What happens if you block a user in Odnoklassniki? How to add a user to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki

In order to restrict access to a page in Odnoklassniki unwanted users, exists special function, called "Black List". By installing such a restriction, they will be unable to view news, photos and topics, in other words, access to information will be completely blocked. In addition, the ability to make video calls and messages will be closed. In some cases, the function can be useful, and users are happy to use it.

Very often momentary dissatisfaction caused by negative feedback or a message on the network, can lead to the fact that the displeased friend is blacklisted.

However, after a while there may come a time when you want to return it back. Not everyone knows how to unblock a friend in Odnoklassniki.

How to rehabilitate a person if he is on the blacklist

You can open access in two ways:

  • on the website page;
  • using a button.

Removal from page

In order to return the user from the computer, it is not necessary to visit various sections of the service. You will need to log in to the Odnoklassniki website using own login and password and scroll the page using the slider down to the very end. Here, at the very bottom of the second column, there is a “Black List” link, which you need to click with the cursor.

Previously blocked users will appear, among which you will need to hover over the avatar and select the right person. In the menu that appears, select the “Unblock” button. Next, a message will appear asking whether the user is confident in deleting the blocked interlocutor. To confirm, select “Delete”.

Using the button

You can also return the rights of a blocked user using the main menu. To do this, under the nickname there is a “More” item, where you need to go to the “Black List” sub-item.

By hovering the mouse cursor over the interlocutor, you can return his authority by clicking on the “Unblock” sub-item, having first answered affirmatively to the system’s question about whether you are really sure that you want to remove the person from the Black List.

Recovering a conversation partner from a phone or tablet

To do this, you need to log in using your username and password. mobile version networks http://m.ok.ru/. Almost at the very bottom of the page there is the “Settings” menu item, which you should go to, and then select the “Black List” sub-item.

Under the avatar of a blocked account there will be an “Unblock” button, after clicking on which you should confirm the unblocking by clicking on the “Unblock” link. Due to this, the account will be removed from unfavorable users.

There is one point that should not be forgotten. After a friend included in the list of unwanted ones has been restored by the owner, he cannot access his page for 24 hours. The very next day, access to the page will be restored.

IN social network“Odnoklassniki” you can make a lot of friends. When you add people to yourself, sometimes you don’t think about the consequences. And then annoying messages, unpleasant offers or spam begin to pour into your page. How to stop an unpleasant “friend” from bothering you anymore? How can you make it so that he can no longer write to you what you absolutely don’t want to read?


  • Go to your account and under the line where your name is written large, there is a whole list of clickable buttons, find the “friends” button there.

    Click on it with your mouse. A list of friends will open with photos or avatars, if any. Even if they are not there, your friend's name or nickname will still be there.

  • Find someone you want to block. If you have a lot of friends, you can speed up the search by entering his name in the box above the photos that says “search among friends.” This is the fastest and convenient search, because you can have more than one hundred people as friends. By clicking on the “find” button there, the person you are looking for will immediately appear, and you will not need to look through all your friends yourself. Although often the search starts automatically while typing a name.
  • Hover your mouse over his photo or avatar. A list of actions that can be taken regarding this person will open. Select “end friendship” at the very bottom of the list; this is where you should click. After this, a window will appear confirming your actions, click on “Yes” and the person will be immediately removed from your friends list.
  • Go to the messages section of the page and find the person you just deleted from your friends list. Open the conversation. At the top of the green field, after his name, you will see a small icon in the form of a crossed out letter “o”. Hover your mouse over it and the “block” message will pop up. Click on the icon and block it. Confirm your action by clicking on “yes” after the confirmation window pops up again.
  • If you don’t want to remove him from your friends list, but only block correspondence with him, then it will be enough to “end your friendship with him.” His messages will be blocked, but he himself will remain on your friends list. If you wish, you can always return it back, add it as a friend again, and unblock all correspondence. Everything is very easy and convenient. Block those who bother you on Odnoklassniki and prevent you from having a pleasant conversation.
  • Social media plays a significant role nowadays. Odnoklassniki is one of the most popular. But how to protect yourself from various types of intrusions from uninvited guests? How to block a user in Odnoklassniki? This question is difficult to answer if your social network profile is open and accessible to everyone. In this case, you will have to track every troublemaker and block him.

    What do we have to do? There are several options:

    First option:

    Go to your enemy, under his photo find the “Other actions” tab.

    Select "Complain" from the menu.

    Please indicate real problem, otherwise, problems may arise when checking by the site Administration.

    If an enemy came to visit, you can use second option:

    Click on the “Guests” tab, hover your mouse over the desired photo of the ill-wisher and in the menu that appears, select the penultimate line - “Block”.

    If it is not advisable to end the friendship, but your opponent bothers you with useless messages, just block communication with him. He will be able to see all the photos and comments, but will stop bothering you with offers to talk. For this:

    • Click the messages tab, a list of interlocutors will appear on the right, select the one you need.
    • the text of his message will appear on the right; On the right you can see the small English letter “i” in a circle; if you click it, a list will appear.
    • select the second line - “Block”

    You can also complain about an ill-wisher third way- with the help of the support service. To do this, go to the user’s page, go down, on the left under the photo there will be a “more” tab, click on it.

    Select "Regulations" from the menu. The text of the license agreement will appear, at the bottom of the page, click “Contact support”.

    A window will appear in which you need to identify the problem, indicate email address Please contact us, the issue will be resolved within a few days.

    Remember that a blocked participant can see your presence on the site, he can remain a friend even after being “banned”, but he will no longer be able to look at photos, give ratings, or write comments.

    To give a reformed enemy a second chance, you can easily unblock him. To do this, on the “Friends” tab, find the line “Black List” and go into it. All previously added ones will be released. If you point the mouse at the desired photo, a list will appear, click the last item - “Unblock”. This person will again be able to express his thoughts under your photos, give ratings, and write messages. In this situation, it is important to be able to understand people.

    Of course, the easiest way is to make your page closed to strangers, let only friends, relatives, and relatives have the right to enter. Why do we need comments and messages from strangers? There is no point in letting someone else know all the joys and other moments of our lives. This is already the fourth option for protection against unnecessary intrusions.

    Now that the troublemakers have been eliminated, you can rest easy!

    In the social network Odnoklassniki, as in other networks, not all people are equally useful to other users. They create false accounts to tarnish another person's reputation or to fraudulently obtain money or personal information. Of course, finding such people on a social network and having close contact with your account are not at all desirable things. How to block a page in Odnoklassniki for such a user? How to protect your profile from unwanted visits or completely remove her from Odnoklassniki?

    Ways to block other users

    First, let's highlight methods on how you can block someone else's page on Odnoklassniki. There are several of them.

    • Adding a person to the blacklist;
    • Contacting the site support service.

    Now let's look at each account blocking option in detail.

    Adding a user to the blacklist. In fact, this method is much easier to handle in support, but it protects against harmful influences only your account. And a letter in support completely frees the network from a harmful user.

    • To block a user with a blacklist, you need to go to his profile on a social network.
    • Under the avatar or place for a photo we find the desired button, which is signed as “other actions”.
    • After clicking on other actions, you should select “Complain”.
    • Then check the checkbox (check the box) to add this user to the blacklist.
    • That's all! Now the selected person will not be able to view your profile, and therefore will not be able to cause any harm to you. A person cannot comment on your posts, send you messages, rate your photos - nothing!
    • Using mobile app or by going to the mobile version of the site, you can also block a person.
    • The complaint button is still located in the profile of the person we don’t want.
    • Also, through the complaint button, you can transmit information about the negative actions of this account to the site administration.

    Now let's look at the second option for blocking a person.

    Contacting site support. How can you block a person on a social network using this method? Let's do this together step by step.

    • First of all, look for “Help” on the screen. It is located at the top or bottom of the screen.
    • By clicking on help, we look for the item with useful information, which is at the bottom of the page.
    • Then you need to click on “Contact Support”, and then click on the link that opens the request window - this button is underlined to make it easier to find.
    • Further - easier. Fill in all fields of the support request, indicate the reason, subject, your email for feedback and specifically describe the problem, indicating full information about the offender and his actions.

    This is how you can contact the support service of the Odnoklassniki website.

    Protecting your Odnoklassniki page

    There is a proven method to protect your profile from unwanted visitors. At the same time, your friends will be able to work normally with your account, But it will be hidden from other users. What do we have to do?

    • On your Odnoklassniki page, under your avatar, click on the close profile button. It has an icon of an unlocked padlock.
    • After which you will be asked to pay the cost of this service.
    • Yes, security costs money these days, even on social networks.
    • On the other hand, by paying a small one-time amount, you can forever enjoy the absence of influence of unwanted users on your own page.

    If you are completely tired of constant troubles with your profile, then there is a radical way to block the Odnoklassniki page - this is deletion.

    • A request to delete your account can be sent to site support.
    • Instructions on how to find the application form are outlined above. There you will need to perform a lot of actions, but there is an easier way.
    • Another way is this. At the bottom of your profile, look for the “Regulations” button. Because the feed automatically scrolls, you can use page search.
    • Under license agreement site you will find a button to refuse services.

    In the last article we looked at this question. Now let’s look at the situation of how to block a user in Odnoklassniki, or how to add this user so that he won’t be disturbed in .
    I know, I know, my dears, that some of you are interested in the correct answer to this question. And therefore, in this article you will receive a detailed answer to an interesting, and for some, important question– what is the blacklist in Odnoklassniki.

    I, of course, certainly classify all this topic as the so-called. Why not? – Everyone has their own secrets, and such a popular social network, or website, as you please, like Odnoklassniki, is no exception.

    After all, each user has certain rights, and I think if such a need arises as eliminating or preventing users whom you do not want to see on your page, then this is generally your right.

    This is why I believe that you have every right to block it. How you do this and which method you choose will depend only on you. My task is to provide full information about how you can block a user on Odnoklassniki yourself. Or, as it will be more familiar to most people, let’s call this function of the Odnoklassniki social network in its own language, namely .

    An effective method for adding to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki

    You can absolutely every user who viewed your profile left a comment for you, or maybe sent a message. You can add just such a user to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki yourself. And this will be one of the methods for blocking a user in Odnoklassniki.

    Users whom you blocked will no longer be able to access your page in Odnoklassniki and.

    And now you will learn add to blacklist in Odnoklassniki personally by users you don’t like.

    How to blacklist or block a user in Odnoklassniki?

    In order to classmates blacklist, or block the user, let’s move on to these actions.

    After these steps, the user you have chosen is blocked and is on the black list of classmates.

    How can you remove a user from the blacklist in Odnoklassniki?

    In order to remove a user from the blacklist in Odnoklassniki , here's what you need to do.

    Click the “More” button on your website page, and then click on the “Black List” tab.

    After these steps, you will see all the users who are on your blacklist. Move your mouse cursor over the photo of the person you decided to remove from this list, because you could have added someone there by mistake.

    After moving the cursor you will see a picture like this.

    Your actions are very simple, you just need to click on the “unblock” tab. Everything you removed from blacklist on the Odnoklassniki network the user you need.