How to turn off Windows Update Center 10. Complete ban through the “Task Scheduler”. Windows Update settings via Settings

Center Windows updates 10 allows you to download updates in a timely manner operating system With official servers Microsoft. After installing the OS this service enabled by default and works in background. However, you can disable it yourself and not receive new versions. If you don't care about keeping your computer busy with tracking and installation related processes system files, then you can enable Windows 10 Update in several ways.

Execute this procedure only possible using the built-in functionality of the operating system. You don't need third-party software. First, check if Update is running by default on your computer. You can do it like this:

  1. Launch Task Manager using combinations Ctrl+ Shift + Esc .

  1. Open the Services tab. Here, look for a service named "wuauserv".

Thanks to it, auto-update works in the background in the operating system. If you don’t have “wuauserv”, then go to one of the inclusion methods:

  • through group policy;
  • through "Windows Settings";
  • using the command line;
  • through registry settings;
  • via Services.

Let's consider each method in detail.

Enable in Local Group Policy

Restore work of this service in “ten” you can do this:

  1. Open the Run program using the combination Win keys+R. Enter the command “services.msc” and start execution with the OK button.

  1. The “Services” window will appear in front of you. In the right list, find the line “Windows Update” and using RMB in the menu, select “Properties”.

  1. In the “General” tab, find the “Startup type” line and set the “Automatic” option in the menu, then apply the changes with the “OK” button.

  1. Restart your PC.

In this way, you can start the CO in the Windows 10 operating system. This method can help you get rid of error code 0x80070422.

Now let's figure out how to check availability available updates manually and start downloading/installing them. To do this, you will need the functionality of the “Parameters” section:

  1. Right-click on the “Start” icon on the bottom panel and select “Settings” from the menu.

  1. Open the "Update and Security" section.

  1. Go to the “Windows Update” subsection in the left column.

  1. In this window you can do everything necessary settings CO and check for files to download. To check, you need to click on the button marked in the screenshot.

  1. The tool will now scan for new Windows patches 10 and will notify you about it. In chapter " Extra options» Move the parameter to the “Off” position, as shown in the screenshot. By clicking on "Choose how and when to receive updates", you can configure delivery methods (from PC to local network, Internet, etc.).

If you have a problem with the operation of the central authority, you need to check the settings in the Group Policy Editor.

"Local Group Policy Editor"

To run the program, follow these steps:

  1. Go to "Run" with using Win+R. Write the command “gpedit.msc”.

  1. Open the “Windows Update” branch, which is located along the path “Computer Configuration” - “Administrative Templates” - “ Windows components».

  1. On the right side of the window, find the line “Setting automatic updates” and right-click on it. In the menu, go to “Edit”.

  1. Set the setting to Enabled (1). In the "Options" section, select the settings according to which the automatic update(schedule, installation, notifications about available downloads, etc.). Apply the changes with the “OK” button.

Using command Windows strings 10, you can disable or enable Update Center. This will force you to start the “wuauserv” service.

  1. Open command line with administrator rights. Type the command “net start wuauserv” and press Enter.

  1. The program will start the service, after which you will see a corresponding message. The process will start every time you turn on your PC, so you won't have to repeat this procedure. To disable the Windows 10 CO, you must enter the command “net stop wuauserv”.

  1. Now it remains to check whether the system will be updated.


Also, the central heating center will not work unless the value of the parameter in the registry is corrected. You need to do the following:

  1. In the “Run” window (Win + R) enter the command “regedit”.

  1. In the registry editor, find the HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\wuauserv branch. Just copy the path from these instructions and paste it into the search bar at the top of the window.

  1. On the right side of the window there will be a “Start” option. Right-click to select “Edit” from the menu.

  1. In the disabled state, the parameter will have a value of 4. For the CO to start downloading updates, set the value to 1.

The launch of this service is not affected by any others, so malfunctions and performance problems should not arise. You can also check the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Hotfix branch, which contains information about all update files.

Third party programs

What to do if you can’t set up automatic downloading? Starting the service doesn't help, but you don't have the time or knowledge to find workarounds? Then try updating the operating system using the WSUS Offline Update utility. Download it from the official developer website using this link. On home page Click on the button marked in the screenshot. The creators guarantee complete safety for users and their personal data on PC. After downloading, follow the following procedure:

  1. In the program folder, open the UpdateGenerator.exe file.

  1. Select your OS version: Windows 10 x32 or x64. To start downloading files, click “Start”.

  1. Once the download is complete, you will see a log on the screen with a list of all downloaded files. The download and installation time depends on how long it has been since you updated Windows. Now you need to go to the “client” folder and open the UpdateInstaller.exe file.

  1. In the program window, click “Start” to begin installation.

If WSUS Offline Update starts to freeze or stops searching for files, try using an earlier and stable version programs.

You only need to update the operating system in this way once, since after installing the patch, troubleshooting will be carried out and the default central processing center will be launched.

Bottom line

If you want to install the latest version of Windows 10, then all the methods described will help you with this. Don't forget to adjust the settings for yourself so that downloading or rebooting with scheduled installation doesn't take you by surprise.


So, to consolidate the material received, let's watch a video on this topic.

After switching to the latest version of the Microsoft operating system, many users encountered a problem associated with the constant downloading of system files. This process is very stressful weak laptops and computers, preventing normal operation. For this reason, questions on the Internet increasingly began to be asked: “How to disable automatic updates of Windows 10?”
The fact is that Windows Update is always turned on by default, and deactivating it will confuse you inexperienced user. The article presents detailed instructions getting rid of annoying updates.

How to completely disable updates in Windows 10

Despite the efforts of OS developers who strive to automate all processes, make the system safe and easy to learn, arbitrary downloading of new drivers or improvements installed programs, causes dissatisfaction among most users. For this reason, we were able to find “loopholes” that allow you to disable Windows 10 updates forever.
There are several working ways to fix this problem. Let's take a closer look at them.

Deactivating the standard Windows Update service

Using this method makes it possible to permanently disable the downloading and installation of new software. To use this method, you must go through the following procedure:

  • Open the window of all OS services. To do this, open the “Run” window using the Win+R key combination. In the field that appears, enter the command services.msc and press the “Enter” key.
  • In the appeared big list you need to find the only service that is responsible for the update. It is recommended to sort the column alphabetically. The command you are looking for is at the very bottom - “Windows Update”.

  • By double-clicking on it with the left mouse button, “Properties” will open. In the “General” tab, the startup type is changed. To completely disable the Windows 10 update, select the “Disabled” line.
  • To save the changes, click the “Apply” button, then “OK”.

Now the system will not be able to check for updates, constantly giving an error.

Using the ability to edit group policies

This method is not suitable for everyone Windows versions 10, namely Home. If another version of the operating system (Enterprise, Pro) is installed on a computer/laptop, it is recommended to use this shutdown method, since it is the most advanced.
To understand how to disable Windows 10 update by using Group Policy Editor, you need to go through a certain sequence actions:

  • Open the Run window by pressing the Win+R key combination.
  • In the input field, write the line gpedit.msc. Press “Ok” or “Enter”.
  • A window appears with a tree on the left side. Select “Computer Configuration” from the list provided.

  • The “Administrative Templates” subsection opens in the central part.

  • The desired directory is located at the bottom of the list that opens. To disable Windows 10 updates permanently, go to Windows Update.

  • From a large list, select the line “Setting automatic updates”. Click on it right click mouse and select the “Edit” option.

  • Another window pops up. Now you need to set the radio button to the “Disabled” position.

  • Saving changes is carried out by clicking “Apply” and then “OK”.

After completion of application custom settings to the operating system registry, everything open windows are closing. Now you can manual mode check for new system files. If they are found, it's okay. New settings may take 10-20 minutes to apply. Despite this, automatic search updates turned off immediately after clicking “Apply”.
Now each user has the opportunity to independently configure the Windows 10 update mode for themselves.

Cancel automatic Windows 10 updates: Video

In older versions of Windows there were no problems with disabling automatic system updates - it was enough to go to Control Center, go to the desired category and set one single switch to the desired position. WITH Windows release 10 the corresponding opportunity was removed.

It is possible to disable automatic Windows 10 updates, and there are several ways to do this. Some of them are available for all OS versions, while others are available for Pro and Enterprise.

No it's not safe. Updates not only bring new functionality, but also fix bugs and vulnerabilities, thereby improving system performance and reliability.
Malware exploits holes in the OS to steal valuable data. Attackers, in turn, create viruses for old versions of programs that contain known ones (information about which is in open access) vulnerabilities. Consequently, the longer Windows has not been patched, the higher the risk that access details to payment systems, bank accounts, and web pages in social networks etc., present on the PC, will leak into the hands of third parties.

5 main ways to disable updates

Especially for you, we have prepared 5 main ways to disable automatic updating of Windows 10 - choose the most convenient one and act!

Control Center "Dozens" does not have the ability to disable automatic system updates. It’s also not available in “Settings,” the new configuration panel that appeared in Windows 8. In “Settings,” you can only set the activity period—the time during which the user usually works on the PC. In the appropriate specified period the system will not ask you to reboot to install updates.

You can disable auto-updates through the Internet connection settings. This method involves setting a limit on your Internet connection. This can be done in “Settings” in the “Network and Internet” category on the WiFi tab. On the corresponding screen there is a switch “Set as limit...” - it needs to be activated. After this, Windows will consider that the user pays for each megabyte and will not download updates.

3. Setting up group policies

You can disable automatic updates by changing the Group Policy configuration. However, this method of blocking the download and installation of patches only works for Pro and Enterprise versions. If the OS meets one of these requirements, then to disable automatic updating you need to:

  1. open the Run window (Win+R), then enter gpedit.msc in the appropriate text field and press Enter;
  2. a window will open where the directory structure will be presented on the left - there you need to follow the path “Administrative Templates” -> “Windows Components” -> “Windows Update Center”;
  3. Once in the right place, you will need to select “Setting automatic updates” on the right side of the screen;
  4. double clicking on the corresponding item will call additional window, where you need to set the switch to the “Disabled” position, and then apply the configuration.

4. Changes to the registry

If the OS version does not meet the specified requirements, you can disable auto-update through the registry. This is done as follows:

  • you need to open the Run window and type regedit, and then press Enter;
  • follow the path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU;
  • Once in the specified location, create a DWORD type parameter, and specify NoAutoUpdate as its name and 1 as the parameter.

But the easiest way to get rid of updates is to deactivate the corresponding service.

5. How to disable Windows 10 Update (service)

To prevent updates from being checked, and therefore not being downloaded or installed, you can disable the service that is responsible for this. This can be implemented as follows:

  1. open the Run window and enter services.msc into it, and then, of course, press Enter;
  2. in the window that will then open, you need to find the “Windows Update” item;
  3. double clicking on this item will open an additional window in which you need to select “Disabled” in the “Startup type” drop-down menu, and then apply the new configuration;
  4. in the same window you need to click on the “Stop” button.

If you need to install patches, you will need to enable the service as described, only instead of “Disabled” select “Automatic”.

How to disable Windows 10 update permanently

Any of the above methods (except for setting a limited shutdown) prohibits automatic updating forever, until the user himself wants to install the patches.

Programs to disable Windows 10 updates

There are many applications through which you can prevent downloading updates to your automatic mode. But it is better not to use them, as they may contain malicious code. Except for one thing – Show or hide updates – this is an official utility from Microsoft.
It should be downloaded exclusively from the official Microsoft website. After downloading, installing and launching, you will need to click Hide updates and select patches that do not need to be installed (for example, all those present). If you want to install updates, then in the program you will need to click Show hidden updates and select the required patches from the list.

If you still don’t want to understand the intricacies of setting up the system, you can download Win application Updates Disable. It must be downloaded only from the official website of the project or from trusted sources. After installing and launching the application, you will need to activate the “Disable updates...” checkbox on the “Disable” tab, and then apply the configuration.

Another application is Destroy Windows 10 Spy. The corresponding program has many functions that are associated with blocking the ability of Microsoft to track users. One of them is to disable OS auto-update.

Disable automatic loading of device drivers

Windows 10 automatically updates drivers, which can sometimes lead to undesirable results for the user. To prevent the system from installing new driver versions, you need to use the Show or hide updates utility mentioned above.
In it you need to click Hide updates and from the list select devices whose drivers should not be updated. When the corresponding checkboxes are ticked, you will need to click “Next”.

Friends, topic system updates There are many articles on this site dedicated to Windows. In particular, relatively recently we looked at the most common problems that users encounter when installing updates. Problems with updates and ways to resolve them were described in separate articles for each version of the system from the three currently relevant -, and. Other, no less actual question As part of the general theme of system updates - the ability to disable automatic updates in the most latest version Windows 10. Let us remind you that in Windows 10 you cannot refuse automatic system updates by setting the appropriate settings in the Update Center. Only as an alternative, editorial users Pro systems may temporarily delay installation of non-security updates. Such changes in the operating system usage policy simply could not help but become a favorable environment for the emergence of various third party programs aimed at implementing the abolished system capabilities. Market third party software today can offer quite a few solutions to the problem of disabling Windows 10 updates. Free utility Windows Updates Disabler is one such solution. More about it below.

Minimalistic free program Win Updates Disabler, as the name suggests, is designed to quickly disable updates, as well as some others. system functions. She is user-friendly interface, which eliminates the need to get into the weeds system settings Windows 10 and disable updates, for example, by making changes to system registry or by disabling the Update Center service. How these processes, along with other methods, were described in the article on the site. Win Updates Disabler very simply disables Windows 10 updates and just as easily enables them - in just a couple of clicks.

After normal installation run the utility (with administrator rights). Let's see its primitive organization: software interface will be divided into three tabs. Two of them are functional tabs, one disables the stated options, the other, on the contrary, enables them. The third tab only serves to select the language. Along with refusing Windows updates, we can also disable the System Security Center, standard antivirus Windows Defender, as well as a standard firewall. By selecting in the first tab "Disable" necessary options to disable, in particular, the option to disable Windows updates, switch to the tab "Turn on" and uncheck the same options, but only the enable options. Then click "Apply Now".

Let's reboot.

In the future, when it becomes necessary to operate disabled system functions, you must, accordingly, perform the reverse procedure. In the tab "Disable" uncheck the option "Turn off Windows update"(and/or from other options). And in the tab "Turn on" check the option box "Enable Windows Update"(and/or on other options). Then press the button "Apply Now".

And we reboot.

We can check work Win Updates Disabler. In chapter "Windows Update" standard application "Options" When we try to start installing updates, we will receive a message about problems that have arisen. The error code displayed in such a message will indicate that the system update service is disabled.

Win Updates Disabler is very simple utility, which, in terms of system updates, can do nothing more than turn them on and off. But it is ideal for those who are not particularly interested in understanding the specifics of each separate update Windows. Another utility contains more possibilities, the work with which was discussed earlier on the pages of the site - this is the utility. Not only can it disable Windows updates, but it offers convenient format managing them. As part of working with this utility, you can not only download and install updates manually or at a designated time, but also select only individual updates for installation, and, for example, get rid of problematic ones.

I think many people have encountered forced Windows 10 updates, but all attempts to disable updates were in vain. This happens because of the multi-level update in Windows 10 and each service interacts with each other and forcibly activates the service that you disabled.

For example, if you have disabled updates in Windows 10 Update, then the service automatic download drivers, at the time the update is released, reactivates the update center and vice versa. The same thing happens with other services that perform the activation function and complement each other in this work.

Options and content of the article:

I think everyone knows that in all versions of Windows it was possible to configure the Update Center and the ability to disable the download and installation of updates, either set them automatically or choose when to install certain updates.

It was possible to disable checking for updates altogether. This gave us the ability to control which updates to install and which not. It also allows you to reduce Internet traffic if someone’s network was slow.

Unfortunately, with Windows 10 everything will not be so easy and there is simply no ability to choose the options for installing updates, and if there is, then only in versions of Windows 10 Pro. And then, from forced installations You can only get rid of it for a short time.

In ordinary language, then a new version Windows 10 automatically starts downloading and installing updates without notifying the user.

In fact, all these forced updates, often become a huge problem for the owner. Programs and drivers crash and stop working internal devices computer and so on. And it happens that the OS does not load at all.

It's time to move on to the option to disable all windows 10 updates forever. There are only 7 ways that you have to do manually.

Option 1: Editing Update Center using different settings (Not suitable for HOME version owners)

IN this method will describe how to postpone the automatic installation of updates for short term(be sure to do this to avoid problems in the future). We will also get rid of the preliminary reboot.

But disabling updates in this way will not work forever; this is just preparation for the main ways to disable updates. This method will also break the chain that triggers other services to force an update.

1. Use the function "Options" and click on the category Update and Security\Windows Update.

3. To start, you need to click "Get more notifications." With this point we will turn off automatic reboot computer if Windows 10 has already downloaded and installed updates. And also turn off the slider in "Schedule time"

4. Go back and go to "Extra options".

5. Now you need to turn off the function "When you update Windows, provide updates for other Microsoft products."
6. And activate the slider "Delay receiving feature updates"- this is necessary in order to disable downloading updates for several months.

7. Now you need to go to "Choose how and when to receive updates" and turn off the slider "Update from multiple locations"- this will prevent the load on the network, since it uses the torrent session.

Option 2: Disable automatic updating of drivers for internal or external devices.

Updated Windows system 10 still allows you to get rid of automatic device driver updates, which we will use.

1. Using a keyboard shortcut WIN+R call the function execution window. 2. In this window you need to enter the function rundll32 newdev.dll,DeviceInternetSettingUi and press OK. Then a window will open "Device Installation Options"

3. In this window you need to select "No, give a choice" and if available, select "Never install drivers from Windows Update."

After all these manipulations, Windows will search and install drivers only with local device or CD. The update center will be contacted if required driver will not be found on the hard drive.

Option 3: Disabling updates using the official Show or hide updates utility

Long before the official Windows release 10, Microsoft company posted in Free access to download a utility that allows you to disable unnecessary updates For certain drivers or components of the system.

1. First, download the utility from the official website.

3. Then click on "Hide updates" and from the list of all components, select what you want so that it does not update at all. Then again "Further".

4. If there is a need to return everything to the initial state, do all the same steps and instead "Hide updates" Press "Show hidden updates"

Option 4: Setting a download limit via WI-FI

This method involves bypassing automatic Windows 10 updates and preventing updates from downloading. In order to implement this, you just need to set the limit value for WI-FI.

1. Go to again "Options" and go to the category "Network and Internet"

2. Go to "WI-FI" and click on "Control well-known networks".

3. Click on "Manage known networks" and go to the properties of your wi-fi network.

4. Then enable the option "Set as metered connection"

This method is all, now windows will not update automatically while the Internet connection is within the limit.

Option 5: Configure Policy Groups and Registry

In Windows 10, the function of choosing between downloading and updating for the system was removed, but editing policy groups and editing the registry is still preserved.

We warn you that editing policy groups is not possible for those who have win version 10 Home! But, if installed on a computer Pro version Windows, do you have various possibilities, and this means notifying about downloading updates, setting up automatic updates or setting downloads and updates on a schedule.

There is one problem. For some reason, the Update Control Center has changed in window and all changes made to Group Policy or Registry settings may not be applied. If you rebuild the computer, or run the "gpupdate /force" function, most likely there will be no changes in Windows Update will not be. Open the update settings and you will notice that the slider will still be set to "Automatic (recommended)"

In which case group policy will still be activated? You just need to click on check for updates in the Update Center.

Only when you click on check for updates will all changes be activated. Now you can log in again "Windows Update" and make sure that all changes have been applied.

Now you need to make adjustments to "Group Policy Editor"

1. Keyboard shortcut WIN+R, write a function gpedit.msc and click on OK.
2. You will need to go through the following categories: Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Update
3. In the right tab, click on

4. In this tab, activate this option and click on the button "Enabled", and in the window "Options" make the choice that suits your situation.

If you check the option 5 Allow local administrator select options, a selection will appear in the Update Center settings with additional settings.

If there is a need to “hard” disable updates, you will have to edit the registry.

1. Call the query execution window WIN+R and write a function regedit, then press OK.
2. Next we need to go through the sections: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows
3. You need to create a section in this tab and name it "WindowsUpdate", strictly in the Windows tab.

4. Add new section to a folder "WindowsUpdate" with title AU, so that our link looks like this: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU

5. Now go to the new subsection AU and add another parameter DWORD and name it NoAutoUpdate. In the values, enter the value 1.

6. Next, you can close the registry and go to the Update Center and click on "Check for updates" to make sure that no update is happening. In order to return everything to its original state, just delete from the section NoAutoUpdate or make it mean 0.

Option 6: Completely deactivate the Windows Update service

Another great option that will definitely block the update.

1. Keyboard shortcut WIN+R and write a function services.msc, then OK. The Windows Utility Toolkit will open.

2. At the very bottom, select "Windows Update".

3. Double-click and a window for changes will appear. The launch type must be set to "Disabled"

On this option, that's the end. If you want to check for updates, an error will appear.

Option 7: Other utilities

An ordinary program that will make it possible to disable all Windows 10 updates once and for all, with a control shot, so that nothing else comes out anywhere. This program does not require installation and is easy to use. In order to disable updates, you need to select “Disable Service” in the utility, then “Apply Now”. The utility can also work on other versions of Windows OS.

Another one Win utility dows 10 update disabler - this utility introduces functionality into Windows 10 in the form of a service that works in background mode and does not allow the Update Center to make its settings and download updates.

Please keep in mind that this utility may not be compatible with your antivirus! or even consider it a virus and delete it.

According to the developers, their utility acts as a blocker for Windows Update and blocks attempts to execute any processes, including checking for updates, downloading updates, installing updates, and attempting to activate other auxiliary services.

In order to block updates using this utility, you need to extract the UpdaterDisabler.exe file from the archive to any other folder, then you need to go to the menu and click “File”, then run the command line as an administrator. For those who don’t know, you need to right-click on the console and select the option to open the program as an administrator.