Differences between original Apple cables and headphones and fake ones. How to distinguish original Apple EarPods from fakes

The more popular Apple devices become, the more counterfeits appear, and it is very important to understand how to make sure that the iPhone you are purchasing is genuine (original). In addition, you need to be able to check whether the device is stolen and whether warranty service is still available in official iStore stores.

Not so long ago, an original and a fake iPhone could be distinguished with your eyes closed. These were two completely different devices, which differed not only in software, but also in the quality of all the parts used. But now the situation has changed dramatically and now it is very difficult to find the differences between a real and a non-original gadget.

In today's material, you will learn how to confirm the originality of an iPhone before purchasing it.

What you need to know about iPhone?

To avoid cooperation with scammers, it is best to purchase an iPhone only from an authorized dealer.

Such places may include a reliable online store or electronics supermarket that has been selling Apple products for a long time, has positive reviews on the Internet and can provide smartphone service to customers.

Remember that official dealers inflate the price by 20-30% of the cost, which is determined by Apple. For this reason, consumers often decide to order a gadget from the United States of America, with the help of many distributors. Another way to buy an iPhone cheaper is to find an advertisement for the sale of a used device that works fine. Each of the presented methods to spend less on a purchase has its own pitfalls.

Ordering an iPhone from the USA is cheaper, and there is a much wider choice of colors there. But if you just buy a smartphone there, it will not work in any other country, it will only function in the USA. This means you will need to disconnect from the mobile operator’s network (unlock).

There are also advertisements on the Internet for the sale of smartphones that do not require unlocking - these are refurbished gadgets that were purchased by someone and then returned to the store due to some technical problems. Such devices are sent to a service center where repairs are performed, and then sold outside the United States, where they are not treated very well.

To avoid buying a Chinese counterfeit iPhone, you need to understand the following things:

  1. What is included in the complete package of the original smartphone?
  2. Checking the device according to its external parameters;
  3. Nuances of software operation.

How to choose a seller?

If you want to purchase an original phone and want to be 100% sure of it, without particularly paying attention to the cost of the device, then immediately go to popular retail chains.

And if you don’t have enough money or you are used to saving money on purchasing quality things, then remember the following tips for choosing a reliable iPhone seller:

  • Always check the seller's reviews and ratings. You may have to look for additional information about him in a search engine, using his name or phone number. If this is an attacker, they are most likely talking about him on some websites, in social network groups or forums.
  • Please ask for as many photos as possible of the gadget, device contents, box and serial number. You may even have to make a video call.
  • Don’t skimp on questions that help you find out the history of your phone. In what store and how long ago did you purchase it? How long have you used it? Has it been repaired? Was it dropped? Only the owner will give answers to the questions posed, and the scammer will be confused.
  • Check the warranty status and whether the iPhone is locked. It is not necessary to have a guarantee, but this nuance will definitely be a good bonus!

Parameters that distinguish an original smartphone from a fake one

Apple pays great attention to the issue of security and originality of its own gadgets. That's why options are provided to allow users to identify and confirm the uniqueness of their device.

To check, it is necessary to carry out an external inspection of the gadget, as well as find out the serial number and examine the operation of the software. Follow our tips:

  1. Check the condition of the case, including all the features of the selected iPhone model;
  2. Check the technical specifications of the gadget; they should not differ from those stated;
  3. Check the serial number and IMEI code;
  4. Check your Apple ID.

Stage No. 1. Checking IMEI, serial number and iOS parameters

It is not recommended to purchase an iPhone without a box, since it is one of the tools that helps to find out whether the device is original or not. The IMEI is written on the box and it needs to be compared with the one displayed in the information about iOS in the iPhone itself.

If the numbers do not match, this means that the smartphone is either not original or stolen.

You can find out the IMEI on any phone by dialing the following combination: *#06#

Stage No. 2. We check using the official Apple website

In order to verify the authenticity of the device, you can use the Apple website. This is a very accurate and reliable method. It will take you a few minutes to check:

  • Go to the Apple page: https://checkcoverage.apple.com/ru/ru/;
  • Enter the device serial number;
  • Enter the required information and click on “Continue”.

It is important to understand that this method determines the availability of service. You can also find out using the imei.info website:

  • Gadget model;
  • Its serial number;
  • Date of original purchase;
  • And the availability of warranty service.

All about Activation Lock

Activation Lock is a tool that allows you to lock an iPhone that has been stolen. No one will be able to remove the lock except the one who owned it up to this point. Activation Lock is activated using FindMyPhone service.

On the service’s website you can find out the type of gadget, its location, as well as information about the status of the device.

Linking iPhone to Apple ID

Apple ID is an online service to which absolutely every iPhone should be linked. This site identifies users. Having created an account on the site, account data will be entered on each device.

Everything is tied to one place and can be used on several devices at the same time.
Before purchasing, it is important to check the device binding. You should not buy devices that are linked to some third-party account. If the seller comes up with reasons not to leave your account, then it’s not worth buying. If it is not possible to exit the ID, then the device is stolen.

To exit, do the following:

  1. Go to settings;
  2. Enable “Basic” settings;
  3. Log in to Apple ID;
  4. Click on “Security and Password”;
  5. Next, click “Exit”;
  6. Then we confirm the unbinding process;

How to properly check an iPhone before purchasing?

It doesn’t matter which iPhone you decide to buy: from America, unlocked, refurbished or used, the main thing is to check its condition at the place of purchase. To do this, pay attention to different elements, which we will discuss below.


You need to check the condition of the back cover and screen. It’s good if there are no defects or their number is reduced to a minimum. Dents, chips and scuffs are signs of a not very high-quality smartphone.

Pressing the screen should be accompanied by an immediate response. Latency is a sign that the display module is not working well.

No matter how high-quality Apple headphones are, sooner or later they may fail for various reasons. In this case, the question will arise about purchasing new “plugs”.

And this is where trouble can await the buyer. The fact is that now the market is full of unscrupulous sellers who, under the guise of original products, sell low-quality copies to unsuspecting buyers.

Today I would like to talk about how to distinguish original EarPods from fakes. It will be interesting!


Today, the number of counterfeits of certain goods has perhaps reached its maximum. Apple headphones are no exception. Moreover, the Chinese have long had a love for Apple and produce copies of not only headsets, but also the devices themselves: iPhone, iPad, iPod, etc.

In order to somehow help people and protect them from a low-quality product, we decided to write a small but useful “instruction” on how to distinguish original EarPods from fakes. While it's probably a little misleading to call this a "how-to", the information below is more like a few helpful tips. Anyway, no matter, let's get down to business!


Packaging is the first thing that will help distinguish original EarPods from fakes. How? It's simple!

Just a few years ago, a fake could be recognized by what was missing on the back of the package. The original logo is always present. After some time, the Chinese realized their mistake and quickly corrected this omission. Although the low-quality box still gives off a cheap copy.

For original EarPods, the color of the headphones always matches the color of the packaging 100% - it is completely white, just like snow. But on a fake, if you look closely, you can notice a slight yellowness or a slightly grayish tint.

Moreover, on original headphones the top part of the box can be removed quite easily and effortlessly, while on fake headphones the lid is tight and requires a little fiddling to remove it. In addition, it will be useful to feel the box with your fingers for any rough areas or burrs. If such places exist, it means that this is a fake.


The second tip on how to distinguish an original from a fake is the appearance of the “plugs”. Perhaps scammers will be able to make high-quality packaging or get a batch of original boxes somewhere, but they will not be able to completely replicate the original design.

Firstly, the wire of the original should be quite thick. Secondly, the material from which the shell is made is high-quality rubber, somewhat reminiscent of a soft-touch coating. Thirdly, the wire has good rigidity, due to which tangling occurs much less frequently.

If you pick up the headphones and none of the three listed signs match, it’s a copy. By the way, it’s also worth mentioning the length of the wires on the headphones themselves. Both the left and right plugs must have wires of the same length. And, of course, we must not forget about the shape of the earphone. On a fake it will be slightly elongated and slightly narrowed at the top.

It's all in the details

The next step in deciding how to distinguish original EarPods from fakes is to pay attention to the small elements. It's worth starting with the designations of the left and right headphones. Very often these symbols are not printed on copies, but, as a rule, this only happens on bad fakes.

The next thing worth looking at is the mesh on the earphone, which is located on the side. In the original, the fine perforated grille is very clearly visible, while in the fake sample it looks more and more like some kind of fabric.

You definitely need to look at the body of the earbuds. Their assembly should evoke a sense of integrity. There should be no seams or signs of connecting the two halves.

It will be useful to pay attention to the control panel. As a rule, even the highest quality copies are poorly assembled; gaps are visible between the two parts.

You also need to press the control buttons. On the original headphones they are pressed easily, but at the same time the response from pressing is very well felt with your finger. In a fake, on the contrary, you need to make an effort to click. There were also cases that in cheap copies there were no control buttons on the remote control at all.


The last tip on how to distinguish fake EarPods from the original is to check the sound quality, if, of course, there is such an opportunity. A person who has listened to music at least once through original Apple headphones will immediately be able to recognize a fake even with his eyes closed.

As a rule, a copy, even the highest quality, produces a very weak and “plastic” sound. You can forget about bass and volume altogether, as well as about the noise reduction system. So, if you have the opportunity to listen to music through headphones in a store, then it’s better to take advantage of it.


That's basically all there is to it regarding how to distinguish original EarPods from fakes. By following these simple tips, everyone can protect themselves from buying a cheap and low-quality copy.

Remember that it is better to carefully check everything several times and buy a real thing than to buy a fake and be disappointed in the purchase.

If you did not buy your smartphone or tablet from an authorized Apple reseller store, but, for example, from an advertisement site, such a check will be very useful for you for a number of reasons.

There are frequent cases of fraud in the secondary market, therefore, by checking the IMEI and serial number, you can find out exactly where the iPhone was purchased, find out the activation date, the remaining warranty (if any), find out whether the device in front of you is new and check its authenticity.

Let's take a closer look at each of these questions.

How to find out IMEI and serial number of iPhone?

The most reliable option is to look in the settings of the device itself. To do this, launch the “Settings” application, go to the “General” section and select “About this device”.

By clicking on it, you will see all the necessary information, including the serial number and IMEI. For clarity, these points are circled in the screenshot. The entire sequence of actions is also valid for the iPad.

Similar data is indicated on the original box and the back panel of the device case. But, if we are talking about a used device, they could be replaced, but the system will provide 100% reliable information.

Another way is iTunes. Launch it and connect the device to the computer using a cable. Click on the name of your gadget, and on the “Browse” tab, its serial number will be displayed:

Checking iPhone by IMEI

Once you have found out the necessary information, you can run a quick scan of the device using a special service. Not all of them work correctly, therefore, we recommend using the proven iphoneimei.info

When you go to the site, you will see only one field in which you need to enter the received IMEI numbers. Just a few seconds and you get the necessary information:

As you can see from the screenshot, this way you can find out:

  • iPhone activation date
  • date and country of purchase
  • presence of binding to the operator.

In addition to third-party services, similar data can be obtained on the Apple website. More on this later in the article.

Check by serial number

To check your warranty and get other useful, first-hand information, go to Apple's website here. A page will open in front of you that says “Checking your right to service and support” with a field in which you need to enter the equipment serial number, then the captcha, and click the “Continue” button.

As you can see in the screenshot above, this way you can quickly check the Apple warranty, which is important if the seller assures you that it is still valid. This way you can see for yourself.

The products of one of the most popular gadget manufacturers - the Apple brand - have long been shamelessly counterfeited by nameless Chinese companies. Users buy high-quality headphones of the Earods model so often that fake makers make good money from counterfeit goods.

The main rule when buying is to buy at a realistic price for the product from reliable sellers. If you want to save onEarPods - how to distinguish original from fake? – becomes the most important question.

Many unpleasant surprises await music lovers, so consider in detail all the details of the difference between the fake and the original.


The box with the gadget is very neat with exact sockets for parts of the headphones and is copied quite well; copyists now even place the logo on the back of the package. But there are subtleties that will tell youhow to distinguish “Iarpods” from a fake:

  • In the original design, the plastic of the box is absolutely smooth and slightly bluish. The Chinese copy has a tint of yellow in the color of the packaging, and the surface is slightly rough, with burrs noticeable to the touch.
  • The color of the original capsule exactly matches the shade of the plastic of the headset. This almost never occurs with a counterfeit version - the packaging is made separately from the product, and the low cost of assembly materials does not allow an exact match to be achieved. The polished back of the real packaging has a slight shine, while the fake version has a matte finish.
  • On the bottom of the original box, the embossed logo is clearer, with a sharply defined edge. The image depth of a fake is not precisely maintained, and the edges of the print are usually blurred - this is noticeable upon visual inspection and by touch.
  • The lid of the original packaging can be easily removed, while on the replica it falls off or is difficult to open.
  • When pressed, the fake plastic bends noticeably.
Case build quality

How to distinguish original EarPods from fakesis always clear upon careful inspection of the main parts of the headset. The molded plastic headphone housing should not have any gaps, dents or cracks. The quality of the stamping of the Chinese copy does not exclude defects: they are clearly visible on the bend and at the base of the case. At the connection points with the cord, the elastic plug of the original fits more tightly, while the fake one noticeably moves away.

Chinese replicas do not have left-right markings on the headphones L/R (Left/Right) . This is a significant note - the sound quality changes with a change in position.

The diffuser holes on the replica are covered with textured fabric; the original uses a thin perforated metal mesh. This can often be observed on the microphone. Expensive materials and equipment are not available to manufacturers of cheap fakes. This is clearly visible upon careful visual inspection. The diffuser holes themselves on the headphones are absolutely symmetrical, but on the copy they are offset.

If it is possible to compare a genuine earphone with an alleged copy, then you need to pay attention to the difference in shape: the counterfeit version is slightly narrowed towards the microphone and slightly elongated - this is noticeable.


In authentic headphones, the wires are elastic and flexible, very smooth to the touch - the high-quality rubber shell has no defects. They are also thicker and more rigid than fake ones, properties that reduce curling, tangling and breakage. Both original headphones have exactly the same length.

The wire must be marked - at a distance of 20 cm from the plug there is an inscription: Designed by Apple in California Assembled in China. The serial number is indicated next to it. The font of the inscription is clear and even, there should be no errors.

The fact that the assembly was carried out at a factory located in China should not be confusing: a significant part of the brand’s production is located in Asia.

Remote Control

The body and connection of the remote control parts is the weak point of the most diligent copyists. There should be no gaps between the parts - they fit well on a genuine gadget and have a completely smooth shape. The remote control has an image of a microphone - very clear in the original. If counterfeit manufacturers do not forget to make this sign, it will be pale and blurry compared to the original.

Functional control buttons - an important point in inspectionEarPods. How to spot a fake becomes clear when turned on and configured. The buttons are easy to press with a noticeable but barely audible click. The copy adjustments are tight, require effort when pressed, and there is a loud sound when switching. Very cheap fakes sometimes manage to be produced with an imitation remote control - no buttons at all or with decorative toggle switches that do not switch anything.

Sound quality

The main purpose of purchasing original EarPods is to listen to music tracks in good quality. A counterfeit version can only produce poor sound, at best it will be unimportant, and the headphones will not last long. If you have the slightest doubt about the authenticity of the device, you should ask for the opportunity to listen before paying even the smallest amount.

If you already had real EarPods, then it’s easy to distinguish a fake by its sound. The best replica conveys a weak sound with blurry upper and especially lower registers. The noise reduction system is simply missing. The sound strength most likely will not be adjusted. You can’t even dream about the volume – and all this will immediately become apparent during a short test.

Issue price

If the Internet or store offers to buy EarPods at half price, this is definitely a Chinese copy. Used ones on an online platform can be much cheaper; you can buy them with full confidence that determining authenticity is not a problem.

Where to buy

Only in specialized electronics stores that provide a guarantee when selling branded goods.

IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) is a mobile equipment control identifier assigned to each device by a special certified service (BABT - a British telecommunications organization) upon direct authorization on the network. And although IMEI was initially used exclusively when accessing mobile telecommunications, the powers of the identifier have changed greatly.

First of all, IMEI is used to verify the authenticity of smartphones and tablets (of different brands, including Apple). If you cannot visually distinguish a copy from the original, and you need to know everything about the device you are purchasing – from the warranty to blocked services – then you can safely arm yourself with an identifier and check the originality on the official website.

IMEI is usually marked in different places - on the packaging, on the sales receipt, in the settings, sometimes in the warranty, and is shown when the *#06# command is entered on the keyboard (it always works on the operating system). And yet sometimes questions arise during the search. How to check the authenticity of an iPhone using IMEI on the Apple website?

7 surefire ways to find out the IMEI of iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

View in settings

Statistics and information about your Apple smartphone, tablet or player are stored in the “About this device” section.

There it is easy to find out how much free space is left on the internal memory, what version of the operating system is installed, and what serial numbers, and other numerical parameters, such as ICCID and SEID, are assigned to the device. In case of urgent need, it is easy to immediately understand legal documents and license agreements.

The section is interesting, and it’s always at hand - it’s worth repeating the short algorithm of actions.

Find out IMEI through the command

View IMEI on iPhone box

It’s worth sorting out the IMEI before purchasing Apple equipment if the smartphone or tablet is purchased not from a certified store, where each device is required to receive a “certificate from RosTest,” but from a third-party establishment where the devices are delivered from the USA or Europe.

The IMEI code found on the still-packed box will reveal a lot of information - for example, whether the factory warranty is available, whether the device was turned on, whether it went through a restoration process, and whether the SIM tray is unlocked for any operators or assigned to any mobile provider.

If for some reason the information received is not satisfactory or disagrees with the seller’s offer, then you can safely refuse the transaction!

The mobile ID is on the back of the box at the bottom, along with a barcode and serial number information.

After opening the iPhone, the numbers should be compared - if there are any discrepancies, you should contact the seller.

View IMEI via iTunes

Check IMEI in iTunes without phone

View IMEI on your smartphone, tablet or player

As with the box, all important information about the device is stored not on the front, but on the back, at the very bottom, where serial numbers and identifiers are listed.

This method does not work with all devices - but only starting with the 5 series models, and progressively. Most likely, the tradition will continue for many years to come.

View IMEI on SIM card tray

The last method is relevant for all Apple technology, but, unfortunately, it does not lie on the surface. You can only get out the tray using an iceclip, and you also have to remove the cover. But, if the other options didn’t work, why refuse?

Check through the official Apple website

If the IMEI code is found, then it’s time to move on to directly checking the purchased or not yet purchased device for originality and other parameters that facilitate further interaction with the service center, and for full information support from Apple. How to check iPhone by IMEI? Two ways:

Via the official website

Verification through a third-party service

How to find out Apple ID by IMEI?

Apple ID is an official “personal identifier” that provides access to Apple entertainment content, as well as to specialized services and support departments (iTunes Store, App Store, iCloud - the listed services never work with those who have not registered an Apple ID and have not passed authorization). In fact, Apple ID is a real passport that opens any door, provides security and at the same time keeps a lot of secrets.

The level of capabilities of the Apple ID, at least in the Apple space, is much higher than the same IMEI, and therefore you should not count on access to confidential information through a mobile ID (especially for free). The manufacturer keeps all important information under seal and will be trusted only to users who directly own the device.

Even through the official website, through the password recovery and personal account recovery menu, no one will tell who previously owned the device along with the IMEI, because the “passport” has long been seized. The only way to find out your Apple ID is to try to contact support and persuade technical support to reveal its cards. Most likely, nothing will come of such an idea. The Apple ID is either registered and assigned to the network, or belongs to someone else - along with a security question, important settings and confidential data (and recently two-factor authentication has appeared - it’s even worse there!).

How to check if the “find iPhone” function is enabled by IMEI?

As in the case of Apple ID, checking the “find iPhone, iPad or iPod” function works without any connection with IMEI - users will have to go through authorization in any case, but not on the official website, but in the iCloud.com service. It is there that the developers offer to check the current location of any of the devices attached to the Apple ID. If you do not receive information, or for some reason the search does not work, then the “Find iPhone” function is not activated in the settings.

Previously, additional verification of the “Find iPhone” function by IMEI was offered by third-party resources, and completely free of charge. The identifier also displayed other information - such as the status of “stolen and blocked” and even offered to contact support directly.

Recently, such services have stopped displaying such valuable information for public viewing. From now on, only data related to the warranty, access to technical support and other information is available, such as where the iPhone, iPad and iPod were supposed to be sold, or under which operators the device is blocked.

How to find out the country of manufacture by IMEI

When buying smartphones, tablets and players not in certified stores, you can stumble upon devices brought from different places - the USA, Europe, some Asian countries, and intended for sale in local stores, and not in Russia. As a rule, few people are interested in information about where Apple equipment came from (what difference does it make whether a smartphone is from the USA or from China, when the savings are obvious? Domestic retail offers exorbitant prices after paying VAT and RosTest services!), but sometimes you can figure out the place “ the birth of the technology is still worth it. And there are two reasons for this.

Firstly, sometimes the delivery package changes a lot (no, the classic Apple stickers are always in place) - we are primarily talking about chargers. If European analogues work with domestic Euro sockets, then chargers from the same Britain or the USA can be safely left until better times - for example, until a tourist trip in the indicated direction. Sometimes instructions are available in certain languages.

Secondly, the manufacturer often blocks in advance the ability to use different cellular operators (you can check using IMEI using the methods listed above). Accordingly, it will not be possible to insert a SIM card of a classic Megafon or Beeline even with a strong desire (even the option of using special repair services can be safely dismissed - blocking is not only at the hardware, but also at the software level).

And, since there is every chance of stumbling upon something incorrect, then it’s time to get checked using a third-party service.

How to find out whether an iPhone is “refurbished” by IMEI or not?

The instructions already described a third-party service from the official one, which allows you to find out whether the iPhone has undergone technical rehabilitation or whether the device is sold directly from the factory, in its original condition. But just in case, once again:

  1. Log in to a third-party service.
  2. On the main page, enter the IMEI number. Confirm “humanity”, wait for the procedure to complete.
  3. In the statistics that appear, find the item “Refurbished by Apple” (whether technical support was provided or parts were replaced). If it says “No”, then you can safely take it - everything is original, without any jambs.
  4. If “Yes”, and the user expected “No”, then the seller is being cunning and hiding important information about the device.