Is it possible to change the Apple ID on an iPhone? Using the App Store. How to change your Apple ID account name

Apple ID or personal user account is a very useful thing. This identifier allows the iOS user to gain access to all branded services- iCloud, App and iTunes Store, iMessage, etc. In other words, lack Apple account ID significantly limits the capabilities of an Apple device and most i-device owners, of course, understand this, and therefore create and use Apple ID with pleasure.

However, if the user is going to sell his gadget, he must mandatory unlink the iOS device from your account, otherwise the new owner will face a lot of problems.

In this article on iPad example We will tell you how the old owner can delete his account and the new owner can enter his Apple ID data instead.

The Apple ID is registered on the iPad in two places - the “iCloud” and “iTunes Store” sections. App Store" Both sections are located in the “Settings” menu of the device. In general, by and large, you can unlink your Apple ID only in the “iCloud” section, because only in this situation will you need to specify the account password. That is, delete the old user’s account from the “iTunes Store, App Store” section. and the new owner can change it to his own without knowing the identifier password.

However, we still recommend resetting your account in both sections, because if you leave it in the “iTunes Store, App Store” section New user will be able to find out your Apple ID, and although without a password he can do little with it that he can, there is absolutely no need to provide it to unfamiliar people unnecessary information About Me.

How to remove an account from the iCloud section?

But still, first of all, you need to reset your iCloud account. How to do this? Follow these simple instructions:

That's all! If the password is correct, deleting the old account will be successful and in the fields where your Apple ID data was previously indicated, the new owner will be able to add parameters for his account.

How do I change my account in the iTunes Store, App Store section?

In this situation, everything is even simpler. What are we doing:

That's all, now here too the new owner will be able to provide his Apple ID details.

What happens if you don't unlink your iPad from your Apple ID?

As you can see, changing and deleting an account on an iPad is very easy, and we strongly recommend that you remember to follow these steps: simple steps before selling, because if you don’t delete your account, things can take a very sad turn.

We repeat, from the “iTunes Store, App Store” section you have every right do not delete. A new user can log out of the old account with the same success as the previous one and provide his data (a password is not required). But! When trying to update applications that were downloaded to a previous account, stores will request data from the PREVIOUS account. However, this is not such a problem, you can delete all applications downloaded using the old ID and download again via new apple ID.

Much more dire consequences threaten if the previous owner did not leave the “iCloud” section. It’s even worse if the new user did not immediately pay attention to this fact. It just left the "iTunes Store, App Store" section and decided that he would not use iCloud - just think, after all backups can be created via PC using iTunes.

But this very user needs to update iOS, or he wants to restore the device through iTunes, because the tablet, for example, began to fail. Every Apple user knows how the device update/restoration procedure ends - the device boots into initial setup mode and requires activation. Moreover, if the “Find iPad” option is enabled on the device, and it is turned on automatically when specifying the Apple ID in the “iCloud” section, the user needs the login and password of the account, and exactly the one specified in the cloud storage settings. In the situation we are considering, this section will contain the data of the previous owner, which the new user, of course, does not know.

There are three ways to bypass this screen - first, contact the previous owner and ask him to provide data and/or ask for a personal meeting at which he will unlink from his Apple ID. If the person is honest, and little time has passed since the purchase and the seller has not yet forgotten his data, he will help you.

If you can’t contact the previous owner, we offer you a second way - contacting the service Apple support. They will definitely help you if you can prove that the device belongs to you - a receipt and the box from the tablet will be very useful here.

And finally, the third way. You did not find the previous owner and you were unable to prove anything to the support service. In this situation, you can only contact various unofficial organizations that offer services to remove the activation lock. In this case, success is not guaranteed, but there is still no other way out.

Let's summarize

So, now you know how to delete an account on an iPad (however, the instructions are universal and will work for other Apple devices too), and most importantly, you understand the sad consequences that threaten a new user if the old one does not unlink his Apple ID. So we strongly recommend that sellers do not forget about this procedure, and buyers always check whether they have logged out of the old account, or even better, ask the seller for a receipt from iPad purchases and boxes from under it.

Let's start with the fact that Apple ID is an address Email specified when registering in the App Store or iTunes Store. You can find out how to create it in the article. And you, by various reasons, it may be necessary to change it.

Eg. A friend registered your Apple ID for his email, and you quarreled with him. Or Post service, which was Apple mail ID no longer works. There is a procedure for such cases Apple shifts ID. Quite simple at first glance. But in the process of writing the article and testing everyone possible options, I encountered a number of problems. And they decided only after an hour of communication with specialists from Apple support. So, let's try to put everything on the shelves.

Which ID can be changed and which cannot?

One thing I would like to say right away is that if your primary Apple ID email address ends with, or, then such IDs cannot be changed to another email address.

Such IDs are created when registering with iCloud. More details about. Currently you can only register in the domain. The and addresses remain from the previous services and are no longer issued.

An account that cannot be changed is both good and bad:

  • The bad thing is that this is another one Mailbox and it needs to be remembered. And there are no more beautiful names left in domains for a long time.
  • The good thing is that even if someone finds out your ID and password, they will not be able to take away your account by replacing the e-mail with their own. This is what anyone works on. We'll talk about security settings later.

Well, if your ID does not end with,,, then you have the right to change it.

Change Apple ID via Apple website

3. Selecting the “Name, ID and email addresses” field. email", click the "Change" button next to the "Apple ID and primary email" section.

4. Enter new address Email.

5. Make sure the email address you entered is:

  • is used by you regularly because this will be the primary address for your account;
  • is a valid email address;
  • not yet associated with another Apple ID of yours;
  • does not end with, or

You will be asked to verify your email address to confirm that you have access to it and that it belongs to you.

A confirmation email will be sent to the new address. Once you receive the message, click the "Check Now" link and sign in to using your new Apple ID ID and password to complete confirmation.

Immediately after changing your Apple ID, you will not be able to log in with your old ID.

If you entered the new email for your Apple ID incorrectly

What happens if you indicated it incorrectly? e-mail address new ID. That postal confirmation will come to a non-existent address and you will not be able to confirm it.
At the same time, you will no longer be able to log in using your old ID.

If you know a new, unverified Apple ID, then log in using it at

You will see a window like this. Your mailing address has not been verified. Click on "Change" and enter the correct e-mail information.

After which the procedure will be repeated with a confirmation letter sent to the specified postal address.

If you forgot your Apple ID

What happens if you incorrectly entered the e-mail address of the new ID and did not remember it. Well, you just made a mistaken letter somewhere, but you don’t know where. This is exactly what happened to me when I wrote this article. This is where the ambush lies. Because the mail confirmation will arrive at a non-existent address and you will not be able to receive it.

You will no longer be able to log in using your old ID. But you don’t know the new one.

There is only one way to solve this problem:

Call Apple Support +7 495 5809557 extension 4. Monday to Friday from 9 to 19:45.

I'll warn you right away.

Your his old Apple They no longer have the ID in the database.

He disappears at the moment of change. But it can be found through central service support that a specialist from Russia should contact. This takes about 20 minutes, so use a landline phone or Skype. You will then be asked to answer security questions, which are specified in your account. And if everything went well, they will tell you your new Apple ID. Knowing it, you can make a replacement postal address, as described in the paragraph above.

For this reason, I recommend using secret questions in your account that do not raise any doubts in your own mind. Also, link your device to your Apple ID by turning on Find My iPhone in iCloud. In this case, technical support specialists will be able to determine the ownership of the account by your iPhone number.

And further. Some issues can only be resolved by calling the Call Center. At personal communication You can contact the support service even if you know what to say to the operator :)

Via the App Store app

You can change your Apple ID through the App Store. For this:

Via the Settings app

There are actually plenty of users who have been using an iPad 2 or other tablet for months, but don’t know what an ID is. They are unaware that they are depriving themselves of many functions. Moreover, they paid a lot of money for this by purchasing a tablet. If you are one of these users, be sure to study this material to the end. Today we’ll talk about how to replace the ID on an iPad and reveal many of the secrets of this process.

Let's try to understand the reason for this misunderstanding. In fact, in most cases, simple laziness is to blame. The user simply does not want to figure out how this is done. So it turns out that when purchasing a device, the user gives the right to some person from the store to enter their symbols when registering an account. This information is usually not provided to the legal owner of the gadget. The result is the presence of a device on which it is impossible to install new software or erase the old one.

How can I correct the situation and create an account? Read detailed instructions Further.

Register ID number

To customize the tablet to your needs, you will have to register. To do this, follow 3 simple steps:

1 Register ID number (new). Let us remember once again that this step has strategic importance for settings new iPad. This is easy to do. All you have to do is go to the Apple company’s online resource and fill out the required form. If you already have an account, proceed directly to the second step. 2 Enter the characters of the ID number for cloud services. In the tablet settings there are at least 2 fields where you need to enter this data. The first is the “cloud” section. If you went there, but saw an account that was not yours, then it’s time to make a call to the former owner of your device. This is the only way you will find out the password. Without these symbols, you will not be able to log out of your account. As soon as you find out the password, scroll to the very bottom of the display and click on the exit element. After that, follow the steps to log into the cloud. 3 Enter the ID symbols - numbers for stores from Apple and iTunes. This is also done through the settings. The entire procedure is identical to the first step - no passwords are required. Click on your account and select exit from the pop-up window. Then enter your account information into the appropriate sections and confirm your login.

What will you get as a result? Full access to the “cloud”, where you can store files with a total volume of up to 5 GB, and other services. iCloud provides the ability to create a backup on Apple servers and exchange contacts, notes and other types of information with all your Apple gadgets. Agree, this is very convenient.

In addition, the option to search for a tablet will also become available. Be sure to activate it. If you suddenly lose your device or it is stolen from you, you can install the block on the gadget remotely. It will also be possible to erase all data from the device’s memory or discover where it is currently located.

What did you get as a result? In the tablet settings, account information and ID numbers were indicated that must be used when purchasing software. Now all purchased programs will be linked to this number. Moreover, this applies to both free and paid software.

Let's say you purchased a paid program, then deleted it, and now you want to download it again. You can do this in no time, and you don’t need to pay anything again.

Removing work ID number

Very rarely do users resort to this step. But nevertheless, sometimes such a measure is necessary. For example, when selling your device. Therefore, we will analyze step by step how to perform this procedure. And it is done in four different ways.

Removal via support

This method is the only one that allows you to delete an element permanently, without hope of recovery. Other methods only slow down the action, but do not delete the account. Although the result for the user is almost the same in all cases. So it's up to you to decide.

So, for final removal, follow this algorithm:

  • Go to Apple resource online, contact support.
  • Enter the required information into the pop-up form. Write a request to English language. If you don't know it, use it automatic translator. Usually this happens, the main thing is that the meaning is clear.
  • Send a message by clicking on the appropriate button.

After some time (up to a month), a message from the service will be sent to your e-mail technical support. It will contain a link to erase your account. You need to go through it and delete your account. It will no longer be possible to create a new account using this e-mail in the future.

Changing e-mail on the ID number management page

To get almost the same result as with the previous method, try to “freeze” the ID number by changing the e-mail. This is done through sequential execution of the following steps:

  • Go to the Apple resource on the network.
  • Entering Apple ID into the search bar.
  • Click on the control point.
  • Opening an account (all information about the name, main and alternative addresses in case you lose your account).
  • Change valid e-mail. For example, you can add several numbers between letters. The three circles that pop up during changes should be green.
  • Saving changes.

From this moment on, the ID number becomes tied to a new address, which, in principle, does not exist. The old e-mail can be successfully used to create a new account. As you can see. Everything is simple and takes no more than 5 minutes.

How to Remove an ID Using iTunes

This method is also similar to the previous one, but there are still some differences. The steps this time will be as follows:

  • Open the iTunes Store program and go to your account.
  • Selecting information about her. The whole thing will come up necessary information. Various changes can be made according to the objectives.
  • If the user’s plans include using the current e-mail without deleting the account or creating a new one, but with the same data, you should simply change the current address to another. But it must exist in reality, otherwise nothing will work.

In addition, in the settings you can delete devices linked to your account. Either all at the same time, or each separately. To do this, in the details section you need to click on the item to deauthorize all content. Or click on the delete option next to the name of the gadget for which we want to unbind.

How to remove an ID number directly from your gadget

The method allows you to quickly erase the ID number from any tablet and more. You can safely use it for iPhones and other Apple products. After completing all the steps, the device will be in new condition.

So, follow these steps:

  • Go to settings on your home screen.
  • Select "iTunes Store, App Store".
  • Click on the button with the ID number.
  • Among other inscriptions, select the exit.

Now you know how to change Apple ID on your iPad, and in more than one way. On iPad any model, you can change these symbols or remove them if necessary. Moreover, deleting an ID, as you can see, is even easier than changing it. Removal is required when the tablet actually has two users. That is, when the user purchased not new device, on which the previous owner did not erase the ID. Then you will need to delete the symbols and create your own account. The simultaneous existence of two accounts on one Apple device is impossible.

iCloud - cloud service, created exclusively for owners of i-gadgets. At initial setup or as it is also called Apple activation, each user must create an Apple ID - an account that will allow him to access all branded services, including iCloud.

In general, there is no need to change the cloud access parameters, but there are two situations when such a need arises. Firstly, you need to set up another account if, as a result of an information leak, someone found out your username and password. Secondly, changing your iCloud is required when selling an i-device - you need to log out of your account and specify the details of a new user. Thus, although you do not need to change the login parameters to the “cloud” often, how to do this procedure, every user should know. In this article we will tell you how to change your account iCloud recording on iPhone example 5, however this instruction It is also relevant for other models, earlier ones - it also works on iPhone 4 and later ones - iPhone 6, for example.

The answer to the question - how to change iCloud, is actually very simple. Let's figure out how to do it this task step by step:

  1. Open the Settings menu, find iCloud section and tap on it.
  2. Scroll to the end of the section and click the “Log Out” button.
  3. You will receive two warnings. The first will say that logging out of iCloud risks losing iCloud data Drive and photo stream - don’t worry, this information will indeed be deleted from the iPhone, but on they will remain; by entering your Apple ID parameters on this site, you can access them. So click “Delete from iPhone”. The next warning is about the loss of note data, there is no need to worry here either, the data will again be deleted from the smartphone, but will remain on the site. Feel free to click “Delete from iPhone”.
  4. Next you will be asked a question - what to do with calendars, Safari data, contacts and reminders. It all depends on the situation. If you are changing account information because of a sale, then, of course, the information should be deleted. And in the case when you want to change your login settings for security, select “Keep on iPhone.”
  5. That's all - the interrogation with passion is over - in the next window you will need to enter your account password (also known as the password for your Apple ID) and click on the “Log out” button.
  6. Almost done! All that remains is to provide new data!

What to do when you forget your iCloud password?

First of all, don’t panic, if the smartphone is actually yours and the Apple ID was created by you, you will be able to change your cloud login parameters with a 90% probability. First, let us remind you that the iCloud account is identical to the Apple ID account created during the initial setup of the iPhone. Surprisingly, for many users this reminder is enough. Well, it’s true that we use Apple ID quite often, when making purchases in the same App Store, for example, and when it comes to the password for iCloud, everyone begins to painfully remember when they created the password for the “cloud”, despite the fact that there is no special code there is no access for it.

And without our reminder you are well aware that Apple password Is ID similar to iCloud password? Well, then let's rephrase your problem - you forgot the password not for iCloud, but for Apple ID. And then everything becomes a little clearer. There are two ways to remember this same password. Let's look at them.

Via E-mail

When you created an Apple ID, you were required to indicate an e-mail to which the activation link should be sent. And, oh, happiness! This e-mail will save you if you have forgotten the treasured code for your Apple ID.

Answers to security questions

For some reason you cannot access the email address you specified when Apple registration ID? It doesn’t matter, all is not lost for you yet! The Apple giant offers another way to change the access code - answers to Control questions installed during apple activation:

When you recover your password one way or another, you will only have to change your iCloud account by following the instructions given in the first section.

By the way, it is worth noting that the above methods will only work if your device is connected to mobile network or Wi-Fi. Your iPhone offline? Do not worry! You can also change the password using the above methods using a PC via official service iForgot.

A special case

Unfortunately, situations where a user, as they say, “lost the keys” to the mailbox specified during registration, and completely forgot the answers to the questions, are not uncommon. In this case, there is one more way out - contact the call center of the Apple giant and prove that the device belongs to you - if you have a receipt and packaging from the iPhone in your hands, this means that in your case everything will be resolved successfully. But, of course, the presence of these attributes is most likely among the owners of new i-smartphones - “sevens”, iPhone 6 or 6S, but the owners of the “old ones” probably threw away the boxes and payment documents a long time ago.

However, it’s worth searching, because if you can’t prove the fact that the smartphone belongs to you, we have bad news - it’s no longer possible to reset your Apple ID password. This means that changing your iCloud account will not work.

By the way, very often users who purchased a used iPhone find themselves in such a sad situation. The previous owner did not log out of his iCloud account, and now the new one cannot install his own in its place. In this situation, there is still a chance - contact the seller and ask him to tell you the password, or, if he refuses to provide the code word, ask him to meet, and let him sign out on his own.

Let's summarize

Well, as you can see, changing your iCloud account is very simple - we looked at the instructions using the iPhone 5 as an example, but it is also suitable for the iPhone 6 and other i-smartphones. However, it is easy to change your login information if you remember your Apple ID password, otherwise problems may arise. One way or another, if you are the owner of the device, the likelihood of recovering your password, and therefore changing iCloud, is very high.

Apple ID is unique name user, which is necessary for everyone who is part of the potential clients iCloud service, which is supported Apple devices. It should be noted that this platform is needed to make various purchases on the AppStore and iTunes Store. No less important is the fact that users of American gadgets using Apple ID can order products from the manufacturer online, and also contact Apple technical support, if necessary.

There may be several reasons why an iPhone owner wants to change his ID. Most often, users have to change their username after purchasing a used device, when the new owner simply does not know the unique name previously assigned to the gadget. Creating a new ID is not at all difficult; it is only important to remember a few fundamental subtleties, on which the success of the venture directly depends.

First of all, the iPhone or iPad consumer should know that you can change your Apple ID directly from the device, which significantly reduces the time spent on the procedure. The user does not need to additionally register on the manufacturer’s website. The data in the memory of your phone or tablet will not disappear anywhere, photos, contacts, etc. installed applications will be saved. In addition, to create new identifier no owner's credit card required.

Quick Way to Change Username in Apple App

So, if the user of the device purchased a device that was previously used for its intended purpose and knows the ID of the previous owner, but wants to change the previous ID to his own in his iPhone, he should follow the instructions described below.

Some iPhone users may neglect their direct advantages for a long time, which lie in the ability to download and install new ones on the gadget. software products, located in the AppStore.

In order for the purchased device to bring not only joy, but also benefit, you should understand the principle of changing the username in the manufacturer’s program.

Create a new account

If, for example, there is a need to create an Apple ID for the first time on an iPhone 5s, the user must register by creating a new unique name in the developer program. When buying a new device, do not neglect Apple settings ID, since it is of strategic importance.

Changing your account

If necessary, change former Apple ID on your iPhone, you need to enter data that allows you to use iCloud services. Modern gadgets iPhones, in particular, have at least two places in which relevant data can be entered. Greater convenience for the user will be provided by going to the following address: Settings -> iCloud. After the application window opens, the previous account will most likely appear on the screen, in case of ignorance existing password Not a single known trick will allow you to leave your account. In view of this circumstance, when purchasing a used gadget, it makes sense to ask the former owner for the password. account, otherwise the new owner will not be able to change it in the future. If the password is known, you should scroll through the window that opens to the “Logout” button and click on it.

The third step to help you change your account is to register with iCloud app. If, by luck, the field for entering data in iCloud turns out to be empty, you simply need to enter your personal data into it and click on the “Login” command. You should not wait for a lightning-fast response from the program, since checking a record can sometimes take more than a minute.

So, if you change the ID on your iPhone, you can get Free access to such a modern “storage” of information as cloud storage. It is worth noting that iCloud reserves 5 GB for its users. Using iCloud, you can save copies of information blocks located on your iPhone. An important advantage is the ability to quickly synchronize any data, for example, contacts and calendars, between several standard devices that were created by the American manufacturer.

Among other things, those who decide to change their Apple ID on their iPhone will have access to a function that allows them to find their phone if it is lost or stolen. Activating this application is that very strategically important thing that will help the owner even remotely block the gadget, delete all personal data from it, and also track its location on the world map.

Benefits of the iCloud app

Once the user has managed to create or change the Apple ID on the iPhone, he will be able to use unlimited iCloud service, purchasing goods in the iTunes Store and AppStore web stores. As described earlier, American-made phones and tablets have two places that require you to enter a personal account. After all the above steps have been completed, you should go back to the gadget settings and select iTunes programs Store and AppStore. The instructions describing the second step of action will help you change everything; the user, again, will not need specialized passwords, he will only have to log out of his previous account and enter new credentials.

The manipulation performed allows you to change the previous account registered former owner to a new one, which the current owner of the device was able to create. Using the entered Apple ID, you can purchase goods in the iTunes Store and AppStore. It is important to know that purchases made will be registered and saved directly under your personal username. Thanks to this, a product purchased once will not have to be purchased several times in case of its loss, and applications for which the agreed amount will be paid will be constantly in the use of the owner.

In view of this circumstance, the user has the opportunity to enter iCloud program not only your personal data, but also that of others. To some, this behavior may seem strange and illegal, because entering someone else’s username makes it possible to download for free everything that was previously purchased by the previous owner. Today in the vastness World Wide Web you can find many services that, for a certain fee (relatively small), allow everyone to use specialized general accounts, in particular, accounts that have an impressive database of various purchased programs.


Gadgets from the American manufacturer Apple attract users from all over the world with their popularity, capabilities and extensive functionality. Almost everyone modern man wants to own a world-famous device that provides its owner with a lot of opportunities and advantages. To enjoy all the delights of an iPhone or iPad developed by American software engineers, you can create a unique account, which should be on each device. As it became clear from the above material, creating or changing an ID is quite simple; it will require very little time and effort.