAP R3, Domino.


Linux OS inherited from UNIX reliability and excellent protection system. The file access control system allows you not to be afraid of many viruses terrorizing the world Windows OS. However, there are no programs without errors, and Linux is no exception. However, thanks to openness source code programs, its audit can be carried out by any specialist without signing a non-disclosure agreement or having to work within the walls of the company that hired him. That is why security errors are detected especially effectively and corrected quickly. The mechanism for notifying and correcting security errors was created by the community Linux, it involves specialists from development companies and independent programmers.

Features provided Linux OS

Linux OS:

  • makes it possible to have a modern operating system for free and legally;
  • has high performance;
  • works reliably, steadily, completely free of freezes;
  • not susceptible to viruses;
  • allows you to fully use the capabilities of modern PC, removing the inherent limitations DOS And MS Windows on the use of machine memory and processor resources (s);
  • effectively manages multitasking and priorities; background tasks (long calculations, sending email via modem, formatting a floppy disk, etc.) do not interfere with interactive work;
  • allows you to easily integrate your computer into local and global networks, incl. V Internet; works with networks based Novell And MS Windows;
  • allows you to execute application programs from other companies presented in download format OS- different versions Unix, DOS And MS Windows;
  • provides the use of a huge number of different software packages accumulated in the world Unix and freely distributed along with source codes;
  • provides a rich set of tools for developing application programs of any complexity, including client-server, object-oriented, multi-window text or graphical interface systems, suitable for working in both Linux, and in others OS;
  • provides the user and especially the developer with an excellent training base in the form of rich documentation and source texts of all components, including the kernel itself OS;
  • allows everyone to try their hand at development, organize communication and collaboration through Internet with any of the developers Linux OS and make your contribution by becoming a co-author of the system.

Who might need it and why? Linux OS

In use Linux Users may be interested for various reasons different categories. It is impossible to provide an exhaustive list. However, here are some examples:

  • Linux- full 32-bit (64-bit on the platform DEC AXP) an operating system that uses the computer to its full capacity. Linux easily transforms a personal computer IBM PC workstation;
  • the price gain is very large, since in addition to saving on hardware, the software Linux comes with a free license allowing free, unlimited copying of the system;
  • winnings from software alone can range from thousands to tens of thousands of dollars. For many users in Russia, a free license is the only opportunity to legally provide themselves with a full set of software;
  • big interest Linux represents for consumers and developers of application systems that require: a multi-platform compiler, a powerful multi-window debugging system, emulators and compatibility systems. All this is in Linux;
  • scientists and technical writers Linux offers:
    • document processor LyX, which uses the concept of logical design and allows you to create beautiful, well-structured documents;
    • publishing systems TeX And Scribus.

The interaction between a person and a “computer” occurs through a tool called an operating system ( operating system). The evolution of operating systems, starting with DOS, passing through Unix, would have ended up with Windows MS if it had not been “born” unix-like Linux OS - Linux operating system.

Official introduction of the Linux operating system

The Linux operating system is pronounced with emphasis on the first syllable - ‘Linux.

When asked what is Linux operating system system, I answer, Linux is POSIX compliant, Unix-like operating system with windowed graphics X Window System for managing workstations and personal computers.

Linux icon - penguin:

What is especially valuable is that Linux supports standards and protocols, and is also compatible with Unix, DOS, and Microsoft Windows axes.

What is simply priceless, the Linux operating system is completely free, distributed with a free copy license and free installation for any number of users.

Developed by Linux Linus Benedict Torvalds, Helsinki, Finland, born December 28, 1969.

Terminology nuances

Not really, boxed version Linux, which you can download from somewhere and install on your computer. The term "Linux" unites a group of constantly expanding consumer operating systems created on the basis (kernel) of Linux. It is these “axes” that you can pick up and install on your computer. Their official name:

A family of Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel, including a certain set utilities and programs of the GNU project (GNU's Not UNIX).

Linux distributions

I will randomly (without ranking) list the “ten plus” popular Linux OS:

  • Ubuntu: Linux-based distribution;
  • Linux Mint: Ubuntu-based distribution;
  • Debian: Linux-based distribution;
  • Manjaro Linux: friendly, on Linux architecture;
  • Elementary OS: visually similar to Mac;
  • Zorin OS: visually similar to Windows;
  • Fedora: for computers version “Fedora Workstation”;
  • CentOS: free alternative"RedHat Linux";
  • OpenSUSE: “old man” for all users;
  • Arch Linux: for experienced users;
  • Slackware: "slaka" is the oldest Linux distribution;
  • RedHat: for exchanges and financial institutions.

As you can see from this far from complete list of distributions, Linux is the basis for creating custom operating systems with various content. It is worth noting. Despite the fact that Linux is free, some distributions are paid and run on donations. support.

Pros of Linux

Besides being free, the main advantage of Linux distributions is security. There are no viruses in this environment. The second plus is low memory consumption, as a result of system performance.

No constant updates, like on Windows, there is no feeling that you constantly have to do something, like on Windows, there are no brakes, Windows.

Linux operating system cons

Don't be fooled by the fact that if you've studied and worked on Windows all your life, switching to Linux won't be easy. Here it is important to choose a distribution for your purposes with good documentation.

For example, if on Windows you need to click on three or four icons to open a folder with documents, then on most Linux you need to manually enter the path to this folder. Work is like work command line Windows.


I hope I was able to tell you what the Linux operating system is, in simple language. A clear answer to the question is that better than Linux or Windows, it's simply not possible. Today, Linux distributions have won the love of the hosting companies market. Most software hosting services run on Linux.

Linux- the general name for UNIX-like operating systems based on the kernel of the same name and libraries and system programs compiled for it, developed within the GNU project.
GNU/Linux runs on PC-compatible systems of the Intel x86 family, as well as IA-64, AMD64, PowerPC, ARM and many others.

The GNU/Linux operating system also often includes programs that complement this operating system and application programs that make it a full-fledged multifunctional operating environment. Unlike most other operating systems, GNU/Linux does not have a single “official” package. Instead, GNU/Linux comes in a large number of so-called distributions, in which GNU programs connect with Linux kernel and other programs.


    Unlike Microsoft Windows, Mac OS and commercial UNIX-like systems, GNU/Linux does not have a geographic development center. There is no organization that owns this system; There is not even a single coordination center. Programs for Linux are the result of the work of thousands of projects. Some of these projects are centralized, some are concentrated in firms. Many projects bring together hackers from all over the world who only know each other through correspondence. Anyone can create their own project or join an existing one and, if successful, the results of the work will become known to millions of users. Users take part in testing free software and communicate directly with developers, which allows them to quickly find and fix errors and implement new features.

    It is this flexible and dynamic development system, impossible for closed source projects, that makes GNU/Linux exceptionally cost-effective. The low cost of free development, well-established testing and distribution mechanisms, the involvement of people from different countries with different visions of problems, code protection under the GPL license - all this has become the reason for the success of free software.

    Of course, such high development efficiency could not help but interest large companies, which began to open their own projects. This is how Mozilla (Netscape, AOL), (Sun), a free clone of Interbase (Borland) - Firebird, SAP DB (SAP) appeared. IBM helped bring GNU/Linux to its mainframes.

    On the other hand, open source significantly reduces the cost of developing closed systems for GNU/Linux and allows the price of the solution to be reduced for the user. This is why GNU/Linux has become the platform often recommended for products such as Oracle, DB2, Informix, SyBase, SAP R3, Domino.

GNU/Linux distributions

Most users use distribution kits to install GNU/Linux. A distribution is not just a set of programs, but a series of solutions for different user tasks, united by unified systems for installation, management and updating of packages, configuration and support.

    The most common distributions in the world:


    A distribution that quickly gained popularity, focused on ease of learning and use.


    Free version of the SuSE distribution, company-owned Novell. It is easy to configure and maintain thanks to the YaST utility.


    Maintained by the community and RedHat Corporation, predates commercial releases of RHEL.


    An international distribution developed by a large community of developers for non-commercial purposes. Served as the basis for the creation of many other distributions. It has a strict approach to the inclusion of proprietary software.


    French-Brazilian distribution, a merger of the former Mandrake and Conectiva.


    One of the oldest distributions, it is distinguished by a conservative approach to development and use.


    A distribution package compiled from source codes. Allows for very flexible customization final system and optimize performance, which is why it often calls itself a meta-distribution. Aimed at experts and experienced users.


    Application-oriented latest versions programs and constantly updated, supporting both binary and source installations equally and built on the KISS philosophy of simplicity (Keep it simple, stupid), this distribution is aimed at competent users who want to have everything the power and modifiability of Linux, without sacrificing maintenance time.

In addition to those listed, there are many other distributions, both based on those listed and created from scratch and often designed to perform a limited number of tasks.

Each of them has its own concept, its own set of packages, its own advantages and disadvantages. Not one can satisfy all users, and therefore, next to the leaders, there are other companies and associations of programmers, offering their solutions, their distributions, their services. There are many LiveCDs built on GNU/Linux, such as Knoppix. LiveCD allows you to run GNU/Linux directly from the CD, without installing to HDD. Most major distributions, including Ubuntu, can be used as a LiveCD.

For those who want to thoroughly understand GNU/Linux, any of the distributions is suitable, but quite often so-called “source-based” distributions are used for this purpose, that is, they assume self-assembly all components from source code, such as LFS, Gentoo or CRUX.


The distribution area of ​​Linux is enormous, much larger than that of all other operating systems. In addition to the fact that Linux works great on ordinary home and work computers and servers, there are Linux adaptations to most modern processors, which allows the use of systems with the Linux kernel in network equipment, smart home appliances, robots, mobile phones, and various portable devices and other equipment that supports programmable operations.

Ultimately, such a wide range of supported devices means superior software portability. For example, the same application can often be launched with with minimal effort both on a regular computer and on a Linux-based mobile phone. For example: Windows and its little brother Windows Mobile are completely incompatible platforms.

An alternative to Windows can be the Linux operating system. In this article I will tell you how to install the Linux operating system on your computer or laptop.

The article will address such issues :

    • Which Linux to install
    • Installing Linux
    • Is it worth installing Linux?

Which version of Linux to install

Today one of the most popular versions(distributions) Linux is Linux Ubuntu. It is this Linux distribution that is most often installed on sold laptops, unlike other types of Linux OS. IN this moment Ubuntu is one of the most progressive distributions, but many Linux users express the opinion that Ubuntu has lost its primary philosophy and is no longer as “simple” as it used to be. Yes, this is probably true - the innovations introduced over the last 2-3 years have made Ubuntu a rather resource-intensive system, and it no longer has the simplicity that it had before - that Linux philosophy.

More undemanding to resources Linux distributions are Linux-Mint and Linux openSUSE. Both of these distributions are popular among users due to their simplicity, and most importantly, their lack of resource requirements. It is these three distributions that we recommend choosing. Which distribution should you choose? Decide for yourself after trying all these types of operating systems; besides, this can be done even without installation, by launching the OS from the installation disk.

We will build our Linux installation manual on the basis of Linux Ubuntu, due to its great popularity.

Installing Linux

First, let's talk about how to install Linux from a disk.
First of all, we go to the Russian-language Ubuntu website “” and download the latest system image from there. Then, from the list of proposed images, select the image that matches the architecture of your computer or laptop. Of course, it is best to install a 64-bit operating system, but if the parameters of your computer do not allow you to do this, then you will have to install a 32-bit OS.

Minimum requirements for Linux computer Ubuntu

Minimum computer requirements if you want to installUbuntux32:

    • Processor: 1 GHz;
    • RAM: 512 MB;
    • Free space on HDD: 5 GB;
    • Processor: 2 GHz x2;
    • RAM: 4 GB;
    • Free space on HDD: 20 GB;
    • Video adapter: discrete or integrated.

Linux Ubuntu Image
The link to the image should be in the following format:, where 13.04 is the year and month of release of the OS version, “desktop” means that the version is intended for a home PC , and not for the server, and the last parameter “i386” is a 32-bit OS, and “amd64” is a 64-bit OS.

Next, click on the link we need and download the image to your hard drive. Please note that to download the image you must have a torrent client installed; for Windows this is uTorrent. Then paste it into optical drive clean DVD disc, preferably R, and record the image on it. While the image is being written to the disk, start resaving the data.

Resaving data
If you have it installed, then dry out all your files from drive “C” in advance, especially the folders: “Downloads” and “Documents”, since this section When installing Linux we will format it. Also resave all game saves (although you won’t need them on Linux, but still). Also go to your browser and save all your passwords and site bookmarks if you don’t remember them.

Preparing for installation
Now that everything is saved, insert it into the drive installation disk and reboot your computer or laptop. After the reboot, when you restart the computer, go to Bios and set the following parameters in the operating system startup settings: primary boot – “CDROM”, secondary – “ Hard Drive" This is necessary so that the machine does not ignore the installation disk and boot from it, and does not start booting the system from hard drive. Once you have made these settings, save your changes and restart your computer. In order to boot from disk, you may need to confirm this type downloads. After this, after a few seconds, the Ubuntu bootloader window will appear.
Next, you will be presented with instructions for installing Linux in pictures, where we will tell and clearly show how to install Linux correctly.

Installation process

Once you have selected your language, select one of the suggested actions: “Try Ubuntu” or “Install Ubuntu”. By selecting “Try Ubuntu” the operating system will boot from the disk, and you can test Ubuntu without installing it - this is very convenient. If you are already familiar with Ubuntu and you like it, then select “Install Ubuntu”.

Since our article is devoted to installing the Ubuntu OS, we will talk directly about its installation, and not testing. So, choosing the option Ubuntu installations, you will need to make some adjustments.

First, the installer will check that your machine meets all the required parameters:

    • Is there free space on your hard drive?
    • Is the device connected (in in this case laptop or netbook) to the power source
    • Is your device connected to the Internet?

You can also choose to have the installed operating system immediately download the required package of drivers, codecs, etc. To do this, leave a checkmark next to the “Download updates during installation” item. Then click the “Continue” button.

Now we are asked to select the installation type. In the case when you have a new hard drive and there is no data on it, then you can select the option: “Erase the disk and install Ubuntu”, but experienced users We recommend selecting "Other Option".

If the installer detects previously installed operating systems, for example, then the options will be slightly different, the installer will offer to remove the previous operating system and install Ubuntu in its place, but note that if you choose this parameter, then the installer will format the entire hard drive, including drive “D”. In this case, we also recommend selecting “Other option” for the installation type. After we have chosen this option, go to the hard disk partition management menu.

If you have a blank and unformatted disk, then you need to create a “New Partition Table”. If there are already partitions, then create new table no need.

If the hard drive is not formatted, you will see the following.

Select free space and then click on the “+” button.

To create a partition, enter its desired size and the following parameters:

    • New partition type: Primary;
    • Use as: Ext4 journaled file system;
    • Mount point: /.

Then click the “OK” button. Please note that if you install the operating system on a blank HDD, then, unlike Windows, you do not need to divide it into several partitions, since it has a slightly different architecture. Therefore, we make 2 partitions: the main one (OS and files) and the swap partition.

Next, create a swap partition equal to the amount of your RAM. If the amount of RAM is less than 2 GB, then set the size to at least 2 GB, but not more. If the volume random access memory more than 2 GB, then the size of the paging file must be equal to the amount of RAM. The swap partition is created in the same way as the main partition. Select free space, click the “+” button and enter the following:

    • Main partition type: Logical;
    • Location of the new section: The beginning of this space;
    • Use as: Swap partition.

Confirm the creation of the swap partition by clicking the “Ok” button.
If you have data on drive “D”, then select this partition and click the change button. In the window select:

    • Use as: NTFS;
    • Section:DO NOT format;
    • Mount point: /media/“optional name in Latin” (for example: “/media/win”).

Click the “Ok” button. We perform the same operation with other NTFS partitions, of course, giving them different mount point names, for example: “/media/download”, “/media/documents”, etc. (the mount point is entered without quotes).

We double-check all the specified settings and click the “Install Now” button.

After this, preparation for installation begins.

The installer will ask you to select your location on the map, after selecting it, click the “Continue” button.

Then select the keyboard layout.

The next thing the installer will ask us to do is enter the settings account user. You will need to enter:

    • Your name – enter your name (in Latin);
    • The name of your computer – preferably original (in Latin);
    • Username - user nickname (in Latin);
    • Enter your account password and its confirmation;
    • Select the type of login: automatic or only when entering a password (encryption of personal data).

Let's say a few words about the password. Of course, than stronger password, the better, but keep in mind that you will need to enter it very often, so come up with an easy input combination and remember it.

If your computer is at home and only you use it, then choose the option automatic login into the system without entering a password. We check the entered information and click “Continue”.

After this, the installer will show you a slide show about the new features and benefits of Ubuntu, we will not dwell on this in detail, since you will have time to familiarize yourself with these slides during the installation process. After viewing the slides, you will see a window where you will be asked to visit the official Ubuntu website if you still have questions regarding the operating system you are installing.

After the installation process is completed, a corresponding window will inform you about this.

Next, click the “Restart” button and the console will appear on the screen. When restarting the computer, we recommend returning the operating system startup parameters: primary boot – “Hard Drive”, secondary – “CDROM”. We recommend that you make just such a startup setting so that the operating system boots faster. We remove the installation disk, save the changes to the startup settings and restart the computer.

Congratulations! Linux Ubuntu is installed on your computer!

Is it worth installing Linux?

Quite a rhetorical question: to install Linux or not. It is impossible to answer this unequivocally, since there are quite a large number of advantages and disadvantages of Linux that affect this answer. Let's look at them.

So, the first advantage of Linux, compared to Windows, is that Linux is free operating system and this is the main advantage. Thus, you save about $100 by choosing Linux over

The main disadvantages of Linux include Linux software. Most of the programs you are familiar with will not work in the new operating system, and therefore you will initially need to search and select worthy analogues. Speaking of analogues, there are quite a lot of analogues of Windows programs on Linux, in some ways some programs are better, and in some ways worse, but, nevertheless, they exist and this is an undoubted advantage. Moreover, special versions of programs have been released for the Linux operating system, which are also released for Windows.

Thanks to special emulator programs whose tasks include virtual creation Windows shell, they can install quite a large number of versions of programs from Windows on Linux, for example: Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, Apple iTunes and many others popular Windows programs, which will be very necessary for working in Linux. As for programs for Linux, the vast majority of them are free and this is a definite plus.
As for games, the situation here is somewhat worse, since popular Windows games that are installed will not be available on Linux, except for online versions.
For work, Linux is also not the best option, since specialized software is written almost exclusively for Windows.

So, let's summarize briefly. Linux - best option for a home computer, if its purpose is: watching movies, listening to music and visiting Internet resources. In any case, if you are thinking about installing Linux, then install it with a second system or test it from a disk, without uninstall Windows to draw a conclusion for yourself: is it worth switching completely to Linux or not.

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