What topic is currently relevant for the group? Earning money from a group (public) on VKontakte. Choosing a theme

Hello friends!

In today's article, let's look at how to choose a profitable theme for a VKontakte group. We will select topics for earning money. That is, for those cases when you purposefully create a group in order to subsequently make money from it, for this we will select a profitable topic. If you already have your own direction for making money on the Internet, then, in fact, you already have a topic. Nevertheless, it will be useful for you to read this article to understand which topics are easiest to monetize in the future.

I won’t tell you a specific direction, because if I show you a specific topic, then a huge crowd will immediately rush there and very soon it will be quite difficult to make money in it. Therefore, I will explain to you exactly how to select a topic for a group, I will indicate the necessary points, and you decide for yourself.

First, let's choose a general topic for you, and then narrow it down a little.

  • Firstly, the topic of your group should be informational or entertaining.
  • Secondly, the topic of your group should be interesting to people. There must be people who are passionate about this topic.

For example, these could be the following topics: health, beauty, hobbies, cars, holidays, humor, hobbies, sports, and so on.

It is important that the chosen topic captivates you personally, that you yourself are interested in delving into this topic, so that this business not only brings you profit, but also moral satisfaction and personal interest.

Now that you have chosen a general topic, you need to narrow it down a little.

If health, then what kind? This could be healthy food, or traditional medicine, or health-improving exercises, etc.

If cars, then which ones? Maybe it will be a group dedicated to Nissan cars? Or auto parts for Toyota? Or maybe you will dedicate a group to tuning the Lada Sedan?

In general, now decide on a more specific direction and write it down on paper.

Now, let's go directly to the VKontakte website. Open the site, log into your profile, and enter the name of your topic in the search bar (at the top). The search results will open to you, then click on the “Go to all found communities” link. All communities with your topic will open before you, here let’s analyze the viability of your topic.

I’ll show you with an example how I carry out the analysis, and you proceed by analogy.

For example, I conceived the theme “fashion for schoolgirls.” I enter this phrase in the search and get this result:

What do I see here? Yes, the fact is that this topic is absolutely unpopular, and I shouldn’t even start promoting a group with such a topic.

To understand that you can earn money in your field, the group in the first place should have at least 30,000 participants, and preferably more than 100,000.

Therefore, I return to the very beginning and think about a different topic. For example, I chose the topic humor, and narrowed the topic to “jokes.” I enter “jokes” in the search and see:

The group is in first place with 2 and a half million subscribers. This means that this topic is mega-popular, and you can earn a lot of money in it. BUT! Please note that in this search, each group in the top ten has more than a million subscribers. This means that the competition here is also enormous and in order for us to get at least 10th place (and this is a necessary condition for the group to achieve automatic growth), we will need to recruit more than a million participants into the group. To do this, you will have to spend a lot of money, a lot of time and effort. It's practically impossible. Therefore, this topic will not suit me either, and I will again go back to the beginning and try to come up with something else.

Now I have an idea to create a group dedicated to the holidays. The general theme is entertainment, leisure. The theme is “holidays”. I enter it into the search and see:

Great! Now I've hit the nail on the head. Firstly, the group with 233 thousand subscribers is in first place. Secondly, to get into the top ten, you need to gain about 30,000 subscribers. And this is already a very realistically achievable figure. Moreover, we see more than 60,000 communities in the search results. This means that this topic is really interesting to people.

Well, I'm sticking with the "holidays" theme. And you, in the same way as I showed you, select your topic.

Key questions for choosing a topic for a VKontakte group

Now, to make sure you have chosen the right topic for your group, answer the following questions:

  • Is this informational or entertainment?
    Yes.“Holidays” is both an informational and entertaining topic. It is important that your topic gives people either information or is entertaining. You should not choose overtly advertising topics that immediately tell people: “They won’t give you information here. They will sell it to you here.” Examples of such topics: “cheap laptops”, “Czech underwear” and so on. Such topics are promoted in completely different ways, and this is a topic for a completely different article.
  • Is this topic interesting to a large number of people?
    Yes. Of course, a very large number of people are interested in holidays.
  • Do people want to receive information on this topic every day?
    Yes. This is an important question. It speaks to how passionate people may be about your topic. Your topic may be really interesting to people, but they are only willing to receive information about it once every ten years. For example, building a house. Such topics are not suitable for us. Your topic should be such that interested people are ready to enter your group every day and watch news on your topic.
  • Does the group in the first place of search results have more than 30,000 members?
    Yes. This question confirms your opinion about how interesting the topic is to VKontakte users.
  • Are there groups in the top ten search results with fewer than 50,000 members?
    Yes. This question talks about how realistic it is for you to break through all your competitors and lead the group to self-promotion and passive increase in income.

And now, if you answered positively to all of the above questions, then you can safely take this topic for work and move on to the stage of creating and promoting a group.

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VKontakte groups have long become more than just places for communication and dust collectors for the thoughts of the creators. They sell, and how! In improvised VK online stores you can keep track of company news, promotions and discounts. But feeding the client only information marked “SALE” is bad form: they will unsubscribe. How to diversify the VKontakte group using contact marketing? We have made a selection of ideas that will help generate keen interest in the group and the product.

1. Useful tips

Of course, related to your products. In a group that sells flowers, you shouldn’t talk about the rules for choosing plumbing fixtures. But a couple of phrases about how the bouquet will live longer if you cut the stems diagonally before putting it in water will catch “likes” and make the user feel: “Yes, they care about me.”

2. Interesting facts

People love to receive interesting information: they caught a new fact and put it in a box of erudition - nice! Therefore, do not miss the opportunity in a group dedicated to clothing to tell that jeans were created by a poor man and the son of a tailor, Levi Strauss - he sewed them from canvas and began selling them to gold miners. It’s interesting and will give you something to show off in front of your friends.

3. Instructions for use

People are lazy and not everyone wants to come up with something on their own. Why don't you give him entire collections of instructions on how to use your product in interesting ways? In clothing groups you can create complete looks from items and accessories. Or give your clients a master class on floristry or repurposing old shoes into a designer hand-made trend. Or - instructions for installing a washing machine.

4. Inspirational phrases and thoughts

Noticed: a short remark that “You only have to trust your heart, your mother and the music” can cause a stir among 15-year-old dreamers. In any case, motivation is the God of modern society. Therefore, do not neglect the opportunity to inspire clients. Even if you sell microwaves.

5. Quotes from the greats about your product

Do you remember Oscar Wilde saying anything about armchairs? But he spoke about comfort: “Comfort is the only thing that civilization can give us.” Well, who can argue that it’s not about upholstered furniture?

6. Holidays

Every day is a holiday! International Thank You Day, Parrot Day, or even World Left-Handed Day. Congratulate your customers every day and give them a smile or the opportunity to congratulate a neighbor - joy will be associated with you, and the group will become an informant about holidays. Friday, by the way, is also a small holiday.

7. Polls

On abstract topics - “How are you going to spend the weekend” or on the most thematic ones - “What material of shoes do you prefer?” People are interested to see what else their fellow tribesmen think. Well, it’s a dirty trick to click on the “View answers” ​​option. By the way, in the case of the last survey, you will also receive information about activity in the group and the balance of opinions that prevail among users.

8. Videos – humor, films, tips

Actually, don't neglect the visuals. Users can be entertained with KVN selections, funny videos, the same video instructions, which, by the way, you can film yourself - the more expensive the recording. You can also recommend films. Just like that - on topic and without: clients are people too and love movies.

9. Music

Yes, you can post it too. It will go especially well with beautiful pictures. Imagine - a photograph of a refrigerator, and under it a song - “And you are as cold as an iceberg in the ocean...” Or simply - wishing customers good morning - and cheerful dubstep :)

10. News and events

Information about fashion shows is in the group dedicated to clothing. Or about upcoming IT conferences - in a group dedicated to software sales. Inform people about what's happening in your city if location matters to sales.

11. Real activities

That is, your body movements in the real world. Talk about your team - in a non-boring way, with humor - help people get to know you. Take photos of the happy owners of your product and do a short interview - a couple of lines for a VK wall will be just right! Organize promotions and also talk about them in the group.

I think that I will not reveal any secrets in this article and everyone who has even a little experience with creating something commercial should know all this or, at least, guess about these things, since they are logical and understandable.
I’ll say right away that the largest public that I have is a public with a little more than 300 thousand subscribers, it’s up to you to decide whether my advice is worth your attention or not.
An article for those who want to create public pages and VKontakte groups.

Interesting or unique idea
Coming up with a unique idea for a public page is, on the one hand, difficult, since there are a lot of public pages on a bunch of topics, but on the other hand, it’s easy, since most public pages and groups simply copy ideas. Since you will continue to live with this community and invest energy and money in it, it is better to approach the issue in detail. You can choose something that you are good at.
There is no point in creating another public page with vanilla quotes or a group with aphorisms. Don't waste your time.

Unique content and content
99.99% of all VKontakte communities, in my opinion, simply copy content from each other or from Internet sites, which reduces the value of such communities to a minimum. The better and more unique your content, the easier it will be for you to promote your group or public.
And to do this, you either have to understand the topic yourself, or be able to do something and talk about it, or you have to pay for it.
In addition, if you have unique content, promotion will be quite simple if the content is interesting to people.

Investments and money
Without this, most likely, you can’t go anywhere, if you create a public page only on your own, creating content yourself, then maybe you won’t need money, except for promotion. But in this case, you don’t have to spend it at all. Just promotion and promotion will happen naturally.
If you are not endowed with special talents or skills or knowledge, then you will have to spend money on:
- content
- for promotion

These will be the two main expense items that you will have to fork out for. It’s difficult to say about the required budget, because you can start with empty pockets, or you can start with a couple of tens of thousands of evergreens.
But I would recommend having at least 3-5 thousand conventional units in reserve.

You will have to work one way or another, and the only difference is that if there is more money, then you will have to work less, and if there is less money, then you will have to work more. Count on at least 2-3 hours a day. You can do more if you want faster and more powerful results.

The advantages of social networks, including VKontakte, are a fairly quick effect of your actions, compared to ordinary sites and Internet projects. However, now is not quite the stage of industry development, in my humble opinion, for everything to happen as quickly as a year ago. This means that you need to prepare for at least 6-12 months, until any tangible results are achieved.

Bottom line
I have listed the main points that are important to pay attention to if you want to create public pages or VKontakte groups and then make money from them. If everything matches in them and everyone is given decent attention, then I think that you will be able to create a popular community, which may well reach a million members, although, as I said, I don’t have such a community yet, and the maximum is about 300k.
On the other hand, at the moment, I myself am not sure that creating communities on social networks is rational, since with the same approach, it is quite possible to create websites and Internet projects that are more promising.


To make money on a VKontakte group, you need to actively promote. According to statistics, the first income in groups of general topics appears when the number of participants is at least 50 thousand people. In more specialized associations - from 20 thousand. And it won’t be possible to attract people to all groups; attendance depends on the choice of topic.

Popular topics for VKontakte groups. In 2013, groups with quotes and jokes were relevant. They gained an audience of one million people in a matter of months. But today there are too many of them. It is almost impossible to reach the top ten, which means you should give up trying to compete. If the TOP 10 includes only millionaires, this topic is not relevant for beginners.

Related topics. It is convenient to combine several areas at once in a group topic. Of course, they should not be contradictory to each other. For example, esotericism can be combined with psychology. Using two topics in the title will help you reach the top for two queries. And now the search returns such publics in good positions, although a couple of years ago they were always lower than thematic groups. Cooking goes well with home improvement tricks, handicrafts with gardening, etc.

Groups of fans of series and programs. Every month new series or programs appear in the world. And they will be discussed and watched. And communities dedicated to them will quickly rise in search results. For example, 2 weeks ago a new series was released - Heartbeat. It was translated into Russian in different ways - heartbeat or heartbreaker. And immediately after the premiere the first groups appeared. Today they are not too big, but in a couple of months the number of subscribers will increase significantly. But you can create groups in advance, because it’s easy to find out about premieres many months in advance.

Interesting and relevant ideas for creating a group in VK.

In fact, it is easier to talk about topics that are less in demand on the VKontakte social network. Of course, these are primarily shops. There are so many of them that sometimes it seems as if every fifth VK user has a similar group. Friends are always added with hairstyles, shoes, clothes or handmade things. Such VK shops do not inspire much trust; it is difficult to fill a group, much less monetize it.

The second annoying contingent is photographers. Almost everyone who bought themselves a more or less normal camera considers themselves professional photographers and shouts about it all over the social network.

The third topic is jokes. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with laughing and this is fair. But, as practice shows, all such communities steal records from more or less popular communities, and, in the end, everything is the same for everyone, only arranged in a different order. It is very difficult to promote such groups from scratch.

As for other ideas, it all depends on your imagination. The main thing is how you will " care» behind your group and maintain the interest of subscribers. But first, they need to be attracted.

Let's talk about one original way to promote a new group through posts, indicating the person's name.

How to promote a community through pictures and posts on other people's accounts?

You can fill your group with active subscribers, and even flatter them a little, in the following way. It doesn’t matter whether the person is a photographer or a fisherman, the main thing is that his hobbies coincide with the theme of your group.

Where you look for it depends specifically on you. You can delve into the search, in communities, in your friends - it doesn’t matter. As soon as you have found a suitable candidate (for example, the person loves funny jokes and your group is just about this), go to her wall, album, video or saved photos. Find one or two worthwhile entries and copy their link to your group, not forgetting to indicate i d by the author.

In fact, you can insert any records this way: text, videos, pictures. To do this you need to take a few simple steps:

For text:

  1. Copy the user's quote and paste it into your message.
  2. Author *id(number)».
    The user's news feed will display something like the following information: “Such and such a user or group posted such and such a post with your name.”
  1. We copy the link with the picture from the user’s page.
  2. At the very beginning, insert the text “ Author * id(number)».

This scheme works even with posts that were posted by the user on someone else’s behalf (i.e. they reposted).

Of course, you can try to automate the process of adding pictures and videos by specifying, for example, several pages from which you need to periodically take entries. But there is little point in this, and there is a lot of work. All the same, user participation is necessary to select posts that are appropriate in meaning, otherwise the program will simply repost everything.