How to promote an article to the top 10. Why article promotion works. Selecting relevant keywords

We released new book“Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get into Your Subscribers’ Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.”


Remember how teachers at school chose their favorites? The physicist singled out the cheerful ones, and the biology student gave A's only to the stubborn and silent ones. It was something like natural selection for a place among the best. Just no murders.

Why am I saying this? And what’s more, if you replace teachers with the well-known search engines Google and Yandex, and the class of teenagers with millions of sites striving to get to the first page of search results, then everything will become simple and understandable.

To be the best among your classmates, you need to know the levers of managing teachers, and in order to quickly promote your site to the top of the search results, you need to understand how it is formed, what it depends on and be a little sorcerer.

In this article I will tell you a few basic things about how to independently bring a website to the top 10 for a request, promote separate page or an article from your resource. I don’t promise any magical spells, but useful knowledge is welcome.

The best of the best: how is the search results page formed in Google and Yandex?

Depending on their relevance to a particular request, sites are located in a certain sequence on the issue page.

Some guys become extremely popular due to their place in “ hot ten“, and some move to the very depths, where no one sees or knows them, except the creator, of course.

SERPs of Google and Yandex are completely different. If you are number one in one search engine, then in the second you can while away your days on the fringes.

Why is the world so unfair? The thing is that search engines use different ranking algorithms and determine relevance in their own way pages.

And your website must satisfy the expectations and wishes of each of them in order to be popular everywhere.

Let's try to figure out how Google and Yandex index sites, what they pay special attention to, and what they don't notice.

Find me if you can: what is the difference between promotion on Google and Yandex

Let’s dwell on the most striking moments that distinguish the specifics of bringing a site to the top in different PSs.

  • Regularity of updates

Frequency (issue updates) is a key concept in the work search engines. In Google, everything happens quite dynamically, thanks to the implemented “Caffeine” algorithm.

Yandex is slower, so it changes the results only after certain updates. Although Lately Due to the increase in the capacity of the equipment used, updates occur almost every three days.


  • text;
  • reference.
  • Regional reference

To attach a site to a specific Google region provides much fewer features than Yandex. Making a link to a specific country will not take much time, but more precise geo-referencing of a site to a specific region is carried out in three ways, each of which has its own nuances and difficulties.

Yandex, on the contrary, is more attentive to such details. Become the most popular by request"sale of martens in Voronezh" quite simple. However, if you want to sell furry pranksters throughout Russia, it will be more difficult to reach the top.

  • Unique content

Remember a few important things:

  • Do not neglect the rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. Write without mistakes.
  • Don't chase direct entries. Create readable and useful texts for people.
  • Create something unique. And not only in technical terms, pay more attention to the information component, make your commercial offers different from those posted by competitors. An interesting presentation form will be a definite plus.

By the way, both PSs are punished for low-quality content. In Google you can get under the “Panda” filter, and in Yandex - under the “AGS”. However, in the first case, this requires placing non-unique content on almost all pages, but in the second, you can be subject to sanctions even for poor-quality rewriting or the use of a synonymizer.

  • Promotion for low-frequency queries

The presence of good and unique text in Yandex ensures almost automatic promotion according to LF. Just don't forget to write them down.

It is almost impossible to capture Google traffic without using links. Quality content in this case, that’s not all. The system will most likely send such pages for additional indexing, which will deprive you of clicking on them.

  • Links

They must be of high quality from reputable resources. Their mass must be increased gradually, fearing a reference explosion and falling under the filter. Don’t want to write petitions to Platon Shchukin in Yandex on demand? Then don't be cunning. You are a good person.

Some general recommendations that will help you successfully bring your site to the top 10

Let's look at the general points that you will have to pay attention to Special attention, if you decide to storm the top of the PS ratings.

The beginning of the beginning: domains, URLs and webmasters of all trades

  • A good website is an accessible website. If it is new, then take the time to open it for the index. It often happens that leaving a checkmark in the admin panel leads to serious problems.
  • Tell search engines about yourself. If your resource has a lot of pages, then use Addurilka, and if there are few, run a page crawl in Google and Yandex webmasters.
  • Be sure to check how the resource pages work and whether all links are accessible. Otherwise it will interfere with indexing.
  • How many travelers would not freeze in the ice of Antarctica if they had accurate and detailed map. Compose good map site. Read how to do this . You can follow the classics and construct it in HTML, or you can use Google Sitemap like a rebel. Moreover, search engines love it too.
  • Old sites are reliable sites. PSs love sites that have had time to live and accumulate some experience. If you purchase Domain name, then find out everything about it using the Whois service.
  • Are you afraid of surprises from the past, for example in the form of PS filters? Use new sites, just remember that they will require indexing large quantity time. The baby needs to grow up.
  • Both Google and Yandex love fast people. If your site's pages load slowly, then prepare to lose rankings. Loading a page for more than 7 seconds will destroy your dreams of getting into the top.
  • Pay attention to Top-level domain. Let's decipher it more clearly. Search engines love old sites, old links and domain zones high level. The older and more authoritative they are, the better.
  • Dynamic URLs and IPs are bad. Robots don’t like them and index them poorly, which prevents you from bringing your site to the top of both Yandex and Google

Keywords, appearances, passwords and site language

We need to start with a definition semantic core. What it is? This search queries, which will allow you to find out how your potential visitors are looking for you. You will be required to collect query options that will form the theme of your resource and help you sell your product or service.

Do you want to sell martens? Sell. However, it is better to tell how to feed them, how many times a year they molt, when they mate and what kind of character these guys have, in a blog on your website, attracting thematic traffic. If you are selling, then talk about why it is worth buying martens from you and not from a competitor.

You'll have to work hard to do everything right. You need to select keys not only in Wordstat. Don’t forget to look at how competitors are promoting there using, SpyWords or Key Collector; by the way, we tell you how to do this in more detail .

Pay attention to synonyms and word forms, do not miss the opportunity to collect more traffic.

Collecting and grouping requests is an entire art, so we have also dedicated a separate page to its connoisseurs.

Or use , created with you in mind, of course.

What to do when the keys are collected? Insert them correctly!

  • IN And <description> </b></li> </ul><p>Good meta tags are optimized meta tags. Especially the title. It represents the title of the document and appears as the page title. Remember that it should not be long so that search engines can read it completely. This is why important queries need to be inserted closer to the beginning. Description is also involved in text ranking and significantly influences the site’s position in the search results. Optimize it too, but without fanaticism - beware of overspam.</p> <ul><li><b>To text</b></li> </ul><p>It is an obvious truth that optimized text should contain keys. Another important thing is their proper distribution. If the request density is low, then they do not work as desired. If it's big, it's really bad. The search robot will be outraged by such overspam and will ban you. Try to stick to the golden mean: use keywords sparingly, but don’t go too far with fancy speech patterns. What danger does such water pose and how to prevent the flooding of your text, I have already written here</p> <ul><li><b>To subheadings</b></li> </ul><p>As my SEO friend says: “Keys in H1 and H2 are honey for search engines.” In this position they are really easy to read. But don’t overdo it - insert key queries based on logic and a humane attitude towards the reader, do not overspam.</p> <ul><li><b>IN <alt> </b></li> </ul><p>Robots can't see <a href="">cool pictures</a>, which you put on your site, but they can read everything that is enclosed in the tag</span><i><alt> </i><b>. </b><span>Carefully fill out these descriptions, not forgetting to insert the key, but without fanaticism.</p> <h3><span>Links are needed, links are important</span></h3> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <ul><li><span>Mutual links, like mutual love, are always wonderful. However, be selective. Research exchange sites well. They should have similar themes and excellent performance. Agree, when selling martens, it is stupid to link to a car repair site.</span></li> </ul><ul><li><span>Pay attention to their age. The principle here is the same as with wine or cognac: older is better.</span></li> </ul><ul><li><span>Register in high-quality catalogs with high PR. Links from there will have a good effect on your ranking. For example, if a Russian healthcare website links to your website with medical topics, it would be much cooler if it had 100 resources that talk about the health of women over 60.</span></li> </ul><ul><li><span>The link mass should be natural and diverse. It’s good if blogs, forums, etc. link to you. <a href="">various means</a> <a href="">mass media</a>. Increase your weight gradually. A million links in a short period of time will provide you with a link explosion and getting under the filter.</span></li> </ul><h3><span>Content is the head of everything, even if you don’t have one.</span></h3> <ul><li><span>Try to create your own texts. Write them yourself, don’t steal from competitors, but focus on them. You can always do better. And if you can’t, then hire good copywriters, God himself commanded them.</span></li> </ul><ul><li><span>Update everything posted on the pages. Let new articles appear regularly.</span></li> </ul><ul><li><span>Pay attention to the age of your texts. Search engines pay more attention to young people. Old people can be updated if they are so dear to you.</span></li> </ul><ul><li><span>No invisible ones! Search bots see everything (just like your mother when you take off your hat around the corner), they won’t need to make much effort to discover what’s hidden from them, but <a href="">visible to users</a>, content. Get a ban as punishment, but do you need it?</span></li> </ul><ul><li><span>There's no need to disguise yourself either. You're not on a safari where lions can eat you. If you create one page for search engines, and a second (with different content) for users, know that you will definitely be punished for such black magic.</span></li> </ul><ul><li><span>Copying is bad. You like your texts so much that you post the same ones on <a href="">different pages</a>? Get ready for a rating downgrade. In this case, there may be no fines, because creating mirrors of not only pages, but also articles is completely legal. But falling down still hurts.</span></li> </ul><h2><span>How to bring a separate page or article to the top of Yandex or Google: load yourself with knowledge as much as possible</span></h2> <p><i><span>Let's summarize everything we've talked about:</span> </i></p> <ul><li><span>If your goal is promotion <a href="">specific page</a>, then pay close attention to its optimization: it should be active and working, load quickly, contain well-written meta tags, and have high-quality links leading to it.</span></li> </ul><ul><li><span>Much attention must be paid to the content; it must be distinguished by quality and uniqueness. Proper linking will also significantly help you collect traffic. We tell you how to set it up</span></li> </ul><ul><li><span>If you are going to promote individual articles, then carefully work through the text, format it correctly: insert lists, break them into paragraphs, optimize headings and subheadings, write alts to pictures, check with the top.</span></li> </ul><ul><li><span>Remember those who will read what you write. This way you can think in the right direction with search engines. Don’t forget to share the article on social networks and third-party resources.</span></li> </ul><p>In conclusion, I will say that getting your website to the top of Yandex or Google is a very difficult and serious task. Everything we talked about in this article will give you an initial understanding of this difficult matter, so if you still dream of conquering the top lines of search engine results pages, then read our articles, educate yourself and improve your skills, or seek help from specialists, which will help you avoid making fatal mistakes at the very beginning of your journey.</p> <p>Promotion in search engines using articles is one of the most <a href="">effective ways</a> site promotion.</p> <h2>Article promotion</h2> <p>3 steps for high-quality article promotion.</p> <ol><li><span>The first thing you need to promote your site with articles is the article itself.</span><br>High-quality, unique article with links from the right <a href="">keywords</a> to your website. Take this issue seriously. After all, the article should not only be unique (not copied, rewritten, or even more so copied from another source), but also interesting for the user. It would be better if such an article was written by a professional copywriter.</li> <li><span>Next, the article must be prepared for <a href="">further work</a> </span><br>Unfortunately, one article will not be enough to promote articles. To obtain <a href="">desired effect</a>, you need to post the article on several sources at once (at least 100) in order to get a sufficient number of links to your site. <br>But you can’t post the same article, and writing or ordering 100 original articles is too expensive, both in time and money. Therefore, it makes sense to simply adapt the article to each source - create its analogues, for example, using synonymizer programs or other <a href="">special services</a>. At the same time, it is very important that the uniqueness of each option is no less than 80-90%.</li> <li><span>Now is the time to register in free article catalogs or look for other sources and post your articles there</span><br>Naturally, sites for posting articles also need to be selected wisely; you shouldn’t post an article everywhere. The sites should be: <ul><li>similar in topic to your site</li> <li>exist for at least 6 months</li> <li>The TCI of the donor site must be at least 10</li> </ul></li> </ol><p>We wrote more about how to choose only high-quality sites and where to look for them. Be sure to read!</p> <p>After donor sites have posted your articles on their sites, and you are convinced of this, you can breathe easy. Search engines will index articles within 1-3 weeks, after which your site’s ranking will most likely creep up.</p> <p>Why, you ask? Yes, because search engines have learned to distinguish between natural and purchased links. And sites that sin by buying links to boost their indicators are more likely than others to fall under search engine filters.</p> <p>Well, now about the promised “unusual” approach. After all, everything that we have discussed so far is far from news.</p> <h2>So, a new approach to article promotion</h2> <p>Not so long ago, the classic promotion with articles was refreshed with a new technique. What is its essence?</p> <ol><li>Firstly, the same article is being written - still unique, original and interesting. One that attracts attention not only <a href="">search robots</a>, but also users (your target customers).</li> <li>Next, the article is posted on your website under the “Articles”, “Expert Opinion” or “Blog” headings. It doesn’t matter what you call this section, the main thing is that the articles there are of high quality. This way, you will automatically improve the content of your own website and, believe me, not only search engines, but also users will appreciate it.</li> <li>Wait for the search engine to index the article on your site. This way, your site will be considered the original source of the article.</li> <li>Then a short announcement (or summary) is rewritten from the article and adapted for each resource. The adaptation requirements are the same - 80-90% uniqueness. In each option, be sure to place a link to your website with approximately the following content <span>"read <a href="">full version</a> articles " <span>One unusual approach to article promotion</span>» </span>.</li> <li>Well, now you can safely post brief summaries and announcements on good donor platforms.</li> </ol><p>That's it - two birds with one stone! Improve your own content and get good links. You will find many more useful things in our next articles.</p> <p>Hi all! Every novice webmaster is familiar with the situation when several months pass after creating a blog, and traffic does not rise above 20 people per day.</p> <p>You understand that it was a bad idea to create your own website and gradually abandon it...</p> <p>If this is your situation, then read this article to the end. Two months ago my blog was in the same situation. <br><br>I searched through a bunch of information online with only one question: “How to promote an article to the top 10?” I give you my word of honor that if only a little more I would have abandoned my project, as 70% of novice webmasters do.</p> <p>In this article I will tell you everything I do with articles to ensure an influx of new visitors.</p> <h2>How to promote site articles</h2> <p>Today, if you look at the blog statistics, you will see that after two and a half months the site traffic is already 130 uniques per day and note that I do not use any <a href="">paid methods</a> to bring the site's key queries to the top.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Previously, I only made mistakes, because in my understanding, blogging means constantly writing some articles (just a bunch of words) of 1000 characters, including spaces.</p> <p><b>Second.</b> Have you decided on a topic? Great, now let's write a super cool post of at least 3000 characters (I write all my articles using <span>Textus-Pro programs</span>, which shows text statistics, as well as the number of phrases and words).</p> <p>Think for yourself, the larger the post, the more keywords you can insert and reduce the bounce rate, which will make it as tasty as possible for the Yandex and Google search engines. It’s much easier to bring such a post to the top.</p> <p>To promote an article, keywords must be used in the text, and do not forget about the title. Try your best.</p> <p><b>Third.</b> Fill in the fields Title, Description, Keywords. To do this, install the all in plugin <a href="">one seo</a> pack, for those who don’t have it, you can download it by <span>this link</span>.</p> <p>It is advisable to enter a keyword into each field of this plugin. Look how it turned out for me.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>Fourth.</b> It is also worth including a keyword in the title of the article. The post link will automatically become a CNC and will contain a keyword if you have the RusToLat plugin installed (you can download it <span>Here</span>) and in the admin settings of the blog “Options” - “Permanent links” the settings type is “Custom”.</p> <table><tr><td class="code">/%category%/%postname%. html</td> </tr></table><p>/%category%/%postname%.html</p> <p><img src='' align="center" height="191" width="295" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>Fifth.</b> The post needs to be written correctly. From other posts, add links to the promoted post.</p> <p>Don’t forget that your posts should be similar in topic. If there are few of them, then we write them and put a link to the promoted ones, this will certainly help bring the article to the top 10.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>Sixth.</b> After you have a new post on your blog, search engines should know about it.</p> <p>For a new article to appear in the index within a couple of hours, I use the service <span></span>, which runs the article through <a href="">social bookmarks</a>(Memori, RU-marks, BobrDobr and others...).</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>These networks are visited by search engine robots very often, which ultimately contributes to the rapid indexing of your link and quick indexing of the page. Plus an influx of a small number of visitors.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>Eighth.</b> I am announcing an article in <a href="">social media</a> for webmasters:</p> <p>In addition, I noticed that after the publication of the announcement, the influx of visitors from these social networks begins and gradually decreases every day.</p> <p><b>Ninth.</b> I'll leave a couple of links in <a href="">Google services</a> and Mail - questions and answers. These services will help you promote your article; to do this, find questions related to your topic there and give a good detailed answer, citing your article.</p> <p><b>Tenth.</b> After a couple of weeks, when the article is indexed, we check its position in the top search results. For this I use the site-auditor program.</p> <p>And if you failed to get it into the top 10, then you should buy several links with a promoted anchor in the link exchange <span>Gogetlinks</span>.</p> <p>That's all, so now you know what I do to promote the article.</p> <p>If you know any other ways that I haven’t written about, but that will also help bring it to the top 10, tell us about them in the comments. Bye!</p> <p>To take TOP positions in search results, you need to create a truly high-quality and <a href="">good resource</a>, with well-written articles.</p><p>On <b>increasing site rankings</b> in search results, web masters spend a lot of effort and financial resources, which is not done in vain, because ranking first in search results can bring a significant increase in search traffic.</p><p>Traffic, in turn, can bring an increase in the site’s income, therefore, learning how to compose articles that will occupy TOP positions is definitely worth it.</p><h2>Increasing site rankings</h2><p>To make it more clear to you, <b>how to get an article to the TOP</b> <a href="">search results</a>, we have made several rules:</p><p>1 . To begin, be sure to highlight the keywords by which the article will be promoted. To do this, go to the website and enter the topic of your article. Thus, you will receive a large list of words, using which you can promote the article in the search results.</p><p><img src='' height="328" width="376" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>In the picture we have highlighted the main keyword in red; it must be used when composing the text. Blue, highlighted <a href="">low frequency queries</a>, which again need to be used in the article.</p><p>2. After <b>discharge <a href="">necessary words</a> </b>, start writing text. Now you will have to show competent authorship and compose a really high-quality, competent and <a href="">meaningful information</a>. A correct article must be at least 1000 characters and take into account all SEO rules, for example, the inclusion of keys is no more than 7% of the text.</p><p>3. Having received a high-quality article using keys, start linking. Make several links in the text that will lead visitors to other posts on your blog, but keep in mind that it is better to insert links to texts with similar topics.</p><p>4 . In the same way, you need to place from other pages of your blog <i>several internal links</i> on <a href="">new article</a>, preferably using anchors in the form of keywords that were used in the article.</p><p>5 . Write several new materials and again include a link to the promoted article. Remember that you need to maintain the meaning of the text, so insert links wisely.</p><p>6. After this, you can get links from external resources. For this you can use other blogs or <a href="">public services</a>, such as, and It is important to leave links to the page you are promoting, and not to the main page.</p><p>7. Before you do <a href="">last step</a> article promotion, it is necessary to evaluate the work done. If you managed to promote your article and reach at least the TOP 50, then it makes sense to continue promoting it.</p><p>Go to link exchanges and buy several high-quality links, which will become a decisive factor in promoting the article.</p><p><b>Get to the TOP of search results</b> It's not that easy, it takes a lot of effort. Now you can imagine how much time and money you will need to promote 1 article, and if there are, for example, 100 of them? Then you have to do <a href="">great job</a> which will bring excellent results.</p><p>I recommend visiting the following pages: <br> — <br> — <br> — </p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> <div class="comment_box" id="comments"> </div> </div> <div id="sidebar"> <div class="widget widget_nav_menu" id="nav_menu-2"> <div class="menu-mainmenu-container"> <ul id="menu-mainmenu-2" class="menu"> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Internet</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Programs</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Instructions</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Browsers</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Windows 10</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Android</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">iOS</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Connection</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="widget"> <div class="heading star">The last notes</div> <div class="popular_posts"> <div class="news_box"> <a href="" class="thumb"><img width="95" height="95" src="/uploads/401949e631612fa1b849303aa87f4b52.jpg" class="attachment-mini size-mini wp-post-image" alt="Updating and restoring Sony Xperia - 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