White hat search engine optimization methods. Intermediate: gray optimization. Methods of internal white hat optimization

Hello! This time on the blog I will look at the concept of white hat (natural) website optimization. Many bloggers, especially newbies, mix all optimization methods together, which sometimes leads to bad results. A site promoted using the wrong means may be filtered search engines, or simply not get to the top of the rankings and, accordingly, to the user’s eyes. So, what is white hat optimization?

general information

White optimization (or natural) is a change in the parameters of the site in order to maximally adjust it to the algorithms of search engines (Yandex, Google, Rambler, etc.) for better results without the use of prohibited tools. The parameters are selected based on an analysis of the behavior of potential site visitors, and all work to achieve this goal relates to activities in the field of Internet marketing.

Areas of work on the site

    Work to improve the visibility of the Internet resource by search engines;

    Increasing the level of ease of use of the site by visitors (site usability);

    Working with content to create semantic core and interest of visitors;

    Analysis of thematic queries;

    Searching for online resources with similar topics to analyze competitors and create joint products.

Important!White hat optimization completely eliminates the use of spam, paid markups attendance and other methods of “black” promotion.

What will it give?

Effective use of natural optimization methods allows you to increase website traffic, make it more convenient and attractive for visitors. Website functionality and usability play a major role in such optimization.

Some ways to improve your publications and blog in this way

    Accommodation in keywords meta tags and description of an adequate description of the article. It is important that the content of the publication is directly displayed in the meta tag;

    Optimization of the robots.txt file to allow you to specify search robots pages for indexing and vice versa, which should not be indexed, merging mirror pages;

    Content optimization, that is, bringing the publication into full compliance with the content of meta tags. It is also advisable to comply optimal density keywords in the article and optimize the article for search engines;

    Adding the address and description of the site to the databases of various search engines and quality directories. A “hint” posted on such resources allows you to direct search engines to the right place. It is also important to place press releases with open link to the site on specialized Internet sites;


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This is the adjustment of content, markup and other parameters of a website to the algorithms of search engines to improve the site’s position in search results. White optimization(or natural optimization) is called search engine optimization without the use of methods prohibited by search engines and unfair from the point of view of users.

According to another definition, white optimization is a set of measures aimed at increasing website traffic and based on an analysis of the behavior and requests of target visitors. Thus, white hat (or natural) optimization is integral part set of measures internet marketing.

White hat optimization is designed to naturally, through analysis of consumer behavior, achieve increased returns from the site. The objectives of white hat optimization are to increase targeted site traffic, increase the popularity of the resource among Internet users, and improve the site’s ranking according to search engines.

White optimization excludes any artificial (or “doping”) optimization methods. Including boosting banner impressions, sending spam and other methods of so-called “black hat” optimization. The set of white optimization measures includes

  • constant work to improve the visibility of the site by robots ( spiders) search engines;
  • constant work to improve the usability of the site ( usability) for visitors;
  • continuous improvement content- texts and other useful information published on the site;
  • constant analysis of popular search queries related to the subject of the promoted Internet resource;
  • constant work with sites on this and related topics, creation and improvement affiliate programs.

Advantages. Thanks to the competent selection and creation of site content, its adjustment to search engines, improved site navigation and constant analysis and consideration of user search queries, the website becomes much more visited, useful and convenient for the target audience.

A key role in natural optimization is played by the development of the functionality of the resource and its usability (convenience for users). It is clear that the development of system functionality leads to an increase in its complexity. There is a difference between internal and external white hat optimization. Internal white hat optimization is

  • selection and placement of brief descriptions of pages in their HTML code (in META tags). This is done taking into account keywords, for which the site is optimized and should be listed in search engine results;
  • selection of understandable URLs for site pages. This is more convenient for both people and search engines, helps the latter to better take into account the topic of the page;
  • optimization of texts published on the site to ensure their better compliance with META tags and short descriptions. Thus, the optimized text must contain keywords included in META tags. It is also possible to increase the importance of keywords by highlighting them in bold or italics;
  • file optimization" .htaccess" And " robots.txt". These files allow you to indicate to search engines which pages do not need to be indexed, merge mirror pages, and indicate the main domain for a given site (with www or not).


  • Contrary to still popular belief, the tag " keywords" among the META tags has not affected the site’s place in search engine results (ranking) for a relatively long time. This is caused by the abuse of this tag by webmasters.
  • It should be remembered that an overabundance of keywords in the optimized text can harm it. Firstly, re-optimized the text may become difficult to read. And secondly, search engines may regard such “optimization” as search spam.

External white hat optimization consists of adding a site to search engine databases. This is a definite “hint” to search robots that they should check and add the site being optimized to search database. It is also practiced to register a resource in well-known and authoritative directories ( DMOZ, Yandex Catalog). It is useful to post press releases on the Internet with a link to the site being optimized.

Website optimization is understood as one of the tools for promoting an Internet resource, which helps promote the website in search engines. Today there is more than one web design studio on the market that knows enough about website design, but not every studio is able to make yours beautiful and useful resource I saw how it was possible large quantity of people. Website creation is a fairly popular service, however, promotion and promotion are almost inevitable for those who want their website to be relevant and visited.

The good thing about search engine optimization is that it is usually cheaper than other promotion methods, and its effectiveness when done correctly is quite high.

White optimization

White-hat website optimization is when webmasters do not use dishonest technologies, and the resource itself is useful for both the user and the search engine. Websites promoted in this way are safe and do not try to deceive search algorithms. White promotion tools include contextual optimization pages and meta tags, this also includes the method link ranking, in which links to this site are placed from others. Besides, contextual advertising is also effective and in a legal way promotion. Well, and besides everything, the unique text content is also great way improve your position in search results. Pure or partial copying of texts from other sources is absolutely not welcome; search engines figure out such things without much difficulty, and the measures applied to such sites are becoming increasingly strict. So, successful optimization is almost impossible without creating unique text content for pages.

Black hat optimization

Black hat optimization is a riskier way to promote a website, because... There is a high risk of being banned by search engines. In addition, search engines are becoming smarter every day and, accordingly, the number of sites included in the blacklist is growing. Black methods include redirects, doorways, cloaking, etc.

A doorway is usually understood as a page that was originally created under low frequency request. The result is that the page appears at a fairly high position in the search results. Most often, such a page is useless for users, and a search engine can quickly ban it.

Cloaking is a technology when the user is shown one page, while in its place the search engine “sees” another. When redirecting, the site visitor is automatically redirected to the page the optimizers need.

Every day there is an active fight against black hat optimization tools; it has fewer and fewer opportunities to be useful.

Intermediate: gray optimization

There is also a so-called gray optimization site, which uses both white and black methods. With this approach, the web resource also runs the risk of ending up on a ban list or sanctions may be applied to it, as a result of which its position in the search results will be significantly reduced. Illegal promotion methods threaten the site with loss of positions and being blacklisted, and as a result, the number of visitors to such a resource will not only stop growing, but will begin to rapidly melt away. In addition, to remove sites from blacklists will require a lot of time and significant effort, which does not even always lead to success. So, you should not take risks and trust the methods of black and gray optimization, the game in this case, not worth the candle.

Methods site optimization divided into two categories: black and white. Both methods can help you rank higher in search engines.

However, if you use black hat optimization, there is a chance of getting banned by search engines, and recent events show that sites using this method will soon suffer.

What is white hat optimization?

White hat optimization is when a webmaster does not try to deceive search engines and does not violate their rules. Web pages that use white hat optimization are useful for web users, search engines, and webmasters.

What is black hat optimization?

Black hat optimization is an attempt to improve rankings in ways that search engines frown upon. These methods include cloaking, doorways, Hidden text, etc.

Google and other search engines warn that they penalize websites that use black hat optimization when they discover them.
But black methods seem to work. So why not use them?

Some types of black hat optimization can give good result. There are quite a few webmasters who have gotten their sites to rank high even though they have optimized them in ways that most search engines don't approve of.

You've probably also seen some web pages in search results that looked strange or barely related to what you were actually searching for.
So black hat optimization seems to work? But should you use it?

Almost all black hat methods will be detected by search engines sooner or later. Redirects and doorways worked well in the past, but nowadays, these methods are usually a direct road to a ban.

Although some cloaking methods continue to exist, there is a chance that Google will soon be able to find them. The same goes for purchased links. Some paid links still cannot be detected by search engines, but it is only a matter of time until new search algorithms appear.

You may be in trouble even if you used black hat optimization years ago. The problem is that things that Google can't detect now may be discovered by Google tomorrow. And Google will also be able to find out what you have done in the past.

A good example for a spam filter that also looks at things that have been done in the past is WikiScanner. WikiScanner can find manipulations that you have done before. Combine a spam scanner and a web page archive like Archive.org and you have an easy way to trace the entire history of a site.

Don't use black hat optimization techniques. As technology advances, it is likely that these methods will be discovered even if you stop using them. It's better to focus on white hat optimization.

Sites that continue to follow the rules will have an advantage in search results. In addition, there is no need to use shady techniques if you can use white hat optimization, which guarantees good results.

White optimization

White optimization or natural optimization- search engine optimization (adjusting the code, text and other parameters of the site to search engine algorithms in order to increase its position in the search results) without the use of prohibited and unfair methods. This is a set of measures to increase website traffic, based on an analysis of the behavior of target visitors. Natural optimization refers to a set of Internet marketing activities.

general information

Natural optimization allows you to naturally, by analyzing consumer behavior, achieve maximum return from the site, namely an increase in target traffic, popularity of the resource among Internet users and rankings in search engines. Natural optimization excludes any “doping” optimization methods - sending spam, “inflating” banner impressions and other methods of black hat optimization.

Set of events

  • Continuous improvement of site visibility by search engine robots
  • Constantly improving the convenience of the site for visitors - usability
  • Constant analysis of the quality of processing applications from the site - the so-called “mystery shopper” service
  • Continuous improvement of texts on the site - content to form a semantic core
  • Constant analysis of requests related to the promoted product
  • Constant search for sites on related topics to create affiliate programs


Thanks to competent adjustment of the site content, customizing it for search engines, improving site navigation and constant analysis of user requests, the website becomes more visited, interesting and user-friendly. In natural optimization key role plays the development of resource functionality (that is, increasing the complexity of the system) and user convenience (usability).

Methods of internal white hat optimization

Selection and placement of META tags in the site code: brief description. This is done taking into account the words and phrases for which the site should be found in search engines. Site pages should have a clear URL - this is more convenient for both people and search engines, which will take into account the topic of the page. Contrary to popular belief, META- keywords tag does not affect search engine rankings comparatively for a long time. This is caused by excessive abuse of this tag by webmasters.

Optimizing site texts, that is, ensuring text compliance with META tags. So, the text should contain words designated in META tags as key words. It is also possible to increase the “weight” of a word in the text by highlighting it in bold. However, do not forget that an overabundance of keywords in the text can be harmful. Firstly, the text may simply become difficult to read. Secondly, search engines may consider it spam.

An important part internal optimization is the optimization of robots.txt files. This allows you to indicate to search engines which pages do not need to be indexed, specify correct address(With or without www), and also merge mirror pages.

Methods of off-site white hat optimization

Adding a site to search engine databases. This is a kind of “hint” to search robots to check and add the corresponding site and then display it in the search results. Registration of the site in authoritative website directories (DMOZ, Yandex.Catalogue). Posting press releases on the Internet with a link to the promoted website.

see also


  • Ashmanov Igor Stanislavovich, Ivanov Andrey Alexandrovich Website promotion in search engines. - M.: “Williams”, 2008. - P. 304. - ISBN 978-5-8459-1155-1
  • Evdokimov Nikolay Vladimirovich Website promotion. Effective Internet commerce. - M.: “Williams”, 2009. - P. 160. - ISBN 978-5-8459-1307-4
  • Sevostyanov Ivan Olegovich Search Engine Optimization. Practical guide website promotion on the Internet. - St. Petersburg. : “Peter”, 2010. - 240 p. - ISBN 978-5-49807-670-6

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Terrence and Phillip
  • Lugol's solution with glycerin

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