Register Odnoklassniki social network. How to create a page in Odnoklassniki. Detailed registration video

In Odnoklassniki, registration of a new user occurs within the shortest possible time. You only need to have access to the network to take advantage of this opportunity. The process will take a couple of minutes and only require a few steps.

The initial idea of ​​the project is to search for classmates, classmates and others lost contacts. Gradually the site expanded and new opportunities appeared. Now the portal has become a full-fledged social network and is not inferior to its analogues in terms of functionality.

Resource capabilities:

  • Can handle other user;
  • Formation of a list of friends;
  • Search for people using data;
  • You can receive useful information in communities;
  • Watching videos;.
  • Eat music service to listen to your favorite tracks;
  • Easy games are available to relieve your boredom;

But to access these features you will need to register. There are a number of methods and nuances that may arise during registration.


Created new page exclusively free. The site administration does not charge additional funds for performing the procedure. If a certain resource offers to pay, you should know that they are trying to deceive you!

It will not be possible to go through the process faster than provided by the developers. You will have to spend time creating an entry on the portal; it will take from 2 to 5 minutes, no more.

Registration in Odnoklassniki, how to fill out a form for free?

How does standard registration work:

  1. You provide personal information and authorization information;
  2. Check the information carefully;
  3. Add a profile;
  4. Fill it out;
  5. You can start communicating.

What benefits does the user receive when logging in?

  • Full access to chats with other people;
  • Access to the full list of functions on the site;
  • You can use the OK application for your phone.

People without an account can view posts by social network members. Users have no more options on the site until they log in.

How to register in Odnoklassniki for free on a computer?

To register, the user will need:

Registration is quick and there should be no difficulties. Provide accurate information so as not to change the information in the future and not waste Extra time. According to truthful information, it will be easier for your friends and acquaintances to find you.

Register in Odnoklassniki for free from your phone

The mobile version is a more portable version of OK. To register you will need:

  • Phone with balanced characteristics, capable of functioning with various programs;
  • Install a browser, it is better to use Chrome;
  • Check your internet access.

Go to the portal and go through the standard steps:

Registration from a mobile phone is suitable for people who do not have a PC. You can also use your smartphone when you are away from home if you urgently need to create a post on a social network.

In the application

On your smartphone you can use the application downloaded from official store. The program has a number of advantages:

  • It received a pleasant design;
  • The application is easy to understand;
  • Software created for basic iOS platforms and Android;
  • Features increased stability on various devices;
  • You should not experience any inconvenience during use;
  • Easy installation;
  • Constant updates;
  • You will receive a set of useful features;
  • In the program you can watch videos and listen to music.

How to register with Odnoklassniki in the application?

  1. Download the program from the official store;
  2. Install on your device and run;
  3. Go to the appropriate item;
  4. Enter your phone number for linking;
  5. Confirm the number;
  6. Prepare your password;
  7. Specify personal information in the questionnaire;
  8. Wait for your account to be created.

Why should I use the app when registering?

  • Profile preparation is fast;
  • You don't have to spend a lot of time on the process;
  • The procedure is organized and thought out to the smallest detail;
  • The process takes place in stages;
  • If you are away from home and do not have access to a computer, then the program will be an excellent solution.

Additional options


  • No need to waste time entering a lot of data. Some information is transferred automatically;
  • The process is simplified and accelerated;
  • In the future, you are asked to log in by clicking on special icon, do not enter your login and password.

Is it possible to register on Odnoklassniki without a phone number? The portal does not provide this option, since the main account link is the phone number.

How can I change my personal data in the future?

If you need to correct the information provided in your profile, you will need:

  1. Log in to the portal;
  2. In the menu on the left side, find the settings item;
  3. In it, select the “Basic” tab;
  4. Change the information in the fields;
  5. After adjustments, save;
  6. Return to the page and check the changes.

You have four ways to register on Odnoklassniki, which one will you choose?

Registration process for the social network Odnoklassniki (, detailed step-by-step instruction. If you have decided to create your own account, or you want to register a second time, then you are in the right place. Let's consider various ways, via computer and telephone.

First, let's look at the usual registration using a phone number, and for other methods, see below, for convenience, use the content, the text is clickable.

How to register with Odnoklassniki on a computer or laptop for free and right now

  1. First of all, you need to go to the registration page, follow this link:, on either home page, find the “Registration” button.
  2. Please provide your phone number. The phone must be at hand, you will need to receive SMS.

  3. An SMS with an activation code will be sent to the phone number you specified, enter these numbers. Usually the SMS arrives within five minutes. If you haven’t received it, check your phone number and click “Request code again.”
  4. On next step, you will need to come up with a password. Enter your password and click next.

  5. Please provide information about yourself.
  6. Done, registration with Odnoklassniki is completed, you will see your created page.
  7. All you have to do is upload your photo and provide information about yourself. To do this, click on your name under the photo.

How to register on the Odnoklassniki website via mobile phone or tablet

Registration is similar to the method through a computer; consider the method through the mobile version and through the application. There is no difference between a phone and a tablet.

You can use Odnoklassniki through a browser, the mobile version of the site, or using the application. Let's consider both options.

Via the mobile version of the site

Via the app

  1. Install the application on your phone if you haven't already.
    If you have Android
    If you have an iPhone
  2. After installation, launch the application.
  3. The authorization form will immediately open; at the bottom of the screen, click on the “Registration” button.

  4. The app will ask for permission to read data from your phone. If you click Allow, the application will automatically detect your phone number and verification code.

  5. Manually enter your phone number and click “Next” if you refused to give permission.

  6. Enter your password.
  7. Fill in your information.
  8. You will be asked to find friends, the application scans your phone book and determines who also has Odnoklassniki installed, and offers to add them as your friends.
  9. Done, you have registered through the application.
  10. How to register with Odnoklassniki without a phone number

    Method 1. Through your Google or Facebook account

    If you have a Google or Facebook account, you can register with Odnoklassniki without a phone number.

    Here are the instructions.

    Registration through and Facebook is similar, you only need to log in.

    Method 2. Through the SMS activation service

    I use the service:

    Registration is in progress in the usual way, only instead of your phone number you indicate the one purchased through the service; a phone number for Odnoklassniki costs 4 rubles.

    1. Register on the website
    2. Top up your account balance.
    3. In the left panel, select “Odnoklassniki” and click buy.
    4. You will be given a number, use it to register, click on green tick in the service to activate SMS reception.
    5. You will see that you will receive an activation code, enter it to continue registering on the site.

    How to register with Odnoklassniki for the second time from one computer

    Registration for the second time occurs as follows: regular registration, to do this you need to log out of your account and click on the registration button.

    If you want to register again for the same number, you will first have to wait 3 months to re-use this number for registration.

    If you decide to change your first and last name, then see the next paragraph

    How to register with Odnoklassniki under a different name

    You do not have to register again to register under a different name, you can simply change the name of your current account. Here are instructions for changing your first and last name.

    If you have any questions or there is inaccuracy in the information, please write in the comments.

Many Internet users remember paid registration on the Odnoklassniki network (OK for short), but now it’s free.

Below we will look at registration on the OK website on computers and laptops, for smartphones and mobile devices the principle will be the same.

What is needed for registration

Three elements are needed:

    1. First of all you need number cell phone that you use all the time. In addition to registration, your mobile phone number may be useful for accessing your Odnoklassniki page in the future.
    2. Address Email . They will come there private messages with notifications about new events, friendship requests, and so on. Thus, you can follow “life” in Odnoklassniki without going to the OK page. It's a matter of taste and habit.
    3. You'll still need to come up with something password. Naturally, it must be unique. It is better not to use the date and year of birth: such a password is very easy to hack. It is better to choose a combination of letters and numbers of at least 6 characters, you can use a password generator.

The password must be written in notebook or in a notepad - the more complex the password, the harder it is to remember, in any case, it must be written down.

Registration on the Odnoklassniki website

I must say that

but there is no difference between them, we will still end up on the same site.

So, to register on Odnoklassniki, go to the official website:

By clicking on the link, a new window will open in your browser, in which you can begin registering on the OK website, and the article with my tips will remain in this window. Moreover, between different windows you can switch to top line browser by clicking on the desired window.

If it turns out that after clicking on the link above, another user’s page or yours opens old page, which no one has used for a long time, then you need to click on the right top corner to the “Exit” button.

Rice. 1 Main page of the Odnoklassniki website

On the main page of Odnoklassniki we see 2 sentences:

  • Entrance,
  • Registration.

It is not yet possible to access the site using the “Login” button (in Fig. 1) - there is no password or login. First you need to register with Odnoklassniki. Registration takes place only once, then they enter OK only through “Login”.

Click on the “Registration” button in the window that opens (Fig. 1), enter your phone number and select the country.

Rice. 2 First step to registering for OK

To register, you need to select a country from the list that appears after clicking on the small black triangle (Fig. 2). Then enter your mobile phone number.

Rice. 3 Second step to register for OK: enter the code from SMS to confirm

After entering the code from the SMS, we see that our mobile phone number has become our login. Now you need to enter your password. When you enter a password, messages will appear indicating that the password is good or bad (this means that it is easy to hack).

You must have the password written down in your notebook or notepad!

Rice. 4 Third step to register on OK: enter a good password

The password can be changed; to do this, go to Settings, which will be discussed below. After entering the password, click “Next”.

  • surname,
  • date of birth and
Rice. 5 The fourth step of registration on OK: fill out the form

Now that all the fields are filled in, feel free to click on the “Save” button. If you did something wrong, the Odnoklassniki website will generate an error automatically. It is usually highlighted in red, and the reason will be indicated. If everything is in in perfect order, then you will immediately get to your new page in Odnoklassniki.

How to change personal data and indicate your email

Logging into the Odnoklassniki website all the time using your mobile phone number is not always convenient. For some users, it is more common to do this using their e-mail addresses. However, we still haven’t indicated it anywhere, how to do this?

Rice. 6 Fifth step of registration on OK: in Settings change personal data

In the upper right corner of the website, click on icon 1 in Fig. 6, and in the drop-down menu – select the “Change settings” option.

In Settings you can change:

  • last name
  • phone number,
  • City of residence,
  • password for entering Odnoklassniki,
  • languages
  • other fields.

To change something, you need to move the mouse cursor to a particular field. In this case, you can see that the “change” option pops up. You need to click on it and edit your personal data in Odnoklassniki.

Rice. 7 Sixth step of registration on OK: enter your e-mail

By clicking the mouse in the “Email address” field. mail”, click on the “change” link that appears and enter your e-mail. But this is not enough, you also need to confirm your email. To do this, immediately, without putting it off, go to your mail and there we find the following letter:

Rice. 8 Seventh step of registration on OK: confirmation of e-mail

Opening the letter, we read:

Perhaps we can now say that registration in Odnoklassniki has been successfully completed.

Fill out your personal page OK

Let's move on to creating a personal page. To do this, click on your first and last name, after which a window will open (Fig. 9):

Rice. 9 Enter information about yourself in Odnoklassniki

You need to upload one or more photos to the site, depending on your desire. If there are no photos, you can upload them later or not upload them at all, but in this case there is very little chance of communicating with classmates.

Next we indicate educational establishments where they studied: school, college, university, and so on. When the job is done, you can search for friends on the social network, former classmates, fellow soldiers and work colleagues.

How to get to Odnoklassniki

As I already wrote, registration in Odnoklassniki is needed only once, and then you only need Login. You can get to Odnoklassniki using this link

Or you can enter the English letters OK.RU into the search engine, and then in the search results click NOT on the advertisement (it is usually located at the top), but on the Odnoklassniki website.

Rice. 10 Login to the Odnoklassniki website

A window will appear as in Fig. 10. Enter here

  • your email or phone number,
  • and also the password,
  • Click “Login”.

If it’s difficult to remember the password, and you don’t want to enter it all the time, then it will be easier to check the “remember password” box (Fig. 10). If your browser is configured so that it is , then accessing the Odnoklassniki website will be much easier. To be honest, I don’t save passwords in the browser and to train my memory I enter them, and if I forgot, I look for the password in my notebook.

Registration in Odnoklassniki without a phone?

You can use a virtual phone number, which I wrote about in more detail for registration on the VKontakte website.

This option with virtual number not simple, moreover, it is similar to “dancing with a tambourine,” but sometimes it happens that you can’t do without a tambourine.

Now you know how to register in Odnoklassniki, the page is ready and all that remains is to give a couple of final tips.

How to leave Odnoklassniki

This is not about deleting a page from Odnoklassniki, but about correctly logging out of your page

You can correctly exit any program, as well as any site where there is registration, by clicking the “Exit” or “Exit” button. There is no particular difference between these buttons, just click on one of them. These buttons on the Odnoklassniki website are located in the upper right corner.

Rice. 11. Button Leave Odnoklassniki

The “Exit” button will appear only after clicking on icon 1 in Fig. eleven.

If you need to log into another Odnoklassniki account, click “Login to another profile” (3 in Fig. 11). Then you will automatically log out of your account and either other profiles will appear or the “Add profile” button will appear.

If another account in OK is not needed, then to exit the site click on the “Log Out” button (2 in Fig. 11). In this case, the “Exit the site” window appears, and there will definitely be an advertisement on it, which is shown in Fig. I don’t give 12:

Rice. 12 Exit the site correctly OK

Click on the “Exit” button (Fig. 12), that’s all – you’ve left the OK website. Next time we will access our page through the “Login” button.

Is it possible to register two pages for one email and phone?

If there is a need to register two pages in Odnoklassniki from one computer, then you will need two email addresses and two different numbers phone. Register two pages for one “soap” (one e-mail) and one mobile phone it is forbidden.

If you want to communicate more often and share photos with relatives, friends and acquaintances, create an account on this social network. On the Odnoklassniki network, registration is not difficult and will take very little time. In this article we will give instructions on how to do this from a computer and mobile phone.

From computer

First, search by name through your browser and go to the website of this social network. Further instructions on how to register in Odnoklassniki for free look like this:

  • You are on the authorization page. On the right side there is a form for entering a login and a “Login” button below it. And below is the “Registration” button. We click on it.
  • On next page indicate your phone number, country (Russia) and click on “Next”.

  • Confirm your phone number with the code from SMS (it will arrive in a few seconds).

  • Create a username and password. Login - your phone number. The password must meet the system requirements and be strong enough.

  • Log in to the selected service.

  • Next, follow the system prompts.

After completing the registration process on Odnoklassniki, we supplement your profile on OK with the missing information for free.

From phone

We will not describe how to register in Odnoklassniki through a browser installed on a smartphone, since the functionality of the mobile version and the computer version is not particularly different. Next instructions will be about how to create an account on OK through the mobile application.

  • Download (via Google Play or App Store), install and launch the application.
  • Click on the “Register” button. It's at the bottom of the screen.

  • On the screen requesting access to phone services, click “Continue”.

  • Allow access to phone calls and contacts for registration in OK.

  • Indicate your phone number and country. Then the “Next” button.

  • An input field will appear on the screen verification code, and the code itself will be sent via SMS. Enter it and click “Next”.

  • Now you have a form for entering personal information, as well as your login and password. Let's fill it out.
  • Click on “Continue”.

Don’t forget that the accuracy of your full name and place of residence determines whether your relatives and friends can find you on this social network.

Please note: registration of a new user in Odnoklassniki via Google, Facebook and in mobile application happens in the same way as through a browser on a computer.

How to re-register in Odnoklassniki

Now this service provides users with several options to help restore access to their profile in force majeure situations; they just need to contact the Support Service. But anything can happen, sometimes “the stars align” in such a way that you can’t get your profile back. All that remains is to register again on Odnoklassniki (you can do it right now and for free).

What is needed for this:

  1. Create new account using another free number and email. mail.
  2. When filling registration form indicate the same data that was indicated in the lost profile. After entering the number, a window will appear in front of you asking if this is your profile - click on Yes, this is mine. Then you will be able to restore the page.

Unfortunately, create new profile It won't work on the same phone.

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Previously, communication between people took place through regular letters or phone calls. With the development of the Internet, it became possible to communicate, make new acquaintances or find old acquaintances through. These include:

Registration is always a prerequisite. Let's take a closer look at how to register with Odnoklassniki for the first time.

How to register in Odnoklassniki for the first time

At first in any search engine enter the word Odnoklassniki and go to the official website of the social network. Click on the “Registration” button and proceed to entering your personal data:

  • Select your country of residence (the default is Russia and, if necessary, you can change this by opening the list and selecting the desired country from it);
  • Enter a valid phone number;
  • Click on the “Next” button;
  • Enter the code specified in the SMS;
  • Click on “Confirm”;
  • You indicate personal information(name, surname, date of birth, gender, locality and country of residence);
  • Create your own permanent password to log into the system;
  • Click on “Log in to the site”.

While creating permanent password To enter your personal page, it is better to use numbers in combination with letters of the English alphabet. Both small and capital letters are used. This is done to ensure the security of personal data. How more complex password, the more difficult it is to hack it.

If you have forgotten your password, when entering the site, next to the “Login” button, there is the phrase “Forgot your password?”. Click on it. After this they appear different variants to restore access to the site.

Possible problems

In fact, when approaching the question of how to register with Odnoklassniki for the first time, some difficulties may arise. The most common of them:

  1. Long wait for SMS with verification code;
  2. Someone is already registered to a number that belongs to you, etc.

If you do not receive an SMS message with a code for some time, you need to find out the reason. IN in this case it could be:

  1. Finding the phone outside the coverage area of ​​the mobile operator's network;
  2. Phone memory full in SMS messages;
  3. The number specified is incorrect.

If such difficulties do not arise or if they are resolved, try registering again. If this does not help, contact the support service of this service.

In a situation where another person is registered to your phone number, you should use another valid number and inform the support service about it.

Mobile app

Like many sites, Odnoklassniki has mobile version. First you need to download and install it on your phone or tablet via Play Market, App Store or windows store. It all depends on the phone. When opening the application, if it has not been created before personal page, you can go standard procedure registration. Or log in using your existing permanent username and password.

How to register in Odnoklassniki for the second time from one computer

Previously repeated free registration in Odnoklassniki from one computer was impossible. This was done to combat spam. Since 2010, this opportunity has appeared and is now available to everyone. Thus, if registration has already taken place from the computer, it can be repeated without any problems.

Now let’s move on to the question of how to register in Odnoklassniki for the second time from one computer. The answer will be simple, you just need to re-enter the required data and register. You can use either real personal information or fictitious information. Depends on the goals pursued by the registrar.

When registering on the Odnoklassniki website, it is best to indicate your real data. This way there will be a greater chance that old acquaintances or distant relatives will be able to find you. Unless, of course, a page on a social network is created for this purpose.

Very important point is an online scam. Be extremely careful, especially if you are asked to give the card number, its expiration date and three numbers on the back. Or request any data from electronic wallets. This also includes transferring funds to someone on the site.

You can make it so that any users of the social network cannot write you private messages or comment on photos, etc. To do this, in the “Change settings” section, go to “Publicity” and mark what you need. For a fee, you can generally restrict access to your page. This is done in the “Close profile” section.

The site has its own, so to speak, current currency, which is called OKi

They can be purchased using:

  1. Bank card;
  2. Electronic money;
  3. Terminals;
  4. Via telephone, by debiting funds from the number's account.

It is after purchasing them that you will be able to “Close profile” or give paid gifts to friends.

Also, through the Odnoklassniki website you can now make Money transfers. Choose from your friends list the right person and transfer funds. Beware of scammers. For safety reasons, do not tie bank card to this site.

You can fill in information about your school, place of service, work and other information. Thus, the site will automatically show people who have the same information provided on their page. This is done for the convenience of finding old acquaintances on

Have a nice chat!

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