High Sierra won't load after update. BashMac - Apple Service Center

Many are still delaying installation macOS Sierra on their computers, preferring to stay on the more stable and less demanding version of El Capitan. The reasons may be different: concerns about performance, reluctance to load the Mac unnecessary functions or a painful installation experience. Especially for such cases, we have compiled a list of the main problems during the installation and operation of this macOS versions, and also suggested solutions to them.

  1. Freezes and delays when installing macOS Sierra
    Before upgrading to a new operating system, you should take several steps that will protect against such developments or simply ensure the safety of your data. Make a backup, and if there are problems with the installation, repeat the process, first disabling all anti-virus software. Also try booting your computer into safe mode, holding down the Shift button while launching. If possible, try using wired connection instead of Wi-Fi connections, even if safe mode did not ensure a normal installation process.
  2. Not enough space for installation
    Low Volume Users internal storage(for example, owners of early MacBook models Air or MacBook Pro with SSD drives) often complain about the lack of disk space for update. To free up space on your computer, just boot into safe mode, hold Shift at startup and send to trash unnecessary files. You can also transfer them to an external drive.
  3. macOS Sierra won't launch

    It also happens that the computer simply refuses to turn on after a seemingly successful update. Then you need to restart your Mac using special combination keys: Command + Option + P + R. This will reset the NVRAM memory.
  4. Mac runs much slower after update

    One of the main concerns of most users who are wary of a new operating system due to concerns about the performance of their own devices. The situation can be solved in several ways: you should start with a banal reboot, then you will have to carefully study the statistics of RAM consumption using the Activity Monitor utility and remove “gluttonous” processes from execution. The solution is to delete the cache - you need to open the standard Finder file manager and click Command + Shift + G- this will open direct access to the desired directory. Select /Library/Caches as the path and delete all the contents of the folders there. The Repair Disk option in the utility can also help. Disk Utility.
  5. Wi-Fi is slow
    Slowdown wireless connection has also become a hot topic among those wary of switching to Sierra. Removing it usually solves the problem. current parameters connections. You can do this using Finder, using the same shortcut Command + Shift + G and sequentially deleting files at these addresses com.apple.airport.preferences.plistcom.apple.network.identification.plist




  6. Time Machine doesn't want to create backups
    This malfunction went so far that even Apple itself paid attention to user complaints and released official instructions regarding what actions to take to resume the operation of this utility. After all, creating backups is really important. First you need to reset the SMC settings (valid for iMac all-in-one PCs). You will have to turn off the device, pull out the power cord, wait 60 seconds, then put the connector back and wait some more. The instructions are strange, but they work.
    Another way is to delete PRAM parameters. To do this procedure, you need to turn off the computer, then take a closer look at the location of the buttons Command + Option + P + R, which you will have to press shortly after the gray screen appears. After forced reboot normal operation Time Machine should recover.
  7. Mac overheats and constantly noisy coolers
    Those who are accustomed to the “slowness” of an El Capitan computer may be unpleasantly surprised by the behavior of the coolers when upgrading to Sierra. I mean that the computer will begin to make a noticeable noise - and therefore become very hot. There is no single solution to the problem, since this behavior of the components indicates an increased load on the computer. But common cause is the indexing of the internal storage file manager Finder - you can verify that this process is active using Activity Monitor.

Mac computers with the macOS operating system on board are the standard of reliability and performance, but even despite this, no one is immune from force majeure circumstances, due to which the operating system may not load or freeze at startup. In this article we will talk about typical faults and ways to eliminate them.

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Mac won't boot or freezes during launch macOS may be due to three main reasons:

  • problem related to a technical component (SSD, HDD, RAM, processor, maternal memory, controller and so on);
  • new equipment (needs to be disabled). The reason could even be a regular USB flash drive or USB key;
  • software related problem.

If the process of launching and loading macOS has begun, but freezes at certain stages, then you need to go through all the points below in order in the given algorithm of actions.

1. Disconnect all devices connected to your Mac and try restarting your computer

We talked about how to force restart any Mac computer.

2. Boot macOS in Safe Boot or Verbose mode

Safe Boot or simply “Safe Mode” allows you to run macOS with limited checks and functionality. That is, only the minimum that allows the system to function is launched. We perform all actions from a switched off Mac. To turn it off, just hold down the power button for 2-3 seconds.

MacOS in mode Safe Boot starts a little slower (if it starts at all), so don't rush to jump to next step, until you are sure that this is not working. To start your Mac safely Safe mode Boot, just turn on the computer while holding down the key ⇧Shift.

There is also an analogue of the Safe Boot mode - Verbose mode. The difference is that the latter allows you to display all the detailed information about the processes being loaded, software and drivers. To start your Mac in Verbose mode, start your Mac while holding down the keys Shift + Command + V (⇧ + ⌘ + V).

If the Mac starts in Safe Boot or Verbose mode, then you need to click on the menu  and reboot the machine into normal mode. A successful download means we are lucky.

If the Mac does not boot, then smoothly move on to the next step.

3. We resort to the help of Disk Utility

Our instructions are designed to first weed out the most common and easy-to-fix causes of Mac failure. At this stage, you need to make sure whether the cause of the problem is a malfunction of the hard drive or SSD, and help us with this standard remedy represented by Disk Utility.

Shut down your Mac from any frozen state. Launch Disk Utility carried out turning on your Mac with keys pressed Command + R (⌘ + R). Here you will be in recovery mode.

In the list that appears " macOS utilities » select the item « Disk Utility " and press the button " Continue».

In Disk Utility, select the hard drive on the left side menu and start the verification mode by clicking on the " First aid» at the top of the window.

After the check is completed, if any malfunctions are detected, the utility will immediately offer to fix them or will fix them automatically. After this, restart your Mac. If it doesn’t help, then proceed to the next step.

4. How to save data from a Mac that won't load macOS

If you don't care about the data stored on your hard drive, then feel free to skip this step and move on to the next step.

If you don't use the most useful function Time Machine, then before reinstalling macOS you need to take care of transferring data from the disk. Developers from Cupertino have come up with a special External Disk Mode (), with which you can access data stored on your hard drive. Mac drive to copy them to another Mac. The disadvantage of this method is obvious - the need for presence second Mac and Thunderbolt cable.

To activate External Disk Mode you must:

1 . Connect both Macs using a Thunderbolt cable.

2 . Turn off the problematic Mac and working Mac turn it on.

3 . Start a broken Mac with the button pressed T and hold it until the Thunderbolt icon appears on the display on a blue background, indicating successful Mac startup in external disk mode.

On a working computer, Finder should have an external hard drive, from which we will copy important data. After completing the procedure, safely remove the disk and turn off the computer by long pressing the power button.

In one of the previous articles, I wrote about what steps should be taken. I think it would be fair if a similar article appeared about the MacBook. After all, what could be worse than the situation, when your MacBook won't boot, and you clearly realize that all your information remains on it, the accumulation of which was spent hundreds of working hours. In this article I will outline an action plan for Emergency when your MAC flatly refused to start. It is not at all necessary to perform absolutely all of the above steps. But we still need to act.

If your MacBook won't boot or freezes on boot, it could be due to:

  • problem with hardware (HDD, memory, controller, processor, etc.);
  • problem with OS X (for example, upgrading to El Capitan)
  • recently installed equipment(disconnect all USB devices)

As with the iPhone that won't turn on, the first thing to do is make sure that MacBook battery it simply did not discharge, and the charging did not fail. If something is still displayed on the screen or even the boot process begins (which ends up stuck on a spinning disk or even breaks down), you should try following the steps described below in the order they appear.

  • If your MacBook is completely frozen and requires a reboot -
  • Need to create bootable USB flash drive with OS X?-
  • MAC stuck on white screen after updating OS X -
  • Read more about various modes loading is written -
  • You don’t know what the screen that appears when you boot your MAC means -

STEP 1: Boot into Safe Mode

First, you should try booting your MacBook into Safe Mode, which limits the scans and downloadable functionality your Mac performs at startup. I don’t guarantee that after starting in this mode, your MAC will suddenly start working as before, but it’s still worth a try.

Turn off your MacBook and then turn it on while holding down the shift button. Booting into Safe Mode may take a long time (if your computer boots at all), so be patient. If you want to know what exactly happens when you boot into Safe Mode, you can boot your MacBook by holding shift buttons+ Command + V , which in turn will launch MAC secure mode + verbose mode(verbose mode).

Verbose mode is an optional boot mode for the operating system (including OS X, Windows, Linux), in which the screen displays detailed information about downloadable drivers, software and processes that occur when the computer boots.

Be patient and attentive during MacBook downloads. If your computer does boot into safe mode, try simply rebooting it from top menu Apple. If the MacBook now boots into the usual way, we will assume that the situation has been corrected and now everything is fine. If the MacBook does not boot, proceed to the next step.

STEP 2: Download Disk Utility

There can be a lot of reasons why a MacBook freezes when loading. But let's check now and then discard or try to correct the reason associated with problems with hard drive of your MAC. The most the easy way checks hard drive is the launch Disk Utility(Disk Utility).

The first step is to turn off your MAC. If MacBook stuck on gray (white, blue, pink...) screen with a spinning disk, you need to force it (the computer) to turn off. To do this, press and hold the power button for 5-8 seconds.

To launch Disk Utility, you need to get into OS X recovery mode. To do this, hold down Command + R when you turn on the computer. If everything went well, you will be taken to a screen with a title MAC OS X Utilities(see picture below). On this screen you need to click on “ Disk Utility» (Disk Utility). Then click on the name of the built-in hard drive on the left side of Disk Utility and start the verification process by clicking on Verify Disk on the lower right side of the screen. Wait for the verification to complete.

If any problems are found, you will be prompted to correct them. Confirm your intentions by clicking on Repair Disk. After that try rebooting MacBook yet once.

STEP 3: Target Disk Mode

As the saying goes, “it’s better to have a bird in your hands than a pie in the sky.” How are you doing with data backups? Well, the data that was stored on your MacBook... And now it won’t start... Sadness! If data loss on your MacBook doesn’t particularly worry you, skip straight to the next step. But if you are now in a cold sweat trying to remember whether you copied anything valuable to other disks or flash drives, then here is another gift from Apple for you - EXTERNAL DRIVE MODE.

Target Disc Modespecial mode download unique to MAC computers that allows you to access hard drive your computer without loading OS X. Using this mode, you can save data when your MacBook does not boot for any reason.

To start external disk mode and access contents of hard MacBook drive do this:
1 Find another MAC computer. If you don't have one personally, ask your friends
2 Connect both Macs using a Thunderbolt cable
3 Turn off your MAC. If necessary, hold for more than 5 seconds POWER button
4 Press the T button immediately after turning on the MacBook and hold it until the blue screen Thunderbolt icons.

You just launched Mode External Disk . This mode, roughly speaking, turns your MAC into an external HDD. If everything went smoothly, your friend's MAC will show an additional external hard disk. Now copy and save everything you need.

When you're done with the drive, you'll need to eject it into the Finder like any other device. After that, disconnect the Thunderbolt cable and turn off your MAC computer(holding the power button for more than 5 seconds).

STEP 4: Reinstall OS X

If none of previous steps did not bring “relief”, all that remains is to reinstall operating system OS X. To do this, you need to boot the computer again in recovery mode, well, remember as in step 2. To do this, turn on the computer while holding down Command + R.

Wait for OS X Utilities to load and select from the list Reinstall OS X. Follow the onscreen instructions until complete reinstallation operating system.

If your MAC did not manage to install OS X or did not work on a fresh operating system for a long time, most likely there are some more serious problems with your MAC. Such problems may occur due to recently installed new hardware (memory, hard drive, etc.). Check your new hardware for compatibility with your computer.
If you have not installed anything on your MAC, you need to check the existing modules (hard drive controller, memory modules, etc.). But it is better to entrust such checks to service center specialists.

Sometimes during installation an error pops up indicating that the this moment It is impossible to download important installation components, with a suggestion to try to install the update again later.

The solution to this problem is easy: follow the advice and try to install the update later.

InstallermacOS High Sierra Stuck on black or white screen

It is very rare that the macOS High Sierra installer freezes on a completely black or white screen.

In this case, you first need to wait, and the error may disappear on its own, even if it takes several hours.

If the screen is completely black, check that the brightness is turned on on your Mac. Sometimes the installer darkens the screen for some reason and you just need to turn up the brightness.

If the installer permanently freezes, you will need to try installing macOS High Sierra again. Restart your Mac and start the installation again, but a little later. If you have an installation USB disk, run the installation from it.

If the entire laptop freezes, you need to enter recovery mode by restarting the Mac and holding down Command+R. After that, try installing the update again.

High Sierra does not install, the system does not boot at all

This happens in rare cases. When the update does not install and the system does not boot, the gray screen. In this case, you need to reinstall system support, but first you need to reset NVRAM/PRAM.

  1. Turn off your Mac, turn it on again, and immediately press and hold OPTION keys,COMMAND,P,R.
  2. Continue holding the COMMAND, OPTION, P, R keys until you hear the power-up sound. This usually happens within 15 seconds.

If your Mac still won't boot after resetting the NVRAM, you'll have to reinstall the system. This can be done using installation disk or recovery mode.

You can also restart your Mac by holding down Command+Shift+Option+R and reinstalling macOS online.

APFS doesn't work withFusion Drive or regular disks

File APFS system not supported yet Fusion wheels or regular disks, but in the future support will appear with some kind of system update.

If you have macOS High Sierra and are using Fusion drives or regular HDD, in the future be sure to install the update when it comes out a new version systems.

MacOS High Sierrafreezes

There are many reports of laptops running macOS High Sierra freezing and not responding to anything.

For some, the cursor or keyboard does not work, but the music or sounds continue to play. Most often this happens after launching a video on YouTube, Facebook, etc. In this case, the laptop needs to be restarted. To avoid this problem in the future, try installing a different browser. This could be Safari, Safari Tech Preview, Chrome, Firefox or Opera.

Sometimes this error occurs due to program incompatibility or third party services. All programs need to be updated to latest version.

External monitors do not work withMacOS High Sierra

Sometimes after macOS installations High Sierra stop working external monitors. For some, the screen flashes different colors.

If you encounter this problem, try resetting the SMC.

WindowServer uses a lot of RAM

This problem can be resolved by turning off the Mac OS transparency effect.

Install all available macOS updates High Sierra and other graphics related drivers.

Display distortion

Some users experience various distortions on their screens. This could be due to the new macOS High Sierra graphics engine and other system elements, or to the drivers installed on your Mac. Graphics issues will most likely be fixed in future updates.

Mac won't wake up from sleep mode

If this problem occurs, you need to reset the SMC or VRAM. Apple Support advises users to simply reinstall macOS through recovery mode.

Another option is to restart or turn off and turn on your Mac every time it doesn't wake up, but this is too inconvenient.

Problems withWiFi VMacOS High Sierra 10.13

Some users are unable to connect to wi-fi networks. Sometimes it helps to simply turn the function off and on.

  1. Turn off Wi-Fi in the macOS menu.
  2. Restart your Mac.
  3. Turn on Wi-Fi from the macOS menu.

There are also messages about the inability to connect to networks with a hidden SSID. In this case, you need to open the SSID (router name) in the router settings.

Not work some programs

Most applications that work with Sierra should work with High Sierra, but some still have problems. Errors reported in Final Cut Pro, Motion, Indesign, Logic, Compressor, Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop etc. In almost every case, installing the latest version of programs and systems will fix the problem.

It's best to update programs on Mac App Store on the Updates tab or through the programs themselves.

Also check that the program is compatible with macOS High Sierra.

Macbecame work slowly

If your Mac is running slower than usual after installing macOS High Sierra, it's most likely due to background tasks Siri, Search, Photos, iCloud, etc.

Try simply leaving the laptop on for a while and letting it complete all background tasks.

In contrast, many Macs run faster with macOS High Sierra, especially when copying and moving files, and this is due to the new file system APFS.

If the work remains slow even after waiting, it is worth checking how much RAM specific programs and services consume using the System Monitoring program. Sometimes the system is slowed down by some programs that consume a lot of resources.

  • Install everything available updates macOS systems and all programs.
  • Create a new account Mac recording and use it if the problem goes away.
  • Make a backup copy of Mac and reinstall macOS High Sierra from it.
  • Make a copy of your Mac and reinstall macOS High Sierra via a USB installation disk.
  • Downgrade from macOS High Sierra to previous version using

Without proper care, even the most powerful computer starts to slow down. Devices running under macOS control High Sierra. Why does my computer slow down and how to solve this problem?

If none of the tips help you, then consider purchasing a new Mac.

Remove unnecessary files

When your Mac is slow, the first thing to check is the memory. If there is very little free storage, then immediate measures should be taken to clean up the system. You can do this manually, but it is preferable to use specialized software. For example, I have been using the program for 4 years.

The competitive advantage of the application is ease of use. Using Smart Clean mode, Clean My Mac finds all unnecessary files and junk, after which you can erase them. It is important that for this operation you only need to press one button. For more detailed cleaning there are several more categories:

  • Service garbage
  • Photo trash
  • Mail attachments
  • Cleaning iTunes
  • Large files

Reset SMC

SMC is a system management controller. Resetting it can solve not only problems with decreased performance, but also many other collisions. Essentially, clearing the SMC is Lower level reboot Mac. In this case, all user data remains in place. To erase SMC you need to do the following:

If you have new MacBook without replaceable battery

  1. Connect your laptop to a power source
  2. Press and hold the keyboard shortcut: Control + Shift + Option + Power
  3. Release the keys and turn on your MacBook

If you have old MacBook with replaceable battery

  1. Turn off your laptop
  2. Remove the battery
  3. Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds
  4. Install the battery and turn on your MacBook

Check background processes

A significant contribution to the decline in productivity is made by background processes. At first glance, their work is not visible, so many do not try to stop their work. But cleaning up background processes is highly recommended, because they “eat up” both processor and memory power.

To close unnecessary programs, open the System Monitor program. It has several tabs that will show how busy a particular Mac element is. Processes are sorted by resource name and resource availability. Clear the list from unnecessary programs by clicking on the cross in the left top corner window.

Speed ​​up Finder

Finder in macOS High Sierra is a kind of manager that manages files on the system. It displays the heaviest movies and programs. Therefore, if you have a large number of files (which also weigh a lot), then configure Finder correctly so that it does not load unnecessary things and does not slow down the system.

To do this, open the program and go to settings. There you should correctly configure folders for more fast work Finder.

Disable FileVault

FileVault, built into macOS High Sierra, is needed to encrypt your data. This is useful for maintaining confidential information if your computer is lost or stolen. On some Macs, FileVault makes booting up and logging in very slow. If this is critical for you, then you should disable this function.

Open " System Settings" and select "Protection and Security".
Next, switch to the FileVault tab and disable it.

Disable animation

Apple is very proud of the design of macOS High Sierra. But animations do not always work well on older MacBooks. To speed up the system, you will have to give up beautiful innovations.

To disable animations, follow the path “Settings” - “ Universal access", in the left column select "Monitor". Then check the boxes next to “Reduce motion” and “Reduce contrast”. A similar operation should be done with Dock. To do this, go to its parameters and turn off the increase.

Manage your RAM

RAM is a valuable resource, so you can’t skimp on it. In 2018, you should not buy a MacBook with less than 8 GB of RAM. And if your computer allows you to replace RAM, then do it. In my MacBook Air 2014 has only 4 GB installed, and already a year ago it was felt that this was not enough.

You can monitor free RAM in the previously mentioned program - Clean My Mac. The utility allows you not only to monitor the location, but also to clean it if necessary. Among the alternatives, I would like to mention Memory Clean, I used it for a long time and was satisfied.

Limit autostart

Autostart programs slow down significantly Mac boot. Over time, the number of such applications increases, which means that the performance of macOS High Sierra decreases. To correct this situation, you should work with autorun.

Open Settings and go to the Users and Groups menu. Next, go to the “Login Objects” tab. There is a list of all programs that are in startup. Remove unnecessary items by selecting an application and clicking on the minus icon.

Use Safari as your main browser

The best browser for macOS High Sierra is undoubtedly Safari. It is not just faster, but also less demanding on resources. The proprietary browser is simple and not overloaded with functions. Therefore, I do not recommend using Chrome or Opera on Mac.

For acceptable Safari works Experts do not recommend using more than 9 tabs at the same time. Thus, the system will not be overloaded, and the information is clearly visible. It is also not recommended to use big number extensions.

Speeding up Safari

If suddenly even Safari began to behave strangely and work slower, then you should clear its data. Open your browser and click on its name in the upper left corner. Next, select “ Clear the history…“. After this, select the period of time for which the data will be deleted and perform the operation. This will erase Safari's cookies, cache, and history.

Clear cache manually

Cache data are small files intended for reuse. Some of them are system-controlled, while others are application-based. For example, web pages are saved this way. In addition, iTunes and streaming services actively use cache saves to speed up data loading. But, unfortunately, not all programs clean these files, and they take up quite a lot of space.

To view the cache, you need to press the keyboard shortcut while on the desktop Command + Shift + G and go to the folder /Library/Caches/. Analyze the files there and delete if necessary.

Replace HDD with SSD

If your Mac has a hard drive HDD drive, then I highly recommend changing it to an SSD. Solid State Drive more expensive, but faster and more reliable. If the HDD can run a program for a minute, then the SSD will do it in a few seconds. According to the portal, the most popular solid state drive is Samsung model MZ-75E250BW for 256 GB costs about 7,000 rubles. The price is quite reasonable, and the result of the replacement will be noticeable immediately.

Set up Spotlight

Search Spotlight - great tool on working with files and data. But at the same time, it heavily loads the system. Go to the Spotlight settings and in the “Confidentiality” tab, select the sources from which the program will index the system. It is best to make sure there are not many folders.

You can completely disable Spotlight indexing in the Terminal using the command:

sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.metadata.mds.plist

You can put everything back in place with this line:

sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.metadata.mds.plist

Reinstall macOS High Sierra

If the methods described above did not help, then the problem should be solved radically. Reinstall macOS High Sierra, and then your computer will heal new life. To do this follow these few steps:

  1. Turn off your computer
  2. Turn it on by holding the buttons Command+R
  3. In the menu that appears, select “Disk Utility” and format the drive
  4. Upon completion of the operation, select “Disk Utility” - “ Complete»
  5. Next, select “Reinstall macOS”

After this, the computer will download and install a “clean” version of the system. This operation takes quite a long time, but fortunately Apple programmers made it almost automatic.

Also on the site:

The computer with macOS High Sierra slows down. What to do and how to speed it up? updated: February 11, 2018 by: moftech