Sanding the iPhone 7 screen. How to remove scratches from the iPhone case

Does it really scratch that much?

Before buying an iPhone 7 in the new “Black Onyx” case, polished to a shine, I decided unequivocally: I will wear it without a case. I had come to terms with scratches in advance and the risk of seeing chips in the near future.

I wanted new sensations. This is the first major update aluminum body iPhone for the last 5 years. He sighed, bought it, and wished himself good luck.

2 months have passed. I used it carefully, but without fanaticism. Just like any other phone.

What do you think he looks like now?

I didn't expect it to remain almost in its original form.

There are no visible scratches.

You need to completely clean the case of fingerprints and point it at the light at a certain angle to see micro-scratches. It was not possible to catch them in the lens the first time.

Who will do this in Everyday life? Maximum - next owner before purchase.

I've read different reviews. Including mine. The truth is somewhere in the middle: the number of scratches is proportional to your frugality.

The problem is too exaggerated, in fact it does not exist. Yes, it scratches faster than a regular case, but if your previous iPhones were stored in good condition and you like Onyx - buy it without a doubt.

A few facts:

1. Compared to a matte iPhone, a glossy iPhone is noticeably less likely to slip out of your hands. Greater friction force with the surface.

2. Fingerprints remain, but do not spoil the appearance of the phone. Took this photo before cleaning my iPhone before filming:

If you periodically take it out of your pocket, the marks are cleaned off on the fabric.

3. The body is made from durable 7000-series aluminum alloy, like all iPhone models 6s and 7. Unlike glass panels, it will not shatter after a strong fall.

4. There are no plastic strips visible. Not from any angle. They are made in the color of the body, and you have to try very hard to notice them.

General impressions

This is what I associate iPhone 7 Jet Black with:

Black Onyx was able to take me back to 2007 when Nokia introduced the 8800 Arte. It’s not for nothing that it was considered one of the most beautiful and fashionable devices. Holding a black glossy seven in your hands, deja vu happens.

This is a completely updated body; the six next to it seems like something already a thing of the past.

Apple can stretch this concept for another year and release the 7s in new glossy colors, and show the 8 in 2018. Rumors about Jet White are already here.

Bottom line

On the one side:

  • scratches faster than a matte model
  • as a result, the price for subsequent resale is lower
  • fingerprints and fine dust are unobtrusively visible

With another:

  • updated fresh building
  • feeling of integrity (the body merges with the inserts and front panel)
  • fits more securely in the hand

We decide what is more important to us and make a choice.

This year I settled on the last three points, chose Onyx and was satisfied. Apple was able to please and even surprise a little: the first impressions after opening the package still remain in my memory.

website Does it really scratch that much? Before purchasing the iPhone 7 in the new “Black Onyx” case, polished to a shine, I decided unequivocally: I would wear it without a case. I had come to terms with scratches in advance and the risk of seeing chips in the near future. I wanted new sensations. This is the first major update to aluminum iPhone cases over the past 5 years. Sighed...

Smartphones constantly suffer from our negligence. Either we put them in the same pocket with the keys, or we accidentally drop them on the marble floor - as a result, already a month after purchase, the case of your iPhone is covered with small scratches, the aesthetics of which are highly questionable. Of course, you can replace it if you wish, but you can also save money. To do this, there are seven ways to polish your gadget yourself.


The first miraculous substance is practically under your nose - in the bathroom. This is an ordinary toothpaste (gel-based toothpastes are not suitable).

Here's how it works:

  • Squeeze some toothpaste onto a cotton pad.
  • Rub it over your phone's screen using gentle, circular motions until you're sure the scratches are gone.
  • Dry your phone with a paper towel or soft cloth, removing all traces of toothpaste.

Car scratch remover cream

Automotive creams such as Turtle Wax, 3M Scratch and Swirl Remover are designed to minimize or completely remove scratches. They are used in the same way as described above, but there is one additional caveat:

“Make sure that the cream does not get into the special openings of your phone, but also into your mouth, eyes or wounds on the skin.”

Sandpaper and sanding drill

Only hardcore! The method is quite harsh, but otherwise you will never get rid of annoying abrasions and deep scratches. However, it is not recommended to polish the screen with a drill and sandpaper - this method is more suitable for use on the back panel of your iPhone.

If you prefer sandpaper, choose the least abrasive option. Use it to rub the surface very carefully and check frequently to see if this method of sanding is damaging it. The same system applies to the drill.

“If you are sloppy and careless, do not use this method.”

Baking soda

This product can also be a very effective weapon in the fight against minor scratches. Here's how it works:

  • Mix soda and water in a 2x1 ratio.
  • Stir until it becomes a thick paste.
  • Apply the paste to a clean cotton pad and rub the scratched surface in a circular motion.
  • When the scratches disappear, wipe the surface with a clean cloth or napkin to remove all traces of paste.

Baby powder

By adding water to baby powder, you can create a special paste that can effectively remove scratches from your iPhone.

The methodology is the same as with baking soda.

Vegetable oil

For very small and almost imperceptible scratches, the method using vegetable oil is suitable. One drop of oil on a scratched surface can be an excellent cosmetic solution.

Egg, aluminum and potassium sulfate

A mixture of potassium sulfate, aluminum and egg white will also help get rid of scratches. You will need a piece of microfiber, an egg, aluminum foil and alum. Potassium sulfate can be purchased at the pharmacy.

  • Mix egg white and a teaspoon of alum. Preheat to 65 degrees Celsius in an aluminum pan.
  • Soak microfiber in the resulting solution.
  • Place the fabric on aluminum foil and place in the oven preheated to 150 degrees. “Bake” until the fabric is completely dry.
  • Place the cloth in cold water for 20-30 seconds.
  • Repeat the above steps three times and then leave the fabric to dry for 48 hours.
  • Use the resulting cloth to wipe the gadget.

Hello everybody!
It all started when I bought an iPhone 4, no, not for 14,000 rubles in 2011 :). I bought it in 2016 for 3700, average price on Avito 5500. Its screen had a couple of scratches, which of course annoyed me a little, and I decided to fulfill my dream and buy a polish for phones, which I had been dreaming about since the days of the Sony Ericson K790 :) whose screen was pretty scratched. My choice was conscious and I knew what I wanted, having reviewed the offers of offline sellers, I did not find an offer that would suit the price and moved to ebay and aliexpress. I searched by name, which is sold offline, and the choice fell on “Displex”.

So, order on Ebay:

Ordered 05/25/2016. The mail was delivered on 06/09/2016. The seller is German, sends from Germany. Here is a polishing paste made in Germany:

Polishing paste


Description of the paste in the offline store

“When using cell phones without using special protective covers Scuffs or scratches inevitably appear on the surface of the case or display. This makes the phone unpresentable. It is not always possible to replace the display cell phone or its body. And sometimes this comes at quite a cost. In this case, a convenient and rational solution to the problem is to use special DISPLEX paste.
DISPLEX offers a simple solution to a pressing problem. This is absolutely new type polishing paste that does not contain abrasive elements. End users can use the paste to remove scratches (including deep ones) from cell phone displays. The procedure for removing scratches and abrasions is quick and, most importantly, cost-effective. The user can easily use the paste himself, without involving a cell phone repair specialist.
You just need to apply DISPLEX paste to the surface to be treated, and then rub it with a soft cloth with some force. The procedure must be repeated 2-3 times until deep scratches on the cell phone display are removed. Contents of the tube (5 grams) at correct use enough for 8-10 polishings (depending on the area of ​​the surface being treated).
The paste does not contain abrasive elements, and scratches are removed as their volume is “rubbed” with the contents of the paste. After using DISPLEX paste, your cell phone display will not become cloudy or glare.

So, here's what I wanted to fix:

Scratches on the phone screen

Scratches on the phone camera

And here is the result:

After 1 hour polishing:

When polishing the screen, the cloth did not stain at all; when polishing the camera, it turned black. Surely the camera could be polished in 5 - 10 hours, because... the coloring of the cloth indicates the removal of a layer of polished material. But apparently the scratches are quite deep and will take much longer to remove.
We can say that result = 0. Displex paste I couldn't fix the scratches on the phone screen or on the back camera.

In order not to be at all upset by the result, I did the same experiment on a BluRay drive, which was pretty scratched and did not look presentable.

BluRay before polishing:

During polishing:

After 20 minutes of polishing the surface:

The result is excellent, the surface shines like new. Of course, one could notice the remains of scratches, but the appearance of the BluRay changed better side. After polishing, the surface has restored its shine, the roughness is not visible, unless you look closely the scratches are not visible.
P.S.: Displex paste is suitable for screens made of plastic and plastic glossy surfaces. It’s unlikely that any Gorilla Glass can be polished, and hard glass too.

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Remember that feeling when you came to the store and saw a brand new, shiny, so attractive iPhone? I really wanted to take it home without thinking about the price! And how they rejoiced at the new acquisition, cherished and cherished it. Protected from any harmful influences environment. But! Nothing is eternal under the Moon. Everything in this world tends to age, deteriorate, and lose its qualities.

How to remove scratches from iPhone screen?

This even applies to ordinary appliances! And no matter how carefully you treat your pet, even he is susceptible to any influences. Scratches often appear on the screen, which stir the soul so deeply and create real wounds in the heart. After all, it’s so scary and painful to watch your pet lose its former appearance and attractiveness.

How can you “heal” an iPhone from scratches and return it to its former shine at home using the most common means at hand? Here it is worth first making a small digression and warning that any independent actions on the screen of any smartphone are, first of all, a big risk. It is better to contact special service centers, where your iPhone can be easily returned beautiful view and will not do any harm. But, if for some reason you don’t want to go to service centers, or your finances are tight (well, that can happen), then you can try to fix minor defects yourself. You just need to handle such work carefully and carefully.

Any of the methods proposed below must be approached carefully and only if you are completely confident in your actions and abilities. So, before you begin any manipulations, you need to protect all connectors from moisture or other foreign substances. For this purpose regular will do scotch.

Removing scratches from iPhone glass

  • Toothpaste. More suitable for small scratches, for deeper damage it is worth looking at other methods. Apply a small amount of paste to the screen and carefully, in a circular motion, rub into the damaged areas, wait until it dries, and then carefully remove with a damp cloth or disc.
  • Baking soda. Dilute baking soda to a liquid paste, apply to the screen, then remove the remaining residue with a clean cloth and wipe dry. You can use baby powder in the same way.
  • Vegetable oil(any) can add shine and visually hide small scratches, but large ones will remain noticeable.
  • Furniture and car care products. Various polishes can be used to give your phone its former shine. To do this, apply a little product, rub it on the screen, and polish until the desired effect is obtained.
  • Goya paste is produced as a polishing agent for ceramic and metal products. It turned out that it can also be used on a touch screen, but again it copes with minor damage.
  • Specialist. screen polishing products. There are also special means which are intended to care for touch screens, they cope with the task well, even more deep scratches become less noticeable.

As you can see, most of the proposed methods cope only with minor defects; in case of more serious damage, you should still contact the service.

Details Updated 01/31/2017 12:27 Published 08/07/2015 09:06 Author: nout-911

How to remove scratches from iPhone case

Many people are interested how to get rid of scratches on iPhone case without extra money and time. There are many ways to do this, but we offer you the most effective and affordable ones. But if you are afraid of damaging your gadget, then it is still better to entrust your iPhone to a professional.

Buy new building not always possible, since the price for it often wants to wait for the best. For this reason, we offer you several ways removing damage from iPhone case at home.

Several ways to remove scratches from the iPhone case yourself

In the first method we use toothpaste or wheel polish. The composition contains elements that can remove minor paint damage. To do this you need to use a small amount of paste or polish onto the damaged areas of the phone and wipe with smooth movements. Only Special attention You need to pay attention to such areas of the device as connector holes and housing connection points. After all, if the paste gets into these places, the device will most likely require disassembly, which in turn will require the intervention of a specialist.

If the damage to the body is too large and the previous remedies could not help you, then we offer a second method. For this we need a regular sandpaper. This method is similar to the previous one, but it must be used very carefully. In order not to damage the iPhone case even more, you need to use only fine-grain paper and handle the case without pressing. You need to move smoothly and carefully. Our task is to polish the paint, not remove it. But this method will not work for you if some areas of the phone are already missing paint. To remove this type of damage, we offer the following option removing scratches from iPhone case.

Remove scratches from iPhone case in a service center

This is a very difficult and time-consuming method; it should be used when the depth of the scratches has reached the body or when in some places there is no paint at all. The basis of this method is wet sanding. But in order to implement it, you need some devices that are not always found at home. As a result of this work, you will get a shiny and smooth iPhone without paint on the case. But it is very difficult to carry out such a procedure at home, so before you start such work, think about whether you will damage your phone even more. For such work, it is better to find a specialist or give preference to buying a new case.