Step-by-step setup of the Zyxel Keenetic lite 2 router. Setting up the Zyxel Keenetic Lite II wireless network. Description of the Zyxel Keenetic Lite II router

Setting up a router after purchase is not an easy process for the average inexperienced user, so we present to your attention detailed instructions, with which setting up Zyxel Keeneticlite Lite 2 can be simplified as much as possible. And the process will be successful on the first try. So, now let's move directly to the instructions for Zyxel company to the network, having first considered some features of this device. What is this router?


Externally, the router looks extremely presentable: a rectangular body made of black plastic, suggesting horizontal arrangement on the table, which is extremely convenient compared to the vertical one, in which routers, even with a slight shake of the table, often tip over with their front side on the table. There won't be such a problem here one hundred percent.

Most of the upper surface of the body is textured with matte stripes that imitate ripples on the water. Only the lower right quarter, on which the power button is located, is left glossy. On the front edge, facing directly towards the user, there are indicator lights power supply, local network connection and internet cable. On the reverse side there are ports for connecting cables and two symmetrically located antennas.


Zyxel connection Keenetic Lite 2 is a matter of paramount importance. The mains power supply is always connected first, then the Internet cable and local cord, connecting the router to the computer. Then we turn on the router itself by pressing the button on the top surface; after a couple of seconds, the power and connection to the telephone network indicators should light up.

Zyxel Keenetic Lite 2 router: setting up a network card

Next we need to make sure that our local connection works fine. Go to the Start menu, select Control Panel. In the pop-up window, click on the line “Network and Internet”. Next, “Network and Sharing Center” shared access", in the left menu of which you need to select "Change adapter settings". All you have to do is select “Local Area Connection” and go into its properties. In the pop-up window you are interested in the lines “Internet Protocol versions 6 and 4”. We open the properties of each of them one by one, where opposite the instructions “Obtain an IP/DNS address automatically” you need to check the boxes.

Now, if you have done everything according to the instructions given, an icon in the form of a monitor with a yellow triangle should appear in the lower right corner of your screen. This indicates that hardware device connected correctly. All that's left to do is set up the connection and a couple of additional functions.

Zyxel Keenetic Lite 2: setting up an Internet connection

You have already finished setting up network card and are ready to start setting up the connection. The first thing you need to do is open your browser (even an old one will do Internet Explorer) and go to the router site. To do this in address bar browser is written: “”.

When you log in, the system will ask you to install Zyxel password Keenetic Lite 2. Invent it and, repeating it twice, apply it.

After you set a new password, you will be asked to log in. By default, the login is admin, and in the password column we enter the one we just created.

Next, at the bottom of the screen we find an icon in the form of a sphere with stripes crossing it, reminiscent of a network, click on it and get to the connection settings section. Select the “PPPoE/VPN” column and click the “Add connection” button.

For Zyxel Keenetic Lite 2, setup occurs by filling out lines in a kind of questionnaire. Here's what you'll have to fill out:

    Type (protocol): PPPoE.

    Connection via: Broadband Connection (ISP).

    Username\password: this is your login\password specified in the agreement with the provider.

    Configuring IP parameters: automatic.

Blank fields are only filled in if directly requested by your provider.

Click the apply button. This completes the connection setup for Keenetic Lite 2.

Setting up Wi-Fi Keenetic Lite 2

Set up distribution wireless signal for such a device it is a necessity.

Settings in the Zyxel Keenetic Lite 2 router wireless network it happens extremely simply. Let's take a closer look at solving this issue.

In the same window, go to the “Wi-Fi” tab. In the selected window with the new “questionnaire” we only need to change a couple of lines, and everything will work. We are interested in the lines Name\Security\Network Key and Channel. The first is the name of your network, visible when connected. The second is a way to encrypt your signal. We recommend choosing WPA2-PSK. The key is also simple - it’s the password for your Wi-Fi, an eight-digit set of numbers and letters. Opposite the “Key” value you can set “Auto”, but if problems arise, you can select a separate channel from the list.

Setting up IPTV for Keenetic Lite 2

This router also gives you the opportunity to use television services without connecting third party devices. This option is called IPTV. In Zyxel Keenetik Lite 2, setting up this option will only take you a couple of minutes. Go to the "Internet" section, in it - to the "Connection" tab. In the list below there will be a Broadband Connection item. We select it and in the window that pops up, check the boxes next to the items “Enable” and “Use to access the Internet” and set the IP settings to automatic.


As a result of completing all the points in this article, you will be able to connect your computer to the Internet. Of course, the process itself is quite complex, and inexperienced user It is unlikely that you will cope with all the nuances and stages, but this is precisely why the instructions above were provided to help you.

Hello dear readers of our site. In this article we will talk about setting up the Zyxel keenetic lite ii (2) router. This model The router differs from its predecessor Zyxel keenetic lite in that it has become more productive and maintains stable speeds on any type of connection. The main difference is appearance and adding a second antenna, which should increase the transmission range WiFi signal. The settings interface has also changed, which made setting up the Zuksel 2 router more difficult for the average user. So in this article we will look at the basic settings of the Zyxel keenetic lite II (2) router.

ii (2) to the computer.

U this router not only a Russified setup interface, but also, as we can see from the picture, a fully translated back panel. Thus making connecting the router to the computer even easier than before. We follow the points:

  1. We connect the power supply to the router and insert it into the outlet (220V). After that, click on the button “ Nutrition" By connecting power to the router right away, it will be easier for us to monitor in the future.
  2. We connect the Internet cable of your provider to the special “Internet” port marked blue on the router. After this, if there is a signal in the provider’s wire, the indicator with the number “0” lights up. This will mean that the connection was successful. If the “0” indicator does not light up, this means that your provider’s wire in the apartment or in the entrance is either damaged, or the provider has stopped sending a signal.
  3. Take the short wire included in the kit. We connect one end of it to any of the ports " home network", I advise you to choose 1st. And we connect the other end of the wire to the network card of the computer. After this, the indicator number “1” should light up and blink if you connected the wire to port “1”. If the indicator does not light up there are several problems. The most common problem this is a faulty network card or its incorrect connection. It also happens that the wire included in the kit is damaged, but this is very rare.

Connecting Zyxel keenetic liteii (2) to laptop viaWiFi.

I’ll say right away that I don’t recommend it. initial setup router via WiFi. To avoid unexpected problems. But if you decide, then you just need to connect to the Wi-Fi router. To do this, first check whether WiFi is turned on on the router; the Wi-Fi indicator should be on, it should be located immediately after the number “4”. If it is not lit, then simply press the button on the top cover of the router, it turns it on and off.

Checking network card settings

It is best to immediately make sure that the network card settings are set correctly.

On Windows XP:

Go to “Start”, then find “Control Panel” and click on it. In the window that opens, click on the link “Switch to category view”; if there is no such inscription, then you have already switched. We look for the icon that says “Network connection” and double-click on it.

Then click right key mouse on the “Local Area Connection” shortcut and select “Properties” from the drop-down menu. In the window that appears, select “Internet Protocols TCP/IP” from the list with check marks and click the “Properties” button. Then we check that the dots are opposite the words “Obtaining an IP address automatically” and “Obtaining a DNS server address automatically.”

On Windows 7, 8, 8.1:

In the lower right corner, you should have a "Network" icon. Right-click on the icon and select “Network and Sharing Center.”

Then we carry out the same actions as shown in the figure below.

Resetting the Zyxel keenetic lite router settings to standard

Let's immediately consider the case when this may be necessary. Basically, resetting the settings is required when you forget the password for the router, this is the only option. Also, when you configure the router incorrectly and don’t know how to fix the error, resetting the settings to standard will help.

Resetting the settings is very simple. Take any thin object (needle, match, pen paste, etc.). And press the recessed button above the “Reset” inscription, hold the button pressed for 30-40 seconds, then wait for the router to reboot for a couple of minutes. That's it, the reset is complete.

Important: During a reset, the router must be connected to the network and turned on.

Login to the Zyxel keenetic liteii setup interface (2)

If you connected the router correctly, and checked the network card settings, and found out that the router is connected normally. After that, opening any browser (Opera, Yandex, Google Chrome), when you try to open any page, you should automatically see the router’s welcome page. If this does not happen, then simply type in the address bar. The welcome page will offer you the choice of using the “quick router setup” or directly going to the router interface. I always suggest going straight to configuration in the web configurator. To do this, click on the “Web Configurator” button.

Changing the password for the zyxel keenetic lite ii router (2)

After this, a window will open in front of you where the router will ask you to set the administrator password. Fill out two fields “New administrator password” and “Enter password again”, come up with a password and enter it. And click the “Apply” button.

After clicking the button, the router will ask you to log in. Enter the “Username” - admin, and the password is the one you set. Click the “OK” button

After this, the first page of the router interface will open in front of you “ System Monitor ing» .

SettingsWiFi onZyxel keenetic lite ii (2)

Let's go straight to Wi-Fi settings networks. To do this, click on the Wi-Fi icon at the bottom of the page.

Here we must fill in the fields:

  1. « Network name (SSID)» enter the name of your network. This is the network name that will be displayed when connecting to Wi-Fi.
  2. In field " Network protection"Select WPA2-PSK from the list. This is the most secure type of signal encryption.
  3. In field " Network key» enter any password. Which must consist of eight characters and numbers.
  4. In field Channel select Auto. If problems arise with WiFi operation then select a specific channel.
  5. It is better to leave the remaining fields unchanged.
  6. After filling out all the fields, click on the “ Apply».

Setting up the Internet, various types of connections.

This router supports all known connection types. In this section we will analyze them all in more detail. First, let's go to the Internet settings section by clicking on the corresponding icon at the bottom of our interface.

First, let's look at the three main and popular types of Internet connection. These are types of connections that require authorization via a login and password. To do this, go to the “PPPoE/VPN” tab and click on the “Add connection” button

Setting up a PPPoE connection

Probably the most popular connection type. For this you need to fill in certain fields:

  1. Type (protocol)— select PPPoE from the list.
  2. Connection via Broadband connection (ISP).
  3. Username– enter your login from the agreement with the provider, if not, check with the provider’s support.
  4. Password— your password from the agreement with the provider.
  5. Configuring IP settings
  6. Save the settings by clicking on the " Apply».

Setting up a PPTP connection

  1. Type (protocol)— select PPTP from the list.
  2. Connection via— select our interface. The default is Broadband connection (ISP).
  3. Server address enter the server address specified in the contract. This is also what some providers call it VPN server address.
  4. Username
  5. Password
  6. Configuring IP settings select “Automatic” from the list.
  7. Authentication method you need to check with your provider. But first put “ Auto»
  8. Service Name, Hub Name, Description– filled out only if there is a requirement from the provider.
  9. Apply.

Setting up L2tp connection

  1. Type (protocol)— select L2tp from the list.
  2. Connection via— select our interface. The default is Broadband connection (ISP).
  3. « Server address» Enter the server address specified in the contract. This is also what some providers call it VPN server address.
  4. Username This is your login from the agreement with the provider.
  5. Password is also in the agreement with the provider. If not, check with your provider's support team.
  6. Configuring IP settings select “Automatic” from the list.
  7. Authentication method you need to check with your provider. But first put “ Auto»
  8. Service Name, Hub Name, Description– filled out only if there is a requirement from the provider.
  9. After filling in all fields, click the button Apply.

Dynamic connection type, automatically obtaining an IP address.

This type of connection does not require settings; it is set by default in the router settings. But for those who want to reconfigure the router from a different type of connection. To do this, go to the section Internet, and in paragraph “ Connections", click on the Broadband connection (ISP) link. Here you need to check that the fields " Configuring IP settings» has been selected Automatic. And in the field MTU size enter 1400.

Changing firmware on Zyxel keenetic lite II

To change the firmware, you first need to download it to your computer. This can be done on the page On this page, go to the "Support" section.

Then in the table " Firmware» choose the most current version firmware, and download the ziparchive. Or unpack it in a place convenient for you.

Then go to the router interface, select the “ System", in it select the item " Configuration" In the table with the list of “Files,” select the file named “firmware” and click on it.

The file management window will open, in it click on the “Select file” button. We find our unpacked file and select it. After that, click on the “Replace” button. And we wait for now new firmware will be established.

A few minutes will pass, then enter the router configuration interface again. There will be new firmware.

Opening ports on the Zyxel Keenetic Lite II router

Opening ports on the router is required to special programs, if you use the distribution in " µTorrent»or use DC++ professionally. But the topic is large and if it were covered in full it would be a separate article. Which I will write soon, of course, but for now a video on how to open a port on the Zyxel Keenetic Lite II router:


Blocking Wifi network users by MAC address

Required if someone abuses your kindness. View detailed video. Around 12.40 starts what we need


Zyxel is a world-famous brand under which network and periphery equipment top class, proven by time and millions of users. The quality of workmanship and ease of use will allow any novice user to configure their Zyxel router in short term and work online.

Turning on the router for the first time

Setting up the ZYXEL KEENETIC LITE 2 router for dummies begins with the user having to connect all the wires and the device itself in the correct sequence. To do this, the user must first connect the power supply to the mains. Next, you need to connect the Internet cable to the router. After which the user must connect the second cable included in the kit to the computer.

Photo: Network equipment ZyXEL Keenetic Lite II

If everything is done correctly, a signal in the form of a round icon with a partially crossed out circle should light up on the case. It means that the device is powered from the mains.

The second signal in the form of a ball with a net should also light up.

This signal means that the user can begin setting up the router.

Video: Setting up the ZYXEL KEENETIC LITE 2 router

Hardware connection

There are many videos on the Internet “how to configure the ZYXEL KEENETIC LITE 2 router.” But you can do everything yourself and without outside help. Connecting the network kit occurs in several stages:

  1. checking the operation of the network card on the computer;
  2. connecting the router to an Internet cable and computer;
  3. setting up a local network and Internet connection.

Checking the functionality of the network card when connecting a router is as follows:

  • go to “start” and select the “control panel” tab;
  • select the “Network and Sharing Center” shortcut or the “Network and Internet” tab and “Network and Sharing Center”;

  • open the option “change adapter settings”;

  • right-click on the “Local Area Connection” shortcut;
  • if the connection is not connected, then connect;
  • in the connection properties, select the “Protocol…” line and click on the “properties” option;

Photo: Setting protocol parameters

  • in the window that appears, check the boxes automatic settings IP and DNS addresses;
  • repeat the last operation with “Protocol...4”.

If the user has done everything correctly, a monitor icon with a yellow triangle and exclamation mark. This means that the computer and router are connected to the network and you can proceed to the next step of setting up the router to create an Internet connection.

Photo: Label “local network connection”

Changing the factory password

After the user has made a hardware connection, it is necessary to begin directly setting up the router. First, go to the Internet browser at In the login column we type “admin”, and in the password column – 1234.

The system prompts you to change your password at the very beginning. The user should not abandon this procedure; he must immediately change it to a more complex one in order to avoid logging into the domain of third-party users in the future.

After logging into the domain, an updated window will appear in which you must enter new login and password data using numbers, letters different sizes and various symbols. Next, select the “apply” option. The system will save the new domain data.

Firmware update

If during the setup process the router does not start to function in full force and in the proper order, that is, there are two options for resolving the problem:

  1. reset settings to factory settings;
  2. firmware update.

First option involves completely resetting all set parameters of the router and is used only when the order is disrupted full customization from the moment the device is connected to the creation network connection. To do this, you need to press the emergency reset button on the back of the router panel, after which the device will automatically reset all set parameters.

Second option involves updating the version software. This is due to the fact that outdated versions drivers are not always compatible with the version of the operating system used, which can lead to malfunction network equipment and lack of Internet connection.

To solve this problem necessary:

To fully configure the Zixel router, there is a web interface on the home page - here you can do the following:

  1. change the connection mode between the router and computer to increase the transfer speed;
  2. tune additional network or change her privacy settings;
  3. set up a new connection or change the connection technology from “pppoe” to “l2tp”;
  4. check the number of connected devices and limit access;
  5. create local network between computers.

Setting up and connecting to the Internet

If you were unable to connect to the Internet during the automatic setup process, you must manually check and set all connection parameters for normal operation of the network equipment. In this case, the question arises of how to reset the settings. The user must press the button on the back of the router to reset the configuration of all settings. Thus, the system will completely erase all configured settings. There is a video on the Internet “instructions for setting up ZYXEL KEENETIC LITE 2.” But such videos do not show all the nuances of the setup, which subsequently leads to a failure of the Internet connection. Most often, settings errors occur at the introduction stage on the router’s home page. If the user cannot configure pppoe independently in the future, then proceed as follows:

Thus, the user will create a new connection with the router settings for connecting to the Internet.

Setting up for Rostelecom and Dom ru

The leaders in the Internet services market are two companies - Domru and Rostelecom. They use approximately similar connection technologies (pppoe), so the process of setting up equipment and connecting to the network is similar. The operator TTK-Chita, for example, uses the same technology. Setting up ZYXEL KEENETIC LITE 2 for MTS, Domru and Rostelecom will occur as follows:

  1. checking the electrical connection;
  2. checking the connections of cables and wires to devices;
  3. checking the operation of the computer's network card;
  4. automatic network setup using web interface prompts home page router (

This sequence of actions can be completed by both experienced and novice users.

Setting up for Beeline

Beeline uses L2TP connection technology, which will require additional settings in the following way:

If all actions are carried out strictly in accordance with the above order, there should be automatic connection to the Internet.

Setting up and enabling Wi-Fi

To set up a wireless data network via the Zixel router, you need to check the operation of the wi-fi module. To do this, go to the “Start” tab in the taskbar and type “device manager” in the search bar. After which the user must select the appropriate line, and a new window will open in which a list of functioning equipment will be indicated.

In the new window, select the line “ network adapters" and reveal the row hierarchy by opening the "+" icon. Below you will see lines with connected network devices, the name of one of which will contain “wirelessnetworkadapter”. The line icon should not contain additional marks in the form of an arrow in the background of the label itself. But if the mark is still there, then point the mouse cursor at the line of this device and click right button mouse, select the “enable” option.

No further configuration is required, because The Wi-Fi connection was configured automatically when creating the basic Internet connection setup.

Setting up IPTV digital television parameters

Since the ZYXEL KEENETIC LITE 2 router has the “IPTV” function, Special attention It’s worth paying attention to setting it up in this part. For example, Rostelecom IPTV is configured as follows:

Thus, the user receives not only good remedy for working on the Internet, but also for using TV services without additional equipment.

Setting up the ZYXEL KEENETIC LITE 2 router should not cause significant difficulties for the user, if he did not deviate from the proposed option for selecting Internet connection parameters. For this purpose, the manufacturer provides a procedure for automating the connection process and setting up network device. Therefore, when carrying out these operations, you should act in accordance with the prompts in order to avoid problems and malfunctions of the device. But if you couldn’t do it using the program automatic adjustment connections, you can make your own this procedure using the tips described above.

In order to get to the router’s web interface, you need to open your Internet browser and type, User Name in the address bar admin (Username), Password – 1234 (provided that the router has factory settings and its IP has not changed).

Changing the factory password

For security reasons, it is recommended to change the factory password. Default: Login admin, password 1234. In the router interface you need to go to the “ tab System", Further password. In field "New Password" enter New Password. It must be repeated in the next field. Next, save the settings by pressing the button “ Apply».

Setting up Wi-Fi on the router

Select a section at the bottom of the page WiFi.

  1. In the window that appears in the field Network name (SSID) enter the name of your network (any)
  2. In field Network protection select WPA2-PSK
  3. In field Network key enter your password to access the network (any)
  4. In field Channel: select Auto
  5. Apply.

Setting up an Internet connection

NAT when automatically obtaining an IP address (DHCP)

Select a section Internet, then point IPoE and click the Add interface button:

  • Use connector- a check mark on the one into which our Internet cable is plugged into in this case last port
  • Send VLAN ID tags- put a tick there
  • Enable Interface- so put a tick
  • Description- for example internet
  • IP Address and Subnet Mask- leave empty
  • Get an address via DHCP- put a tick
  • This direct connection to the Internet- and here we put a tick

Setting up PPTP (VPN) when automatically obtaining a local IP address

At the top of the page, select the tab Authorization.

  1. In field Type (protocol used) select PPTP
  2. In field Connect via select Broadband connection (ISP)
  3. In field Server address enter pptp.freedom
  4. In field Username enter your login to access the network from the subscriber registration card
  5. In field Password enter your password to access the network from the subscriber registration card
  6. In field Authentication algorithm select CHAP.
  7. After filling in all fields, click the button Apply.

Setting up a PPPoE connection (Rostelecom,


  1. Type (protocol): PPPoE
  2. Username : Your login according to the contract
  3. Password: Your password according to the agreement
  4. Configuring IP parameters: Automatic
  5. Service Name, Hub Name, Description- may not be filled in
  6. In field Authentication method select Auto
  7. Save the settings with the button "Apply."

Setting up an L2TP connection (Beeline)

In the router interface, you need to select the tab on the left “ Internet", in the list that opens, select " Authorization»

  1. Internet Access Protocol: L2TP
  2. Description: connection name
  3. Server address: server name or address (specified in the contract)
  4. Username : Your login according to the contract
  5. Password: Your password according to the agreement
  6. Authentication method: Auto
  7. Save the settings with the button "Apply."

Keenetic Lite 2 is updated version previous generation Keenetic Lite, differs in appearance from it in black color with a ribbed surface and the presence of 2 external antennas Wi-Fi (3 dBi).

There is a button on top of the case; it allows you to quickly and safely connect to the secure Wi-Fi network of the Internet center. wireless devices Wi-Fi 802.11g/n that supports the WPS standard, such as computers and laptops with operating Microsoft system Windows.
Short press- Launches a function quick connection(WPS).
Press for more than 3 seconds- Turns the wireless network on or off.

Besides external changes The filling of Keenetic Lite 2 has also changed, if in previous versions there was a MIPS architecture processor with clock frequency 320 MHz and 32 MB random access memory, then in new processor MIPS(R) 24KEc 580 MHz MediaTek MT7620N with network hardware accelerator and DDR memory SDRAM 64 MB. As you can see, the filling has seriously changed and prevents overload and overheating of the router.

At the back there are traditionally 5 ports (100 Mbit): 4 ports for local network + 1 port for the Internet.

On the front panel you can see 8 indicators.

Indicator - Status
Does not burn
Zyxel Keenetic Lite 2 is turned off.
Flashes rarely
The router is loading. If the indicator blinks for more than two minutes, the Internet center may be faulty.
Flashes quickly
Firmware update.
The Internet center is turned on and functioning normally.

Indicators 0-4 Connection to network connectors
Does not burn
The cable is not connected to the corresponding connector of the Internet center, or network connection not installed.
Lights up or flashes
The network connection has been established and information is being transferred.

Indicator - Wireless network Wi-Fi
Does not burn
Wi-Fi network is turned off.
Wi-Fi network is turned on.
Flashes quickly
Data is being transmitted over the wireless network.
Flashes, rarely
Wireless quick setup session started
connections using WPS technology.

Indicator - Internet
Does not burn
Zyxel Keenetic Lite 2 did not receive IP parameters from the provider to connect to the Internet or did not pass authorization.
The IP settings for connecting to the Internet are set.

In order to configure the router, it is necessary using Ethernet cable, connect to a computer/laptop, connect the Internet cable to the Internet port. Don't forget to connect power to the Zyxel Keenetic Lite 2 and press the power button on the case. In the computer/laptop settings, set automatic retrieval of network settings . After this, open any browser (IE, Chrome, Opera), the web interface of the router will open, if this does not happen, enter or in the address bar, a web interface window will open offering a choice - go to the web interface or run quick setup . I suggest starting with a quick setup.

The first step is to set up the Internet, the router supports Various types VPN connections(PPTP and L2TP), PPPoE, 802.1X, VLAN 802.1Q, IPv4/IPv6. In order to properly configure the Internet, I recommend contacting your provider. After the global network is configured, Zyxel Keenetic Lite 2 will offer to update its firmware, agree and click " Update".

After installing the updates and rebooting the router (this will take no more than 5 minutes), you will see a window stating that the Internet Center components are updated and you can start next step, press " Further".

The next step would be to suggest enabling the "Yandex.DNS Internet filter" application; I recommend turning it on to make walking around global network more secure, if this function turns out to be unnecessary for you, you can always turn it off.

This completes the quick setup and you will be asked to go online or continue settings using the web interface.

Many may notice that in quick setup there was nothing about the Wi-Fi network settings, the whole point is that the router is already configured secure wifi network, in order to find out the SSID and password, just turn the device over and you will see on the sticker Wi-Fi name network and its password. In my opinion, a reasonable solution, since many routers from other manufacturers have Wi-Fi network is open to everyone, but this is not safe, and those who change the Wi-Fi network settings very often forget the password, in the same router everything can be seen on a sticker.

Back to web interface, I suggest you look at the main Zyxel settings Keenetic Lite 2 to do this, press the button " Web configurator".

The first thing you will be asked to do is enter a password to connect via the web interface, I recommend using complex password consisting of at least 6 characters with numbers, large and small letters and specials. signs (!@#$), just don’t forget it later, otherwise you’ll have to press the Reset button and return the router settings to factory settings and then configure everything again.

After entering the password, you must log in (enter your login and password), login - admin The password is the one you just set.

After connecting to the web interface, you will see System Monitor, it shows information about the system, the status of the router, and network interfaces.

If you select the " Guest network ", we can enable and configure another Wi-Fi network without access to the local network. Typically, the Guest network is used in the office so that non-employees of the enterprise can connect to the Internet without access to the local network.