Unlocking iPhone 4. Installing firmware yourself. Installing our own firmware

In this material we will discuss the important topic of how to unlock iCloud on iPhone 5S. This is usually done with using iCloud Activation Lock or when ID symbols are entered in the cloud settings - the numbers of the previous owner of the iPhone. There are many types of such troubles, but they are all connected by one question - what to do if the iOS device asks for a password that the user does not know? Is it possible to disable the blocking? Let's try to get acquainted with all these questions in detail below.

Starting with the seventh operating system, Apple has equipped the iPhone search option with this feature. The option is turned on fully automatically during the process of setting up the iPhone search.

The essence of Activation Lock is that it complicates or makes it completely impossible to operate and sell the device in a situation where it is lost. If the function is on iPhone active, the user will be asked for ID data - numbers and password symbols every time they try to disconnect from the device search option, as well as to clean it and reactivate it.

Visits repair shops every day big number users asking for help in removing the block from the iPhone. Moreover, in each case the reasons for this situation are different. For a deeper understanding of the essence of the problem, it would be correct to cite the most common situations and determine an algorithm of actions for each.

If your Apple ID account has been hacked...

More and more often we read about someone's Apple account being hacked. Typically, such a nuisance happens if the user came up with a weak password when creating an account. Often used by hackers Brute attacks Force with guessing password characters by trying out possible combinations. Of course, it is not difficult to figure out a weak password this way. Having reached the treasured mailbox, the attackers change the password.

Having taken possession of this classified information, the first thing hackers do is put a block on the device, just by resorting to iCloud Activation Lock. At the same time, a message is sent to the display of such a gadget asking you to contact a person who, for a certain amount (usually a small one), will issue a 4-digit blocking code.

Therefore, if you receive an email notification that changes have been made to your account, be careful. Most likely, phishing is taking place here (a message with a link to a fake resource under named after Apple). However, everything can turn out to be reality when someone really wants to change the data in a user's account.

What to do if your ID is hacked? Firstly, you should try to gain access to your account and e-mail and change the password characters. If you can't access your email, try recovering your password. As a rule, next to the login and password entry windows there is a link to return forgotten characters. You need to click on it and try any available methods. If all else fails, change your password immediately.

After this, try to restore access to your account. If the corresponding message does not arrive by email, the last resort option is to leave a complaint on the company’s online resource. Specialists usually help in resolving the problem of removing the block from the gadget.

Maybe someone will come up with the idea of ​​paying an insignificant amount of a thousand rubles, and the matter will be resolved? Of course, it's better not to do that. Don't indulge scammers. Moreover, there are no guarantees that they won’t ask you for more more money, simply no. There have been cases when a person sent cash, but did not achieve a positive result. Therefore, in difficult situations, it is better to contact the company directly as quickly as possible.

When the previous owner's data was entered into the iPhone...

Sometimes iPhone owners use the gadget, ignoring iCloud features. For some unknown reason, the cloud settings contain the symbols of someone else’s account. Maybe when initial setup device, the entire procedure was performed by your friend or the store salesperson. At the same time, they forgot to reveal the password to you.

If you have not yet fully realized what this could mean, see the list potential problems, on which there is someone else’s ID number:

  • at any time your gadget can be blocked by using iCloud Activation Lock;
  • all personal information exchanged in the “cloud” will become available to a person you do not know;
  • Using the iPhone search option, an attacker will be able to determine your location;
  • your technique will become completely uncontrollable to you.

How to replace ID data for iCloud? Firstly, keep in mind that without correct password nothing will work out. You simply cannot log out of your previous account in the cloud settings. Thus, there is only one solution left - searching for the previous owner of the gadget or the friend who helped you set up the iPhone.

Even the employees Apple There are no helpers for you in resolving this problem, since this is the essence of Activation Lock. If you have forgotten the password characters, restore them. If you don’t have access to e-mail for this, it turns out that you are not using your gadget.

If the user purchased/found an iPhone with a block

If you bought a cheap phone or found it on the street, it may happen that it will not let you go beyond the lock screen. Here the question immediately arises, how to make the gadget work. Unfortunately, there are no options for solving the problem similar situations A little. The purchased device may be stolen. But even if former owner lost him, this doesn’t change the matter. And if there is a block, it will not be possible to turn the gadget into a device from which you can make calls. Therefore, you will have to resort to one of the following three methods:

1 If you find a gadget on the street, the most the right decision there will be an attempt to find its rightful owner. It happens that an SMS with the owner’s number and requests to call back is displayed on the device’s display. The iPhone search function allows you to display similar SMS in remote mode. Also keep in mind that the police and intelligence services today, taking advantage of modern advances, can quickly track stolen devices. It is not uncommon for people to be caught red-handed doing this... Think about whether you need all this? 2 Since you won’t be able to use the phone with the unit 100%, you can try to disassemble the gadget into parts. Or sell it in parts to craftsmen who repair Apple equipment. 3 On YouTube you can find manuals on how to bypass Activation Lock. Usually the authors call such videos promising. However, in reality, they only offer some recommendations for minor expansion of functionality. But these tips don’t always work. Better look at what bloggers from other countries offer. Usually all methods come down to driving in a specific DNS server in settings wireless network. The procedure will provide access to the camera, player and some other functions of the device. It’s no secret that all options function through TV network servers and without a connection, the device will be just an ordinary “brick”. And to be honest, this option is 99% a failure, so it’s better not to use it. If only sometimes it's worth a try...

Problems after rebooting iPhone

If something like this happened to your gadget, most likely it’s a password or account issue. Or maybe someone changed the password characters without your knowledge? Or did you just forget it, and now your favorite device is blocked?

Regardless of the cause of the trouble, you need to restore access to the ID and regain control of your device. And then the first thing that pops up in my head is restoring the characters of the ID password. For this purpose, you need to follow the link and act strictly in accordance with the commands.

If all else fails, feel free to contact Apple resource online. If you can confirm your identity and rights to your iPhone, be sure to get help, and unlocking your gadget will become a reality.


So, bypassing Activation Lock is impossible. Information about the presence of the block is present on Apple servers and until the correct password characters are entered, it can neither be changed nor erased. Today there is no software for hacking this tool, with the help of which one could become possible unlocking iPhone 5S, 6 or tablet of any model for full use.

We hope you have received a comprehensive answer to your question, you can unlock iCloud iPhone or not. In any case, a special approach is needed in each specific situation. The first step is to find out how the device was blocked, and then select methods on how to unlock the iPhone. In the vast majority of situations, you can unlock iCloud through Apple support.

Today we store in our smartphones a lot of not only important, but often confidential information- starting with data on bank card and ending with photographs that you don’t want to show to everyone. That's why protecting your device with a password is a measure modern world absolutely necessary. And, of course, in iOS opportunity Secret cipher settings are supported.

However, the problem is that sometimes the user himself forgets the screen lock password. What to do in such a situation? Unfortunately, the brute-force technique will not work here, or rather, it will work, but there will not be many attempts, and when you exhaust the limit, the device will “delight” you with this unpleasant message “iPhone is disabled, connect to iTunes.” Of course, such a message cannot but frighten. However, don’t worry and don’t write to technical support, we will help you restore access to your smartphone!

So, we have already mentioned that the iPhone will be locked after a certain number of incorrect password attempts, but you are probably interested in a specific number. Well, we inform you that you have the right to make a mistake 9 times; if you make the 10th incorrect attempt, you will be greeted by that same unfortunate inscription: “iPhone is disabled, connect to iTunes.”

However, not everything is so simple. Before being completely blocked, your smartphone will give you time to think. After 6 wrong attempt, the iPhone will be blocked for a minute, after 7 - for 5 minutes and then progressively, and after 10 - the smartphone writes that it is tired of your torment and sends you to iTunes for help.

Unpredictable iOS

Unfortunately, it is difficult to predict how the situation with a locked iPhone will be resolved. In some cases, the message that the smartphone is turned off is eliminated by a simple reboot without the help of iTunes, and sometimes even connecting to this program causes problems and the only chance of salvation is restoring the device, which completely erases all information, including the unfortunate forgotten password.

So generally speaking, if you have set a password on your device, the smartest next step is to back up your data using iCloud or iTunes.

If you haven’t done this, then before you start trying out possible ciphers, connect to iTunes and create a backup copy - fortunately, the program does not require any passwords.

To perform a backup:

Ready! Now you can try to remember the password by brute force with peace of mind - maybe you’ll be lucky and you’ll unlock the gadget without any extra hassle.

Unlucky and your iPhone is still blocked? Well, let's begin to revive the gadget. First of all, we perform the most ordinary reboot - press and hold simultaneously Home buttons and Power and wait for the Apple logo to appear on the screen, then release it.

Important! For iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, instead of Power, press the Volume Down button!

After the reboot, you still see the message: “iPhone is disabled - connect to iTunes,” then we’ll figure out what to do next. As a matter of fact, next step— directly connecting the device to the PC. How to connect iPhone to iTunes to unlock? Yes, there are no special rules here - just take the cord and connect the gadget in a standard way. After the “docking” is completed:

Ready! This operation will reset the password counter, but not the password itself. That is, this procedure should be carried out only if you are sure that a few more attempts will lead you to success, otherwise, we will immediately proceed directly to resetting the password.

Important! Synchronization must be carried out from a PC to which the device has already been connected at least once. At the first iTunes connection will ask for permission to access data and you will need to answer on your iPhone, which, we hasten to remind you, is locked, which means you simply won’t be able to “give” permission to a new computer.

How do I reset my password?

Well, let's answer main question— how to reset your password. There was, however, a spoiler above - to perform this procedure you just need to restore the device. To do this, if you are able to connect to iTunes, with which you have already synchronized at least once, you will need:

That's all - after recovery - the program will perform this procedure in automatic mode, you will receive a clean device without a password. To load data from backup copy at initial setup(will download automatically) select “Restore from copy...”.

How to reset your password on a new computer?

In the same situation, if you are unable to connect to iTunes, with which the device was previously synchronized, or if your smartphone has never connected to this program before, then you need to follow these instructions:

By the way, this instruction can also be used in a situation where, when connecting a locked iPhone to iTunes, with which the connection was previously made, the program generates an error.

Sometimes iPhone users experiencing problems unlocking it. This can happen as a result of the device freezing or simply being unable to remember the password. You can log in again after flashing by connecting the device to a computer with iTunes. During this process, personal data is lost, which can then be restored from a backup, and errors may also occur. We will tell you further how to avoid them by carrying out the unlocking procedure competently and safely.

Flashing iPhone to reset password

The iPhone is well protected from hacking and theft personal information, so almost the only way to unlock a device without a password is to flash it. it's the same standard procedure when recovering from work failures, when Soft Reset (regular reboot) does not help.

The iPhone is reflashed as follows:

  1. On your computer with iTunes, check for updates to your media player and install the latest version if necessary.
  2. Original cable Apple USB Connect your apple device to your computer.
  3. In iTunes, click on the phone icon, which will open a window with which you will directly work.
  4. Further simplest option for a novice user - click the “Restore” button.

Immediately after this command, the application will begin downloading the firmware that is current for your device from Apple servers, after which it will independently reinstall it on iOS device. The next step is to restore personal data from previously saved backups using the same application.

Disadvantages of this unlocking method

Despite its simplicity, this method has disadvantages, which often lead to failures and errors when flashing:

  1. The latest versions of iOS have big size, the latter “weighs” about 1.5 GB. This makes the download process quite lengthy.
  2. If there is a short-term failure of access to Apple servers or unstable home internet Each time the download is interrupted, the process will have to be started again.
  3. If you are not using a Mac for recovery, but regular computer with Windows, the process is often accompanied by various glitches and errors.

To avoid these troubles, it is better to download the firmware yourself in advance, and the simple method described above is more suitable for owners of Apple computers.

We also note that iTunes automatically downloads the most latest version iOS that it can work with. This is unacceptable for owners of unlocked devices, for which the password reset procedure will be slightly different. We'll talk about it below, but now let's see how you can use your own firmware to unlock your iPhone.

Self-installation of firmware

Needed for your iPhone firmware you can download it to your computer yourself from one of many specialized sites. Further actions will not differ much from what was described earlier:

  1. Once iTunes is open, click on the restore button while holding down keyboard Shift. If you are working with a Mac computer, then you need to hold down Alt.
  2. An explorer will open, where you just need to indicate to the program the location of the previously downloaded archive and click “Open”.

Next, the flashing will go “automatically”, after which the device can be unlocked. To do this, when initial download select the system language, region, connect to iTunes and set the phone to “Like New”. After this, the user receives a smartphone with factory settings. There is no need to create a new password.

Resetting the password in DFU mode

This method- the most reliable in terms of security. Using it to unlock, in most cases it is possible to avoid errors during flashing, since the device is forced into DFU mode.

This is a bootloader mode that does more than just rollback installed system to the factory state, and the memory is formatted, system components and iOS itself are reinstalled. But it should be taken into account that if there is no backup of personal data, the latter will be irretrievably lost.

To unlock your iPhone, enter your connected Apple cable USB device to the computer in DFU mode:

  • hold the button for three seconds turn on iPhone in a clamped state,
  • Without releasing this button, press and hold the “Home” key,
  • after 10 seconds, release the last one, and hold “Power” until the device enters DFU mode.

In this case, iTunes will detect the device, but the display of the iPhone itself will not show the characteristic normal mode recovery (Recovery) of the USB cable image and player icon. The phone screen will be black, in some cases it may be white.

Unlock iPhone using iCloud

If you have access to iCloud, unlocking your iPhone is quite simple. To do this, however, the “Find iPhone” function on the smartphone must be active.

In addition, the device must be connected to the Internet. Unlocking is done as follows:

Once completed, the setup assistant will offer to restore the device either “as new” or from a backup in iCloud or iTunes. In the first case, you will receive the device with factory settings, in the second, all user data will be returned at the time the backup was created.

Recovering Apple ID account data

If the user remembers the Apple ID password, then unlocking the device is quite simple. For this:

  1. On the page iforgot.apple.com, enter the e-mail specified during registration, which is also an identifier in the Apple ID, click on “Continue”.
  2. You will then receive an email with a link to change your password.

If you don't have access to your email, try to answer correctly security questions. If you cannot use these methods, you will have to personally contact support to gain access to your account again.

How to unlock the device for owners of unlocked iPhones

To preserve the possibility iPhone connections to yours mobile operator, jailbroken smartphones can be unlocked using the SemiRestore app.

If the user has forgotten the four-digit password on an iPhone 4S or 5S, it can only be unlocked by flashing it by connecting it to a computer with the installed iTunes application. This is the only way out, in which, in addition, all personal files on the phone are lost. And if there are no credentials in the Apple ID, then for a successful reset the “Find iPhone” option must be disabled, since it will be impossible to activate a phone with iOS 7 without entering this information.

Reflash iPhone to reset password

Let us note once again that flashing is the only way reset iPhone 5S if its owner has forgotten the password. We will describe how to reset the lock screen code using flashing.

Preparatory stage:

  1. Run on computer iTunes, in the help menu, check for updates for your media player. To work you will definitely need the most latest version applications.
  2. Connect your device to your computer using an original Apple USB cable.
  3. Click on the phone icon in the application, going to iPhone menu. A window will open with which you have to work directly.

If you forgot your password inexperienced user, then the easiest option for him to unlock the phone is to click on the “Restore” button. The program will automatically download from the servers Apple latest the current firmware for your gadget and reinstall iOS on the device. Then, using the same application on your computer, you can restore personal data from previously saved backup copies.

However, this simple method has whole line disadvantages:

  • last iOS version has a size of about 1.5 GB, which makes the downloading and reinstallation process quite lengthy;
  • in case of any failure in your home Internet or short-term lack of access to Apple server the process will have to start again;
  • recovery when using a computer running Windows OS is usually accompanied by errors that make it impossible to reinstall iOS in normal mode.

With Mac OS the situation is somewhat different - problems when choosing this option to unlock the password, if they arise, are extremely rare. That's why the above method Suitable, rather, for owners of Apple computers.

However, it should also be taken into account that iTunes automatically downloads the latest firmware version, which may differ from yours. This may be an important argument for owners of the so-called. "unlocked" devices that can only work with one firmware version.

Installing our own firmware

There is a way to significantly reduce the likelihood of failures during operation. To do this, you just need to download the appropriate firmware for your phone in advance and then use it during the reinstallation. Your actions will change slightly:

From now on, everything will happen automatically. The device can be unlocked when it goes into Recovery Mode, will reflash and reboot. All you have to do is select your language, region, connect to iTunes and select the “Like New” phone setting.

Resetting the password in DFU mode

The described method does not always make it possible to avoid device errors by resetting the password. The most reliable option to unlock iOS is achieved by forcing the device into DFU mode, which is significantly different from the previously used Recovery.

The latter acts, simply put, like a “rollback” existing system to its original state with restoration of factory settings and parameters. DFU, on the contrary, is a bootloader mode in which the device memory is formatted, system components are reinstalled, and complete reinstallation iOS.

Resetting the password by flashing it in DFU mode

If the user forgot to backup personal data, they will be lost, since in order to unlock the device in DFU mode, iOS must be completely reinstalled. The sequence is as follows:

  1. Turn off your iPhone, connect it with a proprietary Apple USB cable to a PC with fresh iTunes installed and enter the device into DFU mode. This is done like this:

○ press and hold the gadget power key for 3 seconds;

○ press and hold the Home button for 10 seconds without releasing the power key;

○ release the latter after this period of time, and hold “Home” until the gadget enters DFU mode.

  1. In iTunes, select your device and click “Restore” while holding Shift (for Windows PC).

You may not be able to activate DFU mode the first time, especially if you have not had such experience before. There is nothing terrible about this, you just need to understand how to recognize that the device is in DFU and not in Recovery Mode.

The latter is very easy to distinguish when a characteristic image of a media player icon and a USB cable appears on the device screen. When you enter the device into DFU mode, on the contrary, the display will be completely black (or in some cases white) and will not respond to single button presses. However, iTunes will be able to detect it, and in the corresponding window it will be written that the device is in Recovery mode. Don’t pay attention to this - follow the template already described.

How to recover Apple ID account data

Unlocking a phone is not so difficult if the user has not forgotten the Apple ID password. However, if this data is also forgotten, restoring the device may not be an easy task.

Moreover, if the Find My Phone feature is enabled on an iPhone 5S with iOS 7, the device is automatically linked to the account Apple records ID, so even after flashing using DFU, you will not be able to unlock the gadget without logging into your account.

Successful methods for hacking the firmware are not yet known, so to restore account will have to act exclusively official means. There are not many of them:

  1. Go to https://iforgot.apple.com and enter the name you provided during registration Mailbox, which is an identifier in your Apple ID, click on the continue button.
  2. When you choose confirmation via E-mail, a message will be sent to the mailbox associated with your Apple ID containing a link that allows you to change your password.
  3. If access to email If you don't have one, try answering the security questions provided during registration.

If none of the methods work, you will have to contact support and resolve the issue with access to your account personally.

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    Hello friends! Not long ago I bought my wife an iPhone 7, but she is a forgetful lady and a problem arose: how to unlock an iPhone if you forgot your password? At that moment I realized what it would be like next topic my article.

    Despite the fact that most iPhone models have finger scanners, many people continue to use them out of habit. digital passwords. There are also owners of phone models 4 and 4s, which do not have a built-in fingerprint scanner. Plus, there is a possibility of glitches in the scanner. This is why thousands of people are still faced with the problem of a forgotten password.

    1. How to unlock iPhone if you forgot your password: 6 methods

    After the tenth attempt, your favorite iPhone is blocked forever. The company tries to protect phone owners as much as possible from data hacking, so it is quite difficult to recover the password, but it is possible. In this article we will give as many as six ways to unlock your iPhone if you forgot your password.

    Important! If you haven't synced any of your data before attempting the reset, it will all be lost.

    1.1. Using iTunes from a previous sync

    If the owner has forgotten the password on the iPhone, this method is recommended. Forethought in recovery is very important and if you are lucky enough to have a backup copy of your data, there should be no problems.
    For this method you will need a computer on which synchronization with the device was previously carried out.

    1. Using a USB cable, connect your phone to your computer and wait until it appears in the list of devices.

    3. Now we need to wait, some iTunes time will synchronize the data. This process may take a few hours, but it's worth it if you need the data.

    4. When iTunes reports that synchronization is complete, select "Restore data from backup" iTunes copies" Using backups is the easiest thing you can do if you forgot your iPhone password.

    5. The program will display a list of your devices (if there are several of them) and backup copies with their creation date and size. The creation date and size determine how much of the information will remain on the iPhone; changes made since the last backup will also be reset. Therefore, choose the latest backup.

    If you are not lucky enough to have a backup of your phone in advance or you do not need the data, read on and choose another method.

    1.2. How to unlock an iPhone via iCloud

    This method only works if you have the Find My iPhone feature set up and activated. If you are still wondering how to recover your iPhone password, use any of the other five methods.

    1. First of all, you need to go to the link https://www.icloud.com/#find from any device, no matter whether it is a smartphone or a computer.
    2. If you have not previously logged into the site and saved a password, at this stage you need to enter the data from Apple profile ID. If you have forgotten your account password, go to the last section of the article regarding how to reset your iPhone password for Apple ID.
    3. At the top of the screen you will see a list of “All devices”. Click on it and select the device you need, if there are several of them.

    4. Click “Erase (device name)”, this will erase all the phone data along with its password.

    5. Now the phone is available to you. You can restore it from an iTunes or iCloud backup or re-set it up as if you just bought it.

    Important! Even if the service is activated, but Wi-Fi access is disabled on the phone or mobile internet, this method will not work.

    Without an Internet connection, most methods for hacking an iPhone password will not work.

    1.3. By resetting the failed attempt counter

    If your gadget is locked after the sixth attempt to enter the password, and you hope to remember the password, try resetting the counter of incorrect attempts.

    1. Connect your phone to your computer via a USB cable and turn on iTunes. It is important that Wi-Fi or mobile Internet is turned on on your mobile phone.

    2. Wait a little while the program “sees” the phone and select the “Devices” menu item. Then click “Sync with (name of your iPhone).”

    3. Immediately after synchronization begins, the counter will reset to zero. You can continue to try to enter the correct password.

    Do not forget that the counter cannot be reset simply by rebooting the device.

    1.4. Using recovery mode

    This method will work even if you have never synchronized with iTunes and have not enabled the function for finding iPhone. When you use it, both the device data and its password will be deleted.

    1. Connect your iPhone via USB to any computer and open iTunes.

    2. After this, you need to hold down two buttons at the same time: “Sleep mode” and “Home”. Keep them on for a long time, even when the device starts to reboot. You need to wait for the recovery mode window. On iPhone 7 and 7s, hold down two buttons: Sleep and Volume Down. Hold them for the same long time.

    3. You will be prompted to restore or update your phone. Select recovery. The device may exit recovery mode if the process takes too long, then repeat all the steps again 3-4 times.

    4. Once the recovery is complete, the password will be reset.

    1.5. By installing new firmware

    This method is reliable and works for the vast majority of users, but requires selecting and downloading firmware, which weighs 1-2 Gigabytes.

    Attention! Carefully select the source for downloading the firmware. If there is a virus inside it, it can completely break your iPhone. You will no longer be able to find out how to unlock it. Don't ignore warnings antivirus program and do not download files with the extension .exe

    1. Using your computer, find and download the firmware for your iPhone models with extension.IPSW. This extension is the same for all models. For example, almost all official firmware can be .

    2. Log into Explorer and move the firmware file to the folder at C:\Documents and Settings\username you are using\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates.

    3. Now connect your device to your computer via USB cable and log into iTunes. Go to your phone section (if you have multiple devices). Each model will have a full technical name and you can easily find yours.

    4. Press CTRL and "Restore iPhone". You will be able to select the firmware file that you downloaded. Click on it and click “Open”.

    5. Now all we have to do is wait. Eventually the password will be reset along with your data.

    1.6. Using a special program (only after jailbreak)

    If your favorite phone is hacked by you or previous owner, all the methods above are not suitable for you. They will lead you to install official firmware. You will have to download for this separate program called Semi-Restore. It won't work if you don't have the OpenSSH file and the Cydia store on your phone.

    Attention! On this moment The program only works on 64-bit systems.

    1. Download the program from https://semi-restore.com/ and install it on your computer.

    2. Connect the device to the computer via a USB cable, after a while the program will recognize it.

    3. Open the program window and click the “SemiRestore” button. You will see the process of clearing devices of data and passwords in the form of a green bar. Wait, the mobile may reboot.

    4. When the runner “crawls” to the end, you will be able to use the phone again.

    2. How to reset your Apple ID password?

    If you don't have your Apple ID account password, you won't be able to sign into iTunes or iCloud and reset. All methods of how to recover a password on an iPhone will not work for you. Therefore, you will first need to be restored Apple password ID. Most often, the account ID is your email.

    1. Go to https://appleid.apple.com/#!&page=signin and click the “Forgot your Apple ID or password?” button.

    2. Enter your ID and click on “Continue”.

    3. Now you can reset your password in four ways. If you remember the answer to Security Question, select the first method, enter the answer and you will get the opportunity to enter New Password. You may also receive an email to reset your password for your main or backup mail account. If you have another Apple device, you can recover your password using it. In case you have connected two-step verification, you will also need to enter the password that will be sent to your phone.

    4. Once you reset your password using any of these methods, you will need to update it in other Apple services.

    Which method worked? Perhaps you know life hacks? Share in the comments!