What to write in the keywords meta tag. What are meta tags? How to correctly fill out the Title, Description, Keywords meta tag. Main page heading - H1

No more need to use meta tags for keywords and descriptions. What in order to get a high place in the natural search results enough unique content and a well-written title. It is quite possible that for certain key phrases This is enough, but this does not mean that you should ignore the keywords and description meta tags completely!

In fact, the page title and meta description are often used by search engines to form a snippet that appears whenever your pages appear in natural search results. Accordingly, the content that is available in these meta tags plays an important role in attracting visitors from the search results.

Based on the above, I will try to formulate the basic concepts of optimizing meta tags for search results.

Meta tags should be filled out as completely as possible

The first step to proper optimization meta tags, this is to use optimal quantity characters when filling. Think carefully about the title and description of your page, which you indicate in meta tags. This, one might say, is the face of your site and it directly determines whether new users will show interest in your resource, since they encounter exactly this information in a fragment (snippet) of your site in search results. As a general rule, when filling out meta tags, you should consider the following restrictions by the number of characters in each meta tag:

  • Page title (title) - 70 characters
  • Meta description (description) - 160 characters
  • Meta keywords(keywords) - no more than 10 key phrases separated by commas (I use no more than two)

Meta tags should include target keywords and phrases in a natural way

Now that we know about character restrictions when filling out meta tags, we need to pay special attention to how to properly include target phrases and keywords. It has long been clear to everyone that the practice of filling meta tags with keywords has long been unsuccessful, but this does not mean that this can be neglected. This simply means that you need to be more thoughtful when filling out your meta keywords tag. Indicate there only the promoted keywords of this page, and not from the entire site.

When creating a meta title tag, consider including the page's main keyword and your brand name, separated by a "|" or “::”. You should not fill the title, as many people do, with keywords.

Following this formula, let's look at an example of a proper meta title tag for an “About Us” page:

Correct title

«About us | Web studio Roza Vetrov - website creation and SEO promotion"

AND bad example same page:

Wrong title

“About us – web studio, website creation, SEO promotion”

Although both meta title tag samples were kept within 70 characters, in my opinion the first version is a more compelling option that uses possible target keywords in a natural way.

The same goes for your meta description. Use the same target phrases and keywords in this meta tag area. Thanks to this you will receive additional bonus, causing your phrases to be highlighted bold in natural search results. Provided that the user enters the exact wording of your keyword into the search. It’s clear that you want to include as many keywords as possible in the descriptions, but you shouldn’t do this; I recommend sticking to one or two phrases to prevent possible bans for over-optimization.

Finally, when it comes to meta tag (keywords) keywords, recommendations are mixed. While adding content in this area won't help your site rank higher in the SERPs, keywords here can play a role in how well your site ranks in less authoritative search engines than Google or Yandex.

Meta tags (description) descriptions must include a call to action

Now the fun begins...

Remember that your meta title and description tags are not just fields you fill out for the sake of SEO optimization. Search engines very often use them to formulate your snippet in natural search results. This means that they should be compiled as attractive and informative as possible!

Example of a snippet for the request “Website promotion”:

Correct description

« Web studio Roza Vetrov carries out website promotion - a full range of work on website promotion in search engines Oh"

Wrong description

« That is why all companies that need website promotion should pay attention to adapting their resource for visiting...”

I guess there's no need to even ask which of these articles you prefer to read, right?

The conclusion suggests itself, write good meta descriptions using the principles of copywriting. It may take longer, but the reward will be large quantity clicks, increased natural search traffic to your site and possibly higher search rankings.

If you are not yet an expert copywriter, you should consider the following recommendations when it comes to creating your meta title tags and meta descriptions:

  • Add a call to action . Most people click on links subconsciously, taking note of the actions you asked for. Possible calls to action for your meta description could include the phrases “Learn how,” “Learn more about,” “Click here,” or other variations.
  • Use a keyword . The first indicator of the meta description does not in itself provide an advantage. It must be used in conjunction with a phrase that includes the keyword of your page and which will become the real reason to follow the link to read the full article.
  • Write your own meta tags for yourself . Once you've come up with a few possible meta tags, ask yourself, "Would I click on a link based on this information?" If the meta tags don't seem compelling to you yet, rewrite them until you come up with something more enticing.

Don't forget, you can always change the content of your meta tags by changing the information stored in them. If you've noticed a spike in search traffic since making the change, it's possible that you've hit upon a winning meta tag combination.

Meta tags can be improved by using structured data (micro markup)

And the last thing you can do to improve your site’s snippet in search results is to use micro-markup in the page text, which allows you to add bolder fragments to the snippet.

Essentially, bold snippets enhance your site's rankings by providing additional information beyond your title and description meta tags. This Additional Information may include a picture, the number of people following you on Google+. There are also microdata for other industry data elements, such as recipes, books, films, cars, etc.

I have already mentioned the creation of such snippets in my posts about and

The following example (from search query"potato soup recipe") shows the difference between web pages with and without data markup:

As you would expect, users will be more willing to follow a link with a more informative snippet, and search engines will rank a site with such markup higher. Therefore, in the next article I will tell you in detail how to use micro markup when creating website pages.

Tag Title- text that will be used to create a link to our website in the search results search engines. The title must be unique.

Meta tag Description- description of the page, used in compiling a snippet in search engine results.

Meta tag Keywords- definition from what point of view do you want to hear? From point of view html semantics or from the point of view of search engines? Or maybe from the point of view of SEO optimizers? Ugh, in general, this is a meta tag for writing words that you consider key (and only you). How Yandex or Google will perceive them is unknown in advance, who will reveal all the secrets to you...

How to do it right

How to fill out the title correctly

5 basic rules for writing a title for a page.

  1. Uniqueness. For each page title must be yours;
  2. Readability. The title is primarily for people - it should briefly describe the contents of the page. Try to write a readable sentence from keywords, each keyword is repeated only 1 time;
  3. No punctuation. Try not to use punctuation.
  4. Length. Title length: no more than ~80 characters or no more than ~10 words now you can have long ones, but after 80 characters the weight decreases, now it’s useful to turn on low-frequency speakers;
  5. Spam words. Eliminate stupid titles (“Home”, “Welcome”, “Name-Company LLC”).

How to fill out description correctly

5 basic rules to describe a page.

  1. Use keywords in the description within reasonable limits, this is not a title, try to describe the contents of the page using keywords without fanaticism;
  2. The length of the description should be no more than ~200 characters.
  3. The text in the description should be for people, enticing text is welcome, it is shown in search results.
  4. Commas and periods can be used.
  5. Copying the first few sentences from the content is not correct; you should complete the entire article in the “description”.

How to fill in keywords correctly

5 rules for filling out the keywords meta tag.

  1. Exclusively only what is on the page;
  2. Do not use commas or other punctuation/punctuation to separate words;
  3. Each page has its own keywords;
  4. Length: no more than 200 characters;
  5. Keep all keywords in lowercase.

More rules

Try to interpret the phrase differently:

The title is primarily for people - it should briefly describe the contents of the page. Try to write a readable sentence from keywords, each keyword is repeated only 1 time.

People will search: they will write a question to the search engine as briefly and accurately as possible, say 4 words. And, lo and behold, in the first place in the search results is a link consisting of those same four words (which is made up of that same title). This is the very principle that should prompt the creation of these tags.

Title as a search engine query

Requests can be LF, MF, HF (I think everyone understands). For the “final” pages of the site (articles, news, publications, products, services...) use LF. For sections of the site use MF, and for the main page HF. - I found this advice somewhere, and in general the idea is clear, but it’s kind of weird to just write on the main page (for example, for this site) “CSS” or “PHP”, and what exactly to write from this. And for sections - I agree, this is possible. Although many people prefer to completely block pages with listings of flocks or products from indexing... So describe the tags “with meaning” and for people, but you need fewer rules!


Filling in low frequency queries

Where: on website pages with articles, products, works, services (articles or GWS) - the so-called final or landing pages.

Filling out for midrange requests

Where: website page with a list of articles or technical information on a certain topic, i.e. sections, sections, categories.

Filling for HF requests

Where: main page (you can also have root sections, sections, categories).

Insertion example

Preferably at the beginning of the section after "charset":

Page title

I prepared this material for beginners in SEO, as well as for website owners who do not know how to correctly fill out meta tags. Let's consider what is relevant now and what is no longer used by the search engine when ranking a site.

Let's start by defining what meta tags are?

Meta tags are (X)HTML tags designed to provide structured metadata about a web page. Typically indicated in the tag title (X)HTML document. Meta tags do not appear on the page and have no visible content. They contain additional information for search robots and various software.

In SEO, when we hear something like “We need to add meta tags on the page,” the Description and Keywords meta tags immediately pop up in our heads, and, of course, Title. What is SEO without this tag? I'll start right away with them.

Title tag

It is also called meta Title tag, although, from a technical point of view, this is not so. A very important tag that affects ranking is the title of the page and is often used by search robots when forming a snippet title. Therefore, in addition to the fact that you need to add basic keywords to the Title, it is important to monitor its attractiveness. It should encourage users to go to the site.

Title should:

  1. Display the essence of the page.
  2. Closer to the beginning, contain a direct occurrence of the most competitive query.
  3. Be a readable sentence with keywords included.
  4. Different from page title


  5. Do not contain spam.
  6. Be unique for each page.
  7. Approximate length - about 70 - 130 characters.

For landing pages, categories, sections, I recommend filling out the Description manually.

You can automatically fill in the Description, for example, for product cards. To do this, use templates like:

Description: In our online store + “store name” + available prices from + “price” + to + “name of product card” + with delivery to + “city”.

Description: “Product card name” + by affordable price+ “price” + from the online store + “store name” + with delivery to + “city”.

What not to do:

  1. Don't make the description too short - in Google Search Console, in the HTML Optimization section you can see short meta descriptions.
  2. There, track and correct duplicate Descriptions (they must be unique).
  1. Don't write inconsistent phrases—the meta tag should be readable. Don't use enumerations.

Meta Keywords Tag

This meta tag does not affect rankings, but since Yandex writes that meta keywords can be taken into account, I recommend filling it out by adding 3–5 relevant to the content phrases separated by commas.

Meta tag expires- also used to control caching. The date is set in the meta tag. When it passes, the browser must use a repeated network request rather than the existing page cache. The date is specified in RFC850 format.

Usage example:

Content-language meta tag— indicates the language of the document.

Usage example:

In HTML5, specifying the language is simplified:

I tried to list, as it seemed to me, the most interesting meta tags. If you are interested in other meta, I recommend reading the materials: Meta tags that are supported by Google and Using Yandex HTML elements.

Let's sum it up

There are quite a lot of meta tags, but as an optimizer, you most often have to use SEO tag Title, meta description, meta keywords. If you are a beginner SEO specialist or website owner, I also recommend that you read the webinar “Rules Formation Title and Description” of our SEO-TeamLead Evgeniy Aralov:

We released new book"Content marketing in in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”


There are many ways to promote a website. And a good SEO specialist knows all these methods, or at least most of them. The best SEOs seize every opportunity that can positively impact search engine rankings. Today we will discuss another way to improve the performance of your resource. It's about code validity.

This is not news to many, but let’s briefly touch on what html and .

HTML - abbreviation HyperText Markup Language, which is translated from foreign language, markup language. It is the standard language in which the vast majority of web pages on the Internet are built. HTML is quite easy to learn. Especially if you only need basic knowledge to promote your website. The markup language has a companion in CSS.

CSS is a language appearance pages written in HTML. It stands for Cascading Style Sheets, which means cascading style sheets. CSS is even easier to learn than markup language. Cascading tables are built on the principle: attribute – value; attribute – value and so on. The catch is that there are a lot of these very attributes and it is extremely difficult to remember them all. Knowledge of English, at least a wide range of vocabulary, will be a plus.

Why is HTML and CSS important for SEO?

When working with client sites or with your own site, which was made to order for you, there is often a need to correct, move, or change something. This is where basic knowledge of html comes in handy.

Next, the page code must be valid, in other words, match accepted standards. Search robots they know these standards and, when faced with invalid code, can incorrectly recognize the page content and draw bad conclusions. Up to the exclusion of the page from the index. To understand whether the page code is written correctly, whether there are errors in it and whether the search engine will understand it, you need to have basic knowledge of html and css.

What are tags in HTML

So, what is a tag? It is a kind of mark or language element that tells the browser how to interpret the content of a particular element in order to correctly display information on the page. They are all written in triangular brackets . There are paired tags and single tags. Paired ones have a second closing tag with a slash inside:


The closing tag tells the browser where the content ends.

Many tags have properties, and those have values. The properties are written inside the square brackets of the opening tag, and the value is indicated after the = sign in quotes “…”. The design is like this:


Example from our blog:

…A lot of everything…

The main three html tags that you will find in any document

  • The first one is …- this tag tells your browser that what follows is an HTML document.
  • The second will be …- inside of this tag contains service information for browsers and search engines that is not visible to the user. Exception: - the title of the page, we’ll talk about it below.
  • Third - …- the part of the page visible to the user. Inside all content is located: text, pictures, videos, and so on.

Basic SEO tags in HTML

Inside contains two main tags: And .

IN , as already mentioned, quite a lot of other tags can be included. Let's look at the main ones that are useful for SEO:

1. The title of the page that is visible when you hover over the tab in the browser. The title also tops the page snippet in the search results. One of the most important for</span><span>SEO optimization HTML</span> tags</p> <p>2. Tag <meta>called a meta tag, we are interested in its properties. <meta name=”description” content=”>The description of the page is often used by the search engine in the formation of the snippet. Sometimes the description of a snippet becomes fragments of text on the page that are more suitable for the phrase requested by the user.</p> <p>So we have specified two properties.</p> <ul><li><span>name=”description” – means that the following property</span></li> <li>content=”…”, <span>is a description. Then when</span> content=”…” <span>contains the text of the description itself.</span></li> <li><span>Please note that the tag is unpaired.</span></li> </ul><p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/semantica.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/e90bcf84df.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>3. <link>responsible for communication with <a href="https://viws.ru/en/prilozhenie-vneshnii-nakopitel-na-androide-kak-podklyuchit-usb-fleshku-k-android.html">external files</a>, like fonts, and more often styles. Like other tags, it has a number of attributes. You can include a file with styles using the following construct:</p><p> <link rel="stylesheets" href="/адрес/документ.css"> </p><p>Construction, where rel= attribute and its property “stylesheets” (which in translation is a style sheet)</p> <p>4. Tag attribute <link>called Canonical. The design is as follows:</p><p> <link rel="canonical" href="http://site.ru/statja_nomer_odin"> </p><p>The point is that by specifying the canonical address of the page, we can protect ourselves from unwanted duplicates. For example, on your website there are two very similar pages, or even identical ones. But both are needed. You can write a canonical (main) address on each page. Then search engines will evaluate only one page, the address of which will be indicated in the design above.</p> <h2><span>Tags in the document body <body>...</body> </span></h2> <p>As already mentioned, in <body>there is information visible to the visitor. Let's get straight to the main thing:</p> <ol><li><span>Tags h1...h6. These are page headings that break up the text according to meaning. Search robots love it when a page is structured and designed. Use only one heading per page <h1>...</h1>and it should be first (above all) on the page. Subsequent subheadings can be used multiple times, but it is important that they appear in sequence. From <h2>before <h6>. Most often, only three types of headers are used: <h1>, <h2>And <h3>. </span></li> <li><span>Text formatting. To break the text into paragraphs, use the tag.</span></li> <li><span>Highlight bold text <strong> </span><b>text text text</b></strong> </li> <li>Italics: <em> <i><span>text text text</span> </i></em> </li> <li><span>the beginning and end of the bulleted list.</span></li> <li><span>list string.</span></li> <li><span>numbered line.</span></li> <li><span>Images. To add an image you need to use the tag <img>and its src and alt attributes. The design is as follows:</span></li> </ol> <img src='https://i2.wp.com/site.ru/content/kartinka_1.jpg' loading=lazy loading=lazy> <p>link text</p><p>*Unwanted links can be closed with the rel=”nofollow” attribute by adding it to other attributes. In this case, the robot will not follow this link. By adding the rel=”noindex” attribute, you tell the search engine that this link should not be indexed by the search robot.</p> <p>10. One of the most common tags <div>...</div>. This is a layer that can be given certain display parameters on the page using the class=”value” attribute. This means that everything that is located between <div>And</div> will take over these parameters.</p> <p>A few important points not included in the main article:</p> <ul><li><span>Always close paired tags. Failure to close any tag may result in all subsequent code not being understood by the search robot.</span></li> <li><span>Make sure tags are nested correctly. Sometimes it can look confusing. Just stick to the principle:</span><p> <i> </i> </p><p>First to open, last to close.</p></li> <li><span>Make sure there are no styles in the html code. They usually creep into the tag<style>...</style> or an attribute in other tags style=”color:...” and so on. If such lines occur in the code of your client or your site, put the styles in separate .css files and connect them using the following construct:</span></li> </ul> <link rel="stylesheets" href="/адрес/файла.css">between tags <head>...</head> <p>Between tags <head>...</head></p> <ul><li><span>Write all tags and attributes in small letters</span></li> <li><span>Don't use a lot of text highlighting, like <strong>And <italic> </span></li> <li><span>Fill in the alt=”...” attribute for images in the tag <img> </span></li> <li><span>Use clear picture titles. For example,</span> <img src='https://i2.wp.com/site.ru/ponyatnoe-nazvanie-kartinki.jpg' loading=lazy loading=lazy></li> <li>Check <span>HTML code validity</span><span>check for errors using services like validator.w3.org</span></li> <li><span>Make sure that the navigation menu links are formatted with a regular tag <a> </span></li> <li><span>Always make sure there is a consistent heading structure and only one per page <h1> </span></li> </ul><p><i><span>Learning html and css is a rather lengthy process. In this article, I tried to explain in clear language the main points that you need to pay attention to when promoting a website. Use the advice, read the code and draw the right conclusions, clinging to the next opportunity to get a plus in the site’s karma from search engines.</span> </i></p> <p>Title and description meta tags are the basis for website promotion in search engines. To achieve a good effect in this difficult matter, you should adhere to several rules, which we will consider in this article.</p> <h2>title tag</h2> <p>Is one of the most important tags. Search robots will learn from it what your web page is, the title serves as a kind of name. Optimization work should begin with this tag, as it helps improve rankings in search results.</p> <p>The title tag is indicated at the beginning of the HTML page code and is displayed in the header:</p> <p>It is also shown in search engine results:</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/1ps.ru/files/blog/2018/trick-title-02-mini.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Based on the title, most users decide whether to go to the site or not, so the tag should be interesting, informative and attractive.</p> <ul><li>The basic information of the tag should be contained in 40-70 characters with spaces. Search engines cut off long titles.</li> <li>Start your title with something important <a href="https://viws.ru/en/nch-sch-vch-vidy-klyuchevyh-zaprosov-kak-oni-rasshifrovyvayutsya-i-kak.html">key query</a>, use the exact occurrence of the keyword. Indicate the highest-frequency phrase you selected at the beginning <a href="https://viws.ru/en/semanticheskoe-yadro-chto-takoe-kak-sostavit-kak-pravilno.html">semantic core</a>. If the main goal that the user of the site should achieve is a purchase, then the tag should start with the word “Buy”.</li> <li>Indicate the city of the site in which you work. This is important not only for people, but also for search engines. When ranking, search engines will take into account the specified city, and users will understand whether your company is suitable for its territorial location. But if you work in several cities or make deliveries throughout Russia, it is better not to list cities.</li> <li>Do not oversaturate the title with keywords; just 1-3 queries for which the page is optimized are enough. For example, the title “Buying a car, buying a car quickly, urgent buying a car” is over-spammed and unattractive to potential clients. Add a benefit that differentiates you and excites you <a href="https://viws.ru/en/kak-iskat-potencialnyh-klientov-gde-iskat-klientov-rieltoru-naibolee.html">potential client</a>; indicate the city of location. When optimizing, always focus on people, not robots. For example, the Title “Urgent car purchase in Moscow within 24 hours” is more effective.</li> <li>The title within the site must be unique, compiled for each page and reflect its content.</li> <li>Do not overuse safe words: conjunctions, prepositions, interjections and particles. But to increase the readability of the title, it is better to include them in the tag text.</li> <li>Do not use special characters (“”= ()/ \ | + _) and punctuation marks (- . ! ?).</li> <li>Do not include the company name in the title as it is not a significant keyword. But if you have <a href="https://viws.ru/en/kak-poluchit-stikery-vk-kokakola-sedobnye-stikery-vk-ot-izvestnyh.html">famous brand</a>, then you can specify it. Also, do not write down the site URL and such “useless words” as “ <a href="https://viws.ru/en/sdelat-nachalnoi-stranicei-kak-sdelat-glavnuyu-stranicu.html">Home page</a>", "About company".</li> <li>Compose the title tag for people according to all the rules of the Russian language; the title should be catchy and attractive.</li> </ul><h2>Description tag</h2> <p>Search engines generate a snippet from the content <a href="https://viws.ru/en/chto-takoe-metategi-meta-tegi-title-description-i-keywords-meshayut-prodvizheniyu-nepravilnoe.html">description tag</a> and/or from the content on the page, depending on the search query.</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/1ps.ru/files/blog/2018/trick-title-03-mini.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <ul><li>The tag length should not exceed 150-250 characters including spaces.</li> <li>The tag must describe the content <a href="https://viws.ru/en/kak-ne-otobrazhat-numeraciyu-na-opredelennoi-stranice-kak-ubrat.html">specific page</a> resource.</li> <li>Please indicate the most <a href="https://viws.ru/en/teoreticheskie-osnovy-informatiki-vvedenie-v-informatiku-razdel-iii.html">important information</a>, placing keywords at the beginning of the tag. It is important that the request is in the initial word form, that is, you must use the request “buy an air conditioner” and not “buy an air conditioner”.</li> <li>Description should not repeat title. The description should serve as a continuation of the title, revealing it in more detail.</li> <li>Must be written for people.</li> <li>The description must be unique for each page.</li> <li>Should not be spammed with key queries.</li> <li>Indicate the benefits of your company or resource to catch the attention of users and stand out among competitors.</li> <li>Add calls to action, they motivate people to make a purchase, order services, etc. The tags also contain attractive emojis.</li> <li>Avoid banal phrases " <a href="https://viws.ru/en/set-socialnyh-aptek-stolichki-s-nizkimi-cenami-ceny-nizhe-kachestvo.html">low prices</a>», « <a href="https://viws.ru/en/predvaritelnye-unch-predvaritelnyi-usilitel-vysokogo.html">high quality</a>" and so on. Differentiate yourself from your competitors by being unique; this applies not only to title and description meta tags, but also to texts on the site.</li> <li>Do not use special characters or stop words.</li> <li>Do not include the site URL.</li> <li>If you did not indicate the company name in the title, you can add it to the description. The description has more characters allowed, and the title can be used to remind you of your brand and improve its recognition.</li> </ul><h2>Title and description for online stores</h2> <p>Compose competently unique title and description tags for a corporate website and resources where there are not too many <a href="https://viws.ru/en/chto-vliyaet-na-skorost-vklyucheniya-kompyutera-odnovremennyi-start.html">a large number of</a> pages, easy. But what to do when your project is an online store with <a href="https://viws.ru/en/chto-predstavlyaet-feisbuk-istoriya-osnovaniya-socialnoi-seti-facebook.html">a huge amount</a> goods?</p> <p>In this case, I recommend using templates for <a href="https://viws.ru/en/kak-sdelat-avtomaticheskie-subtitry-k-programma-dlya-avtomaticheskoi.html">automatic generation</a> title and description tags, this scheme will avoid duplication of tags. Of course, your title and description will not be ideal from an optimization point of view, but you will avoid complete duplicates and will not forget about the inclusion of important key queries.</p> <p>You can create a Title tag for product cards in an online store using the following templates:</p> <ol><li><i>“Product Name” is inexpensive in the “Name” online store.</i></li> <li><i>“Product name” buy inexpensively in “City name”.</i></li> <li><i>Buy “product name” in “City name” with delivery.</i></li> </ol><p>As a Description template for an online store, you can use:</p> <ul><li><i>“Product name” from “price from product card” with free shipping.</i></li> </ul> <ul><li>Use a call to action at the end of the tag, e.g. <i>“Order from the Store Name store.”</i></li> </ul> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//counter.yadro.ru/hit;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> <div class="comment_box" id="comments"> </div> </div> <div id="sidebar"> <div class="widget widget_nav_menu" id="nav_menu-2"> <div class="menu-mainmenu-container"> <ul id="menu-mainmenu-2" class="menu"> <li class="submenu"><a href="https://viws.ru/en/category/internet/">Internet</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="https://viws.ru/en/category/programs/">Programs</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="https://viws.ru/en/category/instructions/">Instructions</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="https://viws.ru/en/category/browsers/">Browsers</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="https://viws.ru/en/category/windows-10/">Windows 10</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="https://viws.ru/en/category/android/">Android</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="https://viws.ru/en/category/ios/">iOS</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="https://viws.ru/en/category/communication/">Connection</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="widget"> <div class="heading star">The last notes</div> <div class="popular_posts"> <div class="news_box"> <a href="https://viws.ru/en/kak-sozdat-wmz-koshelek-chto-takoe-wmr-i-kak-s-nim-obrashchatsya-wmr-koshelek.html" class="thumb"><img width="95" height="95" src="/uploads/858ff01e330511b547a7445ec6fd8f86.jpg" class="attachment-mini size-mini wp-post-image" alt="What is WMR and how to use it Wmr wallet example" sizes="(max-width: 95px) 100vw, 95px" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></a> <div class="element"> <div class="title"> <a href="https://viws.ru/en/kak-sozdat-wmz-koshelek-chto-takoe-wmr-i-kak-s-nim-obrashchatsya-wmr-koshelek.html">What is WMR and how to use it Wmr wallet example</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="news_box"> <a href="https://viws.ru/en/skachat-brauzer-dlya-uskoreniya-interneta-programma-dlya-uskoreniya.html" class="thumb"><img width="95" height="95" src="/uploads/2a034d22f688e93cd2d6113bcb5da04d.jpg" class="attachment-mini size-mini wp-post-image" alt="The best Internet speedup program" sizes="(max-width: 95px) 100vw, 95px" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></a> <div class="element"> <div class="title"> <a href="https://viws.ru/en/skachat-brauzer-dlya-uskoreniya-interneta-programma-dlya-uskoreniya.html">The best Internet speedup program</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="news_box"> <a href="https://viws.ru/en/obnovlenie-samsung-note-8-obnovlenie-android-oreo-dlya-samsung-galaxy-2018-gde-skachat-novuyu.html" class="thumb"><img width="95" height="95" src="/uploads/97d75c8c815aca0808e5fe8df2821558.jpg" class="attachment-mini size-mini wp-post-image" alt="Android Oreo update for Samsung Galaxy (2018)" sizes="(max-width: 95px) 100vw, 95px" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></a> <div class="element"> <div class="title"> <a href="https://viws.ru/en/obnovlenie-samsung-note-8-obnovlenie-android-oreo-dlya-samsung-galaxy-2018-gde-skachat-novuyu.html">Android Oreo update for Samsung Galaxy (2018)</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="news_box"> <a href="https://viws.ru/en/pochemu-ne-stavitsya-proshivka-na-android-ne-obnovlyaetsya-proshivka--.html" class="thumb"><img width="95" height="95" src="/uploads/07ab56eaaa8f8812c5e84828794b74f3.jpg" class="attachment-mini size-mini wp-post-image" alt="The firmware on Android is not updated - 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